Slither into Ruin

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Mar 27, 2021



*** Final Chapter ***

*** Snake Eyes on the Future ***

The water beneath and the cloudy sky above were dark. Lightning revealed a scaly texture to both. The foggy mountains in the distance swayed and rolled like one long body.

A council of six skyscraper-tall snakes looked down on them.

Vague, hard to grasp facsimiles of the hunks' bodies stood on nothing in particular.

"We're back," Ken said, his words created in Marsh's mind with no clear origin. "In the dream."


"We made it?" Marsh shouted. There was no voice, no words, only an echo with meaning.



"Fuck yeah!"


"Wait a fucking second," Bryce's ethereal figure said. "We got punished cause we're lifelong assholes, right? Not just cause we were dumb kids for a second."



"Fuuuuck me," Ken said. "All that for a pre-teen pissing contest? I'm high on rectal hot sauce. I came out of the closet. I rode my friend's dicks. I ruined my public image. For a piss?!"


"Yeah you already said that, asshole," Marsh said. "Hey, can you use your snake magic to, I dunno, make everyone forget they saw us fuck? In Ophion Bay, or on Clapper or both? Pretty please?"



"Sweet," Ken said. "What do we have to do?"


"Wha- Why the fuck not!?"


Marsh raised a vague, ethereal middle finger. "Oh fuck you very much."

Waking up with the full force of the anal Basilisk injection made Marsh briefly convinced his unconscious body was getting raped, but no, it was simply the same burn, barely faded during his escape to dreamland.

He stretched his muscles through the searing waves. He was exhausted like never before but the constant sharp ache in his guts drove him to move and blow off steam.

His companions rose to their knees beside him just as he did. He enjoyed a deep, unobstructed breath. Small mercies.

"Shit," Ken said. "This better not be permanent. I'm serious, snakes."

Ken's mark-fragments had combined to a sleek dragon tattoo, running around his neck, down his shoulder and onto his chest. It was no longer an ouroboros, instead having a distinct tail end. Its head rested on the side of Ken's throat.

"Bruh, it looks cool as fuck."

Ken stared at Marsh angrily. "My parents are gonna be so mad they'll look past me turning into an online painslut by comparison. Not that it matters cause they'll fucking murder me for either."

Bryce was holding up his right arm where an elegant sea snake ran around his biceps and over his shoulder. "Shit. How far does that go?"

He turned around.

"It goes across the back," Ken said. "Head is right between the shoulder blades. Gonna look sick when you swim."

Bryce twisted as if he'd be able to see his own back. "Kinda love it, kinda hate it. Never been too serious about getting inked."

"Maybe it'll fade," Marsh said. "Look I didn't even get one. I'm- Oh..."

Marsh rose from his knees and twisted. The thick serpent was ringed around his right leg and continued onto his glutes.

"Bruh, where's the head?"

"Oh shit, man," Ken said. "Yours is a tramp stap, hahahaha."

"Fuck. That's faggy."

"Well dude, hehe," Bryce said. "You took a lot of dick for a straight guy."

"Fuck you. Let's just leave." Marsh started walking. His guts responded with more burn radiating through his glutes, thighs and abs. "You think we can flush our asses out?"

Ken shook his head. "Water makes it worse, remember? Man, it's like you've never eaten spicy food. We just gotta wait it out while it hurts like a brotherfucker."

The way back felt much shorter, even though they weren't jogging anymore. Marsh's sneakers were almost falling apart. They were meant for the gym, not rough terrain. Yet another victim of the slithering menace.

Their steps were still affected by the spice-swagger, now more of a douchebaggy alpha gait than just-got-fucked waddle.

As they walked, Marsh was keenly aware of his semi-hardon as it swayed side to side with his hand occasionally brushing over it. Even through the ass-pain, the dull ache in his nuts and the overstimulation he was still horny.

He looked around, at the green and brown emptiness and the glistening of cars on Highway 101 in the distance.

The bodybuilder threw his hands up. "Fuck it, I gotta clear my head. Who's with me?"

He was jerking himself hard as they arrived at their abandoned belongings.

