Show Me the Meaning

By moc.emani@amrakbsb

Published on Jul 6, 1999


Warning: The following story is fictional. All use of celebrities, characters, and situations are fictional. This story does not represent and/or meant to imply to the sexuality of any real persons. This story contains homo-erotic relations between consenting adult males. You must be of legal age in your state to read this. Thank you and enjoy.

"Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely"

by Karma ================================================== ~ PROLOGUE ~

He could hear the pounding of his heart, as the blood rushed to his ears. Though he felt short of breath, his voice still cuts through all of the commotion of the hospital.

"WHERE IS HE!" he asks once again.

"Please Mr.," the nurse persists, "You have to calm down."

"How can I if you won't tell me why I can't see him! Is he....OH MY GOD!" 'He can't be... he just can't !'

"Sir, it's best that you go to the waiting room. A doctor will be there shortly to fill you in on your friend condition." She grabs some charts off the counter and turns away.

Defeated, he slowly walks to the waiting room. He felt as if he had walked a thousand miles, only to find his map was upside down, and now he had a million more. 'Why is this happening? Why God? Why is everything falling apart? I don't know what to do, what to think, or what to feel. How did it all become this way?'

~ Part 1~ "Nights Of Light" ================================================== ~ CHAPTER 1 ~

"DAMN IT, BRIAN! Watch what you're doing !" Nick yelled from the pain.

"Sorry-e," Brian apologizes as he lifts up. "Come on Nick, let's try it again."

"We're doing this all wrong, I should be on at the top and you should be on the bottom."

"No, you just need the to put your back more into it."

"Ugh, it feels more my like I'm throwing my back out."

"Nick, will you stop whining, and pick the thing up?"

"What about you? You're the one that keeps dropping it on my foot!"

Brian and Nick, were trying to move a recliner into Brian's bedroom, which just so happens to be up stairs. Brian recently moved into a new house with his actress girlfriend, Leighanne Wallace. After dating for nearly two years, they --really more so, Leighanne -- decide to move in together. They have been living there for four months, when Leighanne deiced to get some new furniture. Brian asked Nick over to help him move it.

They put the recliner in a corner facing the bed. The pale blue chair matched the light blue painted walls nicely. A crisp white spread and loads of fluffy white pillows covered the king size bed. Nick admired the room's decor. Besides the gold and platinum records that covered the walls of the office. The bedroom was truly the only place in the whole house that said Brian.

"I still can't believe Leighannne let you put that in here." Nick pointed at the Jacuzzi in front of the picturesque bay window. "I can just hear her now, 'Honey, you're getting water all over *my hard wood floor!'" He bursts into laughter. He loves to tease Brian about Leighanne's possessive ways. She was a perfectionist, kind of like Brian's mom. Nick guessed that's why they were together .

"Trust me, if there's hard wood, she's not thinking about water on the floor." Brian smiles. Nick covers his ears like a child. Brian couldn't resist a laugh.

Nick flops down on the bed sending the pillows scatting, "So is that all?"

Brian sits down side him, "Yeah, though I'm sure Leighanne will want to rearrange the living room."

"Hey, I spent a lot of time arrange that."

"No, you didn't."

"Well, ya'll better get someone else to do it, because I'm not moving that trailer park furniture again."

"You're calling my stuff, trailer park furniture? Nick, the couch alone costs $2,000!"

"I'm not saying it's cheap, I'm just saying it's heavy like trailer park furniture-- it has to be heavy to weigh down the trailer so you know, strong winds don't knock it over."

Brian laughs, and lays down beside Nick.

"It's so quite without Tyke running around yelping."

"Yeah, he's with Leighanne in New York. She's auditioned for some movie, and got a call back. So they won't be back for two weeks."

They lay beside each other for moment, not saying a word. It was not strange or awkward. They had long gotten to that place in their friendship were they were comfortable with silence.

Brian giggles breaking the moment, "You know what this reminds me of?"

Nick knew but humors Brian anyway. "What?"

"Back when we used to share rooms on tour, and you would watch some horror movie ..."

"And then I would get so of afraid of the dark..."

"Yeah, and then I had to lie in bed with you, until you fell asleep. Why did you do that? If knew you were afraid of the dark?"

"I don't know...." Nick lied. 'Yes, I do! It was a childish excuse to be near you.' "Why did you always do it?"

Brian shrugs, "I guess I wanted too." The phone on the nightstand rings, Brian answers it.

