Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on May 3, 2005


Disclaimer: This story contains (or will contain in the next chapters) consenting gay sex, and even when there is no hardcore sex described the plot and story will generally be about gay or gay-friendly characters, so if you're not interested in those kind of stuff you should stop reading now. The story is a complete piece of fiction and doesn't imply anything about the sexuality of the bunch of merry mutants, whose copyright belongs to Marvel and Fox (for the movie version)

This is a story set in the X-men Movies Universe (aka Movieverse). However, I might use X-Men characters that hadn't been seen in the movies, but only in the comics. If you haven't read the comics there's no need to worry about not understanding stuff, since I will re-introduce those characters and won't use traits that they had on the comics. The story is about a new bunch of mutants in the Xavier Institute and their crazy and horny adventures, but the real X-Men will also be used a lot. I intend to write this story in soap-opera style but there won't necessarily be angsty and all about sad and tragic events, since I'm mostly oriented at writing comedy. I mean, there already many stories about new, gay mutants that join the X-Men here in Nifty Archives and I liked them all, but they also inspired me to write a similar kind of story with a whole new, less serious perspective!

The story is set a couple of months after the events in X2, so Jean Grey is dead, Nightcrawler's in the team, etc. It will be narrated from the main character's point of view. The POV might change in later chapters if I think it's necessary for the plot to unfold. The main character in this story is Dave, a new student at the mansion with the ability to transform his hands and legs into melee weapons, like swords, axes, maces and such stuff. He's soon going to experience a thrilling, weird, unsettling and incredibly sexy adventure against a mighty evil mutant who won't be revealed yet. :-)

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at: or You can also tell me what you didn't like in my story and would like prefer to change. Also, tell me if there is some certain X-Man that you would like to see participating in horny situations, I'm always open to suggestions!

SLUTTY X-MEN Chapter 3: The Phantom Fucker

I knocked the door to Frank and Gerry's room several times. I knew that the guys always had their door unlocked (Gerry could phase through it anyway, so he never checked if it was locked), but I had learnt my lesson earlier that day; Never enter a room without knocking! You might walk into a passionate session of gay sex and get in trouble!

"Come in, Dave. You look like you've seen a ghost" I heard Frank calling me from the other side of the door. He never wasted a chance to show off, did he?

I walked in and found out that he and Gerry weren't having sex( unlike other people...!). Gerry was sitting on his bed, with a couple of English study books spread open around him. He had a slight look of panic that made me feel really sorry about him. I guess that as a tutor, Frank certainly wasn't gifted with the necessary patience.

"Gerry, Dave is here. What are we going to say to him?" said Frank, glaring at his "student" with his brown, beady and sometimes very very scary eyes.

Gerry stole a glance from the small book that was in his hands and then looked up at me with the smile of a Japanese tourist: "Good afternoon, my dear friend. I hope you had a wonderful time at the balcony with our lady-friends Lola and Monique. You're looking good today!" As soon as he finished what he had to say he shot at me a proud grin.

"Wow" I smiled appreciatively at Gerry before turning to speak to Frank, "How did you do that, Frank? He really is getting a hang on the language!"

Frank ignored my question, and instead shot an angry glare at Gerry. "My ass he does! He's hiding a note up his sleeve! Everything he just said was written up! Did you really think that this action would go unnoticed by my knowledge ability?" he added, turning to face Gerry, but poor Gerry probably didn't understand because he kept flashing us a stupid, triumphant smile.

"See? He doesn't even understand what I'm saying right now!" my blue-skinned mutant buddy lamented as he rubbed his forehead in desperation. "I'm a failure as a tutor!"

"Listen, Frank...let's give him a break for now. Why don't you guys call it a day and join me at the restaurant for a snack and a friendly chat?" I proposed.

Frank's hand left his forehead and brushed his bright brown hair, reaching to the back of his neck. "I guess that would be less useless than trying to force the English language down Gerry's throat." he responded.

"What about you, Gerry? Do you feel like joining us at the reastaurant?" I asked.

"It's about time! My stomach was beginning to protest at the total absence of food inside it" he responded, making Frank groan and roll his eyes. We both pretended that we didn't see Gerry looking up his sleeve again before talking.

