Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Feb 2, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is mostly about gay relationships, and it contains lots of steamy gay sex! If graphic descriptions of homosexual sex are not your thing, then what the hell are you doing in a gay site in the first place? And how did you go through nine chapters without noticing the graphic gay sex anyway!??!

The characters in this story usually have unprotected sex, but they're fictional characters...and mutants are immune to HIV anyway (according to the X-Men comics!). But you guys should know better, right? ALWAYS use a condom! :-)

The X-Men, Movieverse or Comicverse, all belong to Marvel, Stan Lee and Fox. Most of them are not gay in the real comics or movies, but that doesn't apply for this story.

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at:

Behold, dear readers, for someone in this chapter makes... The Ultimate Sacrifice!


Chapter 10

The Cautionary Tale of Zazelle Spermthirsty

Once upon a time, there was a gorgeous girl named Zazelle Spermthirsty.

Zazelle Spermthirsty was born in New York 20 years ago, two minutes before her twin brother Frank also came to this painful, pointless world. She weighed 3 kgs and her height was 46 centimetres. Her brother must have been around the same size, but who gives a flying fuck about him anyway?

Her parents, Samuel and Barbara Spermthirsty were delighted that they had completed their progeny-related aspirations in one go. They didn't want other children, they already had one kid from each gender, and the fact that the kiddies were twins (although not the kind of twins that look like each other) made them hopeful that their children would get along perfectly fine, like all twins in the world are supposed to do.

They were utterly false.

Frank was a quite jealous baby brother, and throughout their childhood, he would always try to undermine his older sister. It looked like he never got over the fact that he was the youngest one in the family, and always made half-assed attempts to show off a dominant and badass personality that simply didn't exist. He would pick on his sister with every opportunity, make pathetic jokes at her, pull on her hair, cry for more attention from their parents than her, and was generally being a pain in the ass. But Zazelle was always kind to her brother, showing a higher level of humanity and maturity when she was around him than he could ever show.

Aside from having to deal with her obnoxious little pest of a brother, Zazelle had a very joyful childhood. She made a lot of friends, she always was the most popular individual in her school and she had stellar grades, but without being a geek with no sense of fashion and sociability. She even created a new extra-curricular club with her bestest friends, Trina, Suzie and Nikki, one that she named "The Fashion Pact". She was the rightful leader of the pact, of course. By leading The Fashion Pact, Zazelle made herself an exemplary individual around her school grounds, setting her own fabulous dress-code around school grounds and also functioning as a sort of Fashion Police for the girls that would dare set their foot in the class wearing something that their mom bought for them at the fair. The usual punishement was beating the offenders with a herring, then burning their trashy clothes in a ritualistic fire and sticking the offenders with glue on the head principal's car.

While being naked.

Most girls envied Zazelle and her power and popularity, but they always followed her stylistic examples and copyied her dress-code faithfully. As for the guys...boy, the guys lusted after her.

There was one guy that had the hots for her more than anybody else. His name was Dick Gunn and he was the most popular dreamboat jock in the school, being a leader of the hockey team and all. He was a green-eyed, blonde haired muscle god and he had a puppy crush on the glorious Fashion Pact leader like no other. Zazelle, on the other hand, had a very special weakness for big, bulgy hockey jocks. And she also had a soft spot for Dicks.

It was a match made in heaven.

In the meanwhile, Zazelle's brother was pretty much invisible in the school's popularity radar. Tough luck, but the odds of popularity somehow had to get even in the family.

Time passed so blissfully slowly, and Zazelle enjoyed her life. But then, weird things started happening. Sex with Dick was always eventful and satisfying, but after a certain period of time, it wasn't... enough. Zazelle always felt like she needed more, a constant burning in her loins that wouldn't go. It wouldn't go even after a complete weekend of doing the horizontal tango with Dick. Alas, poor Dick always did his best, but he constantly ended up exhausted on the floor, while Zazie would longingly look out of the window, smoking her cigar and waiting for her Prince to come...sporting a 15 inch dick and having the stamina that would finally put her pussy to rest.

But her Prince never came. And she never came either. So she settled for Dick's friends. She would bang them in turns, sometimes at the same time, trying to put out the fire in her loins. It turned out to be pointless.

Then, she banged the whole rugby team in the locker room before the finals against their rival school. Dick was there too, but he thought it was a one-time thing and a sort-of good-luck gift to the team.

Zazelle wasn't satisfied, but Dick's teammates were. They were also worn out, and that cost them dearly. They lost the most important game of the season 46 - 05 and became the new laughing stock in the school. Dick instantly broke up with poor Zazie, blaming her for being a complete nymphomaniac whore.

Zazie spent the next week crying in her room, when all of a sudden, Frank came back from school being all blue.

No, he wasn't emotionally blue, neither was he beaten black and blue from the rugby team for having a slutty sister. His skin had turned a really nice, pale blue, that somehow freaked his parents out.

"Our only son is a mutie!" they said in exasperation. Then they made him sit in the table with them and his mother served him some tomato soup. They didn't really have a problem with their son being a mutant, and his mom thought that blue was a really original skin color. It was just that Frank had forgotten how to get to his school, among other certain details in his life that are not supposed to be forgotten.

That put Zazelle in deep thinking. If Frank had turned out a mutie, then his twin sister, sharing a big deal of his genes, had a fair chance of having the X gene too!

Or, more specifically, had if she already had it?

The revelation flashed in her eyes like a sudden thunderstorm. The longing, the weird sensations, the thirst for flesh against her must have been some weird-ass mutation! She was especially interested in how her mutation had something to do with sex. After all, sex makes the world go round...

She returned to school, eager to test out her theory about having mutant powers. Instead, she saw that she was kicked out of The Fashion Pact, and that Trina had taken her place as the leader, enforcing some cheap-ass plaid skirts as the new retro trend. Oh Golly!!! Then Nikki and Suzie, who were supposed to be "friends" of hers, tried to lynch her for repeatedly fucking their boyfriends.

She got to her locker in one piece, only to find a generously big "SLUT" written on it with paint that wouldn't get off even if you blew the locker up. How rude of them!!

What could poor Zazelle do? Her own generous nature had turned on her, and now everybody thought she was a slut. Her friends turned on her. Her boyfriend hated her. Her parents ignored her, too busy dealing with her stupid brother's stupid mutation, that gave him a stupid blue skin and stupid amnesia of some sort.

So, she decided to run away and see if her all-new, all-slutty nature had anything to do with being mutant. One night, she gathered her g-strings, her lycra boots, her size 40F bras and her butt plug collection and packed them all in a huge, pink, glitter-infested suitcase. Then she up and left the house...

"Excuse me? Exactly WHY do we care about this?"

Shut up, you irritating bleach-head! Let the story unfold further!

"No, honey, I don't want your lousy story to unfold... it's obviously fake, like your boobs up there!"


The Danger Room returned to inactive status, and I (after having the courtesy to protest earlier) was now able to see what was actually going on around me. After the initial shock, caused by the sudden change in my surrounding, I tried to move. But I found himself struggling to free my hands. I looked down and realised ...I was tied up on a chair!

In fact, most male inhabitants of the mansion were tied up in chairs around me! Someone had carefully arranged the chairs next to each other, forming rows, as if it was a small cinema aisle.

How did I get here? I pulled my mind together to remember how I got here... let me see... My father, Andrew Darrington, made love to my mother, Cordelia Frost, and 9 months later, I, David, was brought into this world.... NO! Not THAT "How did I get here!" Try and focus on something a little bit recent! Okay... I remembered the last things that happened before I slipped into unconsciousness. We rescued my old friend Vivian from Sinister, who is now dead while Vivian is some sort of a mutant undying zombie. We came back to the mansion, only to find out that everything had gone to hell while we were gone and that new student Zazelle had taken over the Institute. Vivian and Lola went one way, me and the boys the other. We found out that all males had dissapeared (now I know where they'd been all along!) while the females were given super PMS by Zazelle and left locked in their rooms, unable to be of any use. We encountered Zazelle, she kicked Frank (who turned out to be her brother, but his knowledge power worked in reverse on her so he knew nothing of her!) and Gerry's collective asses, and me and Bobby ran away to think of a better plan. Only that the better plan was actually Zazelle's, since Bobby turned out to be Mystique (Zazelle's left hand, as it seems) and knocked me out.

