Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Jul 25, 2005


Disclaimer: This story contains GAY SEX. I don't want to cram my point in your mouths, but all the sex in this story is GAY SEX! If you are straight and GAY SEX isn't your thing, then maybe you shouldn't be in this GAY SITE which contains TONS OF GAY SEX in the first place! And if you think that this GAY DISCLAIMER is a little over the top for you, then read my normal disclaimers in the previous chapters! Because this one repeats the words GAY SEX lots and lots of times in it, so many times that it gets quite annoying.... :P The X-Men, Movieverse or Comicverse, all belong to Marvel, Stan Lee and Fox (but in their versions there is no GAY SEX involved, of course!)

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at: You can also tell me what you didn't like in my story and would prefer to change.

Author's Notes: I'm sorry that I was so late on updating, but I had a coming-out spree those last weeks and the emotional turmoil was too big for me to concentrate in an all-fun, all-sexy X-Men story! However, it turns out that ALL of the people I came out to had a positive reaction to that, so I'm celebrating by posting and EXTRA BIG chapter of "Slutty X-men"! Have fun reading it guys! This chapter is dedicated to Yinn. I hope his hands get itchy enough to draw something for me now :-P I also want to say a huuuuuuge THANK YOU to all the people that e-mailed me since the beginning of these series...your comments is what keeps me going...! Well, that and the fact that I have most of the series planned out and no matter how late my updates are, I'm not going to lose interest on this story! Special thanks to Phoenix, who writes "xxx men" in this very Celebrity section. Check it out!


Chapter 7: The Hills Are Alive With Something, Alright!

Many students scoffed at me as I hastily ran through them, bumping on one or two of them in the process...I was late for our special Danger Room class for this morning, and being the last one to arrive there wasn't exactly the best way to impress Mr.Summers, since he was already outraged and/or disappointed from my previous behavior during practice...

A few days had passed since the fateful night that Bobby and I became a happy and gay (or simply gay, since this very word can cover for both previous meanings at once!) couple. Bobby still wouldn't put out for me, but I wasn't really pushing him, to tell you the truth... I wanted things to work out well between the two of us, and I also wanted to build up a little sexual tension that would make it all the better for us when we finally got down and dirty together... The truth was that my previous crush on Bobby was a little childish and the fact that I was sure that he was straight (therefore impossible to have) was making him so appealing to me...Don't get the wrong impression, Bobby was a great guy and I really wanted to be with him, but after the initial excitement of having a seemingly straight guy suddenly land in my lap and beg me for kisses and making out, all the longing and desire had subsided.... now I had to find ways to make our relationship more exciting, and this unresolved sexual tension was a pretty good way to build things up between us. There still was that first night between us, when Bobby fucked me and I didn't remember who it was (actually, I still don't! But Bobby confirmed it was him), but since I remembered everything as a dream, it didn't really count as our first time together, now, did it?

So, we went out a couple of times (just for a movie or two), I had Bobby kick my ass in PS2 (I was only good with single-player PC games anyway!), and we hung out with Frank, Monique and the guys in general. Eventually, I would end up in my room sucking faces with Bobby, biting his puffy lower lip until his eyes would go all water-y, and just as I would begin to grope around in his more "private" places, Bobby would go all virginal on me, kiss me goodnight and walk out with his ass hanging off his low-cut jeans and calling out for me to stop him from walking away (the ass would "speak" to me, not Bobby!).

Well, poop.

In the meanwhile, Lola was pretty much a persona-non-grata for the greater part of the day, since she was preparing her ultra-secret-singing-project for the Great Singing Mother Of All Contests in "Rectum" (as you can tell from the name, it's a gay bar!), that was due for a couple of weeks later. Frank's mystical knowledge power informed him that Lola was hiding in Storm's attic, where the white-haired weather witch buddy of hers was allowing her to use the confiscated karaoke machine for practising...! (Knowing Lola, she was probably practising on something from Gloria Gaynor or Diana Ross...! As you can tell, she liked the Divas!) That was simply not fair! If I had a teacher for a buddy too, I could have access to hard-to-reach privileges like that! Hmmm, maybe I could blackmail Mr.Summers and Logan again for an access to the karaoke machine...

...or maybe not. I used my knowledge of them being fuck-buddies too many times already, and I was pretty sure that Logan would shave my pubes with his claws next time I mentioned his fucking session with Cyclops!

Well, I wasn't in much of a hurry to find a song for the contest...I was still weighting my options; I really wanted to make a duet with Bobby! But Bobby was too shy about his voice and there was no way that this formerly straight boy would expose himself to a large gay crowd that expected him to sing like a songbird! Well, I was thinking of easing him into the idea slowly and then using sex to convince him (hey! Don't look at me like that! All women do it at lest once in their life, why not me?) ...but then again Bobby wouldn't put out for me yet, so there was no sex for me to use! Life can be so complicated sometimes...! Not to mention that Rogue wasn't talking to me, in fact, I didn't even remember seeing her in the same room as me after the day that her ex boyfriend became my new boyfriend! Was she avoiding me? Well, she was on the same team as Bobby, so she surely wasn't avoiding him...

In the meanwhile, Lola wasn't the only person that has practically disappeared...! Gerry was nowhere to be seen too! In the mornings and during classes, when he was around me, Bobby or the others, his mind would travel God knows where...and after class, his body would go and join his mind, wherever it was traveling! I tried following him around a couple of times, but you seriously can't expect me to keep up with a guy that can turn invisible and walk through walls at the same time! Why was I trying to follow him? Well, I was worried that he would be participating in one of those freaky gay sex incidents that kept spreading around the mansion...! No, I didn't want to prevent him from having gay sex, silly rabbits, I just wanted to peep at sexy Gerry while doing all these gay stuff, duh!

Yeah, I have to admit this...not getting any from Bobby (despite him being a little cock-tease every time he was around me) made me quite the horn-dog! I was so desperate that I could get off by peeping at my fellow mutants while they did gay stuff against their wills! Plus, by stumbling on such an incident I could try and find out the mysterious figure that was provoking all these...! Just because I found who my phantom lover was (Bobby, presumably, who was now about to turn into just my lover), it didn't mean that I didn't care about who the evil infiltrator was! The guy who put Xavier into a coma was still out there and getting his pervy self off while forcing innocent male mutants to fuck other innocent male mutants!

So, while trying to follow Gerry I managed to stumble upon another gay incident! Right after lunch, Gerry said that he had some studying to do and he walked out of the restaurant, but I could clearly see that, while he had his English books on his arms, his direction wasn't towards his room. I followed him upstairs, at the teacher's chambers, but I somehow lost him. However I heard some well-known sounds from one of the rooms, and through the totally open door I saw a very horny sight; our blue and fuzzy new teacher, Kurt (aka the Nightcrawler) had his sexy three-toed legs wrapped around Peter's waist and was sliding his ass on Colossus' metal dick. Peter, on full metal form, was on his feet, leaning against the wall, and his (literally!) hard as steel cock was probing his teacher's blue ass-pussy, as his metal hands were pulling on Kurt's ass cheeks and kneading them tenderly.

