Sisters in Love and Trust

By Alexander Hall

Published on Nov 25, 2015



All seven potentials woke up the next day eager to see who would be their next potential Big Sister. Sonya and Alex felt whoever came to them today would not be as good as who visited them yesterday. Gina and Daphne were both hoping for someone better. Sure, they'd gotten along with the first ones, but they both felt their potential Bigs had rubbed them the wrong way. Maisy hoped for someone a little more interested, as Melanie had seemed very apathetic about the job. Susan and Janine were the only ones who did not feel like today's candidate had to be better, or might be worse, than yesterday's pick. None knew when they'd be approached by the next one, they'd have to wait and see.


Jennifer was the next Sister the chapter had picked to be Sonya's potential Big Sister. Sonya met up with her after lunch, when she and Alex parted ways to their first afternoon classes. Sonya was just about to head to her Organic Chemistry lecture when Jennifer met up with her. Sonya giggled when she realized she had not noticed she shared the class with Jennifer. "It's a big class, so of course you would not notice one individual person." Jennifer told her, trying to defray Sonya's embarrassment. Sonya had to agree. There was at least one hundred people in this lecture. Sciences were popular majors at Miggs-Tristan. At least one third of Miggs-Tristan's student body were in S.T.E.M. majors. Jennifer did not need to explain why she had been picked for Sonya. Sonya already figured from what Allyson told her yesterday that the reason she was picked was because they had similar majors.

"So what made you pick Biology of all things?" Sonya asked Jennifer. Jennifer smiled. "I was born with an uncommon genetic mutation. It "deformed" me so to speak, so I went into Biology to learn more about it and how it worked. I've had to hide it from a lot of people. One of the reasons I love being in the Sisterhood is that they don't care about how it presents itself. They accept me as I am. I never felt that before. Why did you pick Chemistry?" Sonya laughed at this question. "Where I'm from, people hate science. They're all the typical "science deniers" you hear about in the news. Everyone felt that since I'm a pretty girl, science was no place for me. I want to prove that I can be more than a pretty face. I always liked Chemistry. I like understanding how everything interacts with the world." Jennifer could not hold back her laughter. "I thought people like that were exaggerated. I never expected they'd actually exist." Sonya sighed. "Sadly, at least where I'm from, they do." Jennifer giggled. "I pity you." She quipped.

"It's not so bad. I do have to keep quiet a lot when I'm home because they would all jump on me if I tried to use what I've learned here to prove them wrong. My family is very conservative. I'm the only liberal in my family. They all hope I'll "come around" one day. That's not happening. I'm trying to get a job somewhere far from home when I finish here. To be honest, I can't stand my family. How is it for you?" Sonya asked. Jennifer just laughed. "I see my mom a lot actually. She's the Chapter Advisor. She actually convinced me to join as she told me they'd accept me regardless of my disorder. I was apprehensive, but I found out during Instatement Weekend that she told me the truth. I was very happy about that. I haven't seen my dad in ten years. He divorced my mom when I was eight. He couldn't handle having a "deformed" daughter." Jennifer said sadly. It made Sonya kind of upset to see this.

Sonya was surprised to see Jennifer perk up again after this. As they walked to their class, they talked about what problems they had with it and other classes they had to take for their majors. Both agreed that OChem was a hard class. Sonya saw as they talked that Jennifer seemed to listen more than speak. Jennifer told her she was a shy person. Having to hide her "deformity" for so many years made it hard for her to approach others. She told Sonya how before she joined AAM she rarely hung out with others outside of school. AAM had opened her up as a person. Despite the small amount of conversation from Jennifer, Sonya did find out that Jennifer and her mother were very close and that she had a best friend from her teens that knew of and accepted her disorder. Try as she might, Sonya could not seem to get Jennifer to divulge what she had.

