Skins Skinned

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Feb 18, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.


Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

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G. Cutter

I got from the taxi and checked my watch again, I was running late or I would be if I dawdled. I had an very important appointment and it would not do to be late. In fact, I was pretty sure if I was I could be fucked off out of it before I got a foot in the door. I was a young Londoner in Manchester and I was beginning to loose it. The rush to the station down in London, the express train up, the taxi driver who seemed to speak a foreign language and now a massive hotel with enough uniformed flunkeys to man a bloody battleship.

'Room 203?' I stood at the reception giving my watch another quick peep.

'Mr. Peter Renzo?'

'Yeah,' I answered with some relief.

'You have a card, Mr. Renzo?'

I passed my card over, this thing had been sent to me and I'd been warned to have it available when I arrived at the hotel. A bloody good job I hadn't mislaid or lost it. I knew that these people were stars but be fair, minor stars not top of the range. Anyway, I suppose I'd better lay the background for this little tale before everyone starts to get as lost as I was feeling right then.

You know my name which is Peter Renzo. My age? Sixteen. Looks? Well, my family was Italian but I was born in London and therefore was English or British by birth. Naturally enough I was oliive skinned with thick dark hair and a bit of a dish if I say so myself. A lot of the girlies chased me at school but I had a different bent to be blunt which will become apparent as my little masterpiece progresses. Occupation? Student at Collingdale Central Comprehensive in North London. I was part of the team that produced the school magazine on a monthly basis and bear in mind CCC was one of the largest comps in the country, well over a thousand pupils and our monthly magazine sold well to the peasantry. I wasn't high enough on the pyramid to be management as our tippy top people called themselves but I was graded as an 'investigative journalist' which meant I toured the schools interviewing the sporty types, the nerdy types and now and then, the thugs. I got on OK, everyone liked to see their name or affiliation in print the Collindale Cutters, the Ainsley ASBOs or even The Hope Steeet Boys.

Now, listen up foreigners. 'Skins' is a British or more selectively an English youth soap, the most recent in an honourable line which includes Grange Hill and Hollyoaks. The difference with Skins was that it was 'darker' I suppose. A slightly schizo lead (Nick Hoult), a not so hidden gay boy (Mitch Hewer) a mixed up Asian kid and assorted odds and sods, both male and female. The storyline was good and it had gained a hell of a following amongst youngsters. Handsome leads, complicated plots, the f-word being used liberally, binge boozing and drugs... the kids loved it. Check it out on your favourite search engine or Wikki it.

Our Editor in Chief (another grandiose title), a female student of massive intellect (or so she hinted) had contacted the production company, the main fan club and had by the grace of God managed to click with one of the stars, Nick Hoult. I've got to say that if you think that is a bit of a stretch, they had a vague family connection... alright? Nick had arranged an interview with Mitch Hewer and a day out in Manchester for our designated interviewer. The odd proviso he had attached was that Mitch wouldn't talk to a female so the person sent had to be a male. That was no surprise as Mitch played a gay in the programme and over half the viewers assumed he probably was gay for real. Let's face it after Jamie Bell did the ballet movie all the gays were convinced he was 'adaptable' at the very least. Anyway, guess who got offered the job... moi!

I don't think they knew for sure I was gay but I didn't have a girlfriend and I was known to be broadminded and that was enough. I had the paperwork, a small amount of spending money and the brief to get a good interview and some backing or die in the attempt. The hard bit was getting the 'rents permission to overnight in Manchester but after I patiently explained that I was sixteen after all, they relented. I was over the moon, Manchester was the home ground for 'As Queer as Folk' and supposedly had a awesome gay scene, I was raring to go. Freedom, a day and a night in Manchester and an interview with Mitch Hewer, my hero, what more could I ask for.

'The lift, second floor, Mr Renzo. You will be met.' The receptionist brought me back to earth with a bang. I'd been standing there in a daze daydreaming my life away. From here on in I needed to be on the ball. I did represent the rather unoriginally named 'CCC Monthly' produced for pupils of all grades but mainly for the rare ones who could struggle through English language.

'OK, thanks,' I mumbled my bit and went over to the lift. I was bloody shaking and I'm the sixteen year old who'd done interviews with the toughest gangs in our school and here I was trembling at the thought of interviewing a nineteen year old who was barely famous. Well, he was famous and popular and that would grow I expect but for now he was down with the one off child actors you get popping up now and then. Nick Hoult was a star but not a 'big' star and I wondered why he had offloaded the interview to the lesser character, the rather tasty Mitchell Hewer.

As the door opened onto the second floor there was a huge West Indian to greet me and check out my paperwork, this was worse than trying to get a visa for the US but after a quiick riffle through my papers he escorted me to Room 203, rapped on the door and fingured the keypad. As the door opened he just whispered one word. 'Enjoy.'

As I entered the room Mitchell Hewer stood and I saw him in the flesh for the first time. I nearly did my drama queen bit and fainted, he was better than all his pictures and he gave me that sexy grin, the slightly 'come and get it' grin he used to such effect on the small screen.

'Peter?' he sprang across and shook my hand as I admitted to the name. 'Drink?' he glanced at the clock and relieved me of my briefcase and plonked me down at a small table by the window balcony. It was warm enough for the tall windows to be ajar and the slight breeze cooled me both physically and mentally. 'Lager, beer?'

'Whatever,' I croaked. God, the red hot journalist was tongue tied. Maybe the presence of young male beauty but I'd best not put that one down in writing. He was wearing white cargoes, you know the baggy things with all the pockets like a junior soldier. As I said, they were baggy but very tight acros the bum and crotch. As he dived into the cooler I could even see the outline of his briefs in the damn things. They were nice, I'd l'd look cool in a pair of them.

'Fosters?' He waggled a can at me and produced a glass.

'Thank you... er, Mitch.'

'Yeah, don't call me Maxxie or I'll throw a wobbler,' he grinned pouring some of the amber fluid into the glass then handing both the glass and the half full can across. Maxxie was his screen name for those who don't know, 'Peter. So nice to meetcha.'