We had found a nice, remote table at the Institute's lunch room and were enjoying the goods that we had selected at the canteen. Gerry had brought one of his books with him and was stealing glances at it between bites. That guy really had the persistence to learn proper English!

"Maybe we should drive to the town sometime tomorrow and go watch a movie or something." Frank proposed. "My powers tell me that Hale Berry has a lot of nude scenes in her new flick."

"Well, helloo? Gay!" I sneered, gesturing at myself like I was presenting a new brand of shaving machine. "Plus, I wouldn't be interested in Hale Berry even if I was a breeder! When it comes to ebony beauty, Storm is much prettier than her!" I added. "Not to mention that most American movies are crap." Gerry commented as he tried to swallow a whole macaroni without munching on it.

"Oh right! Again that "European movies are sooo much superior" comment!" Frank shot back in exasperation, then turned at me: "You know, Monique also claims the same thing most of the time. What is it with you Europeans and the idea that your artsy-fartsy films are better than Hollywood products?"

"Exactly what you said" Gerry responded in surprisingly perfect English. "Hollywood movies are products, not movies. They're created in order to make money and not make the viewers think.", he added. I guess that with the right motivation on the right topic, Gerry's English could get impeccable!

"Oh my god that's exactly what Monique was saying the other day! She made me watch some French drama flick and when I slept halfway through it she got furious!" Frank said while rolling his eyes.

"You mention Monique too often lately." I tried to change the subject and take the discussion on a more gossip-ey level. Also, it wouldn't be too good for Gerry if their argument went on because they eventually get to the swearing and if there was one section of the English vocabulary where Gerry wasn't lacking, that was certainly the swearing!

"What do you mean I mention her too often?" Frank turned his attention at me. "She's our buddy, we do almost everything together, of course I'm mentioning her all the time!"

"Lola is your buddy. But you hardly ever mention her." Gerry pointed out correctly and grinned at me, proud of his newfound ability to keep track with a conversation in English and also produce well-based arguments.

"That doesn't mean anything!" Frank started defending himself. "Dave has a huge crush on Iceman but he never talks about him with us!"

"Shut up!" I whispered.

"No, I really mean it. I know for a fact (from my powers) that you dream of having babies with Iceman in a suburban house with a white fence and a dog!"

"No! I didn't mean 'Shut up! I don't have a crush on Iceman', I meant 'Shut up! Rogue and Iceman are coming over to our table and they might hear you!'" I whispered, shooting him a death look to make my point more obvious.

"Hey guys!" Bobby said cheerfully as he approached us. "Mind if we join you?" he added. Rogue was standing beside him, looking a little moodier than usual. The word "PMS" struck to my mind.

"Please sit with us. I, for once, could use the extra company. Those two tend to get a little boring sometimes..." Gerry took the initiative to welcome Bobby and Rogue to the table, surprising them with his newfound ability to speak English without bludgeoning the language. I resisted the urge to pull on Gerry's sleeve and find out how many English phrases were prepared and written in the little pieces of paper in it.

"So, what's the matter guys? Y'all look awfully annoyed with each other." Bobby said, trying to blend in the conversation.

"Yeah, it's poor little Frankie over here. We're trying to find out if there's something going on between him and Monique, but he just won't budge!" I mentioned, as I took my opportunity to look straight into Bobby's crystal blue eyes...

"Dude! The chick definitely has the hots for you!" Bobby ensured Frank, but the strangest thing is that while pronouncing the word "hots", he glanced back at me and caught me looking at his eyes again. He shot me a sleazy grin and then continued talking; "Every time I catch up with her she always has something nasty to say about you, Frankie. Our Reverse Psychology classes would point out that she's got more than intimate feelings about you subconsciously. You just have to make her realize them."

Rogue just rolled her eyes at Bobby's prep rambling.

"So, if Monique says bad things about Frank... it means she loves him?" Gerry tried to straighten things out.

