Simons Farm

By Other Thing

Published on Dec 10, 2005


Simon's Farm

(Part Two)

I sat on the bed, my hands covering my face. I felt terrible. I'd only been there about an hour and already I'd ruined things, I had no idea what I was going to do, how I would look Karen in the face after that. The boxers were still in my hand, but now they disgusted me. I threw them down onto the floor next to the pair I had sucked clean. What was I thinking of? How completely dumb could I be?

I pulled my boxers up over my now flaccid cock and zipped up my jeans. I could hear plates being laid on the table downstairs. I strained my ears to see if anyone was talking, but I could hear no one. Finally I got up from the bed and went to the door, my heart was pounding and I already felt a little sick. I didn't know if I'd be able to eat anything even if I made it down to the table. I'd go in search of the bathroom first, wash my hands, try to get a bit of perspective on what had just happened and then go downstairs as if nothing was the matter.

I stepped out onto the dark, narrow landing trying to get my bearings of which direction the bathroom was in. I turned to my right, but as soon as I did so, froze realising I could hear whispered voices from the room across the corridor from mine.

'Simon, I'm not making this up, I'm telling you what I saw!'

It was Karen. It was worse than I thought. My head swam trying to imagine what her husband's reply would be.

'He's a young guy, Karen, he won't have meant any harm by it.'

I relaxed, it was okay, he wasn't going to kick me out. I stepped closer to the door to hear better what was being said.

'It's disgusting. As if it's not as bad with the other one in the house.'

'Martin? What's wrong with him?'

'He creeps me out. There's just something weird about him.'

'Karen, I know this isn't easy, but we really need help on the farm. You've nothing to worry about with either of them. Martin... well he's just a bit quiet. Shy no doubt. And Chris? Well when I was his age I was probably up to just the same thing.'

I smiled. I liked the idea of Simon at my age, crouched on the floor, beating his cock. Maybe this was why he was going easy on me, maybe he was just as pervy as I was. My cock stirred again in my boxers. I sensed that the conversation was reaching a close and they'd come out soon to go for dinner. I wondered whether I should knock on the door before then and apologise to Karen again, this time without my erect cock on view, only I already had a semi inside my jeans and maybe that wouldn't create the right impression. I decided I'd give up looking for the bathroom too and just go down and wait for them both to appear for dinner.

In the kitchen I met Martin. He was a tall guy, about my age, good looking with dark hair, and very dark, deep set eyes. He was dressed entirely in black, a black close- fitting t-shirt that showed off every definition of his chest and stomach and a pair of loose, black trackie bottoms. He looked up as I came into the room, but did not speak, or acknowledge the fact that I had never met him before, just continued setting the table.

'Hi, I'm Chris,' I said stepping towards him, 'Are you Martin?' He looked up from his task and gave me a cold, penetrating stare,

'Yes, I'm Martin,' he said and gave a smile that showed no sense of happiness at having met me at all. He put down the cutlery he was holding and came over to me and shook my hand.

'So have you been here long?' I asked, noticing he was still holding onto my hand. I looked over his smooth, lightly tanned face. He was gorgeous, but there was also something slightly chilling about him. He maintained constant eye contact as he spoke, and each word seemed calculated, as if he had measured what effect it would have before he said it.

'About a couple of months now.' He gave another cold smile and let go of my hand, turned and continued to set the table.

'I'm afraid I'm going to be sharing your room. Hope you don't mind.'

'Mind? Why would I mind?' I tried to think of an answer to this, but conversation with him seemed like it might be difficult at the best of times. This wasn't helped by the fact that I kept thinking how I'd eaten his cum earlier.

Suddenly Simon appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. My heart leapt again. Somehow meeting Martin had made me forget how difficult it was going to be facing him and Karen at dinner knowing that they both knew what I had been up to just now. Karen followed him into the room, and without looking at me went straight to the cooker and began serving the food.

Nobody spoke. Simon was clearly trying to find something to say to ease the situation and eventually settled on,

'Great job setting the table Martin.' Only Martin didn't reply. We took seats at the table and Karen brought over the food and served it. There was one seat and a plate still waiting to be taken.

