Shattered Glass


Published on Mar 13, 2000



If you're not an adult, not gay or just not interested: don't read this.

It's all fiction, none of it is true. Well, Andy is a real person... he might even be a burglar .. but apart from that, none of it is true!

Perry - maybe not exactly the one you wanted! This one is for you anyway. Catch ya soon matey!

Shattered Glass

'What the fuck was that?' I thought to myself as I heard the shards of glass shattering as they hit the hard kitchen floor. Although it was only early in the morning I was the only one in the house. Everyone else had left for lectures or work or whatever. I'd been in my bed asleep when I was woken by the loud noise of shattering glass from downstairs.

Normally it would take me at least half an hour before I could summon up the energy to get up and out of bed in the morning. But not today. The noise and the knowledge that something very unusual was going on just beneath me ensured that I was up, out of bed and heading down the stairs faster than ever before.

Dressed in only a pair of boxer shorts I got towards the kitchen door and waited just around the corner. I soon realised that someone had thrown something pretty heavy through the window and was now getting inside the house. A million thoughts of what I should do raced through my head. Go straight in their and confront the bastard, run to the telephone and get the police. Or wait. Wait and see who this bastard was and then decide what to do. I went with the last option. Being an athletic kind of guy - into just about every sport you can imagine - I'm in too bad shape. Not that I'm a body builder or anything. Toned, flat and hard. Tanned, blue eyed and blond. Almost you're typical all-American boy. Just that I'm not American! Whoever it was, I was pretty damn sure that I was going to be able to give them a good going over. Just didn't think it would be that type of going over.

I could hear the crunching of the tiny pieces of glass as whoever this bastard was made his way over the kitchen towards the door. I just had time to note that my pulse had started to race a little as a shadowy figure came out of the doorway. I grabbed the bastard's shoulders, putting him off balance and surprising him a little to enable to me to wrap my arms around his neck, tightening my grip a little as he struggled to get away from me.

"Thought you'd done your homework eh, fuckin' bastard?" I shouted out, straight down the guy's ear. He muttered something, something about letting go of his neck I reckon. I held my grip on him though. Determined not to let go until he calmed down and I could work out what to do next. This guy looked to be about the same height and build as I was. Maybe a little skinnier. Not too much though. He did appear from behind anyway to be your average burglar. For a start he didn't appear to be wearing anything that would disguise his face. He had a short leather coat on, and from what I could tell just a normal pair of work pants. Nah, this was a weird one alright.

"You had enough now?" I shouted out again, as I realised the guy had started to slow down a little and started pleading with me to ease up on him.

"Yeah, yeah. Ok, ok, you got me." he said, panted out between breaths.

Easing my grip on his neck and swinging him around by his shoulders, I pinned him up against the wall. It was then that I looked into the guy's face. I wasn't sure who was more surprised, him or me. This was un-fuckin'-believable. I actually knew who this guy was. He knew who I was. We'd been at the same school, in the same class together. He'd lived just a couple of doors down from me before I'd moved out to go to college.

"Andy! You little sod." I said, taken aback slightly, I let go of him, realising after all of this he was unlikely just to take off.

"Shit, man, I'm sorry." He said, still breathing heavily, shaking all over, although he at least sounded like he meant if. "If I'd have known.. ya know... that it was you, I'd never have." his voice trailed off a little. Unsure of what to say to make this right.

"Shut up." I shouted at him. I think I'd have been less angry if this was a bastard I didn't know. "Get in there." I said, pushing him into one of the lounge rooms at the back of the house away from where any passers by would be able to see. I didn't know what the hell I was going to do as I pushed him into the room and down onto one of the chairs.

"Look." Andy began talking, I just scowled at him, but let him speak anyway. "I'm sorry about all this ok. I wouldn't have done it if I'd have known you lived here. You know that don't you?"

Shit, this was getting weirder by the moments. This guy really did look as if he was upset about what he'd just done. My head was just spinning of thoughts about what I should do now. Police. Help him. Do nothing. Well, come on, what would you do? We had been pretty good mates at one point. Then I went away to college, he was still at home. That was two years ago, and although obviously I have returned home a couple of times in two years, I hadn't seen him since the day I left.

"Yeah, Andy, right. I know you wouldn't have done that if you knew I was here." I told him, starting to calm down myself. "But you would have gone somewhere else. Besides, what the fuck brains do you have?" I asked him, he just looked up at me a little confused by my reaction and the question I think. "Stealing off students, yeah, like we're all really loaded." He just looked away, not knowing how to answer.

