Skins Skinned

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Feb 22, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of boys, youth and young men and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.


Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

New Email:


Part 2


G. Cutter

I got to London late afternoon and hopped the Tube to Collindale and home. I was exhausted quite literally, the previous evening with Nick and Mitch had been one of constant sex and then we went to their Club which was very obviously of the gay or gay and lesbian variety. I'd managed to get through that and finished up back with Mitch for a torrid night and that was putting it mildly. He shagged, I shagged and then we started again, by the time we went to sleep the dawn was adawning or whatever it does and we slept through until lunch. We had a very sedate meal for Mitch that is and he escorted me to the station and bade me a very reserved farewell. I would see him again, I knew that, he was just as in love with my olive skinned bottom and thick dark skinned dick as I was with his muscular dancer's body and big dick... come on, be fair, we lusted each other it was as easy as that.

I fell asleep on the train and dreamt of Taylor my smoothy fifteen year old Anglo pal. We'd wanked and fumbled but now knowing what I knew things would change. I knew or I thought I knew that he wanted to go go 'all the way', I just prayed that I was right. If I lost Tay I'd be destroyed. My bum was sore but that was down to Nick Hoult, God he was big and he'd given me a hard time, Mitch was a little smaller although still mansized but he was good sex and we went well together. I liked Mitch, I was in love with him but a different love to that I had with Tay. With Tay it was more spiritual... yeah!

I sat in the rattly old tube and thought of what I was going to write for the magazine. I had agreed that I would copy Mitch beforehand as I didn't want to say or put across something he didn't want. I had his EMail addy and could IM him on the condition I didn't pass either on to anyone. He'd tentatively suggested I spend a week over the school holidays and maybe bring Taylor. I laughed at him. Christ, the boy wanted his bread buttered both sides but the suggestion appealed. The problem was that I'd probably go home on a stretcher and poor ol' Taylor would be pregnant. Another thing was that Mitch was trying to link with a mystery someone and I had no idea who, I hated mysteries but I suppose he'd tell me when he was ready. Actually, I'd convinced myself to make time for him over our holiday with or without Taylor... now that was sheer treachery but I was obsessed with the young actor. I squirmed in my seat getting an irritated look from an old bat sitting opposite. I was imagining Mitch Hewer's hot cock moving up inside my gut. Gawd!

I got home to be met by mum and dad who welcomed me like I'd been on a three month safari to the bloody Gobi but after stuffing a huge Italian meal inside me they left me alone once I'd given a blow by blow account of what I'd been upto. Well sprinkled with a bit of fiction you understand. I didn't mention the gay club, the chorus boys and slightly swishy wannabes. I don't think they were all Mitch's friends but he did camp it up when he got going. The good news was that it was Friday night so I'd gained two days holiday and if God was on my side as I was sure he was young Taylor would probably pay a visit after his evening meal. He would, he'd be keen to know exactly and in great detail what had happened in Manchester. I was going to tell him as well, I'd made my mind up, it was shit or bust they say.

Sure enough, I'd just taken my shower and was dried off and sitting at my computer relaxing naked other than my shorts and I was taking the preliminary stab at my report when my mum called up the stair. 'Taylor on his way.'

I swivelled around to watch him come in and he didn't disappoint. He was clearly as I was and that was fresh from the shower, he was dressed down and also had shorts on with a pale yellow t-shirt and he looked a vision. His blonde cropped hair was still damp and he smiled. When Taylor smiled my heart melted, it always did.

'Hi, Dago,' he grinned and flopped onto my bed. 'Tell me all about it then.'

Oh dear, the times I'd told him that a dago was a Spaniard but he liked the sound it it and it stuck. Well, between us it stuck and a crap pet name is better than no pet name, I called him Noodle by the way and don't ask why. If he called me Dago in company I'll kill the little shit. I take that last bit back, he wasn't a little shit, he was slightly shorter than me although a lot slimmer. I suppose I was well built and he was wiry, that sounds good. He had all the bits a fifteen year old was supposed to have, a nice five inch bone and nice blonde pubics and his really were blonde unlike Mitch's. Don't forget we had fumbled and mutually masurbated so we weren't complete innocents.

'Where do you want me to start, Noodle?' I smoothed my bare chest and I saw his eyes flicker. 'The interview, the food, the wine, the drugs the gay club, the neverending sex.'

'Piss taker,' he giggled. 'Start at the beginning,' he lay back on the bed exposing his bare belly. Now boy's bellies are a bit of a thing with me and I leapt over and ducked my head and quickly kissed his flawless skin. 'Don't gay me,' he squealed the famous line from Skins and slapped my head away.

'Well...' I sat up and rummaged into my briefcase pulling all the paperwork out and there was mountains. 'Your hero,' I flicked the glossies over and that took care of him. What he didn't know was that Mitch had given me two A5 sized glossy prints of himself but on the strict understanding they were for my own use and for Taylor when and if I thought the time was right. Tonight could be the night.

'Hey, why don't you bring your stuff and sleepover? Mum and dad's away, big brother Darren's got the command.'

'Why don't you sleep over here,' I countered. 'I've got a bigger bed.'

'True,' he giggled and gave me one of his coy looks. 'Ask your mum.'

'OK,' I shot downstairs and saw mum and dad, as usual they had no problems, Tay had stayed over enough times he was like an addition to the family. I shot back upstairs.

'No probs. Dad says you have to clear it with your brother.'

'Shit.' He got from the bed and I could see he was getting stiff from looking at the photos. You've got to be fair and say that a young boy who gets a stiffy looking at pics of a male star has a serious problem. OK, I couldn't get rid of his problem but I could help him come to terms with it. Alright, that sounds so bloody glib, I wanted sex with my little blonde mate. How's about that for a bit of the God's honest truth?

'He wants to talk to you,' Tay passed the phone over looking dejected.

'Yeah,' I talked into it nervously.

'This for real? Your mum and dad OK with this?' I recognised Darren's voice.