'Just one more to come.' Simon said, clearly finding the silence difficult, 'My brother, Dan,' he added, looking at me as a way of explanation. Karen stared at her plate. I felt terrible for her. I wanted to apologise but certainly couldn't do it in front of Martin. A whole minute passed in which nobody spoke, and it was clear that no one would start eating until Dan arrived.

'Is he older or younger than you?' I asked eventually. Simon laughed, and I think it was relief that someone had broken the silence that made him do so.

'He's older. But only by a couple of minutes,' he said, 'we're twins.' As if to prove it, at that moment Dan appeared in the doorway. He was identical to Simon in every way; the same blond hair, even cut in the same style, the same muscular physique. My cock became rock hard beneath the table. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He sat down in the empty chair opposite me, and looked up and grinned. It was the same amazing feeling that I'd got when Simon had first smiled at me; the same smile in fact. I looked at Simon and he was smiling too, amused at my reaction at seeing his doppelganger next to him. Only Martin and Karen were not smiling. Karen kept staring at her plate, and Martin just looked blankly ahead of him as if no one else in the room was there.

'So, you're the new casual, eh?' said Dan and picked up his fork and started to eat.

'Yes, arrived this afternoon.' I said and also started eating. Dan began telling Simon how he'd moved the cows into a new pasture that afternoon, and as he did so suddenly everything began to feel ordinary once more. It was entirely possible to ignore Martin was there, seated next to me. He was incredibly quiet, though I didn't agree with Simon, I didn't think it was shyness. Martin had nothing to be shy about. He was attractive, a little fierce looking maybe, but he looked like the kind of guy who'd have lots of mates at home. The fact he didn't say anything, and just stared moodily into space the whole time was the only thing stopping him from being really damn hot. It wasn't shyness, I decided, it was something else.

The only thing that now troubled me was Karen. I kept trying to catch her eye and eventually I just said directly to her,

'This really is excellent food, Karen. I can't remember ever eating so well.'

'She is a great cook, isn't she Chris?' said Simon immediately. Karen looked up from hair plate at last, and looked directly at me for some moments as if trying to take in who I was, perhaps trying to gauge whether what her husband had said about me just being a horny, young guy was true or whether it was actually a sign of me being a bad person. Finally she reached her verdict, pursed her lips in a friendly, but noncommittal way and said,

'Thank you Chris.'

Things were easier after that. We all relaxed (except Martin, who I imagined never relaxed) and Dan began telling funny stories about the things Simon got up to as a child.

'So your Dad gave the farm to you both then?' I asked.

'Well, it's technically Simon's farm.' Karen said quickly.

'But Dan's the oldest, isn't he?'

'Ah,' said Dan leaning back in his chair, 'Dad thought that Simon would be a better bet in the long term; for the farm staying in the family in the future, with him being married and all, and you know I can see his point in a way.'

Dan pressed his foot against mine beneath the table and gave me a wink. For a moment I wondered what this meant, whether it was a joke at Karen's expense that I wasn't getting, and then suddenly it struck me, that it was quite possible that Dan was gay.

'I mean, it doesn't really matter who owns it,' Simon was saying, but I wasn't really listening; I was more interested in Dan's foot which I could sense was only a few inches away from mine, 'we both live here, we both work here, and Dan's welcome to stay his whole life if he wants to. I see it more as "our farm" than "my farm".'

Slowly I edged my foot closer to where Dan's lay. I didn't look at him but wanted to see what he would do if I brushed it against his. I wanted it to seem like it might have been an accident if I needed it to.

'Very decent of you, Simon' laughed Dan, as I touched his foot with my own. He didn't move it. I figured that if someone touches your foot beneath a table, then you assume it's an accident, and you move away your own foot. But if you want someone to touch your foot, then you wouldn't move. You'd just keep it there to let them know that that is what you wanted. I continued pressing and Dan's foot didn't yield. Finally Dan took his foot away completely and announced to the table,

'Right, I think it's about time I brought those cows in.' He began to get up from the table and I noticed the slightly swollen outline of his cock in the front of his shorts.

'I'll help,' said Martin, and I jumped slightly, having forgotten he was even at the table.

'No, it's okay,' said Dan, 'you've been out working all day. Let the new lad dirty his hands for a change.'

