Skinhead Trap

By Badgod69

Published on Apr 3, 2004


There are so many stories I could tell about my friendship with my skinhead buddy Choke from high school days, so many adventures.

This one I had to think about, whether or not it was something I wanted to put on paper. But the situation was extreme and intense enough that I'm sure someone else will find it arousing, so here goes.

Just be warned that there is violence and yes, even some blood involved in this story, but what else would you expect from a recollection about young skinheads? Oh yeah, also what basically amounts to rape but what these days would probably be called "date rape." Whatever. I had fun. By the way, at the time this adventure occurred Choke was 17 and I was 16 years old.

The last time I wrote about Choke and me I mentioned that we met a new skin from our school on the way home from cutting classes one day. He was a fucking little runt freshman named Nick, almost ready to turn 15 as we neared the end of the school year. I had seen him around at school a few times but never really paid any attention to him until he came to school one day dressed like us - tight jeans rolled up so his shiny new boots showed well, suspenders, and a short-sleeved blue-and-white checkered shirt over a white t-shirt. But the thing I noticed first was his freshly shaved head. Not many boys at that time were shaving their heads, in fact the trend was for guys to sport longish hair. He was a small guy, about 5'5" but with a lot of muscle packed into his roughly 130 pounds. His dark blue eyes were bright and shiny with black eyebrows that nearly met over his prominent nose. The uni-brow made him look stupid and meaner than he was, and his pimply complexion didn't help matters. I also noticed that he was loud and obnoxious like most high school freshmen. I didn't like him. That day on the train ride home he spotted me and Choke and sat across from us and asked us all sorts of loud, lameass questions about being a skin and shit. He was dressed all right, pretty sharp for being so fucking clueless. He was what's now called a wannabe, and neither of us liked this little bitch much. He was an arrogant prick and sure as hell didn't show us proper respect as he tried to insinuate himself on us. He tried treating Choke and me like he had known us a long time and was a good buddy of ours. But I had learned well from Choke, and I was able to stay pretty decent to him, just like Choke was being. Choke taught me early on not to make your move until you had a good grasp on the situation and we carried that over into our dealings with new skins we met. There might always be a way to use them or fuck with them good later on and you never passed up a chance like that. And you never knew, the scug might turn out to be OK.

Anyway, after losing the punk when we got off at our stop, we walked back to Choke's house and talked about him some on the way home.

"Yeah, he's an annoying little fuck," Choke agreed. "He sure is showin off that ass. His jeans made that ass look tempting!" He was laughing and had that evil sexy gleam in his eye. Choke was an ultra-horny dude, one of the most sexual guys I have ever met. Predominantly heterosexual in his tastes, he could easily switch-hit if a guy came along that he thought would be fun to fuck around with, but always on the down-low. He was always on the make and never, in the time I knew him, turned down a chance to fuck, no matter who or where it was. I think that's what drew us to each other in the first place. Up to the time I hooked up with Choke, my sex experiences were mainly with my nephew (who is two years older than me), fucking around a few times with my buddies in 7th grade, and a couple of other encounters with guys from the time I was 12 years old. I fucked my first girl when I was almost 15 and prowled fairly regularly for girls I knew would be up for a little no-strings-attached sex fun. From as far back as I can remember I had a sex-obsessed, dirty mind all the time and jacked off every chance I got. So when I met him, it was like Choke kicked my engine into drive and away he took me, actively doing all of the stuff I had only thought about before plus a lot of stuff I hadn't even imagined. I guess he was kind of like my sex mentor in a way.

Choke always had a plan for some form of fun working in his brain. Testing the limits and dedication to the skinhead style and ethic of any new kids who started sporting the look at school was one of our major forms of entertainment. Choke was all for having a bit of fun with Nick, or "dick", as I referred to him after our meeting on the train.

When we got back to Choke's house it was late afternoon and he pulled out a six-pack of beer from the 'fridge that his dad had apparently just bought the night before. As we walked down the hallway to his room we twisted the caps off a couple of bottles. By the time we got into his bedroom we had them half empty and tossed the bottle caps onto his floor. It was littered with all sorts of shit, mostly his dirty laundry -- sweaty t-shirts, stiff nasty socks, grimy jeans, and other dirty clothes, but also papers, books, greasy food plates, and tons of empty beer bottles. Just the night before we had gotten wasted and brawled some before Choke had finally let me fuck him for his first time ever after plowing into my ass hard, the way we both liked it. That train ride home earlier had been a bit uncomfortable on my still-sore asshole and I could only wonder what his must have been feeling like. One of my eyes was swollen and bruised from the drunken brawling we had gotten into, but a black eye was nothing to either of us back then. If anything, it was something to be proud of, a badge of honor and pride in one's ability to take a pounding and give worse than you got.

A full-to-the-top beer bottle was still where he had left it on his desk next to his nasty bed the night before. It looked hilarious to me because I started thinking about somebody coming into his room and chugging it, thinking it was beer. It was full of his piss from last night and I knew there was another half-full one in the wastepaper basket next to the desk.

Choke started talking about this Nick kid again, about how much fun we could have getting wasted and working him over. I knew what he meant. For us, working over meant beating him up to test his courage and brawling abilities but also getting the kid wasted and then taking turns fucking around with him and then threatening him about telling on us to anybody. It had worked once before with a drunk chick we both balled that way (the fucking part, not the beating up) so we knew we could convince this little shit to do the same. We could be pretty scary and persuasive when we wanted to be.

Now, the fact that neither of us liked this punk only made the idea hotter to us. We both really liked talking and doing mean, nasty, trashy shit to people we didn't like while we fucked them cuz it made it better for us, especially when we were together. I think it was the sadistic adolescent part of us that we both liked acting on sexually, not only with other people but with each other as well. Which sounds like we secretly didn't like each other too, but between us it was like sharing the power rather than taking it. It was awesome. And besides, we both just liked violence, simple as that. We were also both into a lot of the same sexual shit so it was amazing when we fucked around. We never planned any of it, it just sort of developed naturally by itself, and we were so in sync with each other sexually that it only made us better and tighter buddies. We used to say that we were each other's partner in crime, and that wasn't just an expression.

So, when Choke kept talking about this kid I knew that he was planning some fun for us to have at the kid's expense and I was all for that. While Choke could come up with a perfectly good idea on his own, the 2 of us together could come up with something amazing. What we decided on, however, was simplicity itself.