And I woke up here, where I watched a few minutes of Zazelle's ambiguous origin story, courtesy of the Danger Room's VR tech.

I looked around and recognised Gerry, Mr.Summers, Wolverine, Colossus and several other mutants in my vicinity. They were all tied up in chairs, too. The only exception was Frank, who was tied up like a salami and rolling around on the floor, really pissed off. Suddenly, a quick idea for escaping their predicament formed in my little mind;

"Colossus! Quick! Armor up and tear your restraints! These lousy knots shouldn't be able to hold you!" I yelled. The Russian hunk of metal struggled in his bonds, to no avail. What the hell?

"It is pointless to fight back, darling." Zazelle's voice came from behind me. It appeared that she had just walked into that room. "It might look like the Danger Room is inactive, but it is currently programmed to make you think you're in a normal tied-up-on-chair situation, while your actual bonds are much more sophisticated. You guys all have power inhibitors on, and people with deadly limbs, like you and Logan-poo over there, actually have their hands placed in metal bonds above their heads. Cyclops is sporting a very chic ruby quartz helmet that confines his deadly beams, etc etc. I'm really tired, so I'll spare you any kind of triumphant villain monologue. Just explain to me what came over your head and you had to interrupt my AWESOME origin story that I, myself, programmed to play by the Danger Room hard light virtual reality technology for your eyes only! Can't you savages appreciate ART?!?!?"

"We're not interested in learning a majorly fictitious origin story, sister, thankyouverymuch." I said with a nasty gleam in his eye.

"But how can you tell if there have been some... minor alterations, for dramatic purposes only? The only one who knew about my past is my brother over there (she pointed at Frank-salami), and his lousy power took care of that! Really, there's no proof for what you're claiming!"

"Whatever! I don't wanna hear any of it. Just kill us all and spare us your idiotic attempts on becoming the next Quentin Tarantino!" I said, trying (a little too hard, maybe?) to piss her off.

"I beg you pardon-" she started, only to be interrupted again.

"I beg you to STOP! You wanna tell a story, tell us the story of where my boyfriend ended up, after you had your lackey Mystique replace him!" I blurted out.

Zazelle paused, with a mischievious smile creeping up her face, realising that I had lost my cool way before she did. Was I that desperate to know?

"All in good time, blondie boy. All in good time... If you had allowed my little VR program to keep playing, you would find out that after leaving my family and having a few adventures on my own, I briefly joined the Brotherhood."

"So, Magneto WAS up and about with new plans after escaping Alkali Lake!" Cyclops chimed in from his "chair".

"Indeed he was, but not for very long", Zazelle resumed explaining. "Erik was an ambitious man in War, but his age showed well when it came to Love... I was a little upstart wannabe and he was the Napoleon of mutantkind, but when our eyes met we were just a man and a woman... in love? No. In lust, maybe."

My eyes rolled up. Could this bullshit be true? Zazelle bedded Magneto?

"It turns out that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. A charismatic leader like Magneto would of course underestimate a seemingly stupid bimbo like me, but when we slept together we found out who the more powerful was. I had slept with lots of guys before, but never with a mutant. My powers are like a huge sex battery, you see. They produce sex, but in order to produce sex I have to fill up my "battery" by having sex. The more potent and virile the man, the more powerful I get. But with a mutant, it's like the 4th of July.... oh, baby, you should have seen the sparks!!! The poor old man ended up in a coma after I sucked all of his sexual energy out, and it only made me hungry for more. I ended up fucking the entire Brotherhood and leeching them all to a coma. Except for Mystique, who is obviously a lady, so she couldn't fuck me."

"Actually, I could, but you're just not my type, honey." Mystique chuckled satanically as she walked into the room.

"Whatever" Zazelle laughed. "In my brief stint as a member of the Brotherhood, I had grown close with Mystique. So, waking up and finding out that the Bortherhood had turned into a "ladies only" bussiness overnight, was not exactly a party-pooper for her."

"Magneto's plans for complete obliteration of humankind were starting to feel a little cliched, anyway." the blue-skinned bitch joked.

"It's all starting to get clear, now", I exclaimed. "You and Mystique sent the comatose bodies to Sinister's lab, so that they wouldn't wake up and get in your plans. Then Mystique infiltrates the mansion as my boyfriend Bobby and poisons the Professor, so that he wouldn't pick up your evil schemes from your mind the very first day you walked in here. You had already started running around and using your powers on X-Men to make them have gay sex with each other(God knows for what far-fetched reason, but hey, I'm not complaining!), preparing for your final strike... I still don't get the point of all this, though!"

"Becoming a member of your own Mutant High was so damn easy it was laughable..." Said Mystique. "My mental defences make me immune to any kind of telepathy, so Xavier had no chance of suspecting I wasn't the real Bobby Drake... I even put on this pair of ice-generating bracers to replicate the effect of Iceman's powers...although I barely needed them, apart from that little Danger Room exercise. After Xavier was out of the way, Zazie could stroll in and start taking names..."

"Okay, okay, I get it, you're so damn clever! But what have you done with Bobby? And what's the point of Zazelle wanting to take over this mansion? She's no Magneto, so she doesn't want -or need- to exercise revenge on humanity or take out the X-Men! Why would she come in here, PMS the ladies and tie up every single male mutant?" I said, losing my cool again.

"Darling..." Zazelle retorted, "I am a walking sex battery, whose sex-related mojo only works when I'm fully charged by having wild sex with virile (and preferably, mutant as well) men! Look around you... could there be ANY better place for me to charge my batteries then THIS VERY MANSION?"

I looked around for virile mutant men, able to fill Zazelle's batteries. Cyclops. Wolverine. Colossus. Nightcrawler. And a multitude of virile (after several Danger Room work-outs) mutant students.

Oh. My. God!! She was right! If Zazelle was a bear, Xavier's Institute would be a river of honey!

"YEAHBUTWHAT-" I began to say, then composed myself and restarted once more: "Okay, okay, I see your point. But are you sure you can handle ALL that sexual energy? What are you gonna do with so much of it? In here there are at least a hundrend mutants! You're gonna sleep with all of us? And what was the point of running around and making guys have sex with each other then?"

"Oh, that last one... I did it mainly because I love watching two men go at it!" she giggled. "But I also feed off the sexual energy spent when other people do it, without me participating. It doesn pay off as much as the real deal, but it was necessary for me to build up some power for what I wanna do tomorrow..."

"What's gonna be tommorow?" I asked.

"Tommorow's the peak of my mutancy... I will become 20 years old tommorow afternoon at 6 o'clock, and, according to some of Magneto's researches, it is the moment anyone's mutant potency hits its' peak. Think of it as the stars aligning for you and you only! If I fuck all of you guys tomorrow afternoon and get your seed down my throat and up my pussy, I'll be charged forever!

"Too bad you all will probably end up in a coma", Mystique blurted out. "You should be around to see the world that Zazelle will shape after your combined sexual energy makes her the most omnipotent being on Earth!"

I shuddered. "What DO you intend to do, anyway?" I asked, out of pure curiosity.

"I'll use my special power to turn everybody on this planet GAY!!!"


"What would be the point of that?" Gerry finally remembered to be a part of this pointless conversation.

"Yeah!" I chimed in. "Not that I mind a world where every male is playing for my team, but wouldn't that affect the birth rate and reduce the world's population in the long term?"

"I don't give a flying fuck. I just want to have fun, so I'll turn every single male into a raging homo and let the women bitch and moan about not getting any." Zazelle gleamed, sure of the flawlessness of her plans.

"Oh, c'mon, lady, this is idiotic! You can't just force people to be gay! There has to be a choice!" I started becoming hollier-than-thou on her.

"Did YOU ever had any choice on that matter? I don't think so. You just were born gay." Mystique retorted.

Good point there. Her plan was stupid and destructive, although it sounded like something that might be fun to experience. But, even if that came to pass, I wouldn't be around to experience it, would I? Zazelle was going to fuck me and everybody else to a coma!

