Skinhead Trap

By Badgod69

Published on May 2, 2004


I know this sounds nuts but we slept 'til the next day. I think all the drugs and booze and fucking around did it. We just needed to sleep it off. Plus, teenagers like to sleep a lot and after all we were just kids. It was totally fucking disorienting though and at first I wasn't sure what day it was or much of what we'd done since the last thing I remembered. Which was starting to goof off with the kid after Choke and I showered. I knew we had done lots of nasty stuff and parts were clear, but lots of the time was pretty fucking vague. I figured Choke and I would piece together what all happened once we had a few days to think about it and talk it over.

I woke up first this time because the kid was moving around under the covers somebody had evidently pulled up over us sometime during the last 21 hours. The clock on Choke's shitty desk said just after 9 a.m. I felt like I had just woken up from a coma and my head felt gigantic. I said hey to the kid and he sloppily turned to look at me.

"What?" I asked him flat.

"Where the fuck am I? What happened to me?" His words were actually mostly slurred and incomplete, but hanging out with Choke so much meant that I could interpret wasted-speak pretty easily.

"Thank your fucking god you were with us, bro," was all I said. Somehow I was alert enough to keep up the story. I realized that I was hungry as hell and I needed to piss bad. Sitting up took a while but when I did I swung myself up and sat on the side of the bed while my head stopped swimming and some life came back into my incredibly heavy body. I stood up a little shakily and stumbled to the door.

Once I was in the bathroom I splashed cold water on my face and shoulders and chest for a long time, trying to get the fucking wool out of my skull. When I bothered to look at myself in the mirror I started cracking up. I looked as bad as I felt; actually worse. I somehow had 2 shiners now instead of the 1 I started the weekend with. My forehead and the front of my scalp were scabbing over from some superficial cuts. I had bite marks on my chest and my stomach -- low down on my stomach. The side of my nose and cheek looked sort of swollen and puffy. My teeth and jaw felt OK and that was always good. For only being 16 I definitely needed a shave cuz my beard stubble was fairly heavy and dark.

I turned around and looked at my backside. Choke had left tracks on my back from scratching me hard and they stung like a son-of-a-bitch.

I took a good, satisfying piss, turned out the light and went back to the bedroom. Nick was half-propped up against the headboard and Choke was still out like a light, snoring contentedly with his mouth open and drool spilling out the side of his great lips. He looked wasted as fuck and hot as hell. Nick was just staring at the ceiling with his arms crossed behind his head, trying to keep his eyes open but having a hard time. I did notice that his pits looked like they had glue in them and I sorta wondered how they got that way, but I kinda already knew, too. I had to snicker about that.

"Hey freak, wake him up," I told the kid. I knew it would weird Choke out to lurch back into consciousness with the kid's face looming above him. That would be fucking funny as hell.

Nick just looked at me, still not fully conscious, my words taking a while to process in his thick head. After a few seconds he reached over and weakly shook Choke by the shoulder. Choke gave a deeper snore and rolled away from the kid. I laughed and told him I'd show him how to do it.

I walked over to Choke and practically sat my naked ass on his face. Nick was staring at what I was doing to Choke and laughed when he realized what I was trying to do. He barked out a short, dry laugh and said thickly, "That's nasty, bro, I'd kick your ass if you did that to me!"

The punk's bravado seemed to be intact. My dislike for him surged up in my chest and it took all my willpower not to pummel the little bastard's face into a pulp. I just laughed with him instead.

Choke mumbled something under my ass and tried to roll back away from me. I sat down even harder so he couldn't move his head and that's when Choke's natural reflexes kicked in. His big fist swung out and slugged me hard in the middle of my back. I jumped up off his head and leaned over to grab Nick's head and force it down close to Choke's face.

Choke woke up in a fury and a hurry. He looked startled and out-of-it for a few seconds, then closed his eyes and opened them again, obviously thinking he was dreaming. I was laughing my ass off.

He snarled at us and then hauled himself up so that he was sitting there, holding his stubbly head in his hands. After a few seconds and a huge yawn he started giggling like an overgrown baby, red eyes flashing with wicked humor.

"You fuckin' moron!" he spat out at me, then flopped backwards to lay down again. But when he fell back he smashed his head into the headboard, then immediately sat forward again, yowling and clasping the back of his head. I was almost crying from laughing at him. At least it woke him up some more.

I told him I was fucking starving and to get his ass out of bed and make us some food. He said that he was starving too and then told Nick to get his ass out of his bed and get the fuck into the kitchen. Choke had woken up belligerent. This was gonna be fun.

Nick started looking around the room groggily, obviously trying to find his clothes. I chucked him his grimy jeans from the other night and tossed his socks and boots at him. Choke had gotten out of bed, stood up and still half-out of it grabbed an empty beer bottle out of the trash basket and started pissing in it. The kid just stared at him and kind of grunted like he thought it was gross.

Choke mean-mugged him and asked what the fuck his problem was.

"Man, don't you have a fucking toilet?" the punk mumbled.

"Fuck you, you cocksuckin' little princess cunt. I piss anywhere and anytime I feel like it. I don't need a fuckin' toilet in a fuckin' bathroom like some lame-ass bitch." Choke was in good form.

The kid had been pulling his socks on and was looking around for his briefs. We told him they got ruined the other night and that he was just gonna have to go without underwear unless he wanted to steal some of Choke's little brother's Under-Roos, snickering the whole time we watched him. I had been pulling my dirty socks back on, too, and I told the kid that none of us would wear underwear today, just so we could be like him cuz he was our idol. Choke and me guffawed and the kid didn't say anything. I pulled my sweaty white t-shirt back on and hauled up my suspenders. Then the little prick asked where his t-shirt was.

"That got fucked-up, too," I told him, and Choke told me to give him one of his wifebeaters to wear. I grabbed one out of Choke's dresser and threw it at the kid. He pulled it on and I have to admit it looked pretty hot on him even though it was too big. Choke was pulling on his jeans by now and was lacing up his heavy steeltoes. I told him to hurry up cuz we were all starving. He slapped his ass and told us to eat his asshole out if we were that fucking hungry. I laughed along with Choke but the punk just stood there frowning, looking around Choke's room.

The windows were spray-painted black and there were posters for skinhead gigs all over the walls. All of the posters were advertisements for shows on the East Coast. A huge American flag hung behind the bed and on two other walls he had hung up a Union Jack flag and a German battle flag. His room felt claustrophobic and dingy, almost like being in a bunker. Litter covered most of the available floor and desk space. I missed the heap of dirty laundry that Choke would let pile up for 2 or 3 weeks cuz it gave the room an incredible locker room scent. He had stuffed it all into the washer the day before cuz we had soaked it with our piss on Friday night after fucking over the kid. Now it was just about the only clear spot on the floor.

Nick said he needed to take a piss and Choke laughed and handed him an empty beer bottle. The kid said no thanks cuz he knew how to use the toilet. I showed him where it was and after he had closed the bathroom door I heard his piss stream start filling the toilet, loud and strong. I went back into the bedroom and got a good look at Choke. He didn't look so good, so I asked him if he felt OK. He just laughed and told me he felt pretty decent but pissed-off about being woken up and how annoying the dickwad was. We quickly discussed whether or not to dose the freak with Quaaludes again, but we decided not to. We thought it would be fun to goof with him while he was coherent. And besides, we were supposed to get him home at least half-way OK later on that day.

By the time the ugly little fuck was done pissing we were ready to go to the kitchen and scrounge around for grub.

Choke's dad had left early and there was a note for Choke on the kitchen table. Choke read it, grunted and scratched his nuts, and then started rummaging in the refrigerator. We ended up making fried eggs, bacon and sausage, fried potatoes, some frozen pizza, some frozen waffles, a six-pack of chocolate pudding and anything else we could find. I made a pot of coffee while Choke put Nick to work getting plates and utensils.