'Yeah, all on the up and up, Darren.'

'OK... just one thing.'

'Yeah?' I gave Tay a reasssuring smile and he beamed quickly flopping back ontio my bed and the pictures again.

'Don't hurt my kid bro, Dago.'

'What the fuck...'

'I didn't mean for you not to play your little boy games,' I heard him laugh to himself. 'I mean don't hurt him, he thinks a lot of you.' The phone went silent. Jeez, I was sweating all of a sudden. My secret lust for Taylor wasn't all that secret. If Darren had us sussed out who else was in the know? I sat on the bed and handed the phone back.

'What was that all about?' Tay smiled at me and glanced at the pictures again. He was torn beween me and glossies of Mitch Hewer.

'Nothing; He told me not to hurt you... weird.' I looked at him for a reaction.

'Uber weird,' he giggled and wriggled his fanny. Shit, pre Mitch it had been a bum now it was a boy fanny. I was lost , damned and going to Hell. I took a further step without really thinking I leant over Tay and kissed the bare flesh between his shorts and shirt. 'Don't gay me, Dago boy,' he repeated his new catch phrase and giggled grabbing a photo. 'I liked this one best.'

I didn't have to look but I did. It was the black and white where Mitch has his jeans open at the top and his fingers pushing his briefs down exposing his lower belly hair almost down to the join of his dick with belly. Sexy as fuck. 'Figures,' I said dryly.

What do you mean,' he laughed and rolled onto his back, I could see the bulge in his shorts and guessed the only thing that stopped a proper pyramid was tight underwear beneath the shorts.

'Slut.' I gave hm a mock snarl and fished the interview notes out . 'Here you go read 'em and weep.'

'Q: Are you gay? A: Probably bi (casually spoken),' he smirked.

'There you go.' I looked at him and grinned. 'Now you know.'

'Q: Would you have have sex with a man? A: No.' He looked at me again and grinned. 'That seems straight forward enough, shame,' he giggled.

'He considers that anyone over twenty one is a man, anyone under a youth or boy.'


'It was the wrong question. What he said was that he wouldn't have sex with anyone over twenty one.'

'Ah,' Tay looked confused. 'So what does that mean?'

'It means, my dim-dim Noodle, that he'd go for younger and not older... so you're in with a chance yet.'

'Geroff, geroff,' he quealed as I ducked my head again and put a sucky sucky onto his belly pretending to give him a hickey. 'You bastard,' he pulled my ears and then went limp and just stroked them. I suspected that the time was ripe and took the plunge. I shucked his t-shirt up and kissed up his chest sucking on one coral pink nipple. 'What did you do with him?' His voice was thick but he didn't push me away just played with my thick mop. 'Tell me, Peter.'

'Everything.' It was one word but he froze.

'Everything?' He squeaked. 'You shagged, you bonked, you fucked?' His voice got shriller and shriller.

'Shut up... keep the noise down,' I put my hand over his mouth and he wriggled beneath me. 'We made love,' I whispered in his shell like ear and kissed his nose. I took my hand away.

'Mmmm...' he looked at me and scowled. 'I'm fifteen and not a kid you know.'

'I know that, you're my buddy.'

'Not as good as Mitch Hewer it seems,' he sniffed and browsed through the paperwork. 'I like you more than bloody poofy Maxxie,' I saw his face redden as he concentrated on the papers which I guess he wasn't reading. 'At least I'm normal not a raving queen.'

'Mitch isn't a raver,' I snuggled up behind him and put my arm around him. 'I shagged Mitch but it was in the heat of the moment,' I babbled on. 'I like you a lot, Tay and I wouldn't want to do anything to upset you.'

'Why not?' He whispered. 'You wouldn't upset me,' I barely heard the last.

Sod it, it was now or never. I kissed his neck and he stayed frozen, I kissed under his jaw in the soft flesh of his throat and he whimpered a little but then I tilted his face and kissed him fully on the lips and he relaxed in my arms. 'Taylor...' I whispered and kissed him again on the mouth and this time it happened, his lips opened and he eagerly returned the kiss until we both lay there mashing lips.

That was our first kiss and I mean the first ever. I felt like JC and that's the Julius Caesar man not the other one. I'd crossed the Runicon and there was no going back now. I'd finally kissed my darling Taylor, I could even hear the Disney bluebirds doing circuits around my head .

'You know what Darren said to me?'

'No.' I looked at him and he was still slightly red but his natural perkiness was coming through.

'He said we should get married,' he giggled.

'Wise man, your brother,' I remembered the brief telephone conversation.

'Who has the babies?' He muttered and his eyes dropped again and I reckoned that question wasn't as frivolous as it sounded. Poor Tay wanted to press buttons but he didn't know which ones to press. It was upto me, I was the older and now Ithat we'd taken the very first step on the ladder it was time for me to press on, I had the experience. I could show him all the things that I'd done, I could love him totally. I know all that's totally messed up thinking but this was Tay and he'd forgive me.

'Well, I reckon good boyfriends take turns,' I grinned and dived onto his smooth belly again, I couldn't get enough and this time he sighed with satisfaction as my hand also rubbed the front of his shorts feeling the constricted lump trapped in his briefs.

'Boyfriends,' he giggled. 'I like that.' He gasped as I continued upto his sticky out nipples and slid my hand back down inside his shorts and his briefs feeling the warm hardness in my hands at last. 'Lock the door, Pete,' he croaked. I jumped from the bed and did as he asked glancing at the clock, Mum and dad would be deep into their evenings television now, they wouldn't be up here before bedtime. I jumped on the bed and quickly tugged his shorts and briefs down exposing his fully hard stalk twitching on his belly.

'Boyfriend,' I nuzzled at his soft scrotum and stroked his smooth thighs.

'Yeah,' he sobbed and grasped my head but I knew what my little pal wanted. I licked the length of his five incher tickling his foreskin and it withdrew leaving his juicy glans as red as a pool ball but not quite as big. I grinned at the thought and holding his pale skinned prick up with one finger fixed my gaze on him. As he looked down at me I slowly sank my mouth over his oozing hardenss and heat. 'Aaaaaaaah...' He went limp as if he'd passed out and then gave a little groan. 'Dago... you perv.'

