Skinhead Construction

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Aug 18, 2009


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"Well I guess I will see ya tomorrow then". I said with a laugh. "Well then you need to do me a favor and grow some more scruff on your face if your gonna come around the site. Stop shaving for a couple of days. Then we'll style you up a little, my way." He patted me on the ass and turned the knob. And so he left. I peeked through the blinds as my cleaned out fuck hole burned and itched, watching the skinhead construction stud start his truck and drive away

It turned out I didn't see him for a few three days though. In the meantime I stopped shaving my mug as he asked. I could not wait to see what he had in mind. Something about the big dude wanting to make me over was kind of cool to me. I was getting some strange looks and comments from my white collar cubicle rats at work, but I was so not caring. Finally, he called me on my cell phone late on Thursday morning and asked if we could hook up for lunch. He said he had a surprise for me and asked if he could pick me up at work.

"Don't worry, I'll have you back to work on time bro", he assured. I told him to drive around the back of my office building and park at the far end of the lot so nobody at work would see me getting in a dirty truck with some rough ex-con. Not sure why I was afraid but I was getting enough weird vibes from my coworkers just growing some scruff on my face. I worked with a pretty clean goody crowd and they all lived in clean white houses and with clean white carpet.

At 12:00 I headed out the back door of my building and walked a way down the lot till I saw David's beaten down Chevy truck.. It's lumber rack had a few boards strapped to it and a pretty good load of roofing materials were in the back. It was hanging low on the dirty bald mud tires. A piece of tattered rope was hanging over the tailgate and touching the ground. As I got closer I saw another man's hairy arm hanging out the passenger side window. What was this?

I slowed my pace and walked up to David's side doing my best to act unfazed. "Hey bro", David said in a chipper voice, "Nice scruff you got growin on there. Nice indeed." He reached out with his hand and palmed the underside of my jaw giving it a squeeze with his rough dirty hand. The other guy in the truck just looked on blankly as David asked, "So are you ready to go?". Looking over at the other guy I said, "Sure let me hop in". I rounded the front of the roughly idling pick-up and pulled open the creaky door. The young passenger scooted over to the center of the seat and nodded at me as I stepped in. David just winked at me as he pulled the column shifter into reverse and looked in his mirror. The truck jerked backwards and began a slow roll. "glug glug glug glug glug".

The guy sitting next to me was about my age, in is early 20`s. Once I was buckled in he held out his rough hand to me and said, "I'm Josh". He obviously worked with David as he was dressed in the same dirty worn construction dude attire, but with a twist. He had on the tattered sweaty T-shirt and faded leather work-boots but had on a rashed up pair of loose fitting grey sweats on in place of 501's. Nice.

Josh seemed a lot like David but younger, an alternative punk styled blue collar dude with a shaved head, a bushy light brown goatee and a pair of earplugs. He had from what I could tell a pretty muscular build and his hairy arms showed some tribal tattoos creeping from under his worn System Of A Down shirt sleeves. He had a "dumb-jock" kind of stoner persona that immediately made him sexy as hell to me.

I wasn't sure what was happening, so I just sat quietly as we pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward my apartment complex. As we rode I was sneaking a peek at Josh's sizeable bulge through his loose worn sweat pants. Why is he coming along I wondered? It was hot out and David's truck had no AC. I could feel Josh's sweaty arms and legs against mine.. His muscles were firm and I could feel them brush against me when he moved. The smell of sweaty men in the hot dirty truck's cab was strong.. I would surely reek when I got back to work. Little did I know it would be worse than I thought.

David cranked up the stereo and they started rocking out in unison as we drove. Josh then pulled out a fat joint from the glove box and sparked it up. Pleasantly surprised, I joined in and we passed it around a few times getting blazed as shit. As we drove I finally asked what we were doing for lunch. David looked over at me with a shit-eating grin as his eyes glazed over. "Your house bro", he replied still grinning. Josh then looked over at me putting his hand on my thigh. "Dave said you're a good fuck," he said with a slight taunting voice and then grinned like a wolf. My heart shifted gears and raced. Sensing my shock, he smiled squeezed my thigh. The muscled stoner toked the last of the joint and tossed it out the window past my face.

I was enchanted and now very blazed out. I took a chance and reached over to grab that bulge protruding between Josh's legs. He returned the gesture with a smile. "Right on man", he cheered "Squeeze my cock". I grasped at his bulge over his sweats and wrapped my hand around his cock. I could tell he was thick and rubbery. My hand around his shaft I squeezed it. Damn, he was as fat as my skinhead construction stud. David eyeing the action, said "whoa guys, wait 'til we get there". Stoned and in a zone, Josh leaned over and tried kissing me, his rough goatee rubbing my face.. David elbowed him in the ribs. "Knock it off people can see you!" he grunted.

We arrived at my place and piled toward the door. Once inside there was no hesitating. My tongue was impatiently waiting to get around Josh's fat cock. I wanted to see it. I wanted to smell it. I wanted to taste it. I love the taste of hot sweaty men, especially the ones who have been working all day. Josh had been out getting hot and sticky down there all morning and was ripe. He had single handedly taken all of my attention from David.. He pulled down his sweats letting his fat cock spring out and sat on the edge of my couch. I lunged down on my knees and took him in with a vengeance.