By the time we were finished eating we were all feeling a lot more conscious and alert. Nick said he needed to take a shower and we laughed at him for a while. Choke told him to wait until later and suggested that we all go out into the backyard and lounge around in the sun for a while. It seemed like a good idea to me, so Choke opened the door to the yard and out we went. The sunlight hurt our eyes and we were all squinting like blind mice until we got accustomed to it. Choke went back inside for a few minutes and while he was gone me and the kid rolled the 2 patio lounges into the sun. I sprawled on one of them and Nick climbed onto the other. I wanted to laugh every time he sat down on anything cuz he winced like his ass hurt. I knew it must be aching like a motherfucker from the relentless plowing me and Choke had given it over the last 2 days.

I asked him if he was gonna get busted for not calling home. His mangled face got a look of surprise and dismay on it when I mentioned it to him. Just about that time Choke reappeared with a half-full bottle of vodka in his hand. He was grinning and wagged the bottle at me a few times like it was a trophy. I told him little Nicky was afraid he was gonna get busted for not calling him mama and telling her where he had been the last 2 days. Choke chuckled and grunted out, "I don't give a fuck."

Nick told Choke that he really did need to call home and asked him where the phone was. Choke told him to use the one in the kitchen and started to lead him back inside the house. As they started heading in I asked the kid what he was gonna tell his parents. He got confused and just stammered some lame excuse so I cut him off.

"Here's what you say, and say it exactly like I'm telling you. Tell them you went with some buddies to a party on Friday night, you got wasted and we got jumped by some fucking portagees and they beat us up. Then you say that we managed to rescue your sorry ass and let you crash here until you felt better. Tell whoever answers that you'll be home later on today. You got that?"

The kid said yeah, and then he said thanks. Me and Choke exchanged a smiling glance with each other and just nodded at him. They left me for about 10 minutes. The sun was nice and warm on my skin so I lowered my suspenders and peeled off my t-shirt. I wondered what the kid would think when he saw the scratches on my back. I started laughing to myself, thinking about how funny it would be to just tell him the truth. The little prick would freak, but the idea was still funny as hell to me.

When they came back, Nick was walking a step ahead of Choke and Choke signaled me that everything was OK. Choke had a hold of the kid's neck and was steering him over to the lounges. The way he was grasping Nick looked like he was just kidding around, but I knew Choke wanted to play from the expression on his face. As soon as I saw it I started to go hard, so I rolled over onto my back and casually started groping my dick through my jeans. Nick didn't say anything but I could tell he was watching me closely so I kept it up. Choke was giggling.

Nick flopped himself down on the other lounge and a moment later Choke flopped himself down on his back on top of Nick. The kid gave a shout and tried to push Choke off him and roll out from under him. But Choke was insistent on keeping Nick under him for as long as he could before he let the kid free himself. Nick stood up and tried to laugh it off but Choke just glared at him with a fake scowl and told him to ask before taking the only available space if the two of them were ever confronted with a similar situation. I was busting up quietly because I knew this routine well. Choke had done the same set up with numerous guys and they always deferred to him afterwards. I bent my legs up and told the little prick to sit on the end of my lounge. At first he didn't move but when I said it again, louder and meaner, he sat.

We laid there soaking up the sun, me and Choke chuckling quietly every once in a while. Nick wasn't saying a word. After a minute or so he said, "So, what all happened the other night? I know I took a pounding but I don't remember much."

I took the lead and started explaining what I wanted him to believe.

"Well, we went up into the hills to party and you got wasted fast and wanted to brawl. Oh, and you took a Quaalude, remember that? We told you to take it easy but you just kept drinking and getting more shit-faced and mean and you wouldn't back off. So we had to defend ourselves and force you to calm down. Right after that a truckload of portagees drove by and everything would have been fine, except - "

Choke broke in, saying, "Except you started fuckin' screamin' at 'em and flippin' 'em off and they heard you, asshole. They backed up the truck fast, piled out and started in on you, bro."

"Yeah, there must have been like 6 or 7 of them against the three of us. No way were we gonna get out of there without a fight. They held me and Choke back while they pounded on you and then one of them went back to the truck and got out a baseball bat. As soon as we saw that we knew what they were gonna do," I continued.

"Yeah, we knew right away they were gonna fuck you over. They got your pants down, sliced off your underpants, and shoved the handle part up your ass. We finally broke loose and started brawlin' with the two bastards who were holdin' us back. When the other portagees saw that they forgot about you and jumped in to help their buddies out."

Nick just looked back and forth at us as we told him our little story. "Shit. That's sick," was all he said.

I had to fight back a huge shit-eating grin and I couldn't even look at Choke because I knew we'd both lose it if we saw the other one even smile. "Yeah, we all took a lickin'," I said, delighted by the nasty implications of the double entendre.

"But we gave as good as we got. Sorry about your ass, bro, but what could we do, huh? Besides, you were actually lucky to get outta that one without some broken bones or worse," Choke added.

It went silent for a bit. Choke and me just acted all nonchalant and enjoyed the sun. The kid started rubbing his underarms like he was checking them out. "Why are my pits all crusty?"

Me and Choke busted up again.

Without any delay, Choke said casually, "Oh, we jacked off and shot on 'em, bro, after we got you back here. Me and Dan partied some after you passed out and we were just prankin' you, man." He definitely remembered more than I did at that moment.

"Yeah, we even took a Polaroid of it, Nicky," I guessed.

We laughed good-naturedly like a bunch of regular nasty teenage boys who got drunk and played a trick on their buddy. All just innocent fun.

"You assholes," Nick said, grossed out at the idea but laughing at the trick anyway.

I booted his ass off my lounge, thankful for the excuse, laughing and mimicking him. I kicked him harder than I needed to and it felt great.

Choke was up and on him in a flash. He gave a mighty war whoop and jumped on the kid's back, laughing like a banshee. Choke was so much bigger than this little freshman twat that there was no possibility of a fair fight. That's what made it even more comical. Nick was laughing and acting like this was all in fun, but I could tell from the expression on Choke's smiling, laughing, angry face that he really wanted to kick the shit out of the prick. I watched the kid wrestle around on the lawn with Choke but it didn't last very long. They were both still pretty wiped out from all the fucking around and the drugs and booze we had consumed over the last 2 days. Still, my cock was throbbing hard every time Choke pinned the kid cuz I could tell that Choke was using lots of force and that it was hurting the kid some. To his credit, Nick didn't complain or whine about it, but I guessed that he was sort of afraid of us and didn't want to do anything that was gonna get him pounded.

Choke rolled himself off the kid and they both laid there on the lawn, panting and sweating like hard-ridden ponies. When Choke sat up he pulled his wifebeater off and tossed it at me. He crooked his arm up and stuck his nose into his pit and gave a big theatrical sniff.

"Hell yeah, the smell of the male animal!" he said.

Nick had sat up by now and he barked out that irritating laugh of his. "You guys both smell like b.o.," he brayed. "How come you don't wear deodorant? That's gross!"

I couldn't decide what to do - explain it or beat the shit out of him. I decided to talk. "Man, deodorant is for fuckin' pussies. Every guy has his own scent and we're not afraid to smell like men. If you or anybody else don't like it you can go fuck yourself," I added. Choke just nodded and giggled.

The punk shrugged and sneered in response. "Gross."

"Bro, you don't even know what you're talkin' about so don't even start, man," Choke spat at him. "Maybe some day when you're a real man you'll figure it out."

I got up and joined them on the lawn. "You still have to jack off for us, Nicky," I told him as I plopped my ass down next to him.

Nick looked surprised and confused. "What?"

