Slave for Cock at Wimbledon

By Dan P.

Published on Jul 2, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and does not indicate knowledge of the true sexuality of the tennis players involved. I don't know anything about the personal lives of Juan Carlos Ferrero and Roger Federer, and nothing that is written here is meant to imply those celebrities are actually gay.

Please feel free to email me at about this story and to give me suggestion for new chapters: any tennis champions you'd like to see in hot gay action?

Juan Carlos Ferrero entered the locker room after his 4th round loss against Roger Federer at Wimbledon. He had had two very difficult years since his French Open victory in 2003, but he thought he finally had gotten back to his best form! He knew it would be hard to beat the Swiss champion Federer, but felt confident.

Once he got on the court however, there was nothing he could do: 6-3, 6-4, 7-6. He had been trounced. He truly felt humiliated at not even being able to get a set. He knew his fiancee was watching him from the players' box: what could she be thinking seeing her boyfriend go down like this? After all, he was a Spanish male, a Champion! He resolved to fuck her as hard as he could that night so she'd remember that he might be beaten on the tennis court, but that she still was his slut and she better never forget it.

Ferrero put his rackets on the floor and sat down... He still couldn't believe how badly he had lost. Actually there was something else he was thinking about. Something Federer had whispered to him when they had shaken hands at the end of the match: "How did that feel, bitch?" Lost in his thoughts, Ferrero suddenly realized he was hard as rock. "What's up with this?" he thought.

Just then, Federer entered the locker room. He had stayed behind to sign autographs and answer questions from reporters. He had a big grin on his face. After two tough losses to Safin and Nadal (he consoled himself by thinking "at least I lost to the hottest players on the tour"), he was finally back to his dominant form and had just dismantled Ferrero in straight sets. He really felt good about himself. Seeing Ferrero sitting on a bench, eyes closed and rubbing his crotch, Federer smiled.

"Turned on by defeat, Juan?"

Ferrero jumped to his feat when he heard Federer's voice. He blushed; he couldn't get himself to look at Federer after the trouncing he had gotten on court.

"Very funny, Roger. Good match though, you played great!"

"I know. Too bad you don't have what it takes to compete with me."

Ferrero blushed again, as Federer put his rackets on the floor, took off his shirt revealing a slightly hairy and well defined chest. As Ferrero discreetly checked out the Swiss' muscular body, Federer continued:

"You didn't seriously think you had any chance right?"

"Well, I"

"I'm just superior to you. You have to accept it."

Ferrero managed to answer back, "Hey Roger it's just one match, relax" He was still looking at Federer's chest, as Federer was stretching... Ferrero couldn't help but check out the hairy armpits of Federer that were being revealed.

Federer laughed. "You know as well as I do that you're nothing compared to me Juan. Soon you'll admit it, you'll see."

Ferrero was feeling uncomfortable, not finding anything to answer. He looked away. Part of him was feeling revolted by this display of arrogance, but part of him knew Federer was right: he had gotten trounced in straight sets. Sure, he had managed a 7-6 in the third, but it seemed to him Federer had stopped playing at his best in the third set, knowing that level-C play from him would still be enough to beat Ferrero. What if Federer was right? What if he was inferior to Roger?

Ferrero turned around and saw Federer was looking at him with an evil grin. Suddenly, Ferrero realized he had been caressing his hard cock through his short once again. He blushed.

Still seated, he looked down on the floor. Standing, looking so powerful and manly, Federer continued. "I beat you on the court Juan, and you became my bitch. You know it and I know it. You know you just want me to dominate you in the locker room since I dominated you on court. Isn't that right Juan?"

Ferrero didn't answer. He knew Federer was right... Federer had showed him how much more of a man he was. Real men like that deserved to be worshipped. He was meant to serve real men like Federer who humiliated him in public in front of millions of viewers from around the world. Everyone knew he was inferior to Federer, now it was time for the consequence.

"Answer me bitch!"

"Please Roger don't do this, please..."

Federer laughed again? "What I am doing? I didn't touch you, nor threaten you, nor make you do anything. I just told you what you were, and you know it's true, isn't it?"

"Yes". It was barely a whisper.

"What boy?"

Ferrero was still looking down but he spoke more clearly. "Yes, I know I am meant to worship your powerful body."

"Good boy. Get naked."

