Sinister Schuester

By Cris Intel

Published on Jun 26, 2014


WARNING: This fanfiction contains "spoilers" up to episode 7, season 6 of Glee and some hot steamy man on man sex so if you're not down with any of those things, don't read any further.

DISCLAIMER: Glee and all of it's yummy men are property of FOX and Ryan Murphy and all sorts of other people who are not me.

Sinister Schuester 5 (the last installment [#4] was incorrectly labled #6)

Will Schuester was fucking Blaine Anderson hard and Blaine was begging him for more. Blaine had come into Will's office to show his pictures of Sam's photo shoot from the week before. "Isn't he just gorgeous?" Blaine had asked dreamily while flipping through the pictures that he had printed off. Sam was shirtless and in his undies in several of them and he did look mighty delectable. Will had been sitting in his office chair and Blaine had closed the blinds to the office when he came in and had sat down on Will's lap. "And it's admirable, you know, because he works for it. Beist even gave him his own weight room key so he could come in and work out alone on Friday evenings now that football season is over. The boy loves his weights." Blaine said, almost to himself. The pictures were spread across Will's desk but he had been more interested in the boy that was before him. He had started fondling Blaine, ignoring the pictures. Blaine had continued to look at them and become more aroused in doing so. Finally, Will had managed to divert Blaine's attention and had gotten him naked. Blaine had done Will the courtesy of unbuttoning Will's shirt and pants and was now riding his cock. Blaine was facing Will and leaned down to kiss him. Will gripped Blaine's waist and thrust into him again and again. One of Blaine's hands dropped and started jacking his own stiff cock. "Oooooh! Oooooohhhh Gaaaaaawwwwwddd!" Blaine moaned as he leaned back slightly. Will shifted his arms to support Blaine's back while Blaine leaned back and began to quiver. His already tight ass tightened harder as he moaned louder. Will held his position inside Blaine grunted hard and shot a big load right onto Will's trimmed hairy chest.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Will shouted as Blaine continued to shoot. Will laid Blaine across his desk and fucked him frantically for another few minutes and then could feel that he was going to come. He pushed down on Blaine's shoulders as Blaine moaned with his rhythm. He shot an incredible amount of semen straight into Blaine's ass. He was sweating now and gasping for air as he collapsed on top of Blaine's bare chest, spreading Blaine's semen from his chest to Blaine's.

As Blaine was putting on his emerald green shirt and pulling up his lavender suspenders, he reminded Will that it was almost time for glee club. Will was still leaning back in his chair, sweaty, covered in Blaine's semen with his big limp penis laying on the side of his leg. "You go on, baby. Tell them I'm in some school board inspection thing. You can run the show today."

"Really?" Blaine asked as he straightened up his tie. He looked positively adorable and giddy with delight at the idea of being in charge. "That'd be great! Thanks!" Blaine kissed him quick and then went to grab up the photos of Sam that he was laying on while Will was plowing him.

Will grabbed his wrist gently. "Leave those," he smiled at Blaine, "I'll get them back to you later." Blaine smiled and told Will that he did want them back but Will could enjoy them for now. With that, he skipped out of Will's office.

Will picked up a shirtless color photo of Sam. He looked sweaty like Will probably looked right then. He'd be making sure he had Friday night open on his calendar because he was going to visit one secluded Sam and hopefully check off the last Glee boi on his to-do list. Will wondered how he was going to make it all week but at least that gave him time to come up with a plan. Sam was pretty determined to be hetero, Will thought, or else he could have had Blaine's ass at the drop of a hat. If he only knew what he was missing...Will smiled at the thought. He could get him drunk but how would be pull off that at the gym? No, Will thought, he would have to lower Sam's defenses seemingly naturally. Will knew that he couldn't out lift Sam to the point of exhaustion in the gym. Will was in great shape, he thought of himself as he felt his bicep and smiled, but Sam hits the gym more than Will ever has. Will looked over at the wall and saw the air duct and he pondered putting something in the weight room's vents and then it hit him; a gas leak.

After school that day, Will opened up the vent in the choir room and leaked a small amount of gas. He was going to experiment on the rest of his Glee club in order to determine how much it would have to leak out to dull Sam's senses but not cause any real damage. Before Glee practice the following day, Will walked in and saw Blaine sleeping next the vent. Shit, Will thought, he got here early. When the other kids started to arrive, a few of them noted that Blaine was sleeping and started to go wake him. "Let him sleep," Will said, "He's been stressing himself out about Nationals and probably could use the sleep." Will walked over and closed the vent when the rest of the club was performing. "Blaine. Blaine. Hey." Will said.

He pushed Blaine slightly and Blaine moved with the movement and bounced back, smiling, and said in sleep-talk, "Ooooh you make me live."

Will smiled. Good, that's the condition I'd like Sam in. Unconscious but happy. The kids eventually woke Blaine up and he recovered, acting like he just came off some high with no side effects.