'I know,' I smiled happily running my lips up and down his smooth yet so hard flesh. I could taste his precum and felt his balls go uptight in their smooth sac. 'Lovely,' I stopped for a moment and nuzzled his fine pubics. I wanted his boy juices, I wanted to taste his essence and swallow then he'd be part of me.

'I could cum,' he croaked.

'Good.' I grasped his slippery meat and popped it into my mouth again. I couldn't take either Mitch or Nick right in but I managed my Taylor right into the back of my throat and when he jerked and gasped splattering his thick boy spunk, it slid down my throat like the sweetest of nectars. I squeezed his organ dry extracting the last pearly driblet and licked it clean sucking him dry like a squeezy tube.

'Pete...' he grinned at me as I slipped up alongside me and kissed. 'That was so dirty,' he giggled and rolling onto his side humping against my leg. 'Get naked,' he shrugged his shirt off over his head and as I shed my shorts he dived on me like a gannet. 'Cor, it's so big,' he whittered and then licked the end and pulled a face. 'Moet et Candon,' he declaimed like a right little poseur and then took me into his mouth.

'You don't have to do this, Tay.'

'Of course I do,' he grinned up my belly and flickered his tongue at my pee slit. 'My big brother told me to get married and mum said I had to do what he said.' He smiled and then took me gently but very firmly into his moist mouth and began.

He lay me on my back and crouched over me bobbing his head up and down, a couple of times he skinned me with his teeth but I told him and then he went all sexy. He moved around until we were nearly head to toe which gave me the chance to stroke his smooth, tight, white arse as he did his job. I told him when I was about to cum but he kept at it as I squirted a massive load into his mouth and he swallowed it all. He followed all my moves, squeezing me dry and then clambering up alongside me with a self satisfied smirk on his face and put his spunky stained lips onto mine.

'You're my boy,' I sighed and cuuddled him.

'Tastes of... nothing sorta thing,' he grinned brightly and he clutched me fiercely. 'This isn't a one off is it ? Wham, bam, thank you man.'

'No way, Tay,' I grinned at the unconcious rhyme. 'You're the boyfriend, this ain't a hit and run.'

'Great,' he snuggled in tighter. 'Gonna shag me?'

'Sooner or later,' I was brutally honest. 'You do me and I do you.'

'Wicked,' he wriggled his pleasure.

We got our shorts back on and played around with my computer, naturally enough I flashed up the EMails and much to my surprise there was one from Mitch. He was hoping that I got back safely and the cheeky bastard had sent his love to Taylor. Naturally enough my little buddy was perched on my shoulder like a rather sexy boy parrot and went apeshit to put it in a nutshell.

'You told him about us? He wailed. 'How could you?'

'He asked me if I had a boyfriend and I told him,' I told him. I took his hand and dragged him onto my lap feeling the heat of his body through both pairs of shorts. 'I have got a boyfriend haven't I?'

'Yeah, I suppose,' he grumped. 'I didn't think you'd tell the planet.'

'We'd had our first shag at that stage.'

'Oh,' he looked at me and then giggled. 'You dog.'

'Wuff, wuff.' I pecked at the keyboard and said that I was at home safe and sound and Tay was sleeping over.

'Here,' Tay knocked my hand aside and typed. 'Anything Peter can do, I can do better - Taylor'

'You slut,' I laughed and pressed the send button. 'This guy doesn't fuck around, he's a shagmeister and he's a six incher, maybe a bit more.'

'Whoo,' Tay shuddered in exaggeration and wriggled on my thigh. 'Once I've done you a few times, I could handle him,' he whispered and reddened.

'You could,' I agreed and had to think. Did boyfriends spread it around? I didn't know, I suppose it depended how strong the relationship was. I'd probably get jealous of Taylor spreading himself about but then again I'd done it with two strange guys already whilst professing undying love for him. Sort that one out. It was something we had to have a meaningful natter about but now wasn't the time and I didn't want to spoil the mood. This was our first night as official boyfriends or declared boyfriends and no time to rock the boat.

'I'm hungry,' he whined and that's the thing you have to put up with when you have a fifteen year old bf, constant hunger. Tay ate like a horse and was built like a bloody greyhound, God know's where it all went.

'Stick your shirt on, we'll do the kitchen and have some Options choccy drink.'

'Great,' he giggled and slipped from my lap. 'I love that stuff, makes me fart a bit though.' He stood there looking at me the picture of innocence. 'I wonder what happens if you fart when someone's shagging you.'

'EMail Mitch, he's bound to know, he's a bloody expert.'

'Misery guts,' Tay cackled and pulled his shirt on and barefooted we went to raid the kitchen.

After saying goodnight to mum and dad we settled down for the night, my older sister had just about left home by now and was setting down to her new life with a rather dim boyfriend. Well, he had to be dim to stand for her. However, my new bf wasn't dim he was dead sparkly and as we lay in bed with just the nightlight on he started. 'Right, tell me all about if from the word go.'

'Sure you want to hear the whole dirty and dismal story?'

'Damn right,' he giggled. 'I won't laugh,' he promised obscurely as if I was about to relate a bloody comedy. So I told it all as I could remember and he didn't laugh. He oohed and aahed a couple of times and cuddled into me holding my dick which naturally enough had sprouted.

Jeez,' he sighed at the end of it all. 'You lucky sod. Mitchell Hewer,' he said the name as if the up and coming star was newly canonised. 'I've never dared telly anyone this...'

'Go on then,' I smiled in the gloom holding him tightly and cupping his soft white globes which made me even harder.

'I fancy him something rotten. I really would let him do the dirty with me.'

'Ah, you do surprise me,. You and a few other kids I fancy.' I rolled him so that he lay on top of me and I got a real grip on his soft buttocks. 'You've only been babbling on about him for three months.'