I jumped up from the table, thanking Karen again for the meal, and followed Dan out into the yard. The sun was pretty much set, and the whole air took on a dusky, blue tinge. It was still quite warm, but whenever the breeze moved you could feel a coolness touch against your face. Dan lead the way down the edge of a field, pointing out the barn we would take the cows to as we passed it. Once we were out of sight of the house, without saying anything to me, he slowed so that he was walking parallel with me and gently placed his arm around my waist, slipping his hand into the back pocket of my jeans. My heart was pounding. I couldn't believe it was really happening, and suddenly I felt so happy I wanted to stay like that forever.

'Well,' he said gently his hand inside my pocket pressing lightly against my buttock as we walked, 'you were an unexpected surprise.'

'I could say the same about you. I thought I'd lost my chance when your brother turned out to be married.'

'Yeah, dead straight is Simon. Hope I'll do instead.'

'You'll do just fine.'

We continued along the edge of the field, and I pressed my body against his muscular torso. After a while he slipped his hand out of my pocket and down the back of my boxers inside my jeans. His hand was cool against my bare arse, and he cupped one cheek of it entirely in his palm as we walked. With one finger he began exploring, up and down the groove, down to my anus, and then gently began rubbing his fingertip against it until he was able to get it just inside, just a tiny way and then he turned and kissed me.

It was brilliant. Our bodies were pressed together, both our cocks hard and rubbing against each other's. His finger remained just inside my hole, and he moved it about a little, a sensation which made me ooze precum into my boxers. Then he pulled it out, removed his hand from my shorts to lift me up in his arms. He showed no strain at all, but positioned me so that our pelvises were equal and I wrapped my legs around him.

'I want to fuck you like this,' he said, lifting me up and down to demonstrate how his cock would enter me in this position, 'right here, in the middle of this field, just like this.'

He kissed me again, and I clung on to him tightly, pulling our chests together.

'Do it.' I whispered. He laughed.

'Unfortunately, we have to get the cows in,' he replied, and kissing me once more lowered me back down to earth.

'Do we have to?'

'Yes, we do. Look once it's done I promise we can get up to anything you like, I'll fuck you 'til you're screaming for me to stop, but unfortunately this comes first.'

'Okay,' I said feeling my cock soften with disappointment yet again that day, 'just let me have a grope of that massive cock I've been feeling pressing against me just now.'

He laughed, and opened the fly of his shorts letting it fall out. It was huge, and semi erect. Thick veins coursed the length of it and the way it hung I could tell it was a heavy piece of meat. I stepped forward and took it in both my hands squeezing it as I kissed him once again. I wanted to put it in my mouth straight away, and suck him to completion before he could remember the cows, but he backed away from me at last and put it inside his shorts again sealing them shut.

We dealt with the cows after that. It was easier than I thought it would be, they were used to Dan, and with him on one side of the herd and me on the other, it was quite simple to guide them through the two gates and into the barn. We bedded them down for the night, and stood together in the warm, hay-scented dusk barely able to see one another. Dan put his arm around me again,

'I think now,' he began to say, 'It's time you let me fuck you.' He held me close, turning me round in his strong arms to kiss me. I let him slip his large, muscular tongue deep inside my mouth, I wanted him to control what happened and was willing to do anything he asked. He reached down, still kissing me and unzipped my fly. I felt his hand feeling around the front of my boxers, squeezing on my firm cock. He knelt in front of me, pulling down the waistband of my boxers to reveal my shaft standing upright before his face. 'Fucking nice, Chris.' He said appreciatively and began to gently stroke the tip of it with his tongue. As he did this however, we heard the door to the house slam shut and he let go. The dog inside the house was barking. Hurriedly he got to his feet turning round, 'What the fuck is that?' he said walking towards the barn door. I tucked my cock back into my boxers and zipped up my jeans. We both walked separately out of the barn into the yard to see Martin come striding over towards us. Although he'd looked pretty pissed off from the moment I'd met him, I could tell that now there was something really upsetting him.

'Someone's been messing with my things!' he growled as he reached us. My stomach knotted in an instant. Things had seemed perfect seconds before, and now they looked ruined all over again.

'What things?' asked Dan.

'Just some private stuff in my room.' He barked, fixing his frosty glare on me.

'I'm... I'm sorry...' I began, 'I might have... moved one or two things when I was moving my stuff in.'

