
By Beverly Taff

Published on May 20, 2003


As Sissy's tears flowed she sat on the bed and examined her digigrade feet. She tried pushing her sandals off but the ankle straps held her shoes secure. They prevented any hope of escape for her feet. Then she reconsidered and concluded that 'even if she did get them off, she would then be totally unable to walk unaided'. Until her 'dressers' arrived to undress her, she was locked into those necessarily cruel, but beautiful heels. The tears started to flow down her cleavage and she started to feel uncomfortably damp down her bra. Once again she was thankful for the special provisions in her apartment

A box of tissues was readily available at the right height on the bedside table so she shuffled her rounded butt carefully along the bed to reach them. Then she discovered another impasse. She could not properly reach down into her bra with a tissue to wipe the droplets. Her infantile arms could not reach up and over her breasts because her elbow joints were not in the correctly proportioned place relative to her arm length. Consequently, her wrists could not bend tightly enough for her tiny hands to reach into the deep, spectacular fleshy gorge. With her corset off she would be able reach up and under her breasts but until her dressers arrived to remove it, she was condemned to endure the uncomfortable wetness.

Having obtained a tissue, she concentrated on her face but the former Carl was still unpractised in the secrets of feminine beauty care. She smeared her makeup and found herself staring at a clown caricature grinning back at her from the mirror. The ghastly mask annoyed her feminine appreciations so she shuffled her generous bottom a little further back down the bed to get out of view from her reflection in the mirror. Once her ridiculous face was invisible she gratefully flopped backwards onto the bed and eased her aching body.

Her feet hurt, her back hurt but most of all, her shoulders hurt from constantly having to support the male fantasies made real on her slender girlish chest. Even with the essential and substantial support of the corset, she still felt the strain. Her shoulders were forced backwards to tension her shoulder straps and prevent her gorgeous mammary adornments from threatening to plunge her forwards and downwards.

Once prone on the bed she first lay comfortably with her legs spread-eagled to stabilise her position. This position made her nervous. The open front crotch of her corset offered an open invitation under the microscopically short frock. It also allowed easy access to her primary feminism and she felt the cool draft invade her secrets. Her prone posture made her obscenely vulnerable to any potential voyeur but she concluded that in the security of her own bedroom, she could at least expect a degree of privacy and safety. Defeated utterly by her helpless form she was forced to accept her vulnerability and it sent a fricassee of pleasure-fear down her aching spine. Then she found herself savouring the unexpectedly pleasant and cool invasive draft that emphasised her exposure. It was the most comfortable position she could find.

Her comfort was short-lived though; eventually the weight of her boobs began to affect her breathing, restricted as it was by the corset compressing her lower ribs. Reluctantly she crossed her knees and flippered her right arm like a seal to cause her body to 'capsize' like a ship and flop over onto her left side.

Her boobs wobbled for a brief moment then dragged her slender torso over and she ended up lying on her left side with her boobs anchoring her like a pair of boulders. Once tethered in this position she knew she would have to lie helplessly like an anchored ship until her carers arrived to prepare her for bed.

Sissy was past caring though. With her boobs now resting on the bed, their weight was eased and the load on her shoulders was ameliorated. Her breathing was also easier. Thus anchored, she curled into a foetal ball and fell into a fitful slumber.

She woke to feel delicate fingers discreetly slacking her corset laces behind her. The light touch tickled her back and she squeaked with confused surprise before coming fully to her senses.

"Who's that?" begged Sissy as she squirmed sleepily.

"It's me, Sarah."

"Oh! Thanks. I want to go to the loo."

"That's what I'm here for. I'll get you ready for bed after you've evacuated yourself then showered and stuff."

Sissy stretched out her infantile arms in beseechment and Sarah gently eased her upright then pulled her to her feet. Sissy's boobs wobbled precariously and threatened to topple her forwards.

"Whoa trigger," encouraged Sarah, "steady as she goes there. Remember I've loosed your stays darling. Now you're like a square-rigged ship with loosed mainsails running before a gale. I've left your sandals on to allow you to walk so you've got still got some stability."

