Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Jul 15, 2009


Disclaimer: The X-Men are not mine! They belong to Marvel! Please don't sue me Marvel...! I don't have any money anyway. As for the unprotected sex...this is just a story, and mutants can't get AIDS anyway! Always use condoms in real life, they protect you from STD's and getting pregnant up the butt!

So... Cliomiao here. I asked Mitsaso to write a chapter, and he let me. Hope I won't ruin all his series! I decided to use Kitty Pride's point of view, `cause I love her character and I know I wouldn't be able to write Dave in the same way Mitsaso does! But don't worry, there will be plenty of male on male action anyway, you horny readers.


Chapter 13:

Hello, Goodbye

KITTY PRIDE'S Point of View

Have you ever tried being a teenage girl inside the xmen mansion? Everyone thinks it's so exciting, with all those other angsty teenage kids. Hormones everywhere.

Well, think again.

Apparently, every guy in this freaking mansion is either ugly, gay, or in love with a girl who can't even touch him and fucks him with a strap on. How sick is that? So, what's a girl with the gift of walking through walls got to do to get off? What she does best, of course. That is, to say, walk through walls and spy on the gay couples having sex.

So, it was another normal night in Xavier's mansion, and I was on my bed, looking at the ceiling, totally bored. Who were the hot guys that I was going to spy on that night? I was getting tired of Wolverine/Cyclops.

Maybe Colossus? He had gotten a lot of gay action in the Zazelle period, and he had developed quite a taste for it. So, Colossus it was. I wondered who his partner for the night would be, as I stealthily walked through the door and to his room.

I could hear loud moans coming from inside. Bingo!

I lied on the floor and crawled through the door, so that he wouldn't see me. He didn't.

Actually, he probably wouldn't have noticed me if I had come in banging the door and singing the "Sound of Music" since he was so concentrated at fucking the perfect smooth bubble-butt in front of him.

And what an ass it was. I wondered who it belonged to, I couldn't see from the ground behind the wardrobe where I was hidden. -Oh, Piotr, it's so fucking huge!!!- screamed the bottom. Bobby? Was that Bobby's voice? I took a peek from behind the wardrobe. Yes. It indeed was a sweaty, horny Bobby, on all fours on the bed, getting it doggy-style from a just as horny Colossus. Fuck. Stupid me thinking he wouldn't do the dirties with me `cause he loved that Rogue bitch. Apparently, he was just as gay as every other hot guy in the mansion.

-Yeah... yeah... Fuck me, you big Russian stud.- moaned Bobby, pushing his back against Colossus's cock, who was thrusting like a madman inside of the cute boy in front of him.

-You've the best ass I've ever had.- grunted Colossus –I can't believe everyone still thinks you're straight.-

-Yeah, Rogue is the perfect beard. Now shut up and fuck me harder.- replied Bobby. Colossus happily did as he was told.

I got a glance at his dick, sliding in and out of Bobby's ass with ease. God, Colossus really was an appropriate nickname. That thing was huge. Not only it must have been at least eight inches, but it was as thick as his wrist (and he had one thick wrist). -Turn around, bitch, I wanna see your face when I fill your hole with cum.- ordered Colossus, then roughly turned Bobby on his back, put his legs on his shoulders and plugged him with his big cock again.

Bobby was breathless, all he could do was pant heavily as he was getting fucked by the Russian hunk. Finally, with a loud grunt, Pete gave one last thrust and came inside his ass, filling it with cum.

-Now let's take care of you...- said Colossus, pulling his dick out of Bobby, leaving a trail of cum behind him. -What do you have in mind?- asked Bobby, getting up on his knees. Colossus laid down on his stomach in front of him. -Pete... You mean...?- -Yes. I've been thinking about it and... I want you to fuck me.-

Bobby grinned, and licked two fingers before pushing them in Colossus' asshole. Pete screamed at the invasion. -Ssssh... It will get better...- hushed him Bobby, as he started moving the fingers in and out.

Just as Colossus was getting accustomed to the two fingers, Bobby withdrew them and placed his cock at the entrance. It wasn't as big as Colossus's, but it wasn't small either, with his thick and slick seven inches.

He slowly pushed the head in, grunting as Pete muffled his screams on the mattress. -You're so tight...- he said, pushing more and more of the cock inside the virgin ass.

When it was all in, he stood still, waiting for a sign from Colossus. -How does it feel?- he asked him, kissing him on the back of his neck. -Uncomfortable... Good, but uncomfortable.- -Is it okay if I go...?- Bobby gave a very slow thrust. Pete nodded, trying to ignore the pain.

