Skull Island

By Francis Scott

Published on Mar 9, 2024



Skull Island

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a just a little short story. I hope you like it. My email address is at the end of the story. Please send your comments.

Skull Island

By Francis Scott

Here we were grown men. Some of us were married, divorced, single or dating. Getting ready for our anniversary at Skull Island. We had started meeting every year at Skull Island once we graduated from college. And that was already over ten years ago.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back and find out how all this started.

Skull Island got it's name from two big caves that looked like eyes. And there was a reef in front of the caves. I suppose that looked like a mouth. From the air, the island was shaped like a skull and the caves and reef gave the impression of a skull's face.

According to local legend, Skull Island was supposed to be haunted and deserted. Nobody went there. I guess nobody had any reason too.

But for six very impressionable young kids. Skull Island had a definite attraction. We wanted to find out if it was really haunted or if that was just a myth.< /p>

The six of us grew up in the same neighborhood. Rode the school bus together and played high school sports together.

We were all close to the same age. All of lived close to each other. Nobody lived more than two blocks away. We lived in a good residential area. All the homes were large and the families had good incomes.

Gary was my best friend. He was almost a next door neighbor. Only one house was inbetween our homes. We were always together and always at each other homes. Gary and I were seniors in high school. We were starters on our high school football team. Gary is tall, six feet three inches, 185 lbs, stocky, dark brown hair, hazel eyes and moderately hairy. We had no problem being naked around each other. We saw each other naked all the time in the lockerroom and shower at school. Neither one of us was dating in high school and we had no problem fooling around together. Gary was a little bigger than me. He was about eight and a half inches cut. I was seven and half inches cut.

Steve was another good friend he lived at the end of our block. He was also a senior and was a starter on our high school football team. Steve was also a big guy. He was an even six feet tall, 190 lbs of pure muscle. He had black hair, brown eyes, and he was hairy. Steve had a beautiful seven inch cut cock. It was perfect. It was straight like an arrow. No veins, except for the big one on the back side. He had no problem being naked with us. Again we all saw each other naked all the time in the lockerroom and shower. But he wasn't as close to me as Gary. Steve dated girls off and on. But always had time to hang out with us. Steve was friendly and just a nice all around guy.

Mark lived the furthest away. Almost two blocks, but he was another good friend of ours. He played on our varsity football team and was a starter. Another big boy. Six feet, two inches. Dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Very handsome and muscular. He was a gym rat and worked out even when we didn't have to. Mark was a perfect eight inches and thick and cut. He was very popular in school. A good student, always on the honor roll. In fact, he helped some of us with our studies. We had to have at least a "C" average to play sports. But all of us were in the "A" and "B" range in our classes with Mark's help. He was also a lady killer. With his good looks, the girls were always flocking around him. He didn't date much. He would rather hang out with us.

John lived on my block. At the end. He played football with us. John was a fill in if someone got injured. He was a junior. John was another big guy. Exactly six feet. He looked like he should be from California with his blonde hair and blue eyes, and not from the midwest. He was a popular member of our group. He liked hanging out with us. We worked out together, according to coaches instructions. He was also a member of study group. John came from a wealthy family also. But being an only child and his parents always working, I think he adopted us as his brothers. We didn't mind. We liked John and he was fun to be with. He was the biggest of our group. Almost nine inches and thick. Which he liked to show off. I probably would too, if I had a cock that size. John didn't date much and seemed to stay by himself. He only got together with us on the designated days we were studying or having a get together.

Rusty lived kiddy corner from my block. If their was ever was a ginger it was Rusty. We didn't dare tease or rib him about his red hair. He took it seriously and got mad right away. He had the freckles to go along with his red hair. He was very light complected and sunburned easily. He had to pour the sunscreen on when we played football in the hot weather or he would have looked like a cooked lobster. He played on our varsity team and was a junior. Rusty was another fun member of our little group. He was good student so he and Mark would help us with our homework. Rusty was tall like the rest of us. He was six feet one inch. He was stocky and well put together. His working out really put the muscle on him. He was about my size. Seven and a half inches. Maybe just a bit thicker than me, but his cock was very veiny. Where mine is smooth. I liked his red pubes. But I didn't dare say anything. Rusty had the girls flocking around him. I think they were attracted to his red hair. He didn't date alot and seemed like he'd rather be hanging out with us.

Finally me, Jake. I was kind of elected the ring leader of our group. I was a senior. I don't know how that came about but it just happened. We took turns getting together at each other's houses. I was a fast learner and with with Mark and Rusty's help. I did good in school and was usually on the honor roll. I was quarterback on our varsity football team, so maybe that was why I was elected the leader. We ended up winning our division and went to the state finals where we took second. Coach was really happy with our efforts. I have light brown hair, green eyes that sparkle in the sun. Muscular and like working out. Six feet tall exactly. And a seven and a half cut cock with big low hanging balls. I think my balls were the biggest from anyone in our group. And I'm gay. I think my buddies know that. But had never asked me.

