Slaying and Being Slayed

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 18, 2010


I don't own any of the characters of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" I did not create it. I'm just making a story about it, this doesn't hold any info on the celebrities in this story. Reach me at Enjoy the story and let me know what you think... :)

Slaying And Being Slayed:Chapter 1

I have never been normal, I have always been different from others. They loved to socialize, as did I. But I was never able to keep a great friendship, something always happened. I love being at school...because it's the only place I don't get beaten. I'm adopted...and my adopted parents' make life hard for me. I don't do anything wrong, they just plain don't like me. Estelle and Ryan, use to love me...they just had money problems, and with became harder. They started they found the money? I don't know. All I know is that, they started drinking and smoking one day. Then the hits started afterwards, I would wind up bruised and brutalized. I was taken to the hospital...Sunnydale Hospital in fact, because they thought I was going to die. They didn't was just that funerals were expensive, and they couldn't afford going to jail.

I am still in the hospital, I healed up nicely, that's what the doctor said. I would be released in a few days, and I would be able to go back to hell. Well, that's not what the doctor said, he said 'You may leave immediately, as soon as your finished healing. You can return home.' I just listened and it sounded like another death sentence. I had to get out of here, I had to leave. I got up from my bed, due to the lack of walking for 2 weeks....I was wobbly. "Where the hell do you think your going?" A voice behind me said, Estelle. "I'm..uh...going to the bathroom." She looked at me with a sarcastic sneer. "Right......." She grabbed a vase of flowers and swung at my head, it crashed and I tumbled to the floor. I tried to get up, but the pain in my body sent signals telling me to just to give up and die. "Security!" A nurse said, checking on what was going on. The security had to come in and tackle, Ryan. He was keeping them from Estelle and me. I was trying to push myself up, and walk but I couldn't get off the floor. When Estelle kicked me in the ribs, "Where you going...huh!?" she said, kicking me again, she knocked the air out of my lungs. She was stopped by a guy with brown hair in a trench coat, he was kind of on the pale side. He put a pressure move on her, I just looked at him. It took me a minute to realize people were behind him, a guy in a leather trench coat with platinum blonde hair. Two british looking guys with glasses, and next to them was a girl...with a cloak...hiding alot of violet was close to blue.

I just looked as they looked at me, and my vision was getting blurrier. Then I slipped into darkness...........

"Ay, I think the lil bit is waking up." I heard a british voice say, as my eyes were opening slightly and closed again. "Never mind, the lil bit went back to betty bite" the voice said, "Spike, leave him alone. I'm sure after getting bashed in the head with a thick vase and kicked in the ribs a few times woudl tire him out, aswell as anyone else." Another male voice said, I heard footsteps coming and stopping right infront of me. I woke up instantly when I felt a hand touch me and something came from it sending a soothing feeling to battle the aching. It was the purple girl, she was holding me down as I tried to get up. "This one is very different from what I've seen in my life time. He smells like a vamire...but at the same time a Slayer." She said, trying to contain me...I started to freak out and I felt a power rush into me...aswell as awaken something in me. With it, I tossed her aside as if she was nothing. I got up and started running....I was in a hall way. I looked left then right, and opened a door. Then another, and another. I couldn't find a exit, "Please, control yourself." A british voice said, I turned and he was behind was one with glasses, he was a middle aged man. He tried to get closer to he was close enough, I jumped high in the air, passing over him. I didn't even know I could do that, or any of it.

I found a window, and jumped straight through it. There was nothing around me, I was in a bush. So I ran till I reached a gate....I could hear things behind me, and all around me, but mainly those people running after me. I spotted a fence and sped up, trying to store my energy for a good jump. As I reached it, I heard someone yell, "Wait! Please comeback, we can talk about this." They said, trying to catch me. I jumped over the 6ft. metal-bar fence, clearing it by a good 7ft. higher. This didn't seem right, no human should be able to do this; even with an adrenaline rush. I kept running, not slowing down and not feeling tired one bit. I got into the city, looking around for anywhere to go. I remembered what the lady said....Vampire and Slayer. I knew what they were...but they weren't real, or were they? From what I remember, Slayers are girls with powers. Vampires are blood sucking monsters, with a human appearance;makes it easier to seduce people looking human. That's not what troubled me...she said, I was both or smelled like both. I never been near a Slayer or a Vampire. Is she calling me a Vampire/Slayer?.

I ran into an alley, trying to find a place to hide...something tells me those people KNOW how to find me. There was a gang...of guys, they were trying to rape a little girl. I couldn't let that happen...I can't just sit and watch it. "Hey!" I yelled, they turned to me. "What? Get your own meal." One said, his face turned into a bumpy monstrous face with sharp canines. He turned back to the girl, and put his hand on her neck. I found a metal pipe, and tried bending the worked. I shaped it to a sharp pointy end. I ran up to the gang and stabbed at one in the back where his heart was suppose to be, in a groan, he was ashes. "What the fuck?!" One of them exclaimed, surprised that I would stake one of them. Two came at me and I jumped over one, landing behind him with a back hand swing I staked him and he was dust too. The other came at me, I shoved the pipe in his head, and ripped his head off. Retrieving the pipe, the head vamp was staring at if he was scared and both pissing and shitting his pants....If vampires can even do that....He tried to run, but I threw the pipe and it pierced into his leg, he fell to the ground screaming. I jumped him and wailed at his face...."You think it's cool to suck the life out of others?!" I said angrily, I shoved my hand into his chest.....and pulled out his heart. His body turned to dust, I just looked at his heart it wasn't beating and felt cold...but slightly warm. Most likely from having a recent meal, but I stopped him from having this one. I could feel something in me react......I inched the heart closer to my face. My canine teeth as well as the incisors next to them (Think Akasha, from "Queen Of The Damned"The way her teeth looked.)