'I didn't say I fancied him though.'

'Only 'cos you're in love with Ron Weasley.'

'Rupert Grint,' he giggled. 'He's dishy as well... Bloody. 'ell.' He spoke what had started to become Ron's catchphrase. 'Now he's real diamond.' There was something I'd heard about Rupert Grint recently but it had slipped my mind. The trouble with this midnight natter was that I was getting hornier and hornier. 'You gonna sleep over at mine tomorrow night.'

'Why? You can stay here.'

'We can do our honeymoon tomorrow then,' he whispered and I felt his pointed tongue lick me under the jaw. 'Darren stays around his mate's place Saturday.'

'Honeymoon?' I asked blankly.

'You know,' he ground into me and I could feel his stiffy against mine. I had to do something otherwise he would babble on all night and as I said... I was horny.

'We'll take about it tomorrow,' I decided firmly. 'Spin around.'


'Do it... one for the road.'

'Uh?' He still didn't get it until I manhandled him around and then got him to crouch over me and pulled his hips down until his waggling erection slid into my mouth. He got it then, he gave a subdued giggle and took me in as well, we were away on our first sixty niner but certainly not the last. We finished up on our sides and as much as I toyed with his smooth buttocks he played with mine and the suck went on... and on... and on. He cum first and my mouth was filled again with his sweet fluids and a second later I returned the compliment. A quick struggle and we were face to face again trading spit and spunk and this time there was real passion there. I think if I'd have wanted I could have topped him there and then but I didn't. We needed to work upto it and I was determined not to hurt him, he would get the full first time treatment and we would take it from there. He did spoon me and slept with his messy cock shoved between my legs from the rear but I didn't mind that. His heat and his smoothness and the little hot breaths on my neck were enough to give me pleasant dreams.

We eventually settled down and I slept like a log, I dreamt that I was shagging Taylor and that he did me but dreams come and go and I awoke to Taylor shaking me by the shoulder.

'Come on, Dago. Are you dead?' He giggled me and I heard him slip from the bed probably heading for the bathroom. I did the moaning and groaning bit and clenched my buttocks, I was squishy. Hang about, I couldn't be squishy, I hadn't done anything. I could hear vague sounds from the kitchen and nervously slipped my fingers into my crack and it was slippery. Shit. I was in a panic thinking loads of things and all of them nasty. I fiddled a bit reaching for my wanky hanky under my pillow and then examined my fingers. I sniffed them. I got really brave and took a little lick.

'That little bastard,' I croaked. It was spunk and as sure as God made little apples I didn't fuck myself. That little shit... Taylor.

'Whew, that's better,' he marched into the room in his briefs and with a towel around his neck. 'Get up and have a wash, I'm hungry.'

'Yeah, yeah,' I did the lazy bit. 'Come here, Noodle.' He sat on the edge of the bed with his usual grin until I grabbed him and dragged him into a very close and very tight embrace.

'Let go, Dago. You're hurting me.'

'Who spunked on me last night?'

'I dunno,' he tried to look innocent.

'Don't talk like an idiot.'

'Sorry,' he went bright red and dropped his eyes. 'Sorry, Petey. I couldn't help it. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt so horny and I snuggled up and you pushed back and that was it...' He tailed off and looked at me tearfully.

'Wake me up next time you want to play shagger boy,' I smiled. I couldn't blame him, I was tasty after all and on a more serious note I suppose it was a compliment. His heart was in the right place even if his dick wasn't. I had to get a grip on this kid before he lost patience with me and went elsewhere as Mitch had suggested. It was clear that all the talk about Mitch and Nick had got him going and our little play of the previous night had got him sexed up. We had to consumate to bring it right down to crotch level and the sooner the better. We were fifteen and sixteen, we were bubbling with hormones, testosterone and all the rest of it we needed to do it and that was IT in capital leters.

'I'm sorry,' he repeated forlornly. Suddenly he grinned. 'It was great.'

'I think we'd better try and organise to sleep over your place tonight,' I looked at him and smiled. 'I want to get you naked and fuck you so hard...'

'Wicked,' he giggled and tugged down the bedding. 'Wowsers,' he took one look at my morning glory and grabbed it sinking his mouth over it like a baby onto a tit.

'Oh, my Gawd,' I lay back and stroked his blonde hair. The quasi-rape was forgotten as he pleasured me slowly and sensually. He was learning fast and I gently fucked into his wet suction as he jiggled my balls and even fingered under me nearly holing me on a skim of his own stale boy cum. When I came into his mouth he swallowed and gobbled with his cheeks bulging like a squirrel with a mouthful of nuts and throughout he had that silly grin of his going... God, I loved that boy.

After my quick shower I checked my EMails and there was another from Mitch which was timed just after midnight. He'd probably been with his mates telling them about his easy London lay but no matter. All he said was that he was beginning to like Taylor more and more and that there would be a snail mail for me which he was writing this very afternoon. I replied just as briefly with just three words. 'Tonight's the night'. He'd know what I meant.

Over breakfast I told mum and dad that I'd probably overnight with Darren and Taylor but failed to mention that Darren may not be there. They didn't seem to mind, they knew that Taylor and I were close but not how close and that's the way I wanted it to stay. I noticed that Tay did one of his big beams as I made my little statement. He'd got his way and all boys like to win.

After eating I had to give mum and dad the abridged version of my Manchester trip again and roped Tay into helping me out with a draft of my interview and stopover in Manchester. It was basically a pack of lies and Taylor gleefully contributed his little bit. I think Mitch and Nick would like it but it needed a bit of polishing before I sent them a copy, I had until Monday before I had to produce it at school. Tay had lunch with us which wasn't unusual and we went down the road to beard the lion in his den, we were going to front Darren up and confirm the sleepover which I think like a pair of rather juvenile Romeos we'd decided was our wedding night. A house to ourselves, lust in the air, perfecto. The stumbling block was getting Darren's blessing... to the sleepover, not the wedding night.

