Sisters in Love and Trust

By Alexander Hall

Published on Jan 24, 2016



Today each potential would meet the last girl who might become their Big Sister. Maisy was looking forward to this the most. She really hoped whoever came to her today would actually be interested in mentoring her. Daphne, Gina and Sonya were pretty much set on who they wanted to be their Bigs. They doubted whoever they met today would top their choice. Susan was still unsure, she had liked both her potential Bigs. Alex and Janine were the only ones who still had a feeling the one they met today could be the best one.


Sonya heard her name called as she left her final class for the day. She looked back to see Amanda running toward her. "Uh oh." She thought. She waited and watched as Amanda caught up to her, panting a little when she reached Sonya. "So of all the people they could think would work for me, they pick the lesbian huntress." Sonya quipped. Amanda looked at Sonya, a bit miffed at her comment. "Sweetie, I told you on Friday, your friend would be more my type. You're a little lacking in a certain department." Amanda said as she put her hand to Sonya's tit. "HEY, WATCH THE HANDS!!" Sonya admonished, smacking Amanda's hand away. She was a little miffed Amanda had just groped her without asking. "Sorry, sometimes I forget to be a little more cautious. The Sisters never seem to mind when I do that." Amanda said, laughing a bit. Sonya rolled her eyes. "Anyone ever tell you you're insane?" Sonya asked. "Eh, it's not the worst thing I've been called." She responded, her eyes looking upward and shrugging. Sonya shook her head in exasperation. "This is not going to work, I just know it." She thought.

"All right, why did they pick you for me?" Sonya asked. Amanda just shrugged. "I really have no idea. Our majors are not entirely similar, though we both are in S.T.E.M. majors. I'm pretty sure you and I don't need any help becoming more open with others. Really, I have no idea why they picked me for you. Maybe it was just so you'd have three potentials. Who knows?" Sonya was a little surprised to hear that Amanda was also in a S.T.E.M. major. She figured with how brash and loud Amanda was she was one of those who picked an easy major. "I never would have guessed you'd be in a S.T.E.M. field. What's your major?" She asked. Amanda just laughed. "I shock a lot of people when they find that out. I'm in Civil Engineering. I know with my party girl attitude and my flirtatious nature people think I don't care about school, but their wrong. I care a lot. I'm on my own now, so I have to take my studies seriously."

Sonya was quite surprised to hear this. Maybe there was more to Amanda than she thought. "What do you mean when you say "You're on your own?" She asked Amanda. Amanda suddenly was quiet, looking down at the floor. "My parents disowned me about four years ago. They didn't like the choices I was making in life. Yeah, I had college plans and all, but it was choices in my personal life they didn't like." Sonya was shocked to hear this. "What did you do?" Amanda sighed. "It started when I blew the trust fund they set up for me. I wasted a good chunk of it on plastic surgery. They got really mad when I got these." She said as she hefted her breasts. "Those are fake?" Sonya questioned. Amanda nodded. "They are. I'm the only girl in the Chapter with fake tits. They weren't the only things I had done. When my parents found out, they hit the roof and kicked me out. I had enough of my fund left, and had withdrawn it before they canceled it, to live on my own before I finished high school. I've been very impoverished since then. It was hard to adjust to."

Sonya's heart sank hearing this. She felt really bad now that she'd been so hard on Amanda. No wonder this girl was the way she was. She had been disowned by her parents for living the way she wanted to. Sonya's parents wouldn't do that, and they hated that she was liberal. She surprised even herself by hugging Amanda. Amanda jumped a bit. "I'm sorry. If I had known I wouldn't have been so hard on you." Amanda relaxed a bit. "It's okay. I know I can rub others the wrong way at first. It just takes time to get used to me. It's another reason I love being in the Sisterhood. They accept me for what I am and don't expect me to change. Unlike my parents." Letting their hug go, Sonya looked up and down Amanda's body. "So, what else did you have done?" She asked. Amanda blushed. "Quite a few things actually. Some work on my face, mainly on my lips and cheeks. Had a few pounds injected into my hips. A bunch of stuff."