His sweaty meat had just a little light brown hair veining up the shaft to his uncut foreskin. His tool was about 6", but fat and blunt tapering off to a nice bomb like shape. It was flat and wide at the middle and now hard as a block of wood. It was not as long as David's but much fatter, and David was stretching ass re-sizing fuck himself.

I slurped like a ravenous whore up and down, while he grunted like a stud should. My nose took in his moist sweaty bush with each bob. David not to be left out had made himself at home and grabbed the tube of lube from my bedroom. I could hear him popping open the cap and preparing his cock for a ride. It was obviously for me I thought as I slurped and sucked the sweat and salt off his young studly friend. David was enjoying the voyeurism cheering, "Right on bro suck that cock!" He then pushed the coffee table aside and came over behind me. Kneeling down and aiming his red haired uncut tool toward my hole, his fat rough skinned fingers penetrated my crack and began massaging my hole. The cold lube made me flinch at first but the warmth came.

Josh was letting out some sweet sticky juices that added a tang to the pungent taste of sweat and piss that I had been enjoying to this point. David was done with the preamble and started probing his hard construction cock into my hole. David hastily shoved it in all the way to the bottom. No honey-moon here, I thought but he had already opened me up pretty good in the past week. I pulled off of Josh for a moment letting out a loud "ahhuhhh", twitching against the construction stud's plunge though. Josh grabbed my head tightly with his sandpapery hands shoved my face back down over his cock, forcing my head up and down with a slight fucking motion in his groin. My ass was in terminal pain from David's abrupt plodding as he started fucking me deep and long. He was going for broke from the outset.

After a moment or two, I loosened up and relaxed my muscles allowing him to slide more freely. His hands were clenched on my shoulders while he slapped his balls against mine. His hard fucking motions were causing my head to bob back and forth on Josh's prick as I sucked him. Josh was loving it! He was more vocal than David, encouraging me as I sucked him with lots of "Oh yeah dude! That feels so fucking good man. Oh fuck dude, keep doing that!" He starting fucking into my mouth up and down and then I felt his thighs tighten. He suddenly vice gripped my skull and violently blew his warm spunk into the back of my throat. His fingernails scraping at my scalp, he pumped my mouth full of his stud seed until it began leaking out of my lips faster than I could slurp it up.

Between my moans an grunts from David's motions, I attempted to lick and polish off Josh's deflating cock. Leaning back in bliss he dutifully wiped up every bit of spilled seed from his shaft and thighs and fed it to me as I licked and cleaned his fingers. I continued sucking up the cum that had cropped in his light brown bush pubes, getting hair stuck in my teeth as I continued to get the shit fucked out of me. The skinhead construction stud's cock was pumping me violently. He was getting ready to cum based on his heightened grunts. His deep booming voice always turned me on, but to hear it moaning in pleasure was too much. "Oohhhh yeah,, fuck yeahh bro! Im gonna cum!", he cheered like a fan at a football game. I hoped the neighbors werent home yet. Just then he injected his ex-con cum seed deep into my punished red hole.

After David finished seeding my chute he pulled out and sat on the couch next to Josh. I got up off my knees and sat on the couch between them and began jacking myself off. Josh leaned over just in time to suck me as I came. He slurped my load in and licked my cock while I blew getting it all over that nice goatee of his. He then pulled into him and we started kissing and tongue dancing, sharing my juices back and forth. This was heavy stuff for a first date I thought. This guy was a hot muscular straight acting construction stud and was getting down on my cum like a pig. David must have trained him good I thought.

David by the way had gotten up, wiped his fuck stick off with a towel he brought from my room and started cooking some of my frozen burritos in the microwave. Josh and I just sat there in the afterglow watching the tattooed skinhead stud in the kitchen waiting on the timer. "He is pretty good fuck huh" Josh offered. We both laughed and agreed. "So you and David know each other pretty well then huh?", I asked. Josh giggled and replied, "He's my brother." I was shocked. "For real? He is your blood brother or you are like good bros?" I asked. "Nope, flesh and blood," he answered. "Damn", I replied. So you guys have fucked before then huh?" Josh rolled his eyes and let out a grunt laugh. "Fuck an A, ever since I was 7. But my dick is fatter than his. Makes him squeal like a girl if I fuck him to hard."

I just shook my head in amazement at what I was hearing. David finally came back with the steaming hot burritos on a plate and sat next to us on the couch. We grabbed them up and at like stoners with the munchies do. Fast and hasty. I gave David a ration of shit for not telling me he had such a hot ass butt-fucking brother.

After a short bit of chatter, Josh started jacking his cock and looking back and forth at us. He told David to get on the floor and prepare to get his ass reamed. The skinhead construction stud smiled and threw him the lube. "Alright, but don't be showing off", he said furrowing his brow. Like a good dog, the rough tatted skin stud got down on his hands and knees with his arms braced on the couch as his little brother got ready to pound his ass. I squeezed my cock as Josh began fingering the read haired tattooed skinhead's butt-hole with the lube.