The sight had me taken aback (who could guess that steel and blue fur could be so sexy!), and those two little fuckers were so hot while going at it that I couldn't decide if I should pull my cock out and fully enjoy the sight or look around for the mysterious infiltrator, who must have surely been around there and causing this hot gay intercourse! However I wasn't lucky enough to see him this time. Kurt's little grunts as he took Piotr's colossal cock (hey, I know better, I got to suck it once!) deeper and deeper into his anal cunt made me quite horny, and my cock started rising in my flower print khakis! The tiny little sound of the fabric of my shorts being expanded by the growing dick inside them was loud enough for Kurt's hypersensitive (and quite pointy) ears to pick up, so suddenly, while still fucking himself on that steel dick, Nightcrawler turned his head towards me, saw me peeping on them and made a little squeaking noise!

Kurt wrapped his arms around Peter's shoulders (his legs were already around the student's waist) and BAMF! they both disappeared out of my sight, probably teleporting somewhere where they could keep fucking without having peeping Daves around them... I spent the next five minutes looking around for the hooded figure that was behind all this, but, alas, there was nobody to be found.

Gerry was instantly placed on my top five list of suspects, since he was one of the most capable people in this mansion when it came to 'vanishing', and his mysterious escapades of "studying" could very well be a cover for him going around the mansion and somehow pushing these poor straight men in gayness!

But no, sweet little Gerry would never do that, would he...? He was probably going off to meet that filthy slut Zazelle and stick his pee-pee into her icky vagina. Zazelle was also nowhere to be found lately, so that made another point for my Gerry/Zazelle theory. Although, in a deep part of my soul, I thought that dating Zazelle was much worse than putting Xavier into a coma and forcing the X-Men into having gay sex...!

Lola was still one of my main suspects... She could very well be Magneto in drag, and sneaking off from his singing practice in Storm's attic to cause some gay mayhem every once in a while...but the question is...why would Magneto do that? Why turn every X-Man into a queer instead of just magnetizing them to death or something? If Magneto was really behind all this, how could all this out-of-control-gay-fucking be of any use to The Master of Magnetism...?

Okay, maybe Lola wasn't Magneto after all....

...she could still be Sabretooth though!

Clearing my mind from all worries and mental suspect lists, I walked into the Danger Room and found out that everybody was already there and waiting for me...!

"Oh, looky looky! What a surprise! Dave was the last one to walk in here again!" Monique groaned through her teeth as I set my eyes upon her.

"You know, it's not quite fair! I'm the one being called the "Glitter Princess", yet Dave gets to be the grand Diva who always arrives late!" Lola joked. Although somewhere deep inside, I thought that she really meant it!

I avoided joining glances with Mr.Summers or Logan, and quickly walked up to Gerry and Frank, who were standing a few feet further than the rest of the present mutants.

"Hey Gerry! Frank! Sorry for being late...what's on it for today, huh?"

"Mr.Summers and Mr.Logan have a special kind of practice session for us's gonna be something like a real fight, they say." Frank informed me.

"They already debeefed us", Gerry cut in, "but you weren't here yet so you missed it. Frank is supposed to fill you in."

"Hey, Gerry, your English are already getting better!" I complimented him ,and his dark green eyes flashed with delight. "But it's 'debriefed', not 'debeefed'! " I snickered as he innocently raised his shoulders in response.

"Now that our orthographic correlation has been dealt with, can I continue with filling you in, Dave? Cyclops and Wolverine made a bet about whose class was better at close combat. So, they decided to put us all in the fray and find out for themselves. It's gonna be our team against Wolverine's team. I don't know what's in the bet for Mr.Summers and Wolverine, but the team who wins will get the privilege of having a few days off! We could make that road trip we were planning to have someday!"

"That's sweet man!" I said. I could use those days off to go visit my parents, then have some unlimited fun with the rest of the gang! "So, what's the plan? What's the rules for this battle?"

"It's a "capture the flag" style battle. We won't be allowed to use any powers, only our techniques in close hand-to-hand combat and general martial arts but without trying to actually hurt each other."

"But that's not a fair fight!" I complained. "Lola's ninja abilities were always more powerful than her glitter clouds stuff. Gerry is good with martial arts cause it's the only alternative for him to being intangible all the time, and you, Frankie...your power sucks! Close combat is ALL you can do!" I finished my arguments.

"Thank you...I guess." Frank responded. "Yeah, it makes no difference for some of us, and it brings the upper hand to our team. So shut up and let them think it's a fair fight!!!" he added and all three of us snickered satanically. Well, Gerry attempted to snicker satanically, but he's such a good-natured person that he failed miserably and his snicker resembled a giraffe's mating call. Or what I imagined to be a giraffe's mating call. Whatever.

I looked around the Danger Room to look for my sweetheart. You see, Bobby is in Wolverine's class, so even during practice I would get to spend some quality time with him today. There he was! The rest of Wolverine's team was Colossus, Jubilee (a sweet and perky girl of asian heritage), Rogue (I wondered how could she still be in the same team with her ex, who in addition had turned gay on her!) and...Holy Macaroni! It was Zazelle! The little whore was all over Logan, practically hanging from his words as he talked. I hope she wasn't trying to make poor Gerry jealous...! Logan had gathered his class close to him and whispered last-minute tactics to them, probably each opponent's weak points or something.

"Hey, Frank!" I called out to him.


"Can your powers pick up what's Logan telling them? If it's some kind of last minute tactics, we could know what they will be up to and use this knowledge to our advance!"

"You're right...!" he said, as he turned towards the small group of whispering people like a satellite trying to gather up information. A couple of seconds later, he tried to suppress his laughter. "Logan's telling them that if they kick our ass, he'll take them out on some bar tonight and get them some beers, all his treat!"

"So much for the special tips we were looking for" Gerry commented.

I kept looking across the room and my eyes fell upon Lola and Monique, who were chatting nonchalantly, waiting for the Danger Room session to begin. That sight generated the next question that I addressed to Frank;

"Hey Frank, what's going on with Monique? Did the two of you realize the enormous amount of warm and fuzzy feelings you hide from each other?" I teased.

"Well, that day at that pic nic I felt that something might be going on...I don't know, man... What you said the other day about the two of us being especially bitchy to each other due to unresolved emotional tension put me in a new way of thinking..."

"Soooooooo.....?" Gerry asked like a impatient nosy neighbor from a 60's TV show.

"I think I like her!" Frank admitted and a white set of teeth flashed under his lips, making a nice contrast to his powder blue face.

"So, did you ask her out yet?" I asked, taking the same expression that Gerry had just seconds ago.


Both Gerry and me bummered, showing our disapproval of our friend's lack of aggressiveness when it came to the ladies... hey, maybe he was turning gay too!

"C'mon guys, I mean, I know that she likes me now, but I don't feel like this is the right time to ask her out yet...she's being especially bitchy those few last days, and not just to me...I have this feeling that if I ask her out while she's in such a bad mood, she's gonna turn me down just out of pure bitchiness..."

"You sure about that, Frank? She don't seem in that a bad mood to me..." Gerry expressed his own point of view, before I counteracted him;

"And what do you know, Greek guy? You've been so busy with your 'English studying sessions', that I doubt you have actually talked to Monique these last days...!"

Gerry assumed a kinda hurt and defensive stance.

"I'm just saying! Monique didn't seem bitchy to me recently, hell, she looks pretty perky to me right now, this very moment...!" He responded, before we were interrupted by Monique's primitive -and not gentle at all- cry:

"What the hell are the three of you talking about over there? Get your lazy asses over here NOW! Mr.Summers has some words to say with us before the battle begins!"

"Yeah, she's DEFINATELY perky..." I whispered to the others, somewhat bewildered.

"Yes." Gerry agreed as he tried not to meet Monique's inquisitive eyes.

