Sibling Rivalry

By Chris James

Published on Oct 5, 2009



Dear Reader: The following is a story of adult fiction, persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to view this material.

Every once in a while a situation occurs that requires a loving touch. The very nature of erotic material inspires passion, but that doesn't mean that characters can't react to one another softly and create welcome emotional situations.

I once knew two brothers named Jerry and Chris, they were polar opposites when it came to love, I believe I made the right choice, I just wish it had turned out this way. Short and sweet, just the way I like my boys.

Your comments welcomed. Chris James.

Sibling Rivalry (M/B)

Harry has some of the strangest habits I've ever encountered in a housemate. But for better or worse I really liked the guy despite the stupid trick he pulled just last week. I had come home from work one afternoon and smelled gasoline before I'd even opened the door to the townhouse. Oh God, the dog has knocked over a can of gas on the porch, at least that's what I thought as I hurried through the door.

The fumes were incredibly strong inside so I dumped my jacket on the hallway floor and started opening windows in the living room. To hell with the fact that it was thirty-six degrees outside, I needed air. I shut off the thermostat and went looking for the source of the horrendous smell. I ran into the kitchen to throw open another window and there was the source of the danger. A bunch of gears and spacers from the transmission of his Kawasaki were soaking in two inches of my kitchen sink.

What the fuck that boy was thinking I'll never understand. Didn't he realize that the gas water heater was over in the corner closet? The pilot light could have set the fumes off in a roaring fireball that would have taken out half the building. Shit, I suppose he was planning to pull the plug and dump the gas down the drain into the sewer, not a smart move no matter which side of the ecological fence you sit on.

I wanted to kill him, not a quick death but a slow lingering loss of life to sooth my boiling blood pressure. If Harry ever expected to see his twenty-third birthday this kind of shit had to stop. As usual I cleaned up the mess before he got home.

Jesus, what am I gonna do with him? I mean, first the electrical fire and now this. Well, the fire was half my fault I suppose. We had been collecting pull-tabs off of all the beer cans we could find and stringing them up to make a chandelier in the dining room. It looked awesome, at least until the damn thing got too heavy and pulled the fixture out of the ceiling causing the short.

Harry was my third housemate in a string of years, back when I was in and out of relationships like a swinging door in a busy bar. He was ten years my junior and damn cute but we weren't sleeping together. Oh I'd been down that road before and swore I would never be that foolish again. A few simple rules governed our domicile: no sleeping with the housemates, no poaching on each other's boys and try not to bring the cops home for any reason by sleeping around the neighborhood.

Harry broke that last rule within weeks of moving in since the neighborhood was defined as within walking distance. His friend turned out to be the paperboy, who at sixteen had encountered Harry on the front step several mornings in a row. That was back when he had to work at six am. By their third 'accidental' meeting, he had the kid stretched out on the front seat of his pickup and was blowing the boy for the whole development to watch as they went to work. Fortunately no one saw a thing and Harry, being the honest idiot he was, told me the whole story.

So at least we got the paper free for a while until the kid fell in love with the coach of his high school tennis team and dumped Harry. Poor Harry, it took him three days to find himself another boy. But this Jerry was one of those skinny kids, the kind that tucks the head of his cock into the top of his sock to keep it from dragging on the ground.

He was nineteen and the first legal thing Harry had brought home all year. They met at the gas station where the kid worked as a pump jockey. Motorcycles weren't the only language they had in common, he brought the boy home and took him straight to bed. Despite his crazy antics, Harry was an excellent seducer and knew a good possibility when he saw one.

The morning after Jerry spent his first night I had breakfast with the kid while Harry snored away in post-coital bliss. I offered the sleepy kid some coffee and watched as he slowly came awake after a hard night at the sex-capades. He really was a handsome lad, all that long brown hair and those big brown eyes.

"Hi, my name is Charlie," I said

"Jerry Sommerville," he mumbled back.

"So are you and Harry getting to know each other better?" I asked. What a loaded question, but then I'm a slut, it comes naturally.

"Yeah, his cock knows my ass pretty well by now," Jerry chuckled.

"Well, that's the most refreshingly honest statement I've ever heard at this table," I said. " Harry's a lucky man, are there any more at home as cute as you?"

"I have a younger brother who's seventeen," Jerry said.

"Oh my," I said, wondering why he'd told me this. " It's nice to know the world is full of beauty."

I wasn't going to rise to the bait, I didn't know this kid well enough and besides, wouldn't it be awkward to have both brothers fucking around in the same house? But what a fantasy, now if only the brother was half as cute.