Bobby started fucking him at a slow pace, gently pulling it out and then in. When Colossus started moaning, the real fucking began. The mattress started thumping against the wall, they were fucking so hard. Then Colossus stopped him. -Wait, wait...- he said. -What? Did I hurt you?- -No, no, it's all great, it's just... I wanna ride your cock.-

Bobby smirked, and then happily pulled out and laid on the bed. Pete sat right on his cock, and took it all in one swift move.

The only was that, by switching position, he was now looking directly at... me.


-Oh fuck!-

I phased through the floor, and fell luckily on a bed. But there was something between me and the mattress... Or I should say someone.

Whoever it was, he was hunky, and I could feel his boner poking against my ass.

-Kitty? What the fuck? Are you trying to get back at me for that pot pie?- screamed the man under me, as he quickly lost his erection.

-Oh, Dave...- I said, disappointed, as I got off him. Why did I have to fall on the gayest guy on campus? He bleached his hair, for God's sake!

Too bad, `cause he was hot as hell, and actually seemed straight. But I had seen him and Colossus and he and Mystique!Bobby doing the dirties. He was definitely gay.

-"Oh Dave" what? You jump on me in the middle of the night just to say "Oh Dave" in that tone? Who did you expect, mother Theresa?-

-Why do you hate me so much? I've never been anything but nice to you!- I pouted my lips slightly. It always worked with guys. But of course, not with hard-core gays like Dave.

-I know your kind, you deceptive bitch, you only are nice when you want something.-

God, that guy had figured me out all right.

-What are you talking about? I'm a kind and nice person.- I replied, looking at his crotch. Luckily for me, he was only wearing his boxer-briefs, so I gave a good glance, before phasing through the floor. This time I fell directly on Wolverine's hard dick.

-Will you be careful, kid?! It's the third fucking time this week!- he growled, pushing me off. -Were you waiting for Cyclops?- I asked him, making my best puppy eyes. I knew he couldn't resist my puppy eyes.

He has this big daddy issues, he always feels like he is everyone's father figure. So when I act like a poor, sweet, innocent child around him he gets all mushy, he lets me get away with everything, including falling on his cock.

-Go back to your room, Kitty.- he ordered, trying to sound angry.

When I woke up the next morning, I was feeling immensely unsatisfied. I didn't have the time to have my "lady time" the night before. I had been too nervous about the way that Dave jerk had treated me to get off. So I needed to find myself a little stimulation before going to breakfast.

I decided to look in the kitchen. Nightcrawler and Colossus were on cooking duties this week, and I they had become quite the fuck buddies during Zazelle's reign.

So I became intangible and phased my face through a wall, so that I could peek without being discovered. But instead of my team mates, I found Surge and Pixie, laughing evilly as they put Pixie's dust in the plates. Now, Pixie's dust was supposed to be hallucinogenic, so I didn't know what they could possible achieve by putting it in the food.

-Ahah, Surge, you're such a genius, volunteering to Kitchen duties to poison the other teams' food to give them Escoria Coli!!- laughed Pixie.

-And everyone will think it's just a normal case of food poisoning, since they don't know that your fairy dust can also give diarrhea!!!-

I immediately ran into the cafeteria.

-Everyone! Stop! The food's poisoned!- I screamed. Everyone dropped their plates. Everyone but Colossus and Nightcrawler, who had already started eating.

They immediately held their tummies, farting loudly. -Bathroom... Now...- mumbled Nightcrawled, then teleported away.

Colossus instead ran to the nearest bathroom.

Two hours later, we had all been called in the Great Hall, where mrs.Frost had to speak to the students. -First of all, we have to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again.- she said –Though I appreciate competition and evil plans, I won't allow any professor to be infected with diarrhea. It's just... Eew.- she gave an angry glance at Surge and Pixie, who in turn just stared at the ground -I mean, girls, you could have slipped them a pill to make them go in a coma, or something, or did Zazelle and Mystique teach you nothing? Anyway, you two are grounded for the rest of the year.- She then turned to me, Syrin, Sunspot and Rictor –For you, the situation is more complicated. Since both your teacher and your team leader are stuck in the bathroom for the whole week, we decided to split you and put you in the other teams. Rictor, you'll be in my team...-

-Hell yeah!- said Rictor, winking seductively at Anole and Northstar. There went another good-looking guy to take out of my "straight mutants" list.

-Sunspot, you'll be with Beast.- Sunspot gulped, scared, looking at all his new feral team-mates.