"Your master scheme is flawed." Frank interrupted. "Think of a world where every male is gay and most females are straight. It's not just the questionable ethics of creating such a world, but the populace would practically be unable to survive. How would the people reproduce? The women would turn crazy from the lack of sex and start abducting and raping unwilling men! The global economy would crumble! We'd fall back in the dark ages!"

"Why do you care, little bro? My powers can't affect you, so you'd remain the only straight guy in the entire planet! 3 billions of pussy just for you, starting tommorow!" she came back with a undeniably tempting proposition.

"Uh, ok", Frank smiled sheepishly and rested on the floor.

"Why turn all the guys gay? Who would then take care of YOUR special needs?" I told Zazelle.

"I'd have my pick of man every day, turned specifically straight just for a night with me, and then back to the fold of the homos... if he's still up in the morning" she winked. "Whatever! Enough of this chatter. I'll go back to my headquarters. My 20th birthday is tommorow, and it's this specific day when I will have to do it with all of you and ascend to power. Otherwise, doing it any other day will be of no use to me. You guys stay there and rest. You'll need every ounce of sexual energy stored for tomorrow, when I will come to gather it. Just stay there and behave yourselves, and Mystique will come to feed you in the morning."

"You can't leave us like this!!" I yelled, but she just looked at me snobbishly and walked away. It was bad enough that I would inevitably fall into a coma the next day, did I have to turn straight and have sex with a skanky woman as well?

"Take THAT, you traitorous cross-dresser!" Dead Girl screamed as she charged towards Lola, the fabulous Glitter Princess with abandon.

Lola ducked and avoided her attack with ease, putting her foot in the way to ensure that the rampaging zombie girl would crash in another one of her poor furniture and slow down her inevitable return to the battle.

"Tired of all this, yet?" She taunted. "We've been going like this for hours, and you still can't get your hands on me. Being immortal might be a nice talent, but it's harldy useful in a one-to-one battle if you've never trained in your life."

"Shut up!" yelled Vivian, who got up and tried to slash Lola with her claw-like fingernails. Lola blocked her attack with her man-killing feather boa, who trapped her entire arm and, with one powerful move, popped it off its' socket and sent it flying into the open closet.

"See what I mean? It's nice to have a power that will allow you to remain alive while amputated, maimed and decapitated, but what is the point of it if that's ALL you can do? Sure, your arm will eventually re-attach itself to your torso, but only to get slashed off again!"

"I don't care about it, you ugly cow! I know I'll win eventually. I can't die so you can't take me out in this fight, and I know I'll have my chance once you eventually grow weak and tired, what with your age and all..." Vivian started to say, but found herself choking by the man-killing feather boa Lola was furiously forcing down her throat.

"I. AM. TWENTY. TWO. YEARS. OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. "I invite you in my room. Instead of getting a proper sign of appreciation, you start accusing me of betrayal out of the fucking blue! Then you start a fight with me and your clumsy attempts at killing me result in my entire room getting trashed! Look at my beautiful lava lamp's pieces on the floor! Look at my all-new vibrating mitt chair that you just broke down! These things were priceless!!! Well, I figured you're not yourself and something or somebody else is using you and turning you against me right now, but I don't care anymore! Thank God you can't die, that means you'll endure everything I have in store for you..." Lola kept ranting.

Vivian had by now the entire man-killing feather boa stuffed into her throat. "You want a piece of me?" Lola said. "Well, HAVE IT!" she said as she nudged the end of the boa into Dead Girl's mouth. Vivian was having a trouble ingesting the thing, but she would survive. As she always would.

Then Lola felt something grabbing at her high heels. She looked above her shoulder and saw it was Vivian's amputated hand, that had come back into life and attacked her even without being re-attached at the rest of her body.

"Don't. Touch. The Prada!" she stared at the thing and it felt like it looked back at her and scoffed. It grabbed her heel and she lunged at it, catching it right before it managed to latch itself on her pretty, flawless face and destroying all that great make-up work she had done on it earlier. She got up and started wrestling with the amputated arm for control. With the corner of her eye, she caught Vivian getting up behind her and burping. She had DIGESTED her precious feather boa?

Lola was in a dire position by now. She was a brilliant ninja fighter, granted, but now she found herself weaponless (her feather boa eaten) and an easy target, thanks to that damned arm that kept her busy and vulnerable to any attack that Vivian had in mind.

Dead Girl lashed out, and everything was a matter of a split second. Lola -for the first time in this fight- used her mutant powers and manifested a thick glitter cloud that dazzled both Vivian and her arm and hid Lola from immediate sight. At the same time, Lola stepped aside and left Vivian barging at her previous position, missing her completely. Finishing things off, the Glitter Princess gained control over the dazzled and confused zombie arm and made a special quick pirouette, bashing Vivian's head with her own arm as she barged towards the wall. The resulting crash was sweet music to Lola's ears.

Dead Girl was on the floor, dizzy from that last quick and strong hit. Lola threw her amputated arm back at her and it crawled up to the bloody socket, where it re-attached itself to the rest of the body. She looked up at Lola, who was now offering her a hand.

"I hope that last one knocked some sense into you. Dammit, girl, don't you realise there's something going on? Someone fears us so much they had to turn us against each other! Just get up and let's find out how we're gonna get outta here." The drag queen proposed, sure that Vivian would think reasonably after this gesture.

"I'll do as you say..." Dead Girl said as she reached for Lola's hand and gained enough leverage to kick her right in the nuts! "...NOT!!!"

"AAAAAAAARGH! You...did..not...!" Lola screamed in agony as she put her hands between her legs and crumbled on the floor in pain.

"It was a lucky guess, but it paid off. After all, you're only a drag queen, not a transexual! You're bound to still have some balls on you" Vivian laughed above Lola. The poor drag queen just stayed in her crouching position, her hands now grabbing her hurt genitals in her pants. She was now completely in Dead Girl's mercy.

Or maybe not.

It wasn't the first time anyone tried that dirty trick on Lola, and she had taken some measures since then. She only pretended to be in pain and grabbing her balls, as en escuse to surprise the enemy with her secret weapon, which was hiding in her pants, serving as a special deadly weapon for surprise attacks AND as protection for her nether regions.

So, as Dead Girl stood above her and taunted her, she was an easy target for what came next. Lola grabbed the dual feather boas with deadly retractable blades who were stuffed in her pants as a desperate measure and abruptly got up, spinning her deadly weapons with rage and slashing at a surprised Dead Girl, who was now about to get dead-er.

"What the-- OOOOW!" she screamed as the extra-deadly razorlike boas spinned and slashed into her. She put her arms forward to protect her face, but the force and speed of the spinning blades made zombie mince-meat out of both her arms within seconds! Her green zombie blood and flesh sprayed against the walls and bed, chips of her bones getting into her eyes and chest, only for them to become pulverized immediately after.

"Sorry it had to come to this, honey; but once I make some zombie mincemeat out of you, I know JUST the way to get out of this bloody room, though it might take quite some time...!" said Lola, as she used her sunglasses to protect her eyes from all the green blood spraying on her.

The next morning, Mystique came in to feed Zazelle's sex-slave hostages. She kicked the door open, started yelling to wake us up and then began to feed us one-by-one with some liquid meals and shit. I could hear the other guys grumbling and protesting that the food tasted like shit, but all Mystique did was curse and threaten them into eating.

"Eat it all up, you idiots! Zazelle needs you in full strength in order to bang her real good and make her omnipotent!" she said. "I won't have ANY of you staying hungry until this afternoon. Just bear it for a few more hours...then Zazie will take care of you and you'll be able to rest."

"Yeah...eternally." I nagged.

"Davey boy, Davey just can't stop complaining, can you?" Mystique said, as she came over to me. Apparently she had left me for last in the feeding line, and now my time has come. "Eat it all up, like a good boy" she said as she forced the liquid meal down my throat. Taste-wise, it wasn't exactly the most fullfilling breakfast I ever had, so I started complaining.

"Just shut up and gulp it down!" she threatened. I felt myself breaking, as I realised I had hit the lowest point in my life. I was about to either die or fall into a coma, and my life so far has been completely destroyed. My friends would get to suffer as much as I would, and my boyfriend was taken from me, shipped off to God knows where, helpless and maybe even dead by now, while a mutant shape-shifting bitch had taken his place and had her way with me, tricking me into practically having sex with a woman.