Arriving at their lecture, they decided to sit together and spend a little more time chatting before class began. They knew once the professor started lecturing they'd have no time to talk. Dr. Clarkson was notorious on campus for never-ending lectures. Sonya and Jennifer both laughed at the times they saw other students fall asleep from his droning voice. They did not have much time to talk after the lecture was finished. Jennifer's next class was in an hour, but Sonya's was just fifteen minutes from the time they left their lecture. Sonya had enjoyed her time with Jennifer, but she felt already that Allyson would be a better choice for her. She would see if tomorrow's candidate could top Allyson.


Alex met with Nina, her next potential, right as she and Sonya met up at Milton for lunch. Alex was awestruck as she viewed Nina. The girl was beautiful. "She has to have modeled. She's gorgeous." Alex thought. "Hellooooo, Earth to Alex." She heard Sonya shout, which knocked her out of her daydream. She blushed as she realized she'd been staring. She could not help it, Nina was definitely the kind of girl she dreamed of dating, but always felt was out of her league. "Sorry." She said quietly. She blushed more when Nina just giggled. "Sonya, would you mind if Alex ate with me today?" Nina asked. Alex was surprised at how quiet Nina's voice was. "Sure. Just don't hog her all day." Sonya quipped. Nina giggled again and Sonya headed for the food lines. Nina and Alex did too, but to another station. Alex was glad to see that like her, Nina was careful about what she ate.

"So, why you?" Was the first thing Alex asked Nina. Nina just blushed. "To be honest, I have no idea. We're not in similar majors. We're both quite social and we're from similar backgrounds. I really have no clue why they picked me for you." Nina said. She was quite for a moment, her tongue out over her lip as she pondered, then she spoke again. "I don't think it's because we're both lesbians. That's never a reason." Alex had a stunned look as she heard this. Both girls picked for her so far had been lesbians like her. She shook her head in exasperation, a bit miffed at this realization. "Geez, they gonna just pair me with other lezzies this week?" Alex asked.

Nina laughed as she said this. "No, you got Amelia tomorrow. She still isn't sure what she is. She's done guys and girls, but still doesn't know what she prefers." Alex chortled. "So, two lezzies and a potential one. You know there is more to me than just that I like chicks." Alex quipped. Nina giggled again. "I know. Believe me, it was just coincidence that two of your potentials ended up being lesbians. We have quite a few in our Chapter, so the odds are good you'll have one as a Big Sister. It's kind of a tradition for us. When we were founded, most sororities wouldn't let gay women join. We were one of the few that did not bar them." Hearing this raised Alex's spirits. She knew that struggle well.

Nina smiled after saying this. "That's kind of what convinced me to join. I know what it's like to have to hide who you are. I still have not told my parents. They're very old-fashioned. They want me to marry a nice man and give them grandchildren. I'm not sure they'd be too thrilled to find out their daughter is gay." Alex was stunned to hear this. It almost made her smile to talk with another person who had to hide who they were. She wondered though if Nina had to hide to the level she had. "Have you ever been with another girl, I mean like on date, not in bed?" Alex asked. Nina nodded. "I've had a few dates with other girls back home. Where I live, people are more accepting. I hate that I had to lie to my parents and act like I was just going out with friends." Alex looked down sadly. "At least you had that. I had to hide my lesbianism from everyone. Nobody where I'm from likes gay people. My hometown is as red as they come. It hurt me so much that I had to lie to everyone about who I am. They all still think being gay is a choice."

Nina's jaw dropped hearing this. "It's 2016 and they still think being gay is a choice?" She said questioningly. "Yeah. You'd think a town in New England would not be like that, but even in blue states you have those red pockets who are very far-right. Unfortunately where I'm from is one of them." Alex whined. "Where are you from?" Nina asked. "Carrollton, New Hampshire." Alex answered. Nina shook her head as Alex told her this. "I heard of that town, the mayor was on the news a lot when the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage." Alex nodded. Despite the less pleasant nature of how their conversation began, Alex and Nina were actually quite a good match. Alex could not deny she was attracted to Nina. Still, she pushed the thought of asking Nina out away. She knew already Nina was out of her league. She felt that point was solidified when Nina confirmed she had been a model before. By the time they parted, Alex was now wondering which she'd prefer to be her Big Sister. She felt more of a connection with Margaret, but then there was how hot Nina was. She'd have to see who they would pick for her.


