Simple Things

By richard m

Published on Apr 28, 2001


Note: This is a love story between two guys. No sex scenes below. I like writing stories about guys falling in love with each other. Makes me feel that reality could be this sweet and promising.

************* Simple Things 1 *************

*********** Jason's POV ***********

"Fuck!" I stared at a huge red stain in his white shirt. I had been drinking a strawberry drink and was walking back to the apartment I shared with my twin sister Sarah when this stupid jerk bumped into me. Now my brand new shirt was ruined.

"I'm sorry," The blond haired guy looked at me apologetically as he took out a hanky and tried to clean up my shirt.

"Keep your fucking hands off me," I muttered out angrily as I took out my hanky and started to dry myself up. I looked at the guy staring at me regretfully but I was really very angry right now.

"I was trying to catch the bus at the bus stop and I didn't see you," The guy explained to me.

"I'm sorry for making you late for your date with that stupid bitch that agreed to go out with you," I replied sarcastically as I threw the crushed cup in a nearby trashcan. I glared at the guy again before walking away.

"Hey wait," The guy ran up to me and walked besides me. "How about I treat you at Starbucks as my way of apologizing?" I looked at him exasperatedly but he was just giving me a stupid smile. I was taken aback for a second. There was something in his eyes that I really couldn't place.

"If you really want to do me a favor, walk in front of a speeding bus, okay?" I said to him icily.

"Fine, I don't like Starbucks that much myself," The guy pressed on. "How about you name the place and I'll treat you there?"

"How about we go to the harbor and you jump off the docks?" I was getting a little impatient with this guy. "You know what? Just forget about it okay? I just want this day to end." I began walking again but the guy continued to follow me.

"I don't even know your name, you know," The guy grinned at me. "I'm Ryan. Ryan Matthews."

"Just leave me alone, okay?" I said a little angrily. "I don't fucking care about your name. Just leave me alone." The guy looked at me in embarrassment and shock as the people around us started to look at us. I muttered out a curse under my breath as I went away. This time Ryan didn't follow me anymore.

"You looked pissed off," Sarah was her usual cheerful self as I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I glanced at my sister who was getting ready to shower.

"My stupid boss didn't like the presentation I gave earlier and told me to come up with a whole new campaign for the account I'm handling," I said to her angrily. "Then on top of all that some bastard bumped into me and did this to my new shirt." Sarah just laughed when she saw the stain in my shirt.

"I have a date later so don't wait up," Sarah said to me as she went to the bathroom. "A friend of mine set me up on a blind date."

"I hate blind dates," I muttered out to her as I stood up and went to my room.

"You hate going on dates," Sarah retorted back to me before she closed the door to the bathroom. I changed into a clean shirt and went back to watching HBO. I decided to just order some Chinese instead of cooking.

"Who's the guy?" I asked my sister as she came out of her room, looking beautiful in her sleek black dress.

"His name is Ryan," Sarah said to me as she put on her shoes. "He's supposed to be in real estate." I was a little surprised to hear her say that name. It couldn't be the same guy that bumped into me earlier. Sarah then left and I was alone again. My sister love going out and I usually stay at the apartment working on some paper or another. I really hate my life.

I'm not that bad looking. I look like your typical boy-next-door type of guy. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Nice smile. The only different thing about me is I like boys. No one knows that though. All the guys I've been attracted to are straight men. A couple of them already got married. I know I should go out to clubs and maybe meet some nice guy. But that wasn't my scene.

Thank God it was Saturday the next day. I was able to wake up around noon and had brunch. Sarah left a note saying she went shopping with some of her girlfriends. I decided to just walk around the area and hang out at Starbucks.

I was starting to feel good as I sipped the cool orange drink I bought at Starbucks. I window shopped for a while and just walked around aimlessly. I met some people I knew from work and chatted with them for a while but I declined their invitations for a movie or dinner.

I was looking at this lava lamp when I felt someone touching my shoulders. I looked to my right and saw Ryan giving me a goofy grin. I shrugged his arm off and glared at him and walked away without saying a word.

"You're still angry at me?" Ryan said in disbelief as he followed me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I sighed out deeply as I stopped and faced him.

"Can I know your name?" Ryan grinned at me when I stopped to talk to him.