We both knew that wasn't what had happened, but it seemed the only plausible excuse I was likely to find. It wasn't enough though. Before I had chance to take in what had happened, Martin had kicked me in the balls and I was laying doubled over in the dusty earth of the yard.

'Martin? What the fuck are you playing at?' Dan was yelling, but I was more focused on the shooting pain rising up through my body.

'That's what I want him to tell me, what he's playing at going through my things like that.'

'I'm sure he didn't mean to, Martin. Like he said, he just shifted stuff about when he was moving in.'

I had begun to get my composure back, and gradually got up onto my knees. Dan helped me stand up,

'You okay?' he whispered to me. I nodded clutching my crotch to try to stop the pain. Through my watering eyes, I could just make out that Martin was standing there staring coldly at Dan as if he resented him for helping me.

'Yeah,' I was able to say at last, 'listen Dan, I think it's probably best that I sort this on my own, okay?'

Dan looked at me puzzled for a few seconds, but then nodded,

'My room's at the end of the corridor if you need me.' He said and turned and walked into the house. Martin watched him go, then turned to face me. His manner already seemed changed somehow; no longer coldly indifferent, but somehow cocky, somehow in charge of the situation completely now.

'Look mate,' I said, 'I'm really sorry....'

'I'm not your fucking mate.' He snarled, 'what you sorry for, anyway?'

'For... for messing with your stuff.' I said.


'Yeah,' I said. Calmly Martin walked right up to me so that we were face to face, barely an inch between us. For a moment I thought he was going to kick me in the balls again, but instead he just smiled; that same empty smile he'd given me earlier,

'I think you're going to have to define that word "messing" a bit better for me, fag.' He turned and began to walk away from me towards the house, and suddenly I realised that as he stood there he had taken hold of my t-shirt, gripping it tight in his fist. He led me onwards across the yard, pulling me by the t-shirt as if I was on a lead. I was forced to walk closely behind him as we entered the house. Simon and Karen were sitting in the kitchen, and as we passed through Martin let go of me, smiled and said that we were turning in for the night. They both smiled and wished us a good night, and as soon as we were out of the room again, Martin pushed me ahead of him and forced me to go up the stairs, jabbing me in the side with his fist. We entered the bedroom and Martin flicked on the light. He closed the door behind us and turned the key, which he removed and put inside his pocket. I stood in the middle of the room taking in the scene again; the mess that surrounded his bed spilling out into the empty floor around my own. On his bed I noticed the two pairs of his boxers I'd been playing with earlier, but I pretended not to look in the hope that if I didn't draw attention to them he might not somehow forget what this was about.

He brushed past me and went to sit on his bed. He laid back on it and looked at me with a calm gaze as if he was deciding what he was going to do next.

'Come over here,' he said. I obeyed and went to stand beside his bed, 'It seems that someone's been doing a bit of laundry for me.'

I blushed, and that made his face contort into the cruel grin once again. There was something unsettlingly horny about his attitude, and I wasn't quite sure why I was getting aroused, but somehow the fact that he seemed to be playing with me did turn me on, as if he was the only person who mattered in the room.

'Do you like laundry?' He asked, the smile fading from his face. I didn't reply, I didn't quite know how to, he repeated it, 'DO YOU FUCKING LIKE LAUNDRY?'

'Yeah... It's okay, I guess.'

'Okay, you guess? You seem to have enjoyed mine today.'

'Look... I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me.'

He stared at me blankly then rolled over and reached under his bed, when he rolled back he held out another pair of boxers towards me.