Nick couldn't care less about the phone. 'Did Brain just admit wanting to be with me? No, no way! Besides I was so young then-- okay, I'm still young but,--ahkk! I'm rambling, and jumping to conclusions! He probably meant that he wanted to comfort me, yeah that all.'

Somewhere in the six years that the Backstreet Boys have been together the youngest member Nick Carter, had not only became best friends with Brian Litttrell. He also developed a secret crush on him. Though he was from a very religious family; Nick figured that Brian could possibly deal, with him being gay. But as far as Nick's love for him, that was pushing it a little too far. So Nick tried to down play his feelings. Naturally he was jealous of all the attention that Leighanne demands of Brian. And Leighanne did not make it any easier on Nick. The two were notorious when it came to disagreeing, especially if the subject had anything to do with Brian. Nick was too deep in thought to notice Brian standing over him.

"Frack. Come on."

"Huh.... What?"

"That was Kevin on the phone. We have a meeting today at his new house."

"Oh, yeah I forgot. Let's go."

Brian locks up his house, "Hey, Bri, can I drive?" Nick asks.

"I don't know can ya? Just kidding, here." He tossed the keys. The two got into the black BMW convertible. Nick let's the top down, cranks the engine, rips out of the driveway and down the street.

"Slow down Speedy!" Brian grabs the dashboard playfully. Nicks grins as his long blonde hair wrestled with the wind, he pushes the gas petal a little father.

"What's this?" He referred to the CD that was playing.

"It's Hanson."

Nick gives Brian a funny look.

"What! It's Leighanne's!"

"Uhmm, sure it is B-Rok." Nick takes the CD out, he replaces it with Jay-Z.

They get to Kevin's house and ring the door bell, Howie answers.

"Well, look at this! Hell must be about 20 degrees below right now because, you two are actually on time."

"It's nice to see you too, Howard," Brian snaps back. Inside there were boxes, and covered furniture everywhere. Unlike Brian, Kevin had moved. Fans were taking over the small neighborhood he had lived in and lets just say that his neighbors were not thrilled with the fanfare.

"I'm not moving any more furniture, Kevin." Nick states as he walks into the dining room, where the meeting was to take place.

AJ enters the room. "Hey, my man," he shakes the hand of their manager Eric Cartman. "Dude, I'm sorry about your friend. Kenny, was a nice guy. Though I must say, I never understood a word he ever said."

"Thanks AJ, but I think I've heard all of your South Park jokes."

"Ohh!, Did I tell ya the one about the cow, and Uncle Jimbo walking into this bar and--"

"YES!" Everyone screamed.

"Let's just get down to business guys," said their PR Rep., Stacey Morgan.

The guys reviewed their schedule for the weeks ahead. A photo shoot, make up tour dates, and interviews etc., the typical stuff. Nothing really interesting came up, that is until Stacey finally, spoke.

"I want you guys to take a look at something." She pulled out a billboard magazine from her briefcase. "Look at the top ten of all the mainstream charts. What do you see?" She handed the magazine to Howie who was seated next to her.

Howie looked and shruged. "What am I suppose to see?"

"Over and over again, you see Latino artists and Latin influenced songs. The point I'm making is that Latin is the hottest thing now," Stacey said. AJ licks his finger and makes a sizzle sound as he touches the only Latino BSB. Howie elbows him. "Seriously guys, I think that you could benefit from this. Think about it. I know that your new single, "Show Me The Meaning" has hit the radio, but the actual single won't be in stores for two weeks. I was thinking what if you guys put an all Spanish version of your song 'Spanish Eyes' as the b-side, and make it a double single."

"Actually, we have recorded a Spanish version but, it's not mixed." Brian stated.

"Wait, a double single? Won't that hurt album sales?" Nick asked.

"I think that "Show Me The Meaning" can stand on its own," said Howie.

"I know it can but, it could be stronger. We could release the Spanish version of "Spanish Eyes" to the Latin market. And with both singles being on the same disc..." said Mrs. Morgan.

AJ got wide eyed, "It could be huge!"

"Let's do it," said Kevin. All the guys agreed, except Nick.

"But we haven't even picked a director for "The Meaning" video, what are we gonna do about "Spanish Eyes"? We have only two weeks, before the single out!" He protested.

"We can mix the Spanish version next week But I think the videos will have to wait," said Kevin.

"You know, you guys have a make-up tour date in Spain, about a month from now. You could shoot a video for "'Spanish Eyes" there," said Mr. Cartman.

Howie went dreamy eyed. "Wow, I love Spain."

"Ha, more like you love the women," Nick laughs.

"And they love me." Howie beamed.

"That's just because you can speak Spanish better than the rest of us," AJ teased.

