Slender Beggar

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Dec 31, 2020


HOLA PEEPS!! HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR!! Hope you all are safe and okay. Feel free as always to mail me for a chat lol

Stay safe, Ryan


How I wished at that moment that I had a pussy and not a dick.

Because my god...seeing a semi naked man standing in front of you wearing absolutely nothing but a mere rowel around his waist...his upper chest glimmering with hot water droplets just seemingly gliding down his firm, muscled torso...his stunning six pack shining, perhaps even glowing, with what having just had a shower...his broad muscles and his powerful biceps turning you on so damn much that you had to seriously think of your own grandmother naked with her finger lodged inside her ass rather than get hard because all of this was just way too embarrassing...

And finally...his blue eyes, royal blue on closer inspection, and his thick, clean washed blond hair simply dashed across his his skull...jesus...a man, a real man, in literally every sense of the word. The perfect kind of man if you were gay and had been in the closet for years because you're married and you had a little girl which you adored more than life itself.

Jump on him, you say? Pull him towards the nearest bed you can find and let him fuck your brains out whilst you were kissing his lips like he was the last human left on this earth?

Simple as that, innit?

Not, if he was a beggar.

Homeless. Jobless.

And even more...when he knew you were married, seemingly happy so, and when he had just walked in on you, wanting to help him and his fellow siblings with financial aid, the money he had earlier refused, still trapped inside your sweaty hand palm. And not when he had just probably discovered your deepest, darkest secret...that you have been aching for him ever since you first laid eyes on him.


"Max? What...I mean...?"

He was obviously just as stunned as I was to see me there.

Fuck me, I was only there because I wanted to help Slender, his sister Maria and her two young kids out with some much needed cash. I offered some to Slender earlier of course but he had refused to take it. Therefore I wanted to sort of try and smuggle it in...and what I didn't bargain on was seeing this beautiful hunk of a man in nearly all his naked glory.

"I'm...god, I'm really sorry, mate. I kinda just wanted to drop this off. You wouldn't take it in the car and I really just...well, I wanna help!" I stuttered defensively, finally placing the money that I wanted to give him onto the table inside the small room which they were currently living in.

Slender raided his eyebrows and for some or other reason he tightened the towel around his waist. He came ever closer towards me and took a good look at the bunch of cash notes that I had placed on their table mere seconds ago.

", I told you to leave it. Don't you trust me? Don't you think I can provide for my own family? Or at least, try and do so on my own?"

Okay, now I felt like utter crap. I never ever meant for him to have THIS type of view about me!

"Slender, please. I'm sorry. I just wanted to try and help..."

"And why is that? Because I'm a piss poor homeless beggar who has nothing else to do than sponge off of people?"

"Just a minute, okay, that isn't fair! You beg for money on the streets every day but when I try and do something decent for you, you say that is wrong? What the fuck?"

Slender picked up the money I had left there and smashed it against my chest. Gravity did its job and it tumbled down onto the hard tiled floor of the room.

"I should have known. You rich people are all the same! Do you know why I refused the money earlier? Because somehow in my fucked up little mind, I thought I had made a new friend. And friends, don't do this to each other! But how dumb was I in thinking someone like you could be friends with someone like me, right?"

I was flabbergasted.

Stunned beyond belief. Where was the happy go lucky chap that I had been with all afternoon and at the hospital when we were waiting for any news about Phil? The guy who refused to leave my side before he knew that my best buddy was gonna be fine. The guy who's face had lit up as he spoke to me earlier?

"Slender, come on..."

"Max, you don't belong here. People like me, they don't drive BMW's. They don't co-own advertising agencies. They don't get married and have kids. People like you, do. So...just leave and we'll forget about all of this. Please, Max. Just go home to your wife and daughter."

He was so damn close to me by now that I could smell the soap he had washed his body with. My god. My cock hardened immediately. My eyes flickered over his badly I wanted to take them into my hungry ass mouth and give him the kind of pleasure which he so fully deserved.

To run my fingers through that thick blond mane of he laid his head on my shoulders if we should have hugged things long I wanted to touch his back...his arms...feel them tightly around me...and the most of badly I wanted my tongue to taste and utterly appreciate the living fuck out of those six pectorals that was so glimmering on his flat stomach...

His eyes caught mine. They lingered. I saw doubt inside them, as if he was trying to suss me out. What I was after. What I was like. What my intentions were.

"I don't wanna go..." I whispered so softly that I was scared he didn't hear me.

His eyes softened at once. He swallowed slowly, his Adam's apple bobbing with the beat of his pulse.

"You can't be serious?" he whispered back...knowing full well what I meant.