''Me too,' I raised my glass in a toast and grinned inanely. I was beginning to realise that I had no idea how to continue or even start the interview. I was besotted, I'd gone down like a poleaxed bull, I was a dead man walking. Dontcha just love school mag journalists full of cliches. His light blue shirt was open to the waist displaying a gold chain and the smoothest of smooth chests. Muscular as well but being a dancer he would be, I nearly blacked out at the thought of those well developed leg muscles gripping me as we made love... Hey, slow down there I'me beginning to dream.

'I thought we could have a chat and relax, have our lunch up here and you can ask your questions later... OK?'

'Fine,' I croaked.

'So, you're sixteen and a Staff Reporter, it says here,' he waggled a letter at me. 'Peter Renzo, tall dark and handsome,' he grinned.

'Don't gay me,' I smiled back beginning to feel my feet and quoting one of Nick's lines at him.

He laughed and stretched his legs. 'Gay works well as a verb, dontcha think?'

'Well, it's different.'

'The series is different, it works on various levels and switches views from one of the main characters to the other.'

'I know, my sister is a fan.'

'But not you,' he pouted. 'Very diisappointing.'

'I watch for the action more than the plots, I think you, Nick Hoult and the Paki are fine actors. You're a pleasure to watch.'

'What do you think about the gay aspect?' Now there was a leading question and I recalled that I was supposed to be conducting the interview not him.

'No probs with me. Most people I know sorta admire your character or strength of character. OK, so you're over the top a bit but it is a show and teenagers do go over the top.' I burbled away feeling a lot more relaxed now.

'Wicked,' he grinned flicking his overlong blonde hair from his eyes. 'You handle the sex alright? The gay sex I mean.'

'Why not?' I laughed.

'We'll have a good interview,' he grinned and stood and I felt my eyes drawn to his crotch, definitely bulky and I wondered if he was going to make a move on me. I wouldn't have cared as he was clearly in the driving seat and I was beginning to think I was a very junior partner in this particular combo. So, he was three years older than I was but he had experience far in advance of mine of that I was very sure. 'First off, lunch,' he looked at me and smiled. 'A light lunch, we're both slim and trim and best kept that way.'

'That's for sure.'

'Take your jacket off, make yourself at home. Bathroom through there,' he pointed to a door. 'You brought a digital with you.'

'Yeah,' I croaked thanking one of the small gods that I had.

'I might let you take some snappies for your private collection later on,' he grinned and walked over to the phone.

I sat there silent. I really couldn't believe what he'd just said. I knew perfectly well he tended to say outrageous things in his role but...

'Only joking,' he laughed over his shoulder. 'Don't get excited.' It was a bloody good job he was nattering on the phone as I had got excited alright, I could feel Peter Junior perking and it was just as well I had pretty baggy tousers on and briefs under to keep everthing under control not that I'd been expecting anything like this. 'I have a folder you might like to browse through,' he handed me a red folder from the table and sat down again and applied himself to his drink. 'Lunch in fifteen.'

'Oh, where are we going?' I was bemused, things were happening too fast and I couldn't make my mind up if he was taking the piss or just trying to make me feel uncomfortable. He certainly had my mind runing around like a headless chicken which isn't one of the best images but I do like to mangle a good metaphor, my readers loved 'em.

'Here, silly boy,' he laughed happily and nodded at the folder. 'Read, Peter.'

I got into it and it was his CV more or less, a breakdown of the programme and then three pages of questions and answers most of which I have to admit were on my shopping list. I flicked through it and at the back was a wadge of A3 size glossies of himself mainly; facials, torso shots and even some in shorts. I noted that he had fine blonde hair on his shins but a darker blonde treasure trail leading upto his navel. In one you even got a flash of pubics. and they were definitely brown rather than blonde, he must bleach or tint his hair. All the same they were very adventurous and enough to have the girls back at CCC wetting their skanky knickers.

'Not much point in doing an interview,' I sniffed. 'I like the pictures,' I dished out a mile. The main reason for me being here seemed to have disappeared.

'Well, Peter,' he stood over me and smiled down and I could feel his sex drive virtually pulsing from him in waves. I know it sounds extreme and well over the top but it did. This kid or young man broadcast sex and if I'd have been a bit older I'd have had him on the floor and be tearing at his white cargoes in no time flat. 'Nick and I are taking you out later so we can find something relaxing to do this afternoon... yeah?'

'Upto you,' I croaked and felt myself heat up in a blush. What a prat, he hadn't said anything out of order and here I was thinking all sorts and most revolved around sex, he couldn't be that hard up that he needed to drag a sixteen year old all the way from London.

'Good,' he smiled and to my horror stood directly in front of me with his bulky crotch inches from my face,. He ran a finger up my cheek and I nearly croaked on the spot. How bold could this guy get? I'd been there less than an hour and he was actually stroking me... to make it worse my semi had gone to a full. I could feel my erection painfully trapped in my tight briefs. He stared at me and spoke very quietly. 'I lead, you follow, right?'

'Right,' I croaked and nearly shit a bloody brick as there was a knock on the door and room service announced itself.

'Lunch, excellent,' he grinned and wandered over tot the door. He knew that he had me under his thumb, he was the master and I was the slave. He had me sussed out for what I was and he seemed to delighted in the knowledge and power he had. As we common lot say, he had me by the bollocks.

A young guy came in complete with trolley and laid out lunch which was a very simple prawn cocktail starters followed by a chicken salad with a chilled sweet to follow. Very simple and all cold so no need to rush and not a calory in sight.

'Thank you, Ron,' Mitch smiled at the waiter as he departed. 'Very nice,' he grinned at me. 'We had a get together a couple of days ago.'

'You're trying to shock me,' I smiled tightly. 'I read that you fancy Ron Weasley in the Potter films.'

'I hope I didn't say I fancy him,' he giggled. 'I do, but you have to be careful what you say... I prefer his proper name, Rupert, anyway, what about you?'