Hearing all this made Sonya wonder what the hell Amanda had looked like before her surgeries. She also wondered how bad it had to have been that her parents would disown her for it. She tried to find out, but Amanda was very guarded about it. "If you make it in, I'll tell you all about it." Amanda promised. That was one of the same things Jennifer had said. Sonya was starting to wonder just what kind of people this Sorority let join. Still, by the time she was done chatting with Amanda, she did have to admit her opinion of the girl had changed a lot. "By the way," She said to Amanda as they parted, putting her mouth to Amanda's ear. "Next time you want to feel my tits, ask first." She teased. Amanda was struck with shock, as Sonya ran off laughing.


Amelia called Alex later that evening. She asked Alex to meet her in the library. Alex had a feeling not much would come from meeting with her. She and Amelia had barely spoken at the party. She had to wonder why Amelia had also been chosen for her. Then again, Nina did not make much sense either. It seemed only Margaret had truly meshed with her. Still, she had to meet Amelia. Maybe there was more to her than Alex thought. She texted Sonya to tell her to go to dinner without her. Once the text was sent, Alex grabbed her stuff and walked from her room across the campus to Grassley, the school's library building. Amelia had said she was on the third floor in a quiet study room. Alex rushed there, hoping to get this interview over and done.

Entering the room she saw quite a few books stacked next to Amelia. Three of them were open. Alex quietly walked over to Amelia. "Hi." She said quietly. Amelia jumped hearing Alex's voice. "Damn, you scared the hell out of me." Amelia panted, her face flushed and her breath ragged from the jolt. "Sorry." Alex said demurely. "It's okay. I guess I was a little too focused I forgot I asked you to meet me." The two looked silently at each other for a moment, then both giggled as the tension broke. "Sit down, have a seat." Amelia requested, closing her books after marking the pages. Alex took the seat next to Amelia, setting down her purse and all.

"So, what's with them assigning you to me? And don't say it's because you're unsure of your sexuality." Alex asked. To Alex's surprise, Amelia laughed.

"Well, I really can't say why I was picked for you. Maybe because our majors are similar, as we are both in liberal arts, so to speak. That's about all I can figure." She said. Alex breathed a sigh of relief hearing this. It was nice that at least one girl wasn't picked for her just because they were also lesbians. "I was worried after talking to Nina yesterday that I'd have nothing but lezzies for my potential Bigs." She quipped. Amelia blushed at this. "Well, I could be one too, you know. Then again, I'm still really not sure what I like." Alex tilted her head in puzzlement. "How can that be? Have you never gone out with anyone?" Amelia shook her head. "No. I have had dates with guys, and with girls, but to be honest, sometimes I enjoyed them, others I did not. That goes for both. I really can't say what I like. There have been times I thought I was gay, other times I was sure I was straight. It's weird because you expect by your late twenties you know what you like."

"Well, that's true for most, but some realize later in life what they prefer. Trust me, just because I realized early on I like the fairer sex doesn't mean everyone does so quickly. Remember, Margie didn't realize until she came here she liked girls." Amelia smiled. "Trust me, there's no pressure. It's your life." Amelia's smile grew wider hearing this. "Thanks for telling me that. I know it's stupid, but seeing so many people sure of what they like, I sometimes wonder if I'm a late bloomer or slow." Alex shook her head. "You're fine, trust me." To Alex's surprise, Amelia stood up and hugged her. "I didn't expect this, but I really needed to hear that. It's hard to talk to others about that. I guess I just feel abnormal because despite my age I'm still figuring myself out."