The next day, he saw that Jake sat in the gas-lit seat. The rest of the glee kids were pretty upset with him for being a bit arrogant and for cheating on Marley. Will felt a little bad for him. Marley found out (not about Will but about Bree) and dumped him shortly after their tryst in the closet. He was a man-whore but he didn't deserve the group hate from this self-righteous bunch. So he just let him sleep. After the lesson, the kids left, bad-mouthing Jake all the way out the door. Will was going to wake him but he looked so peaceful and cute. He sat at the piano bench and stared at him. He wanted to go over and hold him and ensure that the world would leave him alone for a bit so he could enjoy his slumber. However, Figgins walked in right then. "For Peter's sake, William," he shouted when he entered the room, "are you running a glee club here or a pre-school? This boy may be baby-faced but that doesn't mean he needs a naptime."

Will rolled his eyes and said, "The body know what it wants, Figgins. I say, if he falls asleep, he obviously needed to rest." Will got up and left and could see Figgins going over to wake Jake. Will headed to his history class and wasn't surprised to see Jake walk in late. The class muttered like they believed he should be in trouble but Will just moved on. Jake looked a little stunned like he was expecting to be disciplined for being late and then looked pleased that he got away with it. After the class, everyone including Jake got up to leave but Will said, "Jake, I'd like you to stay behind," which resulted in Jake slamming his books back on the desk and jeers from his classmates. After they all left, Will took the chair in front of Jake and Jake looked even more upset.

"Just, no, Mr Schue. I don't wanna..." Jake began to protest.

"Whoa, Jake, calm down, I just wanted to see how you were feeling? You slept all through glee and you were late to class," Will said with all sincerity. He did want to know how the gas had affected Jake.

"Look, Mr Schue, I'm okay. Now can I go?"

Jake started to stand up and Will put his hand on Jake's shoulder, "Hold up, I was actually concerned..."

"Don't touch me! Okay?" Jake snapped as he shrugged Will's hand off his shoulder.

"Jake, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? Fuck you. You don't get to ask me that. You assaulted me, that's what's fucking wrong!"

Will looked quickly around and then back at Jake. He was shocked that Jake felt like this. "Jake, no, we just...messed're a teenage boy, you're always looking to get off, right? I mean, shit, I see the way you prowl the halls."

Jake looked flabbergasted at Will. "What the hell? What's wrong with YOU? You think all teenage boys are yours for the taking? Just cuz I'm a boy, I'm always down? Fuck you, okay? I wasn't looking to get fucked by you in the closet." Will was actually stunned and Jake continued, "I may flirt with the girls but act like a tramp but it doesn't mean I'm a fuck toy. I'm in charge. I'm the one they want and I know...return their desires if I so choose."

Will nodded his head and mustered his most sympathetic voice, "You just want to be wanted." And validated, Will thought, that's why he's playing the part of the tramp. He just wants to know that he's worthy of their affections. Will looked at the ground. He was now having a hard time looking Jake in the eyes. "Jake, I'm sorry. I really did think that it know...something that you just didn't want to admit you wanted. I didn't want to hurt you."

Jake sighed, "Well, you did. I mean, I got off but it wasn't how I wanted to. It's not the gay thing either." They sat there in silence for a minute. Will was trying to think of what to say next but Jake spoke up again, "So, Mr Shue?" Jake asked as Will raised his gaze to meet Jake's eyes. "Is it okay if I go now?"

"Yeah." Will said. He was too stunned to move at the moment so Jake got up and moved around him.

"Thank you, Mr Schue," Jake said, stopping right before opening to the door to leave, "for the apology. I was kind of hurt, emotionally not physically, afterwards since you're like my father-figure." Will stood up and faced him, again he was stunned. "And you in a way, maybe not that way and maybe not as much I did but I still you that is, in some way." Jake said. Will got up and walked to him.

"Jake, would it be okay...can I have a hug?" Will asked. It felt like it may not be good timing but Will needed a little reassurance from Jake right now that they were okay. Jake hesitated and Will backed off, "Never mind. It was inappropriate for me to ask."

Jake put his hand on Will's shoulder, "We're cool, Mr Schue. Thanks"

And with that, he left. Will felt a surge of emotions; guilt, pain, joy, love, each looking to overtake him at any minute. It was all a bit much. He really needed a drink or someway to take off the edge. Gas, Will thought.

Will went into the choir room and pulled up a chair close the vent and inhaled deeply. "Think happy thoughts," Will whispered to himself as he exhaled and then inhaled deeper. He got a sudden head rush and got the song 'Happy' by Pharrell in his head so he began to dance. Dancing always made everything better. Yes, he had fucked up with Jake but he had forgiven him. It was time to move on. Will felt joy and pride. Jake thought of him as a father-figure. He wished he hadn't taken advantage of that. But he said they were cool now. In the middle of his twirl, it dawned on Will that he was about to do the same thing to Sam that he had done to Jake. Just because Sam shows off a lot and acts like he wants it doesn't mean that he necessarily does, Will thought. He decided that he should give up on the gas-lighting idea and also turn off the gas in here before he passes out. Right then, Sue walked in and began belittling him. However, Will was trying to hold onto his Happy moment so he continued to offer her advice on how to be more womanly even though she just called him 'effeminate.' However, she continued to mock him and ignore her advice so he left her there to sit. Maybe a little happy gas would do her good, Will thought as he left the room.