'Hi Daz,' Taylor led the way into there front room where his big brother Darren was sprawled on his own watching the racing complete with paper and a couple of cans of the hard stuff.

'Hi lads,' Darren smiled. He was alright Darren, if I had a brother one like him would do. He was nineteen and in the Army. He was in the Corps of Signals and it was Sod's Law that he'd go through all his training and then get posted at the big hush hush military snooping place about ten miles away. He got every other weekend free and seemed to sit at home although he did have mates in the area. He was hunky and had crew cut dark hair, totally unlike his little brother. Funnily enough I quite famcied him although he was sociable enough but mainly ignored me.

'We both sat down and pretended to watch the racing.'

'Er, Darren...' Taylor started.


'It is alright if Pete sleeps over tonight?'

'I did say OK but I thought you preferred to sleep over with Peter,' Darren remarked.

'Yeah but it's Sunday tomorrow,' Taylor plugged on desperately. 'We can have a nice lie in, Pete's mum and dad are always up at the crack of dawn.'

'You ask this?' Darren looked at the screen and then at Taylor. 'You ask this, knowing full well that mum and dad are away and that I've organised to stop over at mates. Empty house, the kiddies are gonna play?'

'No, no,' Taylor waved his arms around. I kept quiet,

'Well I've already said yes but I want to talk to you both alone first... how's about that?'

'OK,' Taylor mumbled and looked at me. I nodded my head in agreement.

'OK. Serious time,' Darren grinned. 'Go and sit in the garden Pete, Tay'll call you in.' I scurried out of the room. I didn't know what the hell was going on but at least Darren hadn't refused. The thing was that I knew Darren obviously but I didn't know him all that well and Taylor never really talked about him a lot. Their age differential and Darren being in the army made for a distance between them.

Ten minutes later Darren came out and flopped into the chair alongside mine, there was no sign of Taylor.

'Where's Tay?'

'Don't worry about him,' Darren grinned and stretched his legs. 'He's in shock.'

'Shock?' I sounded like a idiot.

'I told your boyfriend to cool it,' Darren laughed. 'If you're going to do all those dirty boy things when you're alone so be it,' he paused. 'If you're going to upgrade to being an item and all that entails, be careful and keep a low profile, don't tell the world. Oh yeah, as I said don't you hurt my brother, he's got a damn big crush on you and I don't want you taking advantage of him and hurting him... I'm not talking the sex side of things, I suspect he can handle that.'

'What do you mean then?' It took some courage getting that out.

'I mean,' Darren fumbled with his words. 'He just got all lairy and told me he loves you. I want to make sure you feel at least some of it.'

'I do, I do,' I grinned like an idiot,

Good,' Darren smiled. 'Tellya a little secret, Dago.'

'Yeah,' I whispered.

'I fancy you as well,' he laughed and reaching out gave my cheek a gentle pinch. 'Sometime, eh?'

'Yeah,' I croaked and sat there as he wandered back into the house. I was in shock. He knew about Taylor and myself, he'd virtually given his blessing and then the ultimate. He'd said that he fancied me.

'Hi di hi,' Taylor chirped and flung himself into the chair recently vacated by his brother. 'All set, Darren says it's OK.'

'Yeah, he told me.'

'Well, at least you could smile,' Tay grinned. 'Don't worry about Darren, he can join in one night.'


'I just said he can join in, he told me he's fancied you for yonks.'

'We've got to talk about this.'

'We sure have,' Tay laughed. 'My big brother fancies my bloody boyfriend. Come on,' his voice dropped. 'He's gone out, he won't be back until tomorrow and we've got to feed ourselves,' his face dropped. The thought of his brother fancying his bf didn't seem to worry him too much, the thought of preparing his supper did... boys!

'I've got to ask you something,' I lay on his narrow bed later cuddling him and continued my new hobby which was to lick and nibble every square inch of his smooth boyish body. It should take some time but it was really enjoyable, he felt like a boy, he tasted like a boy but he wriggled like a worm.

'Ask, aaaaaah.' his back bowed as I nipped between his thighs.

'Don't you feel jealous about Mitch or anything?'

'Why should I, I know. If you snuck away and done him and I found out latter then I'd be jealous... and angry.'

'Aah,' I had to think that one out. 'What about if I did it with Darren?'

'What's the problem? He's your new brother in law, after we do the biz that is.' he giggled. 'What is all this anyway?' He suddenly sat up and pushed me away.

'I dunno, I'm confused.'

'Nothing to be confused about. We're boyfriends, we're gonna constipate or consumate or something... we're gonna fuck tonight. After that we go shagging with other people we have to tell each other... and share,' he sniggered. 'What's the problem?'

'No problems, you slut,' I pressed him flat again and ducked my head onto his stiffness. 'Noodle, I love you.'

'I know that,' he grinned. 'Love you too, Dago.' He sat up again. 'We share Darren as well if he get's heavy.'

'He might not feel it's right to do his kid brother.'

'He does,' Tay declared confidently. He tapped the side of his nose like a theatre Fagin. 'Super Noodle knows all.'

'Big head.'

'Big Dick,' he giggled and dived on me and I tried to fight him off but not too hard especially when his wet heat descended onto my penis and he began to suck. He stopped and looked up my belly. 'Do a squirt now and it'll last longer later on,' he gave an evil chuckle and ducked his head again. My Taylor was turning into an animal, I'll have to start calling him the Noodle Beast but for the moment I just idly ruffled his short hair as his warmth swallowed me and his flickering tongue tickled the end of my bulging glans.

'Faster, Noodle. Faster,' I grunted and held his head tightly now really fucking into his mouth. I felt him giggle around my straining heat and then it stopped as I squirted and splattered a cum into his gobbling mouth. I flopped and he literally wrung me dry and slipped up my body with his eyes gleaming and his face glistening with my spunk. He kissed me lightly and I tasted my own cum.

'You taste nice,' he whispered but I'd already left, I was heading south.

