Shining Star

By Tim

Published on May 13, 2001


Now, I know what you're going to say - that this chapter is really short and everything, but to tell you the truth I just didn't think that I could continue on from the point at which this chapter leaves off, because it didn't seem right. I can't really explain it any better then that.

Thank you to all those who've written to me telling me how much they are enjoying the story. I don't really know what to say when I'm writing back to you though, so if you find my responses odd, that's the reason. But don't let that stop you from writing to me! I love to get e-mail from people who've read my work, and the longer they are the better! So please, please e-mail me. The address is - Again, I want to say thank you to the normal people - Sher, she knows why, Tim, he knows why, and Matt (LMMDAS) for always making me feel really embarrassed when I read your e-mails!

Legal stuff - this story is not true, real, and not based in reality. The celebs involved don't know that I'm doing this, and I doubt that they'd approve. I don't know anything about their sexualities. If you're too young to read this then I guess that you know that.

"I don't think so Justin...," I said awkwardly, pulling away from him.

"Don't worry about it. Come on, we've got plenty of time, and no one would suspect a thing." He said, a little more then suggestively.

"I said I didn't want to." I said more firmly.

He pulled away looking hurt. "What's wrong Fiachra?"

"I'm only seventeen Justin." I said, not wanting to give him the other reason. Nick hadn't said whom I could and couldn't tell, so I wanted to keep it to myself for now.

"Don't you think I know that?" He said.

"Listen, I'm not going to. Can't you just leave it at that?" I pleaded, not wanting to make a scene.

"But you've been leading me on all day." I said, looking confused.

"No I haven't."

"Yes you have. What about when you came out to me wearing a towel?"

"I needed to borrow some clothes! That's all!"

"Oh." He said in a small voice.

"It's not you Justin, and I can't explain why yet, but there is a very good reason and I hope that you'll still be talking to me when I try to explain it to you when I can. Will you be?" I asked. I seemed to be losing so many new friends this way... "Come on, let's go back to the studios will we?"


And so we walked back towards Time Square and the MTV studio, where I was to meet the limo that was going to bring me back to JFK airport. Most of the time we spend in silence, each lost deep in our own thoughts. I was groaning to myself about the way that I was leaving the states about 7 at night, then it was a five hour flight, add on the time difference of five hours... I was going to get home at five in the morning, three hours before I had to go to school. My only chance was to get some sleep on the trip over the Atlantic.

"Now I know how Britney felt." Said Justin miserably. "Rejection isn't very nice."

I felt incredibly guilty. "Listen Justin, I'm not rejecting you..."

He cut me off. "Then what would you call it?"

"I've... I'm... I'm involved with someone else. That's why."

"You're what?" He said. "Why didn't you say that at the start?"

"Because... it's really private. I don't know if the other person would want me to tell you so that's why I didn't, and don't ask me who he is, because I'm not going to tell you." I said hesitantly, trying not to say anything that would give away that I was involved with Nick.

"Well that's different then." Said Justin, a lot more cheerful then he'd been only a couple of moments ago.

"Please don't tell anyone Justin." I asked.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to say anything. But you've got to promise to tell me, when you can, who you're going out with."

"Deal." I said, laughing. But at least Justin was back to his good old self.

Make sure to e-mail me!


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