'I don't care about his name,' I finally got my jacket off and sat there in my school jumper. 'I think he's nice all the same, I prefer him to the Potterman.'

'Good, we're opening up a bit now. Rupert's eleven months older than I am just as a bit of trivia.'

'Yeah, makes him twenty,' I smiled demonstrating I did my homework and went for one of the starters as he sat down opposite me at the small table. 'Do you have much to do with Nick Hoult outside of the studio?'

'It's all in the pack,' he nodded to the folder which had finished up on the huge bed. 'But yes, we're very good friends. Do you like him.'

'Dishy,' I grinned albeit a bit nervously but he just grinned back.

'Big boy,' he spoke softly. 'Very big and as you say, dishy with it.'

Conversation lapsed as we got into our food properly and I wondered when he was going to make a move on me. I knew he was, I was convinced he was but when? As we got into the sweets and started to speak again the phone rang and he excused himself. I got one half of the conversation and what I heard got me even more wobbly.

'Hi, Mitch here..... Hello..... Yes, he's here..... Sixteen and very nice (I got a flashed smile with that one)..... tall, dark and a toughy, just my cuppa meat.... Yeah, I think so, I know so,' he grinned and looked at me again..... See you around five.' He put the phone down and returned to the table.

'What do you think so and then know so?' I asked. Well, I had to. You can't listen to a one sided conversartion about yourself without being inquisitive. I'm only human after all and I might come across as a scaredy cat schooly I'm not.

'I thought when we started chatting that you were willing to play, I'm almost certain now.' He spoke quite calmly and looked me straight in they eyes. He had a piercing gaze and I had to remind myself that here was a kid or a young man who knew what he was doing. I also had to remind myself that he was also an actor and in my view a very good one. The point was, what was acting and what wasn't? 'Do you want to do stuff this afternoon, Peter?' His eyes dropped, so he wasn't that certain after all, so much for the control freak.

'Yeah,' I grinned at him and then laughed. 'How could I go back to school without shagging the famous Maxxie.'

'Right,' he laughed out loud. 'And how could I send you back to London without sampling your firm schoolboy body.'

'Yeah, right,' I did a bit of a blush again but I was eager to get on with it now I'd callled his bluff (I think). What had to be said had been and now it was all systems go. 'Who was that by the way?'

'Nick, he'll be around about five.'

Jeez...' I moaned. It was all too much for a white woman as one of my gay oppos in school was fond of saying.

We finished our light lunch and he stood up and quite happily pushed the trolleyload of messed up plates out of the door, mumbled something to his tame Hulk and shut the door clicking the safebolt. 'All done, just we two.'

'Yeah,' I croaked and felt my face go hot again. What now?

'You know the best way to get things going with a complete stranger in a situation like this?'

'I've got a feeling you're going to tell me.'

'Yeah,' he giggled. He sat back and studied me quite openly and real cool, he knew exactly what he wanted and he was going to have it... the it being me. I was happy and still slightly in shock but happy all the same. He had made a remark about him leading and me following and I was happy with that as well. I was a regular Mr Happy.. 'The best way to chill and get to know each other is to share a shower or bath. No secrets, nothing hidden.'

'I suppose,' I started to shake again. I couldn't believe this was happening to me and it had all happened so fast. 'Do you get many boy fans in here?'

'A very select few,' he grinned and stood, reaching out he took my hand and pulled me to my feet. 'You game, Petey boy?'

'Yeah,' I choked on the word. He was tough and I mean physically tough, as a reporter I should have spotted it straight away. He was nineteen and his arms were all muscle. no wimp this one and I began to get a bit nervous, in the show he came across as a boy but he was a young man and I was locked in a hotel room with him.

'Don't be frightened,' he whispered and I closed my eyes as I felt his arms go around me and out bodies met still standing and in the centre of the room. 'We'll have fun,' he whispered and I felt the touch of his warm lips on my face. 'Kiss me.'

'Mitch,' I squarked like a demented canary but his lips were on mine and I surrendered to the moment (I love that phrase). God I'd died and gone to heaven, I felt his tongue flicker at my lips and I opened up to admit his slippery tongue into my mouth and we stood there trading spit and pressing against each other. He was hard and I could feel it pressing against mine as we swayed making the first kiss a marathon. When we broke we were both red faced and breathless.

'Wow,' he grinned that special grin and looked at me holding my hips. 'I think we clicked.' He pulled me in again and this time his hands dropped to my flanks and I felt his squeeze my rump as his breath tickled my neck. 'Nice.'

'Gotta tell you something. Mitch.'

'Say it,' he drew his head back and stared at me with the slightest of smiles as he rubbed his crotch against mine. 'Say your bit, Pete.'

'I'm not a girl... you do things to me, I do them back.'

He laughed and pulled me in tightly again and kissed the side of my mouth. 'Is that a funny way of saying you're AC/DC, versatile sorta thing?'

'Yeah,' I said defiantly hoping I'd understood him right but to make my point I clasped his tight bottom and squeezed his firm cheeks. All muscle as a dancer's bum should be and to my relief he grinned.

'Excellent,' he stood back and took my hand. 'I love someone who goes both ways,' he reached out and nearly gave me a heart attack as he took a firm grip of my package and squeezed. 'Let's get naked,' he cackled like an evil witch and dragged me to the bathroom.

It was huge, the bathroom that was (don't get in front of the story) and he pointed out that it was shared by two rooms, the second one was mine for the night but he suggested we'd probably only need the one. The undressing was a laugh, we were like kids at the swimming baths both taking our time and both peeping but when he finally started to top the bath up with a load of foam I studied him in all his glory. A beautifully trim body, all the abs, pecs and whatnots in the right places. He was hairier below than I'd expected and it was a darker blonde than his head hair, he probably used a rinse. No matter, hair I could handle the thing that worried me was his dick, it was bloody huge, well, mansized at least. A good six plus and he was as hard as a steel pipe. His foreskin was full retracted and his jerking dark red glans shone with what I assumed was precum. He was hot and he was sexed up but he took time out to admire my own body and the main bit which was six minus but not much.