Jazmine was the next Sister to interview Janine. Jazmine did not have any classes near any of Janine's, so she called her after her last class let out to meet up with her. Janine rushed to the quad to meet Jazmin, as her last class was still going when Jazmin called her. She did not receive the call, but got the voicemail. She was a little winded when she got to the bench Jazmine was sitting on. "Good, you got my voicemail. I was worried I'd have to call you again." Jazmine said happily to her. "I... almost... missed it." Janine said panting. Jazmine reached into her bag and handed a bottle of water to Janine. "Thanks." She breathed as she sat down. "Fat girls were not meant to run that fast." She said after taking a big drink and handing the bottle back to Jazmin. Both laughed about what Janine said. "So, did they pick you for me because we're both overweight?" Janine asked.

Jazmine shook her head as she responded. "No, more that you and I both have been bullied for our size." Janine smiled hearing this. It had been her worst problem growing up. Everyone always made fun of her for her weight. It really sucked because no matter how much she dieted, watching what she ate, she never could lose the weight. "I faced a good amount of bullying for my size. Nothing I tried to lose weight ever worked. I seriously considered going the surgery route, but my parents could never afford it." Jazmin hugged Janine when she said this. "I know what you mean. I was born very poor. My parents struggled a lot to take care of me. I was completely unplanned. My mom thought she was infertile, so they never thought they'd have kids. I gained most of my weight later in life. My parents were killed in a car accident when I was eight. I was adopted when I was ten, and my adoptive parents were much better off. I ate a lot because the food they fed me was so much better than what my birth parents could afford."

Janine felt her heart sink hearing this. "I'm so sorry." She said. Jazmin was silent for a few minutes. "Thanks. It hurt a lot when they died. I was in foster homes for a while. My adoptive parents were my fourth foster family. My adoptive father was sterile from testicular cancer, so they became foster parents to fill that void. I guess they really liked me, because after just three months as my foster parents they put in the papers to adopt me. They never asked me to give up my birth name, which I was happy about." Janine could almost feel her eyes tearing up as Jazmin told her this. Not only had she been bullied for her weight, but she had lost her parents young too. This girl sure had it rough. Janine hugged Jazmine tightly. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that." She said as she hugged Jazmin.

Janine thought of her own parents as Jazmin told her story. Her parents were very supportive of her. They never forced her to try to lose weight or anything like that. She took a few ribbing from her older brother, but that was it at home. Despite both of them being in good shape, they never felt Janine should lose weight. They always told her she was just the way she was meant to be. "How did your adoptive parents treat you with your weight?" Janine asked. Jazmin giggled. "I think they purposely tried to fatten me up. They spoiled me rotten from day one. Any treat or something like that I wanted, I got. I guess they wanted to make up for not being able to have a child of their own. They'd always make little jokes like "soon you'll be ready for the oven" or "You're still too skinny, eat up." Jazmin giggled again. "I'm glad they never tried to make me into some perfect daughter they felt they were owed. I guess they were just happy to have me."

Janine laughed along with Jazmin. She was glad she and Jazmin could get along so well. She certainly got along better with Jazmin than she had with Stacy yesterday. Sure, Stacy did not lord her looks over Janine, but Janine still felt insecure around her. She felt completely comfortable around Jazmin. She was almost sad when they parted. Janine had a lab report to finish for tomorrow, so she could not stay long. She was a little shocked when Jazmin hugged her goodbye. "Trust me when I say this. AAM is perfect for girls like you and I. I never accepted my weight until I joined. These girls helped me accept who I am." Janine smiled hearing this. She was very glad Maisy had convinced her to try for this sorority. Already they'd made her feel much better about herself.