"Yep. Must be those days of the month..." Frank rolled eyes and looked the other way, as the three of us walked over to the larger group of awaiting mutants.

"Okay, team." Mr.Summers announced, as we all gathered around him. "The session's about to begin. Don't forget, no powers are allowed. Whoever uses his mutant ability during the battle will be "expelled" from the game. And since some of you don't have an on/off button for your powers (and that goes especially for you, Frank; you get to 'know' things about the players and surroundings without even trying to use your power), these nice little power inhibitors will be applied to your ankles, to make sure that all of you play nice". he said as he distributed said inhibitors to the group of groaning youngsters.

"Remember that the winners will get a very special treat; a few days off, for you to do whatever you please with." Wolverine winked with a sleazy smile that somehow linked his ears together.

"Okay, time to blend in with our new virtual environment for this battle session..." Cyclops said as he took a remote control (that probably controlled the Danger Room) out and pressed a series of buttons. The empty metallic room around us disappeared, blending into a peaceful simulation of green, flowery hills with lots of snowy mountains at the background.

"Oh my God...!" Lola yelped as she slowly realized what the surrounding was supposed to simulate. "Is this place what I think it is?" she asked.

"Yes, Glitter Princess" Cyclops said as he winced a little at the hilarity of the codename he just pronounced. "This is a 97% realistic simulation of the Alps, specifically the part of them that belongs to Austria, and also a little of Switzerland." he explained as a virtual songbird landed on his left shoulder and started doing sweet chirping sounds.

Lola looked a little more around, admired the scenery, the continuous sound of a multitude of signing birdies and bugs traveling from one flower to another. She plunged a finger in a small patch of snow that rested next to a big rock, residue from the almost gone winter of these lands. She brought it to her cheek and smudged some snow on it, feeling the virtual coolness of it coating her sensitive skin.

Suddenly, her head cocked up happily, as an imaginary music started playing, and then Lola started running on the length of the greenish hill, with both her hands up in the air, as she sang and made some twirls around herself, lost in a musical-style happiness:

"The hills are aliiiiive with the sound of muuusiiiiiiiic With songs they have sung for a thousand yeeeeeeeeeeears The hills fill my heart with the sound of musiiiic My heart wants to sing every song it heeeeeeeears!"

Lola collapsed in the grass and picked a flower, as both mutant teams started laughing out loud at her intentionally funny antics.

"I don't know why, but I always wanted to do that... well, now it's out of my system!" She kinda apologized to Cyclops, who was staring at her with harsh eyes...but deep inside we all knew that he was amused by that incident, just like Wolverine and the rest of us.

"Get up, you Julie Andrews wannabe...we got work to do and I could really use those few days off...!" Monique remarked as she extended a hand to help Lola up to her feet.

"Hey, Gerry, shouldn't you have your uniform on?" I asked my foreign protegee, impatient to see his sweet ass peeking through his skimpy g-string once more...

"We use no powers today, so I need not wear the g-string. My ass would freeze in these mountains anyway...!" he explained. No eye-candy for Davey today. Darn Wolverine and his 'no powers' policy!

"Okay boys and girls! The rules are simple; a big flag is hidden somewhere in these mountains and you're supposed to find it. Each team has a small circle of ground that counts as the team's "headquarters". To win, you have to find the flag and place it in the middle of the enemy's "area". You cannot use your powers, however you all have your intercom devices that allows you to communicate with the rest of your team and your teacher. That would be me or ol' Cyke here, depending on which team are you in. Am I clear?"

"Why, Mr.Wolverine, for a man of your laconic nature, that was perfectly...detailed!" Zazelle said in a groupie manner as she slobbered all over him.

"And to think that I managed to keep all the nasty words out...!" Wolvie said with sarcasm.

Bobby walked up to me and we exchanged words for the first time that day...

"Hey sweetie, good luck with the game! You're gonna lose anyway but I'm being graceful now that I can't tease you for losing yet...!" He said with a smirk as he gave me a peck on the lips. Frank and Jubilee wolf-whistled and cheered, Lola ogled us in a "look! my little boy has grown up!" way, and Rogue just remained strangely impassive, as she watched silently with the corners of her eyes. Gerry was probably on his way to our team's "area" already, cause he was walking away while looking at some birds sitting on a tree.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, you little smartass!" I said as I playfully slapped his ass, trying to feel him up a little (yeah, I know, pretty desperate, but I wasn't getting any these days!)..."It's too bad that we're on different teams though. The only certain thing is that we won't get to both earn that few days off and spend quality time together...!" I complained.

"S'okay, I'll have Peter with me to make out...! I'll hardly notice you're not there!" the little bastard teased again, as Peter walked off to hide his blushing, and Jubilee made a gesture with her hand as if the heat was unbearable in there...!

"Yeah, sure!" I responded, having nothing witty to come back with. "Just try not to get thrown off a cliff or something, okay honey...?!" I said as he walked away. That boy was turning me on with all the teasing and innuendo...and to think that he wouldn't give it up to me...!

And so, the battle began. Gerry and Lola, being the strongest players of the team when it came to plain man-to-man (or man-to-drag, in Lola's case!) combat, remained around our headquarters in order to protect it in case the enemy obtained the flag first.

The rest of us scattered around the place, trying to find the flag first and bring it to the enemy's base, striking our own kind of "home run"! Frank and Monique stuck together, saying that they were the weakest links of the team and as a duo they had better chance to be of help to the rest of the team. Yeah right. God knows what they intended to do once they found themselves all alone in the woods, with nobody around to peep on them if they finally decided to do something better to each other than nasty remarks.

So there I was, all alone, walking aimlessly on the woods, trying my luck at finding the flag that would give victory to my team.

After the first 20 minutes of pointless walking and searching, I was already frustrated by the complete lack of a plan for this stupid mission! Well, I was already a pretty impatient person by nature, so it wasn't a surprise that I actually started rambling to myself;

"What the fuck! This mission is a stupid piece of pointless crap! It's based on complete luck and nothing else! What moronic kind of bozo thought all of this up?" I said to myself.

"Ehm, that would be me, Mr.Darrington." Cyclops' voice came over the intercom.

"Shit! I left my intercom device on!" I gasped at my incredible lack of luck.

"No, you didn't. This device is always on, so that I'll be able to instruct you and help you out at all times, whether you like it or not." he clarified, and I was pretty sure that we was grinning evilly at the other side of the line.

"So, right now, everybody else in this team is listening to our conversation?"

"No, I'm the only one able to listen to all conversations. You can only hear who you choose to talk to."

"Then, since I'm already bored out of my mind, maybe you could be a good teacher and keep me some company as I walk pointlessly in these woods, right?" I smiled, although there was no visual contact for him to see me smile. "Having someone to talk to might prevent me from dying from utter boredom in these woods."

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Mr.Summers asked. He must have been pretty bored himself, I guess.

"Did you guys find anything about the mysterious guy that's wandering around the mansion yet? I'm trying to uncover him too, but haven't come very close yet..."

"Dave. You're not supposed to play detective, you know! It's too dangerous! Leave the searching to us and don't interfere, or you might get yourself in trouble."

"But, Mr.Summers, you know that "trouble" is my middle name..." I smirked as I mouthed that eerily cheesy comeback!

"No it isn't. I thought that "Eugene" was your middle name...!" He responded.

"W-Wha!??! How did you know about that? I haven't told anybody!" I said with a pretty pissed voice.

"I'm your mentor in this mansion, Mr.Darrington...I got your file with your birth certificate and all right in my hands at this very remember, that file with all the necessary information that you provided the Institute with the first day you came here?" He snickered under his breath.