After almost 'broaching', Sissy found her balance and sashayed to the bathroom. She was grateful that the corset was slackened off and ready for removal. Her boobs were still encased in the immense silky bra cups but now the laces were slackened, they were free to sway and bounce in unison with her clicking heels.

In the bathroom Sissy suffered the indignity of having her corset completely removed and having her new butt 'unplugged'. The sensation increased her urgency and she gasped with gratitude as Sarah just managed to lower her onto the toilet in time. Like a child having waited until it was absolutely essential, Sissy's bowels exploded with relief and she sagged gratefully as the pressure eased immediately.

The action had been completely automatic and Sissy was relieved to discover that bowel movement was the same for both sexes. There was to be no embarrassing re-education of her sphincter muscles.

As she sat relieving herself in full view of Sarah, Sissy watched her carer unsnap the rubber crotch strap from the corset then remove the butt-plug from it's locking ring in the crotch. Sarah then washed the separated plug and rubber gusset before hanging them over the bath to dry. Sissy studied the humiliating device and cursed inwardly at the indignities it promised for the future. To her chagrin however, it compared as nothing to the next indignity.

After emptying herself she was totally unable to reach around and down to wipe her own bottom. She was compelled to bend over a 'disabled person's rail' as Sarah wiped her bottom. After this assault to her pride, Sissy felt she could sink no lower. However another thought struck her, she wondered why Sarah did not seem to mind.

"Aren't you embarrassed by having to clean me like this?" Sissy asked.

Sarah just shrugged as she washed her hands and made a little grimace in the mirror before replying.

"We all have our crosses to bear darling. Just be grateful for small mercies."

Sissy nodded her head gloomily.

'Sarah was right,' she concluded, 'she should be thankful there was somebody to help her. Without somebody to clean her, she would have been in real mess.'

Sarah next removed the heels then provided two shower caps and assisted Sissy into the large shower cubicle. Sissy found the mutual lathering exciting and discovered herself unexpectedly giggling for the first time since her transformation. She found the constant contact of their smooth, slippery, sensitive feminine skins to be intensely erotic. The shower jets seemed to be just the right intensity to provoke her natural erotic responses and she found herself thoroughly aroused as Sarah directed the telephone nozzle into all her secret erotic places. Sissy couldn't help but savour the shiny slippery sensations as their glistening feminine curves slithered against each other and her aroused buds slithered against Sarah's beautifully soft breasts and complimentary nipples.

'It seemed that women were just made to be 'touchy-feely',' thought Sissy.

Next, Sarah helped Sissy to the special bathroom seat and wrapped a large fluffy towel around Sissy. The towel seemed to be just the right texture to excite Sissy's full beam 'headlamps' and she twitched sensitively as the soft towelling brushed her turgid bulbs. Then, Sarah settled Sissy onto the stool as she attended to drying herself. As Sissy watched Sarah towelling her own body, she found herself admiring Sarah's perfect form. Sarah poised with the grace of a ballerina as she stretched to dry her body. The image reminded Sissy of Toulouse Le'Trecs' painting of the dancer attending to her ballet slippers and soon Sissy's loins were getting warm and damp. This reaction intrigued her and she realised Carl's sexual preferences still lay rooted somewhere deep in her brain. She tried not to squirm.

If she had moved too violently Sissy knew with a sickening certainty that she would topple off balance and end up like a floundering seal on the bathroom floor. Fortunately, she was learning the delicate trick of keeping her balance but her arousal distracted her and she desperately wanted to alleviate the growing urgency in her loins.

Sarah's grace and beauty did not help Sissy either, for she found herself lusting after Sarah's perfect feminine grace and mobility.

Eventually Sarah was dry and she turned to address Sissy. As she dabbed the soft luxurious towel expertly around Sissy's exaggerated curves, she recognised the slippery dampness in Sissy's loins and smiled knowingly to the trembling girl.

"Excited are you darling?"

Sissy nodded dejectedly and bit her lip regretfully as a tiny tear betrayed her attempts to hide her frustration. Sarah gently leaned over Sissy's balcony and as their nipples pressed together, she planted a delicate kiss on Sissy's fulsome lips.