'Nice,' he grasped it gently and worked the loose skin to and fro. 'You got a boyfriend?' He grinned at me . 'You must have, someone as dishy as you.'

'No,' I mumbled. 'I've played around with a pal I'm very fond of but never actually done anything heavy.'

'Put today down as a learning curve,' he grinned and stepped into the bath as it filled. It was a bloody big bath I might add and we both gave satisfied sighs as we settled into the warm water, not too hot and not too cold, just right. He faced me with his long legs across mine so that we were almost dick to dick, moving closer he slid onto me so that our erections met in the soapy water and we resumed the kiss only this time it was more forceful and we were fully naked after all. 'You a virgin?'

'No,' I exclaimed indignantly.

'Liar,' he giggled. 'Never mind, today you lose it front and back... yeah?'

'Yeah,' I mumbled. What else could I say? He had me down as an amateur or a novice and he was dead right. I was a sixteen year old virgin but he was determined to change all that.m He was going to fuck me and I would do him, it was written in the stars and I knew I wanted to do so the moment I set eyes on him. Seemed he felt the same as he was now in really tight and our slippery bodies rubbed together with the main point of contact being our rigid erections.

'You are so nice,' he whispered and lay his head on my shoulder nuzzling at my neck. He was basically on my lap facing me and if he'd have been a she, I'd have been inside him. Of course that thought made me even harder. I contented myself running my hands up and down his broad back feeling the hardness and the youthful masculinity. He might do the femme bit on the box but he was all boy beast in private and that cock of his... Jeez.

'This is so weird doing all this,' I mumbled sliding my hands right down and feeling the softness of his bottom as it rested on my thighs. I lifted him slightly and drew him onto me and he maintained his soapy movements up and down, up and down. I could now feel his crack and more importantly into his crack and he shuddered as my fingers pressed againt his hole... I'd got there.

'Aaaaah, Peter,' he crushed against me in a slippery embrace and I gently pushed feeling my finger sink into his hot tightness. His pucker clamped on me like a fleshy vice and I shoved my finger in as far as I could. 'That's enough...' He pulled free in a flurry of soapy water and then grinned at me. 'Do it properly,' he turned in the bath and crouched there on his knees in what I knew full well was the doggy position. Well, it couldn't be anything else, could it? He rested his arms on the end rim of the bath and I clambered upto give his beautiful bottom the attention it deserved.

'Oh, my Gawd,' I moaned in frustration and desire. I was so hard I was even dripping, my penis was pulsing a steady oozing of pearly cum which hung suspended from the tip like a silvery thread of boy juice which, I suppose, it was. As he was posed and ready for more serious play I was on the verge of plunging into his sweet body and working my wicked will but he had other ideas.

'Soap me up, relax my fanny,' he chuckled and wiggled his bum. 'You can do the dirty in bed.' Christ, this boy/man didn't mess around and I wondered how many inexperienced 'friends' he'd had in this very same bath but I did as he asked. I soapily rubbed into his crack until it was creamy and then slid a finger back into his heat and wriggled it around until I found the lump I'd heard about. I pressed against it and massaged it with my finger.

'Oooooooooooh, Jesus Christ,;' he rammed his pure white bottom back onto me and clutched the side of the bath. 'Peter...'

Greatly daring and against his wishes I slipped my finger free but immediatey replaced it with two. I slid them in deep and hard feeling his sphincter stretch around them and grinned as I heard his moans of pleasure. The tables were turned now and I was in charge as I slowly and sensually finger fucked his hot tunnel. 'You like this?' I whispered.

'You wait...' he giggled and pushed back harder as I reached around with my other hand and clasped his tight ball sac easing the nuts in their silken purse. I didn't want him to pop. Right in the back of my mind I knew that I wanted his steely prick deep in me but first it was my turn and I was determined to give and take as much pleasure as I could. He was so damn tight, his ring seemed to grip me, even squeeze me as I fingered him and as I groped under him I could feel the slime of his own precum. This wouldn't keep any longer, it would be such a waste to cum in the bath, after all, it had a better use.

I thought about young Taylor, my pal at home as I finally withdrew my fingers and we both rinsed off red faced, slightly embarassed but still raring to go. My sweet fifteen year old wouldn't know what had hit him once I got him upto my bedroom. We'd played and buggered around but never got down to anything serious but next time would be different. As Mitch had said, I was on a learning curve and the final lesson lay ahead.

We dried each other off tenderly and apart from two steamingly hard erections we could have been laid back lovers but we weren't. We were two randy and very horny teens. We went back into the room and stood by the bed doing the soulful gaze bit. Mitch brought it down to Planet Earth somewhat. 'Fuck me, Peter,' his arms encircled me and we fell onto the bed in a mass of arms and legs. Once the towels were gone we were back to kissing and savouring each other's bodies. His was as good as a professional model's and maybe he'd done a bit of that, I didn't know. His hardness rubbed against mine and I sensed that he was maneuvering around to give me my pop, I moved his compliant body around until he lay out on his belly and parted his legs. 'I don't have to beg, do I?' He whispered.

'No,' I knelt between his legs and bent over to kiss his neck where his scruffy blonde hair finished in a jagged line.

His hand came back and he held a pot of something with the label removed. 'Use this and take it easy.'

'What is it?'

'Think about it, Petey. Come on, I got the hots,' he wiggled his bottom and I moved down his body. I was in love with his toughness, his hard muscles and his super soft bottom. He was a bloody angel and he was all mine. I uncapped the small pot and found a clear sweet smelling gel and even I didn't need an instructions manual. I scooped some out and nervously worked some between his cheeks delving and finding his clenched ring. As I smeared the stuff and probed he relaxed as he had in the bath and my finger slipped inside and into his heat. 'Mmmmmm...' he purred and I felt his little muscle clamp on me and then ease. 'Inside me,' he whispered and gave a little push up. 'Not too much... you'll lose traction.'

