Sins of a Future World

By Purple Jubliee

Published on May 4, 2017


Hello! This is my first submission here so I hope you enjoy. Typical disclaimers apply; turn back if it's not legal in your country or if you're uncomfortable etc. This is NOT primarily a sexual story although we will get there. ;) It's primarily about the forming of an unexpected relationship at an inopportune time. Please tell me what you think! How far I go with this story is going to be almost entirely based on the response I get. Bonus points to anyone that can guess what this story is very loosely based on!


Sins of a Future World: Chapter 1

The intimidating fleet loomed large in the viewport on the bridge of the VCS Lograin. Their sleek, almost bluish silver hulls reflected the light through the darkness of space. The battle had been long and deadly, but it had quickly become clear which way the fight would go.

The elegant invading ships of the Harmonious Light had all but shattered the Coalition defenders. After much loss of life a ceasefire had been called, and now a single tiny vessel approached the Lograin's massive docking stations, carrying what Jace could only assume were diplomats of the Harmonious Light, there to negotiate the surrender of the Coalition fleet, and by extension the planet Varros.

Jace didn't spend much time on the bridge. He was a simple engineer and so could usually be found on the lower decks tinkering with the engine computers or doing assorted manual tasks; however the Lograin had taken severe damage during the battle and Jace had been called up to assess and make what repairs he could.

Jace was younger than most of the other technicians and mechanics by at least ten years. Being in his early twenties he had only been aboard the Lograin for a bit over a year, but in that time had managed to make a strong impression. He was good at his job and had earned respect quickly.

The captain of the Lograin, and admiral of the entire Coalition fleet, was a man named Hicken. He was a tall, fat, bald man with a disposition almost as ugly as his pockmarked face. His reputation was one of ruthlessness, both when dealing with enemies and even members of his own crew. Almost everyone hated him, but they feared him even more.

Jace interacted with Hicken as little as possible. The older mechanics told him that it was the best way to keep his job. Today he had no choice, but fortunately the captain was preoccupied with more pressing matters than a lowly engineer. The envoy of the Harmonious light had docked and the representatives were on their way up to the bridge.

Even though Jace looked even younger than he was, he was also quite strong. Working with his father, who was also a mechanic, for so many years had kept him in quite good shape. Despite this however, he was afraid.

Everyone had heard the stories of the followers of the Harmonious Light. They were religious zealots that had been banished for the strange and taboo practices of their religion to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. That had been over a thousand years ago and time had all but forgotten them. Until they had returned two years ago with massive fleets and strange technologies, intent on revenge. Several planets had fallen to them already, and since the interplanetary Coalition had never faced a threat on this scale their response was slow and woefully inefficient.

Stories also circulated about the followers themselves. Supposedly centuries in exile had changed them into something not entirely human but not alien either. Men spoke in hushed tones about rumored strange powers and practices used by the Harmonious Light. Their AI were decades if not centuries ahead of the rest of the galaxy, and it had been suggested that the only way to achieve such progress would have to have been through human experimentation.

Jace had never seen one of them in person and did not know anyone that had, but nonetheless the stories were enough to leave an impression. And now, as he watched the elevator panel showing it approaching the bridge, it seemed likely that he would be in the same room with them during the negotiations.

The others around the room seemed to share his unease. There were other ship captains from the fleet as well as all of the important politicians from Varros. This was the most important meeting in the planet's history.

First out of the elevator were two armed guards from the crew of the Lograin. They stepped aside and joined the small contingent of marines on either side of the room. Then three other figures followed them, two tall and one much shorter in between them.

The tall figures were two women; identical in every way. They even wore the same sliver robes with a thick stripe of blue from the neck to the base. Their long dark brown hair was drawn back into a tight braid down their back. They were slim and shapely but appeared somehow ageless, and Jace could not say if they were close to his own age or much older. Most striking of all however was the fact that both of them were obviously blind. Their eyes were clouded over entirely with a milky white. Even so, they moved deliberately and without aid.