It was my turn to have the guys over. Like I said earlier, we all lived in an upscale area of town. Our houses were big and our parents were busy working professionals. We have a large rec room downstairs, so it made the perfect place for us to get together. There was a large sectional with a big screen tv. A mini kitchen and a game room. So it had everything we needed.

We had been hearing about Skull Island for a long time. We had visited it a few times. Both John and Gary had speed boats. So we'd hop on one of their boats and take a trip to the island. We always docked on the back side so the boat wouldn't be seen and not damaged by the large reef on the front side. We never saw any traces of anyone living on the island. Of course the mystery of the island and being haunted was our main attraction. We explored the caves and didn't find any skulls or bones. Surprisingly, we didn't see any bats in either cave. The caves were big and one had a large chamber with crystals growing. It was really quite pretty and nice to look at when the sun was sparkling off the crystals.

We had explored the whole island and found a nice spot on the top that looked out to the water on the west side of the island that was open and flat. We thought if we ever decided to build something. This would be the perfect spot. I thought I saw Gary and John looking at each other and smiling. The island was woody with many different birds. We'd see some of the birds and hear them. We hadn't come across any animals. So we didn't know if there were snakes, spiders, lizards or any large animals. We hadn't seen any tracks or droppings. So we didn't think so.

All the guys showed up at my house at the designated time. We had agreed on six. We would spend a hour studying and doing our homework and then talk more about our plans for Skull Island.

We finished studying and our homework. With six of us and two of guys really good students, our homework went pretty fast. I was glad I was anxious to talk about Skull Island and our plans. I had brought down my laptop. We were going to work on plans for building a small cabin. Gary knew a good website to go to. Probably because his dad owned the largest construction company in the state. As one of his investments. Gray pulled up the website and we started looking at some of the design ideas. I liked everything. So I wasn't much help. We finally agreed on a small log cabin. With a fireplace in the living room. A small kitchen and dining room. A bathroom with a large shower and one large bedroom with two double sized bunk beds. Each bed could sleep two people. We agreed on the final design and Gary saved it on a memory stick so he could print out the designs and blue prints.

I was getting really horny being around my hot friends. Some of them had big bulges in their shorts. We liked frotting. Rubbing our hard cocks together or rubbing our hardons between another guys balls. We had done some sucking, but no fucking. I was hoping some frotting was going to happen. I started rubbing my bulge, hoping that would help to get some action started.

Gary was sitting next to me and noticed me rubbing my hardon. Gary said, "it looks like Jake is horny. He's busy here rubbing his hardon through his shorts."

Soon everybody said they were horny and we started shedding our clothes. Everyone was hard or semi hard. We got on the floor, which was carpeted, in a circle jerk. I lucked out I had Gary on one side of me and John on the other side. I was able to jerk the two biggest cocks. We had our eyes closed and were just enjoying the feeling of having someone else's hand on our cock. I heard Steve moaning and saying he couldn't hold out much longer. That soon got Rusty and Mark close. We picked up our pace and soon I heard Mark grunting and groaning and saw him shoot way up his chest, hitting his chin. That seemed to get the rest of us close and we all started shooting out our loads. I liked the feel of John's and Gary's cocks hard and throbbing in my hand when they came.

I ran into the downstairs bathroom and grabbed a few towels so we could wipe ourselves off. Once we had our cum wiped off. We decided to take a shower. I got the water running. The shower could hold four guys pretty well. I think six of us would be a bit crowded. But I didn't think or hear anybody complaining. We washed each other and soon we were all semi hard again. I guess our young teenage hormones were being very active today. Rusty turned the water off and we started sucking each other. It didn't take us long to cum again. Young teenage boys could recharge fast. We milked the cum out of the person we were sucking and everyone was sparkling clean. We dried off and walked back into the sitting area naked.

We talked some more about Skull Island and our plans for a small cabin or house. Again, I saw Gary and John smiling at each other. We agreed to have another adventure to Skull Island in a couple of weeks. Gary interrupted our plans and said, "maybe we should hold for about a month before we go to Skull Island. We have our big homecoming game coming up and will be ending our football season. Let's wait till the season is over. The coach is going to be working us hard." We all agreed with Gary and thought that was a good idea.

We put our clothes on and hugged each other. Made sure our homework was finished. I said my goodbyes to my friends and I walked them out to the front door and watched them walk back to their homes.

The more I thought about it. I knew Gary and John were up to something. I noticed them two times smiling to each other when we mentioned going to Skull Island and building a small house or a cabin. I thought our ideas were pretty good. And it should look pretty good when finished, if it happened.

We got together one more time before our big homecoming game. It just happened that we were in first place going into the big game. The team we were playing against were our biggest rivals and were in second place. We didn't do any fooling around the last time we got together. We wanted to be ready for the game.