I didn't cry, but Mystique felt the stiffness in my throat and that my voice was about to break. "What's wrong, honey?" she said, in an unusual (and probably fake) moment of compassion.

I knew I'd sound pathetic, but I just had to ask. It would satisfy a bit of my newfound curiosity and maybe cause a little remorse to Mystique. "Why me?" I asked. "Why did you have to take my boyfriend's place, of all people? You could have taken anyone's place, maybe a student's who's more lonely and had less friends, which would be harder to compromise your position and true identity. Why take Bobby's place and cause all that... extra, needless hurt?"

She looked at me straight in the eye. "I never took your boyfriend's place, Dave. I took Bobby Drake's place, who was until then Rogue's boyfriend. Before taking a specific student's place, I hang in the mansion taking the form of students that didn't exist in order to find out who was better to impersonate. I could have tried to reach Xavier with the form of someone who didn't exist, but the Professor would have to recognise me in order to let me in his office, wouldn't he? Anyway, I found out that Bobby was perfect for impersonating, because his life with Rogue seemed over the top and I felt like he was ready to ditch her. Therefore, I could ditch her in his place and find new people to hang out with without making it look too suspicious..."

"So... I never really was with was you from the beggining." I nodded, trying to take in the fact that my relationship with "Bobby" was a big, fat, lying illusion. "Why did you pick me, then?" I asked, trying to hide my misery.

"Well, first of all, I could see that you liked Bobby. I saw it when I posed as various other students AND when I impersonated Bobby. Secondly, you were easy on the eyes as well. Also, do you remember exaclty how it all began?"

"Yes, like it was yesterday. I was chasing after the mysterious cloaked person who caused all the gay sex (who now turns out to be your boss), when Bobby---you- approached me and confessed he/you had feelings for me..." I said...

" you realise why it happened at that specific moment and not any other time?" she snickered.

I didn't need to think about it much more. "You were a distraction. Zazelle was afraid I'd rat her out at the moment, so you came to the rescue and distracted me with your phoney love." I said, disgusted.

"...and I kept distracting you ever since...! You were the only person who was aware that someone was running around forcing people have gay sex. Becoming -and remaining- your boyfriend was a good way of keeping you happy and busy while my 'boss' worked towards her goals...! " she added.

I felt sick. And used. "You look so cute when you're depressed" the blue bitch said with fake glee. She leaned towards me and licked my ear, whispering "to your credit, though... I can't remember enjoying a set-up so much before!".

She walked out trying to stiffle a slight laughter, and as she walked out the door, she left it slightly open for a few seconds, before finally closing it .

Which was the first small mistake who led to her -and Zazelle's- downfall!

That was because in these few seconds the door was left opened, a certain fuzzy rodent we all had forgotten about managed to hop in unnoticed.

It was Fluffy, Gerry's newly acquired bunny!

"Fluffy! My faithful bunny! Over here!" Gerry screamed happily, bouncing his ass on the chair he was tied to.

"Weird...! The poor thing must have been left unchecked after our little encounter with Zazelle, then started roaming around the mansion looking for food! Must be a real coincidence that it found us in here!" I said.

"No coincidence! Fluffy is smart! He came here to save us! Here, bunny bunny!" he went on. Maybe all the shit we've been put through finally took their toll on poor Gerry's sanity.

"Gerry, please shut up! It's not like your damn rabbit can climb up your seat and release you from your bonds...! It's just a stupid rodent, wandering around with no agenda!" Frank stated, shooting down all of Gerry's hopes.

Then Fluffy, who was by now right behind Frank, started munching on the ropes that kept him tied like a delicious salami.

"You were saying...?" Gerry shot at Frank with a raised eyebrow and a triumphant smile.

"The poor animal is just HUNGRY! These ropes are probably the first edible thing he found in the building! There's no way he's doing this on purpose!" Frank tried to reason.

Fluffy completed nibbling on the ropes tying Frank's feet together, and his legs snapped free of their confines. Then the rabbit proceeded to crunch on the ropes tying his arms!

"That is a rather smart little rabbit" I understated, the weirdness of the situation keeping me from realising that, if Fluffy kept feasting on those ropes, we'd soon have a shot at saving ourselves and the world's heterosexuality from Zazelle's evil, moronic plans!

A few minutes later, Frank stood up triumphantly, only to realise that his hands were still restricted!

"What the hell? Didn't Fluffy eat those ropes?" I asked.

"Yeah but I was handcuffed as well. And I don't think that rabbits can chew through metal, now can they?" said Frank in exasperation. But at least he was able to walk wherever he wanted to. That was still something!

"Quickly, Frank! Set us free!" urged Gerry.

"Ok, ok! Where are the Danger Room controls?" he asked.

"In the room above the Danger Room" Cyclops said from his bondage chair.

"Okay. I'll just get there and try to set you guys free. Now, how does this door open?" Frank asked as he walked to the Danger Room's exit.

"....From the outside." Mr.Summers said in exasperation.

"Isn't there some other way he can get out of here?" I asked, seriously worried by now.

"No, kid. This is practically a big, metallic empty room, and the only exit opens through the controls upstairs. So, unless Nightcrawler or your phasing friend Gerry set themselves free, there's no way we're getting out of here in time." Logan said.

"So...let me get this straight. We're in this bondage seats that negate our powers, locked in a room which opens only from the outside, and the only person that is currently free yet handcuffed cannot get us out of these chairs or escape the room?" I asked.

"Gee, thanks for making me feel so useful." mumbled Frank.

"How about your random knowledge powers? Can't they help you out or something?" said Colossus.

"When it comes to Zazelle, my powers can't pick anything up! And this predicament reeks of Zazelle, so I know less than any of you guys!" he responded with the letdown showing in his voice.

"This is great", I said. "So all we can do is wait here for Zazelle and Mystique to show up."

"I could wait for them right behind the door and ambush them!" Frank stated, proud that an idea actually crossed his mind.

"Bitch, please!" I rolled my eyes. "It's two against one, and on top of that you're handcuffed! Please don't tell me you can take on Mystique alone with your hands tied!"

"You're right..." Frank bowed his head. "I really can't do anything!"

"So we only have a few hours left. Only thing we can do is wait for Zazelle to come in here and fuck us, using our juices to power up her insatiable thirst for power! We think that we actually have a chance at beating her, but all we're actually doing is waiting for the inevitable while saving our potent sperm for her." I said with resignment in my voice.

"There's something I can do! We can get rid of all that "juice" and sexual energy you've been forced to save and when the time comes, Zazelle will have to leave with her hands empty. What she needs to happen to get her big power-up is for you guys to have mutlitudes of semen saved for her at 6.00 this afternoon, and this is something we can achieve without leaving the room!" Frank said with a weird gleam in his eyes. Did he really intend to help out in something like that?

"It makes sense" Wolverine said. "Zazelle might get real pissed and kill us all, but she will have missed her only chance at getting omnipotent and enslaving the world."

"Well, we're going to die one way or another, but at least this way that bitch won't get what she wants. And seeing her stupid face as she realises that might make for a sweet death, after all..." I smiled.

"Exactly HOW do you intend to do this?" Cyclops asked Frank. "You intend to get us all off?"

"Well what else can I do? You guys are all tied up, and if you could free your hands to get yourselves off the whole thing would be a moot point, since you would also be able to escape this place!" responded Frank.

"Saving the world by handjobs. Jeez that sounds super ironic!" Logan sneered.

"What handjobs?"Frank smiled at him shyly and showed him that he was still handcuffed. "Look ma, no hands...!"

"Oh my God! Frank, please, you're the straightest man in this room right now, given how you're immune to your sister's powers. Don't tell me you're capable of sucking off EVERY man in this room by this afternoon!!!" I yelled. The thought did seem a little bit over the top...

"Straight, smeight, it doesn't matter now. I'm the only one who can save the world" he said with a decisive tone in his voice, as he walked over to Wolverine.

I couldn't believe my eyes as Frank kneeled in front of Logan. The front of Wolverine's trousers started to bulge as his excitement grew. His pants seemed too restrictive for his swollen crotch; it almost creaked with a desire for release.