Ken dropped to his knees on the black and white tank top and jerked off as well. Marsh stood by his side and waved his hardon in Ken's face.

"Hey bi guy? Want a taste?"

"Fuck you," Ken said and rammed his fist into Marsh's inked thigh, just below the ballsack. "Suck mine first, hehe."

"Dude, we won," Bryce said, rising his selfie stick. "And we got trophies. Let's show off our sick tats."

"Ugh," Ken said, breathing fast as he jerked off, his face still next to Marsh's dick. "I think I'm taking a break from Clapper. Probably forever."

"You cracked 40k, dude. You're just ahead of me. Gonna fix that, hehe."

Ken growled. "Fuck you. Marsh, take a pic of me. Make it good. I've gotta show this airhead who's alpha."

"Only if you suck me off. No homo."

"Shut your facecunt and take a pic."

Marsh reluctantly let go of his dick and readied the Asian hunk's Kaizen HQ. He set off a Clap: <Got inked with my buddies. Who wants to see?>

Ken posed on his knees, his muscles sparkling from sweat, his dick pulsing hard. The sunlight wasn't quite as harsh anymore and the hunk knew how to look sexy.

Marsh put the best four pics into a Clap and let Ken choose a caption: <Gonna get killed for these. dragon emoji #AsianKidProblems Worth it? tongue emoji>

Bryce had put his own tattoo up on Siccunt_Bryce, showing off his biceps.

"Little help?" Marsh said and handed his phone over to the swimmer.

"Dude, you're at 69 thousand followers. Nice, hehehe."

"Ha, nice."

"Nice, man."

The bodybuilder gave the camera a back lat spread and a back double biceps, then shoved off his quads with his hardon resting on the inked thigh.

"Show some ass, hehe," Bryce said. "No homo."

Marsh bent over, pushing his glutes out, for the final pic. His caption was: <Do you like inked muscle? leg emoji Looking #Alpha as fuck with this tat. bull emoji>

"So Kennie-boy, pay up," Marsh said to the kneeling hunk who was still scrolling through the app. He waved his slick hardon in front of Ken's face, slowly jerking.

Ken licked his lips. Before Marsh could make fun of him for that, the gymnast said, "Fuck it. No homo." and grabbed Marsh by the hip to pull him in.

Marsh's dickhead sank into Ken's mouth, giving the bodybuilder perhaps the greatest shock of the day.

But he took the opportunity and closed his eyes, one hand on Ken's tattooed shoulder, the other resting in the sucker's hair.

"Camera's rolling," Bryce said, holding up his uPhone.

Ken saw and pulled away but Marsh instinctively grabbed onto the sucker's head and held him on his shaft. Ken looked up with anger and flashed his middle finger. But he kept sucking and jerked himself off.

The gymnast reached for his own phone and handed it to Marsh who dutifully took a video. His other hand was on Ken's neck.

"I'm gonna shoot," Marsh said after less time than he'd have liked, voice raw. "Go deeper."

Ken shook his head as far as that was possible and hammered Marsh's abs. When the top didn't pull out, the hammering grew more intense.

"Ughhhh," Marsh sighed as his orgasm drew near. "You're forgetting something, Kennie. We're assholes."

He pushed deeper, making Ken gag violently. Marsh deposited his most painful load of cum ever down the shorter hunk's throat while the sucker desperately gagged.

He let go and Ken slipped off, wrenching. The gymnast went on all fours. "F-fuck y-" He coughed. "Shoulda bitten your dick off, man. You don't do that to a bro."

Shaking with anger, Ken jumped up and rushed at Marsh. "I will kill you. I swear I will fucking kill you."

Marsh stumbled backward. "W-wait! Wait, I'll... uh."

"You'll what, huh? Suck my dick?" Ken shouted, trembling, eyes teary.

"Sounds fair, dude," Brace said, lowering the phone.

"Fuck you," Marsh said.

"Um," Ken made, one hand cupping his hardon. "I guess that is fai-"

"No!" Marsh said. "I'm not a cocksucker. No way."

"You owe me!"

