Sharing the Load

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 1, 2016




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


We were behind the lines in south-central Italy, and enjoying the lull in combat. The German units were broken, mostly, there had been a lot of mountain fighting that had been horribly nasty (a Bill Maudlin cartoon summed up that experience nicely, a group of dogfaces clambering over bare rocks, exposed as hell, and the lead man calls out "Hit the dirt, boys!") but now the kraut bastards were rolling up nicely, and we were hoping to make it up to relieve the troops stuck on the beachhead at Anzio before much longer.

But being pulled out of the line for a while for some R&R, even in a bivouac in a field, is a luxury to a dogface. My squad had six men in it (the next repple-depple would give us another four, one of these days) and we were all old friends by now and our conversation showed it.

"I got lima beans again!" griped Maxwell. "I hate lima beans! Who's got something else they'll trade me for it?" He'd opened a can that had lost its label, that happened now and then.

"Here you go!" Dalzell chucked him a can of meat stew that still had its label. Maxwell chucked back to Dalzell his own opened can of C-rations that held ham and lima beans. Dalzell and two others (not me!) ate more than their share of the cans thanks to Maxwell's vehement distate for lima beans. Me, I could eat them if I had to, though I preferred not. I had a can of what they called meat stew, and was shoveling it in with the indifference of any soldier who had eaten far too many of all nine varieties of the crap.

"Who's got a cigarette?" asked Childress, and I reached into my ration and tossed him mine; I didn't smoke. Allergic to something in the cigarette, but it wasn't the tobacco, because I didn't have the same problem with cigars. Just cigarettes.

"Thanks, Willis." Childress said and tore open the small packet. The Army had wised up, instead of putting the cigarettes in with all the rest of the ration (which also held things like salt tablets and a small wooden spoon), because people like Childress would tear them open, fish out the cigarettes and toss the rest. As it was, it let people like me be generous.

"Shit, I'm out of clean socks!" Unger bitched. "Thought I had me another pair!" It was funny how we all thought of each other like this, by our last names. Of course, that was what was stitched onto our chests, just our last names. The way they all called me "Willis" instead of my first name, David.

And Harrell tossed him a pair of his. Unger was good for it, he'd wash out his dirty pairs of socks and give Unger a pair of the clean ones before this time tomorrow. We did this sort of thing all the time, sharing what we had to which of us needed it, taking when we needed ourselves.

I'm not saying all squads in the U.S. Army in Italy acted like us. But we'd been through too much together, were too close. We were going to be friends for life, I knew that, even when I was in my eighties or nineties, one of them called me and asked for help, I was going to help him and never pause to ask why. Or could call them.

Another benefit of being behind the lines, the mail jeep pulled up. "Which squad are you?" was the corporal's laconic query to us.

"Fourteenth." I told him. Our entire unit was on leave.

The corporal reached into the bag beside him and pulled out the mail for us. A dozen or so letters, and a small package. He tossed it to me and I played mailman to the squad. The package was for Childress, it contained cookies and he passed them around, and I took a couple to eat while I doled out the final letters.

"Hey, Dalzell, you got one from your girlfriend!" I ended. Her letters were distinct in that she always used a pale-pink-fringed envelope. A feminine touch in a very masculine world.

"So what's she say this time?" Maxwell pressed him. Letters were always shared in our squad, even the intimate ones from our girlfriends. Don't flinch, ladies, these guys knew everything about me and I knew everything about them. It wasn't anything but us sharing all that we had, all that we were. Other guys had letters from home and these would be read...but Dalzell's pink-fringed envelope was first in line.

Dalzell obliged, but he didn't get very far. Not that what we heard wasn't enough. Poor Dalzell was getting the old "Dear John" letter. That girl of his was not only his sweetheart, but she'd been his girl since sixth grade and they were expected to marry when he got back from the war. His other letters from family mentioned her all the time, they'd made arrangements for the new couple to be able to buy the house down the block from theirs, they had been collecting furniture for the to-be-newlyweds. Now she'd fallen for someone else and had written him to break it off.

Well, Dalzell wasn't going to have to face this alone, by God! He had us to help him out. Our five brains immediately set to work on comforting him and coming up with ways to help ease his grief.

We went with Harrell's plan, we cadged a three-day pass from our colonel for all of us (the colonel had been briefed on the contents of Dalzell's letter and was ready for us) and we set out for the nearby, lovely little Italian town of Santa Maria Dolorosa not far away. A night of drinking and carousing was just what dear Dalzell needed...and it wouldn't hurt the lot of us none, either!

The best laid plans of mice and dogfaces go oft astray, as they say. We got there and every damn bar in the town we could find was labeled "Off Limits" or "Officers Only!" Childress said it best if not originally by quoting another Bill Mauldin cartoon of two dogfaces in a town much like this, "They must have infiltrated during the night."

We ended up at a small cafe where at least we could get some chianti with our dinners. Dalzell had been quiet so by common consent we began to ply him with the strong wine and hoped that would loosen him up.