His eyes chartered over what little was in the room that they stayed in. A mere queen sized bed, complete with two small tables and a kettle. Considering Maria and her two kids were probably using the bed, he had to sleep on the floor. Not even a microwave or a fridge...things we accept in our every day lives as having in our homes, things that we so easily take for granted.

I moved about two steps closer towards him. He had to be blind if he couldn't see the attraction that I felt for him.

"You're literally the most beau..."

I didn't get to finish my sentence because Slender's twin sister Maria and her two kids came in from the cold outside.

Earlier I thought, with the ice cold weather we were having, that they had to be surely inside but it seemed like they had been to the shops.

Fuck...Maria only had one bag of groceries with her and as I quickly scanned it's contents, it seemed like it was a loaf of bread and some canned tuna. Those were literally all that she could afford for them to eat tonight. Both of her two kids had lolly pops with them...and I tried my level best not to show how massively that emotionally touched me.

Even when times were tough, this woman still had seemingly enough to buy her kids something special. A simple lolly pop. To them, that WAS special.

"Naand, Meneer. Ek hoop u vriend is okay?" (Evening Sir, I hope you friend is okay) Maria said to be in her native Afrikaans, before one of her kids, the boy to be exact, saw the money that was still laying on the cold, hard floor.

"Mamma! Kyk!" (Mommy! Look!) he screamed out on top of his voice, and his little sister wasn't far behind. Both of them picked up the all together R100 I wanted to give Slender and they immediately showed it to their mother.

"Uhm, yeah apologies, but I can't speak Afrikaans as fluently as you do. It seems like my buddy is going to be right as rain. I just dropped Slender off and that, (pointing towards the money) was to say thank you for helping us this afternoon when the pub was attacked. Phil might have gotten hurt even more, not to mention myself, if he didn't assist us. Thank you.

God...was a R100 the going rate for saving someone's life? I had to think and think fast!

Slender cleared his throat and with a slight confused look towards me, he quickly translated what I had said to Maria in Afrikaans. I seriously doubted if her two kids were going to school, even if they were at least old enough to be in the first grade. Poor Maria probably never had the opportunity to finish her education either.

"She says thank you, Max. Max?"

I immediately shook out of my slumber.

"Oh, well, it's nothing really. I gotta go, my wife, she's still at the hospital. Nag, lekker slaap."

My Afrikaans might have been more than a little rusty but thank god I knew how to say "Night, sleep tight".

I knew that Maria would appreciate me greeting them in her own language, but I wasn't so sure about Slender. I left the small room and quickly jogged back to my car in front of the pub.

Max...are you insane? You nearly told a homeless beggar that you fancied him! Are you stupid, crazy, or perhaps even both?

I was with a severe heavy heart that I opened the car door when Slender suddenly appeared next to me, how he had gotten here without me hearing him was a fucking mystery. I had been deep in my own thoughts, but still...

"Now you listen to me. I can't give the money back now. Not when you told Maria it was for me helping you and Mister Phil. Max...thank you, but I don't wanna see you here again. Please. Don't come here again. You said things, just go. Please."

He had put on a t-shirt of which the once colorful blue was now quickly fading. Together with some black shorts, second hand at least if you looked carefully at all the loose seams. This was winter. WINTER, and look what he was wearing.

Jesus...he was so incredibly handsome. His blond hair, now dry, gently waving in the cold breeze. His arms, so tanned and caramel colored from being in the sun all day for years probably. Desperately begging for money to ensure survival.

He was right. I couldn't see him again.

I was married. I had a daughter who needed her daddy. Without actually saying it, I think he knew I was attracted to him. Oh, he knew. And what was the saddest thing of this all, he was gay himself. He told me in chapter 2 of his deceased boyfriend, Ricco, who had died of a crystal meth overdose.

HE WAS GAY. It wasn't as if I had been attracted to a straight guy. And still...he had now asked me to stay away.

He saw my face. The conflict, the confusion, the bitterness written all over it.

"Take care, Max," he whispered one more time before turning around and quickly walking back to the pub, their room of course situated at the back.

I wiped away my tears and got into my car.

Well...everyone was entitled to have an adventure somewhere in their life time.

To experience something which they never would in their normal lives. This...was as good as it got. Meeting a handsome homeless man and daring to dream of actually being MY FULL SELF. I still wasn't out. Jane, my wife, had no clue I was batting for the other side, so to speak. I could still see his torso before me...his wet good he smelled after his shower...

"Good bye, Slender..." I whispered, before sighing and driving off.


Two months, or there about, had passed.

Jane was pregnant.

Molly was going to have a adorable little brother or sister to play with and to cherish for the rest of her life.

