Should I Go Home For Christmas?" story

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 23, 2009




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I walked into the Far Star Bar and looked around. No other humans here tonight. Figures! Christmastime was coming fast and while the Far Star Bar was a great place to hang out for a human living fifty-five light years from Earth, going home for Christmas held a higher place in everyone's heart. Should I have gone home for Christmas, too? I would have...only I had my reasons for not going.

I next looked around for anyone I did know. Not that can of worms wriggling around each other in their clear container filled with greenish fluid. Probably a hive mind, they could be fun to talk to but I didn't know this one. Nor the one that looked like an oversized gorilla with supersized arms and minuscule feet, I knew the Thunderapes (badly misnamed by an early explorer) were a gentle, friendly species, but a blow job from a mouth with teeth that oversized and sharp was not for the faint-of-heart.

"Mark! Mark Elwer!" came a call.

I looked to see who and smiled. You can never tell with the translator devices who is talking to you, the voices all sound alike. The plan was to modify the translators to speak English with a variety of tones and emotional backgrounds after the relevant species were understood better, but so far, it had been just talk.

"Hey, Snick!" I called back and went over. Snick is a Nearbear, a small, furry alien that looks more like a teddy bear than a grizzly. Wide, friendly eyes, pink bulbous nose, thick limbs. You just want to pick one up and hug him tight. Not a good idea until you've been properly introduced, but Snick was a good friend by now, if I'd wanted to, I could have and he would have just whistled (a laugh). His actual name went on for about fifty syllables, but he answered to Snick. He was swinging from a perch like an oversized canary-bar, the Nearbear were descended from an arboreal ancestor.

"Where are your comrades?" he wanted to know. "I was just remarking to Flisthshish that we seemed to be short of humans tonight." Flisthshish (a Dadcraw, a chitinous thing with large hands and small black eyes on stalks, sort of like a cartoonish-lobster being, only instead of claws, he had dextrous, long fingers) wiggled his fingers in mid-air and I did the same, a greeting gesture for his people. It meant something like, "I draw you toward me in friendship."

"I was thinking the same thing myself." I admitted.

"[Where have your fellow humans gone? You are the first I've seen through all day.]" came the thought waves of the third member of the table, [Amberheart]. Though [Amberheart] looked like a giant potted plant, he was actually a sessile member of the animal kingdom (same as Mankind is a member), and his limbs were as versatile in their own way as human arms and hands, and his telepathy and other mental powers more than made up for the lack of speech organs, he could communicate with others around him and see through their eyes and hear through their ears (without ever intruding on your thoughts, it was a passive connection, informational not controlling), and his outlook on life was well worth letting him use your senses for a while in return!

"Gone home for Christmas, mostly." I said.

"Christmas?" Snick asked. "What is that?"

"A festival we hold once a year."

"What is the human year?" Flisthshish wanted to know.

"3.15 times 10 to the seventh seconds." I said. I was used to this question, as you can tell.

"Ah." Flisthshish nodded. "An appreciably long time without being too infrequent."

"[What is the purpose of this holiday?]" asked [Amberheart].

I shrugged. "Tradition. Isn't every holiday?"

"[Most assuredly]." [Amberheart] agreed. "[And this requires that the humans gather in some locale? Is it arranged by planet, or tribe or what?]"

"Family unit." I said. "Plus friends or potential lifemates."

"Sounds complicated." Snick observed. I knew what he meant, the Nearbears had some very complicated family relationships.

"So why have you not returned to your family unit with the others?" Flisthshish inquired. "Is it not expected of you?"

'Expected, yes." I said. "But not welcomed." And I lifted the glass of wine I'd been brought by the robowaiter and took a hefty swallow.

"[The distance of your family unit on this holiday distresses you.]" [Amberheart] pondered this blasphemy. His kind reproduced by something very akin to spores with parachutes that they launched into the air and hoped it would land on a female's vaginal platform.

"I'm not missing anything." I said bitterly.

"You have been expelled from your family unit." Snick guessed, a little too closely to the truth.

"No!" I said. "But... ah, hell!" I downed the rest of my drink and signaled for another.

"Then why have you not gone with the other humans, back to your home world for the festival of Christmas?" Flisthshish demanded.

