Sisters in Love and Trust

By Alexander Hall

Published on Nov 8, 2015


A new week had begun on campus. The seven new potentials of Alpha Alpha Mu were excited to begin their road to full membership. They knew it would not be easy, and knew there may come times they would wish to quit, but all seven were dead set on making it in. The active Sisters already had an idea of who would be the best Big Sisters for each one. Each candidate was instructed to interact and get to know her potential Little Sister. They had until Thursday. Thursday they would decide who got to be the Big Sister to who, and on Friday they would tell each potential who would guide them through the process. Each pledge had three active Sisters selected as their potential Big Sister. Only Noelle and Angelique were not included in the selection, due to their positions as Educator and Oracle.



Sonya was the first to meet her potential Big Sister. Monday morning at breakfast, she was approached by Allyson. She was eating alone this morning as Alex did not have any early classes on Mondays. She saw someone approach her and looked up just as Allyson reached her table. "Hey Sonya, mind if I join you?" She asked. Her mouth still full, Sonya shook her head and gestured to an empty seat across from her. Allyson smiled and sat down. She hung her bag from the back of the chair, then faced Sonya. "I have to be honest here. I'm not just here for a friendly chat. As we told you on Friday, we're going to be meeting with each of you this week to see who the best fit as your Big Sister is." Sonya swallowed her food and looked at Allyson. "So I take it you're the first of the ones who they think will be best for me?" Allyson nodded.

"That's correct. We decided that on Friday when we decided who would be allowed a chance to pledge. Each of you will be visited by three of us. One on Monday, another on Tuesday and the last on Wednesday. Thursday we'll meet and see who will work best for each of you. We're going to try to meet each of you one on one." Sonya had just finished her breakfast and saw Allyson had nothing in front of her, so she probably was finished as well. "Mind walking with me then? I have to get to my class in about thirty minutes." Allyson shook her head. "Happy to. Where is your first class?" She asked. "It's in Spratley." Sonya said. "Good, my class is there too." Sonya smiled and got up, Allyson following after her.

As they walked, Sonya began to ask Allyson a few questions. "So how do you decide who will work best as Big Sisters?" she asked. "It's a bit of a process. We get to know you during the Rush Party, then we look amongst all active Sisters to see who fits best with who we picked. We try for three different people with each potential. We try for someone who is like you socially, someone in a similar major and someone who may be very different from you. We then see who you interacted best with and that person becomes your Big Sister. You'll find out more on Friday." Sonya thought about this for a few minutes. "So what makes you look like a good fit for me?" She asked. "They felt I'd be good for you as we're from similar socio-economic backgrounds and we're moderately social. Plus, though they didn't say it, I think it's because we're both straight. You would not believe how many lesbians and bisexuals we get in the chapter." Sonya laughed. "If what I saw at the party was any indication, I think I will. I don't mind though. I've kissed a few girls, and I don't mind doing so. I just prefer guys."

As they walked down the campus to their classes, the conversation got more open and animated. Despite the difference in their majors, with Sonya in Chemistry and Allyson in Music Theory, they got along real well. Sonya was really taking to Allyson and already hoped Allyson would be her Big Sister. She even offered to tutor Allyson with her math and science homework when Allyson told her they were her weakest subjects. Allyson could not really help her anywhere. Sonya was not the musical type. She was terrible when it came to fine arts and for that reason usually did not take art type classes. Allyson did offer to help her if she ever did end up taking such a class.

Sonya was almost sad when they reached Spratley, since her class was on the fourth floor and Allyson's was on the second. She could feel her and Allyson would be good friends even if she did not make it into the Sisterhood. "I hope I'll see you later." Sonya said to her as they parted. "Me too. I have a good feeling about being your Big Sister." Sonya smiled as Allyson said this. She knew she still had to meet the other two, but she had a good feeling her and Allyson were a good pairing. She'd see soon enough.


Alex met her first potential Big Sister after her first class of the day. As she was leaving her Intro to Philosophy class, she heard someone call for her. "Hey Alex, wait up." She heard. She looked back to see Margaret. She remembered Margaret from Friday's party. She'd been very guarded about her past when Alex started talking to her. She finally got out of her that Margaret had recently come to terms with discovering she was gay. Alex understood that pain well. She realized her attraction to other girls when she was fourteen, but had to hide it because of how conservative her hometown was. She remembered how happy Margaret was when she told her she had faced the same problem years ago.