Maisy had not even gotten through breakfast when her next potential approached her. Susan and Janine weren't with her right now. Her first class was later than theirs, so she slept in. She was shocked at the girl who came up to her. She was quite tiny in her figure, except for her height. She looked very young. "Hey Maisy." Hanna said to her. "Mind if I sit with you?" Maisy shook her head. She had only seen Hanna briefly during the party. As soon as she sat down, Maisy could not resist joking with Hanna about her young looks. "Are you even old enough to be in college?" Maisy joked. "Shut up!!" Hanna whined loudly. "I hate that I look so young. I get that joke at least three times a week. I don't see how Wendy likes how young she looks." Maisy had seen Wendy at the party too. She was very skinny and tiny, she looked barely older than a young teen.

"Doesn't help I'm the youngest in the Sisterhood right now." Hanna huffed. Maisy snorted in laughter. "Oh get over it. Some people would kill to look as young as you." Maisy quipped. Hanna gave Maisy a dirty look. "I'm just messing with you." Maisy laughed. "Don't be so hard on yourself." Maisy had to laugh more as a disapproving whine was heard from Hanna, though her mouth stayed closed. "You can be a real bully, you know that?" Hanna said contemptuously. "Eh, not really." Maisy shrugged. "See if I upvote you again." Hanna thought. "So give me the skinny, why did they pick you for me?" Maisy asked. Hanna did not answer immediately. She was quite for a while, trying to think why she might have been picked for Maisy.

"Don't really know. Big Sisters are supposed to help you get better grades and be a better student. I don't think I'd be that. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. I haven't even picked a major." Maisy was taken aback by this. "If you don't have a major, then what kind of classes are you taking?" Hanna shrugged. "Mostly Gen Eds right now. I don't really have an idea of what I want to do with my life. I just came to college because I knew my parents wanted me to go. I really have no plan yet." Maisy shook her head. Sure, she was kind of lazy and all, but she at least had an idea of what she wanted to do with her life. She wanted to be an art therapist. Especially for young children. She didn't think her and Hanna would work out. "Are they writing me off?" Maisy thought. "None of my potentials seem interested." This disheartened her some. She really wanted to join these girls. Plus, if she wasn't in, would Susan and Janine stick around. She didn't want them quitting either. She could tell both needed something like this. Maisy had to admit she was quite put off by Hanna. It was strange really. Melanie was looser a girl than Hanna, but the way Hanna went about it was really rubbing Maisy the wrong way. Melanie acted like it was just what she did. She didn't brag about it or anything. Hanna on the other hand seemed to brag about her adventures. "Can we stop talking about your sex life for a bit?" Maisy said in exasperation. Hanna was stunned to hear this. "Sorry, I just thought from what Melanie told me you'd be interested." Hearing this stunned Maisy. "Look, I like sex a lot, not as much as Melanie but still a lot, but I know when to keep quiet about it." Hanna looked down cast as Maisy said this. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not cut out for being anyone's Big Sister. To be honest, I'm still shocked they let me in. I was a lot like Denise, but they still accepted me in. I guess it's because at least my grades were decent."

Maisy felt upset at this. She could see it now. Hanna was very insecure about herself. No wonder she hated how young she looked and bragged about her sexual exploits. She felt she wasn't good enough. Maisy stood up and hugged Hanna. "Hey, there has to be something good about you if they accepted you." Hanna did not say anything. She just got up when Maisy let go of her and said her goodbyes, before walking away. Maisy was very sad to see this. She was very worried now she'd made Hanna feel worse. "I'm going to have a BIG apology to give soon, I just know it." She said to herself as she looked down, picking up her backpack. She was not at all happy how this meeting went. She really hoped whoever was picked for her tomorrow would be a good choice. She was starting to wonder if the Sisters wanted her in. She hoped she was wrong, she really wanted to join. She knew there was nothing she could do right now, she'd just have to wait until Friday to see.