"Because I... Because they don't like the kind of human I am." I said haltingly.

"All of your family has rejected you?"

"Not all." I admitted. "But quite a few of them. About a third are really nasty."

"[What is the nature of this dislike some of your family has for you?]" came the gentle thought.

You can't lie to a telepathic creature. I wish someone else had asked, I could have lied then. "They object to the fact that...that I'm gay."

"What is gay?" Snick asked. "My translator didn't understand that. "You are happy?"

"Another meaning of the same word." I explained.

You can make your translator search for alternate meanings. Snick and Flisthshish did so.

"Ah. You wish to engage in mating with members of your sperm-producing sex." Flisthshish nodded.


"But...what's wrong with that?" Snick asked.

I smiled. This is why I love the Far Star Bar. When you're talking with an alien, nothing you can say or do is too weird for them to not accept and like you anyhow. "It is contrary to nature, or so my family tells me."

"But that is the only sex I have ever known." Snick said.

I coughed on my third glass of wine. "A-huh, a-huh, a-huh, a-huh!" I found my voice again and managed a short, "What?"

"[You forget that Snick's people have a disproportionate percentage of males. Over 99% of them are male. And since only one male is required to mate with a female, the rest must make do with each other.]" [Amberheart] supplied.

"My people are the same." Flisthshish agreed.

"Yeah?" I said. "I thought your people were 50-50 male and female, like humans."

"We are." Flisthshish confirmed. "But when mating with a female is a death sentence for the male, one tends to postpone the event as long as possible. And since doing without sexual release is a hardship for any species that engages in sex, we males turn to each other, where we can gain the release without also releasing our hold on life." Oh yeah, Flisthshish had told me before, his people were preying-mantis-like in their sexual habits, the female would kill and eat the male.

"[My own sexual experiences when deliberately chosen by me, have been exclusively with other spore-producers.]" [Amberheart] confided to me alone. He sent a powerful telepathic vision my way, I got a flash of two males plying their leaf-like psuedopods over each other's stamens, sending out mental waves of ecstasy as their spores flew about and were blown away. "[There is a joy in sharing this stimulation, instead of merely waiting for a vagrant breeze to lift off the spores from your open, overripe spore capsules.]"

I started to answer, and instead started laughing. "And here I was spending all my time in a gay bar and didn't even know it!"

"All species engage in sexual relations of this sort." Snick agreed. "Why not, when sex is the one act of joy that all species agree upon?"

"Yeah, except for mine." I commented dourly. "My family thinks gay sex is a path to eternal damnation."

"That last did not translate." Snick mentioned.

"You don't want to know." I said.

"So what will you do until your fellow humans return from their families and their Christmas?" Flisthshish asked.

I shrugged. "Pretend the holiday doesn't exist, I guess. Shouldn't be hard in outer space."

"A shame you aren't one of a Nearbear." Snick said. "I could keep you company."

"He'd need a trapeze." Flisthshish countered. "If Mark intends to cross the species barrier, he'd be better off with a Dadcraw like myself." Flisthshish looked into my eyes intently, easy to do with his prehensile eyestalks, he literally steered them over to a handful of inches from my own eyes and focused in.

"[I didn't hear Mark offer to engage in sex with either of you.]" Amberheart pointed out. Then, the down side of a telepathic friend showed itself. "[But he is agreeable.]

"Hey!" I said.

"[My apologies, Mark.]" Amberheart didn't sound very contrite. "[But it has been in the back of your mind for some time, and in the forefront tonight given your lack of human companionship.]"

"Don't remind me." I groaned. Aliens are great, don't get me wrong, but I'd learned long ago that you need other humans around to help you keep your frame of reference. Otherwise, things get weird and keep getting weirder until you lock yourself in your room.

"But is sex between a Dadcraw and a human even possible?" Flisthshish asked. "He'd have to have an opening for my sexual cloacal tube."

"[We are all intelligent beings. Surely, we can exercise our creativity enough to make this a memorable experience for all of us.]"

"When did I agree to all this?" I protested. [Amberheart] sent me another flash and I blushed. "Oh. Yeah." I hate it when [Amberheart] sends my own thoughts back at me, especially the ones I'd had late at night while whacking off. Sure, I'd considered a fantasy.