"I don't know. I really don't know. And to think that with my powers, there was a 50% possibility of knowing without having to fish the information out of her!" Frank sighed and then sipped a little bit more of his latte. "What my powers are definitely sensing is that you, Dave, were having the very same conversation with Monique and Lola just this morning! Is that what being gay means? That you are able to have a girls-only chit-chat with one party in the morning and a 'guys talk' with another party in the afternoon and manipulate the moves from both sides?"

"Well looks like a certain limb-morphing mutant was sleazily trying to hook up two of his buddies together!" Bobby commented with a wicked grin, making me blush.

"I object!!!" I said, like in those bad courtroom movies. "I'm pure and innocent."

"I'm the only one who can claim that around here" Rogue said with a bitter self-irony in her voice. "Bobby, would you be a doll and bring me a milkshake from the bar?" she asked sweetly.

"Your wish is my command." he said and got up, walking over to the other side of the place.

"Oh, and there's no need to get the fat-free version!" she shouted, before continuing with a whisper; "Considering that nobody's about to ever see me naked, there's no need to worry about my silhouette."

"Okay, Roguey, there's a thin line between 'being sarcastic with yourself' and 'plain bitching' and I think you just crossed it. Care to explain what your worries are about this time?" I asked with concern.

"I think I want to break up with Bobby." she confessed, making sure that he couldn't listen from where he was standing.

"What?!" we all did a double-take before checking her face to see if she was joking.

"I always thought it was going to be the other way." Gerry commented and then started doing something with the menu of his cell phone, not expecting to understand anything from the next few minutes of our conversation, which was about to get very confusing...

"Why would you break up with him? He's a terrific person and one of the few boys around here that would settle for a girl with your...condition." I defended Bobby with a little over-enthusiasm. Thankfully, she still couldn't guess that I was into her soon to be ex-boyfriend.

"My powers aren't picking up anything on the situation, so I would like to know what the problem is too. Is he...trying to force himself onto you?" Frank inquisited. That was a very good possibility. Maybe Bobby's hormones were bursting out of him and he couldn't refrain himself anymore...maybe Rogue couldn't manage the pressure of being impossible to touch, yet having something close to a boyfriend.

"No, that's not the's the opposite of it, I think. The problem is that he's not forcing himself on me."

"Huh?" was everybody's response around her.

"Well, I don't expect a rape attempt from Bobby, of course...but, you see, there used to be all this unresolved sexual tension between us, those fiery looks at the eyes that were hotter than a real kiss, the "eye-fucking" that was going on all the time..."

"Too much information there." Gerry said, while he still pretended he wasn't listening.

"Alright. The problem is, Bobby doesn't seem to need me so much lately. He doesn't give these fiery looks, he won't masturbate for me to watch..."

cough cough "And right here and now I would like to quote my dear friend Gerry when he said 'Too much information there', dear Rogue." Frank interfered.

"So, basically, what you really mean is...Bobby won't put out for you anymore?"

"Yeah. He feels more like a brother to me now. He's a good friend, but I need something more..."

I exchanged worried glances with Gerry before shrugging in unison. Frank shot up from his seat and began to leave.

"I'm sorry, guys, but I really have to get going...there's, urgent thing, that I have to attend to. See ya later!"

I exchanged knowing glances with Gerry again. We both knew that Frank was going to spread the word about Rogue around and say that his powers found out, taking all the credit for the gossip. Thankfully, Bobby came back before Rogue could question us about Frank's sudden -and utterly suspicious- departure.

"Here's your milkshake, honey." he said, placing the delicious banana-flavoured beverage in front of her. The way that he called her 'honey' reminded me of a standard married couple from the 50's. No wonder that Rogue wasn't feeling that erotic flame between the two of them anymore.

"Bobby!" she suddenly yelled. "What's the matter with you? I thought you knew that I hate bananas!" Bobby just looked at her like a scolded puppy.

"Why does she hates bananas?" Gerry whispered to me and the nature of his sentence revealed to me that this question wasn't prepared like the previous ones.

"I'm not sure. I think her grandmother died because of a banana. Or was it a slice of watermelon?" I wondered.

That was when Storm approached our table, looking a little less collected than usual.