'So do you,' I licked his gleaming knob clean of dribble and began to suck. We would make love tonight and it would be a good one. Exactly as my Number Two lover had taught me. A straight 'belly on back' and then the true loving bit, the 'full frontal', eye to eye, lips on lips and belly on belly... truly boy lovers at last.

We called in pizzas later as I had the Manchester money still unspent and a free litre of Coke. that got us through an hour or so, a bit of music and the night wore on and poor Taylor gor more and more nervous the later it got.

'How we doing this?' He looked at me almost shyly trying to avoid my eyes.

'You shove your willy up my bum and go for it.'

'I know,' he wailed. 'But how?'

'I lead, you follow,' I grinned thinking of Mitch. 'It starts with a bath, a bath together.'

'Not much room,' he muttered.

'True love will find a way.' I grinned at him and kissed his cute nose. My Mitch had said it all. Jeez, it's all so easy when you have a script.

The bathroom was opposite his bedroom but he pushed open the door to Darren's room. 'Darren said we have to use his big bed if we're going all the way.'

'Nice of him and we are.' I pushed him in. The Darren setup was a bit weird but if he was after my bum I suppose he was was just playing the cards he had. Coddle us and then claim his dues, crafty soldier boy. I laughed to myself. I'd always vaguely fancied him, he only had to ask.

Tay had a bit of a poke around but I told him not to be nosey, we'd been loaned the room for our honeymoon night not to poke and pry. After a lot of messing around I finally got him naked and into the bathroom. The bath was a lot smaller than Mitch's but it would work. I topped it up with foamy and guided the giggling Tay in and I occupied the same position Mitch had a couple of days previously. Once settled in the warm water and into a close cuddle the rest fell into place.

'You've got to finger me now,' I managed to struggle to the end of the bath and cock my bum in his direction.'With your finger, nice and soapy... just to relax me, you get your sex on the bed.'

'Right,' I don't think he got it but once he'd soaped me up and played around he finally got his finger in me and was lost. 'Jeeeezus... that is so tight and so smooth,' he babbled on and I did what I knew he would. He reached under me and played with my balls and stiffy all the time finger fucking me and loosening me up not that I needed it. We fell out of the bath and dried off, the randy little sod was dribbling in spite of the earlier blow and I grabbed him and carried him into the bedroom squealing and flailing his arms around like he was being carried off by a bloody Viking or whatnot. I lay alongside him on the bed on my belly and parted my legs.

'Go on,' I prompted him.

'Just shove it in?'

'Use a bit of this, I gave him a small tube of oil that Mitch had given me for a souveneir. 'Put some on me, not a lot and take it easy.'

'I'm not that big,' he grunted.

'Big enough and get on with it, I've got a Noodle need.'

'He he,' he got between my legs and I felt his oiled finger smear me and just a little prod and then I felt the smooth skin of his legs inside mine, the slippery feel of his knob between my parted cheeks then came a brief pressure and he was in me. 'Oh, Peter,' he moaned as he sank in slowly. 'This is incredible,' he kissed the back of my neck and started to move. I knew he wouldn't last long, he was so horny and too eager. He did his best but after a slow shag that degenerated into a gasping and grunting near rape I felt him stiffen and let go a long shuddering sigh. His pecker perked and I savoured his warm squirts inside me for the first time. I suppose we were boy friends for real now although there was one little item remaining. 'Sorry,' he gasped laying on me and still stirring his dedflating dick. 'I cum too quick.'

'It'll last longer next time,' I assured him. I ejected him and flipped his trim young body over onto his back . 'You alright?'

'Great,' he smiled tiredly. 'But nervous.'

'I wouldn't hurt you, Noodle.' I wouldn't but I wanted to try something out that I had in the back of my mind. I rolled him ontop his belly again and pulled a cushion under his midriff elevating his pert white bottom. Parting his legs I saw his pinkish brown little pucker in all it's glory and nearly called it off there and then, it was so small and I knew he was a virgin down there, it had to hurt him however careful I was. Sod it, I was down and sucking and slobbering away at his tiny hole. I thought it'd be a bit disgusting but I remembered Nick at my fanny and it was great (for me) I just hoped Tay got a buzz out of it.

He did, he called me a dirty sod and then wriggled and giggled away as I teased and tickled his spinceter spreading his cheeks and finally slipping one finger into him and working it to and fro.

'Thass alright,' he slurred as I worked on him and he began to push up onto my probing. I took the chance to give my own hardness a good coating of glop as I licked and lapped at his virgin hole. He was mine and it was now or never.

'Relax,' I whispered and moved up his body kissing his bony spine until I got to his neck and slowly lowered my middle. He gasped and tensed as he felt my oiled spike glide between his cheeks and I saw his fists clutch the pillow as my swollen knob pressed against his little doorway. 'Push out like you wanna fart,' I hissed and when he did I pushed in.

'Aaah,' he flexed against me but it was too late. I urged him to relax again and pushed a little harder until I felt his ring close around my shaft. Excellent, that was the hardest part did he but know it and it was the point of no return. 'It's alright now,' he muttered and gave a squeeze with his bum and then eased off. 'Careful, Dago.'

I did just that, I took him slowly and gently, after the initial entry he adjusted and I sank into his delicious warmth and smoothness accompanied by an occasional moan and groan. When my belly nestled in the small of his back he craned his head around uncomfortably for a kiss.

'You are so beautiful, Noodle.'

'Handsome is the word and you're so bloody big,' he chuckled but the nervousness had gone. 'Gimme babies,' he whispered and that was it, away we went. As I've said more than once Mitch was a young man but Tay was still a boy, a boy on the verge of manhood and he was so soft and so smooth that I had to will myself not to cum to soon. I just wanted to make love all night but the physical took charge and I cursed as I felt my hot juices bubble up but one thing before my climax. Tay was moving with me, pushing up onto my thrusts and I realised he liked it, he liked me in him and that is the ultimate in good sex. None of this shit about, let's do it, get it over with and thank fuck for that but... Yeah, I like it this way - both having fun - let's do it forever.