The smaller figure between them, Jace was surprised to see, was a boy that looked less than half his own age. He wore a close fitting and elaborate tunic that was purple with silver trim and had a purple hood that looked firm as though it would maintain its position even in a strong wind. The sleeves of the tight tunic became loose just below the elbow and continued to widen out to the boy's wrists so that they hung down several inches. The boy's hair was platinum blonde though only the fringe of it was visible under the hood. His eyes though were his most notable feature. Unlike his two companions, his eyes were a vibrant and unnatural blue that seemed to almost glow.

The three of them strode confidently onto the bridge as though being surrounded by hostile strangers did not bother them in the slightest.

Captain Hicken frowned as the approached, his ugly face hardening into a look of hatred and disgust.

"What is this?" He demanded. "You send a child and two women to treat with us? This is an insult."

A soft murmur ran through the gathered officials but the envoy did not react. The boy stepped forward from between his two companions and spoke, although he ignored the captain's question and addressed the room as a whole.

"I am Ryn Reynia Embara: Servant of the Light and Archon of the People; presiding by the grace of the Light over this holy fleet and these proceedings. Who speaks for you?" His voice was high but strong and articulate.

"I do." Hicken snarled. "But I will not be insulted like this! I'll not treat with a child."

Stoically the boy replied. "You will not negotiate? Is that the will of this assembly?" There was a hint of a threat in his voice.

"That's what I said!" Hicken barked.

The boy started to turn away but one of the others spoke up; Senator Targan, one of the representatives from Varros. "Begging your pardon, sir." He said respectfully to the boy with a too-smooth voice. "Perhaps we could have a moment to... discuss this matter privately amongst ourselves?" He bowed slightly and smiled.

Hicken glared at the senator. The boy looked between his two companions before finally nodding.

"Very well. If in five minute's time no one is here to negotiate with us then we shall be forced to return to the fleet and pursue less agreeable options."

Hicken took an intimidating step toward the boy, two which his two emotionless companions responded by stepping forward and closing ranks protectively in front of him. Jace thought that they must not be blind after all. The others in the room pulled the red-faced captain away and into another room off the bridge to discuss quietly.

Once they had gone, Jace was left alone in the room with the envoy and a few silent guards at the other side of the bridge. Jace busied himself with one of the computers and did his best to ignore the strangers. The envoy seemed content to ignore him as well and the three of them sat around the table in the center of the bridge, waiting.

Several minutes passed with no sign of any of the officials. Their guests had not moved however, they sat statuesque at the table and said nothing to each other. Eventually Jace heard a heavy sigh come from the boy; the first sign that he could even breathe at all with the tight fitting tunic.

"You there. What is your name?" Ryn's voice startled Jace from his thoughts and made him jump. He looked up to find the iridescent blue eyes looking right at him.

"Umm, Jace." He replied eventually. "Jace Marron."

"Come and sit, Jace Marron." Ryn instructed, motioning to the chair across the table from the envoy.

"But umm..." He motioned at the computer he was working on but then shrugged. "Alright."

Sitting across from the envoy he now had three sets of eyes trained on him. At least it seemed like he did. It was hard to tell where exactly the two women were looking. He shifted uncomfortably.

"What do you know about the followers of the Light, Jace Marron?" Ryn asked him.

Jace had to check his hearing. Being this close it seemed as though Ryn's voice had something like a soft echo to it.

"Not much, I suppose." Jace said awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

Ryn smiled for the first time. "No need to keep secrets. You have heard things, yes?"

Eventually Jace nodded. "Well yeah, but it's just stories."

Ryn nodded in return. "What stories do they tell of us on Varros?"

"Well..." Jace was not sure how to respond. "They say that you have strange powers. And that you kill anyone that refuses to follow you religion."

Softly sighing, Ryn frowned and then nodded. "It is much the same wherever we go. The Light has no love for unnecessary suffering and death. We seek only to right an ancient wrong. You know of this?"