"Damn, bro, how many times do we gotta tell you? Are you fucking deaf or stupid or both?" I punched him in the shoulder hard when I said it.

Choke was up on his knees before I got it out. "OK, this is the last time we're gonna tell ya this, so fuckin' pay attention, dickwad. If ya wanna be a skin in our crew you gotta jack off with us, that's part of the initiation rules. Whoever sponsors you, you gotta beat off with 'em. It's a skinhead bonding thing."

The kid just shook his head like we were telling him he had to drink poison or rob a bank or something. "That's queer," he said, wrecked eyebrows furrowing. "Why would I wanna jack off with you guys? What's that supposed to prove?"

"It proves you're not a fuckin' retard coward and that you aren't ashamed of your dick or showing it to your brothers, that's what it proves. But if you got a problem with that, then fine, you just won't ever get into the crew. What a fuckin' loser," I said to Choke, shaking my head like I was disappointed in the prick.

Choke just chuckled and sighed. "Yeah, well, it figures."

Nick jumped in, blushing and getting a little loud. "Fuck you guys, I'm not afraid to show off my dick or jerk off with you. It still sounds queer to me but if that's what I gotta do, then I'll do it. I'm not afraid." His stupid sense of pride was kicking in again and he got up and thumped his chest as he spoke. Christ, what a moron.

Choke and me just looked at each other, like we weren't sure we even wanted to do it any more.

"C'mon, bros, let's do it. I'll prove it to you," the little shit said. His bravado was back in full force, and he kept looking back and forth at us, hoping for a sign of acceptance. I think that's what griped me the most about the retard. He was so fucking desperate to belong that he'd do anything we told him, no matter how ridiculous it was.

"Nah, maybe later," I said and laid back down on the lawn.

"C'mon, man," he persisted, this time kicking my shin lightly with his boot, laughing and trying to sound tough. "I can kick your ass any day," he finished, thinking that we were gonna be all brotherly and accepting. That was all I needed. I jumped to my feet and got into fighting stance. The kid backed up a few steps, his swollen eyes bulging. His pink tongue darted out and wet his still half-smiling lips.

"C'mon then, let's see what you got," I said, smiling hugely at him.

He lunged forward and tried to grapple me to the ground by hugging and shoving against my waist. He knocked me off balance for a second but I got it back quick. I was shoving back and laughing at him, calling him a faggot and a bitch and other shit like that. He let go, reared back, and tried taking me down again. This time, as soon as he grabbed me I jerked my knee up fast and slammed it into his groin. He screamed and crumpled up like a piece of greasy paper on the lawn, curled up in pain from the punch his nuts had taken.

Choke was roaring with laughter as I kicked the punk a few times in the stomach and chest. Choke gave me a look like he wanted me to back off the prick and not go berserk on him. I nodded and sat casually down next to Choke. It was awesome just sitting there, watching the prick writhe around on the lawn, feeling the warm sun beat down on my naked skin. I guess I must have got him good cuz he was gagging and gasping from the pain in his balls. I felt good, real good.

"Fuck, if that's all it takes to take you out, bro, then you're pretty much worthless to the crew. Maybe you should join choir instead." I loved it when Choke started taunting these fucking freshmen geeks.

In a few minutes Nick was back on his feet again, grimacing from the pain but pissed off at me now. He gave me a mean look and said I didn't fight fair and that busted me up.

"Fair?! Fuck 'fair', man, I fight to win. We all do." I hocked up a loogie and spat it at him.

He rushed me and jumped on top of me, fists flying and boots kicking out at anything he could reach. He was awkward and obviously not used to street fighting but his energy and rage were good. Choke started smacking the back of the punk's skull with his opened hands, what we called dog-paddling back then.

I landed 2 or 3 well-placed punches and that was it. Choke kept up smacking him even after the kid had stopped fighting back. The prick rolled over onto his back and Choke kept cracking him in the face.

"Tough guy, huh? Wanna play rough? C'mon, bitch, put me in my place!" Choke was barking at the kid like a Marine sergeant to a new recruit.

Nick sprung away and got back on his feet. He kicked out at Choke and this time landed a good one right in the side of Choke's face. Choke went sprawling and I saw blood fly through the air from somewhere on his face as he reeled back. Now my blood was boiling.

I lunged at the kid and sent him flying backwards onto the lawn. I was pounding on him, being careful not to cut his face up anymore than I could help. I knew we had to drop the punk off later and I didn't think it would be smart to fuck him up too bad. We rolled around some on the lawn and I managed to get the bitch on his stomach with me sitting on top of his ass. I pushed his face into the grass and ground it in good and hard.

"Fucking little cocksucker!" It felt awesome to go off on him.

Choke got up and I saw blood trickling out of his mouth and down his throat. He walked over to where we were and I rolled the prick over onto his back. The punk's eyes were full of terror and rage and I felt my cock bloat. Choke smiled and showed red-stained teeth, then hocked and spit out a mouthful of red onto the kid.

"Aw, you shouldn'na done that, li'l Nicky," Choke cackled at him. "Cuz now you got my fuckin' blood all over your asswipe mug and I'm gonna have to hose you down." Choke had unbuttoned his jeans and hauled out his enormous cock. He took aim and let go with a monster stream of hot, yellow piss all over the little puke's face. I leaned out of the way and held him down cuz he was trying hard to throw me off him. I was laughing and making fun of him while Choke kept his madman cackle going.

Nick was soaked and I thought I could see light wisps of steam float up from the hot piss that was coursing over his face. It was stinging his eyes and the bitch was shrieking like a girl. The greatest thing was that the more he yelled, the more piss was going straight into his mouth. I was laughing so hard I almost fell over. Choke finished up and then bent down and slapped his cock all over the stupid prick's head and face.

"There. You like that, Nicky? All clean now, bro, all fuckin' clean!" Choke put his boot down hard on the cunt's wet face, making him turn his head so his face was in profile.

It looked too fucking hot to not join in the fun so I stood up and unbuttoned my jeans. I knew the prick wasn't going anywhere cuz Choke would have kicked him unconscious and somehow the prick knew it. Luckily I wasn't hard all the way at that moment so I could piss without any difficulty. I stood back as far as I could from the prick and let go. I had already drunk a lot of coffee so I had lots of fresh piss to unload. I started pissing on the crotch of his jeans and then traveled up his stomach and chest until I got to his head. Choke eased up and kept removing his boot just long enough for me to aim some good hits directly in the puke's eyes, then putting his boot back down on the prick's face whenever he tried to get out from under it. He was yelping again and it was funny as hell to watch him wince and almost puke when my piss hit his eyes or went in his mouth. I thought about pulling my pants down and taking a shit on his stomach but that was a special humiliation I was reserving for a special situation and target. Instead, I just pissed all over my hands and then leaned over and tried sticking my fingers in the freak's mouth. He tried biting my fingers the first time so I punched him in the head until he quit biting. I probably would have punched his skull in if Choke hadn't warned me off. We always acted as each other's check when we played, just as a little safety caution.

When I was through, Choke jumped back and we watched to see what little Nicky was gonna do next. It took him awhile but he finally got to his feet. It was fun to watch cuz the head-pounding had made him dizzy as fuck and it looked like he was trying to stand still on a merry-go-round. Hilarious. The non-fucked-up side of his face was now officially fucked-up. It was all muddy and grass-stained and shit from the piss showers but I could also see some nice blood mixed in with the grime. Just some superficial abrasions but still it looked good. He was spitting over and over and a few times he bent double and wretched but nothing came out except spit after he finished gagging.

"C'mon, you fuckin' pussy! That's how you fight, bro, if you think you're ever gonna get in the crew," Choke barked at him.

Nick stumbled over to a lounge and fell onto it, then covered his eyes with his arm. I knew he was about to pass out so I grabbed the vodka bottle and splashed his face with it and then told him take a good chug.

