
By Gunter Ragen

Published on Oct 6, 2007


He had really grown up from the high school jock I remember busting my cherry. That had been nearly 20 years ago. The mere sight of him entering my modern day world brought back all the raw quivering emotion of our exploits like it was yesterday.

Doug had been my first man fuck. He was a glowing icon of a football and baseball jock in high-school. Even in our junior year he was stacked with a muscular build, had a bushy mustache and long brown hair iconic of the hot ass rocker look of the 1980's. One day while we were sparking up a joint at his place after school one thing let to another and his cock was jack hammering away at my virginity.

Our first mash in the sheets was follow by many exploits throughout our junior and senior year in high school. His parents were divorced and he lived with his dad who worked most of the time. The sex was always raunchy, hard and eventually became reciprocal. He loved to just pull it out and go straight for the hard fuck. Other times he'd beg me bitch fuck his stink hole just the same and breed him silly.

Graduation came and I soon moved out of state for college and that was the last I had seen or heard of him. When I returned I tried tracking him down but came up empty. Nobody seemed to know where he went. At a party a few years later I ran into some mutual friends from high school and they said he was in the Marines. Someone else said he was in married now and living in San Diego.

Back to the present, I work as a project manager for a large homebuilder in northern California. I have been married myself and am currently divorced. Being in my line of work, openly gay men don't get very far. So, I get my jollies and fantasies along the way. I have been seeing a gal named Lisa who is good in bed and we are pretty good friends. It hasn't been a "relationship" but more of a casual convenience sex thing that's open to other pursuits.

Every other Friday the job superintendents from our various worksites around town come into the main office where I live my life, for a round-table all-projects meeting in the conference room. Being the closeted homo that I am, I always look forward to the meetings because it's when the dozen or so of the hottest construction guys I have ever seen come in from the field and smell up the cramped conference room with their sweaty dirty musk from a hard day in the sun.

I had been preparing for the last hour to get all my handouts for the guys copied and stapled for the latest Friday round-table. Like always I was looking forward to the gathering of rough hard young men in my midst. I have my favorite few and we are all friends for the most part. Most all of them are straight as it gets. Getting groovy on one of them could cost me everything so I haven't really gone there in my 11 years with the company. Well, almost.

I finally made my way down the hall and took my usual place at the head of the 10' conference table with my back to the door. A couple of the guys were already there and were bragging about the party they had been to over the weekend. It was the usual "picked up some hot chicks and had great pussy" stuff. I played along and gave them a congratulatory high five. More the guys were filtering into the room, finishing up cell phone conversations. It was then that I heard it behind me.

Our head superintendent Tony Franconi was introducing someone to one of the other guys, "This is Doug McMurray, my new framing super." I froze as the name wafted into the already musky, stuffy, sexually charged air of the conference room. Then I heard his voice, "Nice to meet you,..." It was cutting through me as it had back in my youth. My heart was racing as they made their way around me to the side of the conference table. Tony laid his rough Italian hand on my shoulder saying, "Shane, I want you to meet my new framing guy".

Before Doug and I caught eyes I stood up and pre-loaded my best poker face. I turned to him and just about died on the spot from a mixture of raw fear, nervous emotion, and shock. His face turned to a slight blush and he got what seemed like an equally caught look in his eyes. The moment seemed to last way too long we instinctively shook hands as if we had never met. Finally, Tony who is a master at perception said, "You to guys know each other already?" Doug and I both looked away from each other and seemed to stumble for an answer. I finally blubbed out, "Uh, yeah. We went to High School together ."

Doug smiled nervously and slapped me on the shoulder. "Long time no see man," he offered with a guarded smile. My palm was dripping with sweat as I finished shaking his other hand. "Yeah it has been a long time." I finally mustered. "Congratulations on the job." I then turned to Tony and said with the straightest face I could, "You need to get Doug here on the company baseball team. He swings the bat like you have never seen." I sat back down as Doug and Tony worked their way to the back of the room and found a seat at the other end of the conference table. What the fuck did I just say?

