Simple Things

By richard m

Published on Aug 12, 2001


Note: I'm sorry for not posting this chapter sooner. I just wanted to make sure that I end the story as best as I could. Anyway, thanks to all those who have written and told me they wanted to see the story finished. Don't worry, I'll have the story wrapped up by next chapter.

*************** Simple Things 9 ***************

*********** Jason's POV ***********

I'm not even looking for a girlfriend. Those words had been haunting me for the last couple of weeks now. I've been trying to keep myself so busy with work so that I wouldn't be bothered by Ryan or Mark. But somehow, that conversation with Ryan had been stuck in my head. I can't help but wish that I knew exactly what he meant by that remark.

It was such a beautiful Sunday that I didn't want to waste it holed up in my apartment so I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. But I quickly regretted that decision when I saw Mark coming out of a deli. I stopped in my tracks and debated whether to turn around or continue walking.

I was still deciding what to do when Mark looked my way. He looked very surprised to see me and before I can pretend not to see him, he quickly walked over to me.

"Hey!" Mark said a little nervously.

"Hey yourself," I replied to him as I forced a smile. "Umm, how are you adjusting to City life?"

"I'm doing better than I thought I would be," Mark answered me.

"I'm glad to hear that," I said to him truthfully. "I'll see you." I was about to walk away when Mark grabbed my arms gently. I gave him a quizzical look.

"You haven't been returning any of my calls," Mark whispered to me softly.

"I've been busy at work lately," I know my excuse was very lame. How hard was it to pick up a phone and say hi?

"Can't I have my best friend back?" Mark said in a somewhat hoarse voice.

"I---don't know," I looked away from his gaze. "A lot of things had happen between us. I thought I knew exactly what I want before. That was you Mark. But I don't know what I want anymore."

"You must still love me," Mark said positively.

"You absolutely have no idea what I felt when you married Amy," A little bitterness crept into my voice. "I had always hoped that one day you would wake up and tell me you love me. But I had to give up hope when you got married. I'm not the guy your remembered Mark. I'm not your best friend anymore. Sorry."

I gave him a half-smile before walking away. That went a lot better than I had hoped. I know that somewhere inside my heart, I was very happy to hear that Mark was interested in me that way at last. But then again, I had already forgotten about him and there was no way I was going to remember how much it hurts to lose him the first time. I know I'm a coward. I know I was taking the easy way out. But then again, I know I won't get hurt this way.

********** Ryan's POV **********

"Jason's not coming today also?" I asked Alecx softly as we watched some guy singing a song for the children.

"Yeah," Alecx nodded her head. "He said he had something to do today."

"We both know that the reason he hasn't been coming here is because of me," I mumbled out. "Maybe I should just quit being a volunteer."

"Don't do that," Alecx said to me quickly. "Jason just needed some time to think about stuff that had happened."

"I'll just go out for a walk to clear my head," I know that my depression was showing in my voice. I excused myself and walked out of the museum. I thought that nothing could make me smile today. That is until I saw the most perfect guy walking towards me.

"Hey," Jason was giving me a quizzical look. "I thought Frank was going to sing today."

"They already started," I nodded to the museum as I tried hard not to let my nervousness show. Jason didn't seem to be angry with me anymore.

"You're not staying to watch?" Jason asked me as he forced a smile at me. "Frank's a great singer."

"I...umm...was going out for a walk," I said in a feeble voice. The minute that I said that, I wanted to kick myself. I should I said, I was going back inside with him. Fuck!

"Enjoy your walk then," Jason said to me before heading inside the museum. I stared after him as he disappeared inside the building. I really wanted to go after him but I didn't want to seem to eager so I decided to walk for a while. But before I could reach the end of the block, I found myself turning around and heading back to the museum. I was just in time to see the end of Frank's number. Jason was on the other side of the room, talking with Alecx. Our eyes met and he whispered something to Alecx and then walked out of the room by the door behind them.

As the emcee announced the next singer, I made my way back to Alecx's side. She was giving me a really broad grin. "Jason went to get a cup of coffee in the lounge. I'm pretty sure you didn't come back early just so you can bask in my beauty."

"Thanks," I grinned at her even though I didn't know why I said that to her. I was just so happy to finally be able to see Jason again that I knew a stupid smile was plastered on my face.

*********** Jason's POV ***********

I was wondering if Ryan was going to follow me or not as I poured myself a cup of coffee. But more importantly, what do I care if he follows or not? Because you know you like him. Hell, you might even be in love with him already.

I just ignored the voice in my head as I turned around, leaned against the counter and sipped my coffee. The door opened just then and I saw Ryan walking in the room. I could swear that the room suddenly brightens when he flashed me that smile of his.

"Hey," Ryan stopped by the door.

"That was a short walk," I put down my coffee mug besides me.

"I figured who needs to walk when I could enjoy talking with my most favorite volunteer," Ryan walked up to me slowly.

"Alecx is out there," I nodded behind him.

"I was sort of talking about you," Ryan said in a somewhat trembling voice.

"I kinda figured that," I said to him a little coyly. "I was just making sure."

"Now you know," Ryan whispered to me as he stopped a few feet away from me.

"Yeah, Now I know," I repeated what he said because I didn't know what else to say. We just stood there and stared at each other for a few minutes. The silence between us was so deafening.

"I hate this," Ryan said softly as he avoided my eyes. "Remember when we went to Riverside? I wish we were still like that."

"I wish that also," I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I whispered to him softly, "But maybe we can get past this somehow." I pulled back and gave him a grin as I picked up my cup and walked out.

************* ToBeContinued *************

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