"His name is Chris," Jerry said. " Far as I know he's never been with a girl and the only source of sex he's ever had was with me, but that was a long time ago."

"And why, may I ask, are you telling me this?" I said.

"I think he's lonely. I don't know why he doesn't have more friends but then he's the real quiet shy type, life is difficult for him," Jerry replied.

"Have you thought that maybe he feels different than the rest of his friends? Not that the lack of girls in his life means he's gay but...well maybe he is?" I ventured.

"Yeah, maybe so, I don't know. You have to understand, I'm not really gay, it's just that Harry's so damn good in bed," he said. " Well maybe I am, it doesn't matter to me one way or the other, sex is sex."

"How liberal of you," I said. A sex-oholic by any other name fucks as sweet, Jerry can claim to be anything he likes.

"Would you like to meet him?" Jerry asked.

"Why, is he looking for love?" I asked.

"He's not looking for anything," Jerry said. " He needs to snap out of it and get on with his life."

"Well, maybe I would like to meet him. We're having a Christmas party next month, why don't you bring him along?" I suggested.

"Ok, I will. Do you party?" Jerry held his hand up and toked on an imaginary joint.

"Not much these days, I think I'm getting too old for that shit," I said.

"Aw come on, you can't be a day over what? Twenty-five, twenty-six?"

"Do you want to be kissed now or later? I'm thirty-two," I said.

"Really? Never would have guessed," Jerry said. He smiled and I knew he was lying, what a nice boy.

We both heard a thump from upstairs, must be Harry falling out of bed. A few minutes later he made an appearance, coming down the stairs in his underwear and looking like hell.

"Oh God, how late were we up last night?" he asked.

"Only until three, " Jerry said, " don't you remember?"

"I don't think Harry is quite the night owl he thinks he is," I laughed.

"Don't laugh at me," Harry moaned," I got fucked by an entire army last night or was it only one Jerry?"

Jerry and I died at that one, the boy obviously had some talents I didn't know about, good for him. Now if only that little brother of his was half as capable I'd be in heaven. Now I couldn't wait for the Christmas party to roll around. But as luck would have it, and for once in my favor, I didn't have to wait that long.

It was the following Friday night about ten o'clock and I was catching a rerun of some old movie on television when the doorbell rang. Harry and Jerry were upstairs in that do no disturb mode they had been practicing all week long so I answered the door. From the moment I laid eyes on the beautiful creature standing on my front stoop I knew he had to be Jerry's little brother. The resemblance was remarkable, they could have been twins except that Chris' features were more soft and appealing.

"Hi, is Jerry here?" he asked.

"Yes, you must be Chris, come on in," I said. " I'm Charlie...was Jerry expecting you to stop by?"

"No, I came because...because Pepper got hit by a car tonight, she's dead," he said.

The sadness was in every feature of his face, and the tremble in his voice told me what a terrible blow this was to him. I assumed that Pepper was their dog, I understood the loss.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said. " But Jerry's kinda busy."

"Oh? I just need him to help me pick her up, she's too heavy for me to carry," Chris said with tears in his eyes.

"Oh God, come on, I'll help you, " I said.

"Would you?" he asked. One look told me that my stock had gone up a hundred percent in this boy's mind.

"I've lost a few dogs myself, let's go give her some dignity. How old was she?" I asked. I grabbed my jacket and we walked out to my van.

"I had her since I was real little, I guess she was about fourteen. She'd been having trouble with her eyes this past year, maybe she didn't see the car," he said.

"Where's your car?" I asked.

"I hitched over here, " he said, " Jerry told me he had a new friend."

Hmm, I wonder what else he told the kid. I wasn't about to impart any new information to Chris about Harry and what was happening behind that bedroom door. Jerry was the only one who could tell him anything safely.

We drove down Congress Avenue and crossed over Maple to the corner of the Midtown Pike. Six miles down was Jerry's neighborhood, old pre-war homes that really needed to be scrapped and something new put up their place. It wasn't a seedy part of town, just a poor one.

The dog was in a yard a block off the main highway. God she was big, a beautiful Lab at one time who just looked old and peaceful lying there. I helped the boy put the body in the back and we drove down to his house. Chris had already dug her a place to rest in his back yard and we lay the poor girl down in the soft dirt.

"She's really a beautiful animal, " I said. " I'm sorry for your loss."

"We all go sometime," Chris said. " She was a good friend and I'll miss her. Do you think there's a dog heaven?"