"Don't you tell anyone!" I somewhat threatened him. If anybody EVER found out...I would have to kill them.

"Well, I can keep my mouth closed if you keep yours closed..." I heard him saying before a squeak was heard, betraying that he made himself more comfortable on his reclining chair from where he was monitoring the whole operation... "If you stop threatening to tell what you saw in my office that day every five minutes or so, then I'll refrain myself from posting your full name on the school bulletin board...oh! I didn't know you were playing Holy Mary at your Elementary School's Christmas play!" he said as he went through some more detailed files of mine.

"The girl who was originally going to play that role called in sick at the last moment, and I was the only one available at the time..."I mumbled through gritted teeth. I know that now Summers had me by the balls...

"Well, yeah, I can just imagine you, though, wrapped in a Hebrew woman's tunic, looking down with immaculate tenderness at your new-born son...Oh, wait! I don't need to imagine that! There are pictures taken from the play here!" he squeaked.

"WHAT? Dammit, man! I never put these photos on the freakin' file! How did you get them? There's something called "privacy rights", you know..." I said while looking around, trying to find the direction the Danger Room's control panel and shot an evil look towards it..

"Yeah, but your mom uploaded them on her blog, and it's really a matter of good will whether I'm posting the link to her blog to all the e-mails of this Institute's students...It's all up to you, Davey-boy!"

I just sat there and grumbled to myself intelligible things.

"You still wanna kill your time by talking to me?" Cyclops asked teasingly.

"I don't know if I feel like talking to you right now" I mumbled with a deadly cold voice.

"Thought so!" he perkily said as he turned our connection off. Now I couldn't communicate with him anymore, and he couldn't listen to my ramblings either. Well, at least I had some privacy to myself.

A couple of minutes later, I reached the edge of a cliff, and I suddenly understood that I had gotten to the other side of the forest. Trees were hanging from the vertical side of the cliff, and Gerry, of all people, was sitting at the edge of the cliff with his feet hanging over the void, probably admiring the impressively beautiful scenery underneath. You see, the cliff has overlooking a very picturesque series of mountains, with chaos and snow and pointy peeks all intertwined in one amazingly breathtaking sight.

"Shouldn't you be looking after our headquarters, oh Greek one? And how did you get here before me, anyway?" I said to Gerry, probably scaring him, cause he flinched and almost fell off the cliff. I approached him and sat beside him...after walking through an entire forest, I deserved a minute of rest, didn't I?

"I'm just taking a break, Dave...Lola got hyper and said she could take over by herself for a couple of minutes, and that I would be more useful searching for the flag. But I stayed close anyway, in case that the enemy found the flag first and attacked. The headquarters are just around the corner, you know." He said, pointing at some direction with a nod of his head.

"Oh man, tht means that I was making circles in the woods all that time, and I got out from the same side I entered them...! Way to go, Dave. I guess Cyclops was right about me." I said, then looked down. But, seeing that by looking down I was staring at the 300 metre void underneath me, I got vertigo and looked up again.

"Just look at this whole's beautiful!" Gerry commented, probably trying to make some chit-chat... Although it was kinda cute, seeing that a straight man could be romantic like that!

"I looked at the place, and it was enough, thank you." I said, looking the other way, trying not to get dizzy again.

"I mean, who could believe that all this scenery is virtually made-up? And the man that designed it...was he a scientist or an artist?" He questioned. Oooh, he's got piloshophical urges, too! That hooker Zazelle doesn't deserve him!

"It was Mr.Summers that made all these up, and I seriously doubt that he's either a scientist or (especially!) an artist!" I chuckled.

"I don't know about you, Dave...but I think that only someone in love could create such beauty! This whole place is so...inspired!" he kept going.

"Oh, get a grip Gerry-boy! You sound like you learnt some new words in English and trying to use as many of them in only a few sentences!" I smirked teasingly, and he returned a smile to me. "Anyway, this place is a 97% simulation of the Austrian Alps, so nobody actually "created" it! It's just a replica of an already existing place!"

"97%? Aren't you curious to find out what it was that Cyclops made up especially for this practice session? There could be something here that wasn't supposed to exist in the first place...maybe personal touches from Cyclops, like the tree that he and his sweetheart used to carve their names up when he went to high-school!" He looked up at me, waiting for an answer of the same caliber.

"Jeez, Gerry, you've gotten to smart for me! Are you lovesick or something? Cause, I guarantee you that, the person that you have all those feelings for is totally not worth it!" Someone needed to tell him that, a woman dressing like a whore could very well BE a whore! Well, maybe not actually a whore, but she could be a whore as a hobby!

"How can you be so sure of that?" Gerry asked me with casualness in his voice, despite having just dissed his honey. His fake-boobed, skanky-dressed honey.

"Uhm...I don't think that Summers will be too pleased to know that we're resolving piloshophical and emotional matters during a virtual battle, especially when he believes in our victory in this battle so much that he even placed a bet on it!" I said, as I stood up, patted Gerry's hair (although he was older than me, so I probably shouldn't treat him like a child!) and slowly walked away. "Now, excuse me Gerry, but I have to walk in this forest again and make sure that I come out from the other side!"

I walked and walked and walked, and although the scenery was nice, I was bored enough to start contemplating about the unknown infiltrator again, and how was I going to find him...

I suddenly remembered about that day, when I found Colossus and Nightcrawler fucking their brains out, and thought that maybe I should try and find Peter during this battle session and ask him if he saw anything suspicious while he slid his cock into his teacher's tight blue butt... but then again, Peter probably had a grudge against me after plunging that cigar up his sensitive ass... which would explain why we haven't talked after the day that I sucked his cock.

I still couldn't understand how could everyone be so secretive about sharing information with the students, when a mysterious person that tried to kill the Professor (and managed to put him into a coma) was walking among us, probably causing straight mutants to commit gay stuff with each other...well, that wasn't so bad, but it really made me feel less special, considering that I used to be one of the very few out and proud gay mutants in this Institute.

Coming out of my pointless reverie, I came upon a pretty funny sight...the sight of that stupid slut Zazelle, trying to walk in the forest while wearing her beloved thigh-level, high-heeled leather boots! She was walking around carefully, taking her time to make every one of her careful steps, cursing in a low voice every time she almost stumbled and fell on the ground. Which was pretty much in every single step.

"Next time, you should think about wearing a real superhero uniform, you stupid bitch!" I said welcomingly...okay, not so welcomingly.

"Oh, you again. What's up, boy, afraid that a real woman, the woman you will never be able to be, will step up and take all the pretty boys from you?" she said, she usually was smug and careful with her words when around me, but those heels must have taken a great toll on her nerves to day for her to succumb to instant bitchiness.

"I'm just sayin'," I retorted, "that next time you got a mission in the Danger Room you should keep in mind that high-heels are never a "do"...unless our battle setting is Amsterdam's Red Light District, of course."

"That's it, you little girly-boy! I had enough of your stupid puns and even stupider bleached hair!" she said and tried to walk towards me, but her heels gave in and she fell face-first on the mud in front of her.

"Wow, and I was going to say, 'eat dirt, bitch, but I guess you took care of that yourself" I laughed.

She came to a sitting position as she pulled a broken heel from the sticky mud. "I'm sick of you!! And I'm sick of these stupid heels too! Guess I'll get rid of two birds with one stone" she yelled, and threw the broken heel towards me.