For the rest of the week, Will backed off the boys, even blowing off Blaine. As much as he would have rather been having Blaine blow him, he thought he should give it a little time to settle. He had crossed a line with Jake. He wanted to make sure he didn't hurt Blaine as well. By the time Friday rolled around, Will was feeling pretty satisfied with himself. To make up for blowing Blaine off, he allowed Blaine to close out the week with the group number using the puppets he had been making. That damn performance was torture enough to make up for anything and everything that Will may have done wrong by Blaine.

After work, Will had headed to the bar for a drink by himself. He was on his third (or was it fourth) White Russian when his phone started buzzing. He fumbled the phone out of his pocket in his drunken state and was perplexed by what he was seeing. A picture of shirtless Sam had popped up on his screen with a notification for him to "Go to the gym." He stared at the boy's hot body for a second before it registered that this was the reminder he had set for himself earlier in the week. Sam would be down the street now in the gym, alone. Will was going to push the ignore button on the phone to disregard the reminder. After all, he never gassed the gym and he decided he would be behaving, for this week anyway. Next week, he thought as he continued to look at the picture, I can get back to my boys, but only if they want it. Ryder might want it. Blaine definitely wants it. Hell, maybe Sam does want it. Will decided to go back to the school and hit the gym anyway. He was overdue for a workout and it wouldn't hurt to feel out Sam to see where his inhibitions lie. If he didn't want it, Will would back off.

Will got himself worked up on the walk over to the gym just thinking about a sweaty Sam all alone. It'll be a test, Will thought, a test of my resolve to be a better role model.

Will opened the gym door and proceeded to the weight rooms. He thought about going back to his office to see if he could find Sam on his hidden locker room cam and jerk off right then and there but he was supposed to be on good behavior so he went in to the weight room to talk to Sam. Talk was the furthest thing from his mind though when he saw Sam working out shirtless while some innocuous dub-step rhythm filled the weight room. He was staring at himself in the mirror while curling some barbells. His back was facing Will. His back muscles were strained and his ass was a clenched tight little thing. Will would have liked more time to just gaze upon Sam's chiseled body, being able to see both his muscular back and his developed front gleaming with sweat in the reflection of the mirror, but Sam looked up and saw Will coming in behind him. He lifted his chin quick to signal that he saw Will and finished his set with his biceps muscles bulging and veins just barely showing. Will was already getting hard and grateful that he was wearing jeans which would conceal his growing cock more effectively. When Sam was done with his set, he set down the barbells, reached for the remote and turned lowered the music. "Hey Mr Schue, you working out tonight too?"

Will stepped further into the room and stammered for a bit. "No, I...uh...just heard the music and I thought I'd come see.." The alcohol was having an effect on him which he realized now as he attempted to be sly and failed miserably.

"I'm surprised you're here this late and on a Friday." Sam said. Will was trying hard not to stare at Sam's beefed-up body and that was taking all of his willpower and focus so he just stood there awkwardly and grinned, trying to be nonchalant and failing. "Well...if you want to join me, I have an extra set of gym shorts..." Sam said. Will appreciated how Sam was trying to normalize the situation which put him at ease some.

"No, thanks though. I'll just probably head out." Will said, although he still just stood there, facing Sam.

"Wait." Sam said, although he wasn't exactly stopping Will from exiting as Will hadn't moved an inch, "Since you're here, I could use a spot." Sam motioned to the weight bench.

This snapped Will out of his daze. "Sure thing," he said but he thought, Yes, a task and reason to stay. Fuck, I'm tipsy.

They headed over to the bench which Sam already had loaded up. Sam laid down on the towel he had draped over the bench and Will stood over his head, looking down at Sam's body. Sam's head and his mouth were just inches away from Will's semi-hard cock which he hoped was still properly concealed by his jeans. Sam placed his hands on the bar and counted to three at which point Will helped him lift the bar off. He noted that it was heavy and saw Sam's muscles strain under weight. His pecs rippled and his arm muscles looked larger than normal. Will's gaze moved down Sam's body to see his abs also straining at each push. His gym shorts were also loose enough that Will could make out his cock bulge. Will's cock surged slightly which made him slightly self-conscious. He glanced down at the bar and noticed Sam was struggling slightly. Will quickly reached down and assisted him ever so slightly until the bar was raised to the point where Sam's muscular arms were extended and Will took the bar from him, replacing it on its stand. "Damn," Will said in all honesty, "that's fucking heavy." He looked over the weights quick and did some shoddy math in his head. "170?" he asked.

"180," Sam said, sitting up and smiling.

"Impressive," Will said.

"C'mon, Mr Schue, I've seen your guns. I bet you could do it." Sam said.

"Maybe at one time but, damn, that felt heavy just assisting you."

"I gotta push myself if I want to keep this temple up," Sam said, "it is my bread and butter after all."

"Yeah," Will said. It was as if Sam was inviting him to stare at his magnificent body so Will did and therefore lost focus one again.