"Never mind darling, we'll soon put things right."

Sissy's eyelids became heavy with desire as Sarah's tongue invaded her mouth and she her carer's delightfully sweet tongue. Then, as they parted again, their gaze met and Sissy suddenly realised what Sarah meant.

Sarah smiled and nodded knowingly.

"Yes dear, you didn't think we would leave you alone and helpless all night did you. Somebody has to care for you 'twenty-four, seven'."

Sissy felt a wave of nervous relief shudder through her excited body.

"D'you mean you'll be here, in the bed?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I mean."

Sissy stared nervously into Sarah's eyes then whispered tentatively.

"Are you a les- a lesbian?"

"Not quite," giggled Sarah, "I was once a man like you."

"What!" Squawked Sissy.

"Yes. There's no need to be so surprised2 observed Sarah, "the same thing happened to me as happened to you."

"Yes, but I-"

Sissy fell silent, lost for words as Sarah finished gently patting her dry.

"So you- you still like women?" continued Sissy.


"So we're both men in women's bodies who like to sleep with women."

"Well that's putting it a bit simply," replied Sarah with a smile, " but I'm quite happy with my new condition. I enjoy being a girl but my sexual preferences are for other women. I think you must admit, they have much more sensitive bodies."

Sissy was forced to admit, the new excitements she had experienced were certainly more intense than Carl's brief explosive relief. Sarah's delicate patting with the towel had also brought Sissy to new heights. She found herself pressing her thighs tightly together and wobbled precariously as her arms fluttered uselessly. Fortunately, the ever-attentive Sarah spotted the alarm in Sissy's eyes and reached out quickly to steady her.

Sissy gratefully leaned her head against Sarah's supportive arm then found herself rubbing her cheek affectionately against Sarah's neck like a friendly mare.

Sarah gently ran her fingers through Sissy's spectacular mane and they found themselves moving eagerly but slowly to the bedroom. Without her supportive heels, Sissy had to hobble precariously; she was totally dependent on Sarah's essential support.

Sissy had no doubts about what was to follow but she was worried as to exactly how two lesbians made love. Her heart thumped frantically as she realised she was about to find out.

In the bedroom, Sarah helped Sissy into a pair of satiny panties. Sissy twitched sensuously as the satiny material slithered erotically up her smooth soft thighs. Then Sarah slipped a silky nightie over Sissy's narrow shoulders and quickly buttoned it up the back. After a few frantic gropes, Sissy squeaked nervously when she realised the nightie had no armholes. As Sarah deftly tied the draw ribbon under Sissy's spectacular bust, Sissy flippered her encased arms uselessly and realised she was as neatly trussed up as any oven ready chicken. Her breasts had lost some of their bounce as the ribbon secured them but with her arms encased and trapped, Sissy was now little more than a wingless bird. The sensation of helplessness raised unusual feelings within her and she shuddered with delight as the smooth materiel slithered over her sensitive skin.

"You won't hurt me will you?" she begged.

"Of course not darling," promised Sarah as she turned back the satin sheets, "now make yourself comfortable on the bed."

Sissy flopped clumsily across the bed and lay submissively as Sarah gently lifted Sissy's long slender legs then slewed them around and spread them to make Sissy comfortable. Next she donned her own nightie and slipped under the sheets alongside Sissy.

The next act sent shivers of fear down Sissy's back.

Sarah reached under the sheets and Sissy heard dull clicks as two rings clipped round her ankles. She tried to close her legs but her ankles were fastened to a small spreader bar and there was no way Sissy could protect her femininity. She tried to turn on her side but her efforts proved futile and she squeaked fearfully.

"Why are you doing this?" she begged.

"To reinforce your sense of helplessness and vulnerability," replied Sarah. "It will help you realise just how helpless a girl can be and how frightened they can be. It's part of your training."

"What training" gulped Sissy?

"To teach you to respect others in a way that Carl never did. You'll learn what it's like to be on the receiving end of such treatment."