"Then let us repair to Mark's dormition room!" Flisthshish said. "My cloacal tube is aching for release."

"What do you say, Mark?" Snick asked me.

I finished the rest of my wine (this one was my fifth). "Ah, hell. What's the worst that could happen?"

"The mind boggles." Flisthshish predicted.

With four different species, there was no question about foreplay here, we were too damned busy figuring out how to make this all work. Rigging Snick a swing-bar over the bed wasn't that rough (though my ceiling would never be the same afterwards, I was sure), then it was a case of us comparing our sexual equipment. Once I saw Flisthshish's cloacal tube (a nice-sized piece of meat if he'd been human, though with a larger, oval opening at the tip and no glans, just the rounded tip shaped much like a test-tube), I was willing enough to let him use it to fuck me. And Snick was positively eager to do the same for me.

So I lay on my back, nude, on my bed, with my feet on the floor, and Snick bounded onto the bed and up on to the perch. "Are you ready for your first mating with a Nearbear male, my human friend?"

"That's what the erect penis is for." I pointed out.

"Ah. Of course." Snick said. "Now I'll put myself into mating position." And Snick swung down on the perch until he was hanging from the bar by his toes and fingers like a sloth. He guided the bar over by shifting his weight and his opening touched my cock. I felt the hair of the Nearbear's buttocks like a plush cushion and then the moist wetness and then...a positive suction. Gasping, I felt my cock drawn in as nimbly as if fingers were steering me into him.

"How can you do that?" I grunted as my cock buried itself into my Nearbear friend. He was emitting eager-sounding whistles as he shifted his weight and caused the bar to swing gently, enough to send his opening back and forth, driving my prick into himself and then releasing it again.

"Uh-huh!" I groaned as my dong delighted in Snick's smooth gyrations above me and my legs were caught and lifted up by Flisthshish and I looked down to see the sleek chinitous form between my legs. "You might...want to...use some...lubricant!" I panted. "There's...uh!...some in...the nightstand."

"No need." Flisthshish peremptorily shoved his lower half of his body towards my splayed out buttocks. The Dadcraw's cloacal tube was as prehensile as [Amberheart]'s pseudopods, and it found its way to my anus without any trouble. I wondered if he had another eye down there, he guided it to contact so easily. I just know that he began to stuff it into my butt, and the tube (which was some two inches in diameter and about ten inches long...told you I was willing to take it, wouldn't you have been?) began to spread my rectal tissue slowly. I felt the tube exude a slippery sort of ooze, and that greased the way for the tube to quest ever deeper inside of me.

[Amberheart]'s pot (the container that held the soil that held his lower body, that is) rose into the air on its thrusters and settled gently onto the bed beside me. "[How are you managing now, my dear human friend?]" [Amberheart] cooed in my brain. "[Yes, I see. Might I tap into your senses deeply enough to join you in this?]"

"Uh! Sure!" I grunted. Flisthshish began to hunch at my bum with all the finesse of a horny space-trucker after a long haul, which is, he yanked it out and rammed it deep, buffeting my body with every stroke. The movement of my body under Flisthshish's thrusts were enough to rock Snick upon his perch and he whistled in pleasure as the Dadcraw's humping action rode through my body like a shock wave, and drove my dong deep into him. Snick smiled at me from his upside-down position, and I grinned back at his liquid black eyes shining with joy as I gave him a fucking as thorough as Flisthshish was giving me.

[Amberheart] was relishing this, too, and he reached up a slender pseudopod a surprisingly long way (we called them pseudopods because they seemed to be changeable in size, [Amberheart] could shift his body to make them as short and fat or long and thin as he needed) and he wrapped the pencil-sized tip around Snick's sex organ. More bulbous than humans and much shorter, it worked much the same way as ours and when [Amberheart] began to pump on it, Snick's whistles got downright subsonic. The higher a Nearbear whistles, the happier he is, and this was at the very height of my hearing, I felt it more than I heard it.

Flisthshish quivered, too and he gave his species' gurgling sound of joy. "Ah, ah, my cloacal tube is mustering the seed to relinquish it!" he glugged out. "Might I release my seed within your body, Mark? I guarantee it to be non-poisonous to your kind."