I giggled at the thought and suddenly courage took charge. I worked my finger deep inside his delicuious smoothness and then withdrew, I couldn't wait any longer. 'Ready?'

'I was born ready for boys,' he giggled and gave that little wiggle of his. I kissed up his spine and brought my pride and joy to his hole. One gentle push and I nearly did my favourite of the day, that's the passing out thing by the way. His soft flesh parted for me and then I felt him clamp on me as my glans entered and lodged in his anus. I remembered the sex-ed at school where we'd gone through the anus, rectum, colon sequence bit but I didn't care. I was in his Tunnel of Love and it was beautiful. He worked with me as I started to move to and fro gaining a little depth at each move. He tightened his sweet arse as I pushed and relaxed as I slipped out and in the end he muttered so softly that I hardly heard him. 'Harder, Petey.'

That was it, he wanted more and more he should have. I frantically started to munch and kiss at the side of his neck as I moved faster and penetrated deeper. He was moaning now and pushing up onto me and soon we were at the skin slapping stage as my belly smacked on his back and my groin slapped up against his bottom. 'God, you are so good, Mitch.' I babbled. 'I can't hold it,' I wailed. Premature ejaculation, the curse of youth. I was so horny I was going to cum and I wished it could go on forever... Well, win some, lose some.

I was rythmically slapping into him now and my dick felt like a hot iron bar, the itch was there and as he pushed up against me moaning and whimpering I shot my lot in three or four hot squirts which tore a burning passage up my shaft into his belly. God, I was drained, I clung to his sweaty body with my dick buried and still dribbling but softening.

'That was good,' he whispered clamping on me tightly and I felt my exhausted organ slip from his bottom in a dribble of spunk.

'Great,' I tiredly stirred between his legs but the moment had passed, Peter Junior needed time to recover.

'That was better than good, that was excellent,' he struggled from under me with a big self satisfied grin on his face. 'You gotta have a boyfriend, sex like that mustn't got to waste.'

'Well, there's Tay, Taylor I mean.'

'Tell me,' he grinned and cuddled against me, I was very aware of his enlarged and totally hard penis pressing against my hip.

'Class below me which makes him fifteen and he lives a few doors away. We've played around a bit and he's nice.'

'Nice?' He giggled. 'You're in love...' he stared at me with those piercing eyes of his. 'Admit it.'

'Nah,' I croaked.

'Admit it, you wanna breed with him,' he laughed again. 'Peter has a secret love,' he crooned. 'Tell him,' he was suddenly serious. 'It's worth a gamble unless he's totally anti, a homophobic type.'

'No, he's not that. We've played around but nothing serious.'

'Well, get serious,' he spoke sharply. 'True love always finds a way.'

'That's easy for you. You're top of the pops. Boys falling over themselves to get inside your knickers...'

'Plus the others falling over themselves to punch me in the mouth,' he grinned. 'Why do you think I keep a minder outside.'

'Mmmm...' I turned to face him and smiled warily. I knew what he wanted and it was time to pay my dues, the funny thing was, I wanted to. I wanted to experience him inside me and feel him cum inside me. After what he's said I was determined to do things and that was more things with my Taylor but I needed to get all the experience I could here and now. Well, I know it sounds pathetic but that's the way my mind was working.

'Is your friend as nice as you? Taylor is it?'

'Yeah to both,' I smiled as he began to manhandle me around the bed and I lay on my side facing away from him as he went into his routine. 'He's nicer than me and tastier.'

'But he's not here,' he whispered as he moved up behind me and I felt his rock hard cock nudge against my crack. 'Just relax,' He whispered and I felt his fingers slid between my cheeks, the oil felt cold on me and I automatically clenched until he coaxed me onto my belly and parted my legs.

'Stop if I tell you,' I muttered. 'This is a trial run.'

'What a way with words,' he giggled and I felt his warm lips on my buttocks. 'Pretend it's little Taylor, with a stonking hard on.'

',' I giggled and clutched the pilow. There was a time and a place for Taylor but at the moment it was all about Mitch and that bloody great thing he was about to shove into me. After Mitch I'd stand for Taylor hammering away all night which sounded quite nice. I could feel my own penis coming to life at the thought of Tay doing what Mitch was doing now. Mitch had slipped one finger into my virgin arse and was moving it to and fro gently in a circular motion and the I felt more oil and a greater pressure as he slipped out and returned only this time with two fingers. 'Aaaaaah...' I sighed. It was odd being finger fucked but not upleasant or uncomfortable and I got harder and harder the more he moved in and out. When he hit the button, the prostate I nearly levitated.

'Steady,' he whispered and kissed me in the small of the back making little sucky sucks against my damp flesh. 'Relax.'

I automatically tensed up as I felt his oiled mass slid between my cheeks and then relaxed and concentrated on Queen and Country as I felt him move in and then the pressure against my back door. His fingers had done their work well, I felt a brief pain and then the stretching as my sphincter opened up and up finally admitting his hot spongey glans.

'Aaaah.' The pain was absolute for just one moment and then I felt it ease as he was in me. His knob was well and truly lodged in my passage and all I had to worry about was the other six inches of boy gristle. He must as been just as hyped up as I was as he started to move almost immediately kissing the back of my neck and the side of my face as I moaned, groaned and clutched the pillow. It felt like a bloody great fleshy log up inside me but he was moving slowly and sinking deeper at each thrust. Now the funniest thing happened, the pain almost totally disappeared and I began to like it. How sick is that, here I was being shagged by a bloke even if he was a young one and a star but he was fucking me and I was beginning to like it.

'Orrite?' His breath was hot on my neck.

'Yeah, go for it,' I heard my reply in some sort of a daze and pushed up onto him.

