Slither into Ruin

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Mar 8, 2021



*** Chapter 2 ***

*** Hellfire Hole ***

Pebble Port's palm trees stretched over a shoulder high wall that separated the plaza from the back area of Lee's Hellion Noodles. The cracked asphalt was bright with the sunlight bouncing off the restaurant's backside.

Marsh the thickly muscled bodybuilder in black compression shorts and sleeveless shirt, and Bryce the taller blond swimmer with a loose red top hanging over his red speedo arrived to find Ken.

The light brown Asian's height and stature made his muscles more pronounced. With a stout build and a short, broad neck under his round head, Ken looked more tanky than he had any right to. A fluffy fringe hung almost over his eyes, while the sides of his head were buzzed.

He was waiting on the back door's stairs, his beefy legs tensing as he rose. His t-shirt was the "Lee's Hellion Noodles" uniform, long enough to cover whatever he wore as pants – if anything.

"Bruh," Marsh said. "So happy to see you dumbass. Crazy shit happening, huh?"

Marsh and Ken slammed their hands together for a loud clap, crossed elbows and threw horns at each other with a flexed biceps.

"Yeah man, what a fucked up reunion with you assholes," Ken said, legs restlessly bouncing, making his smooth, ripped thighs and calves dance.

He threw the horn sign at Bryce and gave him a one-armed bro hug, his head reaching up to Bryce's shoulder.

Ken's voice wasn't exactly deep but it had a natural masculine huskiness that he liked to say `makes clits tremble with anticipation'.

"The scaly cunt on me right now," Marsh said and stretched out his serpent-marked arm. "Figured out what to do?"

Ken flashed his phone. The four inch `Kaizen HQ' was known to be cheap despite a high quality camera. Its lightly cracked screen showed a map of San Ophion and surrounding.

"Gotta dump some whey at these magic as fuck places. Sandhill Beach, the Pyre, Eden Sanctuary... Nearest one is Bay Harbor Park, just around the corner. Let's go, man." Ken hopped from one leg to the other, worn-out sneakers scratching on the ground.

"W-wait," Marsh gasped, already feeling his airways tighten. At the same time, the snake was wrapped around his package again and his quarter-hardon thickened.

The bodybuilder spanked his balls lightly but it didn't help much. He had to slap harder than last time.

"Fu-fuck," Marsh got out. "It's not enough. It's not letting m- urgn." He had to apply a constant squeeze to be allowed to even just fight for breath, let alone get any.

Bryce took his phone. "Pic or vid?"

"Vid," Marsh forced out, face reddening.

"Dude, stand at the wall. Much better lighting. Posting straight to Clapper."

No longer getting strangled, Marsh gave the camera a triumphant grin and hit front double bis in his ultra-tight tank top. His dick was nearly erect, but he knew he'd get extra attention that way.

Ken walked in a circle, impatient.

Bryce handed over the phone. It was a cool clip with the wall, sky and palm stems in the background and Marsh would have proudly posted it any other day without the blatant hardon.

He captioned it: <wanna see more? eggplant emoji help me hit my follower goal and I might...>

By the time he had tagged his buddies, the pressure was back on his neck.

"Fuck, it's not enough," Marsh said, one hand on his throat, the other cupping his crotch. He was now fully hard and horny to match.

"I may have something," Ken said, hopping from leg to leg. "It saved me last time, but man, it's not fun. I was still in the kitchen and I couldn't, like, tell mom to hit me in the nuts, so I had to experiment with-"

"Just," Marsh forced out, lightly convulsing from the ball-squeeze-ache, "tell me, cocksucker."

Ken reached into a large black backpack he always wore on hikes and pulled out a 3 ounce (85g) tub of "Fiery Smile", like you'd find on every table at Lee's Hellion Noodles.

Marsh knew from experience it wasn't that spicy. Some white people couldn't handle it, but Fiery Smile was mostly ancho peppers and not even as hot as Tabasco.

"Lemme guess, I gotta swallow the whole tub?"

"Nah man, the snake didn't give a fuck what I ate. I tried. This hot sauce has gotta go up the ass."

March hammered his crotch, spasming so hard it made his voice tremble when he could finally speak. "The! Fuck!"

"Yeah man. Why do you think I can't stand still for a second? Fire in the hole."

