Should I Worry

By Playboy Boy

Published on May 11, 2007


Disclaimer -- I don't own the rights to any of the characters of the Xmen comics and don't claim to know anyone involved with the Xmen stories. I don't know the authors or actors or anyone else involved, so don't sue me! Ok, ok...

On a further note, this is my first attempt at writing any story other than class essays in high school, so go easy on me.

Oh and also, if you're looking for a story for a quick wank then this is not the place for you, and if you are some homophobe idiot that doesn't like M on M action then you took a real wrong turn at the Disney stories link button. So please GO AWAY!! And if you're fine with this story then please go ahead and read to your hearts content.

And finally... Something I forgot to mention before yet you should know by now if you managed to get this far... if reading this story is illegal in your country or if you're not of a certain age to be legally reading this then please don't read...

Other than all of that... enjoy!!!


Extra Info: `...' represents thoughts

"..." represents normal talking

<...> represents telepathic communication

Last Time:

"Oh professor, do you think he could transfer to your school, his abilities are developing at a rapid rate. I could only blame myself if anything were to happen to him?" my mom practically gave the guy puppy dog eyes. "Wait a minute... I know your name and all that jazz but how did you know I had developed anything and what's this about me transferring to another school?" I chocked out.

Should I Worry: Chapter 2

Xavier was the first to speak out. "It seems that you're mother sensed an impression of your powers this morning whilst you were in the shower so she thought it would be wise if she were to get help."

I was speechless `Why didn't my mom just tell me what was going on... maybe that's just the reason she hid this from me in the first place, she thought I might spaz out or something.'

I just took the news and slumped down into one of the couches I was nearest to. I couldn't stand after I heard all of this news. I just got weak in the knees. `Could it be? That my whole life I've been a mutant and not known it.'

My first thought, as soon as everything registered, was to practically blurt out "COOL!!"

Everyone looked at me with bewildered expressions. I guess after looking so confused and quickly changing to a happy mood would kind of shock most people or at least gain some suspicion.

"So you... you're fine with everything?" my mother managed to get out, but you could hear the tremble in her voice. She must have thought that I would freak out and run away? Not going to happen. I think I'm going to like the new me... but first.

"So what other powers do I have?" I really wanted to know. I was so eager to find out what other unhumanly abilities I had.

"Well, as far as I can tell. You must be strictly physic. I can't feel anything coming out of you other than you're psychic impression. You seem to have telepathy and telekinesis, and to make things more interesting it seems that you're powers are equally powerful. So if you were powerful enough to block the most powerful telepath known with your telepathy then I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you telekinesis is going to be pretty powerful"

After Jean finished her little orientation for me I noticed a very thoughtful expression on the professor's face. He then chose to play a part in our conversation again and spoke out in general rather than to specifically me.

"Yes, it seems that Kyle's powers are truly powerful and will be in need of some training for self control over his powers. But what makes matters even more dear is the fact that he has only touched the tip of the ice berg."

I was completely happy with the thought of being able to communicate with my mind and reading peoples thoughts, but the way the professor spoke made me think I had some sort of disease and it sort of startled me. Although the prospect of being a telepath was exciting in it's own right, I had yet to find out what on earth they were on about with this `telekinesis' stuff so I made my thoughts known.

"Uhm guys? What is this tele... keno... or whatever it is?" I wondered audibly "It's the ability to move things with your mind, which would explain how you had your incident in the shower this morning" Jean stated. "That is so AWESOME!!" I replied enthusiastically "Honey, you have to be careful. Having such an ability can show need to have a great deal of responsibility and self control" my mother shed some light and also gave me something to think about.

The whole thought of being able to move things with my mind was so... so... so earthmoving! `I've always wanted to be able to get the remote from next to the TV without having to get off my lazy ass and walk over to the TV itself'

"Well it seems that it would be in his best interest to come to our school, not that you needed to ask anyway. But he will have to come with us tonight" the professor was practically ignoring me and Jean and was having his own conversation with my mother.

The next day

I awoke to the sound of a knock at my door. I took a quick look around and remembered that I wasn't in my bedroom back home in Jefferson. I was at the `Xavier school for gifted youngsters' as they called it. It was basically a school for young mutants although there were apparently a lot of older people in the mansion who worked who knows where or just lounged about as Jean told me last night on our arrival.

Last night I managed to leave with most of my possessions and a teary eyed mother. Luckily my brother was staying at a friend's house since it was a Friday night so didn't have to worry about his thoughts on the situation. I had called my friends and told them that I was going away for a while and that I'd see them soon and also that I was transferring to another school. Katie took it hard and was crying over the line and John tried to guilt trip me into staying. I couldn't let them know the real reason why I was leaving but for fear of losing my friends.

