Shark Boy and Lava Boy

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jun 13, 2006



WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff or allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL and being set in an alternate universe it no way represents what the two lead juvenile boys in Shark Boy and Lava Girl may or may not get upto in their spare time. In fact, this bit of smut has nothing to do with the film, the production company, the actors etc etc in any way whatsoever.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep Nifty free and keep NIFTY alive.



G Cutter

'This is a bit of a drag, having to cram into one room, I mean,' Cayden Boyd tossed his overlong blonde hair from his brow and frowned at his co star Taylor.

'Well, it's only for one night and we can catch up on our lines,' Taylor Lautner the much darker and the older of the two said trying to calm his young friend. 'If we didn't have that publicity gig tomorrow we could have had the weekend with our families.'

'Publicity,' Cay sneered. 'More your scene than mine.'

'Don't talk like a prick,' Taylor shot back. 'You know, even with your tiny brain that the more advanced publicity this film gets, the better our end slice will be.

'I suppose,' the short blonde boy collapsed on his bed and grinned. 'Load of crap anyway 'Shark Boy and Lava Beaver', whatta hoot.'

'Wash your mouth out, she's in the next room and probably holding a glass upto the wall.'

'What's that mean,' Cay looked puzzled.

'Eavesdropping,' Taylor said confidently. 'She's probably listening to see what we get upto.'

'Get upto, what is there to get upto in this dump?'

Taylor looked down at the boy on the bed, barely twelve years old and a pervo's wet dream. In fact Cayden Boyd was a Shark Boy's dream and Taylor had been wondering how to get inside the younger boy's pants for the last three months, ever since they had started filming on the children's epic. Both were intelligent enough to realise that the thing was rubbish but money was all, they wanted money, their parents wanted money as did assorted managers, agents, the whole gravy train. Taylor Lautner had realised over a year ago that most of his young male co-stars held far more attraction that his girls stars, in fact, if he had the choice between sharing a room with the other Taylor their female lead the Lava beaver as Cay called her and Cayden himself who acted Max in the film he'd settle for his blonde slightly girly co-lead every time.

They had a break in filming which was nearly all carried out on a studio lot and used blue screen technology for the bulk of the film but had hit a delay which was not their fault. It was a Friday and their management had put them into a hotel for the night as they had a big publicity event scheduled for the Saturday afternoon, costumes, little boy fans, little girl fans, the works. The problem Taylor had was that most of the fans were around eight or nine and age group that left him totally cold... now young Cay, that was another matter altogether.

They'd had their evening meal and were settled into their room for the night, from Cay's behaviour Taylor suspected it might be a long night at that.

'You gonna watch TV, I need a shower,' he looked at Cay and grinned. 'Stop beefing as well.'

'Just bored,' Cay gave a sheepish grin.

I wish, Taylor thought. Bored by super Sharky. He knew that he was good looking in a Latino way, he was told enough times and he had little girl fans crawling from the woodwork, he even got love letters from young boy fans which he stored in a secret box, one of these days he may need the phone numbers and addresses... once he was old enought to have his own wheels.

'I was going to have a shower as well,' Cay piped up. Mr Pain in the Ass was on the march again.

'Share then,' Taylor saw an opportunity and grabbed it. 'It's got room for us and Lava Girl.'

'Yeuch,' Cay squealed. 'You are so gross.'

'Adult,' Taylor smiled tugging his shirt off and displaying his boyish six pack, pretty kewl for a thirteen coming on fourteen. He stroked his smooth skin over the taut muscles, how could this weedy blonde runt not fancy him, that was the mystery.

'Abs look good,' Cay spoke quietly and blushed just a little.

'Gotta look after the muscles,' Taylor grabbed at his groin and gave a theatrical leer.

'Fag,' Cay squealed and rolled onto his belly giggling just the wrong move under the circumstances. Taylor was across the room like a shot and leapt on the smaller boy crushing him into the mattress and rubbed his knuckles on the smaller boy's scalp. 'Gerroff, gerroff ,' Cay wriggled and squirmed verging on hysteria. Taylor bit his lip, he had another problem, he could feel his boy cock hardening as he rubbed against Cayds tight little butt, he quickly slipped onto his own bed and lay back with his hands over his middle. 'Sorry, Taylor,' Cay grinned and rolled onto his back.

