
By Wayne Gray

Published on Dec 4, 2019


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Be warned. This is a story about men who have consensual sex with other men. If that's not your thing, go away. If it's not legal for you to view this material, also go away.

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Thanks for reading! And thanks to Thorn Wilde and Jim B for their efforts proofreading/editing!

Chapter 9: Pack Leader

Friday, April 19, (Full Moon)

Wolfgang frowned at Jed. "Are you sure it'll be safe?" He shivered a little. "The beast can be really, ah..." He searched for the right word. "Well, like an animal."

They sat outside on the patio of a local bar called North of Fourth. It was late afternoon and the sun had managed to struggle its way through the typical fog. The men were enjoying the warmth of the springtime rays.

Jed's fingers rubbed the outside of his pint glass. They had only just sat down, so it was still full of strong, dark beer. "It'll be safe. We would never hurt the pack." Jed extended his other hand. "Here. Feel what we do."

Wolfgang grasped Jed's hand, and Jed's eyes subtly turned a silvery shade as he allowed the beast to rise to the surface.

With the full moon so close, the strength of Jed's wolf was impossible for Wolfgang to ignore. There was a feral wildness that rolled beneath the surface that thrummed with anticipation, power, and strength.

Wolfgang wet his lips as he held on. The hair on his arms and legs stood up, stiffening until it was coarse, like the outer coat of an animal. His tongue ran over his teeth, all of which were now slightly pointed and elongated.

Though there was desire and excitement in the connection, Wolfgang felt no ill-will. There was no intent to hurt him, or anyone for that matter.

Jed smiled at him. "See? You'll be safe." That smile grew into a grin. "I just want you to experience it with us."

The beast added its own need for connection to Jed's, and there was an undercurrent of deep emotion from them both. Jed swallowed and appeared nervous. "Anyway." He started to pull his hand away.

Wolfgang held on, and he brought his other hand over to cover Jed's so now he held it clasped in both of his own. He stared into the big man's eyes and Jed gazed back at him.

It was rare for Jed and the beast to agree. Life for Jed was a struggle - always holding the wolf back from what it wanted.

Now, Wolfgang felt them in a rare union, united in thought, emotion, and dreams.

Wolfgang wet his lips. "Jed?"

"Yes, Wolfgang?" Those shiny eyes focused on him.

Wolfgang moved his fingers gently over Jed's wide, strong hand as he held it. "How do you describe what you feel for me?"

Jed cocked his head. Amusement, fondness, a touch of fear, and more coursed through him. Wolfgang felt it all as he stayed in contact. "You feel what I do." He shrugged. "You tell me."

Wolfgang kept his eyes on Jed's. "I feel that things are changing. That things are getting stronger." Wolfgang was suddenly nervous. "I... I hadn't intended on staying, Jed. Once the case is over, I was going to go back to Seattle."

A hollow disappointment slammed into Wolfgang, though Jed's expression never changed. "You already know that we don't want you to go."

"Yes, I know. I don't want to go either." Wolfgang smiled. "Not anymore."

"Good." The few other patrons on the sunny patio were forgotten by the pair. "Does that mean you're going to stay?"

Wolfgang nodded, coming to the decision at the same time as he communicated it. "Yes."

Those intense, positive emotions in Jed returned, as did his smile. Wolfgang couldn't stop the comparison of the feelings in Jed to those Franklin had for them both. Jed squeezed his hand just a bit. "How about you? How do you feel?"

Wolfgang swallowed. "I- it's hard to know for sure. I internalize the emotions of others, and eventually, they become my own if I allow them."

Jed and the beast looked at him through silver irises. "Will you allow yourself to feel all we do for you?"

"I don't know if I have a choice anymore." Wolfgang chuckled. "I, ah, even when we're not in physical contact, I'm beginning to just-" He paused, trying to find the right word. "I crave you. Both of you."

It was barely audible, the growl from Jed. It wasn't aggression or hostility, but it was a sound of contentment. "Does that mean you will come with us?" Hope bled through their connection as Jed spoke. "You'll experience the change with us?"

Wolfgang instinctively knew the full moon was the most dangerous time to be around a werewolf. He knew that was when the beast was in almost total control, and that he would be at the mercy of Jed's wolf when the man shifted. The moonrise would come around eight-forty that night. At that point, Jed would have no choice - he would change, silver or not.

'Do I trust him?'

'Trust.' As clear as any voice he had ever heard, the beast whispered straight into Wolfgang's mind. The connection between them had grown far beyond anything Wolfgang had experienced before, to now include occasionally sharing their very thoughts.

Jed frowned. "I... what was that?"