"I believe all life lives on after death," I said. " We're all flesh and blood bound together with an energy force that guides our life. The energy lives on after the body fades away and is carried by others, even for Pepper. Some part of her will always reside in you, Chris, and when you die it will be passed along to others. We're all the consequence of many forms of energy being passed along from one to the other. Just as the earth has revolved around the sun to create life so will all life share in the energy of past beings. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give a speech."

"No, that was awesome," he said. Tears were freely flowing down his face now and I put my arm on his shoulder to let him know I was here. " Thanks for helping me, I'll be alright now."

He took the shovel in hand and filled in the grave as I stood aside and watched. My simple explanation of the never-ending wheel of life had struck a chord with the boy and that was good, we now had something in common. Chris thanked me again for coming to help and I felt it was time to make my exit.

"Do you party?" he asked as I was about to go.

"Sometimes, you got something good?"

"Yeah, come on inside," he said, " My mom's still at work."

He had a tiny bedroom at the back of the house. And if I had ever hoped to catch a glimpse of what made this boy tick I was looking at it right now. My eyes roved the room and absorbed the titles of the books on the myriad shelves lining the walls. Jeez Louise, the kid was a brain. Homer, Freud, Shakespeare, Marx...he had the intellectual world at his fingertips here. He may look a lot like Jerry but they were nothing alike on the inside. I sat on his tiny bed and watched him move around the room.

"So you party a lot? " I asked. " When do you find time to read all this?"

"Oh some of this stuff was my dad's, I haven't read it all but I will," Chris said.

There was no doubt in my mind that he meant it, what a bright child. He came and sat beside me and rolled a joint. After he lit it up, he passed it on to me and I took a taste.

"That stuff you said out in the yard, about the flow of energy, that's a Buddhist philosophy isn't it?" he asked.

"Yes, Zen Buddhism was something I studied when I was younger. I often find it gives me great comfort to think of myself as part of the greater scheme in life," I said.

"You're very smart, " he said. " Jerry says I should come over to your Christmas party. He said you wanted to meet me."

"And so I have, I'm just sorry about the circumstances," I said.

"Are you gay?" Chris asked.

"Yes, I'm not out to hide anything from you," I said. " Is that a problem?"

"No, I just like to know where people are coming from," he said. "I think Jerry is gay but he won't admit it."

"I won't comment on that, it would be like stepping on Jerry's toes. But what about you, where do you stand?" I asked.

"Hard question, I've only had sex with one guy and no girls at all," he said.

"Wow, talk about honesty, your brother seems to be the same way. He just says what he feels people can handle, I have to admire that but sometimes it isn't always a good policy."

"So then you know about Jerry and me?" Chris asked.

"I figured that you and Jerry have slept together in the past. But if it was that long ago I suppose you've been living a pretty lonely life?" I said.

"Yeah, you could say that," Chris admitted. "I just don't know what to do, people don't seem to like gays very much. I understand that it's a prejudice but I'm not sure I want to be gay and have my friends hate me for it. When did you know about yourself?"

"I guess I was about eleven or twelve. It wasn't something that crept into my mind overnight, I suppose it was just a feeling at first. I saw boys on television or in the movies and I formed a crush on them. I had a few friends that would fool around with me but nothing serious until this one boy named Steve came along. Our play went way beyond masturbation and I think we had deep feelings for each other. But when we both hit twelve he grew out of it and I didn't. I think that's when I really knew for sure."

"Damn, that young? It must have been hard," he said.

"Yeah, it was, and I couldn't tell anyone how I felt," I said. " Not until I was sixteen anyway, that's when I met Brad. He worked down at the grocery store on Midtown Pike and was real friendly to me. I guess he was twenty or so, anyway, he picked me up one day about five minutes after I had left the store. We ended up out at Winker's Pond and he kissed me. He said he'd had a feeling about me being gay and just had to find out if it was true. Lord, we had a time that afternoon. We did things I'd only dreamed about doing up until then."

"Yeah, so what happened?" Chris asked. He was leaning in towards me, getting real interested in my story.

"He was at the University the whole time we were together but then he graduated and went in the Army. I cried for a week after he left, I felt pretty abandoned. It took me a long time to get over those feelings but then I did. Once my college days began, all kinds of gay stuff was happening around me. That's pretty much it," I said.

"Do you have a boyfriend now?" Chris asked.

"Not really, I see a few guys here and there, nothing serious. Why, looking for a job?" I asked.

"Oh...I'm sorry. I just got caught up in the story. Do you find me attractive?" he asked.