Stephanie approached Daphne late in the day, when they met outside the rec center after their respective practices. Daphne chuckled that Stephanie had been selected for her. She already knew why. "Let me guess, they picked you for me because we're both student athletes?" Stephanie nodded her response. "Yeah. They felt you and I would get along well as Big and Little because we both are athletes and I would understand your situation best. I kind of hope I get picked for you. I'm in my last year and I have not had a Little Sister yet." Daphne had to wonder if Stephanie would have time to be her Big Sister. She had talked with Stephanie at the party last Friday and knew Stephanie was vying to be captain of the volleyball team. "Do you think you'll have time to be my Big?" Daphne asked.

To her surprise, Stephanie nodded. "I'm almost certain my spot as captain is guaranteed, so I don't have to put much effort into that. I'm the best player on the team. I've won more games for them than anyone else, plus my stats speak for themselves. I never miss practice and I'm very dedicated." Daphne had a laugh as she heard this. "Lucky for you I guess. I just got the starting spot on the basketball team, and I know another girl is trying to take it from me. Problem is we're evenly matched, except I have two inches on her in height." Daphne could see already her and Stephanie would get along. Both of them were tall, competitive and kind of tomboys. "What got you into volleyball?" She asked.

"I used to hate it actually. The first time I played it was in elementary school. I was very short then, so I had trouble making shots over the net. I went through a huge growth spurt in middle school. The first time I played after I finished growing, I found I enjoyed it a lot more. I played on my high school team and actually that was how I got noticed by a scout from here. I'm glad that happened. My family is quite poor so this was the only way I could go to college." Daphne knew that pain. She too had been poor growing up. "It's the same for me. I only can be here because of my scholarships. I've always been tall. Other kids used to tease me because I always towered over all the others. Until my freshman year of high school I was the tallest kid in school. A cousin of mine got me into basketball. He was a member of his high school team and he felt that if I got good at it, people would tease me less for my height. He was right."

"Do you play any other sports?" Stephanie asked. Daphne nodded. "I ran track too when I was in high school. I did the 400, 800 and Long Jump. What about you, any others?" Stephanie laughed again. Daphne had to shake her head. Stephanie was certainly a giddy sort. "You'd never believe this, but I actually used to play football. My middle school was one of the only ones that fielded a team. I joined for the hell of it. Quite a few guys didn't want me on the team. I didn't stay on for long. I couldn't take the bullying. Guys can really be dicks sometimes." Daphne had to laugh at this. "Tell me about it. Most guys don't want to date me because I'm so tall. It sucks really. My last boyfriend didn't care, but that was probably because he was 6'8", so even I looked tiny compared to him."

From this, it was quite easy for the two to converse with each other. Most of their conversation stayed on their sports, both comparing the challenges each faced in their sport with the other. Daphne was glad to see how well she got along with Stephanie. It made her feel better about joining, knowing that at least one other student had made it through pledging while being a student athlete. They didn't part ways until very late, after they had dinner together in Milton. Daphne already could see Stephanie would be picked to be her Big Sister. She hadn't gotten along with any other Sister this well. She doubted whoever she met with tomorrow would be a better match for her than Stephanie.


Right after her first class on Tuesday Susan received a text from a number she did not recognize. Reading the text she saw it was from Angela. Susan knew she was probably asking to meet because she had been selected as one of Susan's potential Big Sisters. Susan had not really interacted with Angela at the party, but she remembered the girl well. It was not often you saw blue-eyed brunettes. Plus the fact that Angela was one hell of a dresser. Susan wondered how Angela would work as her Big, but she knew she had to meet Angela and give her a chance. Angela's text said she'd be outside Glasson around 11:00. Susan had fifteen minutes to get there, so she hurried there to meet Angela. Angela was already waiting for her when she arrived, dressed in tight blue jeans, a dark blouse with three buttons at the top, all of which were open, and black suede boots that went to mid-calf. Her hair was done up too, as were her nails and Susan almost chuckled seeing that Angela also had the new iPhone. This girl really liked to look good and fashionable. "Geez, I'm fine as long as my clothes are clean. This girl seems to think out every outfit." Susan thought.