-Siryn, you'll be with Wolverine. And finally, Kitty Pride, you'll be in Cyclops team.- I flashed a smile to my new team-mates, waving happily. But Dave rolled his eyes and said: -But we already have Donna Summers! Do we have to get the annoying one as well?- -Hey! You should be honoured of having me in the team!- complained Donna Summers. -And we already have Gerry who can get intangible!- added Dave, pointing at his half naked team-mate.

-Dave, dear, this is how the teams were assigned, so just accept it, because I have my manicure in half an hour and I don't want to lose anymore time in this stupid matters.- Dave shot me an evil look. God, training with him and his team was going to be a pain in the ass.

It was worse than I had expected. Apparently, everyone hated me in that team, even Gerry, who usually was nice to everyone. I guess he was jealous that my powers were the better version of his.

And then there was Donna Summers. Never had a mutant been so annoying. -But Scotty, sweetie, I can't run, I'll break my heels!- she was whining during a session in which we were supposed to run away from a group of invincible robots that couldn't even be destroyed by my phasing powers.

-But, Grans...- -Don't call me Grans, you make me feel old! Call me sistah, like all those hip young people!- -Okay, SISTAH...- said Cyclops clearly annoyed –Just don't wear the heels.- -You're joking, right? I mean, I'm freakin' Donna Summers!- -Hey!- intervened Lola –There's only room for one diva here, and that's me!- -Not to disturb anyone, but the robots are right behind us.- said Dave, pointing at our enemies. -If I die...Will you take care of Fluffy?- asked him Gerry. He seemed to have an obsession over his stupid bunny.

-Gerry, you can't die, it's just a simulation!- reminded him his best friend. -I can shoot beams at them!- Donna Summers said happily. -What part of "invincible" don't you understand, SISTAH?-Lola rolled her eyes. -So what now? We just let them kill us?- asked Dave. -Hey! I can phase through things here! Just hold my hand, and we'll escape from a wall.-

Lola immediately grabbed my hand, and so did Donna Summers and Vivian. Dave was more reluctant, but eventually held my hand as well.

Gerry didn't.

-I can phase through things as well.- he said, kind of offended that the other were counting on my help.

-Yes, but you can't bring others with you.- I said, "excusing" myself. -But I can get invisible!- replied Gerry. -Green doesn't suit you, sweetie.- said Lola –Now can we please go? The robots are coming and I wouldn't want them to break a nail, I just had my manicure.-

-Let's go- I cried, and then we ran through a wall, into... The complete nothing. We were falling, from thousands of feet, but the ground was getting dangerously nearer and nearer.

-SIMULATION STOP!- ordered Cyclops.

The landscape around us disappeared, revealing the cool metal walls of the Danger Room.

-What was that? Jumping into the unknown? You would all be dead now.- he said. -I knew we should have never trusted you.- said Dave, pointing at me accusingly.

-Ah! My power is much gooder, at least I don't endanger other people!- said proudly Gerry. -Gooder? Gerry, you've been here since, like, forever now! Would it kill you to learn the language?!- I shouted, completely losing it.

Everyone stared at me in disbelief. Usually, I never got mad or yelled at people. I would think of subtle ways to get revenge, but I'd never let myself be discovered.

But these guys, they really annoyed the shit out of me.

I stormed away and decided that I needed some stress release. And nothing said stress release better than gay sex.

******** Colossus was in the infirmary, shitting his brains out of his ass probably, so I couldn't go to his room to spy him. But, I hadn't forgotten about the Mansion's new hot gay guy, Iceman a.k.a. Bobby Drake.

I phased into his room. But he wasn't having hot buttsex. No. He was looking sad, studying. Studying? When did Bobby started studying?

-Hey? What is wrong?- I asked him.

-Hasn't anyone told you should knock? I could have been jerking off or something.-

-Yeah, that's kind of what I was hoping for. What's wrong, Bobby?- -I'm sad about Colossus. I mean, Emma said he's going to be gone for at least two or three days.- -Yeah, so what are you doing here in your room? You should be out, looking for a new fuck-buddy! I'm horny!-

-Hey, I'm not some gay-slut or something. I really like Colossus.- he said. -Listen to you, you whiny bitch! You're Iceman! The biggest prankster this mansion has ever had! You like fun!-

-Well, almost being sacrificed made me review my priorities. Go spy on someone else.- -Hey! Why don't you fuck that Dave guy? He was so totally into you when Mystique pretended to be you...-

-No! And don't try to tell him I'm gay, okay? I want everyone to think I'm straight. And my body belongs only to Colossus.-

I pretended to gag. -Oh, Bobby, and to think that once upon a time you were actually cool.- I said, rolling my eyes.

