Slither into Ruin

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Mar 12, 2021



*** Chapter 5 ***

*** Criminal Sun Tanning***

There were not enough cars parked beyond the pier to hide them and no dense hedges in sight. The people hanging out at Little Hawai'i's restaurants and cafes could see them and some were already glancing over.

Ken gestured at a `modest' superyacht with an open deck atop its cabin. "We can hide from sight up there."

"Good call, bruh."

Marsh expected the Asian hunk to untie the Medusa and maneuver out of sight, but Ken grabbed Bryce by the balls, clearly squeezing, and dragged him along the pier. Marsh took their backpack.

The trio hopped over the low barrier at the yacht's back and nut-tapped Bryce with force to let him breathe. It didn't help much. They rushed onto the sundeck, crashing on the lounge.

The sundeck was as high up as a house's roof. As long as they stayed down, they were concealed from the street below. Rooftop restaurants beyond the path, however, offered a perfect view of their activities. But the hunks couldn't be picky.

Marsh started the livestream, aimed at Bryce who was on all fours on the sun lounge, pulling his speedo down and furiously drumming on his balls. His dick was at its full, veiny five inches.

"Another ass to fuck, bruh."

"Me again, huh?" Ken asked, half surprised, half amused.

Marsh held the open backpack up. "You got the bigger one. Wrap up the fag-maker and help him out."

Bryce's assault on his own balls wasn't enough to keep him breathing. Marsh filmed himself landing a few good kicks until Ken was ready. Bryce was fingering his own hole, both middle fingers lubed and hooked in.

The top waved his condom-clad seven inches at the camera, then drizzled Python's Kiss along the shaft, most generously at the tip.

"Ready for an adventure, Bryce? Hehe," Ken said and reset the playlist on his phone.

Bryce didn't look back, only giving a thumbs up. With a raw voice he gasped, "Ass ready... no homo, dude."

Ken smacked Bryce's glutes and lined up. "After Marsh I'm kinda curious about your hole, man. All right, here comes the fag-maker."

Marsh would have given some advice but there was nothing in the world that could have helped the bottom brace himself for what was to come.

Marsh had never seen the swimmer's mouth and eyes open so wide. He couldn't help but chuckle. Bryce's eyes rolled into his head and he vibrated in place, struggling to keep his flight reflex in check.

His face reddened despite his deep breaths as the Python's Kiss spread heat through him.

Within a few thrusts of Ken's rolling hips, Bryce was sweating as much as Marsh.

"Hnggg, fuuu-" Bryce finally forced out of his throat. "Dude!"

"Relax, bitch," Ken said and spanked the ass he was slowly humping.

By the way Bryce kept clenching his teeth, and pretty much every muscle in his body, he was clearly not obeying.

"It's worse if you clench, man."

Bryce pressed his face into the lounge's leather. "Fuck you, dude."

"Hehe, as you with," Ken said and humped faster. "Uh uh uh... Tighter than a pussy... uh uh... Take it..."

Marsh moved around the fuck-couple and got the surrounding into frame.

The people on the roof of `Makai Bar & Grill' had already noticed the gay sex and teens were gathering at the roof's edge to stare, phones raised. Marsh stepped into their line of sight with his broad back.

Ken took deep, rapid breaths. "I'm gonna..."

"Fuck no," Bryce said, twisting around to make eye contact. "No dude, you can not come in my ass. No way."

"Then fucking unclench, faggot," Ken growled and spanked the swimmer's ass.

Bryce dropped his face on the lounge again, hands gripping the edge, and relaxed at least his lower half.

Every patron at Makai was staring at them now. Marsh kept an eye on them in case they caused trouble.

The people on the second story of `Aloha Burger' were also waking up to the events on the superyacht, gathering at the windows.

"That's it, bitch," Ken said. "Keep it nice and loose for your king."

"Hng," Bryce made. "Uh, uh, dude... fuck it."

The swimmer rose from his arms and jerked off rapidly. His face was alternated between wide eyes and tightly shut eyes, his expression always one of despair.

He did half a most-muscular and bit his lip. "Ffffuuuu- Fuark!"

With Ken still casually thrusting into him, Bryce cummed onto a stranger's sun lounge, livestreamed to Clapper and observed from Makai's and Aloha's patrons.

The blond collapsed with tears on his cheeks and the Asian slipped out, throwing the condom on the floor carelessly.

"Bruh," Marsh said and put down the phone. "That was fucked up."

Bryce whimpered, how getting ass-burned without the benefit of horniness. "...I'm... kinda high, dude. But not enough to make this shit good."

"Gonna be my turn in a minute," Ken said. He stretched lightly and looked around. "Aw man, I love Aloha Burger. You think I can ever go back there?"

"I was gonna have my next birthday grilling at Makai," Marsh said, looking at the small crowd staring back at him. Most adults had sat down again but were still looking over and the teens were still leaning over the balustrade. "Bruh, we're gonna have to leave town."