She stood above Bobby and Rogue at the opposite side of the table and talked directly to me. "Dave, would you do me a favor? I need you to tell Lola that I won't be available for that little picnic we were planning to take the younger kids tomorrow. Could you tell her to find someone else to help her take the kids on the trip...? Preferably not a teacher, because all of us are going to be really busy for the next few days..."

"Hello to you too, Miss Munroe." I couldn't help pointing out sarcastically. "You sound surprisingly worried."

"What's wrong?" Gerry asked.

"I really can't tell you, boys. There will be an announcement as soon as we find it's necessary. Just make sure that Lola gets informed, right?"

"Her room's right next to mine. I'll pass by before going to bed and tell her. Just take it easy, okay? You look really stressed." She nodded to me and promptly excused herself. I secretly wished that Frank was still with us. His powers might have picked up something that would make things clearer.

"Well, Bobby and me should be going now. Gerry, you can have my banana milkshake. I can tell that you've been eyeing it ever since it landed on this table." I heard Rogue as she stood up from her seat. She seemed awfully hasty to break up with Bobby before he could know it from the gossip that Frank was going to spread around.

I looked at Gerry, who was gulping down his newly acquired milkshake with pleasure. It was just the two of us now. "Now that Rogue will break Bobby up, will you go for him?" he asked me between gulps.

I chuckled. "Oh, I don't know. I don't think that a bad break-up with his platonic girlfriend would turn him gay in one day."

"You can wait two days", he grinned, making me laugh. That was when I realized that a strange woman was standing above us. As I looked at her inquisitively I felt my eyes trying to poke themselves out of my sockets, toon-style. That woman had something that screamed "outrageous" on her.

She was really beautiful, but not in the innocent-teenage-girl manner, nor in a film-noir-femme-fatale way. She looked like a porn star. Her hair were of a bright brown color, just like her eyes, and her lips were definitely fake. They were so big that they could put Angelina Jolie to shame. Her clothing was something else too. She was clad in something that resembled an X-Uniform, only stripped down to a top that only consisted of two big "X's" that covered her nipples and some tiny hot pants that also had a large "X" on them. The final strike was her thigh-level leather boots which also had very high heels. Her whole uniform was consisted of purple leather. I swear that her uniform was so slutty and kinky that I was wondering where could she be hiding her purple nine-tailed whip.

"Hello. My name is Zazie. Short name for Zazelle." she spoke, in an over-sensual voice, as if she was a narrator of a softocore porn film. I could tell that she was already devouring me and Gerry with her eyes.

"Yo." I said in the colder voice I could summon, not wanting to give her any hopes. "I'm Dave. He's Gerry" I nodded.

"Very nice to meet you!" Gerry blurted enthusiastically, as he stared at the huge boobs of the lady of ambiguous morality in front of him.

"I'm aware of that" she smirked sluttily. "I'm new here. I couldn't help but notice how fine the male specimens are in this mutant facility." she added, while she continued eye-fucking us.

"I'm new here too!" Gerry said with a sheepish grin. I don't know, but I almost felt jealous at the point. How dare she walk in here and seduce my little, innocent Gerry, threatening to corrupt him with her immensely large boobs and her most certainly multi-penetrated vagina!

"I just felt that I should start making friends here. And what's better than starting with two hunky guys like you two?" she winked at both of us...that little whore wanted to have a threesome with us! I bet that if Frank and Bobby were still there, she wouldn't mind including them in the orgy too!

I must admit that I was tempted to have a threesome with her at the time, because I would get to see Gerry's cock, which was the only part of his anatomy which I haven't seen by then (God bless his g-string uniform!). But Gerry knew I was gay, so he would probably suspect that something was going on...his English might suck, but that doesn't mean he's bloody stupid!

"I'm a fag." I blurted out with the coolest voice I had ever used in my entire life.

"Nothing that poor old Zazie can't heal...!" she smiled at me and licked her lips. That woman was unbelievable!

"Well, this is a patient that doesn't want to be healed" I shot her a mock-evil look (but in reality it wasn't mocking) and got up from my seat. "Gerry, shall we?" I said, without looking at the slutty woman again.