-Hey! I'm still cool!- -Really? Prove it!-

I could see a sparkle of the old Bobby in his eyes. He never could resist a challenge. -How?- he asked.

-You have to seduce Madrox. He's one of the few guys who's actually still straight in this mansion.- I replied.

-What's in it for me?- -Apart from the hot gay sex? Mmm... Okay. If you win, I won't out you to the all mansion. If you lose, I will.-

-You bitch!-

-You know me. So, are you in?-

-Of course. I'm Bobby Drake. There's nothing I can't do.- he smirked cockily..

So, half an hour later, I was hiding in the closet, peeping on Bobby and Madrox through the key-hole.

He had invited him, saying he needed help to study. -So, why did you ask me? I'm not exactly the best in school... Rogue is much better than me at studying.-

-Nah, we already spend too much time together.- replied Bobby –Come sit next to me on the bed, there's not enough place at the desk.- Madrox did as he was told.

-Hey, scoot closer, how are you going to read the book from that far?- said Bobby. Madrox got closer, until their legs were inches apart.

As they read the book, Bobby slowly got closer, until their legs were actually touching. Then, he "accidentally" brushed his arm against Madrox's thigh. Damn, the kid was good. Madrox didn't have a chance to resist, straight or not.

-Ooops, sorry.- -Don't worry. As long as you don't hit me too hard, or I'll duplicate myself.- -Don't worry.- whispered Bobby in his ear –I'll be gentle.-

Madrox chuckled nervously. I knew exactly what was going on in his mind: "Is Bobby hitting on me? And if he is, should I give in or back off?".

I've seen many straight guys in the mansion get tricked in gay sex, I could practically read him like he was an open book.

-So... What do you need help with?- he asked, pretending not to notice Bobby's flirtatious attitude. -Anatomy.- -Which part?- -Sex.- Madrox gulped.

-I don't see what you need my help for. I'm not the biggest expert on the planet.- -Are you saying you're a virgin, Jamie?- asked him Bobby, in a mocking tone. his lips getting closer to the other boy's face, and his hand was now resting on his thigh.

-No, no , not virgin.- -Then teach me.- his lips getting closer to the other boy's face, and his hand was now resting on his thigh. Madrox jumped away.

-Hey! I'm not gay.-

Bobby hit him on the shoulder. -What the fuck?!- asked the two new Madroxes.

-I know that every duplicate has a different side of your personality. I'm just looking for the gay one.- explained Bobby. Then he hit Madrox again.

This procedure continued despite Jamie's complaints until finally one of Madroxes duplicates pushed the other ones away and kissed him. The straight Madroxes got out of the room with a choral "Eeew".

The gay Madrox, instead, pushed Bobby on the bed and started making out with him. I could see his hand rubbing Bobby's crotch.

Bobby impatiently unzipped his jeans and freed his cock. Then he nodded and smiled sexily at Jamie, who immediately started licking the hard shaft in front of him.

He gently stroked Jamie's hair, as the boy engulfed inch after inch of his cock. Slowly, he started moving his hips up and down, thrusting his dick in and out the hot throat.

But suddenly, he was so overwhelmed with pleasure that he gave a thrust that was a little too hard, because Jamie split in two.

-Oh fuck, I'm sorry.- he said, pulling his dick out of Madrox's mouth. -Don't worry...- said the Madroxes together, as they started jerking off and licking the cock together. It was too much for Bobby, who came all over their faces. -Fuck...- he managed to say, breathing heavily. -Oh, we'll give you a fuck...- said one the Jamies.

-I like this side of your personality A LOT!- smiled Bobby, as the Jamies made him turn around and get on all fours.

Then they stood in front of him (and me) and licked the cum out of each other's faces while undressing. Once they were left only wearing their tight white briefs, they rubbed their crotches in Bobby's face, who proceeded to lick the thin fabric.

They shot a devious look at each other, then took off their underwear, revealing their identical eight inches cut cock. One of the Madroxes shoved his dick in Bobby's mouth, while the other one got behind him and started rubbing his around Bobby's hole.

When he finally pushed it in, making Bobby scream around the other Jamie's cock, it was just too much. I was so turned on, I totally lost control of my powers and phased through the floor.

I fell directly in Cyclops's bed. Except, there was someone on the bed. A very hard Wolverine, and I fell as usual on his dick.

-Uh.- I said, jumping off of him. -We've got to stop seeing each other like this.- he said.