Wolfgang laughed then leaned forward and kissed his werewolf. A few moments later he pulled back, one hand on Jed's bristly face. "The beast and I were chatting." He grinned at Jed's confusion. Before Jed could reply, he continued. "Yes. I'd love to go through the change with you both."

Hours passed. It was now a hair past six p.m. Jed and Wolfgang stopped at the big man's apartment as he prepared for the rising of the moon.

"What's it like?" Wolfgang openly appreciated the sight of Jed's naked body as the man stripped his jeans and flannel shirt while he stood beside the bed. A pair of soft shorts, a t-shirt and sandals awaited Jed - clothes easy for him to remove if the change began to happen sooner than he anticipated.

"It's an explosion of physical power." Jed's eyes glittered from the effects of his wolf. They would remain silver until he had shifted, and he needed to be careful in public thanks to their odd appearance. Jed exhaled a long breath. "I am never stronger than I am under the light of a full moon." He smiled at his slim lover. "You'll see."

Wolfgang nodded. Jed reached for his shorts, and Wolfgang gently grabbed his wrist. "We have time." Wolfgang stepped into Jed's space. His hands rested on Jed's waist as he leaned into him. "Let me feed the wolf before you change."

Jed gulped. "I... we shouldn't. The beast is so strong." A wavering note in his voice made Jed's struggle plain. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't, remember?" Wolfgang gently kissed Jed's neck and chills chased over the skin of his chest. Wolfgang stared up into Jed's eyes. "I'm part of the pack."

Jed tried, but the beast was far too powerful on this day. He was suddenly a passenger in his body as the wolf took control.

The beast reached with a gentleness Jed never knew it possessed and pulled Wolfgang to his lips. A tiny moan escaped the man in his arms as they languidly kissed. Jed helped things along by unbuttoning Wolfgang's slacks, and then his shirt.

Soon, that beautiful, slim body and completely disproportionate cock were free of their clothing. Jed reveled in the moment, and for once, he realized that he had nothing to fear from the wolf. It was almost as if there was a truce of sorts. Jed was able to exert his own will along with that of the beast.

'No fight. Be together with mate. Both.'

"He's..." Jed shook his head. "He's sharing you."

Wolfgang sighed as Jed embraced him, his firm, rough hands sliding down Wolfgang's bare back. "I feel it. He knows you won't deny him what he wants. Not this time."

Jed sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Wolfgang into his lap, facing him. The blonde man put his legs around Jed's waist and lay his head against Jed's neck, breathing warmth across Jed's skin.

"Jed?" Wolfgang blinked as the big man lubed them. "This is different. It feels different."

Thanks to their positioning, gravity would do the work of entering Wolfgang. Jed's erection pressed until the initial entry occurred, and Wolfgang breathed through the moment.

Jed kissed Wolfgang's Adam's apple and tasted his lover's sweat. A riot of emotion, need and connectedness roiled in Jed and his wolf. Then, the same echoed in Wolfgang.

"What are you doing?" A tiny note of panic was in Wolfgang's voice as he settled fully on Jed. "What's happening?"

'Trust. Ours. Mate.'

Jed watched in fascination as Wolfgang's eyes streaked silver to match his own. Wolfgang bore an expression of wonder, mouth slightly open as he looked at Jed. "I've never felt-" He closed his eyes. "Oh, god."

The beast and Jed slowly moved his pelvis, flexing up into Wolfgang's body. The man moved along with Jed, his ass grinding down into Jed's dick in perfect time to his motion.

Jed desired to kiss him, and Wolfgang met his lips. Jed and the wolf were as physically strong as they would ever be. Hands powerful enough to tear apart a car held Wolfgang in a gentle embrace.

They continued to exchange sweet, long kisses without a rush, hurry, or heat. There was only a shared experience and tender treatment from Jed and his beast.

Jed folded his arms around Wolfgang, holding him tight. His hips sped up as they neared their finish. The smaller man made breathy sounds as Jed pushed up into him.

"Oh, god. Oh, Jed." Wolfgang pulled back and stared into Jed's eyes. His jaw dropped, and he came in a terrific gush of semen up Jed's hairy front, while Jed grunted, his cock pulsing as he gave Wolfgang his load.

Wolfgang leaned again and the men rode out the rest of their orgasm with their lips together, kissing with a rare delicateness.

They were finally still. Their lips parted and Wolfgang panted with his forehead against Jed's.

'Fuck, I'm in love. I'm in love with them.'

It was almost like listening to the beast, as the thought came filtering through to Jed. Though it was unmistakably Wolfgang's.

Jed leaned back. The wolf and he both shared a smile as they looked at their lover.

"We love you too."

It was nearly time. Wolfgang had driven Jed out to the edge of BLM land, near Daniel's cabin. The forest there was still wild, and there were few eyes to see what was to come.