Bitch had a good aim! I ducked, barely in time, and the pointy heel was nailed at the tree standing right behind me.

"What the fuck?" I said as I came to full stature again. I don't believe this! You're supposed to only use your bare hands as a weapon, you filthy whore!!!" I screamed.

"I can also use my feet. And these boots are an extension of my feet, so I guess they count." she smirked. I realized that she had taken her boot off just as she started swinging it around like a ninja weapon, looking at me with a menacing stare.

Avoiding her first attempt of hitting my head with the stupid (and pretty heavy-looking, I must say) boot, I lashed backwards and tried to climb on the first tree that I saw. That bitch was not to be messed with at them moment.

"Come back here, you dumb fuck!" she yelled hysterically from underneath, as I climbed higher and higher on the slim and manageable log of the tall tree.

"We're supposed to fight with each other only after we find the stupid flag...that's when the game really begins! Why spend your energy by now?" I reasoned as I kept climbing higher, not bothering to look behind me.

Once I got to the top of the tree, I could see everything clearer. I couldn't see Zazelle screaming and kicking under the tree I had climbed on anymore, but I was sure that she wasn't about to reason so easily, so I kept being careful.

Then, to my surprise, I saw something red and shiny being unnaturally distinct from the patch of twigs it was stabilized on. Yes, I was very lucky today; the flag was resting in a heavy patch of twigs and leafs, just two trees north of the one I was on right now!

I used my exceptionally good reflexes and jumped from one tree to another, reaching to the desired tree and grabbing the even more desired flag from its hiding place. The flag was incredibly small, the stick was no bigger than an oversized pencil, and the sheet was all red and only had a gold "X" inscripted on it. Pretty corny, I must say.

"He found the flag! Bring the biatch down!!!" I heard Zazelle ordering someone from beneath me.

Turns out that someone was Piotr, because the tree I was on started shaking like a belly dancer, and I saw a fully armored Colossus underneath me, ready to plunge the tree from the ground.

"Hey you cheating gits! We're not supposed to use any powers!" I rightfully said.

"Don't you have your intercom device turned on? Our teachers said that as soon as the flag was discovered, any use of weapons or powers is justified and legal!" I heard Zazelle saying, and although I couldn't see her I was sure she was smiling viciously.

Damn. No, my intercom device wasn't on! Turns out that our beloved teachers had pulled this prank on us from the beginning. They wanted us to think that no powers would be allowed throughout the whole mission, so that each team would leave the members with the weaker powers (but stronger in close combat) behind to watch out the headquarters! In the meanwhile, the more powerful members would be pretty useless, stranded in totally unrelated corners of the place when the flag would be found and the real party would begin, rendered pretty useless!

How evil. Only Cyclops could have thought of that.

Well, since powers were allowed now, I was able to turn off my power inhibitor with one hand as I turned the other hand into a chainsaw. I chopped off a couple of heavy twigs and let them fall off the tree, ending up on Zazelle's head. The bitch was instantly covered in wood, leaves and mud. That was when Colossus managed to break the tree's log with his bare hands (I'm never letting those hands hold my cock, ever! God knows what could happen), bringing my tall, wooden and leafy refugee down.

I turned the chainsaw into a hook and jumped off the falling tree, making sure that my other hand held on the flag that all the fuss was about. I hooked on to a large twig in a nearby tree and used the few seconds of spare time to put the flag in my mouth and hold it with my teeth. I also turned my other hand in a hook and started swinging and jumping from one tree to another, getting as far as possible from the steel mammoth and the skanky dominatrix.

After a good amount of time, I realized that I must have been a mile ahead of them, when I hooked on a twig that was apparently frozen. The twig, fragile as it was from its' frozen nature, snapped and let me fall on my ass, several meters lower, where some bushes neutralized my fall.

Spitting leaves from my mouth, I started yelling.

"Way to go, Bobby! Trying to get your own boyfriend incapacitated, now?" That frozen twig was obviously my boyfriend's work.

"Why not?" I heard his voice, several feet behind me. "I would nurse you personally back to full health...can't you imagine it? Dressed in a male nurse's you involved sponge-baths...having you all to myself, unable to move or resist any kind of action from my side..." he kept going, and I swear he was practically purring...his proposition didn't sound all that bad, too.

"Thanks, but I'll pass" I responded, as I leaped forward and avoided his beam of ice, that turned the bushes I had landed on a heap of solid ice... Then I realized that I could talk all that time.

Which meant that the flag wasn't in my mouth anymore.

Shit, it must have fallen from my mouth when I landed in those bushes!

"Way to go, ice-bucket! You just froze our mission objective solid!" I remarked.

"Well, I can unmake ice the same way I created it" he casually said.

"And I can break the ice into little pieces with a little help from my conveniently transformed hands..." I eyed him up. We both had the same distance from the frozen bushes now, and I could use my (currently transformed in axes) hands to chop in pieces any amount of ice he could throw me. He also eyed me up, in a cowboy-flick style, and he must have realized that the odds were equal cause he started releasing himself from his assumed battle-stance.

I turned my axes back in hands again, not wanting to hurt Bobby by mistake, since he wasn't going to hurl any snowballs at me anymore. We both lunged for our frozen "treasure" but we ended up wrestling with each other...Normally, given my talent for close combat (well, it was all I could do, provided that I could only turn my limbs in close combat weapons!), I should have prevailed easily, but Bobby somehow managed to overcome my superiority (although he was definitely nowhere as good as me!) and pin me down on the ground, as he straddled me with his powerful legs and sat on top of me.

"It's good to know who's got the upper hand in this relationship" he said cheekily.

I bucked and thrashed underneath him, trying to get away. I knew I could transform my arms (by which he held me down) into something else and get away from his grip, but I didn't want to hurt him unintentionally. So I tried to escape his handle with no use of my powers.

"Stop wiggling like a piggy, baby. All that friction makes me horny" he licked his lips. And he was telling the truth; I could feel his "little Bobby" getting hard against my belly.

"You got me so hot right now" I whispered sluttily, surrendering to the sensations that began to flood my mind.

"You know what? I think I can tell so by myself, thank you" he teased, as he cupped my growing bulge on the front of my pants. Then he started grinding his hand against my cock, with only the fabric of my pants keeping them apart. I knew that he was using my horniness to get the better of me and use it as an advantage to getting to the flag first, but I didn't care. Having sex with my boyfriend seemed a little more important than going on a trip right now...

Bobby intercepted all my thoughts and doubts by planting his lips on mine, stealing a deep, sloppy kiss form me and turning my dick in a fucking rocket, ready to set off. His sneaky hand unzipped my pants and pulled them lower, then he fished my cock from my tight undies and started stroking the whole length, bringing it to full attention. My big mushroom head was leaking with precum, begging to be sucked from Bobby's full, pouty lips.

Bobby broke our kiss and began moving downward. His hands were fondling my balls and stroking my dick. I watched breathless as his tongue flicked the head of my cock, and then he licked up and down the shaft like a Popsicle. The funny thing was that Bobby's own nickname sometimes was "Popsicle", but mainly because of his freezing I was sure that I would chuckle every time I heard that nickname, reminding myself of different abilities that Bobby possesses...

When Bobby's tongue came back to the top of my cock, he went down on me swallowing my entire shaft. I could feel the back of his throat, as he went down, and his full lips were kissing my black pubes as he applied suction on my aching dick. His tongue swirled around my shaft and head as he bobbed up and down. He really knew how to suck cock. And that was what ignited my suspicions and made me ask the following question...