"Drink up, dick." I couldn't stop snickering.

He snatched the bottle away from me and took a long draw on it, so long that I snatched it back from him and called him a greedy little prick. I took a good chug and handed it to Choke who also took a couple of good swallows. Vodka wasn't our favorite, but it was available and so we drank it. Me and Choke liked whiskey best cuz you could feel it working on the way down. Vodka wasn't as intense to us and it was all about intensity.

"Fuck you both," Nick sputtered after he swallowed. "You guys play too fucking rough and dirty."

Choke and me just howled and told him if he couldn't take it to go hang out with the jocks. We made fun of the jocks at our school constantly and telling him this was like calling him a fag. The kid almost had tears in his eyes from frustration and anger. I guess most people would have felt sorry for him; after all, he wasn't even quite 15 years old yet. But not me. Or Choke. These signs of weakness just made us want to fuck him up even more. We could be relentlessly cruel when we were having fun. And actually, the kid was getting off easy.

When he felt like he wasn't gonna black out anymore, I guess, the kid sat up and peeled off the piss-soaked wifebeater, wadded it up in a rage and hurled it at Choke. We yelped and jumped out of the way of the nasty thing, braying and laughing like any normal, testosterone-fueled high-schoolers.

I said before that me and Choke worked well as a team, which is true. It was like we were on the same frequency, often coming to the same rapid conclusions about what was OK and what wasn't. I knew at that moment that we had both decided to give it a rest. For now. We didn't want the little prick getting too pissed off and trying to leave, not before we were through with him for the day.

Me and Choke were hard as rocks which was obvious from the logs we were clearly showing through our jeans. Neither of us was wearing underpants so even the ridges of our dickheads showed plainly against the worn denim. I was hankering to get a look at the punk's hairy crotch again, especially out there in the sunlight. All that pretty pale, bruised skin dusted with wiry black hair...awesome!

Buzzed a little from the vodka, I opened my pants and pushed them down around my ankles. My cock sprang up and slapped my belly which made me and Choke bust up. A thin silver thread of precum ran from my stomach to my piss slit. Nick was watching me with a look on shock on his homely adolescent mug. I sat down next to him on the lounge and he scooted over fast, obviously uncomfortable with being so close to a naked guy with a leaking boner. I got my boots unlaced, pulled them off, yanked my jeans off, and then put my boots back on, leaving them unlaced. I turned around to look directly at the kid and said, "Now, this is how a skin kicks back and soaks up the sun, zitface."

Choke was giggling like a fiend cuz Nicky was acting mighty uncomfortable. Choke whipped off his wifebeater and wiped his face with it. There was a fair amount of blood on it now. Then he just slowly opened his jeans and got naked like me, putting his boots back on when he was finished. Nick's expression went from agitation to awe when he saw the size of Choke's dick. It really did look enormous, thick and veiny, balls hanging like a horse's, golden brown hair all over the place. It was almost like Nick suddenly had a new respect for us when he saw the size of our cocks. I also think he knew he wasn't getting out of there in one piece unless he did what we told him.

"See? This is what a skinhead's cock looks like, ya little freak," Choke said softly to the punk. The way he said it was kinda dreamy and it made it sound sexy as hell. He was staring at his own dick like even he was impressed with it. I knew that Choke loved his prick more than anything in the world, just like I felt about mine.

"OK, showtime!" Choke announced loudly. I was already stroking my dick and fondling my nuts, ready to get off. It was now around 10:30 a.m. and I was past due for my morning jerk-off. Choke cracked his knuckles on both hands. He placed his hands on his hips and hocked up a big loogie and spit it on his dick. Then he laced his fingers together and made a tube out of his hands. When he started the slow, luxurious process of fucking slowly into his hand-tube, Nick's eyes were riveted on the sight of us both jacking off in absolute comfort and ease under the morning sun, naked to the world and anybody nearby who might have been watching.

The cool thing about Choke's house was that it was heading up into the hills so there weren't houses crowding it on all sides like in my neighborhood. We knew that no one could see us, and it emboldened us to do whatever the fuck we felt like.

"Moment of truth, dickwad," I said to Nick. "If you wanna get in, you gotta get off."

The kid gulped a few times, grabbed the vodka and took a good swig for courage I guess and then stood up. We were both watching him, eager to see him get naked like us and play with his dick.

"You guys are bigger than me," he said. It was funny to hear him say it cuz he was obviously embarrassed knowing that his cock was going to look like a Vienna sausage compared to our big linguisas. He began fumbling with the buttons on his fly, reluctant to touch the piss-soaked fabric anymore than he had to. When he had them opened he quickly pushed the wet, dark denim down his pale, creamy thighs until they were bunched up around his knees. His dick was soft and looked like a tiny, shriveled hotdog that had been in the 'fridge too long. Choke barked at him to just take his fucking pants off, laughing like a typical hooligan.

Nick sat down on the patio and unlaced his boots, pulled them off, and peeled the soaked jeans off his legs. When he started to put his boots back on I stopped him by telling him he had to be stark naked until he blew his load. Only then would he be able to put his boots back on, a fully-initiated skinhead. I was almost beginning to believe the line of bullshit we had been feeding him since Friday. Without complaining he pulled off his socks and then stood up again, naked and vulnerable, looking slightly ashamed and totally embarrassed. Hot.

"OK, bro, get pumpin'!" Choke gave him one of his friendly, sexy smiles. It always worked on getting him whatever he wanted. The kid started twiddling his soft cock but it wasn't responding.

"I'm not horny now," he said quietly.

"Too fucking bad," I shot back, "This is it, bro."

Nick sighed and closed his eyes for a few minutes, trying to will his dick to inflate. I wondered what images were flooding his mind, what fantasies got him hard. Probably something lame and conventional. Whatever it was, it started working fast cuz he was hard by the time he opened his eyes again. When he looked at us we were grinning at him and when he saw that it was like he relaxed and was ready to go for it. He smiled back at us and we nodded at him, encouraging him on. He looked pretty damn hot and I wanted to tackle and fuck him more than anything in the world at that moment. Choke must have sensed what I was feeling cuz he turned his head and winked at me.

The punk had a nice uncut dick for a kid who wasn't even 15 yet. It looked to be about 6, maybe 6 and a half inches long and pretty slender. His balls weren't huge or anything, but they looked great hanging under his stiff cock, surrounded by all those wiry black pubes. The hair between his legs spread out and thinned as it crept down his muscular thighs. Even his calves were hairy and there was some black hair on the tops of his feet. The prick was a hairy little fucker. I liked that. As he started jerking off for reals the foreskin on his uncut dick kept sliding over his cockhead, then retracting and exposing the red knob. Every time it appeared I could feel my nuts lurch and my cock give a hearty throb.

Choke was the first one to speak. "Yeah, bro, that's it, keep it up!" Choke and me were getting into our own rhythm now and it took all my willpower not to drop down onto my knees and shove my face into his swampy-smelling crotch.

Nick just sort of stared at Choke and me with a vacant look on his mug, then smiled and worked his cock even harder. I was wondering what else we could talk him into doing, but I knew that this was all we'd get out of him that day. If we tried taking things too far he'd freak out and bolt.

"Fuck yeah, I bet you'd like to plunge that hard dick into a nice wet pussy right about now, huh?" I asked him, waiting to see if he was into talking dirty while he beat off.

"Hell yeah, I'd fuck a million pussies if I could," he rasped back at me.

"Make those bitches sniff your nuts and suck on 'em."

"Hah! Yeah, that'd be cool!" He was giggling like a little kid. This was good, real good. I was getting into this bigtime.

He moved closer to us and we stood there in a triangle formation. We were all checking each other's techniques out and it felt good and masculine. The smell of sweat and stale sex coming off all 3 of us was strong and pungent.