From there, their conversation bloomed greatly. Alex had come to see that she had been right, there was a lot more to Amelia than she thought. She was stunned to find out that despite her major choice, Amelia confessed she was not as smart as she seemed. She admitted it took a lot of studying on her part to maintain the grades she had. "I wish this school stuff came to me as easy as it does to Jaclyn. She's as grade conscious as me, but she's much more intelligent. I wish I had her brains." Alex laughed. "Don't beat yourself up so much. Grades are nothing more than a pointless metric. I've met some really brilliant people that never did well in school, and I've met idiots that excelled. Grades are not the best indicator of intelligence." Amelia smiled again hearing this. Half an hour later, Alex dismissed herself, stating she was starving. As soon as she was out of the room, Amelia cracked her books again. Alex left the meeting with a big smile. Before she came, she was sure she wanted Margaret as her Big. Now, she felt it was a toss-up between her and Amelia who she really wanted. She'd find out in a few days who she'd get.


Janine was eating lunch alone today when her last potential approached her. She looked up from her food to see a face that made her smile. It was Annabelle, the nice girl who had convinced her to try for the Sisterhood and made her feel more welcome during the Rush Party. She felt a warm feeling go over her as she saw Annabelle smile at her. "Mind if I join you." Annabelle said sweetly. "No, not at all." Janine stammered. She blushed a bit. She was not used to someone as pretty as Annabelle being so nice. Sure, Stacy had tried, but it did not seem as genuine as it did with Annabelle. Janine did not need to ask why Annabelle had been picked for her. She already knew why.

What shocked Janine even more was how easy it was to talk to Annabelle. She always wore a kind smile that made you feel at ease. Janine could not think of anyone she could be so verbal with, except maybe Susan and Maisy. Janine just had to know what made Annabelle so kind and generous. "Why are you so nice?" Janine asked Anabelle. Anabelle smiled and then got out of her chair and hugged her. "It's the way I was brought up. My mother taught me from my earliest days the best thing you could do for others was to be someone they could trust and someone who could help them. Since she died, I felt the best way to honor her was to do as she always taught me. I know I'm a beautiful girl, people are always telling me that. I want others to see themselves the same way. Not everyone can be attractive, not everyone can be brilliant or artistic or athletic. We all have things that make us great. How we look shouldn't be the only thing we're valued for."

Janine felt her heart sink as she heard this. She did not know about this part of Annabelle's life. "If you don't mind telling me, how did she die?" Janine asked sadly. Annabelle looked down for a bit, then spoke. "She had breast cancer. She found out pretty early, but sadly she had multiple malignant tumors. She lived for about five years after it was discovered. I was almost fourteen when she died." Janine's jaw dropped hearing this. "How can you seem so happy when you've dealt with such pain?" She asked. "I'm not always happy. I can be most of the time, but there are days where the pain can overwhelm me. I've struggled with depression since her death. I was the youngest of five, and I was her only daughter, so she was very close to me." Janine watched as Annabelle rolled up a sleeve on her shirt, shocked to see various scars on her arm.

"I cut myself a lot after she died. I was very depressed and looking for release. The last time I did it, I nearly died. Thank god my oldest brother found me. I was put in a mental ward for a few weeks after that."

Janine could feel tears coming to her eyes hearing this. This girl, this sweet and caring woman, had been through so much. She hugged Annabelle hard. She almost smiled when Annabelle hugged her back. "That event is when I started living like she told me to." Annabelle said when their hug broke. "The doctor in my ward knew my actions were from her death. She talked with me at length about my mom, and convinced me the best way to bring her back was to live as she taught me. Thanks to that, though I still have depressive episodes, I don't cut anymore. I won't lie though, sometimes I do feel like doing it. It takes work to convince myself not to. The Sisters usually help."