My mother was going to go to my school the next Monday and let the school know I was transferring somewhere else. I was sad to leave my friends and family behind, but I was also happy to know that my life was going to be different from here on out. I snapped out of my little memory lapse and looked at the clock on the nightstand next to my bed and saw it was only 7:32am on a Saturday morning! Are they nuts! It's so early.

There was another knock at the door. "Kyle? Are you up yet?" I heard Jean through the door.

"I'll be right there, I just woke up now!" I replied loudly so that Jean could hear me through the door.

"Ok then, well hurry up!"

I jumped out of bed and walked to the bedroom door. I was in a pair of my boxers and nothing else. When I opened the door, Jean's eyes quickly darted away and she blushed.

"I take it that you are aware of the fact you're semi nude?" Jean asked in slightly uncomfortable tone when she noticed I wasn't embarrassed or at least trying to cover myself up.

"Yeah, I just don't really care, it's not like anything important is showing? So therefore it doesn't do anyone any harm... or pleasure" I finished my reply with a wiggle of my eyebrows to show that I was only joking.

She burst out laughing and then gave me a warm hug then said "I can see we're going to get along just fine, and that's great since I'm going to be helping you with your powers"

I was actually happy knowing that I could rest easy while learning how to use my powers due to Jean being my teacher. I don't know how I would cope with some other person. Jean just seemed to have this thing about her and it relaxed me? I don't think I could explain the true feelings but to put it lightly, she was a person I felt comfortable around.

After I got dressed in a plain black t-shirt, khaki pants and flip flops we went down to the school cafeteria. I was so hungry! I wondered what they had to eat here? I was kind of fussy.

I couldn't believe I was up so early! It was too early for my tastes. I just don't reckon I could cope with waking up on a daily basis at this time or worse, EARLIER!!!

On our way to the cafeteria we passed several groups of young students and a couple more people my age and even older guys and girls. Most of them looked really hot! But there were also a couple students that were kind odd and stood out. Not like nerds or anything but rather different looking on a complete different level as in like horns, tails and blue skin kind of different. They didn't look quite bad, but rather sexy (or at least some of them) but I'd never get involved with one of them. I'm not prejudice, shallow or anything else you can think of, I just didn't like the idea of it. What can I say? It just didn't float my boat.

As we passed a group of girls they all stopped to stare at me as Jean and I walked past.

"I hate the first week of being at a new school, I hate people staring just because I'm the new kid" I whispered to Jean.

Jean let out a small chuckle and then replied just as softly "I don't think they're staring because you're the new kid, Kyle"

I looked at her awkwardly and then I registered what she meant. "OH MY GOD! Do I have something on my face or in my hair?" I burst out and started rubbing over my face and feeling my hair to feel if there was indeed something out of lace or not supposed to be there.

Jean quickly grabbed my hands and put them to my side and burst out laughing but she managed to calm down when she noticed I didn't find it funny.

"That's not what I meant, Kyle. You must be kind of slow or just very modest?" Jean quickly got out before I would yell at her. I looked at her quizzically, wondering what she was on about.

"Kyle, don't tell me you've never been hit on before?" Jean asked

"Well not really, I was popular in my last school but every one turned out to be my friends and nothing more. I guess I was just friendly and didn't open up?" I replied and shrugged my shoulders. I didn't lie when I said I didn't really open up. Of course I was friendly and had many friends, hence the popularity. But I just didn't open up emotionally too much, fearing that I might let people think I was weak.

We finally got to the cafeteria after like a 5 minute walk through the mansion and we didn't even take any detours! `This mansion is huge!' I thought to myself.

Jean sent telepathically and smiled at me.

When we walked into the cafeteria to get some breakfast I noticed there were lots of groups of people and everyone was either laughing at jokes, eating or chatting to others. But everything just stopped as soon as they noticed me. It was like a whole hall of about one hundred and fifty students that suddenly went silent and just stared at me. I froze instantly and scanned the crowd. Everybody was staring at me and I thought I was going to die of embarrassment.

`OMG! This must be a dream!' I thought loudly.

About thirty people or so burst out laughing and I blushed, ashamed of whatever they were laughing at. I was blushing like mad and I didn't even know why they were laughing at me!

Jean cleared her throat loud enough for everyone in the room to catch her hint and everybody turned back to what they were doing.

"What did I do?" I asked Jean in a worried tone that I might have done something I was unaware of.

"You graced them with your presence and they must've wanted to get a good look, but then you thought out pretty loud and every telepath in the room picked up on what you thought." Jean replied in a warm and sympathetic tone. I was really worried now.

