Skeet and Shawn

Published on Mar 16, 2023


Disclaimer: This story involves things of a homosexual nature. Things in the story such as people, sporting events, and things that relate to such are true. My story shouldn't be read for the purpose of getting off, sorry. If you are under the age of 18, I'd advise you not to read. If you have any question, please, contact me at: (

ENJOY GUYS!! ______________________________________________________________________________

When I entered the room, I got a clear view of what Shawn was doing.

"Ahh!, uh, uh, shit man, please Skeet don't..."

Shawn was jacking off and when I stood their, looking in amazement needless to say,he just shot his load , and it was going everywhere.

" Hey man, it's fine. Every guy does it and if they tell you they don't or haven't, they deserve a ass kicking."

While he was holding his shirt over his cock, you can tell he was embarrassed . To tell you the truth, I was amazed how his cock looked, but didn't tell him see that I was interested . I walked over to my side of the room to get the shampoo out of my bag that I forgot to unpack and went back to the bathroom. Before I went in, Shawn was sitting at his computer by now, all cleaned up of course and had pulled his jeans up. He turned around and called me as I opened the door to the bathroom.

" Hey man, that shit with Tim in all just pissed me off. I know I over reacted, but you're my friend man. Where going to go though a lot these next 4 years together, so I just felt like I should have kicked his ass or something. You're like family o me now Skeet."

" That's fine with me Shawn, if you think you need to be a body guard around me, go ahead. But If you get into a argument with someone, I get to participate to, deal."

" Alright Skeet, deal."

"Well, lets get some cleaned up and get some rest so we can go to this party k?"

" Sweet man."

After I got out of the shower, we both got some rest and soon it was 10:30 pm. I got up and dress myself, but realized Shawn wasn't in his bed, but noticing some noises and hearing Shawn, I figured out that he was in the bathroom taking a crap. I giggle and finished getting ready. Shawn out of the bathroom already dressed and we left.

We met up with Justin and walked to the party, which was about 5 minute walk. When we got their, me and Justin went in, but Shawn got a phone call. When I entered I was shocked, everyone was dancing and drinking . The music was awesome, they actually had a D.J. spinning tunes. A dance floor, and of course a OPEN BAR!! Shawn soon came and found us, and we started to drink.

Now Justin, me and Shawn were all drinking and having a great old time, but we all new that our time trials were tomorrow, so we took it easy. All of a sudden, I had to take a piss. I left and notice that the D.J. was playing all kinds of music, from hip-hop, to country and even played latin music. I no how to dance, but I was shocked to hear latin music. I'm latin, but I didn't think that anyone would be interested in dancing to that kind of music, so I just went and took a piss.

As soon as I came out, I couldn't believe how many people were on the dance floor at a college party, dancing to latin music. WOW! I though.

" Hey Skeet, your latin man, go and show those girls how you work it."

" That's fine Justin, I'll pass."

All of a sudden, one of the girls in a fraternity came up behind me, rapped her arms around my chest, rubbing me and them pulling to the dance floor. I notice Shawn was already out on there with another frat girl dancing. I figured out that he told the girl I was dancing with, that I was latin because she new the girl he was dancing with. We dance and soon after drinking a little more, and acting silly, we left for home.

To make this more interesting, that girl came home with us I hung out with. She was so fucken drunk she couldn't even walk straight. When we got to our rooms we did nothing, I tried, but she was she just collapsed on my bed, so we took her home. On the way she threw up all the way there which SUCK ASS!! I mentioned to Shawn about our classes tomorrow, so we hit the sack when we got back.

" Hey goofy, wake up, your class starts in 1 hour, Skeet,"

I felt a little dizzy, but I got in the shower and that made me fell better. Shawn even had a peanut `butter sandwhich' and some o.j. waiting fo me after I got dressed because I had class at 9 o'clock.

" Thanks Shawn."

" No problem, I had a little hang out myself, so I figured you should use some food to. My class starts at 10:30, I want to be ready if you no what I mean?"

" Ya I do man."

We both said we will meet up at 12:30pm, and I left for class felling my nerves starting to go crazy because of our ` show down' at practice today.

It was 11:30 in the afternoon and I was writing so much, I though my fingers were going to come off. While I was taking some notes in course which was called ( American Theories of Poetry), the professor asked a question that I still remember today.