A tear leaked from Sissy's eye as she recollected many of the selfish acts that Carl had perpetrated. She turned to try and burrow her face in Sarah's breast but her efforts failed. Her parted ankles acted as stoppers to restrict any assisted rotation and her tiny arms flippered uselessly inside the frictionless upper bodice of the nightie.

The silky nightie simply slithered silkily against the satin sheets and Sissy got no purchase whatsoever. She was completely helpless.

Sarah recognised Sissy's efforts and decided there had been sufficient instruction for one night. She reached over and gently tugged Sissy's prone body towards her as she inveigled her silky smooth legs between Sissy's. With their legs entwined Sissy found she could now regain some purchase against Sarah's silky soft thighs and she twitched suggestively. Sarah understood Sissy's intentions and gently grasped her narrow shoulders as she eased Sissy slowly onto her side to face her. Sissy's breasts tumbled over and wobbled before settling inside the embracing bodice of her nightie. Her nipples grew stiff with lust, as Sarah pressed against her and brought their nighties together. Sissy gasped once again at the sensuous contact and found herself urgently rubbing her parted legs against Sarah's soft rounded calves and thighs.

"This is lovely!" she croaked as she gazed deeply into Sarah's' eyes.

"It will get better, just wait and see," reassured Sarah, "being a girl is really a fun thing, you only have to learn to be submissive."

Sissy sighed helplessly then started to squirm with craving as Sarah's knowing fingers wandered salaciously over her helpless captive body.

"How do girls do it?" whispered Sissy as her urgency mounted.

"The same way as any other couple," replied Sarah, " just push forward as I push."

Sissy thrust her hips forward until her rounded tummy fetched up against Sarah's fatty pad.

"It's not close enough," complained Sissy, "you'll have to hug me to get tighter."

Sarah had anticipated Sissy's inability to assist. Without arms to reciprocate their hugging clasp, Sarah knew she would have had to do all the hugging.

Of course there was another aspect to Sarah's lesbian lovemaking; her cunt-snake.

Carefully, Sarah positioned herself as closely as she could then brought her free hand to inveigle her fingers delicately between Sissy's twitching thighs.

"Mmm, that's nice," murmured Sissy a she felt her bud harden even more, "Just there, oh! That's right, that's right on the button. Ooh! Ahh!"

Cautiously, Sarah invited her serpentine tenant to sneak forth and gently substitute his soft lips for Sarah's busy fingers. The swap was so successful that Sissy failed utterly to discover the change until Sarah's friend slowly inveigled his coils into Sissy's receptive scabbard.

"Ooohh! That's nice. Is that a dildo?" gasped Sissy.

"Yes," whispered Sarah deceitfully as she gently tightened her embrace.

With little or no previous experience as a girl to enlighten her, Sissy utterly failed to recognise the alien invasion of her new womanhood and she croaked with satiation as the knowing cuntsnake exercised his many skills to bring her to Nirvana.

Urgently, Sissy squirmed and thrashed in helpless abandonment as Sarah's pet excelled himself and slowly brought the naïve virgin to a series of multiple orgasms.

With each successive heightening climax, Sissy's cries rose to a higher pitch until she let out a screech of delight and collapsed unconscious as the final crescendo engulfed her.

As Sissy lay comatose, Sarah set about her Gaia duties. The bedroom door opened softly and a shadowy figure entered with a pair of dark forms in her hand. A few whispered exchanges confirmed that Jackie had entered with a pair of cuntsnakes ready to take up residence in Sissy's new anatomy.

As Sissy slumbered with her legs spread-eagled, the two cuntsnakes gently inveigled themselves deep into her sex and prepared for the ensuing tenancy. Sissy slept on blissfully unaware as the female attached herself permanently into Sissy's womb whilst the male coiled around her and locked the pair inside Sissy's cunt.

Unlike Jackie or Sarah, Sissy was a new Gaia development, namely a fully functioning woman. Sissy would eventually discover she was utterly unable to permanently expel her new tenants but by then she would not wish to. She would have become addicted to their charms. For the rest of the night, Sissy remained blissfully wedged like a child between Jackie and Sarah.