Cay suddenly slipped from his bed and stood looking down at him room mate. 'Bags the shower,' he suddenly shot off leaving Taylor laying there.'

'We'll see about that,' Taylor muttered and stormed into the bathroom juts in time to catch Cay removing his jeans and preparing to drop his briefs. 'Share or go, I claimed it first.'

'Who says? Cay managed to get clear of his trousers and stood up defiantly. Taylor glanced down, the boy was relaxed 'down there' but he had an interesting little bulge all the same.

'I say,' the bigger boy moved closer staring at the smaller. 'It's big enough to share,' he added in a more reasonable tone.


Taylor grinned. The wimp had surrendered as easy as that, they were sharing a shower and anything could happen now. He had to play it kewl but he'd never seen the blonde boy naked before and Cay with his slender body and pale skin was a bit of a turn on. Backing onto each other and both trying hard not to peep they undressed and as one managed to get into the shower together.

Taylor turned the water on and avoided looking at Cay by facing upto the shower's nozzle letting the water bounce of his face. He could feel the smaller boy's slippery body against his and he knew that he was on the verge of popping one and was trying to fight off the inevitable. It was a lost cause when he finally looked down, Cay's slender body was facing away and his marble white bubble butt was inches away. Taylor groaned as he felt his penis beigin to thicken out and lengthen.

'Move over,' Cay spoke quietly. 'You're hogging all the water.' To Taylor's horror the smaller boy began to turn inwards. 'Sorry,' Cay's face was beet red.

'No matter,' Taylor croaked, 'It happens to the best of us.' He relaxed, he wasn't worried now, Cay was displaying a first class boy stalk, it measured around four inches at full stretch and that was with his foreskin in full retreat and his coral pink glans gleaming in the water's flow. 'That's a wopper,' Cay grinned as he finally looked down to see Taylor's own penis rising to the occasion. 'So thick.'

'Your's is nice,' Taylor felt like a dork as soon as he'd opened his mouth but after that he let himself go. He grabbed the soap and soapy sponge from the boy and started to lather across Cay's narrow shoulders and even down onto his bony chest. Cay closed his eyes and swayed gently totally surrendering to Taylor's hands.

'I like this,' Cay whispered and moved just a tad closer so that their erections slipped against each other. 'Aaaah, Tay,' he whined as he felt Taylor's soapy hands blend the two boy cocks together and start to slowly wank them together. 'How'd I know you were going to do that,' he placed his hands on Taylor' hips and pulled the larger boy onto himself.

'You'll like this more,' Taylor grinned, he let their hardnesses go and putting his hands on Cay's hips slid down onto his knees in the shower. He'd has this done to him once by a by an older actor but he never thought that it was something he'd ever do himself but here he was. He stared at Cayds very hard and very pale flesh and slowly and sensually ran his tongue up the underside of the youngsters jerking penis.

'Oooooh,' Cay wailed and went limp but Taylor grasped the boy's slippery buns and swallowed the young teen meat as far as he could feeling the slick glans slip and slide in the back of his throat. 'Tay...' Cay groaned and tensed his little butt as he moved to and fro gently fucking into his older friends mouth. Mouth full of boy dick Taylor glanced up the boy's gently rounded belly with a grin and slipping one hand up inside the kid's legs gently worked the shrunken scrotum and traced a soapy line down the perineum. 'Ooooooh...,' the younger nearly collapsed as he felt a sudden pressure at his tight little pucker and then a finger enter and deeply probe into his most private place. He wriggled and he then giggled, it felt good. He clamped his tiny bottom on Taylor's moving finger and fucked into the kneeling boy's mouth.

'I'm gonna cum,' he squeaked and holding Taylor's head in his hand rammed in nearly choking Taylor. 'Aaaaah...' Cay sighed as he felt his cock jerk and then the fantastic feeling as his warm squirts splashed into the back of Taylor's mouth and throat. Taylor swallowed and gagged but the taste wasn't unpleasant and Cay's juices just slid down his throat, I final probe and massage with his fingers into Cay's delightful little boy fanny brought a further squirt and he then sucked the tender morsel dry feeling the boy's noodle soften in his mouth.

'How was that?' He asked as he slid up alongside his room mate and cuddle the boy's limp body.