Choke reached out a big paw and tweaked the kid's nipple while Nick had his eyes closed for a second. When he felt Choke's fingers his eyes flew open and he winced a bit.

"My nipples feel sore," he said.

I busted up and Choke threw his handsome head back and cackled. "No wonder, bro, I was pinchin' your tits all fuckin' night!"

I could tell the kid thought Choke was kidding. If only he knew what we had put him through over the last 2 days.

I sat down on the patio and the pavement felt hot on my naked ass. The heat seared up my spine and my cock hardened even more. I had a fucking stream of precum oozing out of my cock and the kid noticed it.

"Damn, you got a lot of precum! It almost looks like you're pissing again!" He laughed some and for a moment I thought the prick might almost be an OK dude. But I quickly remembered what an asshole he usually was and the feeling vanished. All of a sudden I wanted to beat on him some more, but I knew I couldn't. But the urge was definitely there.

The patio was too fucking hot on my ass so I got up and went over to the lawn and they followed me. We sat down on the cool grass, still in triangle formation, and went back to stroking. Nobody was talking much. After a few minutes Choke got up onto his knees and leaned back on his haunches. You could tell he was primed for a good nut-busting cuz his body looked pumped up and his face and upper chest were flushed like it always was when we fucked around.

Normally we would have been all over each other but we didn't want the punk to know about that part. To me it felt weird to just jack off and not play around with each other, in fact it was kinda boring. But having a new kid doing it with us was exciting, especially knowing how fun it had been beating him up and humiliating him without his really being conscious of it. For me, that was the chief thrill. I knew it was for Choke, too.

The kid stretched out and leaned back on one elbow while he jerked with the other hand. It didn't look very comfortable and he soon just laid down all the way. The lawn felt awesome, cool and prickly and sexy. Me and Choke had our eyes glued on the kid, watching his every move. He was enjoying himself more and more and was moving his legs and arms around some on the grass. Choke was grinning at me and motioned with his head to bend forward and look at the kid's ass.

Now that the punk was conscious and hard and actively participating in jacking off, his body looked even hotter than it had the previous day when he had been too doped up to respond to pretty much anything. He looked like he had gotten the shit beat out of him, cuts and bruises on his face and head. His side was bruised too from the good swift kicks I had landed on it. All of a sudden I had a nasty good idea.

I asked him if he ever fucked his pillow when he jerked off and he said yeah. I let a few minutes go by before I got up and walked over to the lounges and grabbed Choke's wifebeater and spread it out on the lounge. Choke was watching me with a broad grin splitting his face in two. He figured out fast what I was up to.

"Hey, Nicky," I called over to them, "Show me how you fuck your pillow, bro."

He sat up looking confused. "Whadda you mean?" he asked.

"Fuck the lounge, bro, it'll feel awesome cuz it's all warm and shit from the sun."

He glanced at Choke who had turned the same lascivious smile on him. He looked back at me and got up. Choke got up too and was right behind him, staring at the freak's hot, hairy ass as they walked across the yard back onto the patio.

When Nick saw that I had spread out Choke's bloody wifebeater on the lounge so he'd have something between his naked skin and the uncomfortable vinyl of the lounge he balked.

"It's got his blood all over it. I don't want his blood on me, that's gross."

I laughed in his face and told him not to be such a fucking pansy. He was still reluctant and wasn't about to do it, but Choke came up right behind him and put his hands on Nick's shoulders and gently but firmly forced him down onto the lounge. The kid didn't protest much, probably because he knew it was useless. I also got the distinct impression that he was slightly afraid of us and wasn't willing to do anything to provoke more violence.

Once he was on his stomach on the lounge he started fucking the cushion like he meant it. I guess the warmth felt great and his squeamishness about Choke's blood faded as his teenage horniness took over. He had to straddle the lounge with his legs spread pretty wide in order to get the best leverage, so we got an eyeful of his asshole. We were both standing behind him, looking at his fuzzy ass buck back and forth. Every time he backstroked his shithole was exposed and it looked hot. All red and raw with black hair surrounding the abused hole. Fucking nasty and sexy. Me and Choke picked up our jerking speed.

"Awesome, bro," Choke purred, "Feels fuckin' hot, huh?"

"Yeah, feels good..."

"All hot and soft like a fucking hot chick," I said.

The kid started grinding his hips in a slow, circular motion, fucking into the cushion like he was inside a tight pussy. Choke stepped forward and straddled the kid, then squatted down and slapped his monster cock against the punk's ass cheeks.

Nick almost flipped himself over when he felt Choke's dick on him. The idea of a guy touching him while he jerked off was strange and new to him, but Choke calmed him down by laughing like he was just goofing around with him, like it was all just a dirty little joke. The kid giggled nervously and relaxed back into fucking the lounge, but he told Choke to get off him.

Choke did back up and get off him without any consequences to the kid, but not before he slapped his ass hard with his open hand. The kid yelped and then laughed again, but he was clearly nervous and was trying to see what we were doing behind him.

"Relax, punk," I told him, "we're not gonna rape you!" I said it like he was totally over-reacting to Choke's little joke.

I moved to the back of the lounge so that I was now watching his face as he pumped away. He looked up at me and I stared at him. His battered eye was still swollen and partly closed and the bruises and fresh, wet scabs on his forehead and face and mouth looked amazing. He actually smiled at me a bit and I smiled back before hocking up a mouthful of spit and blasting it out onto his forehead.

"Fuck you!" he barked at me, but he was so into the sensations he was feeling in his dick that he didn't bother to stop fucking.

Me and Choke guffawed and watched my spit run down over his face. The kid stopped fucking the lounge and rolled over onto his back.

"I'm getting too hot," he said quietly as he wiped away my spit, like he was afraid to stop without explaining why to us.

"Then do what you want. Geez..." I loved fucking with freshmen's heads. I pretended like he could do whatever he wanted without running the risk of us making us angry. He sat up slowly, expecting something painful to happen, then stood up and said he wanted to go back onto the lawn.

"Go on, then," Choke snickered at him. He walked off the patio and back onto the grass with me and Choke right behind him, all 3 of us still ramrod hard and stroking as we walked.

Just as we got onto the lawn we heard the side gate unlatch and before we had a chance to stop playing Choke's little brother Peter and 3 of his little buddies rounded the corner and stopped in their tracks when they saw us in action.

Without missing a beat, Choke yelled at them.

"What are you fuckin' maggots starin' at? Get your ugly asses inside the fuckin' house and leave us the fuck alone or we'll rip your heads off and fuck your corpses!" Then he laughed like a monster and me and Nick joined in, mostly out of panic and surprise.

Peter's face had turned scarlet and he looked furious from embarrassment. His buddies closed their gaping mouths and looked down at the ground and then at each other. Peter was breathing hard and then walked fast past us on the way to the door followed by his 3 friends.

Choke led us in laughing at them as they walked by, and two of the kids turned back to stare at us. The sight of 3 naked older guys jacking off was something none of them had ever seen before, no doubt, and as shocking as the sight must have been to them, they were still curious. You could see it on their 11 year-old faces. What boy isn't interested in seeing older boys' dicks, if for no other reason than to see what they're gonna look like in a few years?

Over our mocking laughter, Peter raised his voice and almost screamed at Choke. "You fucking asshole! You're all assholes!" He was almost in tears.

Choke just laughed even harder and yelled back. "You say one word about this and I'll beat the holy shit outta all of you!"

Peter slammed the door hard and the yard went silent again. Choke just giggled and continued jerking. In fact he had never stopped stroking his giant dick the whole brief time the kids had been in the yard. What balls that guy had!