Dark had fallen already, so the men got out of the car and carefully picked their way through briars, brush and brambles until they came to a small clearing. Giant redwoods towered over them at the edge, further protecting the little area. Wolfgang walked to the center of the space to stand beside Jed. Though there were clouds in the sky, they were few, and stars glittered coldly above them.

Jed smiled at Wolfgang. "It will happen here." He turned his eyes to the horizon that was barely visible over the treetops. He seemed to know by instinct where the moon would appear. "It will be very soon."

Wolfgang tried to hide his nervousness. "Here. Let's get you ready." He pulled Jed's t-shirt over his head, and Jed untied his shorts. In moments, he stood naked in the darkness.

The hair on Jed's body lifted slightly from his skin as he watched the treeline. "It will last twelve hours. After, I will come back here." Those silver eyes looked down at Wolfgang. As he did, the very first sliver of the moon peeked over the hills and trees.

The muscles under Jed's skin all rippled, and he took a sharp inhalation of breath. His eyes widened as the change began.

Wolfgang tentatively put a hand on Jed's shoulder, and suddenly he was on fire with the power of the moon.

Jed knelt, and Wolfgang followed him down. A tremendous wave of strength and primal energy rocked them both. As if on cue, they turned their faces toward the moon, their eyes silver, locked onto the tiny amount visible over the horizon.

Wolfgang felt Jed's musculature and bones begin to move. It wasn't painful, exactly, though it should have been. In moments, instead of skin under his hand, there was fur, but that wasn't the most notable thing about the process.

A massive reconstruction, healing, and regeneration occurred. Jed healed quickly anyway; any wounds not caused by silver were repaired by his supernatural body at thousands of times the normal rate. Though it was resource-intensive and he had to feed himself to fuel the process. Under the full moon, there was no limit to that reconstruction. Powered directly from the moonlight, anything Jed's normal process didn't fix was repaired during the shift. That was one reason Jed never feared disease. Even if something managed to infect him, the change would purge his body of any invader.

For about thirty seconds, Wolfgang and Jed experienced the shift. Impossible for him to describe, Wolfgang could only hold on to Jed's furry shoulder as his body transformed.

It was complete, and the beast stood. On one knee, Wolfgang raised his face to Jed's wolf.

Eyes of silvery-gray met Wolfgang's. A coat of light gray fur covered the creature before him, and the broad, thick skull of the great wolf was only inches from Wolfgang.

An amplified, completely untethered beast communed with Wolfgang.

'Trust. Ours. Mate.'

Wolfgang grinned and lay his forehead against the huge wolf's neck. "Yes. I'm yours. I trust you." He pushed back to look in wonder at Jed. "You're amazing."

The wolf looked for all the world as if it grinned at him. Then his head came up, and he looked into the woods. 'We go. Run free.' As the tongue of the great beast lolled, Wolfgang caught the glint of silver in its mouth. Jed's fillings had coated his large canines, and the nails on his front feet were all covered in the metal as well. The beast couldn't shed the silver Jed used. Instead, the stuff was incorporated into the body they shared.

"Go. When it's time, I'll be here when you come back."

There was a sensation of an acknowledgment from Jed. The wolf turned. With a confident, loping stride, he padded silently into the woods and was soon lost to sight.

Wolfgang stayed on his knees and stared after him. Finally, he chuckled and got up. As he walked back to his car in a world bathed in moonlight, he shook his head.

"I'm boyfriends with a fucking werewolf."

The next morning Ursula sat in the coffee shop. A cup of lukewarm coffee was on her left, while a book on medieval legends lay open before her. A half-eaten piece of coffee cake was on a small plate, pushed to the edge of the little square table.

The manager of the shop, who was the solo staff person that morning, had just worked his way through the morning rush. That was thanks to Jed's late start. Jed always took the full moon off of work so that he could deal with the effects of his beast. There was a bit of grumbling from the heavyset man, but he got through it.

Jed got to work right at nine a.m. Ursula knew he had entered the shop from the shadow falling across the floor, and the sound of his boots on the tile.

He passed her table, and as was typical for the man, he stopped. "Hello, ma'am. Would you like a refill of your coffee?"

Ursula looked up at him as he stood nearby. "No, thank you." She removed a postcard from her blouse and slid it across the table. "I'd like you to meet me here after your day is done."

Jed seemed a bit confused, but he took the card. "Okay." There was a picture of Redwood Park on the postcard. "Why do you want to meet at the park?"

She kept her eyes on him. "Tell me - have you spoken to your father today?"

Jed's face shifted, and his gray eyes narrowed slightly. He leaned forward. "Tell me why you ask that."