-Actually, I quite enjoy it.- I winked at him. -Kitty! You could be my daughter!- I told you: daddy issues. -And I'm already taken. About that, would you mind leaving? Scott could be here any second, and I don't know what he'd think if he found me in this condition with you in the room.-

-Ok, see you soon.- I said, as I walked through a wall. -Let's hope not!- Wolverine yelled back at me. So, once again I was wondering in the mansion's corridors, without a purpose. God, I needed to get a life.

So I just walked, sometimes phasing through walls, until I saw a strange scene before me: in front of the Surveillance Room, Dave, with his hand turned into a chainsaw, was chunking Vivian in little pieces and then putting them in an electric blender.

-What are you doing?!- I asked, disgusted. -It's none of your business.- replied Dave, cutting out Vivian's hand and putting that in the blender.

-Oh, c'mon, tell me, pretty pleaseeeeeee?- I asked, batting my long lashes. -Drop the act, bitch, we know the real you.- replied Dave.

-Ok. You can either tell me, or I'll call Cyclops and tell him you're cutting Vivian in pieces.- Vivian and Dave looked at each other, then gave up. -Okay.- said Dave –I'm trying to cut her in pieces so little that they'll fit through the keyhole.-

-That's retarded!- I said, uncertain whether to laugh or run away –Why didn't you just ask Gerry to pass through the door?- -He mustn't know anything about this. We're trying to retrieve a very important tape that could shock his poor, innocent eyes.- -I'm not easily shocked. I could help you.- I said. -Is there something behind this? What do you want in return?-

I thought about it. -I want to see the tape too.- I decided. It must have been something really kinky if they wouldn't show it even to Gerry. -No way!!!- replied Dave. -Yes way!- said Vivian. -But it's private!- -Yes, but it's my body that's getting blended! I'm sorry, Dave, I agreed to help you, but if there's a way to get to the tape without you going all Leatherface on my ass, I'm down with it.-

-Okay.- finally agreed Dave –But if you tell anyone what you see, you'll end up in the blender.- -I'm better at keeping secrets than you think.-

Vivian reattached all her missing pieces -You've got to hold my hands.- I instructed them. -Mmm... Are you hitting on me? `Cause you're my type.- said Vivian.

-Weird. I thought your type was furry and with big teeth.- I replied, smirking as I remembered her walking down the corridor with Squirrel Girl. -How do you know I like her?- -I know lots of stuff.-

We phased through the door. We could see all the rooms of the mansion on the various little screens. I put myself in front of the one showing the Madroxes coming simultaneously on Bobby's naked body so that Dave wouldn't see it.

-Hurry up.- I told Dave as he looked through the archives looking for the tape. Suddenly, I heard some voices coming from the corridor. I phased my head through the wall to see who it was: Wolverine and Cyclops, walking hand in hand and chuckling.

-Yay! Let's go spy on the kids and watch them jerking off! Honey, you always have the best ideas!- -Don't call me honey.- I phased back inside.

-Quick! Scott and Logan are coming, grab the tape and let's go!- I told Dave. Dave grabbed a bunch of tapes, then I grabbed him and Vivian and we ran away through the wall just as Wolverine and Cyclops got in.

But as Dave grabbed the tape and we got out, an alarm went off. The sound of a siren invaded the school, as a voice similar to the one of Svetlana, the Russian prostitute from the SoHotLine announced: -Theft in the surveillance room. Theft in the surveillance room.-

-They have an alarm for tapes?- I asked, stunned –I mean, who steals surveillance tapes?- -Well, we just did.- replied Vivian. -About that... How about we go back to our rooms and pretend we don't know anything?- said Dave –And quickly.-

-Couldn't agree more. Oh, and don't even try to watch that tape without me.- I said, grabbing the tape. -Hey! Give it back!- I ran away through a wall. I know, it sounds bitchy, but really, I wasn't going to watch it without them, I just wanted to make sure that they wouldn't watch it without me as well.

The whole student body was called in the Great Hall less than half an hour later.

-A tape was stolen tonight.- announced Emma–We just want to know who did it, and why. We promise, nothing will happen to the thief if he comes clean.- She said this with such an homicidal look that everyone in the room shivered with fear.

-Why don't they just watch the security tapes and look who it was?- -I kind of hacked in the system and cancelled all latest records. Also, I put a virus so that the cameras don't work anymore.- confessed Vivian.

