Slither into Ruin

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Mar 14, 2021



*** Chapter 6 ***

*** Welcome to the Neighborhood ***

They jogged across Marina Del Sol, forcing two cars to break for them, and farther past Makai Bar & Grill with patrons on the street staring. Even if news of their public fuck hadn't traveled to the lower floors yet, the hunk's attire stood out this far from the beach.

Especially from behind, Marsh's gold thong was obvious, as was Bryce's red speedo. Only Ken looked reasonable thanks to the low hanging red tank top covering his silver thong.

If that wasn't enough, they all walked with an exaggerated swagger, the fire in their sore holes making it impossible to keep their legs together naturally.

Beyond the commercial buildings at the quay, Little Hawai'i looked like any other neighborhood in San Ophion. Here, they stood out even more, but there were relatively few people.

Bryce was taking pics for Clapper, flexing and poking his tongue out.

Marsh checked all their pages. "Bruh, my follower count is up to fucking 53K. I was so bitching stoked for 50K and I overshot it without looking. I got more brotherfucking reclaps today than ever before."

"Shit dude," Bryce said. "I got almost 10K new followers. I'm gonna catch up to you, cocksucker. And all it took was losing my ass virginity, hehe." He blatantly rubbed his crack. "Ugh dude, it's never gonna stop burning, is it?"

Ken sighed. "I went from 12 to 28K. Just for taking hot sauce dick. Man, my life's over. If my parent's somehow don't find out, at least one of my gym buds has already seen this shit before I blocked him. Bet I forgot one."

"Good thing you broke up with that Thai chick who didn't give BJs," Bryce said, arm around the shorter, buffer boy's shoulder. "Or she'd have freaked."

"I think she still follows me, though, man. Fuck, I figured I wasn't gonna do porn like all those fitness faggots and now my cumshot's my pinned Clap."

Marsh laughed. "Every real man wants to be a porn star. You thought about it, don't fucking lie."

Ken chuckled darkly. "Yeah, but I figured I was gonna fuck chicks only. Oh wait, I did, cause you're a fucking pussy."

The fitness influencer evaded the bodybuilder's joking nut-taps but not the chest punches.

Marsh scrolled down Ken's post's comments, which were filled with admiration, requests for more, pathetic dick pics, other porn, reaction-gifs and plenty of memes. The San Ophion pain-fucking muscle boys were beloved by cocksuckers all around the world.

Not how Marsh wanted to achieve fame but somehow the total humiliation of faggotry didn't feel as devastating as he'd have expected. Or maybe he was still riding the minor spice high that accompanied the fire up his hole.

He took a video of Ken's and Bryce's backside as they shoulder-bumped to have something for his page, captioned: <Just me or do they walk funny? #JustGotFuckedSwagger banana emoji>

"Almost there," Ken said. "It's at Van Buren Street. So one down from Garfield Street and that house we fucking wrecked."

"Hehe yeah," Bryce said. "Just remembered, I still have their water cooker."

"Why do you even steal shit, bro?" Marsh asked. "Your fam's loaded."

Bryce shrugged. "I think we've been over this." He spread his arms. "We're simply assholes. Haha."

Ken chuckled and punched the swimmer in the shoulder. "And they call me a fuckboy."

"Uh, guys, is that the house?"

The former party location was abandoned. Windows barred, front yard overgrown with dry shrubs, paint flaking.

"You think that's because we smashed the place?" Bryce asked.

Marsh exhaled. "Bruh, that would be... fucking awesome!"

The trio did their secret handshake at each other, elbow bumping and flashing horn signs.

Police sirens echoed from nearby, coming closer.

"Fuck!" Bryce shouted. "You think that's for us?"

"I'm not waiting to find out, bitches."

Marsh was first to run at the empty house and slipped into the thin space between it and its neighbor. The others followed. One window on the side was smashed, letting them see broken bottles and a tattered mattress inside.

"Guess we're not the first," Marsh said and lifted himself through the frame into what had been the kitchen but was only trash now.

The hunks held still as the sirens closed in. The police car drove past the house and they collectively relaxed.

"Sounds like we're sa- urgll..." Marsh choked. He held his breath and waited until the urge for air outweighed every other need, then drummed on his balls. They were too sore to let him go as hard as he had to. He physically couldn't bring himself to brutalize his nuts enough.