Bryce laughed. "Hwahaha, how did you figure that out, assfuck? Do you always stick things up your hole after you put them in your mouth?"

"Fuck you, man," the gymnast said. "I was hiding out in the storage room, slapping my nuts. Dad was about to fucking expose me. I had to figure out some creative shit."

Marsh's vision was blurring from both tears and encroaching unconsciousness. He couldn't keep up the ball torture without a crying fit. He had to accept.

"Do it, bruh."

Ken pulled out a pack of a hundred rubber gloves probably from the kitchen and a lube bottle probably from his nightstand.

Marsh pulled the compression shorts down his glutes, making it bunch up around his crotch which almost felt like rubbing his dick for a moment. A shiver went up his spine.

He went into a light squat, facing away from Ken and unsubtly rubbed his boner to stay calm as his lungs ran out.

A cool, lubed up, gloved finger dug into him. It was a fucking weird sensation but nothing compared to the serpent's doing. A second finger joined. With the slow masturbation and the asphyxiation it felt like an erotic tingle – like a sex organ the bodybuilder hadn't known he had. A stronger shiver raced up his spine.

Ken's fingers vanished and Marsh dared to look behind himself. The shorter hunk dipped his pointer into the tub.

Fuck, Marsh thought, here we go, time to be a fucking man.

For a second, the `hot' finger didn't feel different from the lubed one. Then the burn set in hard and fast.

Marsh lost control over his face. His eyes were popping out of his skull with surprise. His mouth stood open in a permanent `O'. His muscled were tense and trembling.

Ken pulled out, but it kept getting worse. As the snake retreated, the burn flared up with every deep breath. Marsh clenched his ass cheeks and it got worse. He unclenched and it got worse still.

He could never have imagined a sensation like that.

"The brotherfucker is gone, dude," Bryce said and slapped the suffering hunk's shoulder blades. "Good job."

"Yeah," Marsh said with a forced smirk, surprised his voice gave nothing away. "Thank fuck for the ass-burn, I guess, haha." He turned to Ken. "Bro, how long is this gonna last?"

The Asian gymnast was still bouncing on both naked legs. He glanced at his little Kaizen HQ. "Been ten minutes. I can ignore it by now. We should really get going though. Come on you pussies."

Bryce's bag was torn from his shoulder as he took one step. The slim, aquatic serpent was wrapped around his throat. He rattled through the neck tattoo's pressure. "Fuck it. I'm g-... gonna strip. I'm n-... not taking anything up the ass."

He handed over his phone. The lockscreen was of a naked girl's spread legs. His last post was a reclap from @Marsh_the_Swole and a poll: <who wants to see my eggplant emoji too?>

The `yes' option was clearly in the lead. If attention was all it took, Bryce might have this one.

The lean pretty-boy slipped out of his tank top and sandals, flexing in his red speedo in Zyzz pose.

The snake was hiding but must have been in his pants still as Bryce's dick kept growing from half hard to three quarters.

Marsh posted the first pic to Bryce's page as: <should I take it off? shark emoji grinning emoji>

"We can't keep doing this, man," Ken said. "I'll renew my ass burn when the snake is on me and then we run, kay?"

"Yep," Marsh said, and looked back at Bryce. The serpent's scaly body was already wound around the swimmer's shoulders again. He raised the camera. "You sure, bruh?"

Bryce nodded with a grin and slipped out of the speedo. His dick bounced and hit the abs, now pulsing fully hard. It looked small on the tall frame and in truth it was probably an inch shorter than March's, and a bit thinner, too.

Suddenly shy, Bryce turned around and stretched against the wall with one hand, cupping his package with the other.

Marsh snapped a pic of the model's evenly tanned backside and posted as: <getting there rooster emoji>

The ass-burn was far from bearable but there wasn't a choice, Marsh just had to keep himself distracted with Clapper replies. Some chicks and a ton of fags were begging him and Bryce to show the goods.

A loud minority wondered of Ken was going to join the fun. The Asian had gained almost 500 followers from just that one backside pic.

Hopping from one leg to the other, Marsh took long breaths. "Can I shoot some of your lube up my ass, bro?"

Ken shook his head. "That makes it worse. Trust me."

"Fuck. Spit maybe?"

"Was the first thing I tried. If I could have made it stop I would have, man."

"Hey," Bryce said, gesturing at himself, getting strangled again. His five incher was at full attention, his balls stretched a bit off the body by the serpent wrapped around them.