"I got to keep my fans wanting more." Sam said with a wink.

Will stammered, "Yeah, I'm sure the ladies appreciate...that."

"Well, it's not just for the ladies..." Sam said as he smiled at Will. This caught Will off-guard. Was Sam hitting on him?

"'s that?" Will said, running his hands through his hair. He couldn't believe it. Sam had him twitterpated. This is what Blaine sees in him,'Will thought, his confidence and his charm, along with that body.

"I know the fellas like me too and I'm not just talking about my boy Blaine." He looked up at Will and Will smiled, acknowledging that he was aware of Blaine's crush. "That strip club that Rachel and Finn found me at, it wasn't the only club I was working at. Hell, it wasn't even the best paying or most...exciting place to work."

At this point, Sam wasn't making eye contact with Will anymore. Will guessed he wasn't sure how Will would respond. When he did look up at Will, it brought Will out of his own head and caused him to step back suddenly, running into another weight bench. "Oh yeah?" Will managed to get out as he sat down.

Sam turned to face him. "Yeah," Sam said as he grinned, "There was this one place, a gay bar, well, a gay strip club where I would dance cuz, you know, a dollar's a dollar." he looked at Will and Will smiled back so Sam continued. "The ladies at the other place were nice but the guys were real generous and appreciative and loyal to the bar and to their favorite strippers. I'd see some of the same guys every Friday and Saturday. Well, their tips would just keep getting bigger and I'd keep getting friendlier. But it was all good, you know?"

Will nodded, "That's cool. It's good that you could feel...appreciated."

"And that's the thing, Mr Schue, they appreciated the work I put into my body. It's like they understood that this..." Sam said as he motioned over his body, "doesn't happen overnight and takes hard work."

"I can see that." Will said, nodding to the weight.

"Don't get me wrong, Mr Schue," Sam said, "I like girls. I like girls a lot. But...there's just something about men, you know? Not boys but men. I think it's their hands or their strength or their mutual admiration..." Sam seemed to drift off into his own thoughts and Will found his cock surging again. He scooted around on the bench, trying not to be obvious that he was shifting his growing cock in his jeans. Sam seemed to take note of this and smiled. "Like you, Mr Schue. You're in great shape and I know that isn't easy to come by and maintain." Sam was facing down but staring up sheepishly at Will as if he thought he might be going to far.

"No, I totally understand. Your physique is...beautiful, I mean, awesome, or nice." Will stammered and looked down, chuckling slightly, "What I mean is that you're one sexy fucker, Sam Evans."

Sam stood up and walked over in front of Will. Will looked up slightly and saw that Sam's growing cock was starting to stand up in his gym shorts. Will focused on it for a bit and then looked up, over Sam's cut abs, over his developed pecs and into his smirking face which was framed by his glowing blonde hair. "I want you to fuck me, Mr Schue."

Sam had Mr Schue right where he wanted him. He had been needing some dick for quite some time and, looking the teachers that he had in McKinley High, Mr Schue was the obvious choice (although the hot Spanish teacher was a very close second). And he knew Mr Schue wanted him. Initially, he wasn't sure Mr Schue was interested. When he pushed all the boys to pose in the calendar, he was hoping Mr Schue would be tempted to take him or at least one of them. Then, he had headlined the Applause performance, dressed up like a fantasy leather twink but he just saw that it made Mr Schue angry. But when Mr Schue had suggested the costumes for their Roar performance which consisted of practically nothing (hell, if Mr Schue could've put them in leopard print bikini briefs, Sam was sure he would've gladly did it), Sam knew where Mr Schue's intentions were. Mr Schue did a piss-poor job of hiding the camera in the boys' locker room after the Roar rehearsal so Sam had spotted it right away. He didn't trust that Blaine wouldn't freak out though if he noticed it so he quickly stripped and distracted Blaine with his impressive cock. The next day, Sam noticed that his red g-string was gone and he knew that Mr Schue had taken the bait. He continued to flaunt himself in front of Mr Schue, twerking and everything but still nothing and then he figured out that Mr Schue had been fucking Blaine and was really jealous.

The day after the Roar performance, Blaine had a hickey that he had attempted to hide and was sitting funny. Meanwhile, Mr Schue was practically walking on air and Blaine was constantly staring at Mr Schue's package. Sam then gave Blaine a copy of his photos from his modeling shoot in New York, including the ones where he was only half-dressed. He also casually told Blaine that he had started working out alone on Friday nights. It was a long shot but he was hoping Blaine would pass on the images and the information. And his wing-man didn't disappoint him.

But this was even easier than Sam had hoped for because Mr Schue was already tipsy. When he was spotting Sam, it was difficult for Sam to keep his focus and lift due to the smell of booze coming off Mr Schue. Plus, when he looked up, he could clearly see the outline of Mr Schue's cock which Sam wanted deep inside of him. Now, he was standing over Mr Schue who appeared to be caught off-guard but very interested.