'Drained,' Cay giggled. 'Tay, that was brilliant, that was so good.'

'My first time,' Taylor admitted shyly. 'Just something I felt I had to do, just for you my little Cayden.'

'What's it taste like?'

'Sorta nothing,' Talyor shrugged. 'How can you compare something you've never tasted before.'

'Mmmm,' Cay sounded unconvinced. 'You putting your finger, er... you know where really got me going.'

'I guessed that.' Taylor grinned. 'Beautiful butt.'

'Lava boy butt,' Caydgiggled. he looked thoughtful for a moment but continued to run his hands up and down Taylor's slippery body. 'Have you ever done another boy, you know, done sex...'

'Fucked you mean.'

'Yeah,' Cay blushed a little. 'Done 'em, bummed 'em?'

'No, not yet,' Taylor's hands squeezed Cays tight little white orbs.

'But you'd like to?' The question was whispered.

'Yeah,' Taylor kissed the smaller boy on the neck and then on the side of his face.


'Yeah?' Taylor's voice broke, he couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

'Yeah, I get a go too,' Cay stood back a little and Taylor could see that the kid was in deadly ernest.

'It's a deal,' Taylor tried not to sound too elated. It was too much to expect, he was going to take Cayden Boyd's virgin ass and little Cay was going to take him, a small price to pay for something that thousands of other boys could only dream of. Of course, he didn't realise that he was also the wet dream of many other boys as well but tonight there were just the two of then, Cay had made an offer completely out of the blue and he, as sure as hell, was accepting that offer.

'Right, that's settled then,' Cay grinned and dropped to his knees. 'A favour given, a favour returned,' he quoted as he sensually flat handed Taylor's flat well muscled belly and kissed the tip of the darker boy's straining penis. He ran his fingers through Taylor's tightly clustered black pubic bush and then he spotted a pearly white drop at Taylor's enlarged pee slit and slowly and deliberately licked it off. 'Yeah, pretty nothingy,' he gave a gamin grin and took just the bulging glans into his mouth and sucked on it.

Taylor lay back against the shower wall and just let the water run down his chest and bounce off Cay's head, this didn't deter the younger boy in any way, once he had a taste for it he got bolder and bolder. He took Taylor in deep swallowing the darker boy's solid five inch erection right down to his gag point. Taylor just slowly worked his hips to and fro slowly, he felt Cay massage his tight scrotum and then the blonde boy's fingers slipped under him and probed at his tightly clenched spincter. He relaxed as he felt Cay probe and then groaned as he felt a finger penetrate him and start finger fucking his virgin hole.

'Yeah, go, man, go,' he muttered holding Cay's long wet hair and face fucking the little blonde angel on his knees in the shower, he clamped even harder on the boy's finger as he felt it dig and delve and then hit that spot 'Aaaaaaaah.....' He felt his burning jism shoot up his shaft and then Cay was gagging and spluttering, he was also flathanding his stomach forcing him away. With a final squirt Taylor reluctantly pulled back and dragged the boy to his feet. Without a second thought he fiercely kissed the smaller boy on his lips tasting his own spunk as his tongue forced it's way into his partner's mouth.

'Wowsers,' Cay exclaimed with a grin. 'That was something else.'

'Sure was that,' Taylor agreed. 'We gotta do this more often, Cay.'

'Definitely, Tay,' the smaller boy giggled. 'Dry off and we can have a drink of something?'

'And then bed?'

'Yeah, sounds good... I suppose we could watch a bit of TV first, build our strength, sorta thing.'

'A bit of a smooch,' Taylor suggested shyly for once.

'Why not,' Cay stepped from the shower and grabbed one of the hotel's big towels but he didn't dry himself. He petted and patted his new boy lover and Taylor did the same. Taylor also looked in the bathroom cabinet, he thought so, Seaman's Body Oil. He glanced at the squeezey bottle, very apt name he thought just the thing for a smooth ride and a smooth ride it was going to be. This was his first attempt at taking a boy all the way and he didn't want any mistakes. Both he and Cay were up for it, enjoying it was going to be an adventure. It was his first atempt and he was pretty sure, in fact, he was totally sure that Cay was a virgin as well.