" Ok guys, before you leave tell me, why do you want to be a writer."

No really said anything, but laughing along with some other student s in the class, some said they want to write hopefully to make money someday. Well, that's not the answer he wanted to hear because he shock his head in the process. He then told us to think about it, and it was finally tome to go.

It was 12 in the afternoon . I left class and went to the lunch area on campus, and about 15 minutes later, Shawn came to meet me.

" What's up stud!"

Shawn was very loud as he said this, he was the type of person that stood out in a crowd when it came down to acting silly.

" You have a good time in class or something goofy." I said this while laughing....

" Well Skeet, I just got some fantastic news man."

" I just got news from David, that we are running our team trials at 2 o'clock."

( David is a runner on our team by the way.)

" What!" I said and everyone around me looked at me like I was crazy.

" Ya man, plus he has decided to let us run on our cross country course to."

My eyes , and my mouth were wide open because of the shocking news, but I was ready as I would ever be. Shawn was telling me to cheer up, saying that I probably will wipe all of the runners out., but not him of course. I just looked at him and laughed. We gave each other a hand shake, and gave that manly hug guys give. The both of us got lunch then went back to our room. It's was getting dark in the sky and soon it started to rain.

"Man, this is going to be a real true cross country race today Shawn."

" A race that I'm going to cream you ass in."

I just turned around from looking out of the window, and grinned at him, then started to change into my running gear. I seen that the rain started to calm down and new the course we were going to run was going to be muddy, wet and slippery, so I decided to only to wear my running shorts, my racing spikes, with socks to retain the water and mud. I didn't wear a shirt because it was hot and new I would get hotter if I ran in one.

While I was changing, their was silence in the room, it was to quite actually. I felt some hot air behind me and it was Shawn once again, grading me, and wrestling me to the floor. By now I'm really getting tired of him trying to see who's the stronger roommate, and wrestling me when I have nothing on excepted my underwear on, or nothing at all.

" What in the hell's wrong with you Shawn!"

" Come on man, it's just a little work out before we go, you scared skeet."

Shawn had me on the ground, pinned and was laughing because I was in my boxer briefs. I started to think he really liked this wrestling stuff with me having almost nothing on. I played along with Shawn as he wrestled me. With about a minute and a half, I was still losing, and begin to get annoyed.

" Come on man, you can do better than this, your really bad dude."

This guy had me in every wrestling move there was. Know mater how hard I tried or when I seem to get the upper hand, he still got out and put me back down to the floor. Although I was annoyed, it was funny. I notice when he put me on the floor over and over, he would make it a point to come across my dick, then make his way to my ass. It took everything I had not to get a hard-on. I saw what time it was, then I said to myself, "I had enough."

" Alright you asshole, now it's my turn."

All of a sudden, this power just cam over me and I rolled Shawn over. I rapped my arms around his head and right arm, then squeezed so that I gave some pressure while he grasp for air. The crazy thing was that he laughed some while I had him begging me to stop.

" Can we go now WCW Super Star wannabe." He could tell I was tired by the way I was talking to him. With his face red, grinning, sweating, well the both of us are sweating,. He gave up and agreed.

" Man Skeet, I never new you had it in ya."

" Shawn if you didn't remember, I do have a brother."

We were sitting on my bed laughing at the little match we just had. I got up to take my under wear off not thinking about Shawn even being there. He giggled a little

" It's cool man were guys. We've seen cocks swing openly in High School locker rooms before after practice, so what's the difference."

I agreed with him, we got ready and headed out the door. The next thing I new, Shawn had me in a "Half Nelson", I couldn't move. He really liked messing with me, this was getting old.

" Next time their wouldn't be any getting up Skeet."

He said this in my left ear and he was really close behind me to. I even notice his crotch jumping some.

He let me got and gave me a little push on the shoulder. I turned around with one of my eyebrows up looking at him as if he was crazy, while shacking my head. I laughed and told him to come on.

We jogged to the track and some girls were calling and yelling at us. Of course Shawn yelled back, I did a little, but not as much as Shawn did. My stomach was turning because I was scared as hell. When we got there , most of the guys were stretching and warming up. Coach Slade showed up and told us to follow him to the course, which was at the college park. We got there and I seen Tim, Mr. Perfect wannabe, warming up. Every guy on the team was in great shape; of course I wanted them t see why I was a top High School runner.