"Let's get him over here this week-end and goof with him, bro," Choke told me, the excitement and horniness of the idea forming in his mind causing his face to light up with that boyish enthusiasm that seduced so many girls and a few guys, too. I have to admit that the first time Choke and I had gotten together with a third person (the drunk girl) it stirred odd feelings of jealousy in me. But after it was over I knew that he was still my best buddy and that the friendship we shared was not replaceable. I wasn't in love with Choke or anything like that but I definitely had a sort of mutual admiration-crush on him, something we talked about openly and that he confessed to also feeling. The more we hung out, the closer we became until we were pretty much inseparable. The closest description I can come up with is that we were basically brothers who also had rough sex and wild adventures with each other on a regular basis. I had 2 sisters, both older, but no brother at home. Choke basically became my older brother, treating me much like an older bro would treat a younger bro that he was hot for. Nobody suspected anything sexual going on between us and after our first threesome with that drunk bitch, we were careful to only fuck around with people who didn't go to our school. Usually.

The crew of skins at our high school was small but very visible. Altogether there were around 9 of us guys, not including their girlfriends who were gradually adopting the Chelsea Girl look and getting into the whole skinhead scene. In a school of over 1500 kids we were merely a drop in the collective ocean of the student body. But like I said, we were very visible and our gang quickly got a bad rep, bad but admittedly deserved. This was all back in the day when skinheads were still a fairly new phenomena in the U.S., especially on the West Coast where we lived. Choke pretty much brought the scene to our school the year before when he enrolled and everybody wanted to know who the new kid with the heavy New Jersey accent and shaved head was. From there, it only took a matter of a month or 2 before the other guys started sporting the look and lifestyle of the skinhead scene. Choke made that kind of impact when he first moved to our town and started school. Besides looking older than his years, he had charisma to spare and knew how to talk to just about anybody so he could get his way. Despite the image most people have of skinheads, Choke was highly intelligent and a damn good actor in drama classes, which is how we met. He could be quiet and get into deep-ass serious conversations when he felt like it, and he could also tear down the house when he got amped or wasted. Most of the other skins were disaffected jocks and all of them got kicked off their respective teams eventually because of the wild, drunken behavior we all engaged in. Choke and I made fun of the other skins in our crew all the time behind their backs and that, too, brought us even closer together.

Choke introduced me to the excitement and liberation of alcohol and the wild fun you could have when your inhibitions disappeared. We got up to all sorts of pranks, eventually committing petty crimes and assaults. We were extremely lucky never to have gotten caught and even then we were aware of how lucky we were. We said that we had the luck of the Irish, both of us being half-Irish. The other half of Choke was German and my other half was English. Good pedigrees for skinheads.

Anyway, we made our plan and it was a good one. Simple, easy to execute, and foolproof. Choke knew where to get Quaaludes (you could still get them easily back then) and all it would take would be to slip "Dick" 1 or 2 in the booze we'd make him chug. We knew from experience that the combination of 'ludes and booze would knock you out flat, and since this kid was small we figured 1 would do it but 2 would do it better. We didn't really plan it out any further than that, trusting that our instincts would serve us just fine when it came time to have some fun with him. I knew that Choke would end up fucking him hard because it was Choke's favorite thing to do with guys, but I had my own plans, mostly involving us beating the shit out of the dork and degrading him afterwards. Choke loved it when I'd go off on somebody like that, and it got him more amped up which always made me happy, too. None of this fazed us in the least; in fact, it was standard operating procedure for us when we wanted to have some fun. I guess you could say we weren't really a good influence on each other, but then goodness had nothing to do with our intent. And besides, nobody ever got hurt too bad so what we did didn't seem wrong to us. Just fun. And exciting. Sexy, too.

By the time we had killed 4 of the beers our raging hangovers from the night before were easing up some; we had a tiny buzz going and I lay out on his bed and hauled my cock out of my jeans. We were both so hungover that morning that neither of us had jacked off yet. Choke laughed and did the same and with just a bit of trash talking we were both ramrod hard and ready to get off. I'm gonna just wrap this part up fast so I can get to the good stuff. We jacked each other off and made out hard for about 15 minutes and then he fucked me like a dog while I finished beating off and shooting all over his pillows. Choke nutted in my ass and ended up by hocking a wad of spit onto the back of my shaved head as he pulled his hard dick out of my aching asshole. The room smelled even better than last night now, like fresh hot ass fucking, plus our combined sweat stink and the sour, cheesy aroma of his dirty laundry. That smell was like a fucking aphrodisiac to us.

By mid-week we had everything set. We approached Nick at school on Thursday and put on a great act for him. We made him think we thought he was a tough little skin and that we wanted to party with him. His face lit up when Choke asked him if he wanted to hang out with us on the weekend and he almost jumped for joy as he said yes. We agreed on the time and told him we'd pick him up around 7 pm and that was all it took. Step one was a success. Choke and I laughed our sorry asses off for most of the rest of the day whenever we'd look at each other in classes.

When we pulled up at Nick's shitty house that Saturday evening Choke and I did a double-check to make sure we had everything we needed for the fun ahead. He patted the inner breast pocket of his sharp black crombie to make sure he had the 'ludes. Check. One shoplifted fifth of whiskey - check. Two six-packs of beer, also stolen - check. Weed - check. Polaroid camera - check. All set. When Nick answered the door he was all ready to go, wearing new jeans, his new boots, a clean, white t-shirt with thin black suspenders and a black derby jacket. He shouted into the house that he was taking off, and away we went. Choke drove an old truck so the 3 of us were squeezed into the cab, Nick in between Choke and me. When we were about a block away I broke open the bottle of whiskey and took a couple of chugs before I handed it to Nick. He gladly took it from me, downed a couple of good swallows and passed it to Choke who did the same. The bottle came back to me and I took a tiny sip but made it look like I was taking a good draw, then repeated the passing routine. Me and Choke were only taking a real chug for every 2 or 3 chugs that Nick took.

By the time we were up in the hills Nick had a lot of booze in him and was pretty fucking drunk and loud. Choke drove to a spot we knew about and pulled off onto a side service road and killed the engine. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out some weed and rolled a joint. As we passed it Choke asked Nick if he'd ever done 'ludes before. He said no but that he knew lots of kids who did and they sounded fun to him. Choke told him we had already taken 1 each (lie) and asked him if he wanted one. He kind of hesitated for a second and hemmed and hawed for a bit longer before he said "sure" in a tentative voice. Choke and I were already laughing but we were pretending we were laughing because we felt so good from the 'ludes. Choke handed him one and he downed it with a beer that I handed him. I knew he wasn't gonna be fully conscious for long so I opened the door and got out and took a piss. Nick was braying about some stupid shit and Choke was laughing right along with him, egging him on. When Choke got out of the truck too, Nick stumbled out and joined us, still well aware that he was sort of unspokenly auditioning for his standing and acceptance into the scene.