"You're too eager to do this for a straight boy, kid," he teased him. "Not that I mind, of course!".

"Shut up!" Frank answered with irritation. "You think I really want your smelly cock in my mouth?"

I could see that his face trembled with what could be either excitement or disgust as his head reached for the fly of his Wolverine's pants. It was almost as if he could smell his crotch, the sweat from his balls and the sharp note of his crotch, and it made this poor straight boy all the more anxious.

Frank unzipped Logan's fly with his teeth, only to have Wolverine's big uncut cock spring out and slap his cheek.

"Jeez!" he yelped. He looked at the big, veiny cock, now resting on Logan's thigh and then leaned forward to slowly take it into his mouth. He found out that it didn't taste horrible, it tasted like skin, only muskier. But there was no time for getting used to it. It was something to get over with so that he could rescue his friends and teammates. He had no time to think about the weirdness, the possible ridicule, or the sheer absurdness that he was a totally straight guy and had to suck off every single male in the room. Otherwise their deaths would be on his hands.

But was it something that he could manage to do in a cold and clinical way? He needed to get those men to cum, and a bad blowjob wouldn't help with that. He had to suck those cocks and suck them good!

Frank's head bobbed up and down on Wolverine's cock as he applied more saliva to make it slick and wet. Logan sure had a big cock. Maybe poor Frank should have began with something more manageable! But it was too late to change cocks now. Logan's dick was already at full mast, pulsating and throbbing with pleasure, a slightly different and tangier taste now flooding Frank's mouth, making him assume it must have been precum. Logan was probably about to come anytime now, so leaving him like that to try sucking on an easier package would cost him a lot of precious time. Pretty soon, and while the rest of the captives in the Danger Room had gotten used to the idea that every single one of them was going to be brought off by Frank's inexperienced mouth soon, Logan felt like warning the young man about what was to come.

"You're doing great, kid. You were born for cocksucking. But if you don't pull away now, you're gonna get a mouthful." he said between moans.

Frank panicked when he first heard that, but then contemplated as he started applying more pressure with his mouth on Wolverine's dick. If what Zazelle wanted was for those men to cum inside of her while fucking her, then maybe even their spent semen shouldn't be kept around for her to find and try to salvage.

So he jammed the whole length of the pulsating cock into his mouth, his nostrils buried into Logan's dark pubes, and started humming and gyrating his lips around the base of the shaft, while his tongue attacked the cockhead.

"Fuck kid, I'm cumming in your slutty mouth! Take that cum in your belly!" Logan yelled in ecstasy, as strings of his thick cum started shooting down his student's throat. Frank's eyes went all teary from the sensation of having his mouth flooded with this never tasted before liquid with the really intense taste and odor, but he gathered all of his courage and swallowed. He even sucked a little more on the piss slit to make sure that every single drop of sperm was milked.

Wolverine was now useless to Zazelle's evil schemes.

It was time to render the rest of them useless as well...!

Frank carefully got up from between Logan's legs and walked over to Cyclops, kneeling before him, unzipping his fly with his teeth. Mr.Summers just stood there and said nothing, accepting what had to be done, but he did cock his head in order to give a strange, worrying look at Wolverine. Logan looked back at him with what must have been a tinge of... jealousy? Maybe those two had more going on for them than simple Zazelle-induced sex!

Almost immediately Frank's tongue went to work on Cyke's cock.. His knees nearly went weak as the tongue licked all along the head and shaft of his beautiful dick.

Suddenly his cock head was engulfed by a pair of wet lips. Frank was trying to experiment and do new things, suctioning Cyke's cock head, sucking as if trying to use it as a straw.

"Oh fuck...!" we all heard Cyclops gasping, as he felt Frank's blue lips sliding down his shaft. He could not believe that someone was sucking his cock in a room full of men! I leaned my head on the side of his seat, and sighed as the talented straight mouth slid up and down his wet shaft.

"Oh shit..." he said to myself, and we all realised he wouldn't last long under these conditions. I wonder who would be next?

Slowly, Mr.Summers began thrusting his hips into Frank's wet hole, fucking his mouth. He could feel his cock head touching into the back of the cock sucker's mouth, just where the throat entrance starts. Frank, initially shocked that someone was face-fucking him, tryied to mantain control and not gag. Moaning, he set up a nice steady pace, moving opposite Cyke's thrusts as his cock met his throat somewhere in the middle. When Summers felt his pulsating dick starting to move down into Frank's tight throat muscles, he could feel his cock starting to throb pre-cum.

"Oh fuck, man... you suck cock great!" he said, giving in to his talents. The more he felt his cock ramming into his inexperienced student's throat, the more sure I was that he wouldn't last too much longer. He felt his legs already starting to shake as the inevitable climax neared.

"Oh fuck, you're gonna make me cum!" he warned, feeling his balls tighten as his cock pulsed with excitement. Frank, knowing what his duty was, seemed to ignore his warning, still sucking away steadily as he started to make sloppy, slurping sounds on his teacher's cock.

"I'm serious, Frank! I'm about to blow!" he warned, feeling the hot lava starting to run up his cock tube. Suddenly it was too late.

"AAARRRGHHHHH...!!!" Cyclops screamed as his cock erupted gobs and gobs of cum into the sucking mouth on the other side. He fully expected to hear Frank vomit and curse as he spit his seed from his mouth, but instead he took my cock all the way down into the very back of his mouth, and let him shoot straight down into his throat. After all, no single drop of this cum should be left for Zazelle to find.

"AWWWW FUCK!!" Cyke yelled, banging his head against the chair as his intense orgasm drained him completely. Frank nursed upon his cock like a hungry lamb, making sure that no drop of his manly juice would go to waste.

"Looks like someone has had his brains sucked out through his cock..." Logan teased, with a small touch of bitterness in his voice, but Cyclops was taken aback from his orgasm and didn't take notice.

Frank, however, had already let his knees bend till they were buried in the plush carpet in front of Nightcrawler. He looked around and every guy who hadn't been already sucked off was sporting a raging hard-on. Judging by the size of the bulges in our pants, he realised we were all getting very excited about having someone suck on our cocks, no matter the circumstances or how awkward it would feel afterwards.

It was obvious everyone was really getting turned on realizing that what they were watching happen to Wolverine and Cyclops would be happening to them very soon. They knew that they would have their cocks sucked by a self-proclaimed straight-boy, and it would happen once. And I'm pretty sure most of them still had a little bit of gay inside of them, thanks to Zazelle. They knew Frank would only be doing it out of duty, and it didn't have to be that pleasureable. Surprisingly, even I was getting very turned on thinking I would soon be sucked by my straight buddy. Feeling guilty, I tried to focus on what was about to happen to Mr.Wagner.

After clumsily fumbling with his buckle, Frank unzipped Kurt's pants. He wasn't wearing any underware so his dark blue and semi hard cock was already poking out between the fly. Oh god, how beautiful I thought. So perfect. A blueberry muffin about to be worshipped on. Too bad it was Frank doing the deed and not me... I longed to lap at its head and watch it grow larger and larger and then licking on its shaft all the way to his balls. Bathing him with my wet tongue. Worshipping his manhood. And as I thought of all these, it was Frank who was already doing it.

He put his open mouth up against the blue cockhead and started licking him. Oh my god I thought. I can't believe that in just a few momentshe'll be doing the same thing to me! Frank engulfed the blue cock with his mouth and pulled it upwards, pulling his blue fuzzy nuts through the zipper as well, then he let the shaft go and started licking on Kurt's blue balls, as the gentle yet very sexy elf threw his head back in ecstasy and started cursing in german.

Suddenly, while Frank's mouth was still working on the elf's testicles, Kurt started cumming with no warning! His pulsating cockhead shot some big strings of seed that hit Frank on the forehead, covering his eyebrows and some of his hair.

"What the fuck...?" Frank said, letting the nuts go off of his mouth. "You were supposed to shoot in my mouth. What point is there, if Zazelle can just take it off my hair?"

"I'm...sorry", said Nightcrawler. "It's just balls are really, really sensitive"

"Well now it's too late" Frank responded. "We'll have to think of something else..."