I did some high knee hops, butt kicks, 5 strong run offs, about 60 meters long. Next I did some high leg and side kicks, crunches and push-ups , then I got with Shawn, and we did some more run offs . Afterwards, we stretched again.

" Alright guys, come over here to the start. " Coach Slade called us.

Before I even made it over to the start, the dick head Tim stopped me. " I don't know why you were warming up like that, it won't make a difference."

He walked off, then Justin came up to me. "I seen him looking at you when you were getting ready man. I think you put some fear in his eyes."

To tell you the truth, I was nerves, but that comment Tim made to me got really fired up. When we got on the starting line, Shawn was beside me, and he put his hand on my shoulder.

" Let's go kick some ass skeet. Remember the big hill after the 1st mile, we have to loop it twice, so lets take it easy when we run up that dam thing the first time." Before I go on, I want to tell you a little bit about this course. We started on a straight away that goes about a half a mile out, then we head into the forest. Next we come across the 1st mile, afterwards we then run up a big steep hill that twist and turns going up about 70 meters, then we have to run down the back end of it and out of the forest. Next we ran around a 800 meter loop that goes around a lake, in which mile # 2 comes across. While running across this loop, we will run over a muddy ditch in the process. After going around the loop, we go back to the beginning of the awful hill and run it once again.

After coming back down the back of the hill and running around the loop (lake) for the second time, we will have run 41/2 miles. After we completed the loop, we make a right turn instead of finishing the full length of the loop then head into some wooded area, and run once again in mud, then we will run across mile 5 . There are some rolling hills in the wooded area also. But not big ones. After we exit the woods, we will make a slight curved right turn for the last mile. Once we are completely clear of the woods, we will make another sharp turn and mile 6 is marked. At this point we will be on the loop (lake) again headed for the finish, with only 200 meters to go.

10,000 meters is 6.2 miles (10k) , this is were the .2 (200 meters) comes into play we will run the curved part of the lake, then finish on a 100 meter straight away off of the lake.

As we stood there waiting, I gave Shawn a five, we looked at each other and nodded our heads. I got ready and then with my stomach turning as it does before I take off in a race and closed my eyes.

" Runners set!" My heart was race as coach said this.

Coach held the gun in the air and shot it, then we were off.

Of course Tim took off in the lead, then there was Justin, a awesome runner named Ryan, David, Shawn, then me. There were other runners behind me running strong and I then notice that 2 came up and pace behind me. The 2 guys stayed on my hills and the other group of runners were a few yards behind. Me and Shawn kept a steady pace and went smart threw the first mile at 5:01. The others hammered a 4:58 mile. Going up that deadly hill, I seen Tim and Justin slow a little and afterwards, me and Shawn were a few steps behind, them going down the back end of the hill was a very steep drop, so I had to be careful.

Going around the lake, Shawn told me to take it easy and I agreed. After approaching the 2nd mile I was passed by the 2 runners behind me. My time was 10:05, but I felt great and wanted to save my energy on the 2nd trip up the steep hill.

" Were are you Skeet, as I recall, you were a top high school stand out.. I know your slow, but I didn't know you were that slow!"

Tim was really annoying me and that comment really PIISED me off. When we ran up the hill again, I passed the 2 runners that passed me a few minutes ago and went after Tim. I never pushed hard early in a races, but college running and the asshole Tim will change that. I went across my 3rd and 4th mile in , 15:19 and 20:28, I really pushed it and I had a lot of muddy on my legs to. We entered the woods after running around the lake and I was running with David. Shawn was running behind us and talking trash.

" I'm coming Skeet and David, I'm coming!"

That bastard Shawn actually made his way up to me and David, but my mind was set on Tim.

Now Shawn , me and Ryan were profound runners in High School, because of our recorded Track & Field records, and this is why. (Shawn won 3 state titles in the 800 meters, and 2 titles in the 1600 meters, which is 1 mile)

(Ryan won 4 state titles in the 1600, and 1 title in the 3200 meters, 2 miles, in which he, at the time, held the second fastest time in the nation of 8:52.)