She woke to find her bed empty. Sarah and Jackie were busy preparing breakfast and laughing in the kitchen. Sissy called to them for help for her ankles were still held apart by the spreader. Sarah appeared with the keys and deftly unlocked Sissy's ankles as Jackie went to the wardrobe and chose her clothes for the day.

After showering, and emptying her bladder, Sissy hobbled with assistance back to the bedroom and studied the lingerie on the bed.

Naturally Sissy's lingerie differed little in fashion terms. Sissy's body had certain essential needs that would forever dictate the shape and design her corsetry. Jackie picked up the beautiful full-cupped corset and invited Sissy to slip her feet into it as she drew it up her body. Gratefully Sissy savoured the welcome support for her back and boobs as Jackie laced it to the required tightness. Fortunately certain small variations in design were possible. The stays of the new bodice lent the essential support and shape but some new innovative stretchy satin panels allowed her to breath more easily. Once laced in, Sissy could not bend, but she could now breath freely and fill her lungs easily. There was also a stretchy panel around her lower tummy and she was grateful for the comfort. She little knew that the easier breathing was essential to supply sufficient oxygen for her new female cunt-snake permanently attached via her womb into her bloodstream. The softer stretchy tummy panel prevented both her tenants from being too tightly constrained inside her. The corset still included a detachable butt plug and open crotch but Sissy could not object.

Once she was ensconced within the corset's confines Sissy could neither see nor reach below her spectacular balcony. The open crotch however, would allow her cuntsnakes easy access and egress but more of that later.

Next Jackie slipped the silky stockings up Sissy's legs and strapped another pair of 'surgical heels' to her feet. Gently they eased Sissy to her feet and led her to the wardrobe. For a brief second Sissy caught a glimpse of her exaggerated shape reflected in the long mirror before Sarah took a full-length hobble dress and slipped it over her narrow shoulders. After zipping it up the back, Sissy tested it and discovered she was restricted to the tiniest of mincing steps. With a sickening resignation, she knew she was thus imprisoned for the day.

Finally, Sissy was helped to sit at the dressing table and shown how to do her makeup and hair. As she practised, Jackie explained their plans for her.

"If you want, we'll have permanent makeup tattooed onto your face. It will remove the necessity of applying it and repairing it every few hours through the day but it will give you a permanent image. You can decide yourself at a later time. With those little arms, applying makeup will be a tedious task and I think you'll eventually opt for the tattoos."

Sissy considered Jackie's suggestions as she stretched to apply her foundation cream to her forehead whilst still facing the mirror. Her little arms strained and trembled as they stretched to rub the cream at the limit of their reach. The effort became unbearable eventually Sissy decided to bend her head towards her shoulders. This enabled her to rub the cream in her skin but of course she could not look directly into the mirror. For the actual makeup, she had to study the mirror image as her arms stretched to their limits. Even reaching for the makeup on the table required a considerable stretch. To compound her problems, her stretching made her hands tremble more and she had to re-do her eyeliner and lip liner several times. By the time she had finished her makeup, Sissy's shoulders ached with exhaustion. Her baby like arms had little muscle or strength and it felt as though she had been holding her hands up in the air all morning. She checked for a final study of the mirror then sagged with relief at the dressing table. The makeup had taken nearly an hour and she concluded that Jackie's suggestion about permanent makeup might have merit.

Eventually Sissy felt presentable enough to go breakfast. She held out her arms in the usual attitude of beseechment and her carers eased her to her feet.

At the door she had the usual problem. If she approached the door full-faced, as any normal person would do, her tits reached the door before her tiny arms could reach the doorknob and she couldn't operate the round knob. Instead, she had to employ a distorted version of the 'playboy bunny bob' to reach down and gently draw the door open whilst mincing sideways to control the door's swing. It did not help that her tiny fingers could not totally encompass the rounded knob and she had to squeeze with all her infantile might to get enough grip to twist the knob to release the latch. To a normal hand, what was a simple 'finger and thumb' motion, became for Sissy a full fisted struggle. Furthermore, she could not use two hands like an ordinary child because her tits prevented her from facing the door full frontal. It was just one more demonstration of her vulnerable dependency.