David looked up at me and licked lips motioning me over to him. I slid over right under his face and stretched my legs out either side of him, leaning back on the couch. He went down on me and started licking hard at my piss hole. It made my shiver and try to squirm away, but he stayed on as if trying to stick his rough flaming flithering tongue down my cock.

Josh started feeding his half hard prick into David's fuck hole. Having just sucked him, I remembered how fat he was and seeing that he was still semi-soft while shoving it in to David I figured it was about like getting a potato rammed up your ass. David let out a grunt "uhhhhhh" while jerking forward and away from Josh. "You fuck! Take it easy!" he barked. Unfazed, Josh grabbed his brother's muscular hips and continued. I put my hands on David's shoulders and held him still while Josh plunged in again.

To my surprise, the ex-con bad ass was struggling. Josh buried the bone balls deep and just stayed there for a moment letting David adjust while I guided his face back toward my leaking cock. Josh started slowly fucking his older brother, pulling his body on and off of me.. I continued to help him stay on my cock even though he spent more time moaning "uhh, uhhh, ohh" than sucking and licking. After a few tense moments, David must have began enjoying it as he started sucking harder and faster.

Young buck Josh was hip to it as well and started getting into it more forcefully. The brut odor of sweat and man sex was filling the room. The three of us were in a unison rhythm of fucking and sucking, grunting and moaning - this was awesome. I didn't last long, warning the David that I was about to cum. He put his hands around my ass and grabbed tight pulling me into him as I exploded into his mouth. He licked and slurped, sucked and bobbed as my hot seed flowed down his chin and into his thick red goatee.

When I was done flowing he pulled off crawled forward and on top of me. His hairy tattooed chest on mine we began passing my sticky strings of cum back and forth in our mouths. Josh, looking like little-boy-lost back there with his wet cock hanging in the wind immediately jumped up on David's back and plugged back in. We were now stacked on the edge of the couch, David and I kissing while Josh was slamming the hell out of him with that fat blunt beer can of a cock.

I could feel Josh's increasing rhythm through him though. His breaths and moans heavily blasting against my face, I embraced the skinhead construction stud as if a comforting brother during an hour of need. I ran my hands across his smooth bald scalp as he sweated it out. I looked over his shoulders to see Josh's sexy facial expressions of pleasure. His beautiful dimpled square chin and goatee was dropped down and his thick brow furrowed as he pumped his brother's asshole for all it was worth. He kept altering his expression with each thrust as if putting on a show. "Oh fuck yeah old man, take that cock like a bitch!", he chided.

Josh opened his eyes for a second catching me watch him while David's face was buried in my neck. He smiled and winked at me with a shit eating grin. "You like watching me fuck the shit out of him huh?" he jeered. He then bucked a couple of deliberate rough hard thrusts at his older brother making the muscled skinhead flinch and wince with pain. "Fuck an A bro!", Josh taunted. "You're gonna feel that later tonight when you're old lady's makin you suck out her tuna twat!" The smile of vengeance stretched ear to ear on the goateed dude's face.

Seconds later he slowed and gave one last deep hard thrust squirting his load into his big bro's meaty ass. David went limp, still laying on me moaning in my ear and breathing deep sighs of relief. It must have wiped him out because he just laid there for about a minute or two after Josh pulled out and began wiping up his cock with the towel.

The bitch fucked tattooed skinhead finally got up off of me and started cleaning up. As we were getting dressed, I realized that my shirt was drenched with cum. "Shit you guys, I can't wear this back to work", I exclaimed. David and Josh both laughed. "Hold on, I'll get you something", David said disappearing down the hall to my room. He returned with one of my a nice dress shirts and said "Here I picked this out just for you stud." As Josh was gathering his clothes to get dressed David jibed him in the stomach and said, "Leave your underwear here, our buddy here gets off on a guy's dirty clothes. He`s got a whole collection of them in his dresser from the jobsite".

They both giggled at each other and then looked at me as I cringed in mild embarrassment. "Thanks", I said sarcastically. They both pulled their work clothes back on and left their dirty sweaty underwear laying on my coffee table as they sat began tying up their boot laces. Josh looked at me with a giddy grin and grabbed his cock through his sweats. "I didn't get a chance to see if you were a good fuck", he said with a smile. "I guess we'll have try this again sometime". His older brother grunted at him territorially, "Don't go using on my bud here I found him first". I smiled at both of them and said don't worry there is enough of me for both of you.

We then headed back to the truck and they took me back to my office. On the way I gave Josh my cell phone number and told him to call me any time he wanted. "Cool man", he said. David elbowed him and said, "You gotta ask my permission first bitch!" Josh just laughed and said, "You're the bitch of the day bro". It got silent for the remaining mile to my office. My mind was reeling at how I had just picked up to rough assed fuck buddies inside of a week. I was still a little stoned too so my head was swimming in it.

As I slammed the door the rough ex-con construction stud said, "Thanks again bro. I'll call ya later about trimming up that scruff of yours. My slimy asshole aching, my mouth tasting like dick, and pubic hair in my teeth I went back to work.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 8

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