Marsh aimed the lens and gave the swimmer time to smack his balls a bit. "Video?"

The moment he hit record, the magic marks vanished in the blink of an eye.

Bryce grabbed his dick by the root and smacked his other palm with it, all the while smirking with bedroom eyes.

"Nice ass, man," Ken said. "No homo."

Marsh tagged himself and Ken but added no text. Captions on porn only made people reupload instead of reclap. And the hunks wanted those numbers.

The snake stayed gone.

"Fine," Ken said. "Guess it's on the way to me. I'll need a shout-out from y'all. Cams on me."

He stripped out of his Hellion kitchen uniform shirt. The gym bunny wore a silver thong underneath, shiny and tight.

"Nice panties," Marsh said and chuckled. "For a cocksucker."

"Suck my dick." Ken punched him in the chest and flashed his middle finger.

The gymnast drove his fingers through his fringe, shaking out his beefy limbs in only the shimmering thong and sneakers. The snake had appeared on his back and moved to encircle him – a bit of it moving anytime no eyes were directly focused on it.

Ken's mark was more frayed. When the ouroboros' head was visible, it showed lion-like features.

"Looks more like a Chinese dragon on you," Bryce remarked. "You could probably pull it off as a tat more than us, dude."

"The `rents would kill me, man. Just get me those followers. I'm not dropping the fucking trunks."

The currently un-marked guys snapped pics of the gymnast in the shade of the building. Marsh liked the pics – they were dramatically lit and posed, with the metal on the restaurant wall giving it an industrial vibe.

"Turn more left," Marsh said. His dick was chubbing just a tiny bit from residual horniness. "Arm a bit lower. Looking good, no homo."

The bodybuilder put a front and back pic in one Clap on his own page, captioning: <Reunited with @FitKingKen. My boy's been making progress. dragon emoji Can you get him to 15k?>

Ken checked himself out and drummed on his balls to keep the snake placated. He hung the kitchen uniform on the back door handle and slipped into a white, sleeveless hoodie jacket. When he closed it, the hoodie hid his thong just enough to make you wonder if he was wearing anything at all.

Ken took a selfie with the other men - now also clothed - flexing in the background, so he had something for his own page.

As the snake reappeared, Ken pulled his thong down with his back to the others, and dug into the Fiery Smile tub. With his hole pointing right at Marsh, he slammed a finger up his ass without hesitation, froze until the heat hit him, and grunted with a deep exhale.

"Shit man," Ken said and cleaned his hand with a wet wipe, "we need to get this done before my mom takes out the trash and fucking sees us."

The gymnast grabbed his backpack but it was flung from his hands with snake-force.

Bryce hummed. "Dude, anyone who's getting snaked can't carry shit. Put it all in one bag."

They stuffed everything into Ken's backpack and made Bryce carry it, since he was the farthest from `getting snaked'. Their other bags and duplicate belongings stayed behind.

Walking was tough when every step kept agitating the ass burn, but Marsh wanted it to be over, so they got moving.

"Hahaha, dude," Bryce said. "You two walk like you just got fucked in the ass."

"Suck my dick," Ken said and tried to normalize his walk.

Marsh's ass was still too raw to let him walk normally. "Fuck it. It's a swagger. A... spicy swagger."

"Spicy swagger," Bryce mocked and laughed. "More like a faggy waddle."

The muscular boys flipped the lean model off as they entered Pebble Plaza again.

Three hunks, two with obvious erections, two waddling with `spicy swagger', all legs bare.

Leaving Pebble Port behind didn't thin the crowd.

The hunks wandered along the palm-lined mixed use street, catching glances from pedestrians. The beach wasn't too far so their attire wasn't outrageous but they stood out.

Normally Marsh the beefy construction worker would have enjoyed the attention but he was conscious of his vacuum-packed semi-hardon.

Marsh kept looking down on himself, expecting to see ink-scales. Would the ass burn be enough to safe him again?

Lost in thoughts, the boys listened to their own playlists on their ear pods until Bryce said, "Why are the snakes mad? Any clue?"

Ken shrugged, making his hoodie jacket jump and flashed his silver thong. "There's six of them in the legend, like in the dream. Fire, earth, you get the gist. This one at Bay Harbor Park is the Sky Serpent. Dunno why the asshole would be mad at us. Never even been to that shithole park."