The two high school pep bands were busy blasting out music and getting the fans all ready for the big game. Coach gave us about a half hour pep talk. Mainly telling us to keep doing what we have been. Don't try to a one man show. This is a team and a team works together. He then told us he expected us to play our best. And whether we won or lost, if we played our best, he would be satisfied. We cheered and did our chant and then started walking out onto our field. The fans went crazy when they saw us walking out. I could hear our pep band playing our fight song. We lined up close to the fifty yard line and the starting line was introduced one by one. Once the announcer finished with us. The rival team came out to a big roaring crowd. We heard their pep band play their fight song. And their starting line was introduced. The captains of the two teams, which was me, shook hands and I called heads when the coin was tossed. It landed heads and I agreed that we would receive.

The teams were pretty evenly matched. The score was tied going into half time. We walked into the lockerroom, hot and sweaty. The coach was ready for us. He told we were playing okay, but he wanted to point out a couple of strategies. He showed us on the blackboard what our rivals were doing and how they were usually doing the same plays over and over. Not changing anything up. That got my attention and I knew what plays we could run to win this game and outplay them.

Half time was over and we hit the field, ready to win this game. Being the captain. I was able to keep the guys focused and I told them the next two plays we were going to run. We intercepted the ball, actually Rusty intercepted the ball and ran it down for a touchdown. The fans were going crazy and we heard our pep band. That kept us motivated. We had possession of the ball going into the fourth quarter and I gave a long pass to Steve and he ran it in for a touchdown. We were two touchdowns ahead going into the final minutes of the fourth period. We kept our lead and our rival team seemed to not understand how we could figure out their plays. We shook hands at the center of the field and went back to our respective lockerrooms. The coach was all smiles and he congratulated us on a well played game.

He told the school was having a big pep rally tomorrow at one to congratulate the winning team. We told the coach we would all be there.

We were high fiving and having a blast. Many private parties were planned. Some of us wished our cabin or little house on Skull Island was done. We could have a special party there, just for us. We showered and got changed and decided we would head to two or three parties and then call it a night. We were tired after putting everything into the game.

We managed to make it to a couple of parties. But we were dragging. The girls were flocking around us. Probably so they could get some recognition too. After the second party, it was going on midnight and we didn't think we would last for another party. So when we left we told each other that we would meet before the pep rally at the school tomorrow, Saturday.

Our parents had decided not to have parties. Since there was already four or five planned. That was okay with us.

We all made it to our homes and as soon as we got home we stripped down and jumped in bed and fell right to sleep. I had some dreams about the game and how we massacred the opposing team.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Gary. "Hey bro, what's up?"

"My parents are gone and I'm the only one in the house. Was wondering if I could come over and hang out?"

"Of course. You know you don't have to ask. Your like another brother. My parents are always glad to see you."

"Cool. Are you up yet?"

"Nope. Laying here in bed when I heard my phone ring. I can smell breakfast. So get your sorry ass over here and eat breakfast with me."

I jumped out of bed and ran naked into the shower. I turned the water on and it was icy cold until the water started getting warm. The cold water finishing waking me up. Unfortunately, it made my morning woody shrivel like a prune.

I was drying off when I heard a knock on my door. I thought it was probably mom telling me that breakfast was ready. "Come in."

It was Gary and he flopped down on my unmade bed. "Your mom wanted me to tell you that breakfast was almost ready."

Gary was watching me finish toweling off. I saw a definite bulge in his shorts. I thought I'd do a little teasing. I pulled out some briefs from a dresser drawer and walked over to where Gary was flopping down and starting slowly pulling the briefs up. I saw his eyes glued to my body. I turned so he could see me adjust myself in my briefs. I thought I saw his cock twitch in his shorts. I walked back to the dresser and bent over so he could see my hot ass. I pulled out a tshirt and shorts and walked back to where he was flopped down. He had a hand down his shorts and I could tell he was rubbing the length of his big cock. "I think we better cool it and get downstairs for breakfast before mom decides to poke her head in and tell us breakfast was ready."

Gary gave a groan. "We can take care of each other later. You said your parents were gone. We can get ready for the pep rally at your house and leave from there." Gary seemed to like that idea. I finished getting dressed and we walked down for breakfast.

"Where's dad?" I asked mom. "Your father had to leave early for the golf course. He had some business to take care of."

That sounded like dad. He was always gone to business meetings. Most of the time mom went with him.

Mom was getting everything ready at the kitchen island. Gary and I sat on stools and waited on breakfast.

Breakfast looked and smelled delicious. We dug in like two hungry boys do. It soon was all gone and I told mom I was going over to Gary's house and we would leave from his house for the pep rally.

She told us congratulations on a well played game. She said they wouldn't be able to make the pep rally. They had a commitment at that time. I told her that was okay. It was supposed to be televised on our local tv station, so it should be on the early news this evening.

Gary and I ran back upstairs and I grabbed some clothes to wear to the pep rally and we walked over to Gary's house.

Like he said, nobody was home. So we ran upstairs to his huge bedroom. All the rooms in his house were big. I asked him where the housekeeper was and he said she was gone for the weekend. So it was just us in the house. If the gardener came, that wouldn't be a problem. He had a key for the storage shed and would just get busy with whatever he had to do.