"What are you going to do then?" he asked me after a while of just sitting there in silence. Now it was crunch time for me then. What was I going to do?

"Andy, I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do." I told him honestly. "What I do want to know is how the hell you got yourself into this fucking mess in the first place." I was now buying time for myself while I worked out what would be best to do, but I was also interested to know how he'd ended up breaking into people's houses.

"Needed the cash." Andy told me bluntly. "Started going it not long after you left. My parents found out, threw me out. I had to find someway to live, so I just carried on."

It pretty much made sense. Andy had never been the smartest kid around. Great sportsman, but not to hot when it came to 'real' work. He hadn't made the grades to go to college or anything. I knew what it must have been like though. We weren't from rich families - although we had enough to get by - so if you didn't have what it takes to get an education and the decent job that comes after it, you were pretty much sunk. Andy found himself in this situation. So all that understanding, combined with the fact that I'd started to realise he was still at least as cute as he was two years ago - and what can I tell you, I started feeling sorry for him. Fucking annoyed that he'd decided to break down our kitchen window mind you, but a bit sorry for him anyway.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked him. Pretty daft thing to say given that I was the one whose house had just been broken into, but like I said, I was starting to fall for him.

"I don't know. I reckon that's pretty much up to you to decide." Andy told me, flashing me a very slight white grin. The first time something more than fear and panic had crossed his face for the first time since we'd looked at each other a couple of minutes ago.

That grin didn't help me. He'd always been able to give people the look of the innocent kid every time he'd done something wrong. That was why half of the time when we were at school I'd get into trouble for shit that he'd done. I could never perfect the innocent look. He still had it though. And now he was using it on me. Even worse, it was working. I looked him up and down for a moment. His hair was dark, cut short and clung to his head a little. He'd got a couple of cuts on his head and face from our little struggle earlier. I'd know idea how he'd managed it, but his shirt was ripped in a couple of places, a few buttons were missing and the left leg of his trousers was torn as well. In all, from that minor scuffle in the hall way, Andy was in a pretty messed up way. It was like fireworks going off in my head. In that instant, as many of my friends will tell you, my brains went from my head to between my legs. I was lucky that my boxers didn't start stirring enough for him to notice.

"Well, for a start you know that I can't, I won't, hand you over to the police - although I should." Andy looked relieved as I said this. But it was perfectly true that he knew I wouldn't anyway. Even though I was in college on a course that almost guaranteed me a highly paid job, I've never forgotten where I come from. Where you have to fight and work hard for everything you get. Where your friends are true friends, not just people using you to get on in life. For everything that Andy might be now, he was still my friend.

I continued. "I don't know how you got yourself into this fucking hole. I don't really care. But while you're here then I'm going to do the right thing by you. For a start we're going to get you cleaned up. So get your fat arse off that chair and follow me!" I tried lightening the atmosphere a little.

"Thanks, thanks mate. I'm really..." Andy started saying. I cut him off.

"I'm a fuckin' fool for doing this." I finished his sentence for him as I lead the way out of the lounge and up the stairs towards my room.

"Sit there, I'll go and get some shit for your face from the bathroom." I told Andy, pointing to my unmade bed. He took his jacket off, turning around and smiling at me again. His light brown eyes, wide and sparkling at me. He threw the jacket on my bed and sat down next to it.

'This is just mad' I thought to myself as I went over to the bathroom to get the stuff to clean his cuts with. 'The guy has just broken into our house, to steal our stuff, and I'm starting to feel things for him'. My head was just full of total shit. But there was nothing I could do. Sure, I was angry with him over what he'd done. But in another way I was please he was here. The friends I had made at college were good - but most of them were only there to get on with bigger plans, and when they'd finished their courses and moved on, they wouldn't give a second thought to anyone else. I knew that my friends back at home - friends like Andy - weren't like that. They would always be your mate. No matter who you turned into, what you did. I felt like that about them. Andy had another thing though, I'd always fancied him. We were alike in so many ways. Sport for one thing. And, not wanting to sound too big-headed about this, but we looked pretty good. The girls at school seemed to think so anyway. Time for the truth then, you've worked this out anyway, I fancied him. From the moment I first saw him at school when we were 11 to the moment I left home at 19. And about ten minutes ago, it all came back to me with a crash through the window.

