Shooting Kyle

By Jeff Moses / Chainedcoot

Published on May 26, 2018



This is a work of fiction. It includes descriptions of consensual BDSM activity between adolescent boys. No resemblance to persons living or dead is intended. If you are underage, or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, leave now. Some of the activities described in this story may cause injury or transmit diseases, including HIV. Please play safe!

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Shooting Kyle

"You're really going to let me do this?"

Kyle shrugged. "Why not? And we split 50-50, like you said?"

"As agreed. You understand...this has to be real. You really will be helpless."

"Go ahead, man. Quit stalling, already." Kyle had the impish, confident smile you'd expect from a sixteen-year-old campus king: A squad football, Student Council, a face people turned to get a second look at. Kyle ruled Chester Arthur High.

"Okay--but you have to be naked, like I said. The pictures will only sell if you're naked."

"Can't keep your eyes off it, huh? You queers are all alike." He began slowly pulling his tee shirt up his chest. "Bet I could get guys to pay to watch me strip, huh?"

"No question, Kyle. No question." I would have paid, that's for sure. But I didn't have to. Kyle and I were buddies--had been since third grade. I got teased, now and then. More than one of my friends thought I was Kyle's boyfriend, or at least that I helped him relieve his frustrations. Nobody teased Kyle. He teased me. I took it. I loaned him money now and then, helped him with some of his schoolwork, managed his Student Council campaign. I guess it would be fair to say he used me. He always had. But Kyle was into near-instant gratification. And I had a long-term goal.

That's why we were in the photo studio I'd set up in my basement. And that's why Kyle was dropping his underwear and standing there totally naked. I'd convinced him that we could sell dirty pictures and get rich. "Hold out your hand," I said. He watched while I wrapped his wrist with rope. "Other hand, please," I said, respectfully. Then I lifted his hands and tied them off to hooks in the beam overhead. I knelt at his feet and tied his ankles, one by one, and spread them out. "You okay?" I said, standing.

Kyle studied his bondage, gave his limbs a few tugs. "Yeah," he grinned. "Where'd you learn this shit?"

"Internet." I walked back to the tripod and checked my camera, then turned on the lights. Properly lit, Kyle was spectacular. I adjusted the camera just a bit. "Ready?"

"Shoot away."

I took half-a-dozen shots. "You need an erection," I announced, "for these next shots."

"Okay," he grinned. "You know how it works."

I knelt in front of him and took his penis in my hands, played with it a bit, then started licking it. I heard Kyle sigh, above me. I started sucking.

"Damn! You're better than a girl!"

'Told you so,' I said to myself. 'Who knows how to suck a cock better than a guy?' It didn't take long before Kyle was sporting a nice hard-on. I got up and went back to the camera and took a few more shots, then zoomed in on his crotch. My own cock was pressing hard against my pants, of course. "Don't droop, Kyle," I laughed.

"Sounds like your problem, buddy. Not much I can do!"

"Guess not," I smiled, and worked his shaft back to its full hard-on. "Now, for this next series, I have to gag you, remember?"

"Guys will pay for this shit?"

I nodded. "More than you can imagine, Kyle." I walked over to a table, tucked away in the shadows. Didn't want Kyle to see too much, too soon. "See?" I said, as I returned. "This little part goes into your mouth, and then it buckles behind your head." And before he could have second thoughts, it was in and on. "It's not too tight, is it?"

Kyle shook his head.

I took the camera off the tripod and got close to him for head shots. "Beautiful," I said. "Turn this way and look at my forehead." The secret was to treat the whole thing like it was just another photo shoot, which on one level, it was, of course. I took a lot of photos for the school paper and the school website. I was always running around with my camera; it had actually gotten to the point where most of the kids just forgot I was there. I even got some good portraits of teachers.

I took out the gag. "Blindfold okay?" I asked.

"Go for it!"

The blindfold was a strip of stretch fabric with a notch for Kyle's nose. It looked a little like that old Zorro mask, but without the eyeholes, of course. More head shots, more full-body shots. "Ready to wear a collar?"

"Yeah. Bring it on!"

Good old confident Kyle. The collar was an old rusty thing I'd found online, and sunk a good bit of money into. I almost popped when I closed it around Kyle's neck. It fit like a custom job. "Well, Kyle, you're wearing my ring--how's it feel?"

"Kinda weird. It's heavier than I thought it would be."

"Be glad you didn't have to pay for shipping," I laughed. I got more pictures--a lot more. I had to keep him hard, of course. Pretty close to cumming, in fact. Happily, it wasn't as difficult as I'd feared it might be. Maybe he was imagining Susie Dresser doing it, behind the blindfold. "Everything okay, Kyle?"

"Fine, man. Cool."

Okay, here goes. "I'm going to hang a whip around your neck, Kyle."


"Kink sells, remember!"


I'd purchased a cheap novelty bullwhip for the occasion. It looked good. I fiddled with it, to get it hanging just right on that muscular chest, then took my pictures. "You okay, Kyle? Need water, or anything?"

"Now that you mention it..."

"Coming right up!" I opened a bottle of water, popped a straw in, and pressed it to Kyle's mouth. "Here you go!"

"Thanks, man." He took a good drink. "Good stuff."

"Had enough? Need anything else?"

"No, I'm good."

I went back to my camera, pretending to adjust it. "You ever been whipped, Kyle?" I asked, as casually as possible.