She had expected that, but the power of Jed's beast still hit her with the force of a hammer. 'Gods! His command of the pack voice is strong!' Ursula felt her desire to please him; she wanted to tell all he asked of her. Years of targeted exposure to her daughter's gift had enabled Ursula to train herself to ignore the compulsion wrapped in the command, however. She leaned toward him, her face expressionless. "All will be revealed when you come to the park."

Jed couldn't hide the surprise on his face. Ursula knew that Jed had tried to contact Daniel after the effects of the full moon wore away. Had the man the time, he would have gone to his father's cabin to check on him physically, but he hadn't.

Jed swallowed, his hands opening and closing while Ursula continued to look up at him. He wet his lips. "Who are you?"

She smiled. "It may be hard to believe, but fate conspires to make us friends." She caught sight of Kasey as he appeared from the back room. "Why thank you, I am done. Here you are." She made a show of handing the cool mug of coffee and the leftover coffee cake to Jed.

Ursula stood. Jed seemed unwilling to let her walk away, but there wasn't much he could do about it with Kasey in plain view. She gave him a little nod of her head as she shouldered her bag and picked up the textbook.

In moments, she had exited the shop. Ursula walked quickly down the sidewalk, immensely satisfied with things.

Joan, Ursula, and Daniel sat at a picnic table under the protective canopy of a massive redwood. A heavy mist fell over the city from the marine layer that rolled in over the area. The time was barely after five when Jed's little black truck pulled up to park on the street. The big man got out, and he strode purposefully toward their gathering. Even from that distance, Daniel saw the relief on Jed's face.

Daniel bit his lip. Jed had tried to call him a dozen times, but he hadn't answered the cell phone. He knew his son was worried. Daniel glanced at Joan. She sensed his attention and turned her head from Jed to him. She smiled reassuringly. "Remember - we talked about this. It will be fine."

He nodded. "Yes, Ma'am."

As Jed approached, Ursula stood. She motioned at the pair still seated at the table. "Your business is with them."

Ursula stepped around the table and walked by Jed. He eyed her with suspicion. "Who is this?" He jerked his chin at Joan.

Ursula gazed at him. "Joan is my daughter." She smiled. "And if any harm comes to her from this meeting, I will hunt and kill you and your father."

A mix of shock and anger twisted Jed's features.

"Mother, stop." Joan stood, and Daniel looked up at her. Joan put a calming hand on Daniel's shoulder. "The Silverwolf and I will not fight. There is no reason to." Now Jed just looked shocked as he realized they knew who and what he was.

Ursula sighed. "You're right. My apologies." That unsettling smile remained. "Old habits." She inclined her head to Joan. "Contact me after, so that I know."

Joan nodded at her mother, and Ursula walked away.

Jed stared after her, and then he turned to his father. "Dad." He glanced at Joan, then back to Daniel. "Tell me what is going on."

Daniel felt the power of Jed's voice, but it was never intended to be used on him. The reason Jed struggled to control Daniel's wolf was that a child was never meant to lead a parent in a pack. It was unnatural, and while Joan claimed Daniel, no other pack leader could command him.

"Son." He motioned at the table. "Please, sit."

Jed blinked. The voice did not affect Daniel, and Jed knew it. He rubbed his face, then nodded and took a seat across from Joan and his father. "Why are you so calm?" Jed frowned. "This close to the full moon, you should still be at the cabin."

"He shares in my strength, my control," Joan spoke. She straightened her spine and looked Jed in the eye. "He is the first of my pack now."

As the voice came from her, Jed jerked. "Another wolf." He shook his head. "Another pack leader." Jed rubbed his face. "Then, your mother, she's another..."

"No," Joan interrupted. "My mother is human." She smiled at Jed. "Like yours was, my mother is human, and my father was a wolf." She sighed. "Like you, I am an outcast from the larger pack hierarchy."

Jed openly stared at her. Daniel looked at Joan, and she nodded reassuringly at him. "Tell him - your own words." She patted his back. "If you wish, I will leave so you can speak privately."

Daniel shook his head. "No, Ma'am. I don't want you to leave." She smiled at him when he spoke.

Joan used the voice only sparingly on him, and even then it was always to ensure the beast inside Daniel remained manageable. In short, she had been nothing but good to and for him.

Daniel needed to make Jed understand that. He took a breath. "Son." He reached across the table, his palm up. Jed leaned and put his own hand in his dad's. Daniel smiled. "You did your best for a long time." He looked over at Joan, and there was no mistaking the emotion in Daniel's eyes. "But, that's over now." He turned back to Jed. "I know where I belong."

Jed squeezed his hand. "Where's that, Dad? Where do you belong?"

Daniel grinned. "At the shoulder of Joan - my pack leader."

Next: Chapter 10

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