"I thought that telepaths weren't allowed to probe other people's minds?" I asked

I was confused now because I was given this long lecture, on our way to the mansion last night, by Jean and the professor about the rules. One of the biggest rules were that no one, and they stressed the part that no one, is to probe another person's mind without permission, regardless of who they were (student or teacher).

"Yes, that's true but they didn't probe your mind. You practically broadcasted your thoughts when you thought so aloud." Jean said, and then she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the food section so that we could finally get something to eat.

<Word of caution, try to contain your thoughts to avoid more embarrassing events> I heard the professor send to me from who knows where?

I looked around quickly, once Jean and I were gathering our preferred breakfasts, to see if the professor was among us. Jean looked at me with a funny look then asked if I was ok.

"I'm fine, I was just wondering where the professor is, he just gave me some advice telepathically" I stated

"Oh, he's probably in his office. He's already eaten anyway." Jean replied.

`Oh well, I guess he must of picked up my thoughts earlier too' I thought.

I looked over at Jean to see if she picked up what I thought. She carried on with what she was doing so I assumed that she never heard me. Good, I guess I just have to contain my thoughts without stressing and then I can have my privacy.

We finished grabbing our food and made our way over to a table. I then noticed that the table was already half occupied but that didn't stop Jean, she just marched us over there and sat down next to some girl about my age. I just stood there stunned and looked at her as if she was mad.

<It's ok, they're friends> Jean sent.

<Oh ok, I hope they don't mind me though> I sent back

<I'm pretty sure they won't> she replied.

I walked over to sit next to Jean. The tables were round and there was a space between Jean and some blonde guy.

As I sat down, everyone at the table looked towards me.

"Well, you can introduce yourself now can't you?" Jean proposed and I'm sure every one heard the sarcastic humor she added with it.

"Hey, I'm Kyle Anderson" I said looking at the four others and Jean. Everyone started to introduce themselves and told me what `gifts' they had.

"I'm Kitty Pryde, codename Shadowcat, and I have the ability to ghost through objects which means I can walk through walls" the first girl told me, I could see the pride she showed for her ability and I would too. Kitty was really hot and the type of girl I would go for with her dark brown shoulder length hair and those sparkling brown eyes.

"And she's also known to fall through the ceiling unannounced and ends up on top of you while you're trying to sleep" the blonde guy next to me stated with a chuckle that caused everyone to laugh except me and Kitty.

"That was one time Bobby! I had a nightmare..." she trailed off shyly.

"My name is Bobby Drake, codename Iceman. I've got the mutant ability that allows me to project intense cold and turn moisture in the air to ice." stated the proud blonde guy I was sitting next to, he looked handsome in the least with his masculine facial features and his piercing blue eyes and he even smelled quite nice.

"My name is John Allerdyce but you can call me Pyro. I have the ability to manipulate fire, unfortunately I can't create fire and only manipulate it." said this guy kind of dejectedly, with his head kind of lowering in embarrassment, like his ability sucked. He was sitting right across from me and I looked right into his eyes. He had great brown eyes and dark brown hair that was dyed blonde which I could se from his roots ;-), he also looked like he had a nice toned body.

Why would I even think that, I'm not gay?' I thought to myself then quickly recovered. I noticed in the middle of my thoughts that Jean was looking at me strangely. Oh fuck, she heard that'

<and that, but don't worry. I've been preventing all your thoughts from being broadcasted so don't worry, no other telepaths will pick it up> Jean sent to me.

I managed out a weak smile at her. I was getting uncomfortable and fast.

"Wow, that's so cool. I would love to have that kind of power!" I stated before the next person could speak.

He looked up at me, gave a genuine smile as far as I could tell and said "Thanks, I appreciate that."

"Well, my name is Jubilation Lee, but you can call me Jubilee, and I have the ability to fire off firework like discharges from my hands." said the quite beautiful girl sitting next to Jean. She looked like she was of Mexican decent but I wasn't sure and I wasn't about to ask either.

"So Kyle, what powers have you got. You haven't told us yet" asked a curious John. He gave me this warm smile and I felt a stirring in my groin. My eyes couldn't move away from his. I was trying to think what was going on but was interrupted by a kick to my leg under the table by Jean. I looked at her and realized I still never answered the question and everyone at the table was staring at me.

"Uhm... I'm telepathic" I choked out rather than stated.

"He's also telekinetic" Jean added. I still hadn't used any telekinetic powers yet so I didn't really think of the need to let people know that. Surely they would laugh if they knew I couldn't even use a power I had?

"Wow, you have an awesome gift. But I guess that should be obvious. No wonder you're hanging with Jean." Bobby said and we all chuckled.

"Well, to be honest... I don't even know how to use my telepathy, I only found out about it yesterday. And my other power... about that... I don't even know how to use it and I haven't even tried." I said and try to force out a smile. But being me, I could never cover up well and my smile turned out to look shy and forced.