"Wow, Bobby! For a previously straight guy, you're too good at cock-sucking! Is there something that I should know?" I raised my eyebrow, trying to sound cool and casual, at least cool enough for a guy that was having his cock sucked...

"Only thing you need to know" he said as he teasingly licked one walnut sized ball, then another, "is that virgin teenage girls who can't have sex eventually get very, VERY kinky to their boyfriends. Rogue had this nice strap-on and she made me a master at sucking had a special mechanism that provided pleasure to her untouched pussy while I sucked the plastic cock." he said, then went down on my dick again and proved his point with actions. However, that revelation of his made even more curious...

"That's hot dude! Did she fuck you with that strap-on as well? I mean, she wasn't actually touching you, but you both got some pleasure out of it..." I inquired.

"Let's just say that you have to thank Rogue for my open mind in sex with guys...she must have been the one that turned me gay, after all!" he said as he made a break at sucking my cock, but then he resumed his sucking session.

Bobby made it clear that there should be no more words by rimming my piss slit and the area underneath the seath of my uncut prick. My head continued to spin from all the excitement around my dick. As he continued to suck, Bobby played with my balls just as I do to myself when I jack off. He was really getting me off. I guess he wasn't lying about having practiced on that fake cock of Rogue's...

Suddenly, I felt Bobby's fingers reach behind my balls and touch my backdoor. I spread my legs sluttily, allowing him access to my almost virgin boy-pussy, and ever so gently, he inserted a slick, wet finger in my little asshole. My ass naturally resisted at first, because it wasn't my own finger. Then I relaxed and it went all the way in, until the freakin knuckle. Bobby began moving his finger in and out, faster and faster, as my cock moved in and out of his mouth faster and faster. "Oh, my God! That feels sooooo good," I said as I bucked my hips up and down, sending my cock deeper in his mouth, then respectively taking his finger deeper into my hungry pussyhole.

With that, Bobby flicked his tongue on the head of his dick once more. His tongue was smooth and soft, and I could feel the heat of his breath against my pubic area and my tightening balls. He wrapped his fat lips around the entire head and sucked it into my mouth lovingly. He moved the head around with his tongue, feeling it grow even larger. Then I felt my cock hitting the back of his throat. He grabbed the base of my cock with his free hand (the other one was making wonders on my puckering asshole) and began to move it in and out of his warm mouth, making it slick with his spit. Listening to the slurping sound his mouth was making around my cock was even more arousing than the finger that made circular motions in my pretty little ass. My welcoming ass, that was recklessly trying to suck more of Bobby's finger inside and never let it go.

I couldn't take the combined blowjob and finger fucking any longer. My cum spurted in Bobby's mouth, shooting like a fucking geyser and reaching to the deepest parts of his sweet, talented mouth, even hitting the back of his throat. It seemed like wave after wave flowed forth. Bobby continued to milk the cum from my spent cock, drinking it all down with no problem, and I wonderer if he learnt that too from his practice on dildos. My head spun with all the excitement and the thrill of this unexpected blowjob, so I didn't actually get to tease him about that.

I lied on the grass, enthralled from the warm and fuzzy sensations of having cum in my lover's mouth, as Bobby scooped s tiny trail of cum that escaped his mouth and got up on his feet with a swift motion. He started to walk towards the frozen bushes, but I had foreseen that action of his way earlier...

"Where do you think you're going you little slut!" I yelled, as I abruptly lunged at him and tackled him on the ground. "You think you're the first one to use sex in order to achieve personal goals, well, guess again!" I added, as I now had him pinned on the ground and holding both his feet in a vice -but not painful- gripe.

"It's time to show you who's the boss around here, Bobby-boy...just stay there, like that, laying on your stomach, and I promise you, you won't regret it" I said,

Bobby did as he was told, and now I had him all to myself, obedient, subservient and less cheeky than usual. I turned my hands in extra-pointy katanas and with two swift moves of my arms, I managed to slice his trousers in pieces that flied away from his bubble butt, which was now only covered by some loose boxers with Vanilla Ice's face on them.

"What the fuck?" I mouthed in surprise. "Vanilla Ice? Are you for real?" I teased him, as I used my normal again hands to slowly slid those ugly boxers down his smooth, delectable toned thighs, revealing his hot smooth bubble butt. "Boy, if I were Rogue. I would definitely plunge my strap-on up that ass!" I commented as I slapped his tushy playfully.

"Ouch! Please don't hurt my favorite boxers...!" Bobby begged as I spread his slutty legs apart. Maybe I shouldn't tell him that the very minute I slid those boxers down his legs, I had shredded them in a thousand ribbons with my extra edgy katanas. I grabbed his tasty-looking ass cheeks and parted them revealing his pink pucker hole to my astounded eyes! That slutty hole was practically blinking to me, sending me Morse signs that told me how much it needed to get rammed.

Bobby looked over his shoulder as I sucked on one of my stubby fingers, making it really slick. I then inserted it in his not-so-virgin-looking ass, which sucked my finger in with ease. I've fingered a couple of virgin asses before, and this ass had certainly had something bigger than a finger inside it before. I pushed my fat finger deep, touching Bobby's prostate, making him whimper and beg for more. I moved my finger in and out slowly at first then quickly picked up speed. Bobby closed his eyes and enjoyed my finger fuck, submitting himself to me.

Without warning I stopped, and Bobby made a guttural sound that betrayed how disappointed he was that the party in his asshole had stopped. But then he looked back and smiled in eagerness when he saw me lay down, preparing to bury my face in his pretty ass. He watched as I stuck out his tongue and licked his sweaty (but otherwise clean) crack. That ass was so fucking tasty!

Bobby had washed himself thoroughly before coming in the Danger Room, so his ass was clean, but the exercise had made him produce a little sweat in his musky crack, giving it just the right taste for a natural rimmer like me. My tongue flicked recklessly around the opening of Bobby's anus. Then I began to push it in, exploring the cave walls around the tunnel of his ass. I just couldn't get enough from it!

I kept licking around the inside of his ass, tasting his crack and kneading his ample, toned cheeks that surrounded that amazing little hole of his. I could feel his ass opening to my daring tongue. Bobby's balls were being bathed in my hot saliva that dripped from his slippery hole. Then I went wild and started slobbering on his ass, eating it out for all I was worth. I rimmed him like that for at least ten minutes, if not longer. Then I stopped and slapped his ass, indicating that it was time for something more drastic.

Bobby looked back again, with a look of limitless desire in his handsome face. I was kneeling behind him, when I slapped his ass again and ordered him. "Move that sweet ass up," I said grabbing his hips up so that he assumed a doggy position directly in front of my rigid cock. I stroked my impatient dick a few times and slicked it up with my own spit. "Don't move. I know this isn't exactly a virgin ass, but I'll start real slow, just in case..." I said softly.

I put one hand on the small of his back and guided my cock to his slick manhole. Bobby panted, waiting for me to enter. I placed my fat cockhead on his pink pucker and began to push. Bobby was apparently so nervous that he clenched his hole.

"Relax, babe" I instructed. "Just think of being finger fucked. Only with a bigger finger, haha."

Bobby eased enough that I got my cockhead in and stopped, waiting for him to relax more. As he relaxed, accepting the combined pain and pleasure, I thrust some more inches inside of his welcoming tunnel. Soon I felt my body snug against his ass. He looked back again. He was smiling.

"That feels so good baby! A real cock is much better than a dildo, as I now realize. I can feel the heat of your cock in my asshole and that makes it all the hotter!" he said, and I barely restrained myself from fucking him silly right then and there.