Ferrero wasn't thinking anymore. He took off his short and tee shirt, revealing his extremely handsome Spanish body. He was very muscular. Roger smiled. "Once again, a man submits himself to me. I truly am superior." But he suddenly had a flash in his head of what had happened to him in May, when Rafael Nadal had made him beg for his cum after defeating him in the semis of the French and when Federer had eagerly licked and cleaned the sweaty but extremely muscular arms and body of the young champion. But today was going to be different. Today, he was the master and a beautiful Spanish tennis player was standing naked in front of him, red from shame and humiliation.

Ferrero spoke: "Roger listen... I really don't know what I'm doing here, I just feel like... I don't know... I'm doing what you're saying, I feel like I'm supposed to submit to you... But..."

"No buts! I defeated you! I humiliated you! I OWN you now! You are supposed to submit to me. Now get down on your knees and crawl over to me."

Ferrero sunk to his knees and crawled in front of Federer. He looked up to the Swiss champion.

"Listen boy, I'm not forcing you to obey any order. You are doing what I'm telling you to do because you want to and you know I'm meant to dominate you. Is that right? Are you my bitch?"

Ferrero hesitated. Federer flexed his muscles. Ferrero looked up and saw that sweaty chest and hairy armpits. Intoxicated by the manly scent, he answered: "Yes Roger. Yes, I'm your bitch..."

Federer grinned. "Good slut. Kiss my feet now, show me how low you're ready to go."

Ferrero was beyond thinking now. His cock was rock hard. He was turned on like never before. His cock and desired had taken possession of him, and they could take him very far in this power game. He bowed in front of Federer and kissed his two shoes.

"How does that make you feel Juan?"

"Like I'm exactly where I should be, kneeled in front of you."

Federer smiled. "Why's that bitch?"

"Because you are so superior to me, it's an honor for me to kiss your feet."

"How do you even have that hot of a fiancee, a worthless slut like you?"

"I don't know Roger... I tell her she's a slut for my cock and I dominate her when I'm with her."

"Really Juan? And does that feel right to you now that you're at my feet?"

"No Roger... Sometimes when I fuck her I wish I was at her place having a hot cock up my pussy and someone telling me what a whore I am." Ferrero was blushing saying all of this. He couldn't believe he had told someone these deep hidden desires, yet alone to Federer the tennis champion.

"Haha don't worry Juan. You have become a whore today and you'll soon know what it feels like. Once I'm finished with you, you'll be a bigger slut than your hot girlfriend. You'll be begging for my cock." Federer never imagined this would go so well. He had always thought Ferrero was exceptionally handsome and had desired him. He never imagined this fantasy would become reality! Let alone like this... Hopefully their relationship would become more than this power game, but for now it was necessary to break Ferrero and make him admit his true desires.

With that, Federer got fully naked. His long hung penis stood erect. Ferrero's eyes were locked on this beauty of nature. "Kiss it"

Ferrero advanced his head and kissed Federer's cock. He seemed mesmerized. He kissed it again, and then took the head in his mouth. Federer pulled away, laughing! "Not so fast Juan, not so fast! You have to earn it!"

"Oh please, I need it so badly Roger... It's so beautiful."

"Everything in due time."

"Please... I beg you!"

Federer grinned! "Hmmm I see my little slut is getting into this isn't she? Hmm that's good!" With that, Federer took Ferrero by the hair and got him on his feet. "Lick my armpits clean, it's sweaty and manly and needs a good tongue."

Ferrero was insanely turned on by this request and put his head in Federer's hairy armpit. The smell was so intoxicating. So manly. So strong! Federer moaned while Ferrero licked and licked. "Yea baby, that's it... That will show you who your daddy is!"

Having finished one armpit, Ferrero moved to the other, working on the chest and the nipples on his way there. After having cleaned that one too, Federer got him back to his knees and started cockslapping him. "Oh yea, you like being humiliated like this don't you Juan?"

"Oh yea, I love it..."

"You want my cock bitch? Then beg for it!"

"Please, please let me pleasure you... let me take that hot manly cock in my mouth... It's so long and beautiful! I wanna be your real slut, pleasure you like no one else... I crave your cock!"

"Go ahead then, suck it good!"

Ferrero took the huge cock in his mouth and started sucking on it. He had often observed how his girlfriend worked on his cock, and knew a few techniques that would make Federer feel very good!

Fair enough, Federer started moaning... "Oh yea fuck that feels good! Is this your first time Juan?" He had a slight note of disappointment in his voice. He had hoped he had been the first man in Ferrero's sexual life.