"Don't hate me, just because I can speak the language."

Nick looks at Brian, "The language of amor." They put an arm around each other and start singing, "I Adore Mi Amor". Which in turn causes everyone to laugh their asses off.

"Very cute guys. Well, I have already taken the liberty of running the double single idea across the people at Jive. They said it's okay with them, if it okay with you all. So this is a done deal?" Mrs. Morgan asks. All the guys agree this time.

"And we will start looking over video treatments, after we finish mixing 'Spanish Eyes', " Kevin adds.

"Oh, before I forget," says Mr. Cartman. "There's a RIAA ( Recording Industry Assn. of America) party in three weeks. Jive wants you guys there," he sees some pouting from the guys. "I know, I know you're thinking 'Great another boring ass-kissing industry party'. But if Jive's prediction that your album will hit the 5 million mark in two more weeks is right, than you guys will get your RIAA certification award that night."

"That's gonna be phat!" Said AJ.

"We got to get the 5 mill first, dofuo." Howie reminded.

AJ tips his hat puts his hands behind his head, and leans back in his chair. "We'll get it."

The next three weeks were a hectic blur for the Backstreet Boys. Mixing "Spanish Eyes", doing interviews, looking over dozens of video treatments. As if that wasn't enough they started tour rehearsal. Some how they managed to get it everything done. They even settled on who would director the videos. All that's left was to attend the RIAA party.

"I think I was a stylist in my former life." AJ flips though the clothes hanging in Kevin's closet. "Dude, what's with all the black clothes? You're a vampire or something, when we're not around?" He grabs a thin black sweater shirt. "Try this on."

"What's the difference between that and what I already wearing?"

"This one is more from fitting. Here." Kevin takes the shirt. He puts it on, and looks in the mirror. It was 'form fitting' all right. The thin black fabric chugged to every muscle in his arms. It a showed off the v-shape of his toned chest as well. AJ looks over Kevin shoulder to see him in the mirror. "Yeah, that's better. Damn, Why don't I have arms that?"

"Because you haven't hit puberty yet son. And I must tell you, you're not fooling anyone those magic marker drawing you call facial hair." Kevin joked.

AJ rolls his eyes. He walks over to Kev's dresser and rambles though the jewelry box that was there. "Where is it? I know you have one. I've seen you wear it before--God, Kevin how many sliver rings do you have?"

"About as many pairs of sunglasses you have."

"Ah, here it is. Wear this." AJ held out the leather bondage- like bracelet. It was black with a sliver buckle.

Kevin puts it on, "Satisfied?" 'How did this get started any way?' he wondered

AJ looks him over, "Damn. Not enough time." He walks out of the bedroom.

"Time for what?" Kevin asked as they walked down the stairs.

"I was thinking that it would be really cool, if you got some blonde streaks."

"Let's just go," he ignores the ideal and walks out of the door.

They got into their awaiting limousine." What? Just a few, sort of like that guy Mark, in Sugar Ray."

It was a breezy night in Orlando. Limos lined the streets, while reporters and enthusiastic spectators lined the sidewalks.

"Looks like a block party guys." AJ admired from behide the tinted windows.

'Yeah, until you get inside. Then it feels more like being in a jungle.' Kevin thought to himself. He knew all to well, how these parties are. It's all one big preying ground. Money grabbing record executives, crooked mangers and egotistical artists. All ass kissing and back stabbing each other for deals and mergers. Kevin may have been in a pop group but, he refuse to sell his sanity and soul for frame.

"Yo, cuz are you alright? You seem down." Brian asked sitting across from Kevin.

"Yeah, just nervous I guess."

Howie puts a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Chill man, after all, we're getting an award tonight."

The limo stops at the red carpet. "Let's roll, people!" an zealous AJ shouts. As soon as Kevin steps out, he is blinded by a camera flash. Fans and reports craved for the guys attention. They stopped for a few autographs and pictures then made there way into the dining hall.

Once inside, they saw some the of most well known faces in music today. TLC, Emimem, Brandy, Will Smith and his wife Jada, just to name a few.

The whole place was a cross between a night club and a grand ball. The hall was decorated with black and gold abstract sculptures. The shiny black marble floors and mirrored walls, reflected the huge crystal chandeliers, as well as the colored lights that flooded a large stage. In front of the stage on either side were long buffet tables, along with numerous black and gold clothed round tables for dining. The middle was cleared for later dancing. Several artists and bands were to perform that night before and after the main ceremonies. The Goo Goo Dolls took the stage while the guys of BSB mingled.