I didn't really know what was needed to patch Andy up. So I just brought the whole medical box that we kept in the bathroom - mainly because it looked responsible, not that any of us in the house really knew what was in it, or what we should do with it. Andy was still sitting patiently at the end of my bed when I walked him. I just smiled at him again. And he looked back up at me. It looked like he was grateful that someone was interested in helping him out for a change. I grabbed my computer chair from under my desk and moved it to the end of the bed. Looking inside the medical box, I took a couple of damp cotton swabs and grabbed hold of Andy's head once again. A little more gently than before though!

Andy winced and flinched slightly as I wiped the swab over the biggest cut just on his forehead. It had stopped bleeding now at least. "Go easy!" Andy called out to me.

"Yeah, you always were a bit of a wimp when it came to pain weren't ya!" I teased him, giving him a quick punch in the arm for good measure.

It was starting to get a bit awkward for me. Sitting there, dealing with his cuts as those big brown eyes looked up at me. I was regretting not putting on a few more clothes before I'd started this. Being close enough to feel Andy's breath against my face whilst gently stroking his head was doing nothing to prevent me from starting to get the morning stiff that I'd missed out on when I heard the shattering of glass before. I just carried on and prayed that it wouldn't get too obvious and that Andy wouldn't notice anyway.

I noticed that Andy had closed his eyes as I moved on to cleaning one of the smaller grazes just underneath his eye. His lips were pouted slightly, moist and cherry red as my hands lightly held his soft cheeks. For a moment he looked like he did that night when we were 15. Staying at a friends out for a birthday party. We'd all got a little buzzed on the beer that this guy's older brother had sneaked us. The rest of the guy's were passed out asleep on the floor. I wasn't though. I was wide awake and sitting beside Andy as he slept. Taking it all in. Every last feature of his face.

My dick was now rock hard inside my boxer shorts. I knew that it would have been obvious, but there was nothing I could do about it. Before I had a chance to try and get myself out of that situation, I felt Andy move an arm and in a split second I felt his hand gently squeeze my balls and then wrap his fingers around my cotton covered stiff dick.

Stopping what I was doing I felt all the air in my lungs rush quickly out. I looked down at Andy's face once again, his wide brown eyes were now open and looking directly into mine. It was like the fireworks that had gone off in my mind before returned and he was having the same feelings. He must have been. It was still his hand wrapped around my dick. Still holding his head, I moved mine towards him, closer and closer. Our lips met and we began kissing one another. A long slow passionate kiss. All the time it was like the centre of the entire universe was revolving around my dick. It'd had never felt like this before. Andy wasn't even doing anything, just holding my hard shaft in his hand as our tongues moved in and out of each other's mouths, coating the insides of our mouths with each other's saliva. Our kiss became more and more passionate with every minute that past. Andy squeezed my cock once again - that one action very nearly sent me over the edge. I can't remember a time when I'd ever been more turned on than I was at this moment. I didn't want it to end.

After more than twenty minutes of just kissing each other, I let go of Andy's head and pushed him back onto my bed, climbing on top of him. I could feel my hard prick pressing into his crotch. His own dick was as hard as mine and pressing against the material of his trousers, throbbing slightly as if trying to break free of it's constraints. Our kissing continued as I rubbed myself up and down on top of Andy. Our chests heaved against each other as a mixture of his and my own sweat began to soak the light cotton of his torn shirt. Without breaking the kiss I ran my hands underneath his shirt, feeling the smoothness of his skin and the firmness of his body. My fingers pinched and pulled at his nipples. Andy drove his tongue deep inside my mouth each time I even rubbed a couple of fingers over his highly sensitive nipples. I took my fingers from underneath the cotton and began to undo each of the buttons. Parting his shirt as I went. Slowly I was revealing his firm tanned chest, then his hard, almost washboard like, stomach. Smooth, totally smooth with the exception of a trail of black hair running down from his navel before disappearing beneath the waist of his trousers. His nipples were large and perfectly round. Huge domes capping off each of his pecs. Darker than the rest of his skin, firm and erect, begging to be kissed, sucked and licked at.