Mr Schue started to speak but Sam shushed him. He stood in front of Mr Schue, in only his workout shorts and his sneakers. He looked up for second and saw his body in the mirror, glowing with perspiration. He was happy with what he saw and he looked back down at a dumbfounded Mr Schue. He began unbuttoning his shirt buttons. When he got to the last one, he pulled off Mr Schue's tie and pulled his shirt over his shoulder. His body looked great. He wasn't as defined as Sam but he was a little more tan, bigger in the pecs and had a dusting of hair on his chest and abs. His arms looked impressive too. Sam kicked off his shoes and brought each leg behind Mr Schue, one at a time, so he was sitting on Mr Schue's lap. Mr Schue was just staring at him while Sam caressed Mr Schue's pecs and his upper arms. He could feel Mr Schue's hard cock to the side of one pant leg while his own hard cock slipped out of one of the legs in his shorts. Sam was glad he had decided to skip underwear for tonight's workout.

Mr Schue finally looked like he was getting the picture and he reached up behind Sam's head and pulled him into a kiss. He tasted like he smelled but Sam loved that Mr Schue was finally getting with the program. He wrapped one arm around Mr Schue's strong shoulders and the other hand reached back and rubbed Mr Schue's hard cock through his jeans. They kissed passionately until Mr Schue broke away and Sam felt a tug on his little ponytail. His head was pulled back and Mr Schue began kissing his neck. His other hand was holding Sam in place while he worked his way down Sam's front. Then Mr Schue stood up and Sam wrapped his legs around Mr Schue's torso. Again, he looked in the mirror in front of him. He was in the arms of his strong teacher, who looked rugged and better for it as he was just wearing his jeans. It was enough to fulfill Sam's cowboy fantasies.

Mr Schue laid him down on a mat on the ground and proceeded to work his way down, up, and side-to-side across Sam's body with his mouth. Sam felt Mr Schue's hands explore his body as well, stopping to rest on his nipples, twisting them slightly, and then moving on to push against his pecs, his shoulders, his biceps and his face. His thumb forced its way into Sam's mouth and Sam sucked on it. Mr Schue looked at it like he was everything he lusted after in the world and Sam returned the look, letting him know that he was Mr Schue's to take.

It was all about control with Sam. He liked just being admired. He didn't like having to always be in charge. That was the source of his attraction to men. The girls he had been with had expected him to worship them. Now, he got to be the object of worship. When he first had his experience with a man (well, maybe it was several men), Sam had felt appreciated and desired. Plus he liked the strength and respected the strength that some men had. In particular, he had a thing for man-hands. They were the perfect representation of the strength in a man and the most desirable distinguishers between a man and a woman. Now he had Mr Schue worshipping his body and literally feeding him his desire.

Sam leaned up into Mr Schue's hand, holding it in his mouth while exploring his thumb and then pointer finger with his tongue. The fingers tasted salty and a little dirty and it absolutely turned Sam on. He looked at the initial shock and then carnal lust sweep across Mr Schue's face. With a bit of force, Mr Schue pushed Sam down flat on the mat, pulling his hand out of Sam's mouth. The move was slightly stunning but Sam grinned widely to show his approval of Mr Schue's power. Mr Schue stood on his knees and undid his belt and button fly and yanked off his jeans. He threw them to one side of the room. Sam loved the fact that he was wearing black boxer briefs. Mr Schue could occasionally come off as a bit effeminate but this look was all man and all serious.

"Stand up." Mr Schue ordered. Sam was grinning widely. He thought that this was turning out even better than he could have dreamed. Mr Schue was fitting into the role of a dom easily and Sam was more than happy to sub for him. He stood up, his cock pointing out of the right leg of his gym shorts. There really wasn't any point to wearing them anymore. He started to take them off but Mr Schue interrupted him. "Stop. Did I say to disrobe?" he said in a serious tone yet again. "Come over here." Sam lowered his head and walked over in front of his history teacher, standing before him with every ounce of authority. He was older, he was bigger, he was his teacher, he was his Glee coach, and he was in Sam's control, whether or not he knew it. Mr Schue moved behind Sam, and just stood there, breathing heavily on Sam's neck. He raised Sam's arms slightly, squeezing his biceps slightly. "Flex" he commanded and Sam did. Mr Schue gripped him tighter and smiled while he was staring down over Sam's backside. Sam could see him in the mirror and loved the look of lust on his face. Then he lightly brushed his fingertips down Sam's sides, stopping at his shorts and working his way back up. The light touch sent quivers through Sam and caused his dick to jump. He reached around and traced Sam's front, moving his fingers along Sam's defined pecs and down his abs again to his shorts' line and then back up. Mr Schue grabbed Sam's triceps and pushed them upwards. He grabbed Sam's forearms and brought them back so they wrapped around Mr Schue's neck. He continued to trace Sam's pec muscles and then clenched them, pulling Sam in closer.