We just stood there joking and making stupid small talk with this punk when I sucker-punched him pretty hard. He fell on his ass and shook his head like he was gonna pass out so I hauled him back up onto his feet, laughing like it was all a joke. Choke patted him hard on the back and told him we were just kidding around. The kid was dazed and his face kept alternating between anger, pain and bravado. His nose was bleeding and when he tasted the blood that ran down over his lips he looked startled and a little bit scared. My cock was rock hard in my tight jeans and my feet were getting sweaty inside my heavy steeltoed boots from anticipation. We moved back to the truck and stood there leaning against it. Nick had recovered slightly by now and you could tell that the booze was getting him more pissed off about what had just happened, just like we planned. He was bitching mostly about not wanting the blood getting on his jeans cuz he had just gotten them. What a poser. Choke suddenly crouched down and flew at him, tackling him sideways hard and sending them both sprawling, then rolled around with him a few times before letting the kid pin him. By now, Nick was pissed off good and smacked Choke in the face just before he pulled his arm back and curled his stubby fingers into a fist. Which is where I came in for the kill. I was right behind him and grabbed his forearm then twisted it sideways and yanked it up hard before I threw him off Choke and kicked him hard in the side. I remember Choke getting up and walking over to the truck so he could get the camera. He was hooting with laughter as I slammed my boot hard into the punk's ribs, slowly walking beside him and kicking him as he crawled away from me and tried to stand up. I was laughing too, but I wanted the little bitch to get up and take a swing at me. It was all taking too long, so again I dragged him up by his t-shirt, ripping it at the collar when I yanked at him hard. Nick was gasping and whining and trying to scream out obscenities at me, so I grabbed him by the ears and shook his head back and forth several times trying to clear his head. It worked, and he grabbed my hands and ripped them away from his face. He drew back and swung at me, his fist just glancing off the bottom of my chin hard enough to enrage me, just like I had hoped. I leaned my head back then slammed it hard right into his forehead, again sending the kid flying backwards onto his ass. Choke and I were roaring with insane laughter by now, especially when we saw the stupid expression on Nick's face as he tried to refocus his crossed eyes. The force of my head-butt made a small gash on his forehead and blood was pouring down his face. It looked hilarious. Really beautiful. Choke snapped a few Polaroids.

Choke handed me the camera and walked up to him and held out his big mit for Nick to grab, like he was going to help him up. The goofy prick was totally confused about what was happening, still swearing and calling us names and telling us to leave him alone. He wouldn't take Choke's hand and kept trying to back away from us. This was the wrong move to make, because the more scared he got the more excited we were getting. Honestly, there really wasn't a correct move that he could have made. Even if he hadn't gotten scared and had just confronted us instead, that still would have only made us more amped and ready for fun. I exchanged a look with Choke and I could tell from the way that his eyes were shining that he was just about to launch into the kid.

We were telling him that we were just goofing around with him and that everything would soon be OK. Nick was almost crying now, probably afraid that we were gonna kill him up there in the hills and dump his body somewhere. One of the best and most subtle things about random violence is being able to terrorize the person you're directing your anger towards. For me and Choke it had the same effect as watching hot porn. I knew that Choke's dick was pumping out precum as fast and steady as mine was and that made me want to brawl even more. Finally we let Nick get to his feet and then Choke tossed him a beer; actually, he chucked it at him, and when it slammed into Nick's chest and fell to the ground we roared with glee. I barked at him to pick it up and drink it fast. Nick was trying his best to do whatever we told him, hoping that if he did what we said that we'd leave him alone. He opened the beer and took a sip before wiping at his bloodied face with the back of his arm. His torn white t-shirt was now filthy and spotted with quite a bit of blood from his superficial wounds. The sight of all that lovely red on the dirty white of his shirt looked really hot to me and I shoved my hand down the front of my jeans so I could grab my hard cock. Choke was watching me do it and he started making appreciative noises, mmmming and oooooing like he was tasting something sweet and delicious in his mouth. He went back to the truck and got us each a beer. We cracked them and watched Nick as he continued drinking his beer, calling him a fuckpig and telling him we'd try to kick our asses if we were him. I was taunting him by screaming and making quick moves towards him, like I was going to attack. Each time, he'd stumble backwards fast, trying to evade me. I was loving it.

Finally I calmly walked right up to him and dumped the rest of my beer over his head. He kept punching at my face and stomach but his fear was making him awkward. The harder he hit me the more determined I was to have my way. God, I loved to brawl back then. The blood that was starting to dry and cake on his face dissolved in the beer and streams of pink started washing down the front of his shirt. There must have been a good half a bottle left when I started pouring it on him and I could now see his nipples through the beer-soaked fabric of his ruined t-shirt. I was actually digging him quite a bit now and started thinking about how I wanted to get off with him. He had started shivering from the coldness of the beer and the fear and anger that were coursing through him.

Choke came up behind Nick and slung an arm around his shoulders as he stepped into his side. This spooked Nick and he turned his head to look at Choke. As soon as he had his head turned, Choke punched him hard in the face, right in the eye. Nick howled and kicked out at Choke, landing a pretty good kick on his shin. Choke snarled and hurled the little jerkwad away from him but I caught him and held him by his arms from behind so Choke could pummel him hard in the stomach and chest. When I let go of him he fell to his knees and Choke grabbed the back of the little prick's head and faked fucking his battered face.

Nick was sputtering and screaming at us, calling Choke a faggot and telling me he was gonna kill me. I never laughed so hard in my life. I wanted to put the boot in so bad but Choke shook his head at me so I didn't. I grabbed the Polaroid and snapped a couple of photos. I got down on my knees behind the kid, sort of straddling his legs and reached around his front so I could dig my nails into the hard nubs of his nipples. He squealed when I did that and Choke forced the kid's face back into his crotch to smother his yelling. I was all over the kid's back and neck, biting and licking the beer and sweat and blood off of him, rubbing and grinding my hands all over his chest and stomach and arms. He started gasping when I did that, totally confused by this new set of sensations. Choke shrugged his suspenders off his broad shoulders and whipped off his sweaty wife-beater and tossed it to the ground beside him. Under the moonlight, Choke looked massive and tall, the sweat glistening on his naked chest, dusted with a light sprinkling of golden fuzz. I could tell that Choke was as aroused as I was because his nipples were standing out like fat pencil erasers and he brought up a hand and started stroking them. All this time we were taunting Nick, calling him names and daring him to fight us. I think he finally started thinking that this was some sort of hazing or initiation because he stopped screaming and trash-talked back at us at a normal volume. Of course, I had warned him that if he didn't shut up I would cut his tongue out and nail it to his front door. Maybe that helped quiet him down, too.

The look on the kid's face was priceless. I think he was more scared of the quasi-sexual contact than he was of getting the shit beat out of him. He asked us what we were going to do to him and Choke and I just shrugged our shoulders and laughed. I asked the kid if he had any ideas and that made me and Choke crack up even harder. Nick was getting shitfaced from the whisky and the 'lude by now, so it was pretty easy to move him into whatever position we wanted him.