"Ugh, dude," Bryce said, rising carefully, one hand at his ass. "Don't wanna think about it. My surfer buddies are all following my fucking Clapper. And the chicks from nutrition science, fuuuck. I don't have a chance in hell if they see me with a dick up my ass."

"Block everyone," Marsh said. "I'll block my coach real quick. Oh shit, my boss follows me, too."

They frantically blocked their most important contacts but decided not to go private. They needed views.

Ken took a long breath, interrupted by the serpent's pressure. His `dragon tattoo' was back, tangled along his flank and shoulder. Bryce was suddenly eager to move quickly. With a smirk, he rammed his knee into his choking friend's low balls.

Ken calmly fiddled with Clapper on his Kaizen HQ, even as his wheezing breath was stopped until Bryce's next kick.

Marsh knew what had to happen. He put on death metal in his ear pods.

He rolled on a condom, while Ken laid on his side, looking out at the ocean, broad back to the onlookers, one leg raised.

While the final bottom fingered himself open, Marsh drizzled Python's Kiss on his wrapped shaft under the gaze of the camera.

"Revenge incoming, Kennie-boy. Haha."

With Ken's raised leg on his chest, Marsh line up his eager six inches.

Entering Ken was heavenly. Marsh was too horny to think about the gayness of it, and Ken's clenching, grunting and whimpering was funny, even if it wasn't hot.

"Haha, how's the pain-fuck, fag-ass?"

"Fuck you," Ken said, strangely hoarse, eyes teary. He was jerking off with one hand, resting his head on the free arm.

Marsh didn't have the patience or discipline to keep it slow. He railed the bottom vigorously, making Ken's smaller, lighter, stout body shake.

"...uh uh uh nice ass, bro uh uh..."

"...uh uh uh fuck you uh uh uh..."

Marsh couldn't remember the last time he had felt so powerful during sex. He loved `giving back' to Ken all the fuck-pain of the unbearable Python's Kiss.

"...uh uh I'm gonna... uhhhh"

Ken stared at him shocked. "D-don't you fucking dare cum in my ass, cocksucker."

The gymnast pushed himself away and slipped off the hot-sauce dick.

The snake took the opportunity. Despite the livestream, the serpent found a way to cut off Ken's air. The sweat glistening boy looked around in a panic.

Bryce moved around to find an angle that would drive the snake away from the neck for good, without success.

By now, even the bingo-playing senior citizens on the rooftop of Ho'omau Bistro had noticed them and stared – their expressions just too far away to make out.

Ken rolled over to the other side, now staring at the audience, sliding on his own sweaty arms.

There was no way to save him beside the obvious and Marsh wasn't going to let his friend suffocate to death live on Clapper.

The bodybuilder grabbed the smaller boy's leg and pulled him in, then pushed his dick into the clenched hole and humped.

The fuck-pain was enough to let Ken breathe easy. The bottom didn't resist, dropped his head onto his shoulder, and jerked his shaft rapidly.

"...uh uh bruh, I'm gonna unload uh uh it's just a condom uh uh uh don't worry uh uh..."

"...uh uh fuck you," Ken said but did nothing to resist.

Marsh creamed into the condom. It was the best orgasm of the day, no competition. The shivers hit him in waves very much like nut-pain, traveling on the same slow roads into his body while faster shivers rushed up his spine.

He nearly fell onto the bottom as he collapsed onto the lounge.

Ken whimpered, orgasming as well. The buff boy sprayed his load up to his chest, letting it rain onto the lounge.

They came to a rest, panting next to each other, bodies touching. Marsh laid his arm over Ken's shoulders and they grinned at each other.

"Good job, man," Ken said. "And fuck you. From the bottom of my heart and my ass, `fuck you', but also good job. Oh shit, I'm seriously a little high now."

"Same, bruh. Nice ass."

They fist bumped.

"No homo, man."

"No homo."

"Dude," Bryce said. "Be faggy another time. We gotta go. We're on the hook for criminal charges and shit. And it's on Clapper."

"Right," Ken said and rose, already cleaning his body with a wet wipe off the cum running down his sweaty skin. "No more bro-banter and shit. We gotta be fast as a brotherfucker."

They slipped into their clothes. Since Bryce's dick was soft and fit into his speedo just fine, Ken called dips on the tank top. It hung low on his stout body, covering his tenting thong with ease. Marsh carried the backpack in front to hide his semi-hardon.

The bodybuilder sighed as they power-walked down the pier. "I could go for an Aloha Burger. Think we can get one last meal before they ban us for life, bruh?"

"Have to keep going, fucker," Ken said, and mock-nut-tapped the bodybuilder. "Make it an intermittent fasting day.

"I was just kidding, bruh. Let's speed it up." Marsh jogged ahead and flashed his middle fingers at the rooftops. "We'll fuck that snake in the ass next."

Next: Chapter 6

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