-When have you learned to do that?- Dave asked, surprised. -Well, I read on Squirrel Girl's facebook profile that she likes nerds, so I studied "Hacking for Dummies" last night.-

-Ok, so what do we do now? We come clean? Scott said he won't get mad...- I said. -Don't be naive. Of course he'll be mad.- snapped Dave –No... There's something else we could do...-

I saw Surge and Pixie, sweeping the floor behind all the other students. They had been sentenced to a month of cleaning duty. Suddenly I had an idea.

-We could frame those two poor retarded bitches.- I smirked –I mean, think about it, it's almost too easy, everybody thinks they could do anything after their little prank.-

-You know what? I'm starting to like the way you think, girl.- smiled Dave. -This could be the beginning of a good friendship.- I said.

-Now, let's not get to sentimental. This could be the beginning of a good business partnership.- precised Dave. -Okay, partner.-

-How do we frame them exactly?- asked Vivian. -By planting false evidences. Like, a bit of Fairy dust here and there in the surveillance room.- I explained.

-And we could make it look like the cameras have stopped working because of a overcharge of electricity. This should go against Surge.- added Dave. We high-fived.

-How are we going to do that? We have to be quick, but the teachers will probably be monitoring the surveillance room.- said Vivian. -After lunch we have the second training session and the others students have lessons. The teachers will be busy, and I'll slip out of the Danger room while you distract Cyclops.- I said.

-And how are we going to get fairy dust?- -Leave that to me.- I said smiling, then walked in front of Pixie and Surge. Once I was there, I moved my hair, making sure to show my fake-gold earrings. Pixie immediately saw them.

-So... So... Shiny, and pretty...- she said, practically jumping on me. You see, she's kind of a clepto, apparently it's a consequence of her mutation –Give them to me, please?- -Mmm... I don't know. What would you give me in return?- -Anything! Please... So shiny...-

-How about you give me some of your dust?- I suggested. -Yes. Of course. Dust for pretty shiny thingies. Yes!-

She shook her wings, and collected a good amount of bright dust, and then handed to me before almost tearing off my earrings from my ears.

-Hey! Back off, don't pull a Winona on me!- I said, then gently took the earrings out of my earlobes and gave them to her –You know, there are clinics for people like you.-

But Pixie wasn't listening anymore. She was too busy admiring her new jewels. -My preciousssss...-

I rolled my eyes and left.

-I'm sure it was that Surge bitch.- was saying Lola –She's probably stealing the tapes to spy the other teams' strategies.- -Yes. Surge. Of course.- lied Dave.

-Oh, you're so naive!- intervened Donna with wide, dramatic gestures of her hands –It's probably just one of my fans, stealing my tapes to see me over and over again.-

-Impossible. This would mean you still have a fan that's not in a nursing home.- replied Lola.

In that moment, Squirrel Girl entered jumping around in the Danger Room.

-Hey Squirrel Girl...- said Vivian, looking at her with dreamy eyes that were totally inappropriate to her gothic self –You look adorable today.-

-You're pretty too.- replied Squirrel Girl, blushing. This was so sweet I could puke.

-What are you doing here? Did Surge send you to spy on us?- attacked her Lola.

-What? No! I don't even know who Surge is! I just wanted to know where the library was and I hoped Vivian would show me!-

-No, she can't! Now leave, you back-stabbing, rodent-toothed bitch!- said Lola. Squirrel Girl left almost in tears. Vivian was about to run after her, but Lola grabbed her by the arm and stopped.

-Oh, c'mon, she doesn't deserve you, in a lesbian scale from 1 to Portia De Rossi, you're totally a Lindsay Lohan, and she's a... Well, a Rosie O'Donnell! Just, you know, thinner.-

-Aren't you taking this whole competition thing a bit too seriously, Lola? I thought you didn't care about this school stuff!- said Dave. -Oh please. You know me, I would get competitive over a game of twister.- Vivian still looked upset.

-But she's so cute...- she mumbled, thinking of Squirrel Girl. -Cute? She's got a freakin tail! And as my mama always said, you should never trust a woman with a tail!- said Lola.

-That really makes no sense. How would she know a girl with a tail?- observed Dave. -Can we train already? You're wasting my precious, fabulous time!- said Donna.

-One of these days I'm so showing you my ninja moves, you drama queen bitch!- shouted Lola.

Dave realized this was the perfect occasion to build up the distraction we needed. -Hey, Lola, did you know Donna once told me that Avril Lavigne is a better dresser than you?- he whispered in the tranny's ear.

-You're so dead!- growled Lola.

-Bring it on, beotch!- replied the singer, getting in what she thought was a "fighting stance" but looked like a mad cow on caffeine.