Choke took several steps backwards from Nick and just stood there smiling evilly at him. I was still straddling him from behind, but I wasn't about to let him go yet. I wanted to check out what he was packing in his jeans so I started grabbing his ass and squeezing it. I told Choke that Nick did indeed have a nice ass before I reached around and grabbed his junk in my hand. Nick's cock was soft, of course, but from the feel-up I was giving him I could tell that he had a nice set of balls. Nick was moaning and breathing hard by now and I told him he better not pass out or we'd slit his throat. Choke giggled and fumbled with the buttons of his fly.

In no time he had his jeans opened and bunched up around his muscular, hairy thighs. He rarely wore underwear and that night was not one of those times. His enormous cock flopped around like it was alive, getting harder and stiffer with each spasm. His furry bull balls were roiling with testosterone. What I wanted more than anything at that moment was to feel that huge fucking club batter my tonsils as I sucked him off. But I could do that anytime. For now, I just continued messing with Nick and enjoyed the show Choke was putting on.

Nick was sliding around in my arms, trying to get up and get away but I held on tight and started roughly opening his pants. It didn't take much work because the kid was so wasted by now, but he kept weakly struggling against what I was doing. That made it all the better for us. When I had his jeans undone I let myself fall backwards onto my ass, taking Nick with me so that he was now on his back, half on top of me. I scampered out from under him and let him fall all the way back onto the ground. His legs were bent all funny and crooked and he fell sideways and just lay there breathing hard and mumbling crazy shit. I bent over him and pulled his pants down to his ankles before slicing through his briefs with my knife. He was fighting to stay conscious and focused but the 'lude was kicking in and he didn't really have any say in the matter. I jerked his underpants off his ass and tossed them towards the truck, making sure that we'd see them before we left. One of our safety tricks was to make sure that we never left any physical evidence behind after our little games. His briefs were damp with sweat and before I threw them to the side I shoved them in Nick's face and told him to suck on them. He rasped out a mighty "fuck you both" and tried to turn his head away from my hand. But I wasn't about to let that happen so I grabbed him by the chin and spun his head back towards me, clamping his jaw open with my strong fingers. When I got his mouth open I shoved his nasty briefs as far into his mouth as I could and whispered to him that he better get used to it because he would be eating nastier shit than that later on. Choke snapped another photo.

He put up a pretty decent struggle against us, which was awesome. After I sliced off his briefs Choke ambled over to us and pressed his big boot against Nick's soft cock and fairly large balls. For being so short he had a nice uncut dick, something that definitely pleased us when we discovered it. A thick grove of wiry black hair sprouted all around his cock, spreading and thinning out on the inside of his upper thighs. The rest of his body was smooth. Choke told him that his dick looked like a doll's compared to his monster cock. Nick had spit his briefs out by now and had hauled himself up into a half-sitting position. He might have been able to stand up but I could tell that he was afraid that if he did we'd just knock him down again. Which was true.

He started talking but his speech was all slurred from the 'lude and he was having trouble staying propped up on his hand. The good thing about 'ludes is that they also relax you so much that you tend to get loose just like being drunk. That part of his wastedness was kicking in now but the belligerence of the booze was still giving him some power to resist. This was getting sexy as hell to me and I looked at Choke to see how he was doing.

Choke was staring down at the punk with a malicious, sexy leer on his lips. His 9"+ cock (we measured; he didn't get his nickname for nothing) was hard now and jutting out like the figurehead on some hot-ass ship. He shuffled over to the kid, squatted a bit and pushed his hard cock against Nick's swollen face. The kid was so fucked up that he just let him do it and Choke lifted his head up by the chin. I walked over to them, waiting to see what Choke was gonna do. He told Nick nicely to open his mouth and after a few tries the punk did it. Choke shoved his cock into the kid's mouth and bucked his hips a few fast times while I snapped a couple more photos. Nick gagged and choked and drew his head back as tears started spilling from his eyes. He wasn't crying, it was just from choking and gagging. Choke was laughing snidely and quietly, slapping his hard dick across the kid's face leaving slimy trails of spit and precum behind. I got behind Choke and pressed my hard dick against his ass cheeks and bit into the back of his neck as I started pumping his crack. He turned around and we made out while we pressed our hard cocks together, then sword fought as we cackled away.

Nick was staring at us, trying to focus his eyes when we looked down at him. We hauled him up and Choke pulled the kid's jeans back up and fastened them while I helped keep him standing. When we got back to the truck Choke opened the door and I piled little fucked-up Nicky into the seat and climbed in after him. Choke got in and we smoked another joint, making the kid take a few hits to mellow him out some more.

Now that the Quaalude had kicked in, the beating part of our night's fun was over and we could get down to fucking around with Baby Skinhead. We didn't feed him anymore booze and now went to work on the next step, getting him sobered up just enough to keep him conscious and able to participate, and relaxed enough that he might even like what we were gonna do with him. We changed our tune with him too, now joking around with him and being all brotherly and shit, telling him that he had brawled well and that we'd be sure to let the crew know about it. He was so wasted that he was forgetting the fact that we'd both just tricked and beat the shit out of him and was even beginning to put the bravado act on again. This was good, because at least he wasn't still screaming and fighting to get away. That would have sucked cuz we would have had to deal with it. Not good.

Choke turned the radio on and set it to the classical channel: another surprising thing about him. He liked the classics. As well as kick-ass ska and reggae and punk rock. But this classical shit was having a calming effect on the kid. He was starting to talk now and he rambled mostly. Right out loud in front of him, Choke and I discussed whether or not to give him the other 'lude just to make sure he was gonna be fun. We decided that we'd save it in case he started to sober up too soon and ruined everything. Nick really was pretty well looped by now and I could see the hunger for this punk's no-doubt virgin ass in Choke's face. I couldn't wait to watch Choke fuck him. It was always a total turn-on to see him fuck some dude's ass, and what I liked most was taking sloppy seconds. The feel of sliding into a freshly fucked shithole, warm and squishy with your best buddy's jizz, was amazing. It got me off harder than almost anything.

We told the kid that he had to jack off with us as a sign of his loyalty to our crew. We told him that we all did it but that we never talked about it because it was part of the secret initiation into the group. We also told him how important a thing sex between skin bros was and that it was like a fucking sacrament or some horseshit like that. We were on a roll and feeding him a line like you wouldn't believe. The little cunt was buying all of it and finally just kept nodding and said he'd do whatever it took to belong. Fucking pathetic.