A flash of wavy blonde hair caught Brian's eye, "Was that Mariah Carey?"

"No, I think it was Jennifer Lopez," said Nick.

"Where!" AJ jumps in front of the two dying to see.

"Over there." Nick pointed out.

"Oh, and look AJ, she's holding on to Puffy Daddy's arm." Brian bursts AJ's bubble.

AJ looks over the top of his sunglasses "Oh well, maybe Mariah around somewhere...alone."

Nick leans over to Brian. "And people ask why we call him Bone." he whispers, they start laughing.

'What?" A lost AJ asks.

Brian and Nick looked at each other, "Nothing."

'They are so strange sometimes.' AJ thought. He walks over to the huge buffet and sneaks into line behind Kevin and Howie. They seem to be talking to someone, AJ tries to break into the conversation.

"What's going on, fellows? Oh! Hi, Foxy!"

"Whatsup, AJ!" Foxy Brown gave him a hug.

"Damn, you smell good."

Foxy pulls away, and gives him a playful slap on the shoulder. "I see that AJ, is still AJ."

AJ falls into his mack mode. "Well, you know how I am, baby..."

"Yeah, yeah,-- player, player," said she waving her hand nonchalantly in the air.

Howie speaks, "We were just talking to Foxy about how--"

"How I got ripped off. What happen to my rap that was to be on your new album?"

"I don't know. If it was only up to me, it would be on there. But, you know the record company gets the last say," said Kevin.

"Well, maybe on my next album I could have you guys on it."

"Bet!" AJ and Foxy shake on it. They all fill their plates, then make their way over to a table.

Somewhere in the noisy crowd, an impatience Nick waits on Brian to get off his cell phone. He seems to be getting into a pretty heated argument with Leighanne. "Will you just listen to me... What!... that's not--No!" Nick heard him yelled. 'I can't listen to this.' Nick walks off, 'They fight constantly, and it drives me crazy. How does he put up with it? God, if I had Brian, I would never treat him the way she does. She can be such a b--' Nick's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

"Nick! Oh, Nicky!"

He turns around to see the bouncing female.

"Hi, Nick!" She said in a high pitched tone as she flips her long bleached blonde hair.

"Oh, uhmm...Hi, Britney." He forced a half smile.

"This is like so great--you know--the party."

"Yeah, if you say so." Nick replied weakly.

"So..... Are you here *alone or with someone?" She twirls a string of hair around a finger while looking around to see if there's any competition.

"Just with the guys." `And were are they when you need them?'

"Oh," she pauses to come up with something. "Hey, I like your shirt," she touches it as she smiles up at him. "It really brings out the color in your eyes." Nick mumbles a small thanks."Do you like my outfit?" She spins around, showing off the typical Britney Spears outfit, a crop top with no bra, tight hip huggers, and about a ton of body glitter.

'Yeah if I were Justin Timberlake.' "I guess so."

"Oh Nicky, you're so funny." Britney places a hand on her breasts and giggles. She takes he arm.

"So I was thinking...."

'Did it hurt?'

"Since your here technically alone and my friend seems to have disappeared...."

'I wonder why'

"We could.... you know, hang out, or *something." Hair toss, big fake smile.

"You and me?" Nick started to get an ideal of his own.

"Yes silly, of course *me and you." she nudged his side.

"I guess we could hang--You know what else we could do, Britney?" He said with faked interest.

"What?" she whispered wide-eyed.

"We--You and me," He gives her his best bedroom eyes . "We could go outside......"

Her grip on his arm becomes tighter, "Yeah....and...."

"And you can...." He takes her hands into his. "Tell all those reports and fans just how you helped the Backstreet Boys little career." He angrily lets go.

She looks confused for a minute, then it hits her. "Oh that! That radio thingie, you heard that?"

"Yes, we all heard it."

"Oh Nicky... what I said, wasn't what you heard!" she pleases.

"What I heard *you say. Was that, ten years from now when people listen to your album and hear our song sampler--that you "let" us put on your CD. They won't even remember who the Backstreet Boys wore. That you--*at the time an unknown artist-- were doing us a flavor.

"'s ...ohh!" She bit her lower lip, she couldn't find a way out of her own hole.

"Well, I for one want to thank you Britney...." He shakes her hand. "For nothing." he turns and walks away.

"There he is, Nick!" Kevin called. Nick walks over to the guys. "The ceremonies are about to start, we're assigned to sit with all the BMG artists." They start to walk over to their table when they hear a uproar. There was loud screaming, and chanting coming from outside the hall. Everyone inside buzzed about who, or what was going on.