Susan nervously walked up to the bench Angela sat on and once near she announced her arrival. "Hi." Susan said to Angela nervously. Angela's eyes went off her phone and to Susan, which made her smile. "Hey. Great, you got my text. Sit down for bit, let's chat." She said happily. Susan was taken aback. With Angela's total fashionista appearance, Susan was not expecting her to be so friendly. Angela laughed at Susan's shock. "Yeah, I get that a lot. People like to think that because I dress so fashionably and that I take a lot of time with my hair and all that I'm some pretentious sort that thinks they're better than others. Actually, until I got here, I never dressed like this. My family is very poor, so I often had to wear second-hand clothes and had very basic phones." Susan's head tilted in puzzlement. "How the hell do you afford those clothes then?" Angela giggled. "Well, thanks to my grades in high school, I got some great scholarships that cover all my costs here. I work part-time basically to pay for my clothes and all. Plus, well this is kind of sad to admit, a lot of the clothes I have guys I date buy for me."

"You some kind of gold-digger then?" Susan quipped. Angela shook her head. "I don't date guys because of what they can buy me. Just I often get guys who want to spoil me. It's funny really as most guys I date I never date them very long. I think the longest I dated any guy was a month. I'm just not ready right now to commit to anyone long-term." Susan was sad to hear this. She'd never dated anyone. She was too scared of what they would think of her. "I've never been on a date." She sadly admitted. Angela's jaw dropped hearing this. "A pretty girl like you has never dated? Even if you like girls, which I'm sure you do, I'm sure some would love to go out with you." Susan nodded at this. "I have been asked out by some guys and girls. I turn the guys down because I'm not into them. Girls, as much as I want to date them, I don't think they'd like me once they found out more about me."

Angela hugged Susan after she said this. "I'm sure you'd be fine. You have to give people a chance. Some people are a lot more open-minded than you think." Angela could see Susan still had doubts. She really hoped now she'd be picked as Susan's Big. She had a feeling she could get Susan to be more open about herself. "Now look, I don't mean to sound presumptuous, but I'm almost certain I'll be selected to be your Big Sister." Susan tilted her head in puzzlement. "How can you be so sure?" She asked. Angela grinned. "Look, you're the shy type. We like girls to open up to others in our Sisterhood. Usually with girls like you we put them with girls like me. I'm a vivacious sort, and I think I can help you be more open to others. Just trust me." Susan hung her head. "It's not that I'm shy is why I'm so guarded. It's the life I had before I came here." Angela shook her head in exasperation. "Look, I know we keep saying we take anyone, and I've seen girls like you who doubt it. Trust me, we're the most open and tolerant sorority in the country. We've taken girls no other sorority would dream of taking. If you get in, you'll see for yourself. Some of our Sisters are people other sororities would find any excuse to bar, like Amanda, Jennifer, Jazmin and Kanya."

Susan looked with wonder at Angela as she said this. "We take almost any girl in our Sisterhood." Angela said as she put her hand to Susan's chest, laying it flat against her heart. Susan blushed, seeing Angela's hand almost fully between her breasts. "Trust me. As long as this is good, we'll accept you no matter what. You'll be fine." Angela got up and grabbed her purse and backpack as she prepared to leave. "I know you have your doubts, Suz. If I become your Big, I'll prove to you that no matter what, we'll accept you in our Sisterhood. I can tell already you're a good person, and you care about others and making them happy. That's enough for us. There is nothing about you, and I MEAN NOTHING, that will make us say you're not welcome." Before she left, Angela hugged Susan one more time. "Trust me, you'll be fine with us." Despite not saying much to Angela, Susan's spirits were lifted as Angela left. Maybe it was true they'd accept her in AAM. She smiled at this. Maybe, against all odds, she just might find a place where she truly was accepted as she was. She had to find out.