Me and Choke were gonna have our fun with him in the back of the truck according to our plan, but it was a pretty cool night so we decided to take him back to Choke's house cuz only his dad was going to be home. And we both knew we couldn't take the kid back to my house to goof off. My house was too small and my parents would have freaked out if I'd brought a strange wasted kid home. So we drove back to Choke's house and told his dad that Nick got too drunk at a party and had gotten jumped by some of the Portagee kids from school. Choke's dad got all concerned and told us to call the kid's parents and let them know but we told him it was no big deal and that a good night's sleep was all he needed. Choke also told his dad that Nick would get in trouble if we brought him back to his own house so we he was going to let Nick crash in his room for the night.

Choke's dad said OK and we maneuvered Nick down the hall and into Choke's bedroom, dumping him on the floor cuz Choke didn't want the kid puking or anything on his bed. I taunted Choke and told him that his bed already had so much nasty stuff sprayed all over his funky sheets that a little puke wouldn't hurt. He smacked me and I punched him back and we laughed about it for a while. Choke threw himself down on his bed, crossed his golden-haired arms behind his head and sighed like he was pleasantly tired. I jumped onto the bed beside him and rolled over on top of Choke, feeling the huge cock in his jeans press against mine as we rubbed back and forth on each other. I leaned my face down over his exposed pits and breathed in deep the rich, rank aroma of his masculine stink. Choke got off on the fact that I loved the smell of our sweat, and it was something I was proud to have turned him on to. It was nice being able to teach him a new trick or two, and while he wouldn't actually say it, I knew that Choke got off on the b.o. of our pits just as much as I did. We spent a lot of time playing with each other's hairy sweaty pits whenever we fucked around. I could taste the whiskey on his breath when we started swapping spit and fucking each other's mouths with our tongues. Choke rolled me off him so he could get his jeans off. I got my boots unlaced and pulled my jeans and briefs off while he was getting himself undressed. I told him to leave his wife-beater on for a while cuz he looked so fucking sexy in it. Choke just laughed and called me a queer, so I turned to him and grabbed his balls and squeezed a bit too hard. Choke punched me in the chest and knocked me backwards on the bed.

We did shit like that to each other all the time now, hitting and punching and smacking each other around, but it was all in good fun. The rough-housing hurt, don't get me wrong, but we both knew we liked the added spice violence gave our goofing off with each other. Some of our buddies mentioned that we joked too hard with each other sometimes, but Choke and I would always just laugh at them and call them pussies. Nobody knew the sexual thrill being rough with each other gave us. When we were both more or less naked Choke got up on his knees, straddled me, and forced his cock down my throat. I cupped his damp, muscular, hairy ass in my sweaty hands and pulled him in closer to me so I could swallow as much of his phenomenal dick as I could. The smell of his balls was potent from all the fun and excitement we had been having, a rich combination of sweat and musk. The feel of his low-hanging nuts swinging and slapping against my neck as he fucked my mouth was getting me so fucking hot. Choke was chuckling and trash-talking as he plowed into my face. All of a sudden we heard Nick yawn and then moan a little bit from his spot on the floor near the closet where all the dirty laundry was heaped up in piles with him on top of it. We busted up laughing and got off the bed.

I let Choke walk ahead of me so I could look at his hot ass below the thin cotton fabric of his nasty wife-beater. The material was taut over his broad back and looked really good as he sauntered over to Nick.

"Hey, make him eat your asshole out, bro," I said to him, my dick throbbing and oozing out precum like a leaky faucet.

"Nah, not yet, man. That's too much too quick, I think."

Instead, Choke got down next to Nick and undid the kid's pants while I worked on unlacing and removing his boots. His socks were clean and white, so I peeled them off his feet and tossed them aside. When Choke had Nick's pants opened we both helped slide the punk out of them and tossed his now-dirty jeans into the corner. I held him up while Choke peeled the ruined t-shirt off the kid's chest. I have to admit he looked pretty good half-sitting, half-lying there, naked and bruised from the pounding we had given him a little earlier. The punk's skin was a healthy pinkish-white, making his black body hair look all the darker against his flesh. Naturally, my attention went to his pits, surprisingly lush with wet, matted hair. His calves were dusted with the same black fuzz and the grove of dark pubes surrounding his cock looked awesome.

"Pretty nice, huh?" Choke giggled as he ran his fingers through the kid's pubes, then grabbed and gave a few short, sharp tugs on them. Nick moaned when Choke did that and it sounded like he said "ow". We busted up again as we looked at each other. I got down beside Choke next to the kid and spread the punk's legs wide open. His dick was still soft so I leaned over and sucked on his long foreskin like I was sucking on a tit. I had never sucked an uncut dick before, so it was a cool new experience for me. It was cool sliding the hood down and seeing his red dick head being revealed, just like peeling a fruit. After working on the head for a bit getting it all spitty and slippery, I sucked the whole shaft into my mouth. I gave that little bitch one of the best blow jobs I had ever given and his cock began to involuntarily respond. He was groaning and writhing around while I sucked him off, and Choke went wild on his nipples and face, licking, sucking, nibbling. After 5 or 10 minutes of this, Nick was fully hard and in his drugged state his body was beginning to appreciate the insanely good sensations that were replacing the pain.

Choke pulled him down flat on his back as I got up and went to get us some beers from the bag we had brought in with us. It was on Choke's bed. When I turned around to head back to the action Choke was now on top of the kid, pumping away and almost smothering him as he clasped Nick's head into his armpit.

"Hey, Nick, you fucking little bragging bitch, lick my pit out real good and I might let you suck on my dick," Choke was singing into the kid's face. Nick's eyes were glassy looking and the fear that had been in them earlier had turned into something different.

Choke's ass looked very tempting as I walked over to the twisted heap of squirming flesh. His legs were stretched out behind him, one leg crooked up so he could buck harder into the kid's crotch. The view I got of Choke's asshole and big, floppy balls as he humped Nick was too much to pass up, so I got down on the floor and tongued Choke's fuzzy butt cheeks and hairy crack while he continued fucking Nick's stomach. Choke yelled out when he felt my hot tongue on his asshole, telling me how good it felt to get his ass tongue-fucked. I was laughing and panting from the scents and sensations of feeling his moist, hairy hole shoving into my face. The deeper I probed my stiff tongue into his hole, the more into it Choke got. He had raised himself up some so I could go even deeper, all attention now focused solely on what he and I were doing, forgetting about the naked kid beneath him.

I heard Choke say, "Whoa..." quietly, like he was surprised but in a delighted way. I unglued my face from his ass and raised myself back up onto my knees.

"Look," was all he said. I leaned around him and saw that Nick was sloppily jerking his own dick. He started kind of humming in the back of his throat and his eyes were fluttering open and shut pretty fast. We laughed cuz we both knew how blissfully wasted he must be feeling.