To anybody watching from the other side, the first view of Sissy's impending entrance was of a pair of spectacular tits in profile wobbling provocatively as the door gap slowly widened.

Sissy was not slow to realise this and crimsoned with embarrassment as several pairs of greedy eyes turned from the breakfast table to follow her entrance. Fortunately they all appeared to be women and Sissy sighed with relief until she detected the appreciative glints in their eyes.

'Of course,' she concluded, 'some of those women were really 'men' inside their heads and they studied her with as much anticipation as any full blooded macho male yob.' Sissy shuddered as she remembered just how utterly helpless she was. Nervously she teetered to her place and stood obediently by her special niche in the table until Jackie and Sarah eased her into her allotted slot. Once settled she ate sparingly for her appetite was now that of a lady. Her only indulgence was the strong black coffee and she whispered politely for several extra cups. She still had Carl's craving for coffee and several condescending smiles recognised this permanent reminder that Sissy had once been a large greedy man. The problem was that coffee tended to be diuretic and Sissy would pay for Carl's greed later in the morning.

After breakfasting, Sissy was assisted from the table and left to roam the gardens like any Edwardian lady of leisure. Slowly she minced along in her hobble skirt trying to ignore her hapless condition by intently studying the flowers. It wasn't long however, before the caffeine affected her tenants and they became active within her. Suddenly, Sissy felt her womb flip inexplicably and she gave a feminine squeak of surprise as the cunt-snake's squirming sent flutters of delight throughout her belly. She sagged helplessly into a garden seat and suddenly felt a strange sensation under her hobble skirt, as something seemed to be busying itself inside her vagina. Sissy gave a squeal of fear and tried to reach her beleaguered pussy but of course her arms could not reach below her waist and the ankle length tapered skirt prevented any alternative access. As the inexplicable sensations increased, Sissy finally realised that there was something alive under her dress, something that could access her most intimate and sensitive parts.

At first, she was terrified and began to feel feint as she tried to imagine what sort of horror was assailing her modesty. She tried to close her legs but the strange invader already seemed to be lodged deep within her and her efforts at exclusion were already too late. Whatever it was, it had already got a grip on her most intimate and private parts. Sissy wondered frantically what was going on but her fears quickly changed to pleasure then delight, as the unknown invader seemed to press exactly the right buttons. Within thirty minutes, Sissy was reduced to a slack-jawed, wanton slut as she finally collapsed from exhaustion after her umpteenth climax and slumped onto the garden seat. She recovered to find Sarah smiling down on her prone helpless form.

"Happy now are we dear?" inquired Sarah.

Sissy gasped as her cunt felt one last little reminder and she struggled for the breath to speak.

"I- Ooohh, I- I'm exhausted; it's my- my- you know; there's something inside me, I'm sure. There's something doing things to my- my va- my vagina."

Sissy glanced down and crimsoned with embarrassment as she finally found the correct word for her new anatomy and used it. It was a devilish reminder of her reduced condition to that of a helpless, horny slut.

"What do you mean my darling?" asked Sarah as she sat on the seat and cradled Sissy's head on her lap.

Sissy hesitated, she was loath to confess her strange condition but the strange fluttering sensation was still active inside her lower tummy.

"It- it's my tummy, well no- it's a bit lower. There's a strange feeling and funny things going on. Am I pregnant or something?"

Sarah smiled again as she gently palpitated Sissy's tummy and felt the cuntsnakes writhing within. The cuntsnakes responded by flipping and squirming vigorously and Sissy let out a squeal of nervous delight.

"Ooohh! There! See, did you feel that?"

Sarah met Sissy's nervous gaze and grinned hugely.

"Why yes darling. Those are your new friends."

Sissy frowned uncomprehendingly and her lip trembled.

"What d'you mean, friends?"

"Your new tenants darling. You're a daughter of Gaia now. Lie back and I'll explain."