Finally his shirt was totally undone, Andy raised his back a little as I pulled the cotton garment off him and threw it behind us. I laid back down on top of him again. Flesh against flesh for the first time. Our bodies slid up and down against each other as our sweat lubricated the two of us. I could feel his nipples, hard as they were, almost digging into my skin. Once again I nearly came in my boxers as for a split second, our nipples rubbed together. It was an explosion of the highly charged erotic energy busting between the two of us when that happened. Our lips locked together, our tongues fort backwards and forwards to get inside the other's mouth. I felt Andy's hands running up and down my sides as we continued to kiss. Then his fingers hooked inside the waistband of my boxer shorts as he tried to pull them down and off me. I helped him out a little, and took them off. Breaking our kiss, I pulled them from around my ankles and gave them to Andy. He brought my day old boxers to his face and inhaled the scent of my cock and balls, not to mention the smell and taste of the precum that had started soaking through the material.

I began working my way down Andy's body. Lapping and sucking at his flesh with my tongue as I went. I ran my tongue over his chin, feeling the stubble as I worked my way down to his neck and onto his shoulders. Andy had his arms raised up a little as he held my boxer shorts to his face. His armpits were covered in a dusting of light brown, very nearly blond curls. I burred my nose inside one for a moment, inhaling the his smell. Stale and new sweat hit my nose. The smell of a man. With my tongue I lapped around the edges of his armpit, before moving my attention to the other one. The same erotic smell met me as my hand went down to Andy's crotch. He moaned and squirmed slightly as my tongue continued lapping around his hairy armpit and my hand played with his crotch. I could feel his precum. Andy was so turned on it was beginning to soak through his underwear - I presumed he was wearing underwear - and his trousers. I could feel his cock, thick and hard inside his pants. His balls were tight and clenched up around the base of his prick.

My tongue moved from his armpits and onto his chest. I trailed down the slight space in between each of his pecs. Just as I had thought, not a rough hair anywhere. Andy was still as smooth as he has always been right the way throughout school. The hours I must have spent in the changing room after PE lessons watching him getting changed alongside the other lads. Talking about girls all the time, whilst getting the images of him and the others half naked locked away inside my head for late at night when I needed to relieve myself. I moved my tongue onto one of his pecs and down towards his nipple. I felt Andy shudder beneath me as my chin rubbed across that ultra sensitive piece of flesh.

Slowly, agonisingly slowly I encircled his hard nipple. Andy cried out, almost as if in pain. Once more, all the way around. So slowly, soaking up his taste, I could feel him sweating beneath me. Crying out for me to take that piece of his flesh into my mouth and suck on it hard. I flicked at it, hard and fast. Up and down, up and down, up and down with my tongue. Andy squirmed and writhed underneath me. Once more, up and down and then I clamped my mouth around his hard and erect nipple. I sucked hard. Harder than ever before. Harder than I had ever sucked cock before. I kept the firm suction on him as with my tongue I played around with him. Andy was moaning loudly now. He started to thrust his crotch up and down against my hand. I pushed him back down. Just as he had done with me before, just holding his dick, not moving against it. Stopping him from cumming. It was taking all my willpower not to rub my exposed dick up and down on Andy's leg. I knew that I was dripping large amounts of precum against his black trousers, certain to leave stain. But neither of us cared about anything like that. Eventually I took my mouth off Andy's chest. And rubbed the now soaking wet nipple with my hand, pinching it a couple of times to get the message across. He enjoyed that. I saw the smile, broadly across his face, his eyes tightly closed taking in every single sensation.

Not for long though. I moved my mouth across to his other pec and repeated the same thing again. Circling him slowly. Making him cry out for me to put my mouth down on him. Only this time I had more to play with. I left my hand on his other pec. Just resting there. Feeling it's firmness, with his wet, hard nipple pressing into the middle of my palm. As I began to flick his nipple, I started to rub my palm against the other one. The poor lad didn't know what to do. His dick was throbbing in his pants - at one point I actually thought he'd cum with it all - there were fireworks exploding on either side of his chest as I began to furiously hump his leg.

I knew that I didn't want our first time to end like this. So reluctantly, and with a great deal of effort, I managed to take my mouth from Andy's chest. He just lay there silently for a moment. Trying to catch his breath. Trying to work out what part of him was being touched and what wasn't. He didn't have long though. As hard as I tried, it was just impossible for me to keep my hands off his body for long. I grabbed hold of his sides and placed my mouth back down on his body. His stomach this time. Like the rest of him totally smooth. That was until I reached his navel. Like his nipples, I encircled it with my tongue. Over and over again. Whilst I was doing this, I moved my hands to the buckle of his belt and started unfastening it.