We stripped off our clothes and laid down together on his big king sized bed. We still had almost two hours before the pep rally. Gary's big cock was semi hard and as soon as I touched it, it got hard. I couldn't wait to get my mouth on his big cock. Gary was rubbing the length of my cock and getting me rock hard.

We moved to our sides into a sixty nine. Jerking each other off and sucking each other, this was the only things we had done. We hadn't done any ass play yet. In fact, I don't think we even thought about it.

We were lined up perfectly with our cocks aimed at each other's mouths. Almost at the same time we started sucking and licking each other's cocks. We were moaning it felt so good. I felt Gary's big low hanging balls while I started sucking his cock. He was doing the same to me. Being two horny young men. It wouldn't take us long to cum. As we got closer and closer to our orgasm, we sucked faster and faster. I wasn't able to take all of Gary's eight and a half inches all the way. I hadn't mastereed the art of deep throating. Neither had Gary. But we were able to take a lot of each other's cocks. We soon were sweating and moaning loud as we approached our orgasm. Soon we both shuddered and stiffened out and shot big loads into each other's mouths. We milked out the last drops and swallowed each other's loads.

We laid back facing each other and hugged and kissed and told each other how much we liked each other. We thought we should probably shower and then get ready for the pep rally.

Gary asked me, "should we shower or use my jacuzzi tub?"

"Let's use the tub," I told Gary.

Gary got the tub filled and turned the jets on. He grabbed us a couple of towels for when we finished. The hot water felt good swirling around my body. Gary laid back with his head resting on the edge. I moved back against him and felt his hard cock slide right into my hole. He wrapped his big arms around me and kissed me on the neck and ears and then started rubbing and pinching my nips, getting me hard. He reached down and started jerking my cock while I felt him pushing in and out of my hole. Again, it didn't take us long and we gave out loud grunts and shot out another good sized load. Being fucked by Gary, just felt like the right thing. We finished cleaning off and Gary turned the jets off and opened the drain. We towel dried each other and we were already semi hard.

We got dressed in clothes for the pep rally. While we were getting dressed we received calls from our friends asking us when we were leaving for the pep rally. We told our friends we were getting dressed and then heading over to the high school gym for the pep rally.

We finished getting dressed. We wore our team jerseys with dress pants and dress shoes and thought we were ready.

The high school was on the other side of town from where we lived. Gary said he would drive us over to the high school.

As we got close to the high school. We could see school buses and the parking lot looked pretty full. Gary noticed reserved parking for the team and family. So he parked in a reserved spot.

When we got out of Gary's car, we could hear our high school pep band playing music. We walked into the back of the gym and entered that way. We found the rest of our friends and they told us we needed to wait back stage. So all of our team was waiting backstage. That was instructions from the high school principal. We could hear the principal taking the microphone and asking everyone to get settled that pep rally was going to begin. The principal pointed to the pep band and they started playing our fight song. We could hear the cheerleaders doing their thing. That was our cue to come onto the stage. So we walked out to cheering, hooting, hollering and foot stomping. I stood in the center since I was the quarterback. The bleachers were full and I could see the local tv camera going.

We stood behind the principal until the fight song finished and everyone got settled down. The principal went back to the microphone and said how proud he was of our team. Then the coach walked to the microphone. I was surprised to see him give a speech. He said that he didn't usually give speeches, but this was an exception. With such a fine team he felt he had to say something. He told the audience that this was one of the best teams he had ever coached. And two juniors would be on the starting line for next season, along with all of the junior varsity players that would move up to the varsity position. The coach thanked everyone for this great attendance and showing so much support for this winning team, pointing at us. "Now I would like the quarterback, Jake, of our winning team come up here to the podium and give us some feedback."

My friends were pushing me and I finally made my way to the podium. Everyone was standing and cheering and I couldn't have been happier. I waited until everyone sat back down and it got quiet. "Thank you everyone for attending this pep rally. This is totally unexpected and I didn't know I would be giving a speech. But all I can say is that without these guys standing behind me and all their support. We wouldn't have won our game. We are a team and we played like a team. Nobody tried to outdo the other. I'm very proud to be their captain and to have had their support. I know the new varsity team will do just as good as we did, probably better. Again, thank you all for coming and attending our games and giving us support. And a special thank you to the cheerleaders for their support and getting the fans behind us. We could hear you when we were playing and it gave us the drive and encouragement to do our best. Finally, the most important person that made us a winning team was our coach. Without his constant pushing and encouragement we wouldn't be on this stage today. Thank you all so much."

I walked back to my teammates with another standing ovation and cheering.

The principal walked back to the podium and told us that concluded the pep rally and he personally thanked us and shook our hands.

All of us in our group had decided to meet out at Skull Island and enjoy our win their. Gary and John told us they had a surprise for us and to pack an overnight bag and meet him at his place in about an hour. He told us to walk over to his place when we were ready and he would take us all to Skull Island in his speed boat when we were all together. We all shook hands and left to our homes.