Margaret was a little out of breath when she caught up to Alex. Alex had to giggle. "I think you need to exercise a little more." She quipped. Margaret looked incredulously at her. "I exercise enough, thank you very much." She retorted. Both laughed and started walking out of the building. Since it was nearing lunch, they decided to head to Milton and grab a bite. As they walked, Margaret told her the same thing Allyson had told Sonya earlier. "So why do they think you're good for me?" Alex asked. "Well..." Margaret began nervously. "The main reason is because of me recently accepting my lesbianism. I only recently realized, like I told you, that I like girls. I'm still unsure of dating another girl and I still have not come out to my folks. I know they probably would not mind, they're very tolerant people, but it still is hard." Alex nodded sadly. "I know. My parents are very conservative. They'd never accept that I'm gay. I had to hide it for years from them. I've never been on a date because I could never ask out anyone back home."

Hearing this made Margaret feel better. It was always good to talk with someone who faced similar problems to you. Not feeling like bringing up painful memories, they quickly switched subjects. They mainly talked about what made them choose their majors. Alex told Margaret that she had picked hers mainly because of the attitude of folks back home. She wanted to understand more about what made people believe and follow certain faiths and rules. For Margaret, she had always been a history buff. She liked finding out more about past civilizations and societies. Both laughed when they joked about how hard it would be to find a job with their degrees. "I think you have a better chance than me." Alex said. "At least you could work at a museum or something like that. Who the hell needs a philosopher these days?" Both burst out laughing at this. "Oh please, plenty would listen to a pretty girl like you, I'm sure." Margaret spouted. She suddenly realized her gaffe and covered her mouth. Both blushed at this.

Seeing the other blush made both laugh again. Both were glad they were able to brush this off. Soon both were chatting up again as they got to Milton. Margaret was very happy she felt so open around Alex. She had a hard time talking to other girls since coming out. She always feared she'd give off an "I want to do you" vibe with each one. She really wanted other girls to just see her normally, not some crazed lesbian on the hunt. Alex did not have this issue. Even back home she'd been a very social person. It was even easier here since she did not have to hide that she was gay.

Once they got to Milton, they parted as Alex was called away by Sonya. Margaret felt a little sad at their parting. She wanted to spend more time with Alex. She wasn't sure yet, but she was starting to get the feeling she would like to be more than friends with Alex. She was worried though that Alex would feel put-off by her advances. She knew she'd have to take this slow. Maybe she could start dating Alex. Even if Alex did not feel that way, maybe she could help Margaret find girls who did. She'd have to wait and see. "Maybe, just maybe, this will work out." She thought.


Janine did not see her first potential Big Sister until later that evening. She was at dinner like usual with Susan and Maisy when Stacy came up to her. She asked Janine if she could talk to her privately for a bit. Maisy and Susan had been visited earlier by their first potentials, Melanie and Krystin respectively, earlier that day. They knew what was going on and convinced Janine to spend a little time with Stacy. Janine was very nervous with Stacy. Stacy was beautiful, an aspiring model, and had a fantastic figure. Janine was fat and most people never had anything nice to say about her looks. She felt very insignificant around Stacy. Stacy could see this. She had seen it a lot back in high school. Many of the "less pretty" girls felt like this around her. She surprised many when she did not hold her looks over others heads. Stacy was smart enough to know one day they'd be gone and she knew that looking as good as she did was a blessing that could easily be taken away. It was part of why she never hung out with the other "pretty" girls at school. They were vain, they only cared about how good they looked and felt they'd always look good. Stacy had no patience for that. "I know you're uncomfortable around me because of how pretty I am, but don't worry, I'm not going to make fun of you or anything." She said as she patted Janine's shoulder. Janine eased up a bit from this.

"So, what makes you girls think you'll be a good Big for me?" Janine asked flatly. Stacy sighed. "They think if I become your Big, it'll help you be more comfortable with your body, and make you more confident. To be honest, I don't think I can do that. That's more Anabelle's specialty." Janine did appreciate Stacy's honesty. She could already tell Stacy would not work as a Big Sister for her. "Just know though, I don't see myself as better than you because of my looks. Looks are temporary. There are probably many things about you that I'll never have, like your brains or good study habits." This statement made Janine smile. "I'll have you know, as photography is another passion of mine, I've done model work with girls like you." Janine looked in surprise at Stacy for this. "Yeah. During high school, for my photography class, I had girls that others felt "were not pretty" model for me. It did not go over well with many of my fellow students, but my teacher loved it. I may be a good looking girl, but I'm a big fan of the "body positive" movement. I had a girl similar to you in my set, along with a disabled girl, one who lost her arm and a girl with scoliosis."