I was in complete a freeze. He had really grown up from the high school jock I remember busting my cherry. That had been nearly 20 years ago. The mere sight of him entering my modern day world brought back all the raw quivering emotion of our exploits like it was yesterday. He was far more masculine and exuded more raw machismo than I ever remembered. There was something new though, the way he carried himself, a different look in his eyes, a new maturity perhaps.

He stood an even six feet tall with the same pronounced V-shaped torso he always had. He was always so fucking perfectly proportional without having to work out much. I always hated him for that. His overall shape was bigger and beefier than in his youth. His muscular arms were tanned and hairy and his bubble butt was framed nicely in a pair of loose fitting tan camo army pants. Doug now sported a butchy short hairdo, a nice tight squared off goatee and had a yesterday shadow going. Damn. He has grown into a real man and...Damn!

Like a bell ringing in my sleep, someone said. "So Shane, we gonna get this meeting started any time soon?" I came to and we got the meeting underway. I did my best to try and act natural as I could, not wanting to give away to the group the swirling nervousness that was racing in my heart. I really don't know what I was saying. I was in a worry fest spiral. "Is he still into dudes?" "Was he married still?" "Would he out me?" "What was going to happen now?" "Is he going to call me at my desk and want phone sex?" All of it over and over, reeling as I did my best to move the meeting along and get it over with.

Throughout the meeting I glanced toward Doug occasionally trying to gauge him. He mostly keep his eyes down on his papers and the once or twice I caught his eyes he looked away. Once we locked eyes and lingered for a moment and he smiled briefly before leaning in and asking Tony a question. Tony had caught our exchange a couple of times and gave me a funny look so and I didn't want to press it.

See, Tony is a whole nuther story. He and I have had a few teasing moments over the years when we were drunk at parties but had never gone anywhere with it. Tony was the top superintendent with the company. This Italian tough guy with the macho image he has built himself on could never betray his masculinity by getting down with another guy. Although I know he probably would if he weren't married and if the situation were right. Lets just say there has always been a slight buzz between us that over the years we have come to accept. Nothing much more though.

Finally the meeting was over. As the guys began to filter out Tony and Doug stopped by me on the way out. "You got one of your business cards for Doug, he'll need to get a hold of you once he gets settled in the job trailer. He'll need to get copies of all our building plans and whatnot." By now I had settled down a bit and dug my wallet out to grab a card. As I handed it to him I finally looked into his deep dark eyes and said, "My office and cell number are on there. Don't be afraid to call me if you need anything:"

He finally cracked a warm but straight dude smile and slapped me on the shoulder again. He was close enough I could feel his body heat radiating onto me and smell his deep scent. Seeming at ease he said, "It's good to see you again man. We will have to get together over a beer and catch up". Feeling a gush of electricity and excitement I replied as flatly as I could. "You've got my number, call me when you have time". Tony finally interjected, "Come on Doug I gotta get you over to HR so we can get your paperwork started. With that they left. I promptly took my stack of papers to my office, dumped them on my desk and headed for the bathroom to jack off.

I had gotten home and was spent. My brain was going overtime seeing Doug again after almost 20 years. He had aged well and at 36, I looked myself in the mirror and wondered how I looked to him. I am still in good shape. Working around the construction guys for so long, I had come to look just like one of them even though I drive a desk. I am 5'-10 and about 190 lbs. I am not overly muscular, but well proportioned. I have very dark hair and keep a shortly trimmed mustache and goatee. In a pool of wild thoughts and perhaps some self doubt I wondered what it was going to be like having Doug around the office now. What would it lead to?

I did what I do best when I am in such a quandary. I pulled my special box from the coffee table and twisted up a fat joint, grabbed a Samuel Adams and kicked back on my couch to blow it off. I sank into a nice sweet buzz and watched an old episode of Miami Vice on TV for a while when my cell phone rang. I jumped up and raced to see who it was, hoping it might be Doug. It was all coming back to me, the hero worship, the wanting, and the doting. It was Tony from work.

I picked up and said hello. "Shane sorry to bug ya at home but I wanted to talk to you about my new guy Doug for a minute," he replied. "It seems like you guys know each other and I wanted to get some feedback on him." Flummoxed, I replied, "Dude I was just copping a buzz over here. Why are you calling me about work?" Tony laughed, "Uh huh, stoner. You bombing the big green huh?" I sighed, "Well what do you want to know? I haven't seen him since high-school so I don't know how much I can tell ya".