Nick's cock had gone soft as soon as the kids spotted us. The embarrassment he had felt when we first started beating off came back even stronger than before. I strolled over to the vodka and then brought it back with me. Choke was sliding his fist over the head of his cock, coaxing out a fat bead of precum. I poured a little bit of vodka on the punk's crotch and he squealed from the coldness.

"Just loosen up, man!" I snarled at him.

I took a good swig and passed the bottle to Choke. When he was done he offered it to Nick. The kid shook his head but Choke shoved it at him again and this time he took it.

"Polish it off," I told him, and he did. There wasn't all that much left anyway. When he was done with it he looked around for a good spot to place it and I grabbed it out of his hand and bent over to place it behind me where we wouldn't accidentally stumble over it. Choke slapped my ass while I was bent over and I pushed him hard when I straightened up. He laughed and shoved me so hard that I lost my balance for a second. When I regained it I slammed into him and knocked him over. We were wrestling and yelling and cavorting all over the lawn until Choke got me into a headlock. He started hauling me forward and I could see Nick's hairy legs right in front of me for a split second before we slammed hard into him. He fell forward on top of us and down we all went, rocking and rolling all over each other. All I could feel was the moist heat of our bodies pressed together and hard dicks slipping and sliding against various sex-drenched body parts. The smell was incredible.

Nick was telling us to stop but Choke and me kept laughing and wrestling harder. Finally Choke got me down on my stomach and started sliding his hard cock against my buttcrack. Nick got spooked and jumped away from us. I laughed loud just to let the ugly little shit know that we were just goofing. He managed to chuckle a few times but I could tell this was all brand new to him and that he was trying to put on a brave face for us. Choke got off me pretty quick and I got up on my feet again.

I was still laughing and goofing off like Choke and me were now more interested in wrestling around than in jerking off. We were still fully hard but we kept talking about how we could take the other down and how much fun it was to see who was stronger, etc. All this was just to get the punk more willing to engage in some horseplay that would involve close body contact.

I got into wrestling position again and lunged at Choke. He let me knock him over and we rolled around some more, still laughing like kids having a great time. We both knew we were laughing about what we were improvising on the spot. And we knew what we were aiming for.

Nick was watching us and began to get into the fun side of the situation. He started calling out stuff to us, egging us on and talking trash when one of us made a false move and got pinned or whatever. Finally, we took a break, winded and sweating like pigs. My cock was hard enough to use as a hammer and Choke's dick was so red it looked like a cherry popsicle. Nick's dick had deflated to half its hard size.

I turned my attention to him after a minute or two of rest and when I smiled at him he laughed and said, "Oh-oh!"

We lunged at each other at the same moment, and after letting him think he could possibly best me I turned on my strength and got him pinned just hard enough to keep him down. I wasn't using all my strength and I let him roll me over and pin me several times before turning the tables, over and over. The body contact was having the effect I was hoping for. Nick was hard and leaving slimy trails of precum all over me. I could feel the slippery coolness of his dicklube all over my stomach and legs and anywhere else his cock came into contact with my skin.

Choke joined the fun and soon all three of us were wrestling around again, whooping and laughing and sliding all over each other. Nick was starting to get red-faced and his breath was getting raspy. He had a wild, horny look on his battered face and I could tell all the slipping and rubbing together was getting him hot enough to bust his nut.

"Guys, you better watch it...I think I'm gonna cum soon...," he said, trying to warn us and control his physical responses at the same time. We knew he wouldn't be able to do it, especially if we kept up the wrestling and rubbing.

When I got Nick on top of me again I arched my hips up into his groin and started bucking and thrashing against him, pretending like I was trying to get out from under him. Just before Choke jumped on top of Nick's back and started rubbing against him Nick clasped my arching hips against his crotch. I knew he was gonna pop any second. The feel of Choke's hot sweaty flesh on top of him made Nick start grunting and gasping and Choke hauled him off me just in time to delay Nick's orgasm for a few seconds. Ripping him off my body acted like a pause button and Choke grabbed the punk's cock in his fist and pretended like he was restraining Nick by the grasp he had on his dick.

"Oh no you don't!" Choke was bellowing at the kid, laughing that donkey-bray laugh of his. Nick was grimacing and squeezing his eyes shut, panting and trying to talk, no doubt trying to warn Choke that he was gonna spew. Choke pulled the kid backwards so that they were basically flat on their backs on the lawn, Choke on the bottom, Nick on his back on top of Choke. I could see Choke's fist sliding casually up and down the stiff shaft of Nick's boner, then letting go and brushing against the sensitive head. I scrambled up, laughing and still pretending to wrestle as I half-covered the both of them, making sure my hand came into contact with the punk's swollen balls. My other hand was sliding all over his heaving, sweat-slicked chest, teasing his nipples and rubbing his abs as much as I could.

Nick started gasping and moaning, his laughter beginning to get frantic the closer we got him to shooting. When I knew he couldn't hold back any longer I stopped pretending to wrestle and got onto my knees, jacking him off without any more pretense. Nick was too close to care by now and just let me do whatever I wanted. It must have felt awesome to him cuz he had an amazing look of horror at what was about to happen coupled with a look of fucking bliss and rapture going all at the same time on his face.

Underneath him, Choke was writhing around and grunting like a wild boar, a truly animal sound that went really well with the wild animal smells curling up from his hairy, sweating body. I looked at his face for a second, tearing my gaze away from the kid's face. Choke had a crazed, hungry look in his eyes, cruel and sadistic, and that single expression got me closer to shooting my own load than anything yet that morning. When Choke started rhythmically thrusting against the punk's backside I knew that he had found a way to comfortably fuck the kid's back as we forced Nick to blast-off. Choke was physically lifting the kid up with his strong hands and arms, lifting him off his dick just enough to enable him to slide his huge cock easily against the little bitch's lower back. Nick was whining and groaning, part of him completely abandoned to whatever we wanted to do to him, so long as it felt great and got him off. The other part was instinctively repulsed by the idea of 2 guys manhandling his young, bruised body, using it as a sextoy to satisfy their lust and need to dominate.

Just as the kid was squeezing his face up getting ready to unleash whatever he was holding in his nuts, Choke started talking to him and calling him names.

"You fuckin' little cunt, blast that shit out and get yourself nasty. Shoot that fuckin' load all over your ugly face, you cocksuckin' bitch!"

Nick suddenly looked confused and horrified again, the words he was hearing at odds with how great we were making his body feel. Then he started to talk, too.

At first he talked really quiet, so quiet that it was almost as if he was talking to himself. But the faster and harder I jacked his dick, the louder he was getting.

"You goddamned bastards, fuck you both...just wait til I get up. I'm gonna ram my fucking fist down your throats and make you suck my dick and drink my piss and assholes, you fucking assholes...I'm gonna cum all over your faces and tell everybody I know that you're queers and that you ate my cum and liked it, you fucking faggots..." He was talking a fast stream of shit at us, and I could feel his cock swell up even harder in my fist. The more trash he talked the more into it he was getting. I started laughing and calling him a pussy, telling him how I was gonna fuck him up by beating the shit out of him. And I meant it. I hated this little fucker so bad and it was making me so excited that the cum almost spurted out of my dick.

Choke was growling and huffing out loud, animalistic bursts of air, like a bull ready to bust loose from it's stall, ready to explode in all its rage and fury into the world. With my free hand I grabbed the little prick's balls and squeezed them hard enough to make him yell out in pain. I let go and wrapped my fist around them, making them bulge out under my grasp, red and shiny and swollen to bursting. I guess it acted like a cockring, cuz the kid started to chant, "Oh god, oh god, oh god..." over and over under his breath, getting louder and wilder as he neared shooting.