Gary drove us back to my house and told me that was quite an impromptu speech. And told me he would walk to my house when he was ready. I told Gary I was going to get everything ready and would be waiting for him.

I saw him drive down to his house and pull in the driveway. I walked into a quiet empty house. I noticed a note on the kitchen island. It was mom telling me that her and dad where gone to a cocktail party that would end with a business meeting. I wrote on the bottom of the note that I was staying over with my friends and I would be back sometime on Sunday.

I ran upstairs and changed clothes and started packing a sports bag for the weekend. We were having warm weather and I figured it would be warm on Skull Island so I packed shorts and tshirts and flip flops. I was wondering what Gary and John had planned. I would find out when John took us to Skull Island.

I went downstairs in some cargo shorts. A nice tshirt and sneakers and waited on Gary.

I didn't have to wait long until I heard him at the door. He had packed a sports bag too. We were dressed similar.

We took off for John's house. The walk would be good exercise.

We met up with Mark and Steve. We all looked like we went to the same clothing store. "Did you guys see Rusty?"

"No, he's probably already at John's house."

"Yeah, probably."

We arrived at John's house and he let us in. John asked us, "where's Rusty?"

"I don't know. We thought he was already here". I told John.

"I have his phone number. You want me to give him a call?"

"Yeah. Why don't you. I'd like to get going."

I dialed Rusty's number. "Hi Jake. Sorry I'm running late. But when my dad found out about me being gone for the rest of the weekend, he had a couple of things he wanted me to do, before I left. I'm in my bedroom right now getting packed. And I should be there in about five minutes."

I told the guys about Rusty having to do a couple of things for his dad. But he was packing and said he would be here in about five minutes.

John told us to go outside and we got everything loaded into his motor boat while we waited on Rusty. I saw Rusty running down the sidewalk to John's house. Rusty is on his way. I can see him running here. Rusty arrived. Panting after running here from his house. He got his sports bag loaded in the back of the motor boat. We all piled in and we were on our way.

It was windy on the lake so John had to take his time going to Skull Island. As we got closer I could see a big sandy beach with poles set up for a volleyball net. Also, a dock had been built and John pulled up along the dock and we helped him dock his boat. We grabbed our sports bags and saw cement and rock steps going up the side of the hill. All this was new. I had to ask. "When did you and Gary get all this done?"

"It didn't take long with my dad's help. He lent us three good workers and provided all the materials. All the materials were seconds or scratched or broken. The material would have been scrapped. My dad was glad to have all the scraps removed and was glad we could use them." John said.

We walked up the steps to the top where the nice flat area was located with a great view. As we got close to the top of the stairs, we could see a new building. "What do you think guys?" Gary and I got this all worked out. We finishing walking up the stairs and walked over to the building. It looked more like a small house than a cabin. There was a porch on the front and a deck along the back with the good view. There was a barbeque on the back deck. Also, a little building was on the side of the house. "What's in the little building?" "Open the doors and take a look." I opened the doors and a generator was in the little building. All connected and sitting on a cement floor.

"This is really something else. What a great surprise. Now I know why you and Gary kept smiling at each other."

"The best is yet to come. I had extra keys made for all us. So if one or two or more of you want to come. You have your key to use." "Jake why don't you use your key and unlock the front door."

I was shaking. I didn't know what to expect. I used my key and the lock sprung open and I opened the door and we all walked in. What a sight. We walked into the kitchen. Actually on the side of the kitchen island. The kitchen was small, but good enough size for us. It had all the appliances we needed. Stools for us to sit at the island to eat. Then you walked into a little living room with a stone fireplace. Gary and John said all the stones were local. Even the flat stones making the hearth. There was a large sectional sofa in front of the fireplace. And a large flat screen tv. Mounted above the fireplace. There was a satellite dish mounted on the roof for our tv reception. Plenty of room for all of us. At the end of the living room were the sliding doors to the back deck. To the right of the living room was a nice sized bathroom and then a large bedroom. With two double sized bunk beds. That could easily hold eight guys if they were doubled up on each bunk. This is perfect we all told John and Gary. This is even better than our design. Gary left and I heard the generator come on. The lights worked and you could hear the refrigerator working. The generator was big enough to handle all the electrical needs in the little house.

We all walked into the bedroom and picked the bunk we wanted to use. We were all doubled up, so that left one bunk vacant. Our sleeping bags would work perfect on the bunk beds.

Gary and John told us that the kitchen was all stocked with plenty of food and there was beer on ice in the two coolers. They must have thought we were staying a week. This was Saturday and we would be leaving tomorrow.

We had one more week of regular classes before finals started. And then graduation and off to college.

I stripped off my clothes and put my flip flops on and told the guys I was ready for some beach volleyball. They said, "if the captain says we play beach volleyball, we play beach volleyball."

They all stripped down. Damn they looked good. We were all in good shape playing football and working out regularly. Our cocks and balls were flopping and jiggling around as we walked down to the beach. Gary had the volleyball and net with him. He knew where it was stored.