Janine nearly had a tears in her eyes hearing this. All through high school girls like Stacy had bullied her, but here was a girl like them, and she was super nice and accepting. "I didn't think girls like you were real." Janine said through tears. "I thought girls like you were something Hollywood made up." Stacy laughed. Maybe she could get through to Janine after all. After this awkward introduction, Janine was much more open to talking with Stacy. Maisy and Susan would love to see this. Both really hoped Janine would open up more and so far their trek into Alpha Alpha Mu was doing just that for Janine.

Soon, Stacy excused herself. She was quite hungry at this point and needed to eat herself. "I didn't think at first you would work as a Big Sister to me, but now I think maybe it could work." Janine said to Stacy. Stacy was not offended. She had reservations herself about it. "Well, maybe we'll see. You still got two others who will interview you, so they might work better. All in due time." She said. Janine got up with Stacy and hugged her. "Thank you, for being so nice. I'm not used to girls like you being nice to me." Janine said. "Hey, not all us pretty girls are bitches, some can be nice." Stacy told her. They broke their hug and while Stacy headed for the food lines, Janine left the cafeteria and headed back to her dorm. A smile was on her face. Already AAM was showing her a completely new life. This might be the best decision she would make in her college career.


Maisy had her meeting a little before lunch time. She was sitting in Glasson, the student center, when Melanie came up to her. She had her eyes in her phone going over her emails from high school friends and a drink to her right when Melanie arrived. She noticed the shadow over her and looked up to a faceful of Melanie's huge tits. "Mind if we join you?" Melanie joked, seeing where Maisy's eyes were. She didn't need to know why Melanie was here. Susan told her she'd been visited by Krystin an hour ago, seeing if Krystin would become her Big Sister. Maisy nodded and Melanie sat down in the chair next to her. Maisy laughed as Melanie sat down next to her. "What's so funny?" Melanie quipped. "It's just, well, the first time I saw you, you were naked. It's a little strange seeing you clothed."

"Believe me, if I could be naked all the time, no matter where I was, I would be. I hate wearing clothes." Maisy giggled. She knew the feeling well. If she could be naked, she was. She wasn't as brave as Melanie though. Sure, she'd been naked at a party in high school, but she could not be naked around complete strangers all the time like Melanie. "How do you do it?" She asked. "How do you parade about naked around people you hardly know?" Melanie just smiled. "I'm very comfortable with my body, and that's not just because of my huge chest. I don't see anything wrong with being naked. We're all naked at birth. Why should being born change why it's okay? If people have problems with my nudity, that's their issue. I'm not ashamed of how I look. If I was fat or deformed I'd probably still be naked all the time. I don't see anything wrong with being naked. It's not even a sexual thing for me, it's just how I feel most comfortable. The only reason I'm not naked in public is because I'd get in legal trouble for it. If I didn't have to worry about that, I'd never wear clothes."

"So I guess they picked you for me because of us fucking?" Maisy asked. Melanie giggled. "Yes and no. They usually pick me for whatever girl I screw, but also because you and I are both free spirits. They think we'll be good for each other. I think they hope you'll tone me down." Maisy laughed. "I don't think that's possible. You're as free as they come." Melanie nodded in agreement. They had a good talk together for half an hour, and got along well. Maisy still had the feeling Melanie wasn't really interested in being her Big. "So, I have to ask. You say you're a slut, and proud of it. How many people have you actually fucked?" Melanie beamed as Maisy asked this. "You'd never believe me." She said. "Try me." Maisy responded. Maisy gulped as a wicked grins spread on Melanie's face. She reached for her soda and took a big drink to wet the dry spot in her throat.

"I've been here for four years now. I've had many partners here, many more than once. Since I got here, I've taken 176 girls and 247 guys to my bed." Maisy spit out her drink hearing this. "Are you serious?" She said in shock. Melanie just laughed, she was used to this reaction by now. "I told you, I'm a slut. I like fucking. Come on, I fucked you the day I met you, and you're not the first person I've done that with, hell, you're not the fiftieth." Maisy's eyes went wide hearing this. "Look, I like sex, I like being naked. I'm a slut and I'm proud of it. It's not what most should do, but I'm perfectly okay with it. I lost my cherry when I was thirteen. I liked it and I wanted more of it. I've probably had at least 200 girls in my life and at least 400 guys." Maisy was struck speechless. Sure, she was a loose girl too, but not like Melanie. Melanie's actions made her blush. "Well, if it's what you like, who am I to judge." Maisy said. Melanie laughed again.