"Completely," I said. " But I don't want you to get into anything that will make you uncomfortable. I know it's hard to push down that wall and accept who you might be, I had to do it. My personal opinion is that you're the one who has to decide about your sexuality, don't let others influence you. Just having sex with your brother isn't much to go on, you might have done it only because it's what he wanted."

"I suppose so, but I do get these feelings inside and I...I want to do things again like Jerry and I used to do," Chris said.

"So what's stopping you?" I asked.

"You haven't asked me," he said.

"Oh? You want to sleep with me?"

"Yes, you're the first person I've been able to talk to about any of this," he said.

"Ok, but let me tell you what I think about you first. What I see before me is an elegantly thin and very desirable youth. I love the sweep of your hair as it hits your shoulders and lies across your graceful neck. Those big brown eyes are...well I just wanted to kiss you the moment we met. You're an incredibly beautiful boy, Chris, and this could be the most wonderful experience of my life. But just because I admire you physically doesn't mean I want to fuck with your mind. Until you're sure that sharing my bed would only bring you joy and happiness we can't take this to the next level, it wouldn't be fair to either of us."

Chris was staring at me intently, I had taken our relationship to a totally different dimension. I guess he had expected me to lay him back on this bed and seduce him, something my body craved beyond belief at this very moment. But the child was fragile and when he finally committed I wanted every ounce of his body and soul to be mine.

" Damn, you say things that make my head spin, " he said.

"Then kiss me and see if that helps you decide."

I put my arms around his waist and pulled him close until our lips met. His soft lips and mine melted together and I knew that there was no turning back for this boy, I would be lucky if he didn't faint.

Oh God, he was a divine kisser. I could feel his passion, as if the event were something he had been planing for ages and yet felt incapable of staging. At that moment he poured all his aspirations into our kiss and I was the one who felt faint. We had to come up for air and the collective gasp echoed off the walls around us.

"Have you discovered anything?" I asked.

"Take me home, " he said, " I want to be with you."

He left his mother a note explaining about the dog and the fact that he was spending the night over at a friend's house. He might be so very young between the ears but I admired his consideration for others. It was hard to contain both my erection and the excitement I felt about spending a night with this ravishing beauty. My goodness, wouldn't Jerry be surprised? The drive seemed to take forever and Chris sat silently the whole way until I began to worry that he was having second thoughts about the whole deal.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I was just thinking," he said. " It's been three years since Jerry and I did anything."

"Are you worried?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess I am. But I have to trust you, Charlie."

We pulled up in front of the townhouse, it was almost one o'clock in the morning but I was wide-awake and a little buzzed on the kid's pot. The light was on in Harry's bedroom so I took us in the front door quietly. I hung our jackets in the hall closet and Chris followed me up the stairs and into my room. I could hear a little music coming from Harry's room but it was pretty quiet over there, maybe they were asleep?

Chris sat on the trunk at the foot of my bed and took off his shoes.

"Can I take a shower first?" he asked.

"Whatever you want, maybe I should shower too?" I said.

"Then we'll do it together, ok?" he said, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Yeah, sure. Trying to get a peek at the goodies already, huh?"

"Only to see if I should be worried," he said.

"Yeah, me too," I said.

We both undressed in our respective corners of the room and I turned to find him naked and waiting for me. Oh my, what a beautiful cock he had...but I had expected that. Standing there admiring the boy's body I was reminded that he had only slept with his brother. I would have to be patient.

His body was quick to respond as I washed his back under the hot spray. He turned to me and his mouth sought mine as our cocks dueled against our stomachs. That lust drove us to finish showering quickly and we retired to the bedroom slightly wet. Chris stretched out on the bed as I gazed down at him in wonder.

His body was still so young and reed like, his skin had such a soft texture and to my eyes was unblemished by a single flaw. He had a tiny tuft of fur under each arm and there wasn't another hair to be seen until my eyes swept to the soft mat above his generous cock.

And what a proud soldier he had standing between his legs. He was big, and it stood up so straight and tall. The helmet of his cock flared gracefully away from the shaft, the doctor had been kind when the boy was circumcised, the work of a true genius. His balls lay low in their sac, almost touching the bedspread as he lay on his back. Such a fine body, and all mine for the taking.

I leaned over and kissed his navel, sucking up the droplets of water. My lips traveled up his chest and I tongued his left nipple as I passed upwards to his chin.

"Hmm, that feels nice," he said.

"I want to lick you all over if I may?" I asked.

"Oh, please," he said.

