Should I Worry

By Playboy Boy

Published on Aug 1, 2007


Disclaimer -- I don't own the rights to any of the characters of the Xmen comics and don't claim to know anyone involved with the Xmen stories. I don't know the authors, actors, or anyone else involved, so don't sue me! Ok, ok...

On a further note, this is my first attempt at writing any story other than class essays in high school, so go easy on me.

Oh and if you're looking for a story for a quick wank then this is not the place for you, and if you are some homophobe idiot that doesn't like M on M action then you took a real wrong turn at the Disney stories link button. So please GO AWAY!! In addition, if you're fine with this story then please go ahead and read to your hearts content.

On a very important note. I don't do comedy and I'm not in anyway being cruel towards Paris Hilton in this chapter. It kinda just came out.

And finally... You should know by now if you managed to get this far... if reading this story is illegal in your country or if you're not of a certain age to be legally reading this then please don't read...

Also, sorry about all the typos... I'll try and proof read better...

Other than all of that... enjoy!!!


Extra Info: `...' represents thoughts

"..." represents normal talking

<...> represents telepathic communication

Last Time:

I turned on my side and felt him move up behind me. All I could feel was his strong chest behind me. He then draped his arm around me and pulled me into him more. I smiled to myself, thinking how great it felt to be in his strong arms. I could feel his breathing on the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and the last thing I remember before falling asleep was the touch of Peter's lips on the back of my neck.

Should I Worry -- Chapter 6

Slight breeze circulating within the room yet I'm not cold. Then I remember. Strong arms surrounding me. Protecting me. Loving me. Holding me.

"I see you're awake." Peter whispered into my ear.

"Yeah, I haven't slept so great in so long. Thanks."

"You are so beautiful when you are sleeping, did you know that?"

"Uhm... not really, no. I can't exactly watch myself sleeping because then I'd be awake to be watching myself sleep which ends with me not being asleep in order to be awake, don't you think?" I smiled when I saw him look at me confused.

"Do you like being sarcastic?" He asked me smiling.

"Well... it does have some benefits." I replied.

"Such as?"

"I get to watch those around me slowly register and then I get a good laugh at how slow they are to catch on." I quipped.

Peter rolled his eyes at me. "Did you know that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit?"

"Yep, but sarcasm can also shed light on who amongst us shows greater potential for slower brain activity than others. Therefore canceling the previous mentioned theory. Did you know that?"

"Say what?" Peter asked genuinely dumbfounded.

I grinned. "You are just too much fun."

Peter smiled, shook his head and rolled his eyes again. I looked around the room and then settled on my bedroom window. It was already sunset.

"I think we should go down for dinner." I said more to myself than to Peter.

I wasn't looking forward to being gawked at. I was really thinking about staying in my room for the rest of my tenure here at the Xavier school, but knew that sooner or later I would be pulled back into reality.

I sat up with Peter and we got out of bed. We started to get dressed for dinner. Peter was staring at me the entire time. He was obviously worried about me and my change in mood yet he said nothing, and I silently thanked him for it.

We left my room and made our way down to the cafeteria. As we walked in the entire room was silenced. Everybody was staring at me. I looked around and everyone was suddenly finding some sort interest in anything that wasn't regarding to me.

Then it hit me. My telepathy snapped. All the voices hit me at once and I could sense what was going on. I could sense interest, guilt and then there was the largest emotion and thought of all. Fear.

I paled and my body tensed when I realized what I uncovered. I guess no one forgot about my little demonstration this morning in class. Peter gripped my hand and squeezed it lightly, but hard enough, to get my attention.

"Are you ok?" He asked me, concern filling his voice, as I moved my hand away. I was greatful for the gesture, but I had enough on my plate at the moment. The last thing I needed was to out Peter and me.

My face returned to its natural color and my body visually relaxed. I turned to Peter and smiled.

"With you here, I will be." He let go of my hand and we started walking to the front of the cafeteria to get our dinner.

After retrieving our food and making our way to the back of the hall, I stilled when I heard a certain thought.

`Great, another catastrophe waiting to happen. You think the professor would do the right thing and put him down.'

I turned knowingly in the direction to which the thought came from and was surprised to see the people that were supposed to be my so-called new `friends'.

The thought came from none other than Bobby Drake himself. Their whole table was staring at Peter and me. As soon as I looked at them, they all turned pale. I looked on towards Bobby and glared.

<Who are you to play god! If you have a problem then state your opinion loud and clear!> I sent to Bobby telepathically.

Bobby clearly angry with me now, stood abruptly and kicked his chair back.

"You're not supposed to be entering the minds of anyone without permission!"

