Sins of the Son

By Ralph Gordon

Published on Feb 19, 2022


Sins of the Son Conversations between a horny son and his Sexual Spiritual Advisor

Part 3

All rights are reserved by the author. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed without the consent of the author. What you are about to read is a work of fiction. It is meant to explore certain taboo areas of male desire, including power, control, aggression, masculinity, helplessness, fetishes, and incest, desires that as men we often try to suppress or ignore, yet are always there just below the surface.

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Young, horny and with an intense lust for his Dad's and other men's feet, Ralph turns to a Sexual Advisor Chad for help. To him, he lays bare all his fantasies so that the Advisor can go deep into the young man's mind to expose and explore themes including Ralph's sexual urges toward men, religion, chastity and control.


What would be pleasant is to envision your father, tired from the day, perhaps too tired to remove his socks. He lies down on your Mom, and the sturdy penis that shot your life into this world erects. She receives his kisses, and you can hear the sound of their loving, licking kiss as you lower yourself to your knees, and bring your face closer to the slightly shiny black cotton, moist from the day's warmth inside his leather shoes.

As your nose approaches those toes, you begin to smell the intoxicating, leathery scent, and see the involuntary movements of the toes under the somewhat damp cloth. You gently press your lips to the toes, inside the dark, warm, wet bag.

You turn to the other foot, and it is there you see the little hole, right under the toes. The crevice between his great toe and the toe next to it are visible, almost like a little sex organ--"foot genitals" of which you have a peek through the dark cotton! And, just as your father might, at your age, have felt pre-cum dripping from his penis as he envisioned his tongue-tip approaching your mother's pussy-lips, so your own unruly youthful penis lifts up and begins to leak as you feel your tongue trying to escape the prison of your teeth to seek the flavors inside the hole in your father's sock!

While your Dad's penis tip squirms to find entry to that slick opening between your Mum's legs, in parallel, your own tongue tip penetrates the hole in Dad's sock, and begins gently mixing your saliva with the foot-sweat inside, so that you may gently sip it back out and feel it flavoring your mouth!

You try to fight the firey, obscene desires that race to your groin to erect your penis, but it's no use--that penis of yours stands up stiff and violently angry, threatening heaven itself with defiance as your drool seems to gush to lubricate the way into that sock-hole.

Your penis is insisting that it WILL enter that sock, and will lodge under (over, and yet under!) the sole of your father's foot!

Taking hold of your father's other foot, you gently guide his toes to your lips; bending your penis down at the base, you let the tip of it push inside the small hole in the other sock, on the other foot, and, in parallel, you part your lips and allow your father's toes, on his one foot, to penetrate your loving mouth--while you feel the tight rim of the sock-hole pushing your foreskin back and the moist cloth of his sweat-soaked sock creeping over the revealed and sensitive glans. The delicate and sensitive "sweet spot" of your frenulum is also exposed, and, with the most exquisite shivers, you feel it gliding along the the somewhat tough skin of your father's great toe, and at last, with a shudder of intense pleasure, you feel the tender underbelly of your cock make contact with the ball of your father's foot!

The elasticity of his damp sock almost "ties" your penis underbelly to his foot, and you barely dare to move for fear of ejaculating and ending the heaven. You hold very, very still, and suffer the exquisite agony of feeling only the tiny, involuntary movements of your father's toes, conveying to your sensitive genitals all of the delicious sensations he is enjoying inside the vagina of your mother--and all the while, you can taste the somewhat salty, leathery flavor of his other toes inside your mouth, as you suck on them in the sweaty bag of his dark, cotton socks!

I just want you to know that my own penis is just as stiff as yours, as I contemplate this with you.


I imagine myself inserting my limp youthful penis into the hole that you describe and watching it expand as the excitement of intimate contact with my father sends blood rushing to my cock. The damp black socks would expand, taking on the shape of my cockhead, increasing the pressure on my dick, keeping it trapped between my father's manly foot sweat and his strong soles. As he thrusts into my mother, he kicks back a few times, causing my cock to rub against his soles and the precum begins to leak.

I love to imagine my dad removing his socks and pressing his soles into my mother's loins in a slow but powerful and determined manner. She would groan with pleasure as his powerful soles slide up and down against her wet pussy, then he would have me lick my mother's wetness from his soles as he starts mating with her again, my only access to their intimacy being via the masculine soles of my father...

Ethnically my father has French roots, while my Mum has Indian and Persian roots.. He has very European features and his feet certainly reflect that.

I love to imagine as part of foreplay, he gets my mother to wrap her mouth around his heel and lick his powerful soles, while he sits back and enjoys the sensation of his wife worshipping him. When he fucks her afterwards, his soles would be glistening from her saliva.

You might like to know that Mum admitted to me recently that while she was pregnant with me, dad used to fuck her. She said it happened a lot and she was worried it might have turned me gay. That night I imagined them together, wondering if my dad ejaculated into her while she was pregnant, trying to shoot his manly cum through her cervix, to get as close to me as he possibly could. The thing that made me was so close to my mouth during those pregnancy fuck sessions. It was dad's way of getting close to his son, pushing his big dick head as deep as possible to get close to his son and then shooting a powerful load. How much closer could he get to me than that... Imagine all that salty semen that was flooding my mother's pussy...