Tony replied, "I'm sorry to bug ya man. But I am putting a lot of responsibility on him and if he turns out to be a flake then I am gonna look bad with the boss you know. " He went on, "I just picked up something between you two today at the meeting and wanted to make sure it wasn't something that I needed to know about. I mean he is a straight shooter isn't he?" Ha! If Tony only knew. I almost laughed out loud. I finally told him, "Look we used to hang out way back then, but we went our separate ways after that. I'm sure he will be great for you," I replied. "Look you hired him and you know people far better than I do. If you liked him than I am sure he'll work out".

I could tell Tony was after something more, but I sure as hell wasn't going to give it up. Tony finally gave in, "All right man, don't get too high over there. You know one of these days you're gonna have to invite me over and smoke me up." I envisioned that fantasy for a minute and replied, "Yeah but you'll have to clean up first". He laughed out loud. "Fuck you man! I'll see ya at work on Monday." He said and then hung up.

So the night went by. Saturday went by and Sunday came. I kept busy around the house with yard work and other loose ends I had put off till the weekend. Lisa had called and wanted to come by, but I told her I was busy. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts about Doug. I had pulled out my old yearbooks and looked at his pictures, marveling over what a man he had grown into. It is amazing looking back at us at 17 and 18 - how boyish we both looked. At the time we thought were fully developed men.

The first time we got it on was at his house one day after school in our junior year. I had gone over to his place because he said he could help me get some weed from a friend of his. Well, that didn't pan out but he had a joint that we toked in his room and we got pretty lit. I remember his room smelled like a locker room. It was a mess dirty laundry, piled up sports equipment and stacks of magazines ranging from Rolling Stone to Playboy. He had taken his shirt off because it was pretty warm in there and sat back on his bed flipping through a fuck mag while we shot the shit. Soon the conversation turned to sex.

He finally showed me a picture spread of this chick getting a fat cock up her ass. "Check this shit out, she is taking it up the butt". I grabbed it and looked it over with my glazed eyes. "Have you ever been fucked up the butt?", he asked. Looking down at the book and back up at him I got suddenly nervous. "Um no," I said. "Have you?" He grabbed the magazine back from me and rubbed his cock through his worn sweat pants. "No, but I wouldn't mind doing it" he replied. "She seems to like it and fucking an ass feels a lot better than fucking a pussy". Long story short, we were at it less than five minutes. I was under his spell.

He had gotten up and grabbed a bottle of skin lotion from the bathroom down the hall, returned and locked his bedroom door. He then walked over to me and pulled down his sweats. I remember his thick curved dick swung out right in my face as I sat on the edge of his bed.. He hadn't showered since PE at school and the thick odor of sweat and piss surrounded my face. He grasped himself and pumped his rod a couple of times which enraged it. "Have you ever sucked a dick before?" Still apprehensive I replied, "No." He smiled and said, "That's alright, neither have I".

He reached down to my 501's and began unbuttoning them, a task that I immediately helped with and pulled them down to my ankles. "You got a nice dick man", he said with the same patronizing tone that car salesman uses when he compliments your trade in. I stood up and we mutually handled each other, looking down at our cocks and slowly getting over the nervousness of the act. Well, that was me. I later learned he was already a pro. He squirted some of the lotion on his hands and oiled up our cocks .

"Lets lay down on the bed", he said. Throwing a couple of his pillows on one end, he motioned me down. He sidled up to me and then he grabbed my hand and squirted lotion on my palm, saying. "Grab my cock and pump it for me". Being the novice I was, I followed his directions. He rolled his head back as I began squeezing and jacking his thick curved cock. He was about 7" long but had a wildly bent stick. I was mystified. "Ah, yeah buddy that feels good keep doing that" he said as he began to return the favor by sliding his clasped hand up and down on my now hard 6.5" meat. We continued this for a short time and then he told me to roll over on my stomach and put my butt in the air.