Hearing all this was actually reaffirming Janine's decision to join. She'd been apprehensive, she'd had her doubts, but after these last three days she knew now she wanted in. If this Sorority was made up of people like Jazmine, Stacy and Annabelle, it was the perfect place for her. Tears came to her eyes, tears of happiness. She hugged Annabelle again. "You know, I had my doubts about joining, but hearing about how the Sisterhood has treated you and Jazmine, and that there are people like Stacy in it, it makes me feel this is where I need to be." Annabelle smiled again. "I hope you do make it in. I have a feeling I can help you a lot." Janine nodded and smiled. By the time Annabelle left, she was certain she wanted to be in, and she really hoped Annabelle would be her Big Sister.


Juniper was the last girl to interview Maisy. Juniper was about to call Maisy when she bumped into her in the Art History section of the library. "Well, ain't that convenient? Just as I'm about to call you I run into you." Juniper said. Maisy laughed as she heard this. "I remember you. You're the girl I talked to the day I signed up at your little table." Juniper laughed as well. "Yeah, that was me. That's not why they picked me for you though. It's because you and I are very similar. Both of us are in Fine Arts majors. I'm a party girl, just like you, but I still do well in classes. I think they hope that having me as your Big Sister will help you learn how to get good grades and still party." Maisy smiled as she heard this. Juniper seemed genuinely interested in being her Big Sister. "I'm kind of glad to hear that. After the girls I had the last two days, I was scared you girls didn't want me to join."

Juniper hugged Maisy. "Don't worry sweetie. We do want you in. If we did not, we would have told you back on Friday. I can understand your worry though. I don't know why they even let Melanie interview. She's never been any girl's Big Sister, she doesn't want to be. Hanna just joined us last year, and she hardly knows herself to help someone else. With all that, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be your Big, and trust me, I want you to join us." Maisy felt a few tears come to her eyes as she heard this. The last few days she began to wonder if the Sisterhood wanted her, and now she was getting a sign they still did.

Maisy could not help eye up Juniper's body. She had to admit Juniper was nice looking. She had nicely large tits, not ridiculously like Melanie, a sweet smile and puffy lips. "Hey, eyes up here." Juniper quipped, pointing with two fingers to her eyes. "Eeep." Maisy yelped, embarrassed she was caught staring. As soon as her eyes met Juniper's again, she noticed Juniper was struggling to hold back a laugh before bursting out. "I'm just messing with you. You're not the first person I've caught eying me up, or the first the feeling wasn't mutual." She teased. Maisy laughed herself. "Geez, do you just hookup with anyone who eyes you up like that." Maisy said, maybe a little hopeful. "Not entirely. I have slept with quite a few guys who've done that to me, but only if I found them good looking enough. What can I say? I like sex, but I'm still choosy somewhat with who I go to bed with." Maisy shook her head. "That cannot be good for any relationship you're in." She said. Juniper looked down sadly.

"It isn't actually. I've never really had a long relationship. Most of mine end very quickly. I have a hard time staying faithful." Maisy's jaw dropped. "Really? What makes it so hard for you?" Juniper shook her head and shrugged. "What can I say? I'm cock-crazy. I can't keep it in my pants." Maisy giggled. She knew that problem. She had strayed a few times herself with those she dated. "Let me ask you, ever been with another girl?" Maisy said teasingly. Juniper smiled back wickedly. "A few times. I don't mind it, but mostly I prefer guys. Sometimes thought I'm in the mood to have another lady, but it's not very often." Maisy felt herself getting wet hearing this. "I hope it's not taboo to try to fuck your Big." Maisy thought. "Hopefully I can find her when a mood strikes her." She thought devilishly.

Maisy had no doubts now that Juniper would be her Big Sister. She didn't mind that at all. She and June were like two peas in a pod. Maybe June could also help her get better at studying. Also, maybe she could get June into bed. Maisy was really looking forward to June being her Big. She was in much better spirits by the time her and June parted. She felt so much better about how the Sisters viewed her now. "I really hope you'll be my Big." Maisy said as she and June hugged goodbye. Juniper smiled, then surprised Maisy by giving her a quick kiss. "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be." Maisy was too stunned to respond as Juniper ran off. In a daze, Maisy left the library and headed back to her dorm. She had a feeling it was going to be easy to get Juniper into bed.