Marsh looked down at Ken's erection. It looked bigger than ever. He was almost ready to go down fighting. He could probably take Ken on, right? Wait... Was he really thinking about dueling his friend to the death over a blowjob?

"How about... I suck Bryce off instead and Bryce sucks you?"

"Dude, leave me out of that."

"Bruh, it's just that Ken's big dick is gonna be tough, you know?"

"Wow dude," Bryce said. "Fuck you very much."

Marsh swallowed dry. "But... no cumming in my mouth. I know I did that but, just don't. I'm actually gonna bite it off."

"Deal," Ken said. "Bryce, on my phone."

"Wait no," Marsh said. "No camera."

"Fuck you," Ken said. "On your knees, bitch."

Somehow, after all that had happened today, this was the worst part. And unlike the rest he had done it to himself.

Marsh knelt on the folded tank top, said "no homo", and took Ken's dickhead in his mouth. It tasted salty, sweaty, musky, with a hint of condom-lube. Perfectly up to expectations and yet somehow so much worse than he could have imagined.

Ken was merciful and didn't push. The gymnast's shaped pubes dominated Marsh's vision. He looked up, bulging abs leading to a drilling gaze as Ken stared down over his pecs, a mean grin on his lips.

"Not so alpha anymore, Marshmellow?"

Bryce was walking around them to get the perfect angle. "Me next?"

Ken chuckled. "Nah man. If you're not sucking, you don't get sucked."

"Fair," Bryce said and slowly jerked his own five inches.

With the dick's taste slowly replaced by his own saliva, Marsh found a rhythm. He knew what he liked, after all. It turned out that a blowjob was a lot more work than he had realized and his mouth was quickly aching. He used one hand to jerk Ken's shaft – also to keep the boy from pushing farther in – and hoped his tongue flicks on the bottom on Ken's dickhead would be enough. He really didn't want that monster any farther in his throat than necessary.

It was... not exactly fun, but not as horrible as it had first seemed. Maybe if Ken had been smelling as sweaty as he looked, Marsh would have gagged, but thankfully the boy's Asian genes kept BO to a minimum. Marsh was smelling his own musk just as much as his oral top's.

"Ugh, gonna cum," Ken said and pulled away.

Marsh tried to lean back but Ken grabbed him by the throat. "Uh-uh. I'm not cumming in your mouth but I'm still an asshole, bitch."

The gymnast flexed his pecs as his iron grip on Marsh's face turned painful.

"Ughhhhh, in your face!"

Marsh closed eyes and lips as the droplets were splattered onto him. The moment he was free, he grabbed the tank top underneath himself and wiped his face.

Bryce was no longer jerking off. "Dude, I almost missed that facial. Too busy filming my own cumshot, hehe."

Ken grabbed their backpack. "Let's go, man. I want to get as far away from here as possible."

"That's right, cocksucker," Bryce said and got punched in the lower back.

"We need a plan," Marsh said.

"That's right, too, other cocksucker," Bryce said and earned a light gut punch.

"Crash at my place?" Marsh asked.

"Yeah," Ken said. "But let's buy water first. I need to get that dick taste out of my mouth. No homo."

"That's right, co-"

Marsh grabbed onto the model's shoulder. "This is your last warning, Brycie-boy. I'm not above nut-tapping a brother to death."

The blond threw his hands up. "Fine, but Clapper knows."

"Fuck you."

"Nearest grocery store," Ken said, looking between his phone and the highway, "that direction. My treat."

"I'll never get used to hearing you say that," Bryce said. "Fame changed you."

Ken shrugged with a grin. "Being a pornstar has its perks. Huh, guess that's how it has to be now. I mean, even if my parents don't kick me out, I gotta keep making money. I already got close to applying to a studio one, but I think I'll try pulling this off solo for a while. Man..." He looked at the sky. "I'm gonna be a fucking pornstar.

Bryce smirked and slapped the gymnast's ass. "Might have to rethink that `exclusive top' thing at your 5'5'', kid."

"Fuck you in every conceivable way. With plenty of Basilisk. I'm 5'6'' as you know."