They whispered something for a while, I heard Kurt trying to protest, but Frank ultimately convinced him. Then my light blue buddy got up and got his head close to Nightcrawler's face. Kurt, wearing an expression of weirdness on his face, licked his own man-juice off Frank's face!

"The hair, too." Frank suggested. Kurt then took in his mouth both of the globs of cum resting in Frankie's short, jet black hair. Okay, I guess that would make it safe then.

But then, they both leaned towards each other, their lips tentatively touching, before going in a full-on kiss! Everyone gasped in shock as both blue boys explored each other's tongue with their mouths, but then we realised what it was for when we heard the noise Frank made when suckling the last drops of sperm out of Nightcrawler's mouth.

"That'll do." said Frank, licking his lips. "Who's next?"

Zazelle and Mystique were hanging in Xavier's office, playing reverse strip-poker.

Zazelle was losing big time, so she already had a multitude of clothing on; over her usual slutty attire, she now wore a yellow fouter, two pairs of stockings, a pair of khaki pants, three different bras and above everything else, a huge, hideous christmas sweater with what looked like a cross-dressing reindeer on it.

"I think this game is stupid", she stated in frustration.

"You're just sayin' so because you're losing..." Mystique commented, enjoying her nakedness.

"Well, okay, you win! Let's just stop this right now. My time to ascend to power will come in a couple of hours, and I'm feeling extra anxious... there are butterflies flying around in my stomach right now, you know?"

"I know the feeling" Mystique said with boredom.

"Anyway, I can't ascend to power looking like THIS..." the bitchy Slut Queen said, motioning at the big heap of clothes on her. "I'll go to the bathroom and freshen up. Slip into something more appropriate, too..."

"Be my guest" the shapeshifter stated. "I'll just stay here and eat all the pop corn" she said, grabbing the snacks by her side.

"Why don't you go check on our prisoners, instead? See if they're up to anything funky..."

"Oh please! I'll pass. They're tied up, temporarily depowered, with no means of escaping. What could they POSSIBLY do to foil your plans?" she nagged before stuffing half the pop corn down her throat.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Colossus screamed as he unloaded his thick seed in Frank's awaiting mouth.

A few hours had passed and it was now a fact; Frank had sucked off every single male mutant in the Institute, taking their entire load into his mouth, down to his stomach...

Well, ALMOST every single mutant...

Frank slowly got up and treckled over to me. "My tummy hurts, must be from all the sperm I got in it right now. But I still have one more to go..." he said, before getting down to his knees in front of me.

I wonder why he had left me for last. Each blowjob he had to do was getting harder and harder to complete, given how tired he was, how many different loads of cum he had taken down his throat and added to that, the fact that he wasn't into cum altogether! After sucking off the teachers, we continued with the students, even sucking off Gerry in his way, something that for better or for worse I wasn't able to witness, since Gerry wasn't in my direct sight from where I was sitting, all tied up.

I could hear his moans all the way through, though, and they made my cock grow hard like steel in mere seconds... As I felt Frank's hot breath on my grotch, I realised my dick has still hard.

Frank unzipped my fly with his teeth and took my already dick into his mouth, trying to get it hard. His eyes were focused on my cockhead, not daring to look up to me, maybe trying to avoid the uncomfortable feelings that would arise once he realised he was sucking off one of his best friends!

He let my hard cock fall out of his mouth and on my belly, and then started licking the underside of my shaft and coating it with his spit, getting it slick and nice. Then he used his lips to fish my balls out of my pants and gave them a thorough tongue-bath as well. Hey, I didn't recall him doing that to anybody else!! Why was I so special?

I gasped as I felt one of my best friends swallow up my dick again, and was suddenly grateful that I decided to keep my mouth shut and not voice my concerns over this. It COULD have weirded him out of this. Frank bobbed his head up and down in my lap, leaving me amazed that he still had the energy to keep doing this after sucking off the entire male populace of the mansion. His pace was picking up by the minute, like her was desperate to get me off.

And he was right to be desperate. Our time was almost up. Zazelle and Mystique were about to come in any moment now, and my dick was still fully hard and filled with cum I might make a fine pity fuck for Zazelle as she cheered herself up from losing all the cum she was supposed to take today.

"C'mon, Dave, cum already! We don't have all the time in the world!" I heard Frank mumbling with my cock halfway down his throat.

"I know, I know, Frank! It's just... too much pressure! I don't know if I'll make it! Just promise me one thing, ok?"

"What?" he said, before engulfing my cockhead with his lips and starting to produce a humming sound, trying to add more pleasure that way. What a trooper!

"Promise me that... if Zazelle comes in before I manage to... ejaculate... you'll kill me. Promise me you'll kill me before that evil woman turns me straight and has catatonic sex with me!"

Frank spit my cock out of his mouth. "WHAT? Are you fucking crazy?" he said with rage. "Pussy is not THAT bad, you know, so that you'd kill yourself to avoid it!"

I rolled my eyes, raising one eybrow. "Said the guy with the fresh cum of 50 men down his stomach."

His eyes shot at me with rage. "You know, I AM the perfect person to speak about this! I'm straight man, and I'm sucking cock to save your goddamned lives! And it's not like there's anything in it for me...! By doing that, I'm giving up on a potential life as the only straight man on Earth with millions of pussy to satisfy! Can I GET more altruistic?"

It's not just that he was right. Or the rage swimming in his pulsating veins, which were now clearly visible on the side of his forehead. It was just that angry straight boys made me hot, and I had the epitome (kinda) of all these in front of me. I felt my cock rising, larger and harder than before, and I wasn't even being sucked off at the time! And Frank got aware of that, as he glimpsed down my grotch again.

"Maybe I should just resume what I was doing" he said, and promptly leaned in and took my entire cock in his mouth again, slobbering all over it to make it wet and slick and frictionless.

"I still think he wanted to do all these, deep down" I heard Hellion, one of our fellow students, whispering to another student next to him, and I caught myself trying to fight back a smirk.

Frank was doing a much better job by now, or maybe it was just me who was more into it this time. It was fun, sexy, and it would save my life, why did I have to be so anxious about it? I only had to make sure I cum quick. So I closed my eyes and tried to think about sexy things that would make me cum... Fake Bobby's intense moans as I fucked his ass all these days (ok, in retrospect maybe that wasn't the sexiest thing to think about), Piotr's big fat dick that once endangered my ass with total destruction, Wolverine's, Gerry's slutty ass hanging out of his g-string as usual...

"Fuck, Frank, I'm cumming!" I suddenly said, and looked down on him to save that picture in my mind: my sky blue straight friend, with my cock in his slobbering mouth hitting the side of his cheek and making his skin there stick out... I'd never get to see something so wrong and dirty like that ever again!

I felt my balls boiling, a burning sensation travelling through the shaft of my cock up to the very point of it... Frank closed shut and tight his lips around my cockhead, to make sure that nothing would escape his mouth, and I felt my thick, creamy boy juice shooting all over inside his mouth, coating his insides with sticky cum, and then I felt more sunction as he gobbled down my seed, eating it as a late, life-saving breakfast.

And it was about damn time, because then I head a very hated, recognisable voice shouting:


That was the first thing that escaped Zazelle Spermthirsty's mouth after she walked in the Danger Room with a cheerful smile, eager to pick her earnings after so many days of scheming, preparing and crime-commiting, only to find herself a protagonist in a multiplyingly traumatising experience.

She saw her brother sucking cock (Trauma #1) Her STRAIGHT brother sucking cock (Trauma #2) Sucking a cock that also shot its hefty load down his awaiting throat (Trauma #3) Apparently, he had done the same with all 50 or so men in that room (Trauma #4) All these creamy loads that her brother gobbled down was intented to be in HER right now, boosting up her powers insanely and making her the Ruler of Earth, a chance that was now stolen from her forever (Trauma #5)

and, worst of all....

Her straight uptight brother got to be in a bukkake before SHE did!!! (Trauma #6)

She could NOT stand it!!!

Everyone in the room was completely stunned, Mystique as well, so Zazie used her frustration to keep her going, and walked around the room, checking the casualties with a wild gleam in her eye.