(I won 4 state titles in the 1600 and 2 titles in the 3200, in which I came back the next year after Ryan finished High School and beat his time, and I ran a 8:47)

Now having only a mile left, with 3 guys who hold middle distance state titles behind you, was a team trial to remember. Me and Shawn went by the 5th mile in 25:41. I saved up a lot of energy and made my way up to Ryan. Shawn also came up behind us. We found ourselves in the same position as we did in High School his senior year and my junior year at the national cross country champs.. Ryan was a year older than me and you can see that our college recruited some good runners from High School.

It was about 51/2 miles and Shawn ran around us.

"Lets go guys, lets show them why we kicked ass in high school!"

That made something click and I gave Ryan a bump on the arm.

" It`s 2nd gear time!" I made my way passed Ryan and Shawn.

When we made that sharp turn, I found myself right beside Justin, Tim was only a few steps in front of us. Shawn was behind me and Justin at the time also.

" Go man, I know you got some left, get his ass Skeet!"

I found my 3rd gear when Shawn said that, and soon I was running harder, getting closer to Tim. I played it smart and stayed behind him until the last 100 meters came.

Now it was me, Ryan, Shawn and Justin going across the 6th mile in 29:51. Then I hear coach yelling.

" Alright guys, I want to see you push it, dig, dig, dig, lets go!"

I notice a little crowd and the photography staff near the finish . We cam up on the straight away and Tim saw me.

"Come on mate, you know you can't touch me.!"

That comment just made me even more upset and with the energy of the little crowd, coach yelling and knowing how bad I wanted to beat Tim, I dug in deep and found my final gear. I looked at Tim and got his attention.

" Don't let the dirt that comes up from the ground hit you in the face."

I winked my right eye at him and I took off. Next across the finish was Justin, Shawn, Ryan, TIM, and David. I ran a 30:20 with Justin, Sawn and Ryan all running a 30:26. Tim and David came across the finish in 30:29 and 30:31. The guys, and I couldn't believe that I actually won the team trails. Shawn came and started to jump in mud that we were standing in. Now I was dirty after the race we just ran, but when Shawn started to jumping in mud, that made it worst ,but it was funny. Then Ryan, David and some of the other guys came an gave me congrats. The girls team were there and they even got in the mud. It sound kind of weird I know, but this is how we celebrated in cross country, mud splashing, plus we really ran some fast ass times for the beginning of the season. When we got finish having our fun, coach came up to me.

" It's been a while since a freshman has started off as our # 1 runner."

" Well coach, I know it won't last, but I'll try to do my best to help the team this year."

After talking to the journalism staff, in which the whole team did, I clean myself off then Justin gave me a clean shirt to put on. Coach then walk up to the team an started to speak.

" We will be working on strength and breathing techniques , so be at the pool by 3pm, bring something to swim in. By the way, great job Skeet."

Coach made sure we all new how the swim of course, in which we all did and he left. We started back and I got stopped by Tim. At this point, Shawn stepped in front of me with some extensive anger upon his face, but I said it was cool and he back off, but stayed close to make sure.

" Hey man, great form."

" Thanks Tim."

" You'll be a great help for out team man, sorry if I acted like a ass."

It's cool Tim, if we all work together, we can bring the college title home this season."

We shook hands and gave one another a hug, and left. Shawn was walking with me beside me and had a big smile on his face.

" What man, why in the hell are you smiling at me." I was laughing say this.

"we are going to have a sweet ass tem this season Skeet. Our team is made up of 1 junior, 4 sophomores, and the rest are freshman! Man our 'A' team ( varsity team) has 1junior, 3 sophomores, and 2 fast ass freshman, love this.!"

I just laugh at Shawn, put my arms around his shoulders, and said.

" Lets go home man, I'm hungry and I know your greedy ass is to!"

He of course agreed with me, and we went to our dorm room. It started to rain again and Shawn remembered.

" Dam, I left my window open." We then took off for home. When we got there, Shawn open the door, and to our fucken surprise, we seen the unthinkable.

Thanks again for reading my story guys. Your comments are gracefully appreciated and comments to. Just to let you know, the great Steve Perfontain hold the 3200 meter( 2mile) record, I really do have the second fast time behind him. Like I said, I'll try my best to get my stories done as quickly as possible ok? The next chapter is good, so stay tune.

Thanks again

Copyright 2004....

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