Choke got up fast and said, "OK, let's go," and I helped him haul Nick up and walk him over to the bed. We laid him down pretty gently and he shifted his arms and legs a bit, clutching and grasping at the blankets and cum-stiff sheets. His cock was still hard, but his foreskin was long enough to cover most of the reddish purple head. It looked fucking awesome, especially with all that black hair around it. Choke was gonna fuck him doggy style so we turned him over onto his stomach first. I got on the bed in front of him and pulled him up so he could lean against me while Choke hiked up the kid's hips so he was on his knees.

"I'm going first," he announced, glancing at me to see if I was gonna demand first rights. I just nodded and he motioned for me to throw him the lube that was always hidden under his pillow. I reached behind me and fished it out and put it on the kid's back, using him like a table. Choke laughed with me and opened it up. He poured a bunch all over his fingers and then slowly worked first one, then another, and then one more into the punk's asshole. The first one went in without much reaction at all from Nick; the second one made his body seize up a bit and he hissed in his breath and started moaning a little. When Choke slid the third finger in, the punk reared up and opened his mouth wide like he was gonna yell but no sound came out except a groan from deep in his chest. It looked fucking wicked cuz the cords in his neck got all strained-looking and shit and his face went red. He was squeezing his eyes tight shut and gritting his teeth. When his asshole got used to the feeling of having 3 long, thick fingers shoved up to the knuckles inside it, he dropped his weight back down onto his hands and knees and panted nicely with his mouth wide open. His eyebrows furrowed every once in a while but he kept his eyes closed the whole time. From my vantage point it was looking good.

Choke had that serious, faraway look on his face, eyes focused on his work but still somehow unfocused, lips drawn back into that sexy leer of his, nose crinkled a tiny bit. He looked so fucking rough and sexy. When we figured the kid's asshole was relaxed enough Choke aimed his enormous cock and slowly slid in all the way to the hilt. This was amazing, because as he did it Nick grunted a bunch of times like a bull, then started shaking his head back and forth really slow, punctuated with jerks. He never really did cry out which surprised me but I had my hand clamped over his mouth anyway, just in case. I pushed his face down into the pillow and clasped his head between my thighs. His stubbly head felt fucking awesome, all rough and sandpapery on the tender inside flesh of my legs. I was jacking off like a fiend, and it would have been cool to shoot all over his head. But I wasn't anywhere near ready to cum yet. Choke was obviously enjoying his ride, eyes closed and head thrown back, slapping Nick's ass every once in a while. He was muttering nasty shit at the kid, calling him a faggot bitch and all sorts of hot trash.

I hocked up a wad of spit and blew it right at Choke. It splatted on his throat right under his chin. His eyes flew open and he snarled at me before he also spat out a big wad. But he aimed his at the kid's head, where it landed and sort of exploded. I cackled and Choke reached over, pulled my head closer to his and shoved his tongue into my mouth. The harder he kissed me the faster he fucked the kid.

When we pulled our faces away we also decided to change our positions. We hollered at Nick to lay down flat on his back and after a brief pause for processing, he did it. I noticed his cock was hard and leaking precum so on some level at least he was having a good time now. Choke turned the punk's body sideways on the bed and then stood up and aimed his cock at the sloppy, gaping asshole before him. I stood up on the bed and held Nick's legs up for him so Choke could go to work on his ass again. Choke really fucked that little bitch's ass good and rough this time. I guess maybe his leverage was better. The kid was moaning now and starting to gasp pretty loud. I jumped off the bed and grabbed a dirty sock form Choke's laundry pile and told the kid to bite on it as I shoved it into his mouth. He did and it worked. His moans were muffled quite a lot but I had to keep putting the sock back in his mouth cuz he kept opening it to gasp.

While I was down there fiddling with the sock I realized that I was in a good position for some ass action myself. I straddled his chest and then squatted down so my ass was right over his face. I knew he was too fucked up to make him actively eat me out, so I grabbed the sock away from his mouth and lowered my sweaty ass down over him. It felt good and nasty to feel his hot breath beating against my shithole and under my ripe nuts. I started jerking him off and he began writhing around again. I was beating off too, bucking my hips in and out of my fist while I squatted there. I lowered my ass even more so that his nose brushed my asshole every time I bucked back and forth. I kept telling him to smell my asshole and how he was gonna have my ass smell up his nose for days. With just a little forcing, I made myself fart right into his nose and open mouth. It was fucking hilarious and Choke and I both dissolved into laughter almost to the point where we had to take a break. But the kid was still whimpering and moaning so we kept at it. I jerked him off some more and then leaned down and sucked his cock. I could feel it swelling up in my mouth. I licked and sucked on his hairy balls for a while and they smelled nice. A little too soapy for my tastes, but still pretty good and musky.

I stood up on the bed again and still straddling the punk, I took a step or two forward so my cock was almost right at Choke's face-level. He leaned his head down a bit and grabbed my hard, dripping cock in his fist before he wrapped those full lips around it and gave me an awesome blow job. I loved grabbing onto his slightly jugged ears and fucking his face cuz he made it so easy. He could swallow my whole almost-8" without flinching.

Sucking my cock got Choke to the edge fast and he started whimpering while he kept fucking the kid faster and harder. Suddenly he spat my cock out and roared like a muzzled lion as he slammed his hips so hard into the kid's ass that Nick lurched under me. Choke must have dumped a ton of cum into the punk's bowels cuz he slammed into him at least a half-dozen times before he started slowing down. Finally he pulled out and there was a big bead of nut still hanging from his piss-slit. It looked sexy as fuck and I told him so. He laughed and flicked his hard cock, sending the cum bead flying onto Nick's tummy. Without saying a word we switched places, me fucking the punk's ass while Choke wiped his cock all over the brat's face, getting it all smeared with lube, cum, and his own ass juices. It looked nasty as hell and it got me going good. I jacked the kid off while I fucked him, my mind reeling with how awesome everything felt. Nick's asshole felt so warm and slippery from all the jizz Choke had just deposited inside him. His ass was making squishy farting sounds and it made everything better. The sight of Choke straddling the kid, kneeling on one leg, the other crooked up, showing off that hot ass all hairy and sweaty made me start to explode. I ripped my spurting cock out of the punk's raw hole and spewed a rope of red hot jizz all the way up the kid's chest. Another one blasted out and splashed against his tummy and the rest ended up in his pubes. It looked so fucking hot I bent down and sucked a fat glob of my hot sperm off his crotch.

Nick was never completely unconscious. That was our plan. It was OK to get him falling down drunk or wasted on some other drug, but if he'd been unconscious it wouldn't have been any fun at all. We had talked about that possibility before, but to us it seemed sick, sort of like fucking with dead people. No, he had to at least be able to move around and make some sounds, otherwise it was a no-go. We had had a bitch pass out on us before and it ruined our plans so we just ditched her and split. No more lost opportunities.