I helped Gary get the net ready and we checked the height of the net. We said we count off on twos. The ones would be one team and the twos would be the other team. I wound up with Rusty and Mark. I thought we'd make a good team. The other team was Gary, Steve and John. We got on the sides and started hitting the volleyball back and forth to get warmed up. It didn't take long being out in the open sun. I asked Rusty if he brought any sunscreen. He said he did but it was in his sports bag. That would do a lot of good. We said we'd play the best out of five games. The winners got blow jobs from the losers. And the losers had to fix dinner.

We had a lot of fun playing volleyball. It didn't take us long to start sweating in the sun. We were pretty evenly matched, but we managed to beat Gary, Steve and John. We told the losers we'd lay down on the dock while they gave us blow jobs. Gary did me and he knew what I liked so it didn't take my long to cum. I could hear Rusty and Mark moaning and I knew they were cumming. Once we had cum and earned our reward. We decided to go for a quick swim and rinse the sweat off. The sand went out to about three feet past the dock. I don't know how many yards of sand were moved in. But it sure made a nice beach. The water was a nice temperature and not too cold. We all swam around. Horsing around and dunking each other. Finally we thought we'd had enough. We were ready for a cold beer and relax out on the deck.

We all walked back up the steps. I helped Gary take down the net and I carried the volleyball back to the house. Gary showed me where the net and ball were stored. Gary and I carried a cooler out to the back deck. Everyone was grabbing a cold beer. It was icy cold and tasted great after our volleyball games.

We relaxed on loungers and told each other this was the life. That we needed to make this a regular get together place. We all agreed. I confirmed all the guys cell phone numbers on my phone. I wanted to keep in touch and then remind them when it was our next time to get together.

Once we finished our high school finals, we decided to spend a month here at the cabin and then start planning on college. And getting ready for that. Of course, Rusty and John still had one more year of high school before they started college.

The beer was tasting good and going down pretty fast. We thought the losers should start getting dinner ready. They told us they were going to barbeque our dinner. We didn't care. As long we didn't have to fix it. The house was perfect for us six. It was just the right size. Not too big and not too small. We walked in to the living room. I turned on the large flat screen tv above the fireplace to find a football game.

We relaxed on the sofa, which was really comfortable, in a dark tan color. I had my head nestled in John's crotch and I could smell his hot musky male scent. While Mark was doing the same to me with his head in my crotch. A good pro game was on and we really got into the game. Drinking our beer and commenting on the players.

I could smell dinner from the barbeque. It smelled delicious and I heard my stomach growling. I was thinking to myself that I hoped we would still be able to get together when we were in college. I knew it would be more difficult to get away, but we had vacations and hopefully I could get us all together.

The game was going down to the last couple of minutes. It was a squeaker, but a good game. We didn't really follow the winning team. But they played well.

Gary, Steve and John told us dinner was ready and we would eat at the kitchen island. They had grilled steaks, a perfect medium rare with potatoes in alumium foil and grilled vegetables. This was quite a feast. We all filled our plates. The steaks were perfect along with the potatoes and vegetables. We drank more beer with our dinner. We congratulated the guys on a great dinner and we planned to make them lose the rest of the weekend so they could do all the cooking. They just gave us a sneer and said good luck on them losing every game.

We helped them clean off the island and wash the dishes and get every put away. Gary cleaned the grill while we worked in the kitchen.

Once we finished, we all went out to the back deck. The cooler was still half full of beer. And they had another cooler full of beer on ice. We talked about how great this house was. And to be sure to thank the workers on a job well done.

A nice breeze was blowing and it kept it comfortable on the deck. We liked going around naked. Nobody was bashful and we just let everything hang out. I was wondering what would happen when we finally went to bed.

The generator was doing a good job. And I asked Gary how long it would run. He said it was set for twelve hours with an hour break and then would come back on again. He said when the twelve hours were up, he would check the gas tank and refill it. It was nice having our own private get away. Nobody to bother us and we could all do our own thing.

The small house was perfect for us. It had everything we needed. I was full after a big dinner, but it sure was good. It was nice to relax on the back deck and be with my friends. We sure looked hot lounging naked with our big cocks and balls hanging down.

We decided to go in and see if anything good was on the tube. I was starting to get a little tired after being in the hot sun.

John turned on the tv and started flipping through the channels. Since it was a satellite dish, we got a ton of channels. John went through the sports channels, but nothing got our attention. He started then on the movie channels and found the new Terminator movie. We watched that and drank beer. We were all getting pretty touchy feely watching the movie. Being naked helped too.

The movie was okay, but I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I told the guys I was turning in, I was tired. I walked into the bedroom and laid my sleeping bag on the double sized bunk. Gary was going to be bunking with me. I couldn't wait to feel his hot naked body next to mine.