Kanya, Gina's second potential Big Sister, met up with her after her first class. Gina knew why Kanya had been picked for her. Both were engineering majors and children of immigrants. When she told this to Kanya she laughed and confirmed her assumptions were correct. "Well, you do have a bit of a leg up on me," Kanya said when she stopped giggling. "You at least were born here. I moved here when I was eleven." Gina shook her head. "I don't think that means much. I too grew up quite poor. The only reason I was able to attend Melson Prep was because I earned a good scholarship. If my middle school grades had not been so good, I would have been going to my local public school." Kanya smiled. "At least you had that. The only prestigious school near me didn't offer scholarships. I don't think I would have been accepted anyway. That school was unbelievably white." Both burst out laughing as Kanya said this.

Gina could tell already Kanya was someone she could easily get along with. They had much in common as she came to find from chatting with her. Both were children of immigrants, dealt with racial prejudice back home, were from poor families and, to Gina's surprise, both were bi-curious. "Well, maybe we can find out together." Gina quipped. Kanya shook her head. "Sorry sweetie, but you're not my type." Gina blushed as Kanya said this. "Oh, so what is your type then?" She asked teasingly. "I'm not really sure. I can't tell yet what kind of girl I'd like to go to bed with. Still, I'm pretty sure you're not it." Kanya laughed again as Gina scoffed. "With any luck, my first girl will probably end up being Melanie. She's got some crazy goal about fucking the whole chapter before she leaves this place." Hearing this made Gina stop dead. "What the hell is that girl's deal anyway?" She asked.

"Beats the hell out of me. She just always tells us the same thing. She likes sex and she's comfortable with her body. You would not believe how much trouble we've had with the strange people she brings back to fuck, and all the times she'd be naked when others are visiting the house. We practically had to force her to get dressed last year when the head of Greek Life visited the house. She's a very old-fashioned type and would have probably kicked us off campus if Melanie had not gotten dressed. Of course, she might have it out for us because she's an Alpha Sigma Alpha alum. We've been at odds with them for decades."

Hearing this did make Gina wonder if joining would be a good idea after all. She had wanted to leave that high school stuff behind when she came to college. Kanya saw this worry. "Don't sweat it. We're in a ceasefire right now. Nobody's made a move in the last two years, so I think you'll be fine. Nobody wants to be the one to fire the first shot." This allayed Gina's fears some, but not much. Still, she wasn't convinced now suddenly to not join. She could tell all her Pledge Sisters were intent on getting in, and she didn't want to be the only one to drop out. The fact that there were girls like Jazmin, Jaclyn and Kanya in the chapter helped. Seeing there were others serious about their studies told her these girls could not be all bad.

By the time Gina and Kanya split up, Gina could tell she really wanted Kanya to be her Big Sister. She got along so well with her and was glad to see someone with a similar outlook on life in the Chapter. Still, given what Lucy had told her yesterday, the odds were good Lucy or whatever girl she met tomorrow would be picked instead. She had lightened up on her view of Lucy, but she still felt they would not be a good match. "I really hope she's not my Big." Gina thought. The thought was out of her mind by the time she arrived at her next class, focused wholly on the lecture. She didn't even think about it the rest of her day.

That night, the actives met again to discuss what had been gleaned during today's interviews. Already the Chapter had an idea of who would mentor some girls. Two of them the Chapter was pretty much certain the candidate had already met her Big Sister. It would all depend on what happened during the final interviews tomorrow.

Next: Chapter 5

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