Wendy met with Daphne before she left breakfast that morning. Daphne was about to leave the cafeteria when Wendy approached her. She was stunned at how tiny Wendy was. She usually felt big around others, but being almost a full foot taller than Wendy made her feel gigantic. She almost could not believe Wendy was old enough to be in college. She was so tiny and thin that she looked like almost like a preteen. Daphne had to close her eyes and shake her head to make sure she was not seeing things. Wendy quietly giggled as she watched this. "Yes, before you ask, I am old enough to be in college. I'm just very tiny." She said. Daphne had to blush, she didn't think she'd been that obvious. Wendy laughed again at Daphne's embarrassment. "Don't worry. I'm not offended. I actually like how tiny I am. My girlfriend loves it too." She giggled.

"Okay, I have to ask, because I'm sure we have NOTHING in common, why the hell did they pick YOU for me?" Daphne questioned. Wendy just shrugged. "I'm not really sure why. You're right, we have nothing really in common. I'm a homo-leaning bisexual and you're straight. I'm tiny, you're huge. You are very social and I'm actually quite shy. I'm kinda at a loss as to why they picked me for you. Still, some girls we've picked for Big Sisters have come out of left field, thought from what I heard about you with Stephanie, I'm very sure I won't be yours." Daphne did not know what to say to all this. Still, if she heard Wendy right, it seemed that Stephanie would actually be picked for her Big. This made her smile. She hoped she heard Wendy right.

The two exited the cafeteria and headed for the rec center. Coincidentally both of their first classes this morning were there. Daphne had to admit she felt a little odd having Wendy walking beside her. She felt those old feelings come back, the days of insecurity about her height and wishing she was smaller. Wendy looked up and saw the anxious look on Daphne's face. "Are you uncomfortable walking with me?" She asked demurely. Daphne nodded. "I used to get teased a lot when I was younger because I was so tall. At least her there are other girls closer to my height. Being seen with you, since you're so tiny, makes me think of those days." She said sadly. Wendy looked down, but then to Daphne's surprise she looked back up at her with a smile. "Well, I know kind of how you feel. I was teased a lot in middle school for being so short. I didn't make it to five feet until my second year of high school. A lot of girls also made fun of me for my lack of boobs. I'm happy with how I look now, but I guess that envy of other girls is what influenced what girls I like." Daphne stopped and looked down questioningly at Wendy.

"And what type is that, if I may ask?" She wondered. Wendy blushed. "Well, I really like tall girls. I can't explain it but I like girls who are big. I also really like busty girls. That's probably why I love Madeline so much. She towers over me and has such a big body." Daphne wracked her brains trying to recall if she met Madeline at the party. She recalled seeing one tall girl with a chubby frame. That had to be her. "You two are dating?" Daphne asked. Wendy nodded. "For the last two years now. She's why I love the Sisterhood so much. I met her because we were pledge sisters. I fell for her the moment I saw her. She is the sweetest, kindest girl I've ever met." Hearing this made Daphne smile. All through the last week she'd heard of how these girls had so many good things come their way because of joining. It made her more enthusiastic about joining this sorority.

The two did not have much to talk to each other about and by the time they split off to head to their respective classes, their parting was kind of a non-event. Daphne was sure Wendy was given just to round out the potentials. She was certain now that Stephanie would be her Big. She did have to admit though, despite having nothing in common with Wendy and Jaclyn rubbing her the wrong way at first, she had not found any dislike for the other two candidates. Even back on Friday she still had misgivings about joining, but they were slowly disappearing. She knew now she wanted to join.


