Slave for Cock at Wimbledon

By Dan P.

Published on Jul 17, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and does not indicate knowledge of the true sexuality of the tennis players involved. I don't know anything about the personal lives of Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer and Andy Roddick, and nothing that is written here is meant to imply those celebrities are actually gay.

Please feel free to email me at about this story!!!! Love to hear from you guys! Oh and by the way, no need to email me to insult me - I don't need hate mail. I'm not sure why but I got some for the second chapter.

End of second chapter - Revenge is sweet "Bitch, look at me. You want this body don't you? Tell me you want it and I'll let you worship it." Federer looked up. He was red of shame, but he knew he couldn't resist for long. He desperately wanted to worship Andy. He licked his lips inadvertently. Roddick grinned, knowing in a matter of minutes Federer would be his whore, willingly submitting to him and begging him to be allowed to worship his manly superior body. Revenge is sweet, and Federer was soon going to learn why.

Chapter 3 - Could I sink any lower?

"I'm waiting", said Andy impatiently.

Federer was looking down, too mortified by the power his best enemy had over him. "Answer bitch when I talk to you!", yelled Andy.

Roger knew he could still get up now and tell Roddick to fuck off. But he was unable to move. Some voice inside him was whispering that this was the only place he deserved to be in front of Andy. "Yes", he answered back red with shame.

Andy grinned. Roger couldn't help but notice the hot rippling muscles of Andy. His arms and his legs were huge and so sweaty. Roger wanted to reach out and feel this manly body that was towering over his own worthless self.

"Yes? Did you just say yes?" Andy started laughing. "Oh man, this is just too good to be true. But yes to what bitch? I wanna hear it from your mouth."

Roger hesitated, then continued. "I want your body Andy, it's just too beautiful to be true... I can't stand this I need your body Andy, I'll do anything!"

"Of course you will bitch, but everything in due time. For now, crawl in front of me and kiss my feet."

Federer was startled... How could he sink that low? This was the man he had just beaten on the court an hour ago, in front of the whole world. Now was he going to accept bowing in front of this arrogant American? "I certainly will not", he thought... But he immediately knew he should: "When a man like Andy demands something, who am I to disobey?" he asked himself.

Still on his knees, he crawled in front of Andy, who looked down at him with a cold but hateful stare.

"I always knew the day would come when I'd have my revenge. Now get down, KISS THEM and tell me why you're doing this BITCH !"

Federer bowed down in front of Andy and kissed the left shoe, then the right. He had done the same a while ago to the teenage Nadal, but this was even more humiliating: could he do worse than surrendering his dignity to Andy, the man he hated the most? Normally, he would like to crush Roddick, hurt him... But here he was, on his knees, kissing the left shoe than the right of his American master. He then rose up and said, "I'm kissing Your feet because I'm your bitch Andy, and this is how a bitch recognizes superior males he is born to worship and devote themselves to."

Federer could hardly believe he had spoken those words, and Andy could hardly believe he had heard them. The level of humiliation to which Federer had been driven had gotten him so degraded that he was losing all his inhibitions, and was ready to submit to his enemy.

"That's right boy", said Andy. "Now take off my shoes and lick my feet. Lick them real good."

Roger wasn't thinking anymore, as he obeyed the American, took off his shoes and started licking his big smelly feet. He was reddening from embarrassment by the second, but knew that somewhat this was what he was supposed to do. Roddick pushed his left foot in Federer's mouth, as Roger sucked on the toes. Andy started to push his foot back and forced Federer to lie on his back until his head touched the floor, Andy's foot resting on his face.

"Look at yourself boy, look at yourself! Do you realize how much you are nothing compared to me? Do you realize I'm so much more of a man than you?"

"Yes Andy you are. I'm nothing without you... I've always dreamed of being your whore, and I've always hated it... But there's nothing I can do about it Andy, I don't deserve better than to lick your feet."

From the corner of the room, Rafael Nadal started laughing, "Oh I'm sure we'll find some better use for that slutty mouth of yours Roger, don't you worry about that."

Andy Roddick instantly turned around and looked at the young Spaniard. "Shut up Rafael, this is being done my way, understood?" Rafael chose not to respond. Roddick turned back towards Federer, still lying on the floor. "Listen slut, I really feel dirty right now. Thankfully I have you to take care of that. Roddick took off his shirt and shorts, and was left naked in all his manly glory. He looked like a living God, sweat, broad chest and shoulders, huge muscles, round nipples the size of a quarter. But most significantly, big hairy balls and a beautiful manly cock. Roddick sat on the bench, as Roger could hardly look away from the American's perfect body. Federer knew he'd do anything Roddick wanted now, he was becoming his real bitch and there was hardly anything he could do about it.

"Start at my feet and work your way up bitch" said Andy. Federer got between Andy's legs and, bowing down once again, got to work on the feet and worked his way up those hairy legs that he had fantasized so much about... That's right, Federer had often fantasized about servicing Roddick's body, always feeling a deep sense of shame when he cummed in masturbation sessions after thinking of being used shamelessly by Andy. Yet, he always ended up eating his whole cum, imagining it was Roddick's.

Roddick was grinning widely. This was incredible. Roger Federer was naked between his knees licking his legs clean from all the sweat of the match. Fuck this felt good... But, what was he doing now?