Andy slipped his shoes off as I continued working his navel with my tongue and opening up his trousers. I could feel the heat coming off his crotch as I undid the belt and slip the zip down, undoing the button. Parting the two sides of his pants, I trailed my tongue down over the thin line of black hair that ran from his navel, I wetted it down, slicking it against his tanned skin, until I reached the waistband of his pants. I took my mouth from him again and pulled down his pants. Andy's bottom half was a total contrast to his smooth top. Thick dusty blond hair covered his legs as I pulled his trousers all the way down and off his legs, taking his socks with them and threw the whole lot over to the other side of the room with the rest of his stuff.

I ran my hands up and down each of his legs a couple of times. Ruffling up the thick layer of hair and feeling how hard and firm his leg muscles were - just like the rest of his body. I moved my hands further and further up towards his thighs. Andy's cock was pressing hard against his white cotton boxer briefs. I could clearly see the head of his dick, bright red, where his precum was leaking through, making the material almost transparent. Eventually I started to move my hands just up the short legs of his underpants. Feeling the inside of his thighs, covered, like the rest of him, in a thin layer of sweat. I moved back up to his navel again and took hold of the waistband of his undies, slowly pulling them back, and began to reveal what I'd been waiting for.

The tip of Andy's cock, cushioned against a mass of black curls, leaking precum was revealed first. I moved my mouth over it, gently kissing it. His precum spreading over my lips. Andy groaned loudly as his dick had some contact with me for the first time. I pealed his boxers further and further down, kissing and licking at his hard shaft as I went. My tongue traced over some of the veins as they throbbed with the pressure of his erection. Andy raised his hips slightly as I slipped the material from underneath him and down his legs, before throwing them across to join the rest of his stuff. I pushed my tongue to the inside of his thighs once again. Lapping up some of the sweat that had dripped down, before I brushed over his heavy balls. Taking each one into my mouth, rolling it around, before letting it go and taking the second one. His ball sac was clenched tight enough that I could just about manage to take both of his balls into my mouth at the same time. Only for a short time though, covering them with my saliva before letting them drop back down.

Moving back up Andy's body once again, our cocks touched and ground together. Our pubes tangled with one another's as our balls came down on top of each other. We kissed once more, hard as our chests heaved up and down. Our sweat slicking up our bodies once more. The air was hot and full of our mutual scent. The smell of sex hung heavy. My head filled with the most intense erotic thoughts and desires. My balls were heavy, achingly full of cum. Not helped by the fact that it has been at least two weeks since I'd last have sex. But all the sexual encounters I'd had, before leaving home and since, none of them could match what I was feeling with Andy underneath me right now.

Breaking our kiss, hoarsely, Andy looked straight into my eyes and whispered "I want your dick." Another flash of that grin, and I wanted him to have my dick too.

I spun around on top of him so that we ended up in a 69 position. I felt Andy wrap a fist around the base of my dick, as it sunk down into his mouth. Feeling Andy's tongue licking up and down my rock hard pole as it began to disappear down his throat was amazing. It was like being encased my a tight warm, wet sponge all the way. He played with my piss slit, taking as much of my precum as he could. Meanwhile, I took hold of Andy's cock and held it up off his body for a moment. Taking my time to admire the organ before me.

Having seen plenty of dicks, especially since I've been away from home at college, you might think they all start to look the same. And in some ways you'd be right. But this was different. Andy's cock was the most perfect shape. About 7", foreskin tight, but rolled all the way back, showing off a perfect mushroom shaped head, red, slick and shining with the precum that he was still leaking and the whole thing, quite fat and hairy around the base. Just like a cock should be. I moved my mouth down towards him once again and kissed the mushroom head of his cock. Almost as if I was kissing him on the lips again, the tip of my tongue parted his slit a little way as I lapped up all of his sweat tasting precum. I could hear and feel Andy sucking and slurping at my own dick as he used his hands around my hips to thrust me in and out of his mouth.

Even though his mouth was full of my prick at the time, as I sunk my lips down around his firm dick, Andy let out a really loud moan. His dick really was just the right size and shape. It stretched the sides of my mouth slightly as I went down on him. My tongue moved effortlessly over his sensitive cock head, swirling around and playing around the part where the head meets the shaft. Andy seemed to be really sensitive there, I could feel him squirm again beneath me as he tried to concentrate on sucking my cock as I moved my tongue all over his.