Now the kid was squirming around and quietly moaning, and he rasped that he was thirsty and wanted something to drink. Choke was dreamily drawing designs in the cum that plastered the punk's chest, glancing at his face every once in a while and watching every slight change that washed over it. I remember thinking that image would have been a really awesome photo and one that I'd like to have: 2 naked skins, one battered and bloodied with a hard-on, the other one running his fingers through the cum on the beat up skin's belly. All tender-looking and shit. So I grabbed the camera and snapped out a couple of photos. I still have them to this day.

I got us each a beer and opened the kid's for him. Choke helped Nick get himself up on his elbow so he could drink his beer. He drank the whole fucking thing in one chug, so I gave him mine and got myself another. He was half-way through the one I just handed him before he took a breath. Little bitch must have been dry as a desert. He scooted himself around so that he could lay down flat on the bed, making himself all fucking cozy. Choke and I just looked at each other and laughed. Choke's bed was a queen size so we each lay down with the kid in the middle. Choke had himself leaning up against the headboard. I was propped up on my elbow, looking at them both. Nick might have been sleeping cuz he had stopped moving around and talking. I wondered if he'd remember any of this weekend by Monday.

Me and Choke decided to give him the other 'lude cuz we didn't want to get him any drunker than he already was, but we still needed to keep him docile for the rest of the night. Now we knew that little Nicky couldn't hold his booze cuz he was still basically out of it from chugging the 8 or so good swallows of cheap whiskey in the truck hours ago. Choke got up and half-staggered across the room to his coat and brought it back to the bed. His horse-cock looked red and swollen, still bloated from the rough fuck he had just finished, his balls full and red in their bag, swinging like a sack of marbles as he moved around. He was one fine-looking motherfucker! He flopped himself back down beside our evening's entertainment and fished around until he found the 'lude. We ended up just dumping it into the rest of his beer and waiting for a few minutes before shaking it up and swirling it around to make sure it was dissolved. Choke took a sip and said it tasted OK. I nudged Nick hard a few times before he opened his eyes half-way and said "wha...." I propped his head up and told him he was thirsty and to drink this as Choke tipped the bottle back and the kid wrapped his lips around it like he was sucking a skinny dick. When it was empty I let his head go and it flopped back heavily on to the pillow. Wasted!

Choke and me watched TV for a while and then turned his stereo on when we got bored with the shit that was on TV. We had just smoked a fat joint and finished off another chunk of the whiskey and we were feeling frisky again. We wrestled around on the floor for a bit, dicks hard and slippery, and he maneuvered us around while we grappled until he got me pinned on his pile of dirty clothes. He knew it would make me ramrod hard and I guess he wanted my dick bad right then. I sprawled out under him as he worked his body all over mine. I think he was also getting off on his own stink wafting up from the clothes. We were rubbing each others buzzed heads, both of us loving the feel of each other's scratchy skulls under our hot hands. He shoved his hand into the pile of clothes and grabbed one of his foul, stiff sweat socks and clasped it to his nose. He inhaled deep a few times and then wrinkled up his nose and grinned at me again.

"Whew!" he wheezed out, pretending that he found the rank aroma offensive. I could tell from his shining eyes that he was getting off from the stink of his own dirty sock. He covered my nose with it and barked out, "Sniff it!" before grinding it into my face and making me take it in my mouth while he continued manhandling my sweaty body. He rubbed his sandpaper scalp all the way down my chest and stomach, tickling and hurting at the same time, until he got to my glory trail. He started licking it and nibbling the dark hairs that plunged down into my thick forest of pungent pubes. When he got to the actual bush he inhaled and sucked on it for a while and then licked all up and down my shaft before he swallowed my whole cock and sucked me off 'til I almost came in his mouth.

When Choke came up for air he smiled his gap-toothed goofy grin at me. He looked delirious and full of a hungry, angry lust that was my favorite look of his. He went back down between my legs and hoisted my hips up so he could eat out my ass.

"Go deep, you fuckin queer-ass bitch," I hissed at him and he slapped my ass so hard it stung.

He was nearly growling as he forced his hot tongue up my shithole, then worked his way up to my nuts, which he sniffed and suckled like they were precious to him. Choke was such a nasty fucker, such a great guy.

I told him Nick should be ready by now and we looked at each other and snickered. We were on his hot little body in a second. I smacked him across the face a few times to rouse him and he came to long enough for us to have some fun. Choke was already rubbing his hard monster cock all over the kid's bare feet, then up his shins to his thighs and then all the way up to his face. It looked hot as hell cuz his dick was pumping out the prejizz overtime and it looked like a snail had crawled up the punk's body. I was facing Choke, squatting my asshole right over the kid's fucked-up face and lowering it onto his mouth and nose and grinding until I felt him squirm. I guess cuz he couldn't breathe. When Choke got up to Nick's face I grabbed Choke by the back of his prickly head and glued my mouth to his so we could tongue-wrestle while we forced the kid's mouth open. Choke ran his leaking dickhead all around the kid's bloodied lips like it was fucking lipstick he was putting on him and that really got me amped. I backed up as far as I could to the headboard and started rubbing my boner all over the kid's cut head and bruised face, like I was fucking a mattress. It felt lumpy and uncomfortable but it looked hot and I've always been a visual guy. I switched positions on the bed and began a new game. I started jacking Nick's soft dick and it finally started to come to life in my fist. I leaned over and nibbled and sucked at his foreskin until the slick cock head started peeking out and then I tongued that fucker 'til it throbbed.

Choke was taking his cue from me, because he was half-laying next to the kid, making out with him and tonguing all over his face. It looked fucking raw and hot. The kid began to respond, but he was so fucked up I guess he thought he was getting it on with a girl. He drunkenly flopped his arm around Choke's shoulder while they kissed and was starting to bend his legs and flex his toes while I alternated between sucking and jacking off his nice dick. His foreskin fascinated me and I liked playing with it. I was doing a good job on him cuz his cock was getting super hard and red. His dick was probably 6" with nice plump balls, all nestled in those lush, black pubes. I liked looking at his junk cuz all that dark hair against pale skin has always been a sexy image to me. His pits were pretty great too, not as furry as mine and Choke's but still pretty nice. Only problem was he used some fucking perfumey deodorant so I lost interest in his pits right off the bat. I liked smelling like a male animal and I liked other guys to smell the same way when I wanted to fuck around with them.

Anyway, I was sucking on his hairy nuts and running my tongue all along his perineum when Choke got up on his knees and fed the kid his giant cock. At first it looked funny as hell cuz the kid was kissing it like he was still making out but then he gradually altered into sucking and using his tongue a lot, almost like he was still kissing combined with nursing on his mama's tit or eating a popsicle. It looked awesome cuz it looked so freaky. I was jacking off this whole time, squeezing my balls and fingering my hole, letting myself get ready to shoot. I felt amazing and I wanted to get off bad. Choke motioned me to come up with him, so I scooted up to kneel next to him on the other side of the kid. We took turns feeding him our dicks, but the punk was really too out of it to actually suck much after a while. It was more just like fucking the open hole of his mouth, so it didn't really feel all that great. But again, the image was so hot that I knew I was gonna blast all over the little runt's face in no time.