"Don't worry, you're new to it all. You'll have a fare grasp on some of your powers in a little while" Jubilee said, I guess she was trying to cheer me up. "Kyle, don't put yourself down. You've used both your powers already and you showed some real power with your telepathy." Jean said to me as she stopped eating to turn to me.

"Really? What did you do?" Kitty asked really excitedly.

"I have no idea. And Jean, when did I use my telekinesis?" I asked Jean curiously.

`How would she know if I did something that I don't even know about?' I wondered to myself.

"Well, for starters. He totally blocked the professor out of a telepathic conversation..." Jean stated, like a teenaged girl, more to everyone else instead of answering my question, and paused for some dramatic effect. There was a round of gasps from everyone at the table and I blushed not knowing if it was good or bad. Jean then turned to me and continued.

"... and you had that shower incident with your telekinesis."

Everyone was still staring at me really weirdly and I was getting uncomfortable. All I could get out was a simple "Oh..." and looked away blushing. How embarrassing, me and my shower scene.

Kitty and Jubilee were stunned which gave Bobby the initiative to talk. "Oh my god, you must be like really powerful to block the professor from a telepathic conversation?" Bobby asked rhetorically.

John was just smiling at me. I couldn't understand it. The only people at the table that weren't shocked were John and Jean. Jean knew about me and I could understand why she wasn't the least bit shocked. But why was John not as shocked or surprised as the other and why on earth has he got this grin plastered on his face? "So what happened in the shower? May I ask?" John asked with a raising of his eyebrows. Hmmm, I guess he thinks something naughty happened ;-).

"Well, I kinda stopped the water flow in the shower from going down the drain but the water kept on running out the shower head. The water was building up and it was like I was in a water tank and I almost drowned." I said and blushed at my pathetic event.

"It's not that bad, you got a two in one. Bath and shower. So how did you get out of the water?" asked John.

"My brother knocked on the door and I must have lost concentration because the next thing I knew the shower was back to normal." I said.

"So what were you doing in the shower that caused you to have the incident" Bobby asked wiggling his eyebrows and making a jerking motion with his hand.

"GROSS" was the simultaneous reply of Jubilee and Kitty. Jean reached behind me and smacked the back of Bobby's head. John, Bobby and I just laughed.

"Not what you think. I just had my eyes closed and the water was running over my head and all of a sudden I felt a tingly feeling in the back of my mind?" I supplied.

"You are gonna be a legend here at the mansion." John stated still with that grin on his face. He was kind of weirding me out. How's that for a turn of event's, lol. I was really uncomfortable now and decided I had had enough.

<I'm gonna pass on the rest of my breakfast. I think I'll go for a walk> I sent to Jean and quickly stood up.

"I'll see you all later." I managed to get out to the rest before exiting the cafeteria.

I left everyone at the table staring at me. Jean had a very confused look on her face and the rest looked bewildered. Except for John that is, he had a look of worry on his face. He was probably worried over the thought of freaking me out a bit.

I had to leave, I had to get out of that cafeteria and find some place to think. As I left the cafeteria I picked up the pace and started walking quickly in the direction of the nearest door leading to the garden outside.

As I was about to reach the door, I didn't notice someone walking out from a joint passage heading for the same door but at a normal walking pace unlike mine. Before I could register that some guy was in front of me and stop, I ended up walking straight into him and toppling him over as well as myself. Our bodies were pressed against each other on the floor and the first thing I noticed was his huge built frame. I looked into his eyes and just stared for a moment. He stared right back into my eyes. His eyes were a beautiful ocean blue and I was so lost in them. I realized what was going on and quickly put my hands down on the each side of him and raised my chest off of his well built and muscle toned chest. We kept eye contact and he was keeping silent. I chose to quickly apologize.

"Hi, sorry... I was in a rush and didn't see you..." I rambled out.

"It's ok, I should have seen you too. It is partly I to blame as well. By the way, my name is Piotr." The guy said to me in a calm and collected tone.

"Well, sorry anyway. My name is Kyle." I told him. I noticed we were practically still staring at each other, me still laying on top of him, in the middle of a deserted passageway. I also noticed our groins were being rubbed together.

That's when I felt my cock start to get hard. My eyes bulged with embarrassment and I quickly got up off him.

To Be Continued

Let me know what you think and if there's anything you wanna suggest for my story then go ahead. Your comments and views are well appreciated so don't keep me in the dark about what you think?

The next chapter should be out by next week or so... no promises... and I apologize for having a small mistake in my email address listed before although it seems some people used enough common sense to realize that it was yahoo and not yayhoo... Sorry...

Email me at:

Thanks everyone, Playboy

Next: Chapter 3

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