"Put your head on the pillows" he ordered as he lifted my ass up and pushed my legs into position. "Just relax and don't make any noise. My sister will hear". As I braced into position I felt another man's fingers for the first time probe my asshole. He had lubricated them well with the lotion and was rubbing my nest and sticking them in and out slowly. I was getting scared, my heart racing so fast, sweat beading all over my body. "Man you have such a nice ass", he sighed as I felt him probe his cock in my nest. "Dude, pull your ass cheeks apart for me"

He was not then nor was he ever one for easy going foreplay. He immediately began sinking his hard thick meat into my tight virgin hole without regard. As he plowed in the first inch or so, I felt a shockwave of sharp pain rocket though my body. I immediately recoiled, pulling away from him and letting out a deep gasp, "EEOoowww, take it easy man!" He responded by slapping the back of my head and whispering, "Shut the fuck up dude, my sister will hear". He then lubed up his cock with another rope of lotion and began pushing in once more.

With a single motion, he slid his evil fuck tool all the way into my busted virginity. In so doing he pushed my face down into the pillow with all his weight and laid down over me. I felt a pain wave like I have never experienced before. I wanted him to stop. "Take it out, stop, take it out!" I gasped. I felt the palm of his hand on the back of my head once more as he pushed my tearing face into the pillow even harder. His cock still bottomed out in my hot hole, he leaned down and whispered in my ear. I could feel his facial hair on my neck as he said, "Just shut up and relax. It`ll only hurt for a little while. Just stop fighting it and relax, you will remember this for the rest of your life". He was right.

With that he began thrusting himself in and out of my burning nest with a vengeance. His jack hammering cock was a product of years of athleticism, football rage, track meet energy, baseball bravado and letterman lust. "Dude, slow down, take it easy man, it..." I murmured. "Shut up", he retorted. He relentlessly bitched fucked my tender tight hole for what seemed like hours. I was sweating like crazy and panting as the smell of butt-fucking and cum filled the air. At one point the pain subsided and began to transform into something else. Before I knew it I felt a warm wetness flood my asshole an the friction of his raw cock turned to a slippery glide.

I thought it was going to be over just as I was beginning to come to terms with the torment of it all. But, he wasn't finished. He continued banging me with his thick rubbery cock even though he had cum deep into my hole. I could feel his warm jizz running down my inner legs as he continued. "Oh man, your tight ass gets me off. I love you Shane", he grunted. By now I was starting to crave and get off on this. As his bitch-fucking half hard cock attack continued I felt my own cock getting ready to blow. I had never felt anything like this and I was getting off just by getting fucked. Wow!

As his slapping thrusts started to slow and get harder I blew my load on the bed sheets below me. I grabbed my cock and squeezed hard which only intensified the spray of jizz. Within a few more hard thrusts of Doug's meaty build, he pulled his wet sticky tool from my spent hole and let out a deep moan. "Turn around!", he ordered. As I rolled over and turned around in the pool of my own cum, he was jacking his cock hard and fast. Grabbing the back of my head with his hand he pulled my face to his cock just as he blew his second orgasm of warm white cream. Part of it splat me in the face and he collected the rest in his cupped hand as he pumped himself dry.

With my mouth just inches from his palm full of cum he said, "Eat my cum." I recoiled at first, but he pulled my face back a bit hastily, "Come on, eat my cum." He then smeared his juice all over my mouth and face. "Lick it up, Lick it up!" he ordered as it ran down my chin. I was scared a little, turned on a lot, and someplace inside me I wanted to do all of it. I was just a nervous novice I guess. Feeling his hand on the back of my skull tightening I did what he asked. I licked his salty sticky cum from his fingers as he slowly smeared what was on my face back into my mouth.

"There, that wasn't so bad was it?" he said with a smile. "You really got me off man." Sitting on the bed in my pool of cum I just nodded in exhaustion. I watched quietly as he wiped himself up with a dirty T-Shirt off the floor and then he threw it at me. "Clean yourself up man. I have to get going to practice". I wiped up and got my clothes back on. Not knowing how to act, I stood there in front of him for a moment. He slapped my shoulder and smiled. "We have got to do that again man. Next time I`ll let you fuck me up the butt." Just like that. I got my cherry popped and he was off to go throw the ball around with the guys.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 2

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