'Come on, let's watch a bit of music,' Taylor wrapped his arm around the boy.

'Let's cuddle,' Cay giggled. 'I wanna check out your body, every little bit of it.'

'With your lips?'

'Why not.'

The boys lay on a thick pile carpet which was in front of the televsion and whilst Cay tried to find the music channel Taylor got two Cokes from the room fridge, there were small bottles of whisky and other alchoholic miniatures but he thought plying his younger friend with booze was not the way to go. Anyway, why should he? Cay seemed quite willing to play and play even harder if that wasn't a bad joke. He wandered back and stood naked holding out the can.

'Gorgeous,' Caydsmiled and looked Taylor up and down. 'My own Shark Boy.'

'All yours,' Taylor agreed and grasping the other's hand took them both down onto the thick and very comfortable rug. 'To us,' he raised his can and Cay grinned.

'To us,' he touched his can against Taylor's and lay back looking up to the televsion which was featuring some music which he couldn't concentrate on, his head was full of the images of Taylor's dark skinned naked body and his heavy and swollen sex, Shark Boy wasn't going to waste any time of that he was sure. The thought of full blown sex, 'cornholing' as the rednecks called it was worrying but it was somethiong he wanted to do, he wanted to be joined to Taylor, Taylor's darkly smooth skin and Taylor's muscular warmth, he just wanted to do it... do the dirty, go the whole way with his new friend.

'Thinking dirty thoughts,' Taylor broke into his daydream. 'Mind you they have you as a daydreamer in the film.'

'They didn't really get it right, they didn't know what I was dreaming about... like Shark Boy cock,' Cay giggled as Taylor ducked his head and nuzzled at his pale skinned penis now coming to full stretch again.

'Seems not,' Taylor spilt some of his cold Coke into Cay's belly button and as the younger boy jumped and laughed he dropped his head mouthing at the timy puddle and mouthing at the crinkled skin of the curly outie navel .

'Lower,' Cay husked running his hands through Taylor's wiry black hair. 'Please,' he whined.

Taylor obliged, his head moved lower and he slowly ran the tip of his tongue the length of Cay's jerking penis from the scrotum neck to the smooth and bulging glans, he could taste the merest hint of cum, the kid was ready to go but another few minutes wouldn't matter and there were other things to do first. He suddenly stood up and walked over to the nearest bed grabbing two pillows, he slung then onto the carpet and then lay down again using the pillows for a headrest and laying on his belly.

'Pushing your luck,' Cay giggled.

'Yeah,' Taylor agreed fixing his stare on the television and opening his legs. Would the shrimp take the bait, would he do what had to be done first or did he want seducing?

'What's that?' Cay pointed at the squeezy bottle laying on the floor.

''Work it out, brainiac,' Taylor laughed. 'Come on, I'm giving you first shot.'

'Yeah?' Cay squealed. Taylor sighed, the kid had gotten there in the end, he opened his legs a little wider displaying his wares, this time Cay got the message.

'Wow,' he exclaimed and grabbing the bottle stationed himself to one side of Taylor gently running his hand over the dark skinned boy's ultra smooth buns, he even trailed his fingers down Taylor's cleft feeling the tenseness and the heat.

'Get between my legs,' Taylor whispered. He'd had no experience but he'd seen films and he had a pretty good idea of what needed to be done.

'Wow.' Cay was nearly wetting himself. His jerking penis was now oozing precum far more than ever before and he knew he was on the verge of something new and something wonderful. The thought that Taylor was going to take him before the night was out had completely left his mind, he was besotted with the brown skinned well muscled orbs facing him and at the centre the mystery that he was going to invade so very shortly. Pulling himself together he uncapped the bottle and squirted a generous stream of the stuff across Taylor's twitching rump.

'Jeez, that's cold,' Taylor flinched but Carden's hands were on him and the boy was smoothing the white cream over the firm flesh and down into the crack. Cayden knew perfectly well what Taylor wanted, he needed lubrication, he wanted easing and then he wanted cock... it was as easy as that.

'Mmmmm,' Cayden grinned behind Taylor's back as one hand kept up a circular motion on just one half of Taylor's pair of buns and his other hand delved deep. 'Oh, yeah,' he gasped as his fingers hit the target and with a gentle push entered. This was better than the showers, as Taylor relaxed Cayd slipped his finger in as far as it would go and slowly worked it in and out in a circular motion.