I looked at him with a scowl on my face. "You thought so loud I'm surprised no one else heard you."

Bobby didn't buy it. He looked on at me with a hateful glare. "This just proves my point. You forced yourself into my mind and didn't even care about my privacy."

"It was a stray thought Bobby, don't tangle with something you clearly don't understand. But I'm glad I heard it, at least now I know how you truly feel." I spat back at him.

He raised a hand and sent an ice bolt out to me. It was huge. It was like a column of ice that shot across the room towards me. Everybody gasped. Peter saw it coming, tried to transform into his super strong steal-covered form, stepped in front of me, and tried to take the hit for me. Before the huge ice bolt could hit Peter, I flicked my hand and flung Peter out of the way. The ice bolt would have impaled him instantly because he wasn't fully in his steal form yet. The ice bolt came full force aimed at my chest. I lowered my hand to my side.

The ice bolt suddenly stopped dead in the air, a meter away from my body. It stayed there like that for a split second before shattering and disappearing into thin air.

"Mr. Drake, control yourself!" came the angry command of the Professor's voice over the fear stricken voices of the students. Jean and Storm rose to their feet, ready to intervene if Bobby made another attempt of harming anyone in the room.

I raised my hand to the teachers table. "It's quite alright Professor, I can protect myself. This is nothing." I stated calmly, as if I were comparing Bobby to an ant.

Bobby went red in the face, anger filling him to the end of his mind. He raised both hands to his chest and pushed out hard. An even bigger ice bolt headed for me. I laughed as it stopped dead in its tracks and shattered, just as the other one before it did.

"Enough!" came the professor's voice again.

"No professor, let him get it out of his system." I stated to the professor, without breaking eye contact with Bobby, loud enough for the entire hall to hear.

The professor closed his eyes. Using his telepathy, he tried to knock Bobby unconscious with a pain bolt, strong enough to put a minor into dreamland. It resulted with him falling out of his chair.

All the teachers turned to see the professor panting and holding onto the sides of his wheelchair, trying to regain his previous position. His face was pale.

"Kyle, don't!" was the professor's words. Everybody fell silent. No one expected anyone to attack the professor, nor in the least be able to repel an attack.

"Do not interfere. This must be settled." I said to him hard, now looking directly at him. Every single teacher turned towards me, casting glares at me. They were obviously shocked at how arrogant and disrespectful I was being.

<Don't do this Kyle, it's not worth it.> Jean pleaded.

I turned back to Bobby calmly, looking him in the eyes again.

"You ready to face the consequences for your actions?" I asked with a grin on my face.

Bobby raised his hands again, ready to do who-knows-what. I held out my finger and shook it in a `No' fashion and stated, "Enough of that, Bobby. Time to stop playing around."

With that, Bobby lifted into the air. Everybody around Bobby jumped away, afraid of what might happen if they interfered.

Bobby flew towards my direction and stopped 2 meters away from me.

"You have no idea of what could happen to you." I whispered bemusedly to him, shaking my head at him.

"Kyle, this must stop immediately!" Scott roared out.

"Quiet! This does not concern you!" I yelled in his direction. That did it. A beam of red laser came directly at me. It flowed through the air but as it got to me, it was gone.

Scott suddenly fell unconscious. Storm and Logan ran to his side and yelled simultaneously, "What have you done?!"

"He's asleep. A warning to those who interfere." I replied nonchalantly.

I looked back to Bobby. He was struggling to get free, but he was barely moving. Held tight by the invisible grip on him. He was way passed pissed off.

"You're a freak! I don't know why the professor hasn't already chucked you out on your ass!" Bobby yelled at me.

"What ever." I said as Bobby flew through the air and hit the wall of the cafeteria. I lifted myself into the air. All the tables between me and Bobby, which was almost the entire hall, moved out of the way. Leaving a huge path between the two of us. I was floating through the hall towards Bobby, who was still pinned against the wall at the end of the hall, when Jean suddenly stepped in front of me with her hand out towards me.

<Move!> I glared at her.

<Kyle, don't do this. He's not worth it.> Jean begged.

I stated calmly.

Jean looked into my eyes. <And what example are you setting, doing this to Bobby. Don't make me hurt you.>

I tensed. "It's different. He must be taught a lesson. And we both know you can't hurt me. Not without causing something big atleast."

"No, Kyle. Control your urges. He's much weaker than you, He won't survive anything you plan on doing to him." Jean was pleading for Bobby's life and what does the idiot do?

"I can take him Jean. He's nothing." Bobby laughed out.

"Hush! You have no idea what you're dealing with!" Jean yelled over her shoulder.