'There's some more for you to do.' I paused. I couldn't exactly just show him what I had done with the pair earlier, and it was even possible that he really thought I had just washed them for him; hesitantly I reached forward and took hold of them. These too were drenched in cum, maybe more than the ones earlier. A little dribble of the fresh white liquid ran down my fingers into my palm. He waited for me to act, but I just stood there, uncertain what to do. 'Go on,' he said, 'suck them clean for me... I mean, that is what you did earlier isn't it?' Cautiously I raised them to my mouth. I could smell the cum on them really strongly. He had clearly wanked into these just before he came to find me in the yard. As he watched, I slowly stuck my tongue out and tasted them. They tasted just as good as the last. I took some of the material into my mouth and began to suck the dripping liquid out. 'You fucking queer,' Martin snarled, causing me to stop for a second, 'keep going, cunt.' I opened up the crotch of the shorts and sucked a huge wad of the liquid out. As I did so Martin pulled out his massive cock over the waistband of his trackies, hooking the material under his balls. It was not as big as Dan's but it was way bigger than mine. He laid it down on his stomach and proceeded to play with the head with just his thumb as he watched me swallow his cum. 'It's a shame,' he said as he began to slowly jerk the member, 'we might have got on if you weren't a fag. Might have been good to have someone round the place who wasn't so fucking nice all the time. I mean can you understand the rest of them? Always smiling, always fucking helping one another out. It's unnatural. Nope, I reckon you're more like me, Chrissy boy. You're not nice are you? How can you be when you suck the cum out of a stranger's boxers like some kind of filthy animal?' He lay his head back on the pillow and continued to wank his cock. I was enjoying the sight of this as much as I was enjoying the taste of his cum. 'Unfortunately,' he continued, 'you're a fucking bum boy. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against them, I mean Dan for instance... has he tried to fuck you yet?' He looked at me, pausing his wanking for a second. I nodded. 'Did he fuck you?' I shook my head, continuing to suck the boxers. 'Good. Because you're my bitch now, and no one gets a piece of my bitch without asking me first. Okay?' I nodded. I wasn't sure whether I agreed with him, whether I was happy to become his bitch, or whether I was just agreeing out of fear. The feelings I had for Dan were amazing, and I didn't want to give those up, at the same time in this moment I felt incredibly horny and wanted to know what Martin was going to make me do next. I didn't have to wait long. He instructed me to strip, and I removed all of my clothes and laid them down in a pile on the floor. My cock was standing upright. He told me to come over to his bed and kneel, and duly I did, preparing to suck on his cock. He sat upright, his legs over the side of the bed, and he told me to pull his trackies right off. They slid easily over his muscular tanned legs down to the floor, and as I did this, he removed his t-shirt. We were both naked now, but whereas he kept his assured stance on the bed, I suddenly felt very exposed. He sat forward on the bed and took hold of my head then drew it towards his cock. It wasn't fully erect, not like mine, but he slid it inside my mouth, and held my head in place. I liked the feel of the large, fleshy object inside my mouth, I gripped it firmly between my lips. My instinct was to start sucking him off, but with my head being held, there was not much I could do but sit there, the meat resting heavily upon my tongue. 'Good boy,' he said; the first complement he had paid me, and it made me feel instantly very happy. I wanted to give him the best blow-job I could now, but still he held my head firmly in position, his cock still not hard inside my mouth. A minute passed like this. I stroked it gently with my tongue, wondering if he had a problem getting it up. Then in a second the thing swelled. It was so sudden I could hardly believe it, and already I sensed that something was wrong. As soon as I figured out that this was not him getting hard at all, but something much worse, I struggled to get away, but it was too late. My mouth flooded with his hot piss. The musky scent of it filled my nose and it rushed in so fast that my cheeks inflated. I tried to get up, but his grip on me was so tight. Some sprayed out of my mouth, in the gaps that his thick cock was not filling, but the rest was already going down my throat. I tried not to swallow, but in so doing exhaled and I felt the hot liquid shoot up inside my nose. I was choking. My only thought was that I was going to drown in this guy's piss, and there he just sat, pouring more of it out into my mouth and laughing. I coughed and struggled, and finally he let me go, sending me falling to the floor choking. He was still laughing as I coughed up throatfuls of his urine onto the floor, and standing over me, he directed the final stream of his warm liquid up and down my naked body as I lay at his feet. 'Like that, did you fag?' he asked. I shook my head, my eyes closed as I lay in the puddle on the carpet. 'Shame, because I might need to go again in the night.' He walked over to the light switch and turned it off, then returned to his bed giving me a sharp kick in the stomach as he passed me. I coughed again and felt more of his piss come out of my throat and into my mouth I had no idea how much I must have swallowed. 'I'm gonna try and get some shut-eye now,' he said, 'Don't fucking try anything in the night either. I know what you fags are like.'

****** Thanks guys for all the comments last time. Hope you're still enjoying it. Let me know what you think: ******

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