"Maybe it's Michael Jackson!" said Nick. They moved closer to the door to see.

"I hope it's Janet," AJ and Howie both said.

Kevin sees Jordan Knight squeezing through the crowd that had now gather. He stops him, "Jordan, whatsup?".

"Everything's, everything, man." They shakes hands.

"No, what's going on out there?"

"Oh that." Jordan points behide his back. "Can't you tell from all the women screaming, it's *HIM," he says with a laugh.


"Ricky Martin. I gotta go man, see ya around." Jordan walks off.

"The Recording Industry Association of America are proud to present, Jive Records recording artist the Backstreet Boys, with this certification acknowledging 5 million units sold of their album "Millennium"." Hillary Rosen, president and chief executive officer of the RIAA, hands Kevin and Howie a huge plaque. (You've seen them before, huge frame with CDs in them) The cameras flash as BSB stands proud, grinning from ear to ear.

"Now wait, hold on there's something else." Mrs. Rosen informed. "Besides this great award, Billboard Magazine's editor in chief, Timothy White, has some exciting news for you. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Timothy White."

The older gentleman walks up on stage shakes hands with Rosen, he approaches the microphone.

"Can I say one thing first? To the people at Jive Records hold on to these guy's contract because, after tonight every label in the world are going to try to steal them away." Everyone laughs, he waits for it to die down before continuing. "Now to the matter at hand, why I'm here. I have some interesting news for the Backstreet Boys." He smiles at their direction and takes a breath before speaking.

"Despite the fact it just hit stores, and despite the fact there's not even a video for it..." The guys figured what he was about to say but, still couldn't believe it. "Your latest single "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" will debut on Billboard's Hot 100 charts next week at number 1!" The audience goes wild! Photographers fall all over themselves trying to capture the moment. Kevin near tears, AJ has them, Howie can't stop smiling, Nick and Brian hug each other.

Kevin had to get away. As soon as the ceremonies were over, the suits came out on the hunt. He had been approached by three different labels, asking if BSB were really happy at Jive. He assured them that they were but, that didn't stop them from trying to make a deal. Somehow he manages to get away, and he goes to the one place he knew no one would be, the rooftop. He climbed the cold stairs to his destination. He forces the heavy steel door open. The night air whips over his face, he breathes in the fresh air, a welcome relief from the smoke filled party. As he steps onto the tar top he hears what sounds like scuffing.

"Hey!" they called.

Kevin turns quickly letting go of the door, and sees a figure running.

"Don't close the--!"

Thump! Click!

"Door." The figure appeared clearly now.

Kevin reaches back and tries to open it but it was lock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Chapter 2 ~

Kevin couldn't believe that he was locked out on the rooftop and further more whom with. He gave it one last attempt. The door was definitely locked.

"I'm so sorry," Kevin apologized. "If I had known that it would lock..."

"It's okay, I'm sure some one will come looking for us." The man said with the slightest accent.

"Surely they'll come looking for you. I heard all the hysteria you caused earlier."

He blushed, "I didn't do anything. They scream for everyone, they screamed for you guys."

"Yeah, but we're not Ricky Martin." Kevin joked.

"Well, maybe I'll join your group.'

"Become the sixth BSB?"


"Make it even." They both said, they looked at each other and laughed.

"Sure you would want to? It can get crowded on stage," said Kevin.

"I think that I can handle it. After all I do have a "I was in a boy band" badge. I just didn't wear it today."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah...It didn't connate with my shirt." The two take a walk around the roof.

The music blared, the champagne flowed and Nick Carter helped himself to a little drink or two. Half way through his third glass he really had to go. He went into the men's room and relieved himself. As he was washing his hands, he heard a faint whisper of his name.

"Nick" the voice called again.

He looked up into the mirror but didn't see anyone. `God, please don't let it be Britney again, I don't even want to know how she got in here.'

"Nick!" they shouted a whisper.

Nick carefully walks over to the stalls.

"Nick are you alone?" they whispered.

"AJ? Is that you?" he wondered.

"Yeah," AJ peeks his head out "Are we alone?"

"Yeah," Nick gives him a sideways look, "Why?"

"I need you to help me with something." AJ fully opens the stall door, revealing his predicament. Nick stares totally dumbfound.

"Mr. Dorough, could you give a comment on how you feel about tonight's event?" a reporter stuck a tape recorder in Howie's face.

"Uhmm, excited. I'm very happy to be here tonight, and I'm very proud of Backstreet's recent achievements. Thanks." Howie tries to walk away but the reporter persists.