"Oh! Uh! Yeah, go ahead, fuck me nice and hard and squirt it in deep!" I groaned. "Ah, shit, the guys will never believe it when I tell them!"

Flisthshish humped me with a fury that rocked the entire bed, and maybe the entire building. I know that I was almost getting burned, his cloacal tube was so hot, and then he hooted a liquid sound and with that hoot-whuffle-glick-glick-hoot!, he shot his load!

Flisthshish should have warned me about the volume. A human squirts out a couple of tablespoons, and you all know how much of your body area that can make sticky if it gets on you. Well...multiply the biggest load you've wiped off your chest by a factor of ten, and then pump all that into your ass at one time and you can get something of the feeling I got when Flisthshish came!

I felt like a balloon being blown up, is what I felt! Hot alien seed filled me with a huge bubble-like feeling, and that pressed against my prostate and with that pressure, I groaned and squirted my own load upwards into Snick's swinging furry form.

"Uh, gluh! Uh! Uh! Uh!" I gasped as my cock jetted salty spunk into Snick's opening, Snick whistled gleefully and his opening showed again its talent, it began to milk at my cock in addition to swaying on it! I was drained dry and more of my jizz was pumped out and suctioned from my balls, I came and came and then was drained, and still my climax wracked me.

And as I finished, and Flisthshish was tugging his tube from my ass, Snick hit his climax.

Understand that the furry Nearbear body hides the sexual organs, Snick had to part his fur for us to show me his equipment. And I hadn't gotten that good a look at it.

Snick's total sperm production was about what a human's would be. But the way he shot it out...well, that wasn't anything like gentle. It was like having slimy pellets fired at you from a high-pressure air rifle! Snick's spunk got all over me, and I mean all over my body from my navel to my hairline, and a thick clump of it landed right on my left cheek barely below the eye, I could see the hot-pink (pink!) colored jizz sitting on my eye socket ridge. Snick whistled, and then he howled a call that any timber wolf on Earth could hear with envy and regret.

[Amberheart] had been sharing with all of us, his own spores were stimulated by our climaxes and he burst four of them at once. Their tearing open was the sound of four gunshots, and the air was thick with his spores, floating everywhere and on everything.

And to top it all off, my smoke detectors caught them and thought they were cinders from a fire or something, because it triggered the sprinklers in my entire building. Most of the rooms were empty (this was a human building), and the water damage was very expensive. But the sprinklers did a good job of clearing the air of [Amberheart]'s spores, so I guess it evened out.

We ended up four very wet, very satisfied intelligent males of our respective species. They helped me mop up and I dried my bed off as best I could and slept on damp covers and loved it.

The next day, I was out shopping for some things (the ones I had were destroyed by water, remember?), and I ran into [Amberheart].

"[How are you feeling this morning, Mark?]" came the gentle thought in my brain.

"I'm fine." I said. "I'm not sure I want to repeat that, but it was certainly an experiment. Only problem is, I think I'm allergic to Dadcraw's sperm, my ass is awful itchy."

"[All experiments exact a price for their resolution.]" [Amberheart]'s answer sounded like a quotation. Maybe it was. "[And what shall you do now?]"

"Now?" I said. "I don't know. I'm still a human without other humans around me. But if I go home for Christmas, I'll have to deal with Dad and Uncle Frank and his bigoted sons."

"[I thought only some of your family was negative about your sexuality.]"

"Yeah." I said. "But the ones that are, make up for the rest of them."

"[Is it fair to deprive yourself of your family due to the actions of a few of its members? And to deprive the rest of your family by your absence for the same reason?]"

"But they'll be there and they won't keep quiet!"

"[But they will speak and be done, and your other family will be there.]"

"Are you telling me I should go home for Christmas?"

"[What do you think?]"

I considered it. "Yeah, I guess I should. If I'm lucky, I can just get there by Christmas morning."

"[Good fortune where you fare, Mark Elwer.]"

"Same to you. And thanks." I had to get moving, the last starship for Earth would leave port in another two hours. With a bit of luck, I could just make it.

And I did.


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