"Uh," Marsh made. "Isn't it next to Altavista Academy? Remember when we got wasted and egged the place at night? Broke some windows, too."

Ken grinned. "Sure I remember. You assholes stole the eggs from my fam's restaurant kitchen."

"Hey, we paid you back for those."

"And the time we set their trashcan on fire?" Bryce asked. "Right under the window. But the Academy cocksuckers had it coming, dude. Their top swimmer beat me for gold and bragged like a brotherfucker."

Marsh chuckled. "Didn't you seduce his chick at a party?"

"Tried to," Bryce said and grabbed his speedo-clad package. "Stuck up bitch didn't want to suck me off."

Ken flexed. "Still can't believe we managed to blackmail their quarterback into quitting."

"Bruh, our Rivera High team should be thanking us for taking care of the compet- hngghhh." Marsh was cut off by the snake. With his airflow increasing restricted, he gestured at his ass.

"Not... working. Need mo-... more."

There was no convenient side alley, so Ken gave Marsh's nuts a hard slap and the hunks jogged into the parking lot of a mattress store.

Chest high stacks of packaged mattresses stood seven feet apart, shielding the hunks lower bodies from the walkway, but keeping them exposed to the store. It would have to do.

Marsh pulled the tub from the backpack with shaking hands. No time to prepare, he thought, just dig in and man up.

The snake had other plans and the tub flew from his grasp, shattering over an asphalt crack, sauce mixing with glass shards. The `fuck' died in his strangled throat.

He directed his anger at his balls, squeezing for breath and trembling as the pain-contractions spread into thighs and abs. His dick was rapidly hardening from the snake's grip.

"It's okay, man," Ken said with some panic in his voice. "I gotcha."

The gymnast pulled out a set of tiny squeeze-bottles in a pack full of fire-imagery and Chinese characters. While he checked the labels, the boys were spotted by mattress-buyers coming from the store. Bryce stepped in their way to shield his friends.

"Let's see," Ken said. "This one's the mildest. It translates as, uh, Cobra's Bite."

Marsh was drumming his nuts and would have done anything in the world to get to stop. He reached out.

"How bad is it?" asked Bryce, who hadn't suffered ass burn yet.

Ken chuckled darkly. "Like getting fucked by Satan."

Marsh retracted his empty hand. He gave his nuts a good hammering, eyes rolled back into his head. Enough air to speak. "Fuck it, bruh, I'm going nude instead."

He had always been tempted to post a dick pic, only hesitating because he knew he'd catch more fags than chicks.

Struggling out of the compression wear shirt, Marsh felt the snake retreat as a uPhone's lens wandered over him.

"I'll post a teaser pic," Bryce said.

Shirt in hand, Marsh showed off his back, but the front of his throat was still getting gripped – and his erection was achingly hard. He pulled down his pants, feeling excited as fuck.

People far enough away could totally see along the space between stacks. There was nowhere to turn to be concealed. The public exposure, the horniness and the asphyxiation made him weirdly giddy.

"This one's for my page," Ken said. "Flex, man."

Marsh stood with broad legs, ass at the gym bunny's cheap HQ cam, and twisted to flash a grin. With the people in the distance, the public nature of his nudity would be obvious. Surely he'd get enough attention to drive the invader off his body.

It wasn't enough. Marsh slapped his balls in anger.

"Ma-... Make it count," he panted and turned his hard dick toward his friends.

Bryce knew what he was doing. He filmed the surrounding area, letting the camera wander naturally onto Marsh's ripped physique, then took a step closer, focusing more on the hardon.

Now snake-free, Marsh allowed himself a quick jerk. It felt heavenly.

He didn't want to stop. But he didn't want to jizz in front of his best buds either.

"Let me get a pic," Ken said and took an artful close up shot of Marsh's rockhard dick. "Done."

The video went on Marsh's page, followed by a post that just said: <More to come... droplets emoji>

He posted the dickpic after as: <What would you do with my duck emoji? Credit: @FitKingKen @Siccunt_Bryce>

The moment he was back in his compression shorts – hardon obvious – he felt the choking return.

"Fu-..." Marsh croaked. "Permanent sol-... solution. Help me."

He pulled his short down again and shoved his ass toward his friends.