'Enough, enough,' Taylor gasped and grabbing one of the pilows slid it under his groin elevating his butt. 'Come on Cay, just do it.'

Cay's grin almost spilt his face as he shuffled up and guided his rock hard penis down. The feel of slipping between Taylor's smooth and oiled buns, the slight resistance and then the heat and the tightness. 'Aaaaaah...' He sighed with the ultimate in satisfaction as he felt himself sink into delicious warmth and heat and Taylor PUSHED UP. His Shark Boy actually pushed up as he pushed down and they united as one.

'Mmmmmmm..... I can live with that,' Taylor craned his head around and Cay laying flat out on his lover strained to plant a sloppy kiss on the side of his mouth.

Cay began to move to and fro seating his four inches of boy meat deep into Taylor's body and Taylor loved it, he pushed up and moaned as he felt the juvenile spike move in and out of his well lubed ring. No pain, no hassle just the strangeness of another boy in his body and a boy who, in spite of his inexperience seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

'Yeah, yeah,' Cay chanted as he began to move faster now thrusting harder and harder as Taylor seemed to absorb it all and, in fact, was pushing up all the time onto his rampaging cock. His dick felt sore and ached but he kept going. He knew he wasn't going to last long but they had a long night ahead and they both had the sex drive of kids, they would have another and even better joining, he was sure of that.

'Come on, harder,' Taylor grunted and started to force himelf up into a crouch.

'Yeah,' Cay gasped and grabbing his parner by the hips started to fuck like a rabbit flashing in and out of Taylor's tight butt. He was on the verge and he could feel it cuming. 'Tay...' he wailed and he felt the rush and his erection pulsed and pumped. He almost passed out as he felt the biggest and bestest cum of his young life squirt and splash into his dark skinned lover. Taylor pushed back onto the eruption and gasped as he felt boy spunk jet into his belly and the sweaty youngster on his back frantically kissing him and continuing to fuck even when he was spend and his noodle was softening.

'I think that's it,' he giggled as he fell back onto the carpet with Cay still trying to move in and out but defeated by his softening penis sliding free.

'Jeeezus... that was such a rush,' Cay babbled mashing his lips onto Taylor's as the boy turned to face him.

'Could get to like it,' Taylor grinned sheepishly. You weren't supposed to actually like being topped but he did at least he did with Cay and that was the end of it. He was in love with this skinny, girly, pale skinned runt and he was going to do it again before the night was out. As they say: Great minds think alike. He squeezed his buns feeling the fluid within him squishy and slippery, the brat had come like a horse. He slowly worked his own aching stiffness, payback time was here. He pinched his foreskin over his cum slicked glans, he needed sex and his little blonde angel was laying on the carpet alongside smiling his agreement. No words were needed but Cay had to speak anyway.

'I want it on the bed,' he grinned and clambering to his feet jumped on the bed, he bounced around a bit testing the bounce and then lay spreadeagled on his back smiling his invitation. He wasn't scared, Taylor would take it easy the first time, the second time they could both animal out. Maybe the third time a long and slow loving one, he grinned boyishly at the thought of Taylor and he doing it three times in one night. Yeah, go for it.

'Here we go,' Taylor smiled clambering onto the bed clutching the bottle of Seamans Body Oil, he fleetingly wondered what the stuff had to do with seamen but Cay drove the thought from his mind.

'You can do this from the front you know?' Cay spoke nervously.

'Not first time.'

'Yes, first time,' Cay grinned. 'Just loosen me up well... you're huge.'

'Not all that huge,' Taylor grinned proudly. He was in the measuring game and he knew that he'd passed the five inch mark but the six inches was yet to come, he supposed it just looked big to little Cay, especially at full stretch and with it's dark red knob shiny with precum. He was seriously leaking and as Cay raided his legs and took his knees down to his narrow chest he saw the boy's dark pink pucker fully exposed. 'You sure about this?' He muttered.

'Dead sure, loads of that stuff,' Cay whispered. 'And loads of kewl... take your time.'