I didn't hear the movie end and heard the guys making their way to the bedroom. Gary pulled out his sleeping bag and laid it over us. Steve and Mark were in the top bunk. And John and Rusty were on the bottom bunk of the other set of bunk beds. Everyone climbed into bed naked and soon the light was turned off. The bedroom was dark with the curtains closed. I could start hearing some moans and groans and slurping and skin slapping skin. I knew everyone was getting it on.

Gary and I were facing each other and kissing and hugging our hardons were rubbing and hitting together. Gary pulled the top sleeping bag over and we got into a sixty nine. Gary was over me with his big cock and balls hanging down over my face. I could barely make out the outline of his body. Just a sliver of light was coming into the bedroom. I sucked on his big balls. One at a time and that made him moan louder. Gary was going down on me and giving me a great blowjob. I returned the favor and got off his balls and took his rock hard shaft into my mouth and sucked him to his pubes. We got a good rhythm going on each other. It didn't take us long to cum. We sucked out each other's big loads and Gary moved around and laid down on top of me. We kissed and hugged some more. I felt Gary pulling the sleeping bag over us and that's how we fell asleep. I couldn't think of a better way to fall asleep.

I heard some of the other guys snoring and soon the house was peaceful with six sleeping high school jocks.

Gary and I woke up to breakfast smells. It sure smelled good. I needed a hot cup of coffee. I didn't have a hang over. Gary said he felt okay too. We crawled out of bed and rubbed the sleepies out of our eyes and made our way to the kitchen. The other guys were sitting at the kitchen island. Rusty and Mark were making breakfast.

Soon a big spread was on the kitchen counter. We devoured breakfast. After all the beer we drank, we had a ravenous appetite. The guys helped put everything away and clean the kitchen. Gary and I told the guys we were going to get the volleyball net set up and would be waiting on them.

Gary said he wanted to check the generator. It was a quiet running genterator, but maybe being in the little building helped to muffle the noise. He opened the doors and checked the gas tank and I saw him fill it.

We walked down to the beach and got the net set up. We hit the ball back and forth while we waited on the guys. We could hear and see them walking down the stairs. Everyone in their naked glory. Nobody had showered. We thought we'd go for a swim after our volleyball games and then take a shower in the house.

We had a good set of games. We didn't make a bet this time. It was just fun playing. We finished all hot and sweaty. And we starting running down the dock and diving into the water. The water felt great on our hot sweaty bodies. We fooled around in the water. Gary and I took the net down and I had the ball while we all walked back up to the house. We rinsed the sand off outside and then we wall squeezed into the shower. It would hold four big guys comfortably, but six was a little tight.

We managed to wash each other which was fun. We were semi hard or hard when we finished our shower. All of dried off and we sucked each other off on one of the double bunk beds. It was crowded, but we didn't care, we were so absorbed in what we were doing.

It was already going on lunch time. So we had a quick barbeque of hot dogs and hamburgers with potato salad and baked beans. Baked beans and beer was a deadly combination. But we survived the rude smells. We helped clean up and then we needed to get ready to go. We didn't want to leave the little house. This was great and met all our needs.

We were all packed and walking down the steps to the boat. I looked at Gary and he knew what I was thinking. He told me not to worry about anything. He would take care of the food and the generator tomorrow. His first final was in the afternoon. So he had all morning to shut down everything here. The seniors had their finals first. Then the rest of the students had their finals next week.

On our way back to the main land, Gary and John told us that when we were here after graduation. There would be two jet skis and a four man paddle boat. We looked at each other and just smiled. We couldn't wait until we were here for a month after graduation. I was already hard thinking about it.

We got back and Gary drove me and the guys that lived close to our homes. He dropped me off last since we lived close to each other. We kissed and hugged before I got out and thanked him for a great time.

Finals went well. We all got into group chats on my cell phone and we all passed our finals with flying colors. We were ready for graduation and some time off from school until college started in the fall.

Graduation came around quickly and all the starters on the varsity winning team all earned scholarships to great universities. Gary, Mark and me also had academic scholarships. I couldn't believe I had an academic scholarship. But believe me, I wasn't complaining.

When we group talked on my cell phone we started planning our month at the little house.

The time seemed to drag. Without practice and games and school, there wasn't much to do. Some of us still went to the high school to work out. The coach had given me a key to the lockerroom and workout room. So that took up some of our time. Our parents also had little jobs off and on for us to do. Mowing grass, cleaning cars and keeping our rooms clean.

Finally, the day arrived to haul out to Skull Island. We all had been anticipating this day. We all pitched in with beer and food, since we'd be there for a month. Our parents seemed glad to see us leave. I don't know if they were glad to rid of us, or glad we were all good friends and got along so well. Probably a little of both.

We went in John's boat this time. His was bigger than Gary's and could hold all six of us and the coolers and food we had brought. On our way to the island, Gary told us he had been to the house earlier and the generator was working and everything was ready for us. He told us there had been a couple of changes made to the house. But he wouldn't elaborate. He wanted to surprise us. I'm sure John knew what the changes were.

We arrived and even with six of us, it was going to take two trips, maybe three to carry everything up to the house. We carried the coolers and all the food and finally our sports bags.