Gerry shot me a cute puppy look that betrayed how torn he felt at the time...He didn't seem to really want to leave the presence of Zazie. Straight boys can be so easy...!

"Okay, whatever. You stay with Zazie. I have to go talk to Lola and then get to bed early. Don't forget about protection, okay?" I said. A thankful grin was Gerry's only response.

Zazelle had already sat next to Gerry and had her tits placed as close to Gerry's face as humanly (or mutantly) possible, as she tried to break the ice with harmless chit-chat.

"I love that cute, big nose of yours! Do you know what the rumours are about guys with big noses...?"

As I walked to Lola's room, I saw her door opening and a large guy walking was Piotr, the Russian studly beefcake that could turn into steel!

"Hey Colossus", I nodded as I walked past him.

"Hello", he blushed. He wore nothing but his denim jeans and his naked torso was glimmering...then I realized why he was blushing. His naked skin was covered in glitter!

I stood and watched his denim-clad ass as he disappeared at the end of the hallway, before walking into Lola's room. I found her lying on her bed, dressed in a sexy baby doll and smoking a big cigar... There was glitter all over her messed-up pink sheets and a big shiny tiara was placed on her tussled hair. The room reeked of crazy monkey sex.

"You...slutty...bitch!" É snickered as I pounced on her bed. "How? When? Why? Because I certainly know where!"

"What can I say? I'm a babe magnet." she responded theatrically, after she blew a flower of smoke on one side. "This Russian babe stormed into my room and said that he was going to rape me, but he found out that you can't technically rape a lady when she has no intention of saying "no"... " she added, and then blew a smoky heart on the air...

"You lucky bitch. I never get rape attempts from handsome studs when I chill in my room..." I mock complained. "Whatever. I just came by to tell you what your buddy Strom asked me to; she says you can't count on her for tommorow's pic nic. Something came up and all teachers are going to have their hands full for the next few days."

"What came up?"

"That's the strange thing; she wouldn't tell me. It must be something serious if it's gonna keep every X-Man busy for all these days..."

"I guess I'll have to ask some of he older students to help me out with the kiddies tomorrow..." she said, rubbing her chin. "I know! Frank and Monique will be perfect for that! Plus, I just love to watch the unresolved tension between them while they find a way to argue about every single detail of our trip!" she rubbed her hands evilly.

"What..? You're not even thinking of asking me to help you out? I thought we were friends!" I shot her an evil eye.

"Don't give me that Davey-dear...! Everybody knows you despise children! I wouldn't make the mistake putting you in charge of a kiddy pic-nic, no matter how fun it would be watching you shoot smoke from your ears!"

"Okay, okay..." I admitted, getting up from Lola's tainted bed and walking to the door out..." I guess I'm off to bed now...I need to get up early in order to not join you on the trip that you didn't invite me to...!"

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm sure you'll find something interesting to spending some quality time with a freshly broken-up Iceman...!" she teased just before I closed the door behind me.

I had the strangest dream that night.

My phantom lover had visited me again in my dreams. The darkness in my room was so heavy that I couldn't see what he looked like, but the taste of his lips on mine was so good that I forgot all about appearances and instead decided to just go with the flow of the dream and have as much fun as possible out of it.

I felt him kissing my lips and chin and then going even lower, leaving a trail of kisses on my naked chest and suckling on my extremely hard nipples with abandon. I started breathing very heavily and I begged him to go lower and lower... He slipped his talented tongue into my belly button and I started giggling; it felt very nice but it also tickled.

That was when my boxer briefs were suddenly torn apart and my hard and oozing cock was exposed for my phantom lover to see. My lover surprised me when he lowered his head and took all 9 inches of my cock in his warm and wet mouth, sending me to pleasure land in an instant.

As his head kept bobbing up and down on my cock, I felt the cum boiling in my balls, urging to come out and play with my dream lover's tongue. But I felt it was too soon for that to happen.

"Stop. Stop it. I'm going to cum" I said between heavy breaths. The next words surprised even me; "Fuck my asshole."

These words must have triggered something in my unknown lover, because he started acting like an angry animal. He flipped me over violently, making me lie on my belly, and put his arm under my belly to make me stand on all fours. He put his hands on my ass and pried my asscheeks open, exposing my virgin asshole to the cool air.