"Did I tell you could touch my balls slut? DID I?" yelled out Andy as he slapped Roger hard across the face. Roger fell back.

Nadal intervened once again "Hey Andy don't hurt him man, that's not cool... Let him do what he wants with your cock, he's my slut after all."

Andy's laugh truly sounded evil. "Your slut? Oh god this is just too much." He turned to Roger. "Listen bitch, Rafa there claims you are his slut. If you are, get over there in front of him. I'll leave immediately and we'll forget about it. If not, kiss my cock now and thank me."

Without hesitation, the naked blushing Roger Federer got back between the knees of Andy and kissed his beautiful cock. He knew submitting to Nadal was also right, but Andy was just so much more cock, so much more meat. "Thank you sir for letting me kiss your cock and treating me the way you are. I am truly your bitch and you can do with me as you wish..."

Andy petted Roger on the head. "Good slut. You got it right. I own you now - I'm not sure how you got away from this for all these years but now I own you. You're my bitch and my cocksucker, and you're going to spend lots of time worshipping my superior body. Is that not right?"

Federer replied, "Yes it is Andy, you do own me. You're a real male, I'm nothing compared to you."

Suddenly, Rafael Nadal got up, mad and frustrated, and headed for the door. Roddick looked at him - this isn't good for my plans, he though. Maybe I went too fast. "Hey man listen just sit down and enjoy the show... I'm sure you're enjoying it right?" Nadal looked back at Roddick. He wanted to stay... He felt so horny watching Andy humiliate Roger like that... He really wanted to see how it would all end! "Yea I guess", he muttered and went back to his seat.

Meanwhile, Roger had started his tongue cleaning again, this time carefully avoiding Roddick's hot cock and balls. HE licked his tighs clean and moved to Andy's hard six-pack, enjoying the feel of the muscles and the power. Andy then lifted his arms behind his head, grinning. "Lick bitch." Roger knew what Andy wanted, because he wanted it too. He got under those muscular arms and started to lick the hairy armpits of the American champion... The scent was intoxicating. Roger felt like a cheap slut, burring his head under Roddick's arm trying to lick it as much as he could, wet as much hair as he could and clean as much sweat as possible. The sweat and Andy's hair in his mouth was such a degrading feeling, and Roger was feeling more and more submitted to Andy by the second. Andy took Roger's head and roughly directed it to his other armpit, where Roger repeated the same operation. "You like licking my sweaty armpits bitch?" "I love it sir", answered Roger. "The scent is so manly I feel like the whore I really am."

Roddick grinned. "That's right bitch, that's exactly right. Get back on your knees, NOW." Roger got back between the American's muscular tighs. Was it finally time? Would he experience the ultimate humiliation? Would he finally have this living God's thick tool in his eager mouth?

"You want it bitch don't you? Tell me how much you want it and I'll think about what you deserve."

"Andy, I need your cock. Ever since i first saw it earlier I've known I need to get it in me. I need to feel what it is to be your complete bitch, to submit totally to your body, mind and will, to your power and domination. Your cock is so beautiful and big, it's so thick and manly. It deserves to be worshipped day and night, I know I'm only your worthless bitch, but I beg you to let me take it in my mouth, to show you how much I'm your slut, please Andy... I beg you..."

"That's right you should beg me bitch! You're nothing now, you've lost all your dignity! You've become my slave, you've become my fucktoy and I'm going to use you you hear me? But first, I need to punish you for what happened on the court. How can a slimy little worthless slut like you dare beat a superior man, a real Male?"

With that, Andy took Roger by the hair and laid him across his lap. As Roger tried to resist, Andy blocked his body: "Now you aren't so proud are you bitch? Lying on my lap like a little child, like my slut? Now you're going to feel the power of my aces bitch."

And with that Roddick started to spank Federer's submissive and unprotected body. Roger tried to fight it at first, but there was nothing he could do against Andy's power, and he stopped resisting. Roddick spanked him again and again. The two men's cocks were touching , but the power relations were firmly established. Nadal was breathless by the view: the Swiss champion laying naked across the lap of the American arrogant brat, being spanked mercylessly over and over again, being insulted and degraded.

"Please Andy stop..." Roger was sobbing now, uncontrollably, as his ass had reddened incredibly.

"Whose your daddy now, bitch?"

"You are Andy, you're my daddy."

"That's right slut, didn't you deserve this?" asked Roddick back while continuing his powerful spanking.

"Yes I did daddy, I was a bad bitch. I'm so sorry daddy. Please stop, I beg you. I beg you daddy, I'm yours, you own my ass and my body."

"That's right bitch."

"I beg you daddy..." said Federer for a last time, in between moans both of pain and pleasure. He had truly never been degraded this much in his life. Even Nadal had never actually pushed him this far on the path down submission lane. Being laid across a superior man's lap while he spanked you with his big manly paws... Hot, but so humiliating.

Andy stopped the power-display. "Get on your knees boy. Your time has come to worship your master."

Roger got on his knees. "Thank you daddy for spanking me... Now you have marked me as yours, and I can never escape."

"Indeed you can't boy. You are mine now. And it's time for me to show you what that means."

To be continued

Hope you enjoyed it! Once again email me at for suggestions or advice or anything! Did you think this was too much? Should I scale back?

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