'I've dreamt of this...' I whispered as I felt myself about to cum.

'Yeah, me too,' he giggled and wriggled and clamped his tight little boy bum on my advances and then it came. An amazing cum considering what had gone earlier, I lay on him exhausted feeling my dark skinned dick pumping and pumping my creamy fluid into his pale skinned bottom. No longer a virgin and forever sullied to get biblical but he was mine and I'd done the sullying and I didn't feel ashamed at all... I felt over the moon as I stirred myself in his cum filled passage and passionately kissed the side of his face.

'I could get to like that,' he muttered. 'Shit.'

'What's up?' I gave a little dig unwilling to let go of his body pinned under me.

'I'm not supposed to say I like it,' he clamped his cheeks and gave another little wriggle. 'I do though... with you,' he added covering his bets.

'Say what you like to me, Noodle. Remember, I'm your lover man.' I know it all sounds so corny, camp and silly but that's just what I said and he chuckled and craned his head around for another kiss.


I slipped free from him still feeling pretty pleased with myself and hugged him this time with passion spent and maybe all the better for that. We both gazed at each other with our ptivate thoughts but with smiles. I'd thought and longed for this moment forever and rather to my surprise it seemed Tay had as well. In some respects he was leading me and I was beginning to realise that he wasn't such a child after all. Jesus, if I loved a child I'd be a baddy. I loved another boy slightly younger than myself... now, doesn't that sound a whole lot better?

'I feel like I've got a bum load of slugs,' Tay looked at me plaintively. 'I daren't fart.'

'Go to the loo, you moron.'

'Cor, what are you? Couth or what?'

'Mostly uncouth, my Noodle, but what goes up must come down.'

''Wanker,' he giggled scrambling from the bed and making a run for it with his beatiful arse tightly clenched. I lay back and thought about it. No I didn't. I spent too much time thinking, I gave him a few moments and went across the landing and rapped softly on the bathroom door.

'I'm done,' he shouted out. 'Just having a shower.'

Excellent. Fortunately with Darren spending a lot of time at home and Tay growing up, their dad had fitted a shower cubicle in addition to the bath and it just about accomodated two as I found out when I managed to squeeze in with him.

The trouble with baths and showers is that as soon as I get naked and alongside a slippery body I get horny and that's why I tried to avoid them at school. I tended to pop one to be blunt. It was my imagination, it tended to run riot if I got into a situation where I was fresh from cross country run or whatever and finished up with a dozen boys all strutting their stuff. God knows how I'd get on in a nudist colony although I understand 'popping' is rare... yeah, right. I'll take that one with a pinch of salt. Anyway, back to sweet Tay Here we are crammed into the shower and nature took it's course as it always does. Taylor (as I might have said) had suddenly turned into Randy Rat and was moving against me like he was trying to shag my thigh.

'What do you think about Darren?'

'Your brother?'

'How many are there?' He giggled. 'He used to say that he fancied my bum but I always thought he was joking, being all Army sorta thing. Then he said he fancies you and mentioned something about putting in a good word.'

'Well, after offering us the use of his bedroom we should be nice to him.' I grinned moving him around to my front and holding him in a slippery embrace. 'He is rather tasty,' I whispered into his ear and rubbed up agaist his back massaging his little nipples feeling myself harden up again. Perhaps we should find something to eat and then again maybe just go back to bed, time was moving on and the thought of getting dressed and walking down the local fish and chippery didn't really appeal.

'So, you reckon we should look after Darren?' Taylor rubbed his sweet little bum against me.

'Why not?' I felt my stiffness slip between his legs and him squeeze hard on it as I moved.. Hungry?'

'Good,' he shoved back into my belly. 'Nah, don't feel all that hungry but I am a bit tired.'

'Hint, hint,' I laughed. 'Let's dry off.'

I love the fluffy towel bit and I got to examine his sphincter which looked a bit red but that was about all. He did his squealing and flapping around bit but I was getting used to it by now. He soon calmed down and kissed his cheeks and gave him a bit of my tongue. I think he would have stood in the fug of the bathroom and let me play wioth his bottom forever but I had things on my mind and they were our second fucks, joining or whatver. I'd somehow got the crazy idea that mounting someone doggy or whatever was just a shag. Doing a boy face to face... now, that was true love.

He went back into the bedroom and then I did a quick flit around the house making sure the back and side doors were locked and the downstairs windows were catched, I didn't want juvenile burglars getting in on the act. Tonight was the honeymoon proper, we'd go for schooly burglars next time around as long as they came in pairs.

'Hello, my Noodle,' I walked into heaven. He had the bedroom darkened again save for the bedside light and lay stretched out fully naked on the duvet and just gave me the sparkly teeth. His own penis was stretched up stiffly on his belly and any thoughts that he may have had enough fled my mind. He wanted more and so did I. I hopped onto the bed and got between his smooth legs dropping my head and nuzzling at his scrotum.

'Aaaah, Dago,' he whispered and grasped me by my unkempt hair. 'You are such a perv.' That was a bit ripe coming from him but all the same I took him into my mouth and savoured the feel of his boy cock in my mouth and the faint taste of dribble. That was fine, he was ready for more. I gave him a swift kiss and hoisted his legs up into the air. He gave a squeal which turned into a sigh as he automatically held his knees to his chest exposing his tautly spread ring in all it's glory. I kissed it lightly and as I ran my tongue over his hole he gave a shudder and grabbed my head again letting his legs rest on my shoulders. 'Go on, Peter. Go on,' he babbled grasping my hair as I started to lap and probe at his tight little sphincter. 'Full frontal?' He murmured as I glanced up his belly.

'Yeah,' I lapped up his perimneum taking his tightening ballbag into my mouth, a quick lap up his jerking cock and then down onto his ring again but this time I had the oil to hand. I didn't want him too slippery as he'd already been stretched so I just put a smidgeon on his pucker and fingered a little inside.