The thickly muscled guy pulled his thong down, while walking into the former living room. Light dramatically fell in through barred windows. The snake's grip on his package was making him semi-hard again, his dick bouncing to the rhythm of his ball-smacking.

He sat broad legged on the scratched couch table's edge and Ken placed his sneaker-clad foot on the balls, crushing down.

Marsh finally got some air, shaking with waves of radiating contractions, his hands hovering around Ken's calf, fighting to urge to pull the muscled leg off his package.

Bryce handed the selfie-stick to Ken. "Keep it up, dude. You're doing great."

"F-fuuuuck," Marsh shouted with half a lungful, sounding so much more pathetic than he had thought he ever could. But it wasn't enough. Even with the camera in his face, the serpent could squeeze his windpipe from whichever side was out of frame.

"Okay, ready for you," Bryce said, now wearing a condom on his erect five incher.

Marsh took a lungful of air, as far as possible, hit double biceps at the camera and pushed Ken off. He put his hands on the table, legs apart, ass facing Bryce.

The prettyboy didn't hesitate. He squeezed a thick layer of Python's Kiss all around the condom and shoved it in.

Marsh had long stopped trying to control his expression but the pain was so immediate that he almost punched Bryce away. Instead he had to pound the table with both fists to let off steam.

Bryce humped gleefully and reached under the bottom to grab Marsh's balls.

"Want me to crush you, man?"

"Fuck... do it."

Finally the bodybuilder could breathe easy. At least neck-wise. His breath was heavy with the heat of hell glowing in his ass and the unbearable nut-aches rising into his chest. Could you have a heart attack from ball-crushing?

He was sweating again, but the light sheen had turned into rivers of salty drops.

There was something else, though. Marsh loved the `pump' he got at the gym because going hard on weights released endorphins. He knew how that worked. He felt a familiar euphoria rising now.

The utterly insane strength of the sensation began to translate into a similar high.

"Ughhh fuck uh uh..." Marsh groaned. "I'm getting high... uh uh..."

"From my dick?" Bryce asked. "Hot sauce high again, dude?"

"No... Nut busting... uh uh... I dunno, bro, just uh uh fuck meeee."

Some of the instincts he had been fighting now worked in his favor. Marsh leaned into the gay sex, back arched to grant Bryce easy access. The ball-crushing started to feel a lot like an orgasm made of pain.

"Hard- uh, harder," Marsh whimpered. "Crush harder, bruh uh uh..."

"Uh uh... Shit, okay?"

Marsh sucked his lips in, heavily nose-breathing as the weird sensation rose and fell with no clear end.

"Hggn fuck uh uh uh... I'm pain-gasming, holy shit, keep it up, bruh."

Marsh glanced around to see the sweaty swimmer grin.

"Dude, you're scaring me. Going full faggot?"


Bryce complied, fucking faster and closing his fist mercilessly around the bodybuilder's nuts.

"...You good dude? Uh uh..."

"...bro uh uh..."

"...dude uh uh..."

"...bro uh uh..."

"...dude uh uh..."

"I... think we're good," Ken said and lowered the camera.

"Wooooh," Bryce shouted and slid out of his buddy.

Marsh collapsed, burning inside and out. With the pain-gasm fading quickly, he was back to the full might of anal and scrotal torture without redeeming qualities.

"Man," Ken said. "What the gay-ass-fuck just happened?"

Marsh couldn't get up, his knees were too weak. He rested his forehead on his arms, sitting on the ground at the coffee table. "You know training-high? The pump? Euphoria from getting fucked up at the gym?"

"Yeah? Are you saying, that was the same thing?"

Marsh grinned. "Dunno, but I just had a pain-gasm euphoria high... thing. And my balls felt like I was jizzing, but it didn't stop. Shit bruh, it was kinda crazy good."

Ken drove his fingers through his hair. "I mean, it's probably the same nerves getting hit as when you orgasm, so maybe you can get nut-tortured into pleasure, man."

Marsh slapped the gymnast's abs. "You're a cock scientist now?"

"Here's hoping that works on me," Bryce said. "Cause I don't know if I can take as hard as you. No homo." He patted Marsh on the slippery shoulder. "And I'm about to find out, huh? Fuck dude, I don't wanna. My ass is still burning like mad. Can this brotherfucker of a snake die already?"