Phil had made a full recovery, however, he still had seizures. Between him and his medical team they were trying to find the best way forward as possible, but that did mean that Phil couldn't be at work every single day anymore. Seizures were normally brought on by stress, one way or another and therefore his doctors had cut down on his working hours.

Ribbed Underwear was still our biggest clients and between me and Phil we have so far done the seemingly impossible to keep them happy. The men's line was selling like hot cakes and with the South African summer coming up we needed to do another campaign ASAP to market their new beachfront range.

Phil was busy organizing the team and delegating the various tasks for the day, when I had gotten there and he smiled as he saw me.

"One minute, guys," he said before jogging over to me.

"Hey, father to be! Congrats! When did Jane tell you?"

"Two days ago. I wanted to tell you in person but it seems that's gone to shit."

"I saw the post on Jane's Facebook. Aren't you happy? You look about as energetic about it as Fat Elsa in reception."

If only I could tell him the truth.

He was my best friend since Kindergarten, and if there was one person I did wanna come out to, it was Phil. I had a feeling he wouldn't reject me or write me off because I had been lying to him for years...but you just never knew.

That baby...that little blob of sperm that was now captured inside Jane's was planted mere hours after I had said goodbye to Slender THAT evening. guessed it.

I went home after and out of pure spite...out of retaliation...or maybe even just to make all the hurt from him telling me piss off that make that hurt go away. That was the only time that me and Jane had made love in a bloody long time so it had to have happen then.

How fucked up was this.

I had a baby on the way that had been conceived...with me wishing more that I was driving my dick into a homeless beggar rather than into my wife. I remembered that evening vividly. Jane was so turned on my me taking the lead and initiating sex...remember, I was gay...I didn't mind not fucking her so often...but I was so revved up...and as I was plunging my cock into her...all I could see was Slender. His beautiful face and his gorgeous blue eyes.

Everything about him that I wanted with all my might and I that couldn't have.

"I just want to get this marketing campaign up and running, buddy. If we're halfway through I'll start to relax. Are the models here yet?"

Phil nodded, having a sip of water from his bottle. These days he even avoided as much as coffee.

"Sure is. Couple of muscled studs, they are. I did tell you last week those people selling the samosas were coming today? I wanna buy some for lunch. Spicy food should be okay, don't you think?"

I shrugged my shoulders whilst doing my best not to seem to eager to look over the models and their portfolio's. My god...they were breathtaking..


"What do I know? Google it or something. And if they get here, get some for Jane as well? She loves samoosas."


The shoot was done and now the Ribbed board of directors had to decide which of the twelve male models to use in their ad campaign.

We had features of over twelve possible sexy male candidates and I wasn't worried as much because usually the board was very agreeable when it came to us. We valued their clientele and I felt confident that they felt the same.

A call came through to my office. What the hell, now?

"Elsa, I said I didn't wanna be disturbed."

"I know, Sir but the guy with the samoosas has just arrived and I can't locate Mister Phil. I thought he might have been with you."

Oh Elsa.

I should leave every thing I'm busy with because Phil wanted samoosas? I probably sounded like a right scumbag but with the new baby coming and all this work, I felt snowed under, boxed in even.

"Elsa, I don't know where Phil is. Tell you what, send the guy to my office. My wife would also want some."

"Right away, Sir."


A knock in the door startled me. Of course I said the guy selling them samoosas could come to my office.

"It's open!"

My back turned towards the door, I was still on the phone to the Ribbed board and they confirmed, shockingly, that out of the potential twelve male models that we had sent them, they only had interest in ONE.

The remaining eleven somehow didn't fit their description of what they wanted in the model who would become the face of the summer range. They wanted one, or two new models at the very least, or see their portfolios by the close of business.

I clenched my teeth before putting the phone down. This was bad. This was very bad. Where was I supposed to find another male model at the drop of a hat? Even more, one which would have the approval of Ribbed?

"Max? Oh boy..."

That voice...


I turned around in my chair so fast that I was surprised I didn't end up with whiplash. Standing inside the door of my office, wearing only a tank top and some shorts...was Slender.

Two months. Two whole months had passed and I never once tried to look him up. He told me not to and I respected that. Inside his hand was two boxes, which I assumed was the popular samoosas that everything here was raving about.

And here he was.

My god...looking sexier than I could ever remember. Someone shaved his hair off, because he now had a buzz cut. His biceps shone in the afternoon sun streaming through my window, as they bulged with him holding those delicious treats.

Cutting his hair off definitely improved his look. He was more bad ass now than before, I mean, you wouldn't wanna meet him in a darkened alley, that was for sure.