Yep. She could sense it. All these young, strapping men had been stripped of their powerful cum shortly before, and the power that was in it was now lost to her forever. Most of them even still had their cocks hanging out, flaccid and lifeless... what a waste of good cum!

Then she walked up to her traitorous little shit of a brother, who was still on his knees in front of that wretched blonde gay mutant.

"You filthy little traitor" she spat at him. "I thought we had an agreement. Why did you DO this to me?" she asked.

"I think my tummy hurts", her bukkake-stricken sibling said, as he slowly collapsed on the floor, his hands on his cum-filled stomach.

"Bah. Amateur." she responded, as she gave him a good kick. Then she walked up to her partner-in-crime, Mystique.

"I cannot bear that smile under their moustaches. Kill them. Kill them all, and let's forget about this." she said stoically.

"Hey! I thought this was supposed to save us, not get us killed-killed!" Gerry was heard saying to his fellow mutants.

"And what's in it for me...'partner?" the cold-dearted shape-shifter shot back at her. "I was supposed to be your best woman once you took over the world. Now? There's nothing in it for me. You told me this would work, but it turns out you're just another loser. You offed Magneto by mistake, and made me think you had it in you. My fault. But I'm not your lackey anymore, so go kill them yourself." she added, as she threw a stiletto on the floor and started walking towards the door.

"Wait! You can't leave me like this, you idiotic cunt! This is YOUR doing as well! If we leave them like this, they will later come for us! We can't leave no witnesses around! We'll be wanted everywhere in the world!" Zazelle said in panic.

"I'm ALREADY wanted everywhere in the world. Thank god I can get away with it, though", Mystique said as she changed her appearance to make herself look like a perfectly average and socially invisible 40-something woman. "But it seems like you just make your breaking-though in crime and terrorism. Good luck dealing with that... 'boss'!" she chuckled and made her way out.

Zazelle was left all alone with the helpless male mutants now. She had to kill them all and leave no witnesses. But in order to get away with a crime... could she commit an ever greater one? Would she even kill her own brother for such a cause?

The helpless mutants were now very aware of the probability of their deaths. They saved the world from Zazelle's lust-filled ambitions...but could they save themselves as well? There was lots of leg-twitching and trembling going around within the hostages.

"I'm sorry guys, but it looks like it's curtain call for you." Zazelle said with a trembling voice, as she picked up the stiletto and turned to face her victims. "I didn't really want any deaths to be involved in this...but it looks like I'll have to off you guys all, however unceremonious it might seem"

"Over my dead, fabulous body, you badly-dressed bitch", she heard a voice behind her.

"LOLA!!!!" We all happily screamed at the top of our lungs, seeing that our favorite drag queen had come to the rescue. Then our newfound hope quickly turned in anger, as I remembered that she had dissapeared from the moment we set foot on the mansion. "Where the fuck have you been all these days? Why didn't you come to save us earlier?" I asked with grtitted teeth, looking down on a fainted Frank, who would have surely appreciated a sooner intervention.

"I'm sorry, darlings, but that little ho over there locked me up in a room with that zombie friend of yours. Then she had her go all homicidal so that she would kill me." She explained as she used her feather boa like a whip, to snatch the stiletto away from Zazelle, rendering her weaponless. "Now if the blueprints I got to read in Cyke's office were right... the control panels should be around...HERE!" she said, and threw the stiletto towards me!

However, it struck on the spot of my chair right above my shoulder, and suddenly everything went "CRASH!" and "KZZZZTK!" and the Danger Room shifted back to its normal state, while the power-dampening devices we were sitting on were turned off and let us all go. I immediately ran to Frank's side. He was unconcious, but otherwise fine, his breathing was stable and he had a weird serene smile on his face. I wondered if all that sperm he gulped down would have any effect on him, the way it was supposed to affect his sister?

" did this happen? How are you here?" an astounded Zazelle stuttered.

"I could only think of one way to make the zombie girl come to her senses AND get us out of that locked door. I chopped her into many little pieces and squeezed them out the keyhole. Mind you, it took me a LONG time, as she was moving and thrasing the entire time. Fortunately, all of her little pieces reformed at the other side of the door and, sane again, she just unlocked it for me!" Lola explained her gross and gory plan, that, apparently, worked! "By the way, guys, why are you just sitting there with your cocks out?" she asked.

"No, I come my powers didn't affect you, like the zombie girl and every other female in this place?" Zazelle asked again...she wasn't really bright, was she?

"I would have absolutely no idea about that..." Lola said, with a fake innocent smile.

"Jesus, you stupid whore", Wolverine had to jump in,"she ain't a female! She's a trannie! That's why you couldn't make her go on PMS mode!"

"I'm NOT a tranny!!!!" Lola yelled, apparently insulted.

"Yes, she didn't have any operation yet" Gerry corrected him. "So the words we should use is "cross-dresser" or "drag queen"." He added, then smiled at me and waited for some kind of compliment on how smart he had become.

"You mean...she's a HE?" Zazelle asked us, astounded.

We just nodded, making sure that Lola wasn't looking our way.

"I am NOT a guy!!!!!!" Lola yelled hysterically.

Zazelle, who, for some reason, still hadn't been contained, walked up to Lola menacingly...

" COCK?" she asked, her voice in a strange trance.

"Lady, we just said that I haven't had any kind of surgery. So the answer to that would be..."

"---YOU. HAVE. A COCK!!!!!" Zazie yelled in astonishment.

"What's you deal, bitch? You get off on making fun of transgendered people?"




"I'm sorry, I don't think I could give it to you as a transplant, I'm afraid of scalpels" Lola said, taking some steps back as Zazelle was almost on her by now. We swiftly approached them, worried about Lola's well-being.

"NO!! I --MUST--HAVE YOUR DICK INTO ME! Give it to me!!!" the insane nympho said, as she ripped her own clothes with one move and jumped poor Lola, trying to rape her.

Omigosh! Lola's dick must have been by then the only one in the mansion that hadn't been sucked dry by Frank...therefore, it was Zazelle's only chance at getting a tiny portion of the massive power that was supposedly destined for her that day!

"GET HER OFF ME!!!" Lola yelled in panic. "Get that LESBO whore off me!!!!" she begged.

Thankfully, Nightcrawler swiftly teleported behind them, grabbed Zazelle and teleported her a good few feet behind, where Colossus easily knocked her out with his metal fists.

"I...must...get...your sperm...." were the last words she said before she went unconscious.

Gerry and I helped Lola to her feet. "God, that must have been the single most traumatic experience in my life." she said. "On the other hand, the fact that I saw the cocks of the entire male body of mutants in here make my day a little shittier." she smirked, making us blush.

"You should see Frank--he got to suck them all!" Gerry innappropriately blurted out.

"What the--how? Fuck, why? When?" Lola said in a state of utter shock.

"It's a long story...hey, you said that Vivian helped you out of the locked room. And we have YET to catch Mystique! She's the only one who knows where Bobby is!" I said.

"Honey, let's just say... that your questions kinda answer each other." Lola said with a knowing smile.

Mystique wasn't very happy. As she walked out of the back door of the Institute and through the Jean Grey Memorial Garden to get herself into the woods, still under her "everyday woman" guise, she pondered about the things she did lately.

She had spent a long time being a lackey for a rookie villain, and she knew it was a risky thing to do; never mind that she never worked well with others, especially when being kinda beneath them.

And this one time, her risk didn't pay. Their meticulous plans failed miserably, and ironically, it was a bukkake orgy that foiled these seemingly perfect plans for world domination.

"At least I got banged by that fine ass gay boy... so this evil scheme wasn't completely for nothing" she said to herself.

"You look like my aunt Amelia" she heard a voice coming from behind her.

Before she even turned around, she threw another stiletto at where the voice came from, and vicously smiled as she heard a slight gasp from the same voice and a thump! as that somebody went down, stricken by her deadly weapon.

She looked around and saw the feet of the person who dared approach her coming from behind a tree, not moving. The rest of the body was obstructed from her view by the tree.

But as as she approached the dead body to retrieve her stiletto, Mystique found out that the person she just killed.... was already dead!

"As I said..." Vivian scoffed as she got up and got the stiletto out of her chest, " look EXACTLY like my aunt Amelia".