"You were banished hundreds of years ago." Jace said nodding. "But we had nothing to do with that. Everyone that did is long dead."

"They were afraid of us." Ryn said solemnly. "We were weak then. But we are strong now. And our world calls us home. Are you afraid of us, Jace Marron?"

Jace did not know what to say. He had just watched their fleet destroy dozens of ships and claim hundreds of lives. And although not what he had expected, Ryn was intimidating in a way that Jace was not familiar with.

"A little bit, I guess." He said honestly.

"Will you negotiate with us?" Ryn suddenly asked.

The question was so unexpected that Jace was left floundering. "Uhh... I'm only a mechanic. I don't have the authority to..."

"You are a citizen of Varros, are you not?"

Jace nodded.

"You have what you believe to be her best interests at heart?"

He nodded again.

"Very well then. The allotted time has passed and you are the only representative of the planet here. We will treat with you, or we will treat with no one."

"But I'm not..." Jace stammered. "I don't know anything about politics. I just fix things."

Ryn smiled again. "Then fix this, Jace Marron."

With a heavy sigh Jace looked to the door that the captains and politicians had disappeared through, then threw up his hands. "Alright, fine. I'll do it."

"Very good. As you know, Varros was offered a chance to surrender before any shots were fired. Violence is not our preferred method, but we have bested you on your chosen field. Yes?"

Jace looked out the viewport at the damaged Coalition fleet. "Yes." He agreed regretfully.

"We would like nothing more than to return to peace. As such, we will disband this fleet," He waved a hand at the Coalition ships. "And occupy the planet."

Scowling, Jace shook his head. "What gives you the right to our planet?" He demanded, surprising himself. "Yours was taken from you but now you're doing the same thing."

Ryn shook his head, unfazed by Jace's resistance. "You misunderstand. The people of Varros will not be removed, and their lives will remain as unaltered as possible. We will occupy the planet only as a means of assuring peace between the followers of the Light and your people."

"Don't occupy the planet." Jace argued. "We have a high functioning military base on our largest moon. Occupy that instead. Then your people can keep an eye on the planet while remaining unseen. We will both feel safe."

Ryn frowned and looked wordlessly between his companions. "It is an interesting proposition. One we are prepared to entertain, under one condition. Your governing officials will be chosen from among you by us."

"What?" Jace demanded harshly. "Varros has always been democratic. The people would never agree to it."

Ryn shrugged. "Those are the terms, Jace Marron. If you do not want us on your planet then we must control the governance. It is a better set of terms than has been granted to any of the previous worlds."

"And if we refuse? Then what?" Jace asked, feeling uncharacteristically patriotic. "You force us into it?"

"Such is the way of war, Jace." Ryn said heavily, sounding much older than he appeared. "The Light teaches us to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat."

Jace was overwhelmed. The fate of his entire planet hung on these words. "Is that all then? Some politicians lose their jobs and we have to be content with the ones you choose to replace them? No forced conversions or military occupation?"

Ryn nodded. "A modest tithe will be instated of course, as it is on all of our worlds; but we are not here to convert you to the Light. If it comes about, so much the better; but as long as the tithe is paid your people may view our Truth any way they see fit."

Jace sighed again and looked out at the intimidating swarm of elegant ships that represented the unspoken threat behind Ryn's words. "You realize I'm probably signing up to be the most hated man in history if I do this?"

"It is often the burden of a leader." Ryn replied. "In time your people may come to see the benefit. Hundreds of lives in return for a loss of pride seems like an obvious settlement."

Jace finally nodded. "Never thought I'd be deciding the future of Varros. But it seems like I don't have much choice. We'll accept your terms."

Ryn smiled, showing perfectly straight white teeth. "It makes me glad to hear it. You are a noble man Jace Marron, regardless of the storm to come."

As Ryn and his companions stood up, the door opened and the representatives of Varros filed back in.