-Grandma, calm down...- said Cyclops.

-I told you to call me SISTAHHHHHHH!!!!- cried Donna, slapping her grandson in the face.

-Okay, this is getting out of control.- said Scott –Grandma, we need to talk!-

As the two relatives started arguing, I slipped quietly out of the danger room and phased my way through the mansion until I got to the surveillance room. Once there, I just scattered fairy dust around and then put my hand through the tv-screens, tilting them.

I looked around, proud of myself. This had been easier than stealing candy from a baby.

I didn't know that soon things were going to get so wrong in so many ways.

I managed to get back in the Danger Room when Scott and his grandmother were still arguing, so they didn't even notice I was gone. What I hadn't considered was Gerry. The greek bastard was still jealous of me and hated my guts.

-Prof. Summers! Kitty leaved!- -Left! It's left! It's a freakin' irregular verb, learn it will you?!!- I cried.

-Kitty. Is it true? Where did you go?- asked me Scott. -Bathroom.- I lied.

-Wait a second... You can pass through walls... Kitty, was it you that stole the tape?-

-I would never do something like that!- I pretended to be shocked that he would even think that of me –But now that you make me think about that, I think I heard Surge and that Pixie retard saying that they stole a tape and so they had to vandalize it.- Okay, that was overkill. I just hoped in the gullibility of our teachers.

-Well, there is one way to know for sure.- said Scott –We could ask Frank.- Dave looked at me scared. We hadn't thought about him. Would he possibly turn us in?

So, there we were, Cyclops and the team and Emma Frost, all around Frank's bed, where a Frank that looked more dead than alive was looking at us.

-God, he's so pale.- said Lola –I mean, as pale as a blue person can get.- -He's not feeling well. He's getting worse everyday.- said Monique -Actually, I've just finished packing our bags. We're leaving soon.-

-But... But.. It's so soon.- said Dave.

-We're here for something important.- said Scott. –Frank... Can you tell us who got into the surveillance room and why?-

-I can try.- replied Frank –If I concentrate hard enough, I can get a lot of info... But I still can't control it. I'll try to find out. Think of it as my goodbye gift.-

He closed his eyes, focusing at his task, and then suddenly he gasped, and opened them wide.

-There's... Something... Bad... Evil... In the mansion... Really ...bad!- He started shaking uncontrollably, as blood spurt out of his nose and mouth.

-Crap! Somebody! Help! Hold him down!- cried Monique, running at her boyfriend's side.

All his friends reunited at his side. Everybody tried to help him well knowing that there was nothing they could do.

And then it happened.

Frank stopped moving. He closed his eyes.

It could look like he was sleeping, but he wasn't breathing. The only thing that kept moving on his face was the blood, dripping out of his mouth.

-No...- whispered Monique –No no no no no...-

-C'mon Frankie. C'mon. Don't die on me, Frank. Don't you dare die on me.- cried Lola. For the first time, her make up was messed up, but it was because of her tears.

Dave turned his eyes away. He couldn't stand the sight.

He looked like he could faint, but Gerry hugged him and held him.

I felt kind of an outsider. There he was, Frank, dying surrounded by his friends, and I barely knew him. I thought that maybe I should leave them, but then I saw Dave, in the verge of tears. And I knew what I had to do.

Maybe we weren't friends, but I acted like a good friend should have done. I held his hand in mine, trying to give him some of my strength. I didn't say anything stupid like "it's going to be okay". `Cause it clearly wasn't going to be okay.

Monique wasn't crying. She was just looking at her boyfriend's still body, her expression totally blank. Everything was silent, and the only sound that could be heard was Lola's sobbing.


-What's with the long faces?- said Frank, opening his eyes and propping himself up on his elbows. Monique slapped him. -We thought you were dead!-

-Hey! A little coma now and then has never hurt anyone!- said Frank –But, really think we've got to leave now. The next death could be more lethal.-

-Now?- asked Dave –It's so sudden!-

-And you didn't tell us who stole the tapes and broke the cameras.- added Scott.

Frank looked at me in the eyes. Fuck. He knew it was me.

-Surge and Pixie.- he lied, smirking almost imperceptibly –Punish those bitches. Punish them good.- I mouthed a silent "Thank you" to him.

-Let's go. Because if you die and come back another time, I could end up killing you.- said Monique.

Dave looked totally lost. I understood him.

I felt the same way when I had discovered I was a mutant. I had to leave everything and everyone, including my best friends. And it had been so sudden, I never gave everything the proper closure.