Marissa was the last Sister to meet with Susan. It was after her final class that day that Marissa texted her to meet her outside of Glasson. Susan was across campus when she got the text, dropping off her stuff in her and Maisy's room. She quickly gathered her things and rushed across campus to meet Marissa. Upon seeing her, Susan's jaw dropped. This girl was the epitome of a spicy Latina, even more so than Maisy. To her embarrassment, she felt her loins stirring again and quickly clamped her thighs together, hoping Marissa would not notice. "Jeez, if it weren't for Angelique I'd start thinking I have a type." Susan thought. Once she was sure she'd calmed a bit, she walked up to Marissa. "Hi." She said quietly. Marissa turned to face Susan and smiled. "Hola, chica." She said, her voice thick with a Mexican accent. Susan was a bit stunned. Marissa started to laugh. "I'm just playin." She said through laughter. "I get people with that all the time. They think I'm some stereotypical Mexican girl. It's fun to fuck with people like that." Susan blushed and felt a bit ashamed about her immediate assumption of Marissa.

"So, before you ask, I can tell you simply why I was picked for you. We're in similar majors. You're in Bio with a Pre-Med focus and I'm in Chem. Plus, being the social girl I am, I think they hope I can help you bust out of your shell. Angelique really pushed for that when we decided who would mentor who." Marissa said. Susan blushed hearing this. It was another clue telling her that her feelings for Angelique were mutual. Marissa giggled when she saw Susan's blush. "Dios Mio!" She exclaimed. "You hot for our Oracle?" Susan stayed quiet, but nodded. "She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Susan said quietly. Marissa smiled. "Well, I can't be sure, but I think she might like you too. She was talking quite a bit about you after Friday. She didn't say anything as far as romance goes, but I get the feeling." Susan looked with hope at Marissa, but her face was asking how Marissa could be sure. Marissa looked Susan dead in the eye. "It's just a gift I have. I can usually spot when someone has the hots for another person. You wouldn't believe how many girls I've caught having the hots for me, and I don't usually do girls."

Susan's face scrunched in puzzlement. "Look, I'll be straight with you. I could tell you wanted to jump me when you saw me. I don't mind, really I don't. I don't judge. I mean, like I said, I like dick, but occasionally I let a girl take me out, and I've let a few girls have me." Susan blushed again hearing this. It seemed to be true, Marissa did have a gift. Susan was starting to wonder if she could work with having Marissa as a big. Marissa seemed to be much like Maisy, and she was still getting used to having Maisy as her roommate. She didn't think she could handle being around two girls like that. Plus, it was hard enough hiding her attraction to Maisy all the time, she didn't want to be having that issue with Marissa too.

Susan was so lost in her thoughts she nearly jumped when Marissa put her hand on her shoulder. "Look, I can see it in your eyes. You are unsure if we'll work out as Big and Little. Let me tell you now, I may be a bit talkative and all, but I had a girl like you last year for my Little. Sadly she didn't make it in, but she and I got along quite well. Trust me, if I'm picked for you you'll be fine." Susan smiled at Marissa. For the next half hour they chatted. Susan mostly listened, and found Marissa to be a real interesting person. To hear about how she was born in poverty and struggled before her parents became citizens, and how she tried her best to make sure she could secure a better life for her family by coming here lifted Susan's heart. "She really is nice." Susan thought. Still, of the three Susan felt by now she'd probably like having Krystin the most for her Big Sister.

Susan soon had to excuse herself from Marissa. She had a lab report to finish for tomorrow and thankfully with Marissa also being a science major made her sympathetic to Susan's plight. To Susan's shock Marissa hugged her before she left. "Look, I can see right now you're still unsure if we will want you in from what you told me and what I heard from Angela yesterday. I'll repeat what Angela told you yesterday, there is very few reasons we'd bar you from joining. We're a very inclusive group. If you get in, you'll find out just how open we are about who we let in." Marissa's last comment made Susan smile. She could not wait for Friday to see who would be picked for her.