"Master Embara." Senator Targan greeted with a smooth bow. Jace saw that Captain Hicken stood toward the back, sour-faced. "We apologize for the delay. It took a great deal of discussion to come to an agreement. We appreciate your patience in the matter and are now ready to hear your terms."

"The deal is done." Ryn said with finality.

Targan frowned, puzzled. "What do you mean? You no longer wish to negotiate?"

"The negotiation has already taken place and a deal has been struck." Ryn informed them.

The Senator's frown deepened. "But who did you...?" He looked at Jace who was just standing up from the table. "Him??"

Jace awkwardly took a step back, feeling the eyes of the room on him. Ryn simply nodded in response.

Targan's jaw worked up and down trying to form a coherent thought but then composed himself and smiled patiently. "I see. Master Embara there has unfortunately been a misunderstanding. This boy, though I'm sure he is a fine young man, is not qualified to make such dealings. Our cultures are quite different you see, and this young man does not have the training or the authority to negotiate with someone of your elevated status." He said reverently.

"We are all equals in the eyes of the Light." Ryn responded. "Jace Marron has negotiated skillfully on behalf of his people and the Harmonious Light will honor the deal that was struck."

The tension in the room was tangible. Captain Hicken was nearly boiling over. The tight-lipped Senator spoke again. "I see. May we ask what this deal was?"

"There will be no further loss of life and no military occupation of Varros." Ryn said, drawing a sigh of relief from several around the room. "This fleet will be disbanded and we will take up occupation of your lunar military installments."

"What!?" Hicken erupted.

"Furthermore;" Ryn raised his voice. "All higher political officials of Varros are now in service as intermediaries until proper replacements can be selected, from the citizens of Varros, by the Harmonious Light."

A wave of shock rippled through the gathered officials and without warning Hicken lunged forward and punched Jace in the jaw with all his strength.

Jace collapsed against one of the chairs knocking it over with a loud crash, but the scream that followed did not come from him. By the time Jace got his bearings he saw Hicken writhing on the floor in agony, screaming torturously although nothing appeared to be wrong.

"This is not open for debate." Ryn addressed the other officials, ignoring the screaming captain. "Jace Marron is under the protection of the Light until the conclusion of this arrangement. Cross us on this..." The captain's screaming suddenly stopped, replaced by panting and sobbing like a small child. "And you will wish you had not survived this battle."

Stunned silence permeated the room, broken only by Hicken's whimpering. Jace rubbed his jaw and winced as he felt the swelling already starting. No one knew how to react to what they had just witnessed.

The smooth Senator was the first to find his voice. "If that is the case, then allow me to do my best to facilitate this changing of the guard. And I do hope you will take under your wise council my experience and service for my people when you are making your selections."

Jace could have laughed if he had not been in so much pain. The weasely man certainly wasted no time in playing his angles.

Ryn acknowledged him with a nod before turning to Jace. "Are you alright, Jace Marron?"

Still rubbing his jaw Jace took a moment to respond. "Yeah, I don't think it's broken. I'll be fine."

"The Light bestows the gift of healing as well." Ryn said, sounding almost concerned. "With your permission, we would work to mend the damage."

Jace looked down at the captain who had passed out and appeared to have wet himself, then shook his head. "I'll be alright. Thanks."

"As you wish." He turned back to the others. "Go now and return to Varros and to your ships. Inform the people of the coming changes and await further instruction."

There were scattered mumblings but no one wanted to voice an opposition. They gradually began to trickle out of the bridge into the elevators.

"Jace Marron, will you accompany me to the Luminous Hand? I do not trust your safety to these men."

Jace was not sure if it was a request or an order. The idea of boarding an enemy ship by himself was not appealing; however Ryn was right. If he stayed on the Lograin there was a decent chance he would end up with a discrete knife in the back. Reluctantly he followed the boy to the elevator and they were accompanied by a guard to one of the Lograin's many docking bays.

Next: Chapter 2

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