"How does it feel so far?" I asked with concern.

"I feel like my body's complete. Like that hole between my cheeks was meant to be filled by your fat, manly cock!"

"Okay." I grinned sheepishly. "I'm going to start moving in and out. Tell me if it hurts, okay baby?"

I resumed fucking him, plunging my cock slowly and sensually until I bottomed inside him, then pulling out all of it except for the mushroom head, only to send it back in. I was going at a nice steady pace, and I just loved watching my cock appearing and disappearing in Bobby's tight hole, that was gripping me like the soft hand of an angel. The sight of that was so erotic by itself, it almost made me cum. And to think that I couldn't even see Bobby's face and treasure his expressions of pain and pleasure as my cock mastered his bowels.

He began to move forward and backwards to meet the thrusts of my hips as I fucked him, and the low sound of flesh slapping against flesh could be now heard. His ass was the perfect fit for my cock, and I wanted more. "Come on Dave, fuck me more! Faster! Harder! Just keep fucking me, you fuckin' stud!. Ahhhh, that feels sooo great," he exclaimed.

As I continued to pound his slutty asshole, I reached around and grabbed Bobby's rock hard cock. It already had pre-cum on the tip. I manipulated his balls and stroked his shaft in rhythm to the fucking. I started fucking him even harder, and my cock was now a quick blur as it moved in and out of Bobby's pussyhole.

slapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslapslap! was all that could be heard in the room as my hips met his asscheeks with a rapid motion, and I pistoned my cock in his love tunnel as fast and hard as I could!

Bobby probably couldn't take it any longer. He grunted, then spurted gobs of jizz all over the ground, fertilizing the grass with his white, creamy seed. He kept moaning with every thrust inside his sweet ass though, and he was so shaken that he collapsed on the freshly-jizzed ground with me still on top, fucking his brains out.

I repositioned himself and continued to fuck his ass. It felt incredible as his limp body lay underneath me. Our hot skin rubbed together with each thrust of my rock hard cock. When he came, I could feel his ass clenching around my cock, gripping it like a vice as I plowed deep and hard inside him. Wanting to shoot my cream up his ass as soon as possible, making our orgasms as synchronized as possible, I picked up speed, and I felt my cock swell inside his constricting ass. Suddenly I felt my cum travel rapidly from my tightening balls to my piss slit, and I screamed as I felt my hot cum squirt in my boyfriend's well-fucked butt, shooting long and thick strings of man-juice deep into his aching bowels. I took a large breath as I pumped a few more times to empty the last of my great load of jizz in his sweet butt, marking him as mine. I had cum so much that my cock made some of the sperm inside that ass it leaked outside him and trickle down his furry balls and onto the ground, mixing with Bobby's own cum.

I unplugged my cock from Bobby's ass and he moaned something intelligible, confirming that I had just fucked the beejeezus out of him and he would be no threat to me for the following minutes.

"Now, THAT'S how guys like us are supposed to use sex as a tool for their own purposes, Bobby-cakes. I hope you learnt your lesson this time" I smirked, as I pulled my pants on and zipped the fly. I bent down and kissed my exhausted boyfriend on the cheek, then placed a daisy I just picked up on his exposed butt crack. Ever the gentleman , huh?

Afterwards, I proceeded to free the flag from it's frozen prison and made my way out of there, trying to think of ways and strategies to plant it in the enemy's lair and win that most-desired week off my duties at the Institute. It would be funny if I managed to go on that seven-day trip and Bobby had to wait for me all that time, while relishing this memory of our hard fucking again and again in his mind.


I had contacted my teammates, letting them know that the flag was in my possession. We decided to leave Gerry and Frank back at our own headquarters, in order to protect them in case the flag fell in the enemy's hands during our own attack. I had assumed that Iceman and Zazelle would be still out of the game, due to the things that happened to them during their encounters with me. Bobby's ass must have still been sore, and I don't know if Zazelle had recovered from having those heavy twigs thrown on her yet.

On the other hand, I had to expect Colossus to be there and waiting for us, since he hadn't had any injuries from the time that I saw him in the woods. Rogue and Jubilee were, consecutively, the other players that were going to protect the enemy's base.

The enemy knew that I had retrieved the flag, so they were going to come after me. That's why Lola and Monique were going to cover for me during our attempt to a home-run. The enemy's base was on a small clearing at the far corner of the woods, and as soon as we got out of the clearing we all charged for the small white circle drawn in the grass. Colossus and Jubilee were positioned very close to the circle that we targeted, protecting it with their lives (well, not literally!). Rogue was the wildcard that was positioned further than the circle, and was supposed to be the first shield for me, tiring me out so that Colossus would eventually block me, even if I got past her.

Lola and Monique were running ahead of me, and they both made a nice triple axis while running, managing to get past through an astounded Rogue. My girls got to Jubilee and Colossus, and it was Lola who took on Jubes, while Piotr had to try his strength against Monique's powerful telekinetic shields. I kept running behind the girls but didn't manage to get past through Rogue's area as well, since the girl charged me with a low kick that could send a fucking giant down, never mind a simply above average young gay man.

I could hear the sounds from the ongoing battle a few feet away, but what use was all this if I, the main target of my opponents, had gone down? All I could feel was a numbing pain on my butt (since I had fallen on it) and Rogue's hands roaming all over my glove-fitting uniform, instead of bitchslapping me into oblivion.

"What-what the fuck are you doing? You searching for the flag on me?" I asked...after all, the reason for me being the main target was that I ws the one that had acquired the flag.

"Who gives a fuck about the stupid flag! I'm just trying to find an opening in this goddamned uniform of yours!" she said, her breath growing heavier by the minute.

"What do you...mean"? I said, getting dizzier by the minute, as her motions reminded me those of a vixen.

"You're an item with Bobby, right? So you must have fucked him, right? I know you have, don't lie to me, Davey-boy... I did my fair share of fooling around with Bobby, I know, but I never got to feel his naked skin against mine...and where's the emotion in sex, when there's no connection? No emotion? Bobby could get his rocks off with me at any given minute, but could never really get in touch with me. No touch, no connection, no emotional ties. That's why he broke up with me... the fact that we crossed over to guys is irrelevant." she mumbled in a hyperactive, kinda hysterical manner.

"Rogue, you were the one that broke up with Bobby...not him with you." I reminded her.

"Irrelevant. All is irrelevant. I let him go, because I loved him enough, wanted him to feel the connection, the emotion...I wasn't good enough for him! I'm the sacrificial lamb to my Bobby's happiness. Now he enjoys what he likes best. Real sex. With men. Not the huge set of kinks I could afford to offer to him. No wonder that he could never love me like I loved him." Her left hand found a way under my pants, and her bare hand now touched my bare hip. A tear was trickling down her cheeks.

"Rogue..." I started saying, but then her hand on my hip started having a tickling sensation and I felt some relevant weakness, as something surged from my body to hers.

"Shhh. Shhh. All I for you to share this memory with me. The memory of touching Bobby for real, his skin against yours, your real -and not plastic- dick giving pleasure to his cute ass. Giving him what I could bever give to him, and him thanking you for it. I will treasure and relish this sweet memory as if it was mine, and never be a problem to the two of you anymore. Please."

I nodded, although the tickling had grown into an unbearable pain that was getting to me. Rogue, in a very twisted sense, deserved this consolence. I even felt guilty for not loving Bobby the way she did, so I just closed my eyes shut and took it like a man.