After the meal and several more bottles, we six set out to find ourselves some women. This town was an Italian town recently occupied, there had to be some whores in the place. Even if it was just women who'd been cleaned out by the krauts or the fascists, and were desperate. Every town had a few.

Except we didn't seem to be able to find any. "They musta all taken up with the officers." was Unger's sour evaluation. "Now what the fuck we gonna do?" Giving up on a bed built for two for any of us that night, we six set out for a small hotel down the street, we'd need to sleep this off before we let ourselves be seen by some officer or other.

"We jus', we jus', we jus' wanned to git yuh some poontang!" Maxwell sopped. He'd partaken a bit too liberally of the chianti, hell, we were all two sheets to the wind as it was, if not four.

"How we gonna get you laid, anyhow?" Childress mourned.

"Got to be some way!" I chipped in. "Mebbe...mebbe we got to sneak into officer's club and snaffle one out of there!"

"You gon't dotta goo that!" protested Dalzell. He didn't notice he'd messed that up bad, nor did any of us. "I'm glad Mary's gone. Honest!"

"Honest?" I wanted to know.

"Honest honest!" Dalzell swore. "Family decided when I was ten that I was gonna, I was gonna marry er. Didn't even ask me, just decided, the lot of em. I say, they want her in the fambly, let one of THEM marry er!"

"Attaboy!" "Way to go!" "Damn straight!" We all congratulated Dalzell of being well out of a bad situation. In this cheerful mood, we got the room, a large one with two fair-sized beds. It would be crowded, but the weather was turning chilly, a warm body was better than an extra blanket.

"Still got to get im laid." Childress chipped in when we were done. "How we gonna do that?"

"Army ought to issue us a pussy." said Maxwell.

"What?" Harrell wanted to know. "Issue us all a pussy?"

"Put it in the ration packs. Fold it up and put it in between the sugar cubes and salt tablets."

We all agreed that would be the ideal solution. "So what we gonna do?" Unger asked. "They didn't issue us no pussy. Won't let us pick up any pussy in this Eye-talian town, neither. What we gonna do?"

In that state of mind, we all got stripped down to our boxers and into the bed. Clean sheets were a real treat, worth the hotel room's cost alone, just to feel them. Soft, clean, white, and a joy to be under. Dalzell had the center in my bed, I had the left of him, Unger was on the right. The other bed held Harrell, Childress and Maxwell, in that order.

"Always making do." Dalzell grumped.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Everything in the Army you have, it's making do." Unger went on bitching. "You want to eat, they give you those fucking C-rations. You want to drink, you have to build a still. You want to get clean, you climb into a shell crater that has water in it. Making do. Everything you do, it's making do."

"But how you going to make do on a pussy?" Maxwell wanted to know. "What we got that we can make do with?"

"We'd just need one." Harrell opined. "Hell, we share everything else, we could share a pussy, if it was a damned good one."

"Yeah!" "We could do that!" "Damned straight." "Sounds good."

There was silence, then Dalzell's voice cut through the darkness. "So why not do that?"

"Do what?"

"Share it."

"Share it how?" I wanted to know.

And that's when I felt Dalzell's hand finding, fondling my crotch. He felt out my cock on one side of the boxer's opening, and seized it, squeezed it, teased it.

"Hell, man, I haven't done this since I was six!" Unger must be getting the same thing on Dalzell's other side.

"Hell, man, are you guys playing with each other's dicks?" Harrell asked.

"No, Dalzell's playing with mine and Unger's." I clarified.

"Speak for yourself." Unger declared. "I figure, why the hell not? We share ever' durned thing else, don't we?"

"You got hold of Dalzell?" I asked. "Shitfire!" Dalzell had fished his hand into my boxers and got hold of me clean and clear!

"Hell, them guys is whomping on each other's peters, fellers!" Maxwell called. "What you think about that, Childress?"

"I think it's a helluva good idea." Childress declared.

"Guh!" Harrell gasped. "Damn, man, you should warn a guy afore you grab hold of his dick."

"Yeah." Maxwell agreed. "I'm grabbing yours, Childress."

"Mmmhhh!" Childress grunted.

"Man, that feels good!" I gasped as Dalzell continued to pump my pud. "I forgotten how much fun this was!"

"It feels pretty damned good." Dalzell agreed.

"It feels good." Unger added. "But it still isn't a good substitute for a pussy."

"Yeah, a pussy's better'n this." Dalzell conceded. "But what else have we got?"

"Hell, I can show you that." Unger went on and he squirmed around in the bed and I looked over and saw him diving under the covers, his head heading for Dalzell's crotch. Then Dalzell moaned and I knew what had happened.

"Fuck, Unger's sucking on Dalzell's wiener!" I gasped out.

"Uhh, he's right it does feel better." Dalzell grunted. "A lot better than a hand."

"Yeah?" I said. Dalzell was forgetting to pump my cock what with the blowjob he was getting. "So how about letting me find out what it's like, then? I ain't never had another man blow me. Is it better'n a woman does it? Seems like it would be."