"Yeah, Dead Girl, so I look like your aunt. Any problem with that?" Raven asked, taking a defensive stance.

"Yes. I goddamned HATE my aunt Amelia!" she responded as she ran to the blue-skinned shape-shifter, ignored every single one of her deadly martial art moves and kicked her straight in the nether regions (that was the second time she did that to someone that day)!

Mystique kneeled before her in pain, only to be knocked out by a single punch by Vivian.

"Shame I kicked YOUR ass instead of my aunt's though..." she said, before carrying her limp body back to the mansion.

************************************************************************* Everything was alright now.

The mystery of the person behind the weird gay sex incidents was over, and Zazelle's plans were completely thwarted. Since handing her over to the police would be dangerous for the humans, we decided to lock her up on the basement, and punish her in the most vicious and inhuman of ways...

I looked from the small window on the door to her cell, and saw Zazelle strapped to a power-dampening chair, like she did to us, and forced to watch continuous reruns of Barney....

"I love you You love me We're a happy family With a great big hug and A kiss from me to you Won't you say you love me too? "

"DAVID! I know you're there!" she screamed at me with desperation. "Don't do this to me! I promise I'll be good! I even told you guys what kind of poison we gave Xavier, so that you could find a cure! I'm a totally redeemable villain! Just turn that fucking gay purple dinosaur off! I can't stand it anymore! Don't leave me like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss!!!!" she kept crying.

I scoffed and left the door, walking towards Mr.Summers' office. It was true that Zazelle told us what posion she used to put Xavier into a coma, and Dr.McCoy (also known as the Beast) was currently working day and night into his lab to come up with the antidote.

So thing were hopeful, even for the Professor's case. The gay sex incidents were now officially over, all the girls were cured from their permanent PMS state and the boys (most of them, anyway) had returned to their previous heterosexual state and pretended like this Zazelle thing never happened.

But NOT all of them, I realised, as I walked into Cyclops' office and caught him making out with Wolverine! Again!!!

"Jeez, don't you EVER knock, Melee?" Logan growled and his claws came out. "Maybe I should cut your bleeding hands off!" he threatened.

"Maybe you should, but then I'd be guaranteed NOT to knock any door ever, since you'd leave me with no hands" I retorted with a sheepish smile.

"Okay, okay, everybody calm down!" Cyke said, being the voice of reason as usual. "Logan, you're really going to maim the kid who, along with his friends, saved the world and our collective butts?"

"And what fine butts some of them are..." Logan retorted, grabbing Cyke's ass and bringing him close to his body for a deep, loving kiss.

"Wait you guys" I said, "Zazelle is powerless for the time being, so how come you guys are still gay?"

"We're not gay" Summers told me as he broke the kiss with Logan. " But maybe we discovered that we're bisexual... Granted, this whole thing started as crazy sex, induced by that kinky deviant Zazelle, but maybe...maybe in the proccess..."

"...we fell for each other." Logan completed his sentence as he came up behind Mr.Summers and put his arms around him, protectively.

"Oh my God you two are SO cute together...!!!" I squaled. "So maybe this whole mess with Zazelle also happened for a good reason, seeing how it helped you guys find each other!"

"We won't judge on that until the Professor is awake and healthy again." Cyclops stated in a matter-of-fact voice.

"You are right, I probably can't claim such a thing since it cost me a boyfriend..." I said, as I was reminded of Bobby, who wasn't Bobby after all.

"That's the other thing we wanted to tell you about" Mr.Summers said. "We're calling in for a new Headmistress for the Institute, one who's very good on school managing matters, a great teacher, and also a very powerful telepath; she can fill in for the Professor in everything and help out with interrogating Mystique about Iceman's whereabouts; her name is Emma Frost. You must have heard of her."

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I have" I said indifferently. Of course, if those guys had checked my file, they'd know that Emma Frost is the younger sister of my mother Cordelia Frost, but I'll let that slide for now... having my favourite aunt as Headmistress is bound to help me out a little with the Institute's busy schedule.

Suddenly the rest of the gang walked in. Gerry, Lola, Frank, Monique and Dead Girl greeted our teachers politely and ganged up on me; high-fives, "whassups" and "good morning, darlings" was how they expressed their love for me.

"Hey, if it ain't the heroes of the day!" said Logan with a sliiiiight smile that could resemble true happiness. Maybe this newfound love had made him a mor echeerful person?

"Please, Mr.Logan, I'm not a hero. All I did was get locked in my own room and be homicidally bitchy." Monique said with a little shyness.

"But you got all better, didn't you now?" said Frank as he kissed her cheek and hugged her tight. Ow! Those two finally became an item? Sweet! I was getting sick of all that unresolved tension between them.

"Dont thank me, either, Mr.Logan." Gerry jumped in the conversation. "All I did was sit tied in a chair and get blown." he added, and we all stared at him...

"What...? What did I say???" he asked with a sheepish expression. We all looked towards Monique...

"Don't worry, my friends, I know all about how my boyfriend saved the day!" said Monique with a cheeky smile. "And you know what? Having a slutty, fellating bisexual boyfriend is HOT!" she added with a tinge of naughtiness in her voice.

"But I'm not bisex..." Frank blushed and tried to correct her, but she tackled him, threw him on the couch and started making out with him, never letting him finish his sentence.

"Well, exactly who did what (and to whom) is not our point here." stated Cyclops. "Our point is that your team AND that new mutant girl you brought here worked all together to save the inhabitants of this Institute and, consequently, the planet from a lusty yet dystopian future, and we have to thank you for that as a team. Most of you children also fought that crazy scientist in Florida and discovered Magneto's comatose body-who is currently in the Infirmary being treated by Beast-, didn't you? (this is the point where Gerry stood up proudly, since he helped out in that instance) So it doesn't matter if some of you did nothing (he eyed Monique) or some of you did waaaaaaaaay more than you should have to (he eyed Frank), we have to honor all these as a group effort. Which is why as of today, all of you children, Dave, Gerry, Frank, Lola, Monique AND Vivian, are officially honorary X-Men.

We all cheered and giggled and jumped around happily.

"What about Fluffy, my bunny? He helped save the world too!" Gerry grumbled.

"And THIS is why you are only Honorary X-Men and not official ones" Logan smirked, pointing at our childish -yet honest- reaction to the news!

"What's a honorary X-Men?" Gerry asked when the cheering subsided.

"It means that we are X-Men who don't get to kick ass." said Lola while she rolled her eyes.

"We weren't X-Men before, and we STILL got to kick ass" Vivian remarked.

"Indeed, we did." I chuckled, then spoke to Cyclops with a much more serious tone: "When do we get to interrogate Mystique? We need her to tell us what she has done with Bobby..."

"Hey!" Frank said, ending his make-out session with his new girlfriend. "I know where he is! I just thought about him and I instantly knew the answer"

"YOU KNOW?" We all said, turning to face him.

"Yes, I do. It seems that all that sperm that ended up in my belly gave a major boost to MY powers instead of my sisters. Having pretty much the same genetic make-up with her probably helped with that. Every day I wake up knowing more and more things, much more than I was normally supposed to know...even with the powers I had." said Frank "I think one day soon, I'll wake up and know practically EVERYTHING." he added.

"Good to know, Frankie..." I said. "Now...where exactly is Bobby?"

"I will tell you, but...I don't know if you'll like -or actually believe- my answer..." he said, making me really worry.

END OF CHAPTER 10*****************

So, after all these months (or years? lol), the Slutty X-Men are BACK BABY!!!

Sorry for taking so long to update, and after such a cliffhanger, sheesh! But life got in the way AND I had a serious writer's block!

Anyway, this chapter resolves almost every subplot that was up till now and leaves VERY few cliffhangers and questions (Bobby being the main one), so, I consider this to be the finale of Season One of Slutty X-Men!

Season Two will begin with Chapter Eleven, it will feature a new villain and a new mystery arc, and I will also introduce new characters (I could use a few suggestions, but I'm not promising anything lol!)

Any comments and flames can be sent in my e-mail

Please guys, bust my balls so that I get my ass to write the next chapter quickly, it really helps!

Next: Chapter 11

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