"There", she said, indicating that she had reached the desired memory inside my mind. She took her hands off me and collapsed next to me. She hadn't permanently absorbed any of the memories she touched in me, and even the memory of having sex with Bobby in the woods was intact inside my memory. I simply shared it with her, she didn't took it completely from me. "Oh Bobby..." she moaned as she lied on the ground. I got up and trickled towards the enemy's area, leaving her have her way with my memory of Bobby...

Just as I made a few steps forward, Colossus lunged at me, escaping Monique's resistant shields and tackling me on the ground, with him on top of me. Thank God he wasn't on his armored form ( that was only, like, a FRICKIN TON heavier than his human form), or else we would have a Dave-shaped imprint on the ground right now narrating this story.

"Give me the damn flag or I'm turning in metal form, tovarisch!" He demanded, and I thought it was a pretty good tactic to get to his goal. Monique approached us but her puny telekinesis couldn't lift Colossus off me. Something had to be done.

Right at that moment, Jubilee's showdown with Lola was coming to an end. They both knew that Lola was only the reinforcement for the real king in this chess set (that would be me), and the main struggle now depended on the impact Colossus would have on me.

"Give me the damn flag, I said!" he repeated, but also pinched my ass a little with his free hand. Must have been a real pain that he didn't get to fuck it the last time we were like this together, hehe.

Jubilee quit the battle with the Glitter Princess and came to assist the main player in her team, Piotr, leaving Lola unattended.

Lola stepped in the white circle and made a divesque pose, smiling to an unseen camera. Her glittering nightgown (no, really, she even had a nightgown-like uniform!) shone at the sun, and many golden beams bounced off the glittering fabric of her fabulous dress.

"Give. Me. The. Damn. Flag!" Piotr insisted, unaware of the little ploy we had played on him. He didn't even suspect the reason that Monique had quit trying to lift him with her powers.

Lola pulled the hidden flag from where her fake boobs were supposed to be, and plugged it on the ground, taking a triumphant pose and striking us with her Colgate smile. She loved the attention, and when I proposed to her that she would take the flag, put it in the stuffing that she used in her cleavage and pretend that she's covering for the supposed real player (me), she gladly accepted, knowing that I would take the credit for the success, but she would get all the attention. And boy did it show!

"Uuuuuuurghhhhhhhh!" Peter started, totally unnerved from the unexpected loss. For a moment I feared that he was really going to crush me just for the heck of it, but somebody's foot resting on his backside reminded him of the alternative;

"Get off him Peter, the game is over. Mr.Logan wouldn't like it if you hurt Dave after the battle has ended, right?" Gerry said as he suddenly materialized over Colossus, his foot resting on Peter's back, a cheeky grin on his face. of course, he was only clad in that slutty g-string, and I could tell that by the salivating look on the faces of Lola, Monique and Jubilee, who were standing right behind him, ogling his sexy, perfectly curved ass.

Peter obliged and got off me, storming off to directions unknown, as the beautiful green scenery turned back in the cold colors of the Danger Room and Gerry reached for my hand, getting me to my feet. "Excellent strategy there, my friend. Too bad I wasn't able to be included in this."

I just patted his hair in response and grinned at him thankfully, then I turned back to get a teary-eyed Rogue on her feet. Gerry grabbed Rogue from the other side and we both escorted her out of the room, excited to get done with the debriefing from Cyclops and then start thinking how could we spend creatively our seven days of leave.


"Those boys of yours surely deserved this victory, Slim... I hope you intend to keep your promise of giving them seven days of leave and let them got together on whatever trip they want to. You should give them your Chrokee and let them camp on some beach or something." Wolverine said with his manly voice, a few hours later in what used to be Professor X's office.

"It depends on how happy I'm gonna be tommorow morning, Wolverine... which, in turn, depends on how eager you are to go through with the bet we made...your team lost, and you have to oblige. But I think that you're gonna claim that your students wouldn't lose if Rogue hadn't proved herself emotionally unstable at the most critical point of the battle..." Cyclops retorted. Was Logan ready to go all the way?

"I'm a man of my word, Summers...I'll do as we agreed. I knew what I was in for, and I always had Rogue's personal problems in mind, so it didn't affect my decisions much. Rogue is now taken care of our specialists, it was just a little break down, and we all must admit that she's very sturdy considering what she has gone through. Ultimately, she's gonna be okay. All of our students deserve praise for today, One-Eye...but we all know that this battle wouldn't be in the first place if that trip was the only thing to come out of this."

"Exactly, Logan. You lost that bet. Now you have to pay the price. You have to bottom for me, like you promised to do if my students beat yours in the Danger Room."

"That I did", Logan said casually.

"Alright then. Bend over bitch, and let me see that hairy, virgin ass of yours!" Cyclops said in a commanding tone.

At the exact same moment, at some corridor in the mansion:

"Oh my God guys...! My powers just picked up something! Something shocking!" Frank said, as he stopped dead in his tracks, while all five of the gang were making our way to our rooms to pack up and get ready to leave.

"What? What is it darling?" Lola asked, unusually concerned. Maybe she feared that Frank finally picked up on her real identity!

"Yeah, what? Is Pamela Anderson getting married to Tommy Lee again?" said Gerry, making me crack up.

"Just go ahead and tell us. It's probably made up again, like half of the things you say..." Monique said indifferently. But I could see her raising her ears anyway!

" guys won't believe it! You know what Wolverine's bet with Cyclops was all along? That the teacher whose students would prevail, would get to fuck the other in the ass tonight! And it turns out that it's not even the first time the two of them are getting it on! You MUST believe me!" Frank said, desperately.

"DAMMIT Frank!!!" Monique shot at him. "I had enough of your made up gay tabloid scandals! I'm getting outta here." she said, and walked ahead of us.

"Wow, that was too much, over for you, darling..."Lola commented. "But the mental image of what you just claimed is...interesting. I think I'm going to go and... do something... in my bathroom" she said, going ahead to catch up with Monique.

"I told you you wouldn't believe me!" Frank yelled at the girls. "It's like Cassandra's curse, really...that ho' could foresee pretty much everything, but the problem was that the Gods had put a curse on her so that nobody would believe her...then one day, three snakes came out of the sea and strangled the unbelievers!!! Bwahahahaha!!!" he added, then ran forward to scare the girls off a little.

"For a boy whose power is knowledge, Frank is somewhat lacking in Greek Mythology...or else he would know that Cassandra ultimately got herself killed, because she couldn't believe her own predictions anymore..." Gerry commented to me.

"Really? Maybe you could fill me in on the myth while we grab lunch...I'll buy! Just to thank you from getting a hunky, muscled, sweaty young beefcake off me...or, again, maybe I SHOULD SMACK YOU ON THE HEAD FOR DOING THAT!" I joked, and then we both started laughing as we made our way towards the restaurant...

It was relieving that Frank finally had a hint of the gay going-ons in this mansion, given what his powers were all about, but I wasn't able to help him out with his unbelievers right now...or else that nightmarish photo of me in my elementary school play would get posted on the school bulletin board...! No hints for Wolverine/Cyclops from me for now on...

Yeah, I know, I'm a shallow bastard that cares too much of his own image...can you blame me for that?


NEXT: The trip! is the address where you can send me your comments, guys! Give me a few ideas for the gang's vacation! Want to see Lola in a bikini? Gerry hiking the mountains? Dave dancing naked in the desert? lol! I have some things already planned out but there's always room for more!

Next: Chapter 8

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