Bobby fell silent. Everybody in the room was staring at the silent battle between Jean and me.

Jean stared into my eyes. Looking for hope that I would stop, to cease my little bout with Bobby.

<Don't do it. Please.> Jean pleaded again.

I heard a single gasp from behind me. I turned around and saw one the most horrific things in my life.

Peter was at a loss of breath, staring at me wide eyed. "Kyle" he breathed out. With that, Bobby fell to the ground gasping for breath.

`What have I done?' I thought to myself.

I turned to the professor and the rest of the teachers and sent out a telepathic message.

I turned to Jean and looked into her tear soaked eyes. "I'm sorry." I whispered to her. A tear slipped from my left eye, traveled down my cheek, and clung to the end of my jaw. I wiped it away. She closed her eyes and whispered back, "Thank you, Kyle."

With that, I closed my eyes, all the tables in the room went to their normal places, and then I turned towards the door and left the cafeteria.

I felt angry, I felt pain, and I felt hurt. How is it that it turned out to be me that was the one to blame? Now everyone fears me. `What have I done?' I chided myself.

I was walking from the cafeteria across the main hall of the mansion, ready to make my exit, not knowing where to go next. Maybe I could go home but then there would be repercussions. I could go to relatives maybe, but no, I don't have any!

Where would I go? As I put my hand on the handle to the front door of the mansion, I felt someone trying to make contact with my mind.

<Where are you going?> I heard the professor ask.

<I can't stay here.> I stated blandly. Another tear trickled down my face.

<We can work this out, there are other options, Kyle.>

<I know, but surely you didn't think there wouldn't be any consequences?>

<Yeah I did, but at the time the need to show dominance was more important. I didn't mean to be arrogant but you saw how he pushed me.>

<Just calm yourself Kyle, we can work something out.> The professor was sounding very unnerved with the thought of me on the streets. I guess he thought it better me staying here where he could monitor me instead of letting me loose on the world.

<I guess it would be easier, huh?> I said more to myself than to the professor.

<I think so, but you will have to learn self-control, Kyle. I hate to say something as cliché as this but with great power comes great responsibility.> he responded, as friendly as possible.

<Ok, thanks professor. I'll just go to my room then.>

<I'll see you in the morning then, report to my office at 8am. Don't worry about classes.>

I did a mental cheer that the professor at least had a bit of sympathy for me, by not sending me right back into crowds of students, but I didn't really want any sympathy. I just wanted to be left alone.

<Good night professor. And again, I apologize for my behavior and disrespect.>

<Don't worry, we shall speak more of this tomorrow, rest well.>

I turned away form the door and made toward my next destination., my bedroom. As I walked up the stair case to get to the next level. I made the tears on my face disappear. I couldn't stop thinking about everything that just happened. Everything is going to be different from here on out.

I made my way to my room and unlocked my door. I went for a quick shower, then dried off, put a pair of plain black boxers on and then headed to bed. I was tired. This whole thing made me tired. Not the part with me using my powers but the whole thing with the school and how everybody sees me now. These upcoming weeks were going to be hell for me and I could just see it. I shook my head to shake the thoughts from head and got into bed.

I don't know if I was cursed or what was going on because as soon as my head hit the pillow, all my fatigue went out the window. I was far from tired now and what's worse was the fact that I really wanted to escape from reality and turn in for the night, but clearly that wasn't going to happen.

I lay there with thoughts racing through my head. I turned my head to look at my alarm clock. 8.12pm. Just my luck, so early and I couldn't sleep. I really wasn't up to the whole people talking about me behind my back thing but that's just how immature some people were.

`I wonder how they are gonna treat me tomorrow?' I thought to myself.

I turned on my side and looked for my hifi remote but I couldn't find it. I positioned myself so I could look under my bed.

"Where are you? Come out, come out where ever you are." I chanted to myself. I think that was the second sign of insanity for me?

"There you are!" I shouted out gleefully when I spotted the remote under my bed. It must have fallen off my bedside table some time.

I pointed towards my hifi and tried to switch it on but the remote didn't seem to be working.

"UGH!!!" I yelled out. `Dumb piece of shit, dead batteries and all!' I finished off mentally.

I threw the remote in the direction of my wall. I was irritated. Could you blame me?

As the remote was about to hit the wall a thought came to mind. The remote control stopped in mid-air, about an inch away from shattering against the wall, and returned to my hand. I looked at the remote and thought of full powered batteries. I tried to switch on the hifi with the remote control once again and was delighted to see that it worked.

Then another thought came to mind. `If I can recharge batteries, then why do I need a remote control?'

I looked at the hifi and thought of skipping a couple of songs on the current CD and it seemed to be working.