Yeah, that's right. No man had been privileged to stick his dick into my asshole yet. I always wanted to get fucked, but I've been a little afraid that it might hurt, and it just so happened that all of my few previous boyfriends had been bottoms. But now I was living a dream. I wasn't going to get really fucked, so why not try out the feeling and see how I like it?

my thoughts were interrupted in the most pleasant of ways when my mystery man buried his face in my crack and started licking the hell out of my boy pussy. Rimming was something that none of my exes was into, so it was a whole new, exciting experience for me. I could feel his tongue digging into my hole and exploring places I never knew they could feel this way.

A couple of minutes later my lover removed his tongue from my ass and stuck a finger inside it. The finger found no resistance going in and that wasn't really a surprise. I used to stick a finger up my ass every time I jerked off, so my hole was used to that kind of penetrations. Not to mention that my lover's talented tongue had slicked my asshole very well. But soon he removed his middle finger from my hungry pussy and replaced it with two fingers, and that kinda felt weird, but extremely horny.

His fingers kept pushing in and out, getting my hole ready for the really good stuff that was coming on next. I grabbed the sides of my mattress and steadied myself for the upcoming anal attack. Soon, he had taken his slick fingers out of my ass and had placed the mushroom head of his big cock at the muscle ring that was the entrance to my boy pussy. He slowly pushed in, and inch by inch, his entire cock was buried into my asshole, until his thick pubic hair was tickling my sensitive asscheeks. He paused for a little in order to allow me to get used to the sensation.

Having a huge prick like that in my ass really hurt, but it also felt good in some strange way. the whole combination of those feelings was making me feel euphoric; I had a cock in my male pussy and I loved it!

"I'm ready. Don't hesitate to fuck the shit out of me, baby." I warned the unknown phantom lover and that drove him crazy. He started snaking his dick in and out of my hole, slowly at first, then a little faster. But the definitive moment that marked the night was when he got a little wild and started spanking my ass while fucking me. That made me wild with passion and I spoke to him in the sluttiest voice possible.

"Make me your whore. Fuck me like the little bitch I am." I whispered to him and he didn't hesitate for a moment. He slapped my ass so hard it started reddening and then he began pistoning his cock in my ass like there was no tomorrow.

I was close to the peak anyway by that point, so it was easy to cum while my lover was fucking my ass quick and cock splattered cum all over the sheets and my sphincter tightened around my mystery lover's donkey dick, making him cum too. My asshole was soon flooded with manly, creamy cum, and my imaginary lover bent over to kiss me goodnight with a sweet, sweaty kiss.

I woke up early in the morning and I still felt high from my sexy dream from last night.

I didn't remember some basic things, like what my lover looked like and how big his cock was, but I could remember that the orgasm that I had in my dream was the most intense one I ever had in my (imaginary or not) life.

I pulled the covers off me and found out that my cum was drying on them. The sex might have been imaginary, but the cumming definitely happened in reality too.

I tried to get up and felt my ass a little sore. That was strange. I was entirely naked, while I always used to sleep in my sexy boxer briefs.

I saw my aforementioned briefs lying on the floor beside the bed, torn into little pieces of cloth.

My eyes almost poked out of their sockets as I began to realize what really had happened...

I poked my index finger into my sore asshole and fished a small portion of creamy liquid out of it. I brought my finger to my mouth and tasted it.

It was cum. REAL cum. Pretty tasty too.

Evidently, I had really slept with somebody last night.

Evidently, it was the best sex I ever had in my entire life. My cock was still hard at the memory of what happened.

But the worst thing is, I couldn't remember who I had the best sex in my life with.

I HAD to find him! My entire sexual happiness was depending on it.

I put my cloths on, washed up, combed my hair, and got out of the room.

The great search for my Phantom Fucker had just began.


Please guys, read and review! Send me your comments at and tell me your opinion on you want more sex on the story? More plot? Which is your favorite character by now in this story? C'mooon, I'm such a feedback whore! Please feed me! :-)

Next: Chapter 4

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