"Look, I'll be honest with you. I don't think I'm good to be your Big Sister, or any other girls. I spend most of my time fucking and stuff like that. Being a Big requires a lot of commitment and they're supposed to help you get better grades and all. I'm not the type who can do that. You'd be better off with another Big." Maisy appreciated Melanie's honesty. She had a feeling that was the case, but she didn't want to upset Melanie saying it. Only ten minutes later the two parted company. Before Melanie headed off, she handed a slip of paper to Maisy. "By the way, the next time you want to hook-up with me, give me ring. I'd love to have another go at you." Maisy blushed as Melanie said this. She quickly saved the number to her phone, as she too would have liked another go at Melanie.


Daphne ran into Jaclyn, her first potential Big, after her first class. Daphne was surprised they decided someone like Jaclyn could be her Big. They were very different. Jaclyn was studious, bisexual and strict. Daphne struggled with grades and was straight. She also was not very strict. She felt quickly they would not be a good match. "Well, to be honest, they might think as your Big Sister I can help you with your grades." Jaclyn said first. Daphne was kind of offended at this. Sure, her grades weren't top notch, but she maintained them well enough to keep playing. Many people did not understand how tough it was for a student athlete to keep their grades up.

"Look, no offense, but I think I maintain my grades just fine. I do well enough to pass and to keep playing. That's enough for me." Jaclyn nodded. "I understand that. I know how tough it is for athletes. My older sister played soccer at Emerson and she often needed my help to pass her classes. It was kind of embarrassing for her that her high school aged sister was helping her pass." Daphne actually had a laugh at this, which also made Jaclyn smile. "Yeah, she never could get over that I was the brains in the family." Both burst out laughing at this. Daphne never had that problem, she was an only child. "Let me just be clear, they're not trying to say you're not doing well enough when they say they want me to help you with your grades. You just have to remember that Nationals wants us to maintain a certain chapter GPA and sometimes girls like you get sloppy and bring us down."

Daphne could see this. She'd lost some teammates over the years because their grades slipped too much and they were declared ineligible. Daphne knew that being a student athlete, she was a student first. She could not pin all her hopes on going pro. There were many nights since she came to college that she was up most of the night doing homework and projects despite being tired from practice. Sure, she sometimes struggled to keep her grades up, but she never had gone that far down. "I can see why that would worry them. But let me tell you, I've never become ineligible because of my grades, so I probably won't hurt you guys much, if at all." Daphne was glad to see this made Jaclyn smile. "I don't think you'll be a problem either. Like I said, it was more them than me that thought this. I probably won't be picked anyway. Officers are rarely picked as Big Sisters. Sure, my main job is done since we have our Pledge Class, but I still have to work for next year." Daphne was shocked to hear this. "You guys only pick new girls once a year?" Jaclyn nodded. "Yeah. Our pledge process is very long, and intensive. If we did it twice a year, we'd burn ourselves out. Plus, that way our new girls can focus on being part of our chapter, instead of helping then next class along."

The ice now broken between them, Daphne and Jaclyn were actually getting along better. Still, both felt they would not be a good fit as Big and Little. Neither held this back from the other, but both were glad to see they could still get along otherwise. Jaclyn did offer to help Daphne with her classes still. Daphne agreed to that, she felt that times would come she might need it. After a good half hour the two parted ways. Jaclyn's next class was coming up and Daphne had to get an essay finished for her class later this afternoon. Both were in much better spirits with the other than when they first started talking.


It was after her second class, near noon, when Susan met with her potential Big. Krystin bumped into Susan as both were leaving Hagert, the Arts and Media building. "Mind chatting a bit with me?" Krystin asked. Susan shook her head and set her bag down on one of the hallway study tables. Krystin did so as well and repeated the schpeil about why she wanted to talk to Susan that the other girls had heard. "The reason they thought I'd be good for you is that you and I are closer in age. Both of us came to school later than most other people do." Susan nodded hearing this. One of her biggest problems still on campus was that she was older than most other students. "How old are you?" Susan asked. Krystin already knew how old Susan was. "I'm thirty-one." Krystin said. "What made you start so late?" Susan asked. "I had a lot of personal issues. My family wasn't very well off, so college looked like a longshot. I worked a few jobs trying to save up. Unfortunately, I also got involved with a guy from one of my jobs and we ended up getting hitched. It was a very bad marriage, and we divorced after two years." Susan could see a pained look on Krystin's face as she told her this. Susan knew that look, and had a feeling Krystin's marriage had not been safe.