I told Choke I was about to nut and he grunted out that he was, too. I loved it when we came together, it was like our entire beings turned into a blast of raw lust and ecstasy. We were beating away and aiming out engorged cocks right at the kid's face. My balls were banging against his cheek and Choke reached over and felt them. As soon as he touched my nuts I felt the first wave of cum come roaring out of my balls. I grunted hard and aimed my cock at Nick's half-open mouth as the first blast spewed out like a rocket and exploded all over his nose and upper lip. I started gasping and laughing as the next blast shot up about a foot and a half before plunging down and splattering over his nose again. Choke started busting up too as he bucked his hips hard one time and unleashed the first volley of cum all over the kid's face, my stomach, and the pillow beneath me. As soon as I felt my buddy's sperm spray my belly I put my cockhead right against the kid's lips and shot out a massive double-blast directly into his mouth. He choked fast one time, raised his head a bit, coughed a few times and cleared his throat and then flopped back onto the pillow. Choke was shooting the whole time, firing blast after blast all over the side of the kid's face and head and eyelids. A fat glob even went up one of his nostrils. I was going nuts. I felt so fucking elated and amped, like my blood had turned into hot cum, like my only purpose was to fuck. Awesome, one of the most intense sexual feelings I ever had. When I get that aroused I also liked to fight, same as Choke. Still gasping from shooting so much so hard I smacked Choke in the face, which almost sent him reeling off the bed. He recovered though and shook his head once before he smiled cruelly and evilly and landed one right into the side of my nose and the same fucking eye he had blackened the previous night! It hurt like fuck, but we were both whooping it up and roaring like hell with laughter. Blood was spurting out of my nose and dropping onto the kid. I let some more splash on him for a bit and then got up and went to the bathroom to get a wet rag to make it stop. It was OK to walk naked across the hallway to the toilet cuz Choke's room was at the end of the hallway, too. Choke was lucky to live in such a big fucking house.

When I came back into the bedroom holding the wet facecloth to my nose I saw that Choke had been busy while I was out of the room. Nick was now lying on the laundry pile again, still shiny and sticky with our sperm. As soon as I took a look at the cunt's head I howled with laughter cuz his face looked like a ruined cinnamon roll, the kind with all the white icing that melts and drips off the sides. Choke had covered the kid by heaping dirty laundry on top of him so that all you could see was his head and chest. It looked nasty and sexy to me, our little battered baby skinhead half-buried under the pile of Choke's dirty underwear and sweat-soaked shirts and nasty socks and shit.

Choke was back on the bed now rolling another fat joint for us to smoke. The nearly empty bottle of whiskey was on the bed beside him and he tossed it at me and told me to kill it. As I drained the bottle I sauntered back over to Nick and kicked some of the laundry off him. I wanted to see his naked little jock body again and when I had him mostly uncovered I gave him a few shoves with my foot until I got him rolled over onto his stomach. He was face down in the pile of filthy clothes so I twisted his head to the side so he could breathe. The last thing we needed was for the bitch to smother. I kicked his legs apart and laughed as I looked at his red, raw asshole and I could see some of our combined sperm leaking out of his ass. His crack was lined with the same black hair that filled his crotch so nicely and it looked good. His hole had hair all around it too, and I wanted to play with it some more. I got down next to him and shoved my fingers up his ass while Choke got the joint ready to fire up. When I pulled my fingers out of his ass I wiped them on his back and his head. Long shiny smears now streaked his flesh and gave him a slightly shitty smell, but it stank more like hot sex than actual shit. Neither of us were into shit at all, but the smell of a hot ass, freshly fucked, was like a magic charm to us that got us good and horny every time.

I told Choke I needed to take a piss bad and we just looked at each other and snickered again. His eyebrows shot up and he said, "Go ahead, I gotta do my laundry this weekend anyway." I turned the kid onto his back again, then stood up and let loose with a powerful stream of strong, hot piss all over the passed out punk. I took care to make sure I pissed all over his face as much as I could before hosing off the rest of him. Urine was streaming over his mug, dissolving the cum and washing over his face and into his mouth. He swallowed involuntarily a bunch of times and Choke and me were busting up every time he gulped down my hot piss. I wasn't even touching my prick to aim the piss stream, I was just pissing wild (as we called it), letting it spray wherever it wanted. By the time I was done emptying my bladder the runt was soaked. The dirty clothes all around him were sopping wet with my piss too.

Choke had grabbed his Polaroid camera and was taking one photo after another. We had shoplifted 4 or 5 packs of film and flash bars earlier that week so we'd have plenty of film for our little project. He showed me the developing pictures after I was through pissing and they were awesome. You could see the glistening stream of my piss shooting directly into the little prick's battered, opened mouth, the rest streaming over his chin and down his neck onto his chest. Choke made sure not to get much of my body in the photo so no one could tell who was doing the pissing. But it was clearly Nick who was getting pissed on.

My cock was having a hard time not boning up again while I had been pissing and now it was sticking straight up again. Choke reached over and wrapped his fist around it and jacked me off for a while as I did the same to him. He tossed the camera onto the bed and forced his hard cock down so he could take a major leak on the kid, too. While he pissed I ran my hand over his muscular ass cheeks and then slid a finger or 2 up his asshole while he kept pissing. Choke gave a little squeal when I got my second finger up him and his piss burst out even stronger than before. I had to go lie down on the bed cuz the sight was too fucking hot to believe and besides I was laughing too hard to stay standing any longer. Choke was laughing like a moron too, and his laughter was causing his piss to fly all over the floor besides drenching Nick and the laundry pile. I was glad I wasn't gonna have to be the one to pick up those nasty clothes and stuff them into the washing machine later. Yeecchh.

Nick was murmuring as he got hosed down but we knew he was too far gone to become fully conscious. Just knowing that we could do anything we liked to the little fucker was a major turn-on for us, because that kind of power over somebody always got us amped for more nasty fun. When he was through dousing the kid Choke stuck his sweaty foot in Nick's face and tried shoving his funky toes into his mouth. It didn't really work but it looked sexy as hell so I took a picture of it. I was on my stomach facing the action, fucking Choke's mattress while I watched and took photos.

Around 3 a.m. we both wanted to catch some zzzzs so we climbed into his bed and passed out cold 'til around 8 a.m. when Nick started moaning and woke us up. What happened next I'll write about in a future story, cuz this one is already way too fucking long as it is. All I'll say for now is that we got even freakier with Nick and made sure he wouldn't talk if he happened to remember anything about the night before.

Next: Chapter 2

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