"Let's go sacrifice some whey," Ken said. "And fast."

They rushed out of the house, Marsh carrying the backpack to cover his crotch. Bryce had his red shirt back to cover his hardon. That left Ken most exposed with only a thong. He was blatantly semi-hard.

They walked as fast as their exhaustion allowed.

"Take this spiritually meaningful egg powder or whatever," Ken mumbled as he dropped two fistfuls of protein powder on the sidewalk when nobody was looking.

The front yard junipers rumbled as if moved by a strong breeze when the air stayed still. The windiest branches seemed to slither but didn't really change shape.

Bryce stretched nervously. "Where nex- oh, shit it's here." The mark was wrapped around his torso. With each blink the ouroboros altered its shape to close in on his neck. The hunks had seconds and no obvious play to hide.

"The railway!" Ken said. "Run."

They sped down the road. At the end of the block, a cargo train line ran parallel to President Ave, blocked by a line of skinny trees and low rocks.

Bryce almost made it. He had to hammer his balls, barely able to walk through the pain, eyes tearing up.

The hunks jogged for another intersection, hopping into the railway separation area across from Grant Street, laying down behind a large enough rock to shield them from the road.

Marsh dropped on top of Bryce, face to reddening face. He drove his knee into the choking boy's crotch and kept pressing.

Bryce's eyes popped out of his skull as the pain rose in his abs and thighs but the serpent's grip let up a tiny bit.

It wasn't as private an area as they had hoped. They were hidden from the Avenue but totally exposed to the parking lot on the other side of the railway. It was separated by a fence, so Marsh chose to ignore the few pedestrians checking them out over there.

"Who fucks?" Ken asked, fiddling with his phone.

"I'll do it," Marsh said and received a condom and the hot sauce.

"What the fuck do we do if we run out of Python?" he wondered out loud.

Ken grunted. "I got one last bottle, man. But it's the nuclear option and I fucking mean it. That `nuke' has ten times the Python's heat. I honestly don't think we could fucking walk like that."

Marsh chuckled in Bryce's face. "I wouldn't mind experimenting."

"F-fuck you," Bryce gasped, his hands gripping Marsh's hips, fighting the urge to push the bodybuilder off him.

"Aaaand action," Ken said.

Marsh tried to keep the crushing going while he prepared, using rubber gloves to distribute the hot sauce on his condom.

Bryce jerked off vigorously while Marsh ball-crushed with one hand and lined up his shaft with the other.

"Here we goooo, ughhhh."

Bryce bit his own hand, eyes tightly shut, face still red. His whimpers were shaky as his throat got more and more released.

Finally the top again, Marsh gave Bryce's balls harsh, pulsing squeezes.

After a minute of wordless humping and uncomfortable eye contact, the swimmer's legs – tightly wrapped around Marsh's hips – rose and spread.

"Ha-harder uh uh," Bryce said, his voice higher pitched than ever. "It's real. It's fucking real uh uh... I'm pain-gasming, fuck uh uh... wreck my nuts fuuuuck!"

Marsh grinned and drilled harder, keeping the squeezes longer.

"...uh uh you like it up the ass now, bruh hehe uh uh..."

Bryce's face looked as if seconds from bursting into tears. "...uh uh wreck that hole, stud uh uh..."

The swimmer trembled in the dry dirt, sweat making it stick to him like mud. He convulsed uncontrollably in Marsh's arms.

Cum shots splashed between them as Bryce flung his load onto both their abs.

"Bro! The fuck!"

Marsh slipped out, both because he was grossed out by the cum and because Bryce's ass tightened so hard from orgasm it pushed against his dick.

"Done," Ken said. "Let's get going."

"F-fuck you," Bryce said, his sweaty gleaming muscles trembling. "I need a minute."

"We don't have a minute, asshole. It's my turn to get snaked, man. We gotta go."

The upright hunks pulled the most recent bottom up and they walked off, Bryce waddling wide legged enough to look hilarious. Once Ken had wet-wiped the mud off Bryce's back, Marsh took a short clip from behind of the waddling boy and posted it as: < bitches walk when I fuck too good bull emoji>

So by this point, do you feel the boys deserve this punishment or should the get mercy? Doesn't matter, more punishment coming up.

Next: Chapter 7

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