With a few mighty thrusts, his body bucking and thrashing wildly like he was having a fit, the kid screamed out as a thick white ribbon of sperm shot up at least half a foot into the air and smashed back down onto his tummy. My fist was slick with his juices and another jet blasted out, this one even better than the first. The twisting rope shot out with such force that it went past the bitch's head entirely and slammed against Choke's face, plastering him with the kid's cum from his forehead to chin. It looked like somebody had slashed Choke's face with a knife and opened a gash the length of his face as the hot white liquid gushed out of it. Now that the punk was letting it rip at last, bullet after bullet of sperm was drenching his chest and stomach with gooey white goodness, so much of it that it was running down his sides and dropping onto Choke's hairy thighs. I was laughing and kneading the kid's balls, milking his cock in my fist, forcing him to empty his nuts all over himself.

As the kid slowed down and the cum began to dribble out of his piss slit, I let go of his cock and stood up, flicking my cum-covered fingers a few times and sending a little sperm shower back down onto Nick's heaving, sweat-drenched body. Even outside in the fresh air, the smell of Nick's sperm was strong and super bleachy. The little fucker got off good and I knew that part of the reason for such a great orgasm must have been the relentless fucking we had perpetrated on him over the last couple of days. His body was ready for some release and when it came, it came with a vengeance.

He was panting and gulping in huge mouthfuls of air. "Fuck you both," he was mumbling.

I grabbed his ear in my hand and yanked him hard enough to make him yell out. He got up pretty easily as I pulled on him and led him over to where he had placed his boots. Choke was already getting himself up and quickly joined us.

"What are you doing?" the punk kept asking me. I finally had enough and smacked him across the face.

"Shut your fucking hole and watch, dickwad. The final step before you become a crew member. You're gonna like this."

Dick in hand, I started jacking fast into the home stretch. Choke was going at it, too. The kid was still a little weak in the knees, drained and exhausted from the huge nut he had just produced.

Choke's fist was a blur as he slid it up and down his tree trunk shaft. "Skin bros have to get their boots baptized by their bros," he said. The punk's cum was shiny and wet looking on Choke's incredibly handsome mug. I noticed that Choke's tongue was snaking out every once in a while, instinctively trying to reach the white glob that was slowly trickling down onto his upper lip. Choke loved nastiness and this was super nasty.

Nick was saying that we better not ruin his boots cuz they were new and had cost a lot. That kind of whining just made me and Choke hornier and meaner, which also meant we were both gonna shoot big loads. The more pissed off we got, the more amped and ready for confrontation, the more jizz we always seemed to produce. Funny.

I got there first. I could feel the cum start to churn in my balls and I knew it was gonna fly really soon. I bent my knees some and aimed my cock at Nick's shiny black steeltoes. A little burst of precum slopped out of my dick and Nick sort of gasped and whined at the same time. I loved that sound because it reminded me of how much I wanted to make him choke on my sperm, how awesome and sexy it had been to cum all over his face and shoot into his opened mouth when he was nearly passed out the last 2 days. I was fast reaching the point of no return when I noticed that Choke was moving around. I couldn't figure out at first what he was doing but thought maybe he was ready to cum or something.

All of a sudden it became clear to me what was happening. Choke came up fast behind Nick, flung an arm around his throat and kneed him in the back of his legs so the prick had to go down on his knees. Once he had dropped, Choke forced him down onto his hands as well. I started laughing excitedly as Nick began to struggle and try to writhe free from Choke's hold on his neck. I stopped jacking and just watched, my cock aching to shoot and throbbing like a motherfucker.

Choke was half-nuts with lust by now and he was being really rough with the kid. He was using all of his strength to get the bitch into position so he could fuck him. I knew where this was gonna go and I got totally excited by the idea. Nick was squealing again like a fucking pig and I got down on my knees in front of him so I could spit my words right in his face.

"You fucking asshole, shut your fucking mouth or I'll kick your ugly face in. You wanna be a skin? You think you're such a fucking tough guy, huh? All you ever do is fucking shoot your mouth off and honestly you're so full of shit that I'm surprised you don't stink like it."

The kid's face was contorted with fear and surprise. It was awesome cuz we had just helped him shoot what was probably the hardest and most intense cum shot he had ever experienced. So we had tricked him into thinking that we had mellowed towards him and were just about to "make" him one of our crew bros. What a loser.

Choke punched him hard in the back of the head and that shut the little fucker up fast. His eyes crossed and he blacked out, banging his head against the cool grass.

When we saw that happen we both cracked up and I told Choke to fuck him now before the punk woke up and made more noise. Choke hocked a loogie into his hand, lubed up his cock, hocked another loogie and smeared the kid's shithole with it and forced his huge cock into the kid's sore ass.

Just as the head slid in, the runt revived and started screaming so I clamped my hand over his face and that muffled his yells long enough for Choke to get all the way in. The kid was convulsing like he was a fucking epileptic freak, thrashing and bucking and jerking from the intense pain Choke was sending through his abused body. I was so close to shooting my load that I had to look away for a few seconds and get my breath.

The bitch was trying to bite my hand but all he was doing was getting it slick with his spit. I kept hissing at him to knock it off or I'd kick the shit out of him but he wouldn't quit. I stood up fast, cock twitching and dripping with clear precum and watched as Choke slammed into him. It looked funny as hell but the little freak kept yelling so I kicked him in the face.

One of the most satisfying feelings to a skinhead is the soft, wet resistance you feel under your boot when you put it to somebody, the feel of flesh or bone giving way to the powerful thrust of a good swift kick. That's exactly what I felt at that moment as my boot smashed the little prick's nose and mouth and the blood started flowing freely. Nick howled as my boot made contact and there was blood all over his face. Choke started really fucking the kid hard when he saw me launch into him. All of these images were bringing me super fast to busting a fucking spectacular nut. I knew I was gonna shoot lots from all this fun, but I wanted to see Choke's face as he shot before I unleashed my load.

I loved watching Choke when he was fucking. His face would get all red and sweaty, the cords in his powerful neck defined and straining, his bright blue eyes burning under his furrowed brow. He looked so fucking hot and mean. I loved that look on him cuz it suited him so well. Choke was really fucking the kid hard and I knew he was about to unload.

"Fuck him, bro, fuck him like the fucking pig he is!" It seemed like I was screaming it but I don't think I really was. If I had I'm pretty sure Choke's little brother or a neighbor might have called the cops and we always tried to stay aware of what was happening around us to prevent that.

Choke was barely human by now, grunting and bellowing like an animal, making unintelligible sounds as he slammed his way home. The kid was basically out of it, blood still gushing out of his smashed nose and broken mouth. He spat a few times and I noticed that small pieces of his teeth were coming out mixed with the blood that kept filling his mouth. I ran my hand over his face, coating it with the slick, sticky warmth of his blood before I smeared it all over his back and ass. When Choke saw how red the punk's skin was getting, especially his ass, he started roaring and laughing and that got me started, too.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Choke hissed through his clenched teeth. "Hey, you fuckin' twat, I'm gonna shoot my nut right up your ass, you fuckin' stupid cocksucker! I'm rapin' your fuckin' ass, motherfucker, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it!"

Choke covered the kid's body with his own, pretty much laying down on top of him but still on his knees, clasping the kid's body tight against his groin. With a mighty growl he hurled himself one final time against the kid and flexed his ass muscles a bunch of times, grunting and huffing like a bull. I knew there must be geysers of hot sperm shooting up the punk's guts, cuz when he felt it the kid started to gag and puke.

We both "ewwwed" and laughed at him, calling him pukeface, loving every second of humiliating this little fucking wannbe skinhead. The only thing he'd ever be able to offer the crew would be a good time as a punching bag.