Their bodies were pushing against each other. Sam loved the close, tight grasp Mr Schue had on him. Sam could feel his hard cock through his briefs pushing against Sam's ass crack, thinly veiled in his gym shorts which he really wanted to take off. Mr Schue's hands explored Sam's body and Sam had the pleasure of not only feeling it all but seeing it all in the reflection. Mr Schue was overcome with lust, bringing his hands from Sam's chest to this neck, occasionally holding onto his neck in a choking grip but not clenching too tight. Sam skipped a breath quick as he could see the situation he had put himself in. Was he in control? What was Mr Schue capable of doing to him? As if in response, Mr Schue reached up and pushed Sam's face to the side and kissed him deeply with ample tongue. Booze. Sam remembered when the smell of Mr Schue's breath hit him. Sam became quickly confident that Mr Schue's drunkeness would give Sam the edge if he needed it so he relaxed once again, letting Mr Schue use him like he wanted to and like Sam wanted him too as well.

Mr Schue broke their kiss and focused on Sam's neck and collar bone. His hands moved to Sam's hips, pulling them back into Mr Schue's crotch which lunged forward. Sam's cock still stuck out of his gym shorts but Mr Schue didn't touch it. Sam wanted him to so bad but also acknowledged that this was part of his game. Then he pulled back. "Put your arms down," he said and Sam did as he was ordered. Mr Schue walked around him, looking at his body. Sam saw that his cock was being intentionally neglected. Sam now stood face to face with Mr Schue, who reached to his own crotch and stroked his cock over the boxer briefs. Sam looked down and could see a wet spot form at the end of the considerable shaft that Mr Schue was packing. "Get on your knees," Mr Schue said and Sam complied. Mr Schue brushed his hands against Sam's cheek ever so slightly. Sam looked up as he did so, seeing his teacher towering over him. Mr Schue grabbed the back of Sam's head and pushed it into his crotch. "Nibble," Mr Schue ordered. This confused Sam slightly but he bared his teeth and lightly put them over the clothed shaft. "Lightly." Mr Schue added and Sam ran his mouth down Mr Schue's pulsing cock, his teeth just lightly grazing the shaft. After a bit, Sam was ordered to pull down the briefs which he eagerly did. As soon as Mr Schue's plump cock flopped out to the briefs, Sam went to return his mouth to the now bare shaft when Mr Schue said, "Stop. Just the head. First with your tongue and then your lips." Sam stuck his tongue out and licked the enlarged purple cockhead, tasting the salty pre-cum. It flinched initially and Sam chased it with his tongue, trying to tame the beast. When it stopped leaping, Sam brought his ample lips to the head of the beast and Mr Schue began to moan.

"Alright now, open wide." Sam quickly opened up and Mr Schue thrust his whole cock into Sam's mouth and down his throat. Sam gagged and instinctively pulled back. "Don't pull away from me, son," Mr Schue said as he pushed Sam's head back onto his cock. Tears started streaming down Sam's eyes but it was all a physical reaction, not emotional. He lifted one hand to hold the big cock in place, hoping that it wouldn't offend Mr Schue. Either he didn't notice right away or agreed with the action because he didn't tell Sam to stop; he just continued to moan. Mr Schue's grip eased up and allowed Sam to bob up and down on the cock at his own pace. It was slick with his saliva so his fist could more easily glide down the veiny shaft.

Mr Schue appeared to be enraptured and let his dominance fall to the wayside. Sam took some liberty after blowing Mr Schue for a while and reached up to grab Mr Schue's considerable balls. His cock was light with fuzz but not hairy. "Oh yeah," Mr Schue said. "That's a good boy. Now clean those balls." Sam stopped sucking on the cock, relieved to be able to catch his breath and began licking Mr Schue's sweaty scrotum while he continued to stroke his cock. He took one ball and then the other into his mouth and then spit them out one at a time and tickled their underside with his tongue. He licked up and down the Mr Schue's cock vein and then came back to the balls. He brought his other hand up and put it on Mr Schue's fuzzy butt cheek. His ass was so round and tight. Sam couldn't help himself and squeezed the cheek. He then felt his head yanked back by the ponytail. "Did I say to go for the ass?" he said sternly but not truly upset. "Get up." Sam stood up as ordered and waited for his next instruction. "Go lay down on that bench on your back." He pointed to the bench covered in Sam's towel and Sam did as he was told.

Sam watched Mr Schue walk across the gym and he could see him grab his belt in the mirror's reflection. Sam's heart beat just a little bit faster as he wondered what he was in for. He hadn't pegged Mr Schue as the BDSM type and he's had very little experience with that crowd so he had not idea what to expect. Mr Schue must have seen the look of trepidation on Sam's face because he smiled a sinister smile and then licked his lips.

"Stay down and lift your arms above your head," he ordered Sam. He walked to the side of the bench and stepped over Sam's bare chest so his cock pointed was right in front of Sam. He lifted the belt and Sam inhaled quickly. He was nervous but he was extremely excited too. His stiff cock twitched quickly along the leg of his shorts. However, Mr Schue just grabbed one of Sam's wrists and wrapped the belt around it. He then pulled the belt under the bench, grabbed Sam's other wrist and bound them together.

Sam now laid on his back on the bench with his hands tied above him and Mr Schue began to touch his body all over with his fingertips. Sam shuddered with anticipation. He wanted this to be firm and hard. He wanted to be taken and Mr Schue was teasing him. Worse yet, he was ignoring Sam's pulsing cock which wanted to be stroked in the worst way.