'I shall,' Taylor promised fervently. He'd rather have done it the easy way the first time but if Cay wanted a face to face then so be it. Bending forwrad he kissed the blonde's sweet lips and let their tongues meet in a slippery embrace, at the same time he squeezed a gobbet of the oil onto his fingers. A smear across Cayds pulsating ring and a moan from the boy.

Taylor drew back a little looked at his young lover and slowly and gently intruded one finger through the clinging muscle.

Cay gave a satisfied sigh and his mouth dropped open as Taylor began to move the oiled finger in and out deeper and deeper right into the muscle. To be on the safe side he placed the bottle at Cay's hole and squeezed, the spout slipped inside just a fraction and the cold oil coated the inside of Cay's hot gut.

'Oh, my Gawd,' Cay quivered and clutched his partner's wrist. 'Two,' he grunted.

Taylor knew exactly what he wanted. Pressing his longest finger against his friend's shiny and slippery pucker he pushed in a little, a further push and his second finger opened the tight little muscle but Cay just sighed and wriggled as both fingers then started to move in and out liberally coating him with oil both inside and out.

'Right in,' Cay growled as Taylor's fingers delved deep both enlarging and easing his tight little boy fanny. 'Go on.'

Taylor obeyed, he moved his fingers in and out, he kissed lhis little lover and lapped at the sweat beading the boy's forehead, another salty kiss and his fingers slid free annointing his rigid cock. It was over in a moment. Taylor positioned himself and locating his weeping penis thrust in.

Cay started to yell but Taylor's mouth sealed his and the bigger boy's erection was now cased in Cays living flesh. 'OK?' Taylor whispered as he felt the tensed and taut body beneath him relax.

'I'll live,' Cay grinned. 'You big fucker.'

'Excellent,' Taylor smiled and puffed with relief, for the moment he contented himself with just moving in and out easing the all important muscle and letting Cay's body adjust. 'You are so beautiful,' he heard himself say. It sounded pretty stupid but he meant it and Cay grinned in delight.

'Better gimme babies then.'

That was it. As he moved a little faster and began to sheath himself into Cay's warm gut the boy's legs came onto his shoulders and then pressed onto his sweaty back, this was truly a frontal and Cay was smiling and frowning, one after the other as Taylor's thick meat began to fill him.

'Aaaaah,' Cay gave a long drawn out sigh as he felt Taylor's crisp pubics press against his soft bottom, Shark Boy's thick dark meat was in him and just about all the way. He squeezed experimentally on Taylor's cock which felt like a fleshy log and giggled as Taylor slowly moved. 'Yeah, ride me cowboy!'

Taylor smiled but he had one final move, he slid his knees back on the bed so that he was making love almost belly to belly, his sweaty stomach was actually rubbing against Cay's turgin penis until he felt the promise of a climax. Once more he knelt up into his original position and fucked down in hard and savage thrusts deep into Cay's well battered hole.

'Yeah, yeah,' Cay sobbed and Taylor's sweat spattered him. 'C'me on Tay.'

Taylor grasped the boy in a bear hug grabbing him around his slender waist and holding the writhing body in a firm grip and let it go. He closed his eyes as he felt his engorged penis pump and jerk in Cay's hot tunnel and the boy's childlike body just lay there impaled on Taylor's prong accepting his young lover's searing blasts of thick, creamy boy spunk.

'Gawd Almighty,' Taylor swore still fucking into Cay's pert little bottom as the kid's legs dropped and they finally slid apart in a gush of cum and sweat. 'I have never cum like that before.'

'Must be the company,' Cay whinced and grabbed a handful of tissues he'd had the good sense to place beforehand. He rammed them betwen his cheeks and clamped. 'I am totally fucked,' he giggled and gazed at his friend. 'Was I OK?'

'Perfect,' Taylor grinned. 'We make a good pair.'

'Spunky Bois,' Cay agreed.

'And what are your plans for the rest of the night?'

'Shower and more of the same, I guess,' Cay giggled.

'All night long,'

'All night long,' Cayden agreed.


I must admit I only wrote this after watching the DVD the other night and thinking what a fine pair they would make. I've got to apolgise for the 'Englishness' of it but I don't really know how American kids talk and act. And finally for those who don't know the boy actors I have a small Zip of publicity pictures of both boys for those who don't know them. Let's face it how many Europeans do? It was a kid's film and pretty dire at that saved only by the young co-stars.

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