"Jason," I muttered out to him.

"That's a really cool name," Ryan put up his hand. I just stared at it for a second before walking away from Ryan. I had taken about half a dozen steps when I felt Ryan turning me around. I was kinda surprised to see him looking at me angrily.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Ryan said to me with gritted teeth. "You're acting like a jerk. I already said I was sorry."

"What the fuck do you want me to say Ryan?" I answered the same way. "You want me to accept your apology. Fine. It's not your fault that you're one clumsy idiot who ruined my new shirt and made my day a lot crappier. Is that what you want to hear?"

"You're a bastard!" Ryan said in a low voice before walking away from me in a huff. I stared after him for a while wondering why it was such a big deal for him to apologize to me.

*********** Ryan's POV ***********

"So, how did the date go last Friday?" Lisa smiled at me as I was writing a report in my cubicle. It was Lisa's friend who set up that blind date last Friday night.

"She's okay," I said in a disinterested voice. My mind was still on that really gorgeous guy I met last Friday. He was perfect except he seems to be such a bastard.

"Marie said that you guys spent the whole evening together dancing in the club," Lisa said in a teasing voice.

"She knows how to dance," I broke into a slight grin.

"I hope you remember me when you two get married," Lisa laughed out. "I'd love to be a bride's maid." I just laughed at what Lisa said. No one in the office knows I'm gay. I like to keep it that way. I promised myself that if the right guy comes along then I will definitely come out. So far, I haven't met anyone worth it. But maybe, just maybe Jason's it.

I walked up to Sarah's apartment and knocked on it gently three times. The door opened and Sarah invited me inside. I sat down on the couch as she fixed herself up in the mirror. I was looking around and found the apartment really nice.

"Hey Jason," Sarah walked up to a door and banged on it loudly. "Come out here for a second will you?" I turned my head sharply in her direction as she mentioned that name. Jason? No. It can't be my Jason.

Then I felt my heart stop beating as the most perfect guy I've ever seen came out of the bedroom. He was wearing a tight shirt that showed his trim waist and muscular pecs and washboard abs. Jason haven't seen me yet as he gave Sarah an irritated look.

"What do you want?" Jason muttered out angrily. "I'm trying to finish a project you know."

"I just want to introduce you to my date, Ryan Matthews," Sarah said as she nodded in my direction. "Ryan, this is my twin brother Jason." Jason finally looked at me and I could see the shock in his face. I felt myself standing up and giving him a nervous smile.

"Hey," I greeted him as I put up my hands. "How you doing?"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jason frowned at me then he looked at Sarah, completely ignoring me. "This jerk is your date?"

"Jason!" Sarah gave his brother a look.

"Fine!" Jason said under his breath but I could still hear it. "I don't know how you could have fun with that clumsy idiot but I hope you two have a great time together. Goodnight." Jason didn't even look at my direction as he walks back inside his bedroom.

"Sorry about my brother," Sarah smiled at me as she picked up her bag. "He's usually very nice but he has a lot on his mind right now."

"It's my fault really," I grinned at her stupidly. "I was the one who spilled that juice on him last Friday."

"That was you?" Sarah giggled out. "Jason couldn't stop talking how clumsy you are."

"I was in a hurry so I can get home and not be late for our date," I answered her as we walked out of the apartment. We decided to eat in a Greek restaurant. We talked about a couple of people we both know on the way to the place.

"So, is Jason always in a bad mood?" I asked Sarah slowly as we started dinner.

"Jason's a really funny guy," Sarah shook her head. "And I'm not saying that because he's my brother. He just needs to unwind sometime. He's focused too much on his work lately. He haven't even went out on a date for a long time now."

"He's very angry at me," I said to her slowly.

"You just need to catch him when he's in a good mood," Sarah said to me positively. "He's the most amazing guy you'll ever know once you get to know him real well."

"Maybe we could all go out sometime," I said to her tentatively. "Maybe watch a movie and dinner. I think he's still ticked off at me for what I did last Friday."

"We could go on a double date," Sarah nodded her head. I felt a little happier now knowing that there's a possibility of me seeing Jason a lot from now on. Now, all I have to figure out is whether he's into guys or not.

************* To be continued *************

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