"I know that feeling well. My parents divorced right before I finished high school. My dad wound up in jail for domestic abuse, plus the medical expenses and all my mom racked up for me prevented me from coming to school. Even after that, I wasn't comfortable being so far from home. Eventually my mom persuaded me to go to college." Krystin looked with sad eyes at Susan. "If you don't mind me asking, what was wrong?" Susan looked down silently. "I'd rather not say." She said quietly. Susan still was not ready to tell others about the last ten years of her life. A lot of it was still too painful and personal to divulge. Krystin saw this pain behind Susan's eyes and reached her hand out to Susan's, clasping it. "Whenever you feel like telling us, that's fine. We're very accepting in this Sisterhood. You'll see someday, we are very open with others and treat everyone respectfully. I learned that during my pledging, and it helped me so much. I don't think I would have made it through my first year without these girls." Hearing this made Susan smile. Still, she wondered if they would accept her.

Both were silent for a few minutes, both saddened reliving those painful years of their lives. Krystin was the one who broke the silence. "So, seeing as you're a pretty shy person, I have to ask what made you think of joining our Sisterhood." Susan blushed at this. "Well, my roommate is the one who convinced me to join, she's a lot more social than I am, but she wanted me to join with her. There's another reason too." She said, blushing more. Krystin could see this, and a wicked grin came over her face. "You've got a thing for one our actives, don't you?" Krystin asked slyly. Susan nodded. "Who is it, I won't tell, promise." Susan was smiling and still blushing. She had a good feeling she could trust Krystin. "It's Angelique. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I tried for you guys hoping to get close to her. I hope she could be my Big Sister." Krystin smiled, but she had to tell Susan now that would not happen. "Well, I will keep your secret, but I have to tell you she won't be your Big Sister. The Oracle is never picked to be anyone's Big, as she has too many responsibilities to the Chapter, and she's the lead during Instatement Weekend." Susan was a little sad to hear this. "Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll have plenty of chances to get to know her. Plus, she is one of the girls who upvoted you last Friday. Don't tell anyone I told you that."

Susan smiled hearing this. It gave her more hope Angelique liked her back. Even if Angelique could not be her Big Sister, there was still hope during her pledging she could get more time with her. A girl could dream. Krystin smiled seeing this happy look on Susan's face. She wished she knew how Angelique felt about Susan. She could see how much Susan fancied her and she wished she could give Susan some hint the feelings were mutual. The problem was Angelique rarely divulged details like that. Most of the chapter knew Angelique was now looking for her soulmate, but she never gave any details as to who she thought might be it. Krystin had a feeling Angelique might be into Susan, but she did not want to get this girl's hopes up and turn out to be wrong. "I hope I'm right." Krystin thought. "They'd make a cute couple." She took Susan's hand again and told her this. Susan smiled more, a happy tear coming to her eye. So far now she knew three people besides herself that hoped she would get together with Angelique.

From that, given the personal details both had shared with each other, Krystin and Susan were quite easily able to talk to each other. Both had a good laugh, mainly about the dated references they would often make on campus that the younger students wouldn't get. Susan was happy to know there was someone else on campus who felt her pain of being the "senior citizen" on campus. They had another laugh mocking the "immature" things other students did. Susan was in high spirits when her and Krystin parted ways. "I hope you get in." Krystin said as they hugged goodbye. "It would be nice to have another old timer around." She joked. Susan laughed and stuck her tongue out at Krystin, smiling as she headed off to meet Maisy and Janine for lunch.