"Stop!" A voice said, pulling the heart out of my hand and smashing it on the pavement. It was the guy from earlier, and the rest of them...great. I just got off my knees and leaped into the air, grabbing a metal stairway for a fire exit. I climbed up the staircase and the platinum blond was there. "I want to get the hell out of here, so if you could come back with us quietly without any hesitation.That would be very kind...." He said, trying to charm me. When that didn't work, we fought. I punched, he caught my fist and flipped me so I was turned around on him. He grabbed hold of me and held me there, I could feel his breath on my neck. I felt him put pressure on my neck and soon I was out.

(Mean while in Scotland.)

"Hey Buffster, where's Giles?" Xander Harris asked Buffy, "Umm...Something about finding another Slayer. Seems this one is different than the other ones." Buffy answered, She was the Queen of Slayers, since she was THE SLAYER, at the time. But Faith, she was a Slayer as well; Buffy died and that called upon the next Slayer, even though it was for a few minutes, but it was enough. So, Buffy and Faith are The Queens Of All Slayers. "Great...and here I thought I wouldn't have to play Watcher again." Xander said with exhaustion, "Well, have the Colonel Fury thing going for you...maybe you just have to act all bossy." Willow said, she let her hair grow and she is madly inlove with Kennedy, a Slayerette.(Yes, there lesbians;for those who didn't obviously know that lol.)

"Enough with the Nick Fury shtik. I have it because of the angry preacher dude. It's still a touchy subject." Xander said, "Sorry, I know I know. I really am sorry." Willow said apologizing. "It's ok." he responded, "It's not like it's your fault. Anyways what do you think is going to happen...." He said, looking out into the night sky with his friends.

(Back in Sunnydale.)

I woke up with arms wrapped around me. It was the blond guy...."What the hell!" I shouted freaked out. "Let go of me!" He woke up and let me go, I fell to the floor and scooted back. I heard voices, "What do we do with him?" A british voice said, "I don't know.....I say...." Another starts but is interrupted by an older british voice. "I...Will be taking him with me to Scotland." the voice says, "But Giles, he doesn't seem to want to go anywhere. We should see what he decides." An american voice says, "No, we must take him to the Slayer, The Powers That Be require him and Buffy aswell as you, angel. We must all go....he is awake." The lady's voice is heard, and the door opens and they all walk in. I don't have anything to say, as the lady pickes me up by the arm and opens a...portal. She throws me in, and the rest follow then she walks in and seals it.

(Back in Scotland.) "Oh! Something is happening...." Willow says, feeling the vibrations around the castle. Suddenly there was a flash, and I came through....more like fell out. Then the others came out of the portal. "Giles!" Willow said, running towards the old brit and hugged him, followed by some hot guy with an eye patch and a woman, I felt like I knew. Something about the brown haired guy...Angel, and the girl. They make me feel like I know them from somewhere, "He the guy?" The blond lady said, and the old man...Giles, nodded. "Yes....It appears that the Powers That Be....have created an......" Giles tried getting out, "Er...He is a Vampire.." With that Buffy jumped me and pulled out a stake, "Wait!" Angel said, yelling out and grabbing her hand. "He's with me....his name is.........what is your name?" He asked, "My name is Alexander, but please call me Alex." I said, I didn't like being called Alexander. "What's going on?" I asked, "I have a few things to say." A voice said first, then the body appeared. "I am the representative for the Powers That Be...Your true name is...Alexander Angelus Summers.You are the son of Buffy and Angel, from a different universe. It was too late for the other universe to be THEY sent you here. You are a Vampire/Slayer. A combination of the blood many eyes an abomination. To the Powers That Be....The worlds last hope." She said, and faded away. "Wait!" I called out, but she was gone. I looked around and all eyes were on me. "I don't suppose you know anything about this?...." I asked, "No.It's a surprise to us." both Buffy and Angel said at the same time. "Let me guess....nothing will ever be the same again." I said, all who were around me just stared.

(Here's the first chapter...I hope you like it. I had some ideas, and I read "Lucian the Vampire Slayer" it brought me an idea of how to bring about a Male Slayer/Vampire with powers that will save the Earth lol. So thanks Mark. Anyways, I hope to hear from you guys, I need to know after every chapter what you think or I won't know, If you guys are reading and liking them. Send me feedback good, bad, it doesn't matter...just don't be too bad and start cursing me out. Laters!)

Next: Chapter 2

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