We got everything situated in the kitchen and put our sports bags on the bunks we were using. Pretty much the same as the first time we were here. Gary and I were together, which I liked.

John asked us if we were ready to see the changes to our little house. We told we thought we were ready. He said since we were in the bedroom to walk to the end of the living and go to the back deck. We all walked out to the back deck and couldn't believe a pergola covered fire pit, big enough for all of us. We told John and Gary this was perfect. John told us to walk around to the front of the house. A large covered porch had been added to the front of the house. Which we told the guys was another great addition. The old porch had been taken down for this much larger proch. There were six adirondack chairs on the porch with cushions and some little tables between the chairs. We all said we wanted to stay here and forget about college. But of course, we were just joking.

During our month at the little house. The beer flowed freely, in fact, we had to go back to the mainland for a beer run. We had plenty of food and used the barbeque most of the time. Except for breakfast. Sex was great and we paired off with other friends. Sometimes we got into a group circle jerk or suck. A few times we had some three ways. We just couldn't get enough of each other. You would never have known that some of the guys had girlfriends or were dating. They seemed to be more agressive than us bi or gay guys. Nobody was complaining. We played a lot of beach volleyball which was our exercise. A lot of swimming and then relaxing watching tv, using the firepit and sitting on the front porch.

Our month seemed to fly bye. We talked about our college plans and some of us would be attending the same colleges. Gary and I were going to try to be roommates. Since we both had sports and academic scholarships to the same college.

It was a sad day when we had to pack up and leave. I had all the guy's cell phone numbers and told them I would stay in touch and we could plan our next get together.

College came around fast and I called the guys that would be leaving and wished them well and told them to stay in touch with me and we could plan our next together. The juniors had one more year left of high school and I wanted them to keep me informed on how their football season was going.

Gary, Steve, Mark and me graduated from college and landed some great jobs. We all did good in college using our academic scholarships. We missed playing football, but our education came first and we needed to dedicate our time to achieving our education goals.

The two juniors which were now seniors, graduated and had another winning football season. They told us the coach was ecstatic with two winning seasons. The seniors graduated with both football and academic scholarships and attending the same college as Gary and me. They were able to room next to us.

We had a few reunions at the little house. First just us seniors that had graduated first and then the juniors that graduated. I managed to get us together once a year.

It was coming up to our five year anniversary when I got a call from Mark's mother. She was crying when she talked to me and told me that Mark had been in a head on collision and was in intensive care in the hospital back in our hometown. I gave her my sympathy and told her I would get all the guys together to visit Mark. She thanked me. As soon as I hung up with her, I got on my phone and called the guys and told them about Mark.

They told me they would be flying in within the next day or two.

We all gathered at my house and I drove everyone to the hospital. Mark had been moved out of intensive care to a private room. So I thought that was a good sign. We talked to the nurse at the nurse's station and told us that Mark was doing much better and that we could all go in and see him for fifteen minutes.

We didn't know what to expect when we walked into his room. His mom was sitting by the edge of his bed. She got up as soon as we entered and we all hugged her and she thanked us for coming. Mark was awake, he had one leg in traction and his chest was wrapped in cloth bandages. Mark told us he was feeling much better. The doctor said that he would soon be starting rehab once his cast came off and his cloth bandages helping his sprained and fractured ribs. He told us he was driving home when a drunk driver hit him headon. He couldn't swerve out of the way or he would have hit other cars. The driver of the headon was killed on impact. His insurance was paying for everything. Mark's hospital time and therapy and a new car, which he said had been worked out with his car insurance company. He said he had a couple more weeks in the hospital and then he should be starting therapy. He would return back to his parent's house and his room for therapy. He told us he didn't have any problem with his work. They had both short term and long term disability plans. He would receive a reduced salary during his recovery time. But his job was secure and nothing to worry about.

Mark made a quick and successful recovery and was back to work. Now I could plan our next renunion. The next reunion was special having Mark with us. Some of our friends were divorced. A couple were dating, but they promised they would always be ready for our reunions on Skull Island.

So this brings me back to where this story started. We were at Skull Island for our twelve year anniversary. Mark was doing great and you would never know he had been in a horrendous accident. He was like his regular self. He got around without a limp, crutches or wheelchair. He was married. The only one of us six that was married. A couple guys were divorced and a couple were dating. But that didn't stop us from our yearly reunions.

Over the next few years. We were all very successful working professionals. We still got together for our runions. Some of us had a little gray in our hair and a little stomach. But we managed to stay in good shape. We still played beach volleyball, used the jet skis and the paddle boat. We seemed to spend more time at the fire pit and the front porch than we used too. But our reunions were something we always looked forward to. We were already planning our next reunion. And hoped we had many more years to get together at our little house on Skull Island.

Please email me your comments and suggestions. I like to hear from you. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I hope you have liked my little story. Please email me at:

Please check out my other stories at Gay/Adult Friends:

My Alphabet Friends

Bobs Holidays

The Big Brothers

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