Oh, I am so enjoying being allowed into some of the intimate details, which are really helping to paint in the full richness of the picture for me, now! I actually was wondering a little about everybody's ethnicity already, just from the little bits of your body, and your father's body, which I had seen. It was obvious to me already that your own skin had a swarthier tone than your father's, and I was already wondering if, perhaps, your Mum was Latina or Mediterranean or Asian or perhaps even Black. You were uncircumcised, so figured that probably ruled out Moslem origins. Now that I know your Mum's family is Indo-Iranian, things are beginning to fall into place a bit more.

Of course, the most intriguing thing that this adds to the mix is that it creates an ETHNIC distinction between your FATHER, on the one hand--the "European Imperial white lord" of the home!--and his south-Asian wife and "mixed-breed" son on the other!

I had asked about your father's religion, which you described as being so strict, and now I'm even more curious, since so many French are also raised as Catholics, and yet, somehow, the way you describe some of the interaction with them regarding the unpleasantness about your enjoyment of males didn't sound much like Catholicism to me.

What a curious idea your Mum had about the etiology of male homosexuality! That it might have something to do with a father fucking his wife while she was pregnant with his son! I'm sure lots of people are ready to pooh-pooh the idea as preposterous without ever conducting an experiment to see if, just maybe, it might actually HAVE some correlation!

However, it is fascinating to consider that this DOES mean that, at some point, the inflamed tip of your Dad's penis was pressing up to her cervix--his piss-slit pushed directly up against the mucous kiss of it!--while, on the other side, floating in fluid, and frustratingly barred from contact with his semen, your lips were only centimeters away from the hot explosion of life-sperm! There is no way your father could not have sensed this connection, later in the term of your Mum's pregnancy, and it is pleasant to think that even today, there are times when he feels his penis thrust in as deeply, that he REMEMBERS how, at the very beginning of your life, before you were born, you were IMPRISONED and forced to face the BATTERING RAM of his power as he mounted your Mum--and YOUR FACE--at the same time!

I'm glad that you also enjoy thinking of how your father's feet, beneath which you are fated to worship, also transfer to your mouth the flavors and excretion-textures of the gateway to the womb where you were a prisoner of your father's fuck. It never really occurred to me that perhaps, as part of his assertion of his superiority as "king of his home," your Dad might stimulate your Mum's helpless responses to his beauty, not with his lips or fingertips--but with his FEET, relentlessly stirring her clitoris with his toes, perhaps even inserting his toes as if "testing the waters" before plunging in with his cock--and then, when her shivers of desire were flooding forth in sticky oozes of cunt-snot, smearing them onto his broad soles and presenting them to his son, forcing him to extend his tongue to clean the smeared feet, and transfer the liquid evidence of Mum's admiration onto your own tongue to be savored--tasted--and CONSUMED.

My penis gets very stiff indeed, as I imagine the very mixed feelings you must undergo as you do this. I try to bear in mind that your Dad probably requires you to remain limp as you lick, and fight your urge to ENJOY what you're doing, carnally.

I have read that the texture--and even the FLAVOR--of cervical mucous may be used to determine if a woman is FERTILE, and I've enjoyed considering how a son might be required to attach, by means of elastic bands, a kind of thin, flexible tube--almost like a soda straw--to the length of his father's penis, and attend during a fuck, so that he can begin sucking on this "straw" once his father is "buried to the hilt" and suck out and sample the flavor of his mother's cervical mucous--so that he can report to his father, right then and there, as to how likely it is that he can sire a REAL MALE this time--reporting on whether his mother is fertile and ready to conceive.

In the past I've thought perhaps the other end of the tube might simply be behind the father's scrotum, but I see no particular reason that it cannot be longer, so that your father can offer it to your lips between the toes of his beautiful foot, and you can suck it there. You'd just have to suck a bit harder, that's all.

The image of your penis--which, instead of penetrating pussy, slinks into a hole torn in the sole of your Dad's sweaty sock!--swelling to DISTEND the damp, sweaty cloth is one that had not occurred to me, and is VERY exciting. I think probably the slight rub against foot-flesh and sock would be sufficient to unroll your foreskin, and expose the sensitive glans to both the agonizingly exciting tough, moist skin, on the sensitive frenulum and ridges of the corona, as well as the unbearably delightful "roughness" of the sweaty sock-material as it ran over your glans. I'm sure that you'd be so sensitized that you can almost feel each row of tiny stitches as it marches, inexorably, from your own weeping piss-slit to the corona of your glans.

I'm trying to imagine how feeling your youthful penis against his sole might enhance your Dad's pleasure. There's a symbolism here, I suppose: a son placing his vulnerable, sensitive penis "beneath" his father's sole, even though, strictly speaking, he's not stepping on it from above. It almost says, Dad, here I am, the life you created, ready to receive pain or pleasure for you, ready to serve you abjectly and totally. Both Mum and I exist for one thing: your pleasure.

End of Part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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