'Good lad,' his lips mashed against my neck and he began to go. God, if this was losing your virginity it was something else. All I could see in my mind was that huge six inch prong of his buried in my body and the damn thing moving inside me slowly at first but picking up some speed as he started to fuck for real. 'Jeez, you are so tight,' he chuckled and then thrust hard and deep. I bit into the pillow as I felt his complete length slip inside me and his belly settled onto my bottom. 'You are so good,' he moved inside me in a sort of corkscrew motion and then started to shag. This was it, there wasn't much longer to go but I was begining to like it. As he moved faster and harder I pushed up against his thrusts determined to get as much as I could of his virile young cock. He was puffing, panting and pushing me up the bed in his ardour and I heard as if in a dream a stranger telling him to go harder and faster. Problem was the stranger's voice sounded very much like my own .

'Yes, yes, yes,' he chanted and then he slammed into me and stayed there. Then it came. The extraordinary feeling of his meat swelling inside me and then the glorious pumping and wet slimeyness as his hot spunk fountained into my belly and it was all over. 'Gawd,' he moaned as he continued to move and I felt two minor squirts on top of the massive load he'd already given me. That was it, all over, the cherry had gone and I lay there with him still in me. Sodomite, catamite, what was I? I didn't bloody well care. I'd done it and I'd enjoyed it. My bum was a bit sore but I'd made love both ways to a dream of mine and it hadn't turned into a nightmare. He was still a dream and we had loads of time left, we had all night to go yet and it was still only mid afternoon.

'Phew,' I feel shagged I expelled him the same way he'd done me. One strong clamp and his softening penis slipped free. I felt wetness as well as his limp cock between my legs but I didn't care.

'You alright.' He asked speaking softly and cuddling me to his warm if sweaty chest.

'Uber alright,' I grinned. 'Wicked.'

'I guess than means OK,' he laughed.

'Yeah, that's what I mean,' I pushed him over and this time took the lead forcing my lips onto his and slipping my tongue into his mouth.

'Mmmfph... great,' he gobbled away and we gave each other silly grins as we pigged out on tongue sandwich. He pulled the duvet up over us and we dozed off into a funky, spunk stinky haze. Dunno if it was heaven or hell but I snoozed safe in his strong arms with his warm breath on my neck. Yeah, I did know... it was heaven.

'Fuckin' phone,' Mitch stumbled from the bed cursing and dragging the duvet with him. I curled up foetally and gradually surfaced. I felt a bit squishy around the bottom but otherwise I felt fine, I felt wonderful. In cricket parlance I'd broken my duck, it had taken me sixteen years but I'd finally bottomed out (joke there guys).

'Yeah..... wonderful.... he's so sweet, a grin flashed my way..... OK, six is fine. Catch you later.'

'Your pal again?'

'Yeah,' Mitch gave me that lopsided grin again and jumped onto the bed grabbing me and dragging the duvet over us both. 'Gives us two and a half hours... hint, hint.'

'Tell me I'm the one that's so sweet.'

'You are the one,' he fondled me and pulled me in tightly. My hand snaked down his belly into his soft pubics and then lower still grasping his turgid meat. Hang about, turgid was the stage before semi hard and it was stiffening, he smirked at me. 'You've got a taste for it.'

'I have,' I agreed and turned under the bedding pressing my bum into his crotch as he snuggled upto my back. I grinned into space as I felt his wonderful meat come to life and harden as he slowly moved against my crack.

You're asking for it,' he mumbled.

'I know,' I giggled and pushed back harder. It would be easier this time and should even last longer if he was up for it. He was. A minute or so later I felt the quick smear of oil on my tender pucker and that was quickly followed by his knob pressing against me. 'Go on,' I grunted and pushed back as he pushed in. This time it was just as nice but without that spasm of pain. I felt the stretching again and then his glorious heat entered me and he slowly fucked his way in as we lay on our sides. He reached around and played with me as my dick also livened up.

'You alright?'

'Very alright, I feel sorta filled,' I giggled and clamped on his slowly moving meat.

'Brill,' he nuzzled at my neck and gave that final shove he seemed to like seating himself firmly in my body. I just sighted my contentment and clamped on his slippery joint as it moved within me. Glorious and I still had the big boy, Nick Hoult yet to come. perhaps I'd finish up as a Skins Boy sandwich, now that could be fun.

'Oooooh...' This was great, I nested back onto his hairy crotch absolutedly pigging out on the feel and the sensation of his big cock now sliding effortlessly in and out. He liked it as well, I heard his murmurs of pleasure and he was so bloody hard. It wasincredible and when he worked up speed and cum in me it felt like a hose pipe or a fawcet. The damn stuff was inside me, outside me and even trickling down my inside legs. God, the shame of it. I'd turned into a minor actor's toyboy in less than a day. 'I could get to like that,' I muttered pushing back onto his spunk coated organ. I wanted more really but there are limits and although he might be my current heart's desire he wasn't SuperYouth (tm Marvel Comics). Ten minutes later he suggested I go and have an 'abortion' which took a few minutes to suss out and then he'd join me in the shower or bath, my choice.

I climbed or rather fell from the bed and did my ablutions (which sounds better than abortion) and luxuriated in the big shower, stacks of soapy and foamy, I really could get to enjoy the good life. I had no idea what he earned from his TV series but he must do well to afford a place like this. Then again he might have a rich paramour but I didn't want to get into that. This was a one off so enjoy. I'd been expecting a rather effeminate young man dishing out gay remarks and flirting. Well, I was half right... I'd found a pretty tough young man dishing out gay remarks. shagging, being shagged and then shagging again. I'd have to calm down on the shag word when I did the article in the school magazine, in fact. I'd better not mention it at all, I didn't want to lose my girl fans.

I pondered as I soaped up under the shower eagerly awaiting Mitch's arrival, I couldn't get enough of his lithe and muscular body. I wanted him to do me again in truth but I didn't want to come across as a complete slut. I switched channel to Taylor and soaped my tumescence (lovely word) thinking of his sweet bubble butt ( a bit of Yankspeak there but a hugely superior phrase). We'd fumbled and buggered about to be blunt, we'd got naked and rolled about on the bed but neither of us had much idea on how to progress but that was then... now I'd done the Mitch course, Taylor's arse was grass to use another Americanism. I wanted him and he wanted me, I knew it as truly as I knew Mitch and I were in for a night of sex.