'Aaaah,' he jerked and then clamped on my moving finger as I reached in for his prostate. 'Yeah...'


'Do it,' he whispered and as I kissed up his body to his lips and as I guided my groin to his he lightly clamped his legs around my waist. When I took him he closed his eyes and pulled a face but as I felt myself enter his warmth a saw the frown fade and his usual grin appear. 'Niiiiice...'

It was glorious. His tightness wrapped around my super hard cock and then his lips on mine as I started to move my hardness in it's fleshy sheath and his legs crushed me tightly as if afeared I would escape. We got into a slow rythm and as I felt myself bottom out in his warm gut I gave that extra shove that Mitch liked really seating myself in his body. He gasped and held me tightly as we rocked together on the bed and then I began to fuck. This was the one, the good one and he smooched me frantically as I plundered his tender arse. I put my hands flat either side of his torso and slid in and out of his slick heat until it came at last, what I'd been wanting to hear.

'Harder, Pete. Come on, harder,' he growled pressing his legs down onto my back and I tried, I really did try. I rode him like a stallion did a mare and he loved it urging me on until the glorious moment when I felt my juices lierally fountian into his constricting yet welcoming tunnel. 'Oooooh...' he warbled and giggled as I shot a series of juicy cums into his sweet boy bottom. It was done and I lay on him as his legs slipped down my sweaty back. I lazily pumped my hips and did another cum as I left him into his crack and the outside of his hole.

'Jesus, Noodle,' I turned his head and kissed his cute nose. 'That was something else.'

'I gotta have twins,' he grinned quite happily. 'Lover boy. Latino boy.'

I laughed, that was better than Dago. I pulled him on top of me and he rubbed his hardness against my messy and now deflated penis. Holding his sweet cheeks I could feel my own cum as I ran my fingers up and down his crack. 'You ready?'

'I was born ready,' he smiled. 'Ready for you.'

'Wanker,' I murmured fondly.

'No more after this,' he grinned and gave a sensual rub up and down my belly with his stiffness. Suddenly he sprang into action kneeling upright and parting my legs either side of him. I realised he was copying me which seemed about right. This was his first time doing it this particular way and I was his to experiment with. In fact, he didn't do too much in the way of expermienting,he hoiked my legs up and ran his boner up and down my crack and as he parted my legs further I felt his slippery knob press against my ring. 'Where's that bloody stuff,' e cast around for the oil.

'No matter,' I held his hot flesh against my pucker. 'Do it... sloqwly.'

'Ah,' he nodded and then pushed. Jeez, I felt like I was splitting and then I felt my sphincter part as his slippery glans pressed against it and suddenly he was in me. 'Aaaaaah...' His face dropped to mine and our lips met yet again. As we kissed he began to move and push in. He took his time although I could feel his pent up frsutration and then he was movier easier and faster.

'Yeah, nice one, Noodle.'

'Now this is the way to do it,' he grinned and began to fuck for real. I think at that moment in time and space I realised he wasn't a boy any more. He was fucking me, I could feel it hot and hard in my body. He was my lover man and he was good. I held him tightly whispering sweet nothings in his ear as he gave me a damn good fucking. Plain and simple, no nice words to be used, he was fucking me plain and simple. He was enjoying it and I was, his stiff fifteen year old penis bloated and juiced pentrated me time and time again and at the end he fell on me rapidly fucking until I felt his pumping and his warm squirts. As he lay on me I clamped on his hot meat and felt his juice inside me. 'I am totally exhausted.' he sighed as he lay on me.

'I thiought you were going to say you were fucked.'

'Well, I am,' he laughed and pulled a face as his limpness slipped free. 'Cor, messy, messy. Fuck it, we can change the sheets before Darren gets back.'

'Whatever,' I dragged him inside the bed and we pulled the covers up. 'Now we sleep.' I said firmly.

'Yessir, hubby,' he giggled and snuggled and we slept.

Well, guys it's time to close this segment of my little story. This part was supposed to be the link between my first short meeting with the Skins cast and the second longer get together. Well, now you know how Taylor and I got on. The only thing to add is that I did get a letter from Mitchell Hewer which got myself and my new boyfriend cock-a-hoop (how's that for a bit of old English). I reproduce it below.

"Dear Peter and Darling Taylor, Peter, I did say I wanted to spend more time with you and get to know your friend, known for some reason as The Noodle. Joking aside, you know I'd love to meet Tay. I have a proposition for you as I know you start your long summer holidays soon. I am renting a country house near Bath for a while and I'd like to offer you both a working holiday. This would be generally helping out and entertaining my guests. All pretty cool and I don't really want to say too much in a letter suffice to say I have already got a firm fix on Rupert Grint, my mate Nick, Dev Patel and Dean (the loving lout) from the second series. I'd like to meet you both in person to discuss in the near future and this is a very serious offer. I'll phone you, Pete, one evening. Yours in peace, Mitch (Maxxie)"

'Darling Taylor', how camp can you get? Anyway, so much for Mitch's letter and that leaves only one little thing to finish up this chunk.

I awoke to the sound of a milk cart out in the street and through half open eyes saw grey light penetrating the thin curtains. Warm breath on my neck and a warm chest on my back. Very nice. I wriggled my bum as I felt hard flesh between my cheeks and then a pressure but what a pressure. Jeez, the pain brought me to life and I clutched Taylor in my arms.

Taylor in my arms?

'Gawd...' I moaned as I felt a huge stiffness open me up and hard meat in my gut. I pushed back and felt strong arms encircle me and then movement. I was being fucked and I still clutched Taylor to my chest.

'Morning, Peter,' Darren whispered and then it began.

To be Continued in Part 3

OK, so it's a bit messy but stick with it. I got the Skins (First Series) DVD online, it's a three disc set with the episodes accompanied by loads of goodies. If you're a Skins fan get it. It's a very reasonable twelve quid and worth every penny. As for Instalment 6 (Maxxie and Dev), the Russian trip - brilliant.

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