Mr Schue hovered above Sam, touching him ever so slightly, moving his head down Sam's body, licking his neck, his nipple and his armpit. Sam whimpered and moaned. "Take me," he pleaded, "Just fucking take me." Mr Schue looked up at him and reached for the waistband of Sam's shorts. Finally! Sam thought. Mr Schue lifted them up and looked down at Sam's cock with apparent delight. Sam's cock twitched again, flopping up on his tight abdomen. Mr Schue then let go of the waistband, allowing the shorts to snap back against his hard shaft. Sam lurched at the sudden move and moaned, "Fu-hu-hu-huck!! C'mon."

Mr Schue just grinned and knelt down in front of Sam's legs. He put his nose up Sam's shorts leg and inhaled and let out a deep groan. He pulled the loose shorts leg to one side and Sam's balls fell out. Sam couldn't see this but he could feel it all. Then he felt Mr Schue's hot wet tongue juggling his balls. Mr Schue sounded like a hungry animal as he got more into devouring Sam's balls, tugging on the scrotum lightly with his teeth, popping one ball and then the other into his mouth like he had done to Mr Schue. He felt the tongue then move to his taint which caused him to spasm. Do it! he thought as Mr Schue's tongue moved closer to his ass. Mr Schue cupped his balls as he flicked his tongue over Sam's tight hole. Sam was hoping he would go deeper but he drew back. "I've got lube," Sam said in a moment of panic as he wanted Mr Schue to keep working on his ass. Mr Schue raised his head. Sam looked down his body, over his firm pecs, down his long abs and past his cockhead which was pointed back at him and saw Mr Schue's head cocked.

"Now?why would you bring lube to the gym?" Mr Schue asked. "Unless you expected to get some while you were here?"

Sam didn't want to tell Mr Schue that he was planning this because he wanted Mr Schue to still feel like he was in control so he just avoided the question. "It's in my bag," Sam said as he nodded over to the gym bag in the corner.

Mr Schue stood up over Sam. "You've been plotting, haven't you, Sam Evans?" he asked as he walked over to the bag and rifled around for the bottle of lube.

"Please just fuck me." Sam said.

Mr Schue popped the top of the lube bottle, squirted some lube onto his hand and began to stroke his thick cock. Sam was entranced by his cock but anticipating him walking back to Sam. When he just continued to stroke and not walk, same begged again. "Please."

Mr Schue walked slowly back to Sam, not breaking eye contact, stroking his cock the whole time. He squirted some lube on his fingers and smiled as he reached into Sam's short leg. Sam could feel the two wet but cold fingers push lightly against Sam's hole and then plunge in. Sam inhaled sharply but forced himself to relax his ass. As he watched Mr Schue finger-fuck him, he could see Mr Schue's impressive reflection across the room. He loved the sight of this man naked, domineering over him. Mr Schue's fingers continued to open up Sam's ass as he added a third. He continued to stroke his cock but Sam wished that he would reach down and start stroking Sam off. Mr Schue then pulled his fingers out of Sam's ass and yanked his short leg open even further, causing the fabric to pull against Sam.

Mr Schue then positioned his cock and pushed it into Sam.

"Oh fuck yeah!!!" Mr Schue exclaimed while Sam just moaned and worked on his breathing. He'd been fucked before but it had been a while and Mr Schue had some girth to him. Mr Schue held onto his hips and then pulled out a bit and pushed himself into Sam all of the way.

"Ohhhhh GAAAWWWWD!" Sam yelled and Mr Schue plunged in and out of him again. Sam looked up to see him and he looked possessed. He was panting heavily and biting his bottom lip, looking down at Sam's body. He reached up and pushed his hands onto Sam's pecs for leverage and continued to fuck him hard through his shorts. He reached over and ran his arms up Sam's arms which were beginning to ache in their position. Mr Schue's hot body was now pressed against his own. His cockhead was pushed down against his body by Mr Schue's slightly hairy abs. Mr Schue was writhing on him, using his body and Sam was enraptured.

Mr Schue plunged deep into Sam causing him to yelp and that's where he stayed as he worked his fingers around the belt that was tying Sam up. Mr Schue tugged here and there, pinching Sam slightly but that made it feel all the better when the belt fell to the floor and Sam was free, except Mr Schue still held his hands over the head. He pushed himself off Sam, pulling out of him quickly and causing Sam to gasp.

He stood glistening with sweat over Sam and said, "Against the mirror," motioning to the mirror on their right. Sam stood up slowly, his body feeling every bit used. He faced the mirror and started to pull his shorts down.

"Unh-uh," Mr Schue said. Sam looked up into the reflection and saw Mr Schue shaking his head. Sam looked forlorn and Mr Schue walked over to him, standing right behind him. The heat radiating off of him was making Sam melt. He leaned in and whispered into Sam's ear with his hot breath, "That's my job." With that, Mr Schue yanked his shorts down, finally freeing Sam's cock. Mr Schue helped Sam step of the shorts and threw them across the room. "Now hands against the wall and spread 'em."