Choke climbed off the bitch's back and pulled out with a loud, sloppy, popping noise, then scurried around to where I was standing. He gave me a friendly shove and I hurried over to fuck the kid's ass fast before I nutted. I shoved my dick up his bleeding shithole and bucked hard into him for maybe 5 or 6 good thrusts before I felt my cock bloat up and my balls start to get that familiar churning sensation that meant I was about to cum. I reached down and pulled at the hairs on the kid's legs, yanking on them so hard that I pulled them out by their roots. When I looked at my bloody palm and fingers I saw black hair all mixed in with the blood and I couldn't hold back any longer. I rammed so hard into him that he lurched forward a good foot, maybe more. I could hear the kid moaning and gurgling like he was drowning and it struck me funny. I loved it when I laughed and spurted simultaneously, cuz it felt so fucking great. As I felt the first blast of jizz roar out of my cock inside little Nicky's asshole, Choke squatted down and battered Nick's bleeding face with his still hard dick, smacking it until the wet slaps were all I could hear above the punk's sobs and muffled screams.

I pulled out, stood up fast, and let my cock finish erupting like a volcano over Nick's heaving body. Big, thick spurts of my fresh, hot cum rained down all over the cunt's back and ass. I could smell his bowels and our cum all mingled together and it was fucking awesome.

Insane with the intensity of the moment, me and Choke both instinctively bent down and lapped up my fresh cum mixed with the kid's blood, like 2 lions ready to devour their kill. I remember we looked up at each other, mouths red and shiny, our eyes burning like madmen's. We looked so great that we simultaneously smiled at each other and then started giggling until we were actually rolling and gasping for air cuz we were laughing so fucking hard. This was something we'd definitely be talking about for months.

Our adrenaline was still pumping like speed through our bodies and we turned back to the kid, who was moaning and crying with his face still buried in the lawn. The only thing I felt was a slight worry about what we were gonna do with him and how we could play it off. Choke got his stash out of his jeans pocket and rolled us a fat joint which we smoked while we watched the kid try to pull himself together. When we were finished smoking out I told Choke we better get rid of the punk so we could figure out what we wanted to do for the rest of the day. Choke said wanted to eat lunch and I was getting hungry, too.

We hauled the kid up without saying much of anything to him. Nick was still whining and crying some and he was getting on our nerves. We decided to get him cleaned up and dressed and Choke went inside the house to get some old clothes we could dress him up in. I climbed back on the lounge and soaked up the sun while Choke was inside. I wasn't saying much of anything to the punk, trying to figure out what we should tell him before we dropped him off somewhere.

The little freak actually had the nerve - or the stupidity - to threaten us when Choke came back and we started getting him dressed. He was still bleeding quite a bit so Choke had brought him a wet rag to hold over his nose and mouth. Before he pressed it lightly to his face the kid slurred that he was gonna tell everyone what we did to him and that he was gonna call the cops. We ignored him completely, acting like we hadn't heard a word he said. This only made him more pissed off and hysterical and he kept it up. Finally, I had enough of him and punched him hard in the gut. He crumpled over and puked again, and this time we weren't so nice to him.

We got him out of the backyard and walked him to the truck parked in the driveway. After we piled him into the cab we drove around for a while on the way back to his shitty house. We told him that if he said one word about what had happened to him to anybody, anybody at all, we would torch his house when we were sure his whole family was home. We didn't really mean it, but our threats always worked because whomever we made them to always believed them. Like I said before, we could be pretty persuasive and intimidating when we needed to be. At first he acted like he didn't believe us and then he said he didn't care because the police would pick us up before we could do anything about it. Choke pulled the truck over and killed the engine. He was staring straight ahead, his face impassive and deadly looking because he seemed so calm and cold. I knew this attitude well, it was Choke's usual method of intimidating people we fucked over. He called it his Nazi face, ruthless, unemotional, and totally unnerving. I took the opposite tactic of being loud and threatening, and this time it worked quickly and easily.

After Choke had pulled the truck over to the side of the road I slapped the prick across the face and then grabbed him by the throat and squeezed until he was gasping. While I had my hand on him, Choke held the punk fast while I got my knife out with my free hand. I brought the blade up to his eye and poked the sharp point of it into the bruised, swollen flesh just under his right eye. I told him if he didn't promise to not say a word about what we had done to him I would gouge out his eye and slit his throat. He started crying again, confused about what he should do, furious at being powerless. I could feel my cock start to go hard against my thigh.

Choke pulled a packet of the Polaroids we had taken over the weekend out of the pocket of a Ben Sherman shirt he had out on before we left his house. Slowly and quietly, he showed the photos we had taken to Nick and told him if he said one word about us to anyone not only would we burn his house to the ground, but we would also make sure that the photos got spread around the school and that everyone would know he had gotten his ass whupped and fucked. We had made sure that his expression looked blissful and ecstatic in some of the photos, but the truth was that they were grimaces. We told him that those were the ones we'd spread around first cuz they clearly showed him apparently enjoying the humiliation we had put him through. I added that we would tell the portagees that he had threatened to call the cops on them too, and we all knew that portagees were dangerous and mean and wouldn't think twice about hurting him if he threatened them.

Still crying like a fucking girl, he finally promised that he wouldn't say anything to anyone about how he had gotten so fucked up. With just a little more convincing he finally got us to believe that he would keep his mouth shut. I told him that we were going to be watching him and that if he made a move to rat on us we'd know it and his house would go up in flames with everybody inside.

Choke started the truck up and away we went. When we got close to the punk's street Choke pulled over and let the engine idle while we gave the prick our final instructions. We told him it would be smart if he never came back to our school, cuz if he did we would work him over again and he'd be our bitch forever. There were 3 high schools in our town and we knew he could go to any of them. We also told him exactly what to tell his family and the doctors he would have to see to fix his nose and his teeth.

When we were through giving him our demands we booted his ass out of the cab and watched him stumble down the street to his house. It looked fucking hilarious, a fucked-up freshman jock, crying and bleeding and shaking like a little girl, walking down the street like he was drunk or sick.

Choke and me drove a little closer to Nick's house once he had walked a good distance towards it. Choke rolled another joint and we smoked it while we waited to see what was gonna happen. We talked about how awesome the weekend had been and the more we talked the hornier we were getting. Stoned and frisky again, we pulled our dicks out of our jeans and fondled our cocks some, relaxed and happy with how much fun we had had with the kid. Choke's dick still had some of the punk's blood on it, staining the underside of his shaft with sticky redness. We cracked up about that for about 10 minutes.

Finally we saw what we were waiting for. Nick and his parents hurried out of the house and they bundled him into their car before they sped away. We followed at a safe distance, keeping an eye on where they were headed. To our relief, they made straight for the hospital, parked their car and went into the emergency room. We were pretty sure the punk wouldn't squeal because we had been really convincing in our threats.

After they went in we drove away, happy and high as kites, laughing and singing along with the radio. Choke pulled up at a liquor store and while I distracted the guy behind the counter Choke shoplifted some cheap whiskey. We drank maybe a 1/4 of the bottle before we chowed down on some burgers and fries from the local McDonald's.

Things went along pretty much as usual after that. Nick never did return to our school, and we really did keep an eye on him for a month or two after that. He was as good as his word and apparently never ratted us out to anybody. If he had we would have been in big trouble but somehow we never took the threat seriously. We were so sure that we were invincible and inviolate that we pulled similar stunts a few more times before we realized how risky it was.

It's funny, cuz as sociopathic as we were back in the day, I don't think we would have ever done anything like what I've just described if we had been on our own. We had a strong influence on each other and maybe it was wrong. But it sure as hell was fun while it was happening. I felt nothing but contempt for Nick and the others who came before and after him, but years later I had a major revelation and changed my ways considerably. I realize now how cruel and heartless we were, but kids will be kids and I wonder what adventures the young skinheads I see infrequently these days get up to on hot, humid days when they're feeling especially horny and bored.

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