I lay beside him and began at his earlobes, my tongue and lips lapping at his flesh. Oh, what a beautiful neck to ravish. And I did, licking him there and working my way down into his armpits. The faint tang of his sweat lingered there and I lapped it up, imhaling his scent until he giggled. He took great pleasure in the rasp of my tongue across his nipples and down his chest, I could feel his body trembling beneath my touch.

The head of his cock reached all the way to his navel and so I brushed across the tip and down the shaft to his balls. Chris gasped as I took his orbs in my mouth and fondled them with my tongue. I knew if I took his cock in my mouth right now he would shoot his load almost immediately, ahh the advantages of youth. His body was like a tightly stretched string that I could now pluck and he would vibrate to my tune. I left his balls and licked the inside of his thighs, Chris moaned at the tease.

I was excited and knew neither of us could hold out much longer so I tongued my way back up the shaft of his swollen cock and took the head in my mouth. Chris hissed between his teeth as I slowly fed the top half of his shaft down my throat. My tongue wiggled along the underside of his cock and Chris almost bucked himself off the bed.

"'s real close," he moaned.

I spread his legs and knelt between them, forcing my mouth to accept more of the boy's length. My saliva had drooled down the shaft to his balls and I rubbed the slimy globes as I tried to swallow him until I could kiss his pubes. He shuddered and the muscles of his stomach rippled in contractions that could only mean he was going over the top. I slid back to the top of his shaft and plunged back down, my mouth a solid vacuum around his cock. I decided to take him there and sucked harder and faster, moving up and down on him and feeling the flare of his cock head slamming into the back of my throat.

"Uh...uh...ahhh, " he gasped, followed by a groan deep in his throat.

I felt his balls contract in my hand and knew the load was on the way so I grasped the base of his cock and squeezed. His cum exploded down my throat and damn near choked me from the pressure of that first blast. Yeah, it had been a while for him, I thought. His sweet milky seed poured into my mouth and I swallowed gratefully time and again. I rubbed my hand up the shaft, stripping the remains of his spermy juices into my mouth until only a drop remained on the tip.

What a wonderful way to start our relationship. I looked up to see a wide smile on Chris' face...I guess he liked it too. I went to take my hand away from his cock and noticed it was still hard as a rock.

"You only got half of it," he chuckled.

"Uh, you mean it's ready to go again?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, twice in a row is easy, it's the third time that takes a while," he said. " But I want some of you too, don't forget."

Oh, I would never forget what he did for me. There's a lot to be said about boys like Chris that repress their feelings for so long. I had no idea what he and Jerry had done that handfull of years before, but it must have been amazing sex for them both. I was panting like hell when he finally brought me off deep in his throat.

"Hmm, yeah...I really like the taste of cum," Chris said. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine, sharing the flavor.

"I was impolite not to ask, there anything you don't like to do?"

"Oh, you mean fucking? Like I said, it's been a while...but I'm game if you want my ass."

"And what do you want? I know Jerry got what he liked, what would you like?" I asked.

Chris paused, his eyes gazing down into mine. "You'd let me?"

I smiled. "Yes...I'd welcome it."

It was his turn to smile. "Um, well I never did it before..."

"And you should," I said. So Jerry had been selfish, about what I figured. "Chris...I want you to have the same pleasure I get from you. If this thing we've started is going to work then I always want us to share everything."

"I'd like that," Chris said. I could see tears forming in his eyes. " You've been so good to me."

He needed affection and I pulled him down in a hug, wrapping my arms around his back. I couldn't ask about the love which seemed to be missing in his life. I knew of the mother, no father had been mentioned. Jerry seemed like a responsible guy and had probably done all right by this boy, but even so, Chris lacked affection.

He clung to me, his thin body stretched out on mine. I stroked his thick hair and rubbed his back. I needed to care about him, to be that source of would serve us both. And as the minutes passed Chris made no move to pull away, he just lay there and soaked up the attention.

I kissed his neck and whispered in his ear. " What are you thinking about?"

I felt his fingers caress my neck. ", us." He replied.

"And what would you like us to become?" I ventured.

"I want to be your boyfriend," Chris said. From the tone of his voice I knew he was smiling.

"Are you sure? Because if you are...I would like that very much," I replied.

Chris raised his head and smiled at me. It was then I felt the hardness return to his cock as he pressed it into my stomach. He laughed when he became aware of the pressure building between us.

"Hmm, well you know what boyfriends do...?" Chris said, and then he showed me.

We were in love by Christmas. He moved in with me on New Year's Day, and that was fourteen years ago...he's still here. Harry decided to make his own move shortly thereafter, taking Chris' old room with Jerry and the mother. I sure hope the woman has fire insurance.

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