Among Sam's many fantasies was his cop fantasy. Here was a group of testosterone-laden fellas with the ability to truly restrain you and it was just accepted. Cop porn was some of Sam's favorite. Just hearing Mr Schue talk like a cop was enough to make Sam weak in the knees. "Yes sir." Sam responded as he complied.

Mr Schue opened up Sam's ass cheeks and plunged his cock in again. He reached up quickly and grabbed Sam by the throat, holding his head up. "Watch me fuck you." In the reflection, Sam could see his cock flopping helplessly in the air as Mr Schue's tight muscular body pushed against him. Mr Schue wrapped his other arm around Sam's body, holding onto his pec. They looked hot and Sam wanted it to last forever and wanted to come right then all at the same time.

Mr Schue lifted his head slightly and turned it to the side and began to bite his neck. Sam looked to the mirror to their right and watched Mr Schue ravish him.

He let Sam's neck and chest go and grabbed his hips and rode him hard. "Fuck Fuck FUCK!!!" Sam yelled as Mr Schue got rougher and Sam got more excited. His ass hurt just slightly but it also felt like Mr Schue was completing him. Then finally, Mr Schue reached around and grabbed his cock. He gripped it tightly and squeezed slightly, causing Sam to shudder again. His hand was still lubed up from stroking his own so it glided over Sam's shaft.

"Oh yeah, you fucker. You like that?" Mr Schue said as Sam could only whimper and nod in response. "I want you to cum on me." He said as he pulled out Sam. He dropped quick to the mat. Sam was stunned by the sudden change momentarily but then relished the idea and quickly leapt on top of Mr Schue. Mr Schue held his slick and thick cock up and Sam impaled his ass upon it.

"Fuck yeah!" Mr Schue and Sam moaned simultaneously.

Sam was on his feet, squatting on Mr Schue's beast so he could move up and down on it with ease. Now it was his turn to grab Mr Schue's slightly furry pecs for balance. He pushed into them and was impressed by the muscle he felt. Mr Schue reached down and jacked Sam off. Sam was in heaven but he knew he wouldn't last. He wanted to cum so badly. He dropped to his knees while keeping Mr Schue's cock buried inside him. He rode Mr Schue, still able to grind up and down upon his cock. He leaned back slightly and Mr Schue continued to stroke his long cock. And then Sam felt the rush.

"Mr Schue, I'm gonna cum!" Sam stopped riding the cock long enough to allow his focus to be diverted to this own cock, leaving Mr Schue's member deep inside. He reached back and grabbed Mr Schue's ankles. Mr Schue's pace picked up as he stroked Sam firmly. Sam's body began to spasm as he could feel his cum surging forth. His cock pulsed and Sam yelled. He felt his ass clench Mr Schue's cock tight as he began to cum. It shot out of him. In his imagination, he imagined that he was coating the whole weight room in his jizz.

His body spasmed here and there but before he had time to fully recuperate, Mr Schue leaned up, rocked Sam backwards and then started fucking him again. Sam could hardly catch his breath. Mr Schue's hot body was on top of Sam, pushing into him, rubbing his still sensitive and still hard cock between their sweaty bodies, Mr Schue's already covered with Sam's cum. Sam was seeing stars as Mr Schue pummeled his ass.

Then the growling started. Mr Schue became beastly and he pushed his cock in and out of Sam with fury, holding his chest to the floor the whole time.

His ass was getting used to the pummeling but it still hurt slightly and Sam continued to whimper with each thrust. "Oh...OH....OH.....OOOOOHHHH YEAH! Fuck me! Fuck me, sir!"

Sam reached up and grabbed Mr Schue's tight triceps and Mr Schue went rigid and bellowed loudly. "FUUUUUUUCCCKKKK!" and Sam felt Mr Schue's cum shoot deep inside of him. He resumed pounding Sam, depositing every last bit of cum from those bulging balls into Sam's sore ass. Sweat was falling from Mr Schue's body to Sam's and Sam was being pushed across the mat. Before he got to the edge, Mr Schue's sweaty hairy body collapsed on him, pinning him down.

Sam reached his arms around his teacher's muscular back as he laid panting on Sam. He squeezed him close and didn't want him to pull out. He wanted to just stay this way forever and they did?for a few minutes. Then Mr Schue pushed himself off of Sam and rolled away.

Will was spent. Now logic was taking the place of lust. Sam had been working this out for a while. He was too receptive of me coming in, not really surprised that I (who never uses the school weight room) would stroll in on a Friday night and then Sam also had the lube. Sneaky little shit Will thought with a smile.

"So, this was the end-game?' Will asked with a smirk as he looked back at Sam. Sam was laying there, looking completely satisfied and smiled that wide grin.

"Well," Sam responded, "It doesn't have to be the end."

*Thanks for reading. Sorry it took soooooo long for this installment to cum out. It's been a busy and sometimes shitty spring but I really appreciate your emails, asking for more installments. I may have one more in me but no promises. We'll see what happens. As always, comments are welcome at Thanx-oxoxoxoxo

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