"Would you say that the success of the Backstreet Boys relies more on your image than your music?"

"No, I wouldn't. I think the fact that our single is debuting at number one, without the aid of a video, says a lot. Our music speaks for it's self."

The reporter seems a little frustrated. "Well yes, it seems so- Do you think that this recent success will spawn members of the group to embark on solo career?"

"Not right now, maybe in the future."

"But, there is that possibility?"

"Possibility of what?"

"That the Backstreet Boys will...."

"What? Break--"

"Howie, there you are! I've been looking all over for you." A young dark hair woman busted in-between the two.

"Who--?"Howie tries to get in. 'Who's this woman?'

"Hi," she shakes the reporter's hand. "You might have heard of me, I'm Diva Roberts, PR assist. Now who did you say you report for because, you look *very familiar." Diva said looking into the reporter's eyes knowingly.

"Oh, just some small paper," He looks around nervously. "I think I see someone from my camp looking for me...yes they are. Uhmm, I don't mean to be rude..."

"You rude?" Diva said more as a statement than a question.

"But I really have to go thank you Mr. Dorough for your time." The man quickly shook Howie's hand and walked off just as fast.

"What was that all about?" Howie asked.

"That was almost a sure fire way to end a career. That reporter was from the Globe. You know the trashy tabloid."

"Really? Wow thanks for scaring him off."

"It's okay. Just be careful the next time some stranger sticks a tape recorder in your face and claims to be a reporter."

"I will. So tell me, what do I do when some strange but beautiful woman rescues me from a fake reporter, by claiming to be my PR assist?"

"First she didn't say that she was your PR assist. And second, you better ask her to dance." Diva said with a real playfulness. Howie takes her soft hand and leads her to the dance floor.

Nick leans back against the restroom wall trying to regain his composer. He was feeling a slight buzz from the champagne. AJ pulls his pants back up only have them fall down again. This sends Nick into another laughing fit.

"You think it's funny?" AJ said as he held his pants up.

"Well, yeah...ha, ha! Okay, I'm sorry! So let me get this right, your zipper got stuck and--"

"I yanked it up but, I pulled too hard and--"

"It came off and so did your top button. So now--"

"My pants won't..." He lets them go, "Stay up." They drop to the floor.

Nick really loses it now. He throws his hands in the air,

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Give me your belt."

"So what are you going do? Spank me with it?" He smiled.

"I'm throw your ass into next week in about three seconds if you don't--"

"Okay, okay! Here." He takes it off, and AJ puts it on. "Your is fly still open." Nick pointed out.

AJ looks down, "Is it really noticeable?"

"Well, your pants are black and your boxers are white. See if you had worn a decent shirt you could had covered it that way." Sure enough AJ was wearing one of his usual tight, nearly sheer shirts.

"Well, let me wear yours."

"Can't, I'm not wearing anything under it." Nick pulls up his baby blue shirt exposing his navel and the top of his black boxers.

"Why today of all days you finally decide not to wear a T- shirt?"

"It was hot out." He reasoned.

"Wait, you're wearing black boxers, right?"


"So if I had on black boxers it wouldn't be as noticeable-Let's switch."

"No way!" Nick could feel another fit of laugher coming on.

"Come on man! Why not?" Now AJ was laughing too. 'I can't believe I'm begging for Nick's underwear!' "Just give your drawls, man!" They were near tears now.

"You want them badly, huh?" Nick said in-between laughs.

"Yeah!" AJ grabbed Nick's waistband, and started unbuttoning his pants.

"AJ!" Nick hollered. As the two screamed and laughed they didn't notice that the restroom door was being opened.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I... didn't know..."

With his pants now half way down and AJ hand on his boxers, Nick looks up to see one of his idols, red faced from the scene in front of him.

"I'm just...uhmm go." The door quickly swings closed.

Nick angrily looks at a bewildered AJ, "I could kill you."

At a dark secluded table Brian Littrell sat alone, thinking about the contrast of emotions he was feeling. On one hand he was over joyed with not only the album hitting 5 million but also, with "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" debuting at number one. On the other hand he was frustrated because, Leighanne and him had another big fight. 'I don't even know what we fight about anymore,' He thought. 'I thought us moving in together would quiet things down. That we would finally start to spend more time together but it only seems to pull us apart.' It was all a jumble mess in Brian's head. He needed some one to talk to; he needed his best friend. 'Where is he anyway?'

Meanwhile back on the roof, Kevin and Ricky continued their conversaion. They talked about the party, all the people they saw or met. And about the why they left it, to escape the label hounds that had terrorize them both. Ricky told Kevin a little about his own boy band days, which weren't really different from Kevin's own.