'Wake up,' Mitch slipped into the shower and snuggled into my slippery body. 'You are such good sex for a schooly... shit,' he laughed. 'Take Two... You are such good sex, Petey. I mean it.' He squirmed against me and his now relaxed dick and hair crotch rubbed up against my stiffening penis squashing it between our bellies. He grasped my soapy bottom grinding us together effectively bringing me on line with a squishy tummy wank.

'Mitch,' I whispered. 'Keep this up and I'm gonna need another fuck.'

'Good, we've got loads of time before Nick get's here.' He turned around and I felt his hard bottom against me. A slight withdrawal, a bit of positioning, one little nudge and his pucker opened like a flower in the sun as I slipped into his honeypot like a hot knife into butter. All a bit horticultural that but you get the message. We stood under the hissing water and I gently moved in and out of his delicious heat and tightness. This was my second go and it was far, far better. No quick cum this time, I settled in for the long ride handling him back to hardness and munching on his neck as he made little mewing sounds of pleasure. This one finished up differently. Still joined we moved from the shower onto the rather expensive carpet in a soapy doggy and then he started to move around. I didn't know what he was doing turning and he did something with his legs as he rotated on my spike and lo and behold we settled down with him on his back and me above him fucking down into his totally exposed pucker. I found out later that he called this the 'full frontal' and it was his favourite position. Face to face, lips on lips and banging away into a fully exposed and stretched bumhole. Now this was better than good, this one was brilliant and I made love in a haze. His soft lips on mine and flickering tongue in my mouth... so absolutely fantastic, I was lost for words. The feel of my sore and superheated cock moving inside him was complimented by his smooth calves pressing on my back and his hands rubbing my belly and running up and down over my chest. 'God, gimme babies. Fuck me, fuck me,' he cried out and I tried to silence him with my mouth on his but he was gone. 'Harder, Pete, harder,' he moaned and I did my bestest.

When I cum, spunked or shot my load (take your pick) it was magnificent. It was more than that it was absolutely fantabulous to get silly. I felt like my life force was draining into him I cum so much I felt emptied and fell onto the carpet slipping out of him in a mess of slimey boy juice. I'd fucked myself to a halt. I was done.

'Christ, that was absolutely wicked,' he grinned as he lurched over me and gently kissed my nose. 'I've got to see you again after this weekend, Peter.' He looked at me seriously. 'I mean it, I want to see you again.'

I think I mumbled something about school or homework, something like that but he brushed it aside. 'Tell you something, Mitch...'

'Go on.' We cuddled on the carpet glorying in our mess and post coital funk.

'That frontal thing... I want you to do me like that next time.'

'I thought you'd never ask,' he giggled. 'Nick and I'll take you down our Club later on but tonight you just get into that bed and get them legs in the air.'

'Sounds good.' You gotta laugh, he had such a way with words.

This time he had to do the dirty bit, the abortion, evacuation or take a pony but I pretended not to hear as I came down from my cloud under the shower. I was confused. I was in love but this was silly, I was in love with Taylor as well. I was pretty sure that Mitch did it with anyone in trousers but I might have been being unkind. best settle for what I could get I suppose and what I had was him and his pal for the night and then a run back into London and get Taylor on his own. I had a lot of ground to cover.

We finished our shower together and sat in the room in our bathrobes chatting away. It was interview time and I skimmed through the paperwork he'd given me. With the standard brief and what I knew now I could cook something up.

'I don't want to tell you how to put Maxxie/Mitch across you know,' he said as we awaited a snack and coffee. 'I imagine you're not going to mention the sex,' he grinned.

'You imagine right,' I laughed. 'Just a nice soapy load of crap for the fans, how pleasant and unassuming you are, the boy next door bit. A hint of gay but more a broadminded boy who wants to get his rocks off every five minutes...'

'That sounds about right,' he laughed. 'Bet you have't got a picture of your little pal in that big bag of yours.'

'Bet I have,' I smirked rummaging around and found the couple of pictures I had with Taylor on the School Camping Week, the ones by the pool. 'Here you go, my friend Taylor,' I handed the little folder over, only about six pictures of us in tandem and a couple of him solo. the only ones I kept .

'Um,' he flipped through them and then went again only studying each one more closely. 'You've never made love to this kid?' He looked at me eyebrows raised.

'Certainly not,' I blushed.

'Gotta be a mug,' Mitch laughed. 'He's a beauty... look at that one,' he held out a snap of Taylor climbing from the pool in wet speedos and one of my favourites. His bottom was clearly outlined and you could even see his crack. The second one Mitch held was a frontal of Taylor alone again and this was pretty much the same. His cute little water shrunken noodle was clearly outlined in his wet speedos again. 'He's bloody gorgeous, you go so well together,' Mitch drivelled on studying the ones of us together. I felt embarassed but so pleased especially about the togetherness remark. 'I'd love to get him naked and make mad passionate love.' Mitch growled lustfully.

'So would I,' I laughed. He was a bit out of order but I forgave him, How anyone could not love my Taylor was beyond me.

'Swag him before someone else does,' he handed the pictures back.

'I want to but I'm a bit scared he fucks me off big time.'

'Never happen,' Mitch snatched the pictures back. 'Look at that one,' he held one out of Taylor sitting in his speedos looking directly into the camera with his lips slightly apart just showing his pink tongue running across his upper lip. 'I bet you a pound to a pinch of shit you took that picture.'

'Yeah, I did.'

'Of course you did, he's telling you. His fuckin' expression is saying, 'I'm your boy.'' Mitch grinned. 'Jesus H. Christ... he wants you, he's telling you in his face for God's sake. You really are a dimwit, Petey boy.'