Madeline met up with Gina in the student center just after her third class that day. Gina had not interacted with Madeline during the party last week, so Madeline approaching her caught her completely off guard. Madeline saw this. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you like that. I should have called you or something first." She said, quite flustered. Gina patted her shoulder. "It's all right." Gina responded. She had to suppress a giggle as she watched Madeline's shoulders slump and see her sighing in relief. "So what is behind you being picked for me?" Gina asked. Madeline smiled straight at Gina. Gina was surprised to see how welcoming Madeline's smile was, and how soft her eyes were. "Well, mainly because you told us about wanting to break out of your shell. I don't know why but I've always been good at helping people with their problems. I've basically become the Chapter Mediator. Most girls in the Chapter come to me when they're having issues with each other or other people." Gina cocked her head hearing this. "Really?"

Madeline smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I've got this gift I guess. I've always been a very empathetic person. I can't explain why but it seems no matter what problems people bring to me, I can always put myself in their shoes. That's why I picked Psych and Social Work. I want to help children and families who have difficulties." Gina did not speak for a few minutes. "How did that happen, any idea?" She asked Madeline. Madeline thought quietly for a few minutes. "I think I have some idea how that happened. I grew up in the south, and as I'm sure you're aware most of it is not a good place for a lesbian to grow up. I was very shy because I had to hide my sexuality from a lot of people. Thank God my parents weren't part of who I had to hide from. Anyway, because I didn't talk often, I did listen to a lot of other people's problems. Having lived with hiding my orientation, and my struggles with my weight, I could understand when other people had problems that seemed unfixable. I guess that's how I got this gift for helping others, but I may be wrong." Gina smiled at Madeline. "Well, that is a hell of a way to turn adversity into something good." Madeline nodded happily.

"It is. I'm always happy I can help others deal with their issues. It makes me feel good knowing I've helped others get past their issues. I can't wait until I graduate and I can really start helping others." Gina could see already she liked Madeline. She was kind, she was open and she was thoughtful. It was hard for her to believe that just a week ago she was still having misgivings about joining. Even with girls like Amanda, Melanie and Lucy in the Sisterhood she was starting to feel this was where she needed to be. This was probably exactly what she needed to finally break out and be someone more social and fun-loving. Where she needed to be to get out of the rut she'd been in for most of her life. "You know, I had my doubts about joining before, but after talking with you girls this last week and at the party, I really think this is where I should be." She told Madeline.

Madeline smiled and hugged her. "That's actually what many girls who join us think. Many are unsure or wonder if we're right for them, but most of the girls who join our Sisterhood feel that it was the best decision they made in college. I know it was for me. I found friends, I had a social life, and I met my awesome girlfriend. This was exactly what I needed. Trust me, it can be the same for you." Gina had no doubts now. Joining these girls was what would give her a new life, a much needed change. She hugged Madeline back. "I have to go now, I have another class in a few minutes, but thanks for meeting with me. I really hope I can join you girls." She said happily. "I hope you can too." Madeline told her. "I think our Sisterhood is just what you need." Gina smiled and nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly.

Madeline bid Gina farewell and watched as Gina ran off to her next class. Gina was in very high spirits right now. Even with the potential of having Lucy for her Big, she was looking forward to being a part of this Sisterhood. For once, her mind was not on her class, but what awaited her if she did make it in. She was a little angry at herself for losing focus, but to her surprise she brushed it off. She was filled with renewed purpose. She had spent her first year here isolated and closed off. She wanted out of that. Joining these girls was just how she could finally bust out of her box and truly live. She could not wait for tomorrow to see who she was assigned. She still had a small smile on her face when she got back to her dorm that night.

The interviews now finished, the Sisters convened once more to discuss who would work best for each potential. The discussion lasted over two hours. The next day, the Sisters went over all the notes taken on each girl and made their decisions on who would be each girl's Big Sister. It took most of the night, but by the late evening the mentors were picked and ready to go. Some choices were tough, others not so much. It was time for all the new girls to take the next big step in their path to Sisterhood.

Next: Chapter 6

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