It wasn't until all her classes were done for the day that Gina met up with Lucy, her first potential Big. Both were in the same Physics class. Lucy called to Gina as she was about to leave the lecture hall. Gina was surprised to see Lucy in the class. She had the impression Lucy was a very flighty type when she met Lucy at the party. Seeing the books Lucy was carrying, Gina was starting to think her impression of this girl had been off. "Hey, mind if we talk for a bit?" Lucy asked her. Gina had nowhere to go, so she felt there was no way to get out of it. Besides, they had said they would be meeting with them this week to see who would be their potential Big Sisters. She could not see though why Lucy would work as her Big. Lucy and her were quite different. Sure, it seems they were both very intelligent, but Lucy seemed to be the coasting type, unlike Gina who was very studious. Lucy laughed at Gina's apprehension. "What's so funny?" She asked. "You don't think you and I would work as Big and Little Sister. I can tell you now that you and I are a lot more alike than you think." Gina was shocked to hear this. "How did you know?"

Lucy put her arm around Gina. Gina was a little unnerved by this. Lucy was definitely the touchy-feely type. "I'm studying Psychology. I've learned a lot these last four years about how people think and act. I could read it in your eyes." Gina blushed at this. She didn't think she had been obvious. "Look, I know you think because you're so bookish and I'm not we probably would not work, but I'm a great deal more serious about my studies than I let on. I'm trying to get into the Clinical Psych program here and I'm sure you know how competitive it is here. I actually maintain pretty damn high grades here. I rarely get "C"s." Gina was surprised more to hear this. She had been completely wrong about Lucy. "Sorry, it's just the vibe you gave off during the party made me think otherwise. I'm very sure I saw you sneak off and came back high as a kite." Lucy blushed. "Guilty as charged." She admitted. Gina's jaw dropped. "You toke up?" She asked. "What can I say? I'm a hippie, and my parents were too. I've been toking since I was ten." Shocked would not have been strong enough a word for Gina at this point. "How the hell do you keep up such grades then?"

Lucy sighed. "It's a big misconception that weed makes you dumber or kills your memory. Even though I hit it often, I'm smart about how I do it. I don't drive when I'm high, unlike some people I know who think they drive fine when they're high. I never toke up before work or before a class. I only do it when I know I have nothing to do later and I usually keep it to in my home only. Just so I don't bug the other Sisters, I usually hit my bowl in the backyard of the house." Gina shook her head hard. She could not believe someone who used marijuana so often could be so serious and studious. "I guess I've been really misinformed about what weed actually does to people." She admitted sheepishly. "Well, a lot of what you heard is based on smear campaigns the drug czars and Big Pharma keep perpetuating. Still, it does hurt some people more than others. It's all in how you do it whether it hurts you or not. Like I said, I try to be smart about it. So far I have not been busted for possession or anything like that, but I try to keep safe about how I do it. I don't need my college career to go down the toilet because of something that really doesn't hurt me."

Looking at the clothes Lucy was wearing, loose and flowing fabrics making up her blouse and skirt, Gina should have been able to see that Lucy was a hippie type. She'd never seen people like that at her high school. Then again, most of the people she went to high school with were people from money. She was one of the few at her private school there on scholarship. Most of the kids in her high school were the preppy type who were very pretentious. Lucy's lifestyle was a real culture shock to her. "Look, I'm a very open minded person." Lucy told her. "I don't expect you to accept me or anything like that. I just ask that in return for me not judging you that you don't judge me." Gina nodded. "I won't. It's just all new to me. There wasn't anyone like you where I went to school." Lucy giggled. "I don't think there are a lot of hippies these days. This is not the sixties or seventies. My parents were very into the scene. They never let it go. I mean come on, they named me after a Beatles song." Gina looked in surprise at Lucy telling her this. "Really?" She asked. Lucy nodded. "Yeah. My last name is Diamond. Like "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." It gets worse though. Skye is my middle name. My initials are LSD." Gina giggled. "You poor soul." She said.

The ice now broken, the two began to walk the campus back to their respective living quarters. Gina soon saw she had been completely wrong about Lucy. Other than her being quite preppy and Lucy being a hippie, they actually were very alike. She began to think that maybe Lucy could be her Big Sister after all. Maybe even Lucy could show her how to loosen up a bit. She was always accused of being uptight by others. She too was starting to see how joining AAM could benefit her. Maybe this was the key to finally breaking out of that shell she had lived in for so long. By the time they went their separate ways, Gina could feel a new friendship forming between her and Lucy. This made her smile.

That night, the actives gathered to discuss each potential Big Sisters meetings with the potentials. The reports from each were good. Some felt they were meant to be a girl's Big. Others had their doubts and a few felt that despite the good rapport each had, they would not work being the girl's Big. There was still two more days, so there was still more interviews to go. The next day could make a huge change in who would end up mentoring who.

Next: Chapter 4

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