Monique grabbed the bags, and helped Frank on his feet. She then said a rushed goodbye, and didn't even wait for her friends' response. She just left with her boyfriend, and nobody followed them.

There probably was no point. Goodbyes takes time. And Frank didn't have much left.

I found Dave in the tv-room that evening. He wasn't crying. He didn't even look sad. He just looked... lost. I sat next to him, and held his hand, just like I had done in Frank's room.

We stayed silent for some time.

-I can't believe they're gone.- he finally said.

I shrugged my shoulders. -Shit happens. But, hey, they'll be back.-

-What if he doesn't make it? I didn't even say goodbye.-

-What happened was more powerful than any goodbye. He knows that.- I reassured him. -Don't leave our team.- he suddenly said, very hastily.

-Excuse me?-

When your team mates are feeling better... Don't leave our team.- he said –Please. I need all the friends I have right now.-

-Friends? I thought we were just business partners.- I grinned.

-Wouldn't you like a little promotion?-

-Promotion? Hey, Davey, I'll accept to be your friend, but I'm the boss here.-

-Oh I don't think so. I mean, your powers are so sidekickish. Mine, instead... I'm totally the natural leader.-

-You wish.- We laughed. It was good to see him laughing, finally.

-So... Friends?- I asked. -Friends.- he nodded.

Suddenly I remembered something. Bobby. Since he was my friend now, I should probably tell Dave about my discoveries that had to do with the former crush of his.

But, hey, I was still Kitty Pride. I couldn't make things so easy for him just because of one cheesy conversation we had. So I came up with something.

-Hey, Davey...- -Yes, Kitty?-

-I know something you probably wanna know. But... I'll only tell you at one condition.- -Mmm... What?-

-You find me one straight, hot guy in this mansion, and I'll tell you.- -Straight? God, it's going to be hard. I don't think it's worth it.

-Trust me, it is.- I said, getting up –See you later. Come up to my room, we'll watch that tape together. Maybe if it's good, I'll tell you what I know.-

Dave rolled his eyes.

I was about to phase through a wall, when he stopped me.

-Wait! One last thing...- he said.


-Promise me you won't ever leave without saying goodbye.-

-Don't worry. But this isn't goodbye. It's a see you later.-

Dave smiled, and I walked through the wall.

Happily, I skipped from room to room, jumping happily through walls and doors. The people in the rooms didn't look so happy about that, especially Wolverine, who was busy getting it on with Scott, but I didn't care.

For the first time since I had come to the mansion, it felt like I finally had found a friend. And man, I forgot how good that felt.

But then, when I found myself in a room that was completely dark, I realized I was lost. It probably was the broken bathroom on the fifth floor. It had been broken for ages now.

I was about to phase through a wall, when something sharp hit me from behind, and cut me deep in the back.

I fell to the floor. The pain was too much, I couldn't concentrate enough to use my powers.

I tried to scream, but as I did, I felt something on my throat, slashing it open and leaving me unable to speak, yell or scream.

I only had time for that one last thought.


DAVE'S Point Of View

I thought about Kitty's challenge.

How was I going to find a straight guy in the mansion? Ever after the guys had discovered the joys of gay sex thanks to Zazelle, it appeared that only a few had gone back to the pleasure of fucking pussy. My Bobby, alas, was one of these.

So there was just one thing I could do, and that was hit on every hot single guy until I found one that rejected me. Thinking about it, it didn't sound that bad. It might even get me a boyfriend for myself, as well as for Kitty.

So I decided that was going to be my plan of action.

But my sexcapades had to wait. I had to see the tape first. I needed to know who the phantom lover was. So I got to Kitty's room as fast as I could.

Too bad, she never got there.

Her body was found in the broken bathroom on the fifth floor. We never got to see it, not even at the funerals that were held two days later, since it was a closed cascet ceremony.

Emma told us the body wasn't presentable. Whoever it was that had killed Kitty, he hadn't just killed her. Her body was covered with deep cuts. Entire chunks had been tore off from the rest of the body.

But the killer had made one mistake. One huge mistake.

He hadn't let her say goodbye.

And now, he was going to pay for that.


Cliomiao: Hello!!!! So, Kitty's dead. Surprised? Anyway, what did you think of my chapter? Write me, at Or write at Mitsaso (! And if you liked it, go and read my other stories, "UC Hollywood" and "Angel Season Six"! (The next UC Hollywood chapter will be written by Mitsaso, so stay tuned). So, okay, I guess I've spammed enough!!!! Bye!!

Next: Chapter 14

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