I looked at myself in the mirror on the wall across from me and watched myself give myself one of those impressed facial expressions. Then I said to myself joyfully, "Not too shabby, eh."

I burst out laughing when I realized I was talking to myself. I started as I heard the door knock. I looked at myself in the mirror again and asked myself rhetorically, "Now I wonder who that could be?"

I switched off my hifi and opened the door. I was surprised to see who it was. "Eli?"

"Hey, I thought you could use a friend at the moment. I saw what happened. Uh, but it seems you already have company." As Eli said this, he peered into my room passed me then frowned. "Or at least I thought I heard you talking to someone?"

I blushed. `How do I explain this to someone? I'm going insane?'

"Well I have a very good reason for that..." I hesitated before carrying on.

"And that would be?" he asked with raised eyebrows and a slight tilt of his head.

I blushed again. `This is so embarrassing!'

"Ah... well... ya see... I was kinda chatting to myself?" It sounded like I was trying to convince myself more than him, but who can be certain, right?

He stared at me for a moment then burst out laughing. "You have to be one of the weirdest guys I've ever met... you know that?"

"So there's a chance that I'm not at the top of your fruitiest-encounters list?" I asked in mock hope. He just shook his head and looked at me with a stupid grin on his face.

"I'm not too sure. I might have to do an evaluation." I smiled. "Uh, can I come in?" he added hesitantly.

I looked at him thoughtfully then his question registered in my head. "Oh yeah, sorry. I just spaced out there." He raised his eyebrows again.

I moved out the way so he could pass me. He entered and sat down on my chair by my desk, he turned it around and faced my bed. I closed my door and returned to my bed.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"I just wanted to check on you. I thought you might need a friend after what happened." He said bashfully. There was something suspicious about this whole thing.

"The professor sent you?" I stated more than asked. He tensed. I obviously hit the nail on the head. My face hardened.

I got up and headed to the door. I opened it and said, "You can go now."

Eli stared at me unbelievably. "Huh?"

"You can go back to the professor and tell him I'll be fine. I don't need him to send people around to do check-ups on me."

"But that's not how it is..." I cut Eli off.

"Then how is it? Tell me quickly so you don't have to be burdened by having to sit with me." I said calmly.

"I was on my way here anyway and the professor saw. When he saw me I thought he was gonna tell me to give you some time alone but instead, he encouraged me to come see you. He said it might be best for us to get to know each other better. He said we had a lot in common."

I eyed him suspiciously then returned to my original position on my bed after closing the door again. "So the professor does know that you're a class 5?"

Eli eyed me. "Did he tell you about me?"

"No, I sensed it the first time I had some control over my telepathy."

He relaxed a bit. "Oh yeah, I should've known. You woulda sensed it, huh... well the professor taught me to suppress my powers a bit so that I would appear to be a class 4. He said any other class 4 or detecting machine would be fooled but it wasn't a guarantee."

"Yeah, I didn't sense it at first but then when I probed the area again it hit me like a truck. I guess I was still learning the first time round and knew a bit better when I backtracked..."

Eli smiled. "I find it amazing that you were able to display such power without having that much knowledge of your powers. You're a fast learner, I must say."

I blushed again. "Yeah, I guess... it's actually not that hard to learn. The only hard part is the temptation to use the power. I mean, knowing that I can do pretty much anything with my powers is a so tempting, plus there's the fact that I have no idea of what I'm capable of. But I guess Bobby just pushed me further into temptation. I wanted to do more but even that was nothing compared to what I think I can do."

"Yeah I know the feeling. All that temptation at your finger tips." I nodded at his agreement.

I felt really good knowing that someone out there was the same as me.

I decided to be a bit forward. "Eli, would you be my friend?" I asked smiling.

He burst out laughing. "You realize how kinder-garden that sounded?"

I laughed as well. "Now that you mention it, it kinda did sound a bit childish. Didn't it?"

He was still laughing but he calmed down a bit. "Yeah it did, but it's all good man. At least we got a good laugh out of it."

"Yeah, true eh." I agreed.

I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back.

"Thanks Eli." He smiled again.

There was another knock at the door. "The door's unlocked, just come in."

The door handle turned and in came three guilty looking girls. It looked like they thought I was going to snap at them. It was Amara, Kitty and Jubilee.

`Now what would have given them that idea?' I asked myself rhetorically.

"Hey" they said and waved at Eli and me at the same time.

"Hey" we replied. The girls still had that guilty look on their faces.

"Uhm... we wanted to come by and say hi... but we weren't sure if you wanted company?" Kitty said bashfully. "... and the professor didn't exactly wanting us to disturb you... so we kinda snuck into the area while he was busy with Bobby...". They honestly looked like a bunch of little school girls that were about to be yelled at for doing some naughty little deed.