"Here we go, man," Ken said. "Cobra's Bite, up the hole."

The boy in a hoodie shoved the squeeze bottle cap an inch up Marsh's ass, held it for a second and pulled out again.

The bodybuilder tensed his glutes, face reddening from lack of breath. Had it even worked? Oh... oh yes, it fucking had. A pain he could never have imagined manifested inside his core. His asshole became the center of his perception.

"So this is like," Ken said, looking at the bottle, "knock off tabasco or something. Fiery Smile has 1700 scoville, Cobra's bite has 4000, so it should feel like double but I didn't use much."

Marsh pulled up his pants and slapped his thighs. "Double? Fuck that, it's like I'm a faggot riding a blowtorch." He slammed his fist into the plastic wrapped mattress pile. "I'm going in-fucking-sane."

"Dude, at least you get to breathe," Bryce said with a smirk but also his brows drawn in concern.

Marsh in- and exhaled deeply but every movement reinvigorated the ass burn anew. It was somehow still getting worse. He slapped Bryce's shoulder and pushed the boys along, pain vibrating into his guts and muscle fibers.

"Let's catch that sky pussy before I fucking kill someone."

Ken took up the backpack and gave Marsh's ass a high kick. "Then speed it up, asshole. Hehe."

Bay Harbor Park was only a minute's jog away – a gentle hill situated among upper middle class homes. Altavista Academy kids were currently using the park's baseball pitch for training.

The ass burn hadn't really let up yet, only plateaued. Marsh had hoped he'd somehow get used to it but every step only provoked the burn rubbing on his insides.

Bryce was now wheezing. They kept him alive with regular nut-taps when nobody was looking. Tears formed in his eyes at the never-ending ball torture.

The park was too open to hide and strip. He'd have to take the burn.

Marsh smacked his taller buddy's crotch as hard as necessary. "Bruh, how do we do this?"

"Dunno man," Ken said. "You sacrifice our `lifeblood' while I take care of Brycie-boy."

They speedwalked into the park and straight off the path to be as hidden as the loose junipers allowed.

Bryce pulled his speedo to his knees and kept his red tank top stretched over his crotch, but the erection was blatantly tenting the fabric.

Marsh pulled a bag of Ken's protein powder from their inventory. They had left his more cumbersome container at Lee's Hellion when consolidating.

The erect hunk in black compression wear filled one cup of powder.

Ken gave Bryce the Cobra's Bite.

The pretty-boy swimmer made a puzzled expression which turned to wide-eyed horror. His mouth opened for a scream that never came, then closed as he grit his teeth.

Their eyes met and Marsh suppressed laughter at the pure shock in his buddy's face. He wanted to make a snide comment but he was on a mission.

"This one's for you, Sky Serpent. Suck my dick."

With the strength of a champion lifter, Marsh swung the cup and made it rain protein.

Something in the sky shifted. It wasn't visible but the atmosphere stirred. None of the kids on the nearby pitch seemed to feel it, but Marsh could have sworn the clouds were rippling and... slithering?

Bryce went on all fours, ass high, face in the grass, grunting. His tank top slipped to his shoulders.

Ken held up his Kaizen HQ and snapped a pic. "Can I have your ass for my page?"

Bryce twisted around. "Trade for your ass, dude? No homo."

Ken shrugged, making his hoodie bounce over his thong. "I'm not stripping. Otherwise, deal."

The shrubs made for a nice backdrop. Bryce's naked behind on all fours went up in Ken's page as: <Who knew peaches grow out here? @Siccunt_Bryce>

Marsh quickly took flexing selfie with Bryce on all fours in the background and posted it as: <Hanging out. Nice weather, huh? cloud emoji>

"Your turn," Bryce said and struggled to a stand. He was quivering and kept rubbing his cut abs.

Ken dropped his hoodie and went into a squat, hands on his thighs, pushing his glutes out, the crack covered by the thong. The pic made it clear that they were near a road, exposing themselves. It went on the swimmer's page as: <Follow for more peach emoji winking emoji>

They reclapped each other until every pic was on every page. By now, Marsh's follower count was rising like never before. His full frontal video had over a thousand reclaps after just a few minutes.

Thirsty faggots were begging to taste or ride it. But there seemed to be an overwhelming consensus among his followers: "Finally."

One element down, five to go. But it won't stay this simple...

Next: Chapter 3

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