Sleep Over

By Tamara Smith

Published on Feb 12, 2006



My first inclination that I was bi came at a young age. Although I had always known I liked girls and always would. I was 12 and was spending the night at my best friend Jakes. Jake was also 12, and had a brother named Joe who was 16. It was night time and all three of us were on the floor in their bedroom playing a board game. As we sat indian style I noticed the elastic in Joes briefs were stretched open around the leg opening.

This would be a good time to describe us. I am Donald, I am a black male and at the time I was about 5' 4" and a very thin 90 lbs. I was a slow developing kid and had virtually no muscle tone or body hair at this time. I had recently started masturbating my 4 " cut penis every chance I got. Being black I always was attracted to white skin, although at this point it had only been white girls.

Back to the story, as we sat playing occasionally Joe would reach down and scratch his groin through the leg opening on the side of him I was sitting. At one point I looked down to see his blond hairs at the base of a dick I had not scene. I found myself very attracted to this sight. I knew even then it was a combination of his white skin and light hair, but another reason for the attration I knew was the blond hair, being completely hairless down there I had never seen a hairy crotch and surely not a gorgeous blond one.

At some point Joe obviously became aware of my frequent glances and at one point smiled at me when I looked from his leg opening to his face. Later as we played Joe began to reach down and touch him self more frequently on the pretense of scratching. On another glance after Joe had scratched himself I looked over and was thrilled to see his shaft and the head of a semi hard beautiful white dick. All this was totaly being missed by Jake as we continued to play our board game.

After staring at this very attractive white shaft, I looked up to find Joe openly smilng at me. Still naive I just smiled back. As we both continued our own private game of peek-a-boo. Other than knowing I liked the look of Joe's dick I had no inclination of any thing sexual in this.

Soon after our game ended we all went to bed. I had been a guest of this house for many sleep overs. Jake and joe like my family were poor and lived in a trailer. They share a small bedroom with bunk beds. Joe has always slept on the bottom and during my stays I sleep on the floor right next to his bed. Late that night I woke hearing some movement. After my eyes adjusted I notced joe was sitting on his bed, his feet by my lower torso. As my eyes moved up his legs to his white hairy thighs I saw that he was stroking what was what looked like a huge erection. I later found out it was 7" and actually as thin as my own. After seeing this my eyes moved up to see a naked joe smiling down at me as he continued to stroke himself. After returing his smile, my eyes moved back down to watch the show as my own hand moved to my hard black 4" dick. After a couple minutes of stroking in silence, joe kicked the covers off of me and watched as I pulled my little black meat. Soon after this I picked up my pace and felt my orgasm coming. Joe noticed this and stood over me as I layed down and began to shoot a stream of cum that hit his stroking hand. As I layed there spent, looking up joe began to shoot a load of cum. The cum shot out hitting me in the face and chest, I opened my mouth instinctively and tasted my first cum from another man, smiling joe continued to aim at my eager mouth knowing he would be making more cum deposits during my sleep overs.

Throughout this not a word was spoken between joe and I. After joe finished he laid in bed and went to sleep. I layed there covered in a mixture of Joe's cum and mine. With nothing to clean up with, I began to scoop up our cum and swallow it. Smiling the whole time, knowing I would drink cum from white men the rest of my life.

jake never awoke, and as the years progressed and my sexual relationship with joe expanded and I became his brothers black bitch he never n

The next morning I awoke with a smile on my face the thought of being joes buddy making me feel like I would be in with the cool guys. You see joe was a big time high school jock and everyone in the trailer park liked to act like their his best friend. Truth is although joe was friendly to everyone he really didn't hang out a lot with anyone unless it was his latest girlfriend.

Well my smile did not last all day long joe never spoke to me. He actually treated me worse than ever.

Telling me to bug off kid when his girlfriend came over to hang and watch videos. Me and jake stayed outside or in his room avoiding the big shot as jake would call him sarcastically when he was acting this way although I knew from having a 16 y/o brother they all act like this and it was not because he was the big shot jock.

Well that night I was staying over again as I often did for the entire weekend. After joes gf left he joined us in his room for our usual night of board games in our briefs. Joe still was treating me cold not talking unless he had to as part of the game. I was hurt and confused with this reaction until joe again scratched himself enough times to let his semi hang out pointing at me but hidden from jake. I then realized he did like what we did and wanted more but wanted to ensure no one but me ever knew.

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