Marsh sighed. "Do we all have to keep doing porn now? I'm not going back to work, duh. But maybe if I move the fuck away."

"Dude, the internet is everywhere," Bryce said. "I have no fucking clue if I can even finish college."

It was Ken's turn to grin. "Why not? Take a spicy strap-on once a week and you can pay for it yourself."

"Fuuuck," Bryce said. "I never should have told you that. But... Don't get me wrong, dude, I'm dying over here, but as long as it's not Basilisk..."

"I know, man," Ken said. "Nut-gasming is fucking weird but I'd do it again someday."

Marsh laughed. "Haha, yeah. Some parts were fun. If I can't get a job before rent is due... Might call you up to help a brother out with spice-high pain-gasms for a paid livestream."

"Split the royalties fifty-fifty," Ken said quickly, "and I'm in. You bottom."

"If I bottom, we're splitting ninety-ten."

"Sixty-forty and I bottom, too, but with hot sauce only for your ass."

"Exclusive top," Bryce mocked and made air quotes.

"Fuck you."

"Not if I fuck you first. No homo."

"Not if I shove a whole bottle of Basilisk up your hole."

"Dude, don't even joke about that."

Marsh slapped their backs at the same time. "You're both pussies. We're all going to ride that fucking spice dick again. You felt those orgasms, admit it."

"Not without my family lawyer present, dude."

"Hehe, I dunno, man," Ken said. "Seemed a lot like you enjoyed it back on the cart."

"Fuck you. I'm going to have real sex with chicks while you two are off sucking each other's dicks on camera with sauce bottle up your holes."

Ken looked at the bodybuilder and sighed. "Well, someone's defensive."

Bryce looked like he was about to have an outburst. Then his shoulders sagged.

"Dude, I'm gonna keep it fucking real. I'm trusting you right now, okay?"

"Bruh," Marsh said. "We already know you'd sit on a strap. What else?"

The model chuckled. "Today's orgasms were better than any pussy I ever fucked. I don't think I even want sex without a dick on fire in my ass anymore."

"Bruh, same."

"Dude, I was kidding!"

"M-me too, hahaha."

They stopped, stared at each other and burst into laughter at the same time, lightly slapping each other's shining skin. The topic was over and silence set upon the trio.

As they neared civilization again, they had to distribute their clothes, playing rock-paper-scissors.

Marsh won thong-rights and put his flimsy golden piece back on, covering but also accentuating his package. Bryce won the silver thong, getting to wear one for the first time.

This left the tattered, ripped, cum-crusted Split Tongue tank top for Ken. It hung almost to his knees, covering his naked crotch just fine. The soft three inches kept poking the fabric with every step.

"Glad I'm carrying the backpack," Ken said. "It I sit down on the rail I'm flashing the whole ass crowd."

"Bruh, we should gamble for the bag, too. We could all use more cover."

"I'm literally naked under here, man."

"Lucky cunt," Bryce said. "Your thong keeps crawling up my crack."

"Trade me?"

"Sure, man."

Marsh grunted. "The fuck we even played for if we're just like at the start?"

Ken slipped into his trusty silver thong, while the taller swimmer received the ripped top, which didn't offer much cover on his longer torso. His balls and cock-tip poked out.

The tall blond tore one shoulder strap, like on his old one, to make it hang lower like a caveman costume. It covered his crotch but he'd need the backpack between his legs once they rode the train.

They gambled for the snapback and Bryce won, letting him complete the black and white ensemble.

"Man," Ken said and flexed. "I'm gonna ride the train like this every time now. I'm feeling alpha as fuck."

"You'll have plenty of opportunity to get used to it," Marsh said. "It's a whole ass journey back to my place."

"By the way," Ken said. "Should we order some food so it arrives when we do?"

"Your treat?" Bryce asked, mockingly.

Ken glanced at his phone. "My BuyBud account says `no problem'."

"Aight," Marsh said and slapped his companion's backs, drawing them near as they marched over low shrubs. "What do we get? I want the mildest, blandest, most tasteless food you can get in San Ophion. I'm done with spice. Forever. At least in the mouth."

Both his friends swung for a nut-tap as they laughed.

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