Dalzell took the hint and he squirmed around until he was across the bottom half of the bed, his body pushed Unger into a nearly backwards position, his feet nearly resting on the pillows. Dalzell sucked down my prick and my first thought was, "Oh, hell, yeah!"

It felt so fucking right, and good! Not the least bit weird. These were my buddies, my pals, they'd saved my life time and again, and I'd saved theirs. Why wouldn't I give them anything I had, including myself? And why wouldn't they give that same to me?

So it was only a moment's hesitation before I was worming my own way around to make this a closed triangle of men sucking men's cocks. Unger's prick was longer than I thought it would be, and uncut, standing like a monk in a hooded cowl in the near darkness of the room lit only by a candle on one wall. In that feeble, flickering light, we three sunk our mouths onto each other's cocks and began a triad of life-affirming, joy-building suction-action.

I could see the other bed from this position, the other guys were in a similar position, only they'd made a short line of men, with Harrell sucking Childress and Childress sucking Maxwell, who was just laying back and loving the attention he was getting.

Maxwell saw me looking his way and he winked at me. "Hell of a good way to spend a three-day leave, isn't it, Willis?"

And I knew right then what I wanted to do next. I pulled my mouth off of Unger's prong and said, "Well, it's better'n a hand all right, but it still isn't a good substitute for a pussy."

Unger spoke up next, "Yeah, Willis is right. There's a better way to do this."

"Just what I was thinking." I said and I pulled my cock out of Dalzell's mouth. "Which one of you guys wants to help me out here?" We'd used those same words any number of times, whether in preparing to storm a machine-gun nest or digging a foxhole.

"I will." Dalzell volunteered. "Hell, why do you think I never wanted to marry in the first place? I been busting a nut trying to figure out how to ask one of you guys, so come on and plug my butt proper, Willis."

I didn't need a better invitation than that. Dalzell was a broad-shouldered, solid looking guy with pale blond hair and a square jaw and a smooth, nearly hairless body. He got on the bed on all fours and lowered his head down, exposing his ass for me.

I waddled up on my knees and my spit-slicked cock was all hard and ready for the plugging. Dalzell was indeed a virgin, but he only grunted and murmured, "More, more!" after each shove I made into his body.

When I started getting more than halfway down him, Dalzell was really groaning but Unger sat down on the pillows in front of Dalzell and gave him a man-meat bullet to bite down on. Dalzell began to bob up and down on him and I got the rest of the way inside him and began to thrust at the stud.

And felt someone else getting in behind me. I looked behind me quick. Maxwell! "What the hell?" I asked.

"Hey, it looks like fun, I thought I'd try it!" Maxwell said and then I felt his cock poking at my butt-crack.

"Shit, man, I'm busy here!"

"So go ahead and fuck him, I'll make do."

And he did. Maxwell managed it a lot better than I would have, he got his cock into my asshole and then let my thrusting into Dalzell push his own prod into my ass. I grunted and moaned and shivered, but hell, I'd been through worse on the battlefield.

Harrell and Childress joined in, with Harrell straddling Unger's chest and feeding him his cock and Childress poking his greasy prong at my face. Childress is so fucking hairy, he had one hand on the ceiling to steady himself on the bed, and was standing there so his rod was right in my face.

I reached out and took it with my mouth, and Maxwell took over the thrusting, he shoved his cock into my ass so hard, it shoved me into Dalzell. That left me free to concentrate on blowing Childress' cock. His hairs got into my mouth time and again, it was like sucking a grizzly bear.

And Dalzell came, his ass clamped onto my cock and he was spraying his jizz all over my abdomen and Childress' legs and his own stomach. And the ass began to spasm, the intestines were milking at my prick, applying a suction I didn't know they could make!

And I lost it, my nuts unleashed their load and my spunk roared out of me right into Dalzell's ass. I felt my own body convulsing as I ejaculated, and Maxwell growled and I felt his salty squibs jetting into my bowels.

And Childress hit his orgasm, I couldn't suck right while in climax, but he groaned, pulled out his cock, and pumped it hard and a hot load splattered me right in the face. In the maelstrom of this male storm of love, I heard Harrell and Unger also moaning, and I knew that the six of us had reached our climaxes about the same time. Functioning as a unit, even in bed. Damn, we knew each other that well! No wonder we shared everything we could.

We spent the rest of our three-day pass in that town in that room, we would draw cards and the loser had to get dressed and go out and buy us food, bring it back, but the rest of the time, we stayed in there and fuck and sucked ourselves silly. I fucked all five of my buddies, and all of them had their cocks in my ass once, or more (Maxwell got me four times, I think the guy was hot for my body).

From that warm room, we went back to our unit and then back to the front. We were closer than ever before, and we shared our duties and shared our burdens and shared our loads throughout the remainder and conclusion of the war, when we got to get aboard the ship that brought us back home as heroes.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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