"So does the whole ex-Menudo factor, get on your nerves?" Kevin asked as they looked over a high ledge at the city lights.

"Only when people think that's all that I am. I'm not ashamed of my past, it made me what I am today. Can you image being ashamed of the Backstreet Boys? "

Kevin shook his head, a small smile graces his face. "They're my little brothers, I could never be ashamed of them. Besides, I keep them in line--well, at least I try too."

"Oh, so you really are the big brother type." Ricky flashed a smile that could melt butter. It gave Kevin a funny but, warm feeling inside.

"I guess so," he said. "They're probably say I'm the overly protector type."

"Na, they love you , I can see that. I bet you just care too much," He studied Kevin eyes. "So much that, you don't let anyone returned the feeling. You have to be the strong one, always in control of your emotions, watch over the others."

Kevin felt a bit embarrassed that Ricky could read him like that after only talking to him for less than an hour. "Am I that translucent?"

"Well, to me--I just wonder..." Ricky gazed.

"What?" He was intrigued.

Ricky looks into his eyes, "What about you, who's your protector?"

Kevin looks down, the words hit him like a brick wall. `No one' he thought. Sure he could count on the guys to be there for him but, it wasn't the same. He stood why this were so. They were younger so naturally Kevin was the father figure, therefore the one who didn't need protecting. Then again Kevin wasn't known to let anyone else take control.

"B-Rok, why are you sitting there when you could be getting jiggy wit ?" Nick asks sitting next to Brian. He sees Brian distressed face. "What is it B?"

Brian looked down at the table; he fumbles with a fork that was lying there. "You know me and Leighanne had a fight."

"I heard."

"You heard what?" Brian becomes startled.

"Just you two arguing. I've heard y'all argue before you know."

Brian sighs, deeply and closes his eyes; "Nick there's something I need to talk to you about."

Nick lifts Brian's chin up with a single finger and looks into his eyes. "You can talk to me about anything. You know this." He wraps an arm around Brian's shoulders.

"Can we talk tomorrow, when you know, there's not so many people around."

"Sure, after the photo shoot."

AJ walks up to them, "Have you guys seen Howie or Kevin?"

"No but, I see some one else. Look over there guys." Brian points.

"At what?" He whips his head around.

"Over there man. It's your idol, Lenny Kravitz. Wanna go say sumthin' to him?" Brian starts to get up.

"NO!!!" Nick and AJ practically jump out of their skin to stop him.

"You know, you move well enough to be in a video." Diva joked as she and Howie danced to 702 performing their song "Where My Girls At" on stage.

"Maybe I should talk to the other guys about that."

"I never said what kind of video."


She pitches his cheek, "Are we embarrass?"

"A little. So Diva, Is that your real name or a nickname?"

"It's real, can you image what it's like to have a name like this, when I'm obviously the shy quite type."

"Obviously," he smiled.

"So, yeah it's real. I'm all-real, I be representing, you know what I'm saying." She said in a fake G/rapper voice. It sends Howie laughing, until he notices who is standing beside them.

"Oh uhmm... hi, Foxy."

"Getting your groove on, huh?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "And hi Diva! You didn't tell me that you knew my boy D."

"You know Diva?" he asked.

"My girl Diva here gave me the hook up, when I was starting out."

"I just made a few calls."

"Don't forget about sneaking into clubs"

"Ssshh, keep that on the DL."

'Well, I was heading out. It's nice too see you again Diva, call me sometimes, ah-ight? And bye Howie." Foxy gave him a quick hug before leaving.

Diva looks at her watch it's 1:45 am. "Looks like I have to go too. My boss has an early engagement in the morning and I'm suppose to be there too so..."

"I understand, so do we." He said sadden.

"So...See you later?"


"Cool, bye!" She gave him a small peck on the cheek and runs off.

"Diva wait!" He called but she was long gone. 'I don't have your number.'

Rick sensed that he had touched a cord in Kevin. He gently touches Kevin's shoulder, unsure if it was okay to do. "Look, I didn't mean to analyze you like that, Kevin. It's just that... even though we just met, I feel like I know you,."

Kevin stares amazed, "I feel that way too, Ricky... I just can't explain why, though."

"Maybe it's because we have so much in common."

"Maybe. We do have similar musical backgrounds, that's a given. And from what I tell you come from a strong family."

"And, don't our height." Rick kid as he stood next Kevin.

"Of course, how could I forget?"