"Nope. Spanked a few times, when I was little. But never whipped!"

I studied him through the viewfinder for a moment. "It would make a great picture if I could whip you, Kyle." There. The bomb was dropped.

"What--why? Did I--are you mad at me, or something?"

"No! Of course not. It's look, you know? It would make an incredible photo!"

"This is a bullwhip, man! It could put a guy in the hospital--or worse!"

"Oh! Not with that thing! Just a belt say, and not nearly so intense. I wouldn't want to actually hurt you. Probably you get hurt more in a football game!"

Kyle thought about this. "Football games can get pretty rough," he admitted. "But--"

"And you can't exactly tell the other team to stop if it hurts. But if you can't take the whipping," I shrugged, "all you have to do is say stop, you know?"

"You serious?"

"Yeah--Let's see if you can handle a little. If you can, we can shoot some real kink, you know?"

" going to swat my backside with a belt, something like that?"

"Yeah--but only if it's okay with you. Only think you can take it."

"Tell you a secret, but you gotta swear you won't tell anyone, okay?"

"You have my word, Kyle."

"We--ah, when a new guy gets on the team, we spank him. Each guy gets one swat. New guy's gotta lie across each lap. Butt naked. But don't tell anyone! The school--"

"I gave you my word, Kyle. You think I want a bunch of football players pissed at me?"

Kyle laughed. "Guess not."

" it okay know?"

"Wait! How are you going to take pictures and whip me at the same time?"

"There's a timer on the camera. I just have to count down the seconds," I told him. I didn't tell him there was a blinking indicator light, as well.

Kyle tugged at the ropes and actually wiggled his butt. "Okay, little buddy. Go ahead. But just on the ass! Nowhere else!"

I almost couldn't believe it! This was a fantasy I'd had for way too long. I pulled my belt from my jeans and set myself up for a practice swing.

Kyle stopped me just as I was about to start. "Hey, man. Aren't you forgetting something?"


"The gag, man! Gotta gag me!"

For an instant, my knees were weak. 'Pull yourself together, man,' I told myself. I grabbed the gag and put it in place, hoping Kyle wouldn't change his mind at the last second. I picked up my belt and took a practice swing, just tapping his butt. He didn't respond, so I took a full swing.

Kyle sort of grunted, and the muscles in his lower back and his arms tightened, then relaxed.

"Okay?" I asked. Kyle nodded, so I struck again, with the same result. "Okay. How about a little harder?"

He gave me a nod, again, so I took my swing. I think that one surprised him: his arms got so tight he actually lifted himself off the floor. "Looks great, Kyle!" I got my camera and tripod and set everything up so I'd get a shot of the belt hitting his ass. I set the timer, and got into position.

Click...whap. "Darn it! Sorry, Kyle. Have to try again," I said, sad and innocent.

Kyle grunted. "Sorry! Third time's the charm, Kyle!" I assured him.

Wha-click-p! "Perfect!" He'd taken six blows. "How're you doing, Kyle?"


"Okay, I'll try for another one!"

Wh-click-ap! I was getting good at this. I smiled at Kyle. "That was great, Kyle!"

"Mphff!" he said. "Ifrgugughidoi!"

"What?" I took the gag out. "I didn't--"

"If you're going to hit me, man, do it! Quit tapping!"

Huh? "Okay. Okay!" I put the gag back in, reset the camera, and took a good, hard swing.

Whap! Click. "Sorry, Kyle. Gotta take another shot!"

Wha-click-ap! "Perfect!"


"Did you say 'Again'?" Kyle nodded.

The hell with the camera. I gave him five hard ones. The last one had him almost yelling. I took the gag out, and Kyle looked at me.

"Is my ass bleeding?"

I checked. "Nope. Bruised, I think, but no blood."

"Ah...if I...these pictures...In the movies, don't guys get whipped on their backs?"

"Yeah. I guess they can't show naked butts, maybe. But for these pictures--"

"If I said...if I said it was okay, would you do that? Like, across my shoulders, sort of?"

"Ah...sure. Yeah. If you want."

"But hard ones, like you just did."

"Okay." My voice actually squeaked, just at the end. I held up the gag, and Kyle opened his mouth. I buckled it in place, set up the camera, and got in position. The sound of the first stroke startled me: it was sharper, or something, different from the ones on his ass.


That had to have been "Yes." Once again, to hell with the camera. I gave him five more--not too quick. I wanted the pain to wash through him before the next stroke. Just after the sixth stroke, his body tensed and he began jerking, like he was having spasms. Shit! I rushed around to the front of him just in time to get splattered with his cum. He shot at least seven times that I counted, and there was an almost solid trail of wet from my feet to the spot under his dick where the last bit fell. Talk about torture! My cock was so hard in my jeans that it hurt! My hands were actually trembling as I undid the gag. "K--" I cleared my throat. "Kyle? Are you--"

"God, man! That was incredible! It was like I was flying, right there at the end! That was so fucking hot!"

"Well--" I suddenly realized Kyle could see the bulge in my crotch. I immediately covered it with my hands, and he laughed.

"It's okay if you jack off, little buddy," he grinned. "I know you can't help it--you're looking at a real man!"

Kyle still insists that he's straight. He's still dating Susie Dresser, and he says it's pretty serious. But you know? He's never asked about the money. And he still comes over every week or so for a photo session.

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