We both started working faster and faster now. I started thrusting in and out of Andy's mouth without him needing to help me. Then I did the same with my head on his cock. Pushing him further and further down my throat with each thrust. I could hear him moaning louder and louder each time. The noise he was making turned me on even more. The sound of a guy with your dick down his throat, while you're in the same position with his really is erotic. The scent of his crotch turned me on even more. The sight of his hairy balls straight in front of me just turned me on like crazy as I imagined all the spunk that he had churning around inside those massive orbs waiting to be jetted out. I ran a couple of fingers across his balls, causing him to buck up and down slight. I got braver still and ran them underneath his balls. He grunted loudly, as if he was about to cum. He spread his legs a little way and I took the opportunity to run my fingers down his ass crack. Shit, the boy really was smooth on top and hairy on the bottom. Literally.

His ass crack was lined with a really thick layer of light brown pubes. My finger brushed across the tight pucker of his hole and I knew what I wanted to do. Andy gasped loudly as my finger probed around the outside of his hole and pushed in a little way. A virgin hole. I was almost sure of it. I could feel him getting ready, it wouldn't be long before he came. Suddenly I became very aware of my cock right down his throat whilst his tongue worked on my shaft. I pulled out of his mouth, making him moan in surprise.

I thought I heard him shout at me twice "what the fuck are you doing?" or something like that. I can't remember I was working so fast. Just following what my dick wanted me to do. I grabbed Andy around the waist and pulled him up on the bed. He must have read my mind, because he turned around and got down on all fours. His dick was still harder than ever and now literally dripping with my saliva. I got behind him and took hold of his dick by reaching underneath his belly. I took his mind off what I was about to do by giving his dick a couple of hard firm strokes with my hand, as I spread his ass cheeks, taking a look at the hair lined crack and my ultimate goal winking ahead of me.

Rubbing the head of my dick up and down Andy's crack a couple of times, he knew what was about to happen. I was slightly surprised when he turned his head to look at me, his face red and flushed, sweat dripping off his forehead; "Just fuckin' well do it to me" he told me. Almost shouted it at me in fact. Like an order or something. I didn't care who was in control anymore. I just lined my dick up with that puckered circle and began to push. Andy almost screamed as the head of my cock slipped inside him. I leant over his back, moving my hand away from his cock and rubbing his stomach now.

"Just push out a little" I whispered straight into his ear. Andy got the message and did as I told him. His ass relaxed for a split second as he pushed. I took the chance and in one fast, almost violent action, I pushed my whole 7.5" straight up inside him. If what came before wasn't a scream, that certainly was! I filled him out entirely. His whole was stretched wide by my fat piece of meat and it was lodged firmly up inside him. My head was once again spinning, as the feeling just seemed to flow from out of Andy's ass, up my dick and throughout my whole body. Once again I took hold of my mate's dick from underneath him and began wanking him slowly, as I pulled my cock out of him almost all the way before forcing it back inside him again with almost as much force as the first time.

I knew I wasn't going to last long. But I had a wide grin on my face as I fucked Andy harder and harder, doing his dick with my hand at the same time. He groaned loudly, very loudly each time I pushed in. Hitting is prostate almost with every thrust, taking both of us to a completely new level of erotic arousal. Just once more and Andy roared this time as I felt his ass tighten up around my cock, preventing me from thrusting anywhere. His dick exploded in my hand. I reached around and with one finger stroked the exact spot where my dick entered Andy's ass. His cum blasted from his balls, out of his long prick shooting onto the bed beneath us.

The pressure of Andy's ass clamped around my cock was too much for me to be able to hold off any longer. I couldn't thrust into him because his ass was so tight, so without moving, except for Andy's writhing as he ejaculated harder and faster than ever before, I started to cum deep inside my friend. Wave after wave shot from my dick deep inside Andy's bowels. I moaned, almost as loudly as Andy as I emptied my nuts inside him.

Finally, we both started coming down from our highs, returning to our senses. Andy collapsed onto the bed, into the pool of his own cum. I had nowhere else to go but on top of him. The two of us still connected by my dick in his ass, bathed in our own sweat. My cum starting to drip out of Andy's ass, running down his crack, onto his balls, before gathering as another pool on my bed. A change of sheets would definitely be needed after this one. But that would have to wait until we'd both woken up. ICQ: 45862060

And another one bites the dust! Hope you enjoyed this one, I think it might turn out to be one of my favourites! I've written about Andy before in another story, 'Down The Road'. Although a few years have passed since I wrote that one. Anyway, like I say, I hope you enjoyed it and if you did I want to hear about it! E-mail me or use ICQ and if you're a good boy, I'll send you the URL of my website!

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