Ferrero didn't want to take his mouth away from Federer's hot cock, but he managed to gaunt a "Yes". Though his mouth was full, his answer was understandable and wiped the disappointment off of Federer's face.

Suddenly Federer took his cock out of Ferrero's eager mouth! Ferrero had a confused look on his face! "Please I need it give it again... I beg you!"

"You really want it Juan?"

"You know I do, I need it like nothing before."

"Then tell me why Juan"

"Because you made me your bitch Roger... Please... I'll do anything I swear... I'll get on my knees anytime you want me to..."

Satisfied, Roger drove his cock in the Spanish player's eager mouth and began to facefuck him hard and rough, making Juan Carlos gag. He knew they were both enjoying it. He felt a wave of affection to the player at his feet. He withdrew once again, got Ferrero to his feet and kissed him passionately. A bit surprised, Ferrero soon responded, as their tongues met in a passionate embrace. Their hands were caressing each other. They both knew they had dreamt of this moment for a long time.

After a few minutes of this, Ferrero pulled away: "Roger... I wanna pleasure you, I wanna worship you! You've turned me into your whore! I want so much more... i'd never think I'd say this but I want you in me, in my ass!"

Roger grinned! "Of course my little bitch! Did you think I wasn't going to give it to you? I know how much you must want me to fuck you hard and rough!" He made Ferrero lay down on the bench, and he started to finger his hole. Ferrero moaned. "HMmmm yes... That's it... Fuck yes... Please more..."

Federer took his fingers out of Ferrero's hole and sat on Ferrero's chest. "Suck my fingers clean slut." Ferrero eagerly took the fingers in his mouth; After all, he felt very empty at that moment. Federer returned behind Ferrero. "I don't have any lube chap, this is gonna hurt. But you'll soon learn to love it."

With that, he positioned himself at the entrance of Juan's hole and rammed his cock in. Ferrero screamed. "Oh fuck... This hurts too much please get out Roger, I can't take it..."

Federer continue to thrust his manly meat in Ferrero's ass. "Fuck no! I'm in and I'm staying in! You'll learn to love it Juan! You'll soon be begging me to continue and to do it again! I'm gonna make your ass my cock's pussy!"

Ferrero continue to moan in pain, but it slowly became moans of pleasure... After a few minutes, Roger continued "You like this Juan now? Tell me now!"

"Fuck... Oh Fuck... You were right I love it... Please fuck me faster, rougher... oh god this feels so good! I love it... Ram your cock in me... Hmmm yea show me who's my daddy!"

Federer felt so powerful at this moment, as he spanked Ferrero's ass while ramming his hard horny cock in his ass. He knew he was getting close, as he began to play with the Spanish man's nipples. Ferrero continued to moan and beg Federer to continue, saying how much he loved feeling the Swiss's power and domination.

Getting close, Federer yelled out "Ready to take my sweet cum Juan?"

"Fuck yes Roger give it all to me, I want to have you in me."

"Once I shoot it in, your ass will be mine Juan... You will be mine! You'll be my sweet little slut! I'll own your ass to use whenever I want!"

As a response, Ferrero tightened his ass and pulled forward, making Federer climax as he cummed over and over again in Ferrero's tight until recently virgin ass!

"Fuckkkkk yes!" They both yelled at the same time!

"Thanks for feeding me your cum Roger... You've marked me as yours! You've opened my eyes! I've always needed cock, and you've made me yours... My ass and my mouth are yours, use them whenever you want."

"You've got that right bitch!"

Federer collapsed on Ferrero, as they kissed each other once again long and passionately.

"You're a hot fuck Juan."

"I know Roger. Too bad you don't have what it takes to compete with me!"

They both smiled. "That's what we'll see", said Federer as he grew hard again and began to thrust his hips again, fucking Ferrero for the second time. Ferrero wrapped his legs around Federer's waist and pulled him in. Federer leaned in and kissed the Spanish player. "I'm gonna enjoy having such a hot and eager slut!"

"Who are you playing in the quarters Roger?"

"We'll soon see Juan!"

Ferrero smiled, imagining the prospects... Hewitt or Roddick on the floor next to him, also worshipping the hot body of Federer, the Swiss Champion... That was truly a hot prospect.

Hope you enjoyed it! Once again email me at for suggestions or advice or anything!

Next: Chapter 2

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