"Yeah sure. I don't mind, Eli and I were just chatting anyway." I said genuinely.

The three of them visibly relaxed. Then they stared at me. "Uh, should we wait outside?" Kitty asked as she noticed something distracting.

"No, why?" I asked curious as to why they wanted to wait outside and for what reason.

"Well, you're kinda nudish..." stated a blushing Jubilee. Well, actually, they were all blushing. I just laughed at them.

"What's with you people? You can't see anything important or bad so what's the deal? But if it makes you that uncomfortable then I'll quickly put a shirt on." I was just about to get up off the bed to put a shirt on for the embarrassed girlies when all of a sudden.


"Since you don't mind us being here, we're gonna do what us ladies do best... and that's to totally take over!" Amara roared in triumph as all three of the girls jumped on my bed and all huddled around me. "and don't worry about that shirt, we don't mind gawking at your hot body." This time it was they who laughed and me who blushed.

"So what were you guys talking about?" asked Jubilee, looking at her nails as if not at all interested in the conversation.

I couldn't believe it. The three of them practically marched into my bedroom and made themselves at home? I shook my head at them and laughed, so did Eli.

"Not much hey, just about school..." I smiled at them. "Thanks girls."

"For what?" asked Kitty.

"For being my friends." I replied.

They all smiled at me. "No seriously guys... and, uh, girls... you barely know me... and after what I did tonight... I'm just glad you can still hang around me like nothing happened..." then I turned to Amara, "... especially you, Amara. You've never spoken to me before, yet here you are."

Their smiles grew wider. "Well... after the incident earlier... the professor had a talk with Bobby and the rest of the school. He told us that Bobby pushed you by saying something about you not belonging here and we all heard how he dissed you. But, no worries hey. Bobby was always childish in my opinion." Amara stated matter of factly, "...and about never talking to you before? Well Jubes and Kitty said you were tight so I figured you're good enough for me." She shrugged her shoulders.

Eli and I burst out laughing. "Well I'm honored that I'm good enough for your highness." I bowed to her.

She looked at me weirdly and then to the others. "Did you guys tell him?" Amara asked the other girls. They just shook their heads.

I looked at the girls weirdly and asked, "Were they supposed to tell me something?"

"Well no not really, but the way you did that `your highness' thing looked like you didn't know."

My mouth dropped. "You... mean... you m-mean that you're royalty?" I stammered out. I was completely shocked.

"How unfortunate though eh? Being a princess gets to her head like all the time." Kitty blurted out. We all laughed, including Amara.

"True that... at least I can afford to be vain." She lifted her chin snobbishly and put her hand up so she could check out her nails. Obviously fooling around.

"Oh, how Paris Hilton of you Amara" I laughed out.

And with that, we were all laughing. All of us doubled over with pain in our stomachs from an overdose of laughter.

Amara's face hardened in mock seriousness, "Excuse me, but if you ever compare me to that hag again... I'll give you a once in a lifetime lesson on castration." We laughed again.

"I take it you don't like Paris?" I was intrigued.

"Well I hate to burst your bubble but I don't go around like pointing at things saying how hot they are..." and with that she got off the bed to do an impersonation of Paris Hilton pointing at things, repeating the words "that's hot!"

We all fell over again in a pit of laughter. "Oh my god!! That was hilarious!" Jubilee threw out. Well at least my night was turning out to be better than I thought it would be. I was glad.

To Be Continued

Let me know what you think and if there's anything you wanna suggest for my story then go ahead. Your comments and views are well appreciated so don't keep me in the dark about what you think?

I apologize for the long wait, I've being have some personal issues as well as some technical difficulties over the last month or so rolls eyes (my flash drive's where abouts were unknown for a certain period of time). So I haven't been able to update SIW'. To all those who have been worried that I might drop the story like all those other writers that lose interest in their stories, the answer is NO! I started this thing and I wanna at least attempt to give it a good ending... I know I haven't made the story that great so far but please just bare with me... you can't have major action and romance instantly. I believe a story should have an actually story to it and not just a see each other... go to the bathroom... touch each other... the end' kinda thing. shakes head

The next chapter should be out by next week or so... no promises... I would like to recommend a great story or two that are really great and inspiring... Mutation' and XXX men" are the titles, so go and read! They are awesome...

So with all that covered. I hope you enjoyed this installment and are looking forward to the coming chapters, because I can tell you now that there will be far more chapters coming. :)

Email me at:

Thanks everyone, Playboy

Next: Chapter 7

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