"I...they said someone was selling samoosas here but I had no idea it was you. Come in, sit down. Those must be heavy..."

"...Max, if its all the same, I'd rather just make my sales and go. I wouldn't have come here if I knew this was where you worked. You never told me the name of your company. Damn...I'm so sorry I bothered you..."

I knew I'd always regret it if I didn't say something and say it NOW...


He turned around but he didn't face me.

"Please. Its been two months. Can't we just talk? Please? No funny business, I swear."

Slender seemed to pause a few moments before he DID look me in the eyes, and with a small sigh, he re-entered my office.

"Take a load off. You can put those there. Everyone wants them, all I'm hearing from Phil is how delicious they are..." I smiled and sat down with him across from me.

A little smiled appeared at the corners of his own mouth and for just a second, I saw something of the old Slender...the one I had bonded with that fateful afternoon Phil had gotten hurt.

"Yeah, I guess. Me and Maria are still doing odd jobs but making these now takes priority. She makes them and I sell them. Sorry again...I was a real jerk to you last time."

"It's me that has to say sorry. I made you uncomfortable. To say the least., I can't believe I'm gonna tell you this. Even Phil doesn't know."

Slender leaned back in his chair whilst I was trying to come up with a certain two words...pale when placed on its own but a mega force when used together.

I had never ever thought I'd say them to another living soul. But Slender...he deserved to know the truth. More than anyone else.


I opened my eyes. Slender had a weird look in his eye.

"What? Something wrong?"

He sat forward and placed his hands in fist form on my desk.

"I think I know what you wanna say. It's okay, Max. More than. You know I'm gay myself. I told you about Ricco and how we felt about each other before his death. I guess...when you eyed me that night, when I came out of the shower...I was feeling conflicted. I still have feelings for Ricco and you're married with a little girl. I thought until then you were straight. There was nothing to even suggest you weren't. But then...thoughts and paranoia flooded me. Did you give me that R200 because you fancied me? Me, a fucking homeless waste! When you had a beautiful ass wife at home? Just thinking all of this was insane."

Oh well. No point hiding it now. I knew he realized things long before today. It was liberating. So fantastically finally admit it to someone. Finally there was one person in this whole world who knew me as I truly am.

"It wasn't easy for me either. Jane doesn't know, Phil doesn't one does. Jane's pregnant..."

That sure as hell caught his attention.

"Wow...dude...well, fucking hell, congrats! You mist be over the moon."

I smiled wryly and sat forward. I too, balled my hands into a fist and placed it in front of me. Very, very close to where his was situated.

"If I tell you the truth, you're gonna walk and I'll never see you again, for real this time."

Something in Slender's face seemed to change. I couldn't tell what exactly.

"Tell me. Tell me."

That was it. Determination. That's what was different. He wasn't shy anymore. He wasn't letting people walk over him anymore, it seemed.

I took a huge breath...

"I wanted to tell you that are literally the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my entire life. There...I said it. I can't take it back now and I won't wanna either. You work hard, you're a decent human being and you have respect for yourself. I...I really admired that."

Slender's fist slightly shook as I was speaking.

He was trying to keep it under control, but he couldn't. Was that...was that tears in his eyes? He swallowed slowly once more. His eyes were more blue than I had ever seen them.

I saw his pinky finger...narrowly come lose from being buried inside his fists...and how it ever so slowly made its move over to where mine was...

The door flew open.

"Elsa said you were looking for me?'re busy. I'll come back later!'

Phil's interruption had completely destroyed any level of intimacy there was.

Slender smiled and stood up.

He took six samoosas out of his box and wrapped them neatly inside its packaging. He then proceeded to place it on my desk.

"Free of charge. Your secretary told me your wife likes them. See ya, Max."

Before I could say a word...he was gone.


"Did the meeting go well? Was Ribbed impressed?"

I drank the last of my energy drink before throwing the can miserably into the trash.

"What meeting? I told you they didn't like any of the male models except one."

"Yeah, I know that. I was talking about the guy in your office when I burst in."

I paused. Was he talking about Slender?

"Dude...that was the samoosa guy! Didn't you see his boxes on my desk?"

Phil stopped and stared.

"That's him? Sorry, buddy, I didn't actually SEE the guy last week, everyone only talked about the "Samoosa Guy". I thought he was the replacement model you got for Ribbed. With looks like he has got, he can easily pull off a swimsuit photo suit. No homo! See ya later."


Why didn't I see it before...?

Of course! The answer to having Ribbed back on our good books was staring me right in the face!



Happy New year, everyone. May 2021 be everything that 2020 wasn't.

Lemme know if you want more chapters and if you're still enjoying the story xx


Next: Chapter 4

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