"Yeah, we're both 6'1, and..." He points to his hair which was styled very similar to Kevin short sikey do.

"Just be happy that you don't have my eyebrows."

"Why, there nothing wrong with them? I like your eyebrows." He ran a finger across one. Kevin smiled at his boldness.

"There's something else that you have that I like," He taps on Kevin's bracelet. Without a thought Kevin takes it off, reaches for Ricky's right arm, and puts it on him. They spoke with a whisper to each other.

"You're letting me have it?" he searched Kevin's handsome face for an answer.

"If you want it, you can have it." He shrugs.

"But, why would give it to me?".

"Because... I want to."

The two men stand dangerously close, staring into one another. They find themselves completely lost in the windows of their souls. Ricky s runs a single finger down the length of Kevin arm, feeling every muscle under the thin fabric. Kevin holds his breathe. He was excited, he was confused. `Is something happening here? Do I want something to happen?' The lost of Ricky's touch snaps his attention. Rick slightly parts his lips as if to say something. But, instead he lets his eyes ask the unspoken question. He smiles when he finds the answer in sea green eyes. Ricky places a hand behind Kevin's neck, the other on his heaving chest. He leans in while Kevin's hands encounters the small of his back. Their noses touch, Kevin could feel the flutter of Ricky's lashes on his cheek as they closed their eyes.

Lips touches lips. Kevin's mustache tickles Ricky's skin. It was a simple kiss. They try again, this time pressing with more heat. Ricky parts his lips to lightly lick at Kevin's soft lower lip. He releases a tiny smile at the sweet taste. As he becomes more daring Ricky slips his tongue out. Kevin graciously accepts it. Their tongues danced and darted into each others mouths, as their chests press together tighter.

The sounds of rustling shirts and muffled moans ring though the cool night air. Kevin lets a hand roam freely though Ricky's hair. While Ricky slides a hand under Kevin's shirt. His runs his fingers across the smooth six pack, and quickly learns that it's Kevin's sensitive spot. Kevin becomes arouse at the touch, he passionately grabs Ricky's hair while sucking intensely on his tongue. Ricky rapidly hardens against Kevin's leg. Their hands were all over each other now, grabbing anything they could. Ricky pulls away and tenderly attack Kevin's neck. Though he tries to hold them back, small moans escape from Kevin's mouth. Ricky gives a final lick to the red mark he proudly made on Kevin's neck. The two share one more innocent kiss before slowly parting. They open their eyes and once again fall into them.

"What are you thinking about?" Ricky barely whispers, keeping his arms wrapped around Kevin's waist.

"You," he admits shyly looking away.

Ricky ran the back of his hand gently across Kevin's face, drawing his attention back. "That's funny. I was thinking about you too." He smiled that melting smile again.

They hear a bang coming from the door. The two men immediately part. Though they were out of eye sight, they didn't want to take any changes. The door clicks open, a female voice yells something in Spanish. All Kevin can catch is what sounded like Ricky's name. Ricky quickly responds back in Spanish. He motions for Kevin to follow him. He walks behind Ricky as he tries to smooth the hair he grabbed earlier. They turned the corner, a pretty 20 something Latino woman holds the door open.

"Babe, why didn't you tell me where you were going, I've been looking for you for the pass 15 minutes. What are doing up here anyway?--Oh I didn't see you there, Hi." She says noticing that Ricky wasn't alone. Feeling uncomfortable Kevin had linger in Ricky's shadow. `I can't believe I made out with a guy, and not just any guy but, Ricky Martin! And now his girlfriend finds us up here... alone. Maybe she doesn't know about Ricky's bisexuality. Maybe she doesn't even know who I am,' he thought.

"You're Kevin Richardson right?" she curiously asked.

He look at Ricky who was no help, he seemed just as uncomfortable. "Uhmm... yeah, I'm Kevin."

"Well, it's getting cold out here," Ricky quickly spoke. "I think we all should go, *now." Ricky walks pass the woman, Kevin follows. In the hallway they exchanged an "It's was nice to meet you." Ricky tries to casually shake Kevin's hand, their eyes meet one last time. They slowly let go as they turn separate ways. Ricky and the female take the stairs. Kevin pushes the down button on the elevator.

To be continue....

So there you go. Another first time author, another BSB story. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hopefully you've enjoyed it, and will continue follow. Because there's a lot more to come. In this story I'm going to try to include the whole group, and not just the couples. Many issues will be touched upon, thing may get emotional, sensual, and maybe even thought provoking, with some comic relief throw in. Let me know what you think of it so far. All questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome--

Next: Chapter 2

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