Well, that put an end to the conversation and shortly after that there was a knock on the door and Mitch answered still in his bathrobe and nothing else. I tensed myself and got to my feet as Nick Hoult came into the room. There was no mistaking his pleasantly ugly face as he high fived Mitch and grinned at me.

'Welcome to Manchester,' he spoke and came across and shook my hand... and kept hold of it. 'I understand Mitch has been doing his gay bit.'

'Er... sorta,' I looked at Mitch for help but he was behind me and I felt his hands on my shoulder. Shit, I was in trouble here, they were both bigger than I was, they were a couple of predators and I was trapped in this bloody room. Well, that was the first impression but far from the truth as I was about to find out. Mitch shucked my towelled robe off my shoulders and as it fell leaving me standing there naked Nick dropped to his knees and without any premable at all took my cock into his hand and wrapped his mouth around it. Jeez, I nearly fainted as I felt his warm suction as Mitch ran his hands over my belly and chest. These guys were such perverts... brilliant! I pumped myself to a full erection in Nick's willing mouth then as he split and got naked Mitch lay me on the bed and maintained the blow. I'd never ever done this or had it done to me and I was in heaven (again). I nearly came thinking about Taylor in a similar situation of even me sucking his stiff five incher. He had a beautiful dick by the way. I still hadn't made up my mind if I was in love with his smooth and boyish bottom, soft cock nestling on his belly or the taste of his creamy cum which I'd risked a fingerload of once when he wasn't looking.

'Hi, Peter,' Nick stood by the bed naked and I looked at him. Golly Gosh as they say in the Beano and Dandy. He was hard and deary me, the thing was Mitch's six plus but fatter and it looked like a battering ram. He had a mass of black curly pubics and this thing stuck out just begging attention. I gave him a grin and as Mitch sucked me Nick lowered himself until his massive lump waved inches above my face. I grabbed it and guided it down to my mouth. This was so out of character for me, I'm not really a dirty boy but what with the afternoon and now this I just gave up. Everything I did was fun and as Mitch had said some time ago I was on a learning curve. Taylor was a bit shorter than I was and all I could think of was his beatiful body in my arms and then doing all these things to that boy. I grunted and cum into Mitch's mouth in two almighty splats... they were for Tay really but I let Mitch have them.

Mitch swallowed and then made a meal of sucking and lapping me clean, he grinned at me with my spunk on his lips and face then flopped on the bed to watch the show. Nick had straddled me and was holding the sides of my head gently face fucking me without letting it go in too far. I couldn't take it all, it would have choked me but he ran his slippery glans into the back of my throat and the thing seemed to get harder and harder.

He didn't warn me when he came but at least he let it fly in my mouth and not down my throat. I swallowed and munched his juicy splats like a manic chipmunk, I felt his warm slime ooze from my mouth and run down my chin and he slipped free and then the final little streamer splashed across my face from my jaw to my dark hair line.

'God, Peter... you blow.' Well, that sounded like a compliment and I took it as such as I squeezed his still hard penis extracting the last pearly dribble. Blow jobs were another novelty I could get used to but now I had two sets of lips on mine as both Nick and Mitch lapped my face and then set to bathing me with their tongues. It was so sensual and sexual that I popped one straight away but Nick had lifted my legs and was attacking my fanny as Mitch called it. His head was almost up my arse to be really common and he was lapping, licking and even sucking on my boy hole. Mitch had come down me and had reversed himelf into a sixty niner. Hey nonny no, here we go again... I held Mitch steady and sucked on his beautiful cock, I had a suspicion what Nick was upto but I let him play. It's rather nice to have someone enthusiastically eating your bum... well, it's different and as I do in moments of stress I thought of Taylor. Taylor spread on my bed with his pale skinned bottom parted and me lapping at his little pucker, that thought got me to super hard in double quick time.

However, Nick was on the move again and I already suspected he wasn't one for a lot of foreplay, he flipped me over and parted my legs and I felt the oil and then pressure as he slid two fingers in me digging deep and hard. I screwed my eyes shut, he was rough and he hurt but only for a moment as my pucker gradually relaxed. 'Never mind, just you and I tonight,' Mitch whispered and licked my ear.

'Good,' I turned my head and let him kiss me as Nick pigged out on my battered fanny. Eventually he packed up and the next thing I felt was his bloody great knob between my cheeks. It really did feel like a sodding great tomato as he pushed, made me squeal and then pushed again parting my pucker painfully but opening it up all the same. I groaned as I felt his massive lump in me and he started.

It lasted well and after his initial roughness he was gentle and took his time, the action came when I saw Mitch clamber on top and clearly prong Nick and then I had payload on me. Every time Nick thrust into me there was a second jolt as Mitch slammed into Nick. In the end I closed my eyes and concentrated on Taylor. The end was sudden and I was glad, I didn't mind Mitch, in fact, I had a super lust job on Mitch but Big Dick Nick was bridge too far and I wondered if he was acting out his 'couldn't give a toss for anyone' screen persona or if he really didn't give a shit for who he had sex with. Thank Christ he came in the end... two hundred hours later or so it seemed but he did and we were finished apart from the obligatory shower scene where I got to shag Nick but enough. Mitch Hewer was the jewel in the crown or the joey in the Christmas pudding, Nick was incidental and it was over apart from the clubbing bit and then the night with Mitch.

I'm pissed off typing so I'm gonna take a break until I get around to telling you all about my pal Tay and how we got to visit Mitch in the school holiday. It was fun and I hope I can put it across as I enjoyed it, so did my Taylor and hopefully so will you.

To be continued


I had intended this to be a one off and I thought of another British celebrity who fits the storyline. So it will go...

Part 1 Peter Renzo's adventure with the 'Skins' boys. Part 2 Peter brings Taylor online, Part 3 Peter takes Taylor to Manchester for a bit of skin diving.

I have a zipped set of pix of the boys from 'Skins' (courtesy Dave)... if you want just EMail.

Next: Chapter 2

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