Sissy tensed for a moment and struggled to sit up but of course failed. Instead, she was compelled to lie with her head cradled on Sarah's lap as Sarah explained the whole set-up.

As the sun morning warmed the garden, Sarah described at length Sissy's new condition and purpose. When she finished, Sissy lay silent and thoughtful then suddenly gave an urgent twitch.

"I want to pee, quickly!"

Sarah remembered how much coffee Sissy had drunk at breakfast and responded immediately. Quickly she pulled Sissy to her feet and escorted her as she minced urgently to the nearest loo. There she unzipped Sissy's dress and eased her down onto the seat. Sissy's bladder exploded with relief then Sarah lifted her up and Sissy had to end forward ignominiously as Sarah wiped her dry.

"You shouldn't drink so much coffee," admonished Sarah.

"I can't help it. It's the old Carl. The last vestiges of his existence."

"Well, it's your funeral. If you're going to drink so much coffee, you'll have to wear very short dresses so that you can pee without having to de-frock."

"And that makes me 'available'," finished Sissy dejectedly.

"I shouldn't worry. With your new friends to protect you, any man who thinks he can abuse you, will get his comeuppance."

Sissy suddenly remembered why Carl had been 'punished' and frowned guiltily. Then a thoughtful expression spread across her features as she accepted her new condition. Already, she was beginning to understand the woman's point of view. She felt hopelessly vulnerable. The very idea of some man's cock invading her body sent shivers of revulsion rippling down her spine and she crossed her legs tensely as her inner core tightened up with fear.

"It's disgusting isn't it?" she mumbled.

"What is darling?" asked Sarah.

"Men. The way they force themselves, the way they expect it."

"It's the way things are for both of us from now on darling. They fuck. We get fucked. You'd better get used to it."

"But my snakes, they'll even things up."

"You still get fucked darling, like it or lump it, inside your brain you're a man sexually and you prefer women. The idea of sex with a man is abhorrent. I know; I've been there."

"You'll just have to lie back and endure it."

"That's what millions of women have been doing since the human condition rose above the apes. You'd better get used to it. Just remember we can still be girls together when we're not working for Gaia."

Sissy twitched as Sarah gave her bud a gentle stroke and her legs sagged slightly.

'Sarah knew exactly what buttons to press and Sissy squirmed sensuously as her hobble frock was zipped up again and she was encased like a cocoon. They returned to the garden and chatted for the remainder of the morning. At lunch Sissy was fed sparingly then the afternoon was spent practising womanly ways until dinner. After dinner Sissy was exhausted and grateful to go to bed early. Sarah joined her and attended upon Sissy's needs as the cunt snakes introduced themselves properly.

Sissy was allowed the full 'freedom' of a simply 'baby-doll' nightie and all the cunt sakes took full advantage. Sissy's night was a memorable one but the most erotic discovery was that the cuntsnakes liked human breast milk. Indeed! The needed it.

As Sissy's cuntsnakes latched onto Sarah's engorged nipples Sissy stared in amazement then her expression changed to fear as Sarah explained.

"In a few days dear, you'll be able to feed your own pets. Having a cuntsnake permanently attached to your womb is tantamount to being pregnant. Your hormones will soon kick in and you'll be lactating like a Holstein cow. Don't worry dear, it feels lovely doesn't it?"

Sissy was forced to nod agreement. The delicate attention that the cuntsnakes paid to her mammary glands was surpassed only by the sensations and services they provided lower down. Sissy was in heaven.

Her next shock came the following morning when she woke to the sound of soft whispering in her ears. She opened her eyes expecting to find Sarah alongside her but instead she found her two cuntsnakes draped between her breasts and stretched onto her shoulders. It was the first chance she had had to study them up closely for previously they had always busied themselves with her erotic zones and trigger buttons.

Now she could see them up close and she was amazed to recognise their human features. Then, as she came to her senses, she realised it was her cuntsnakes who were whispering in her ears. With a squeal of surprise, (which the cunt snakes were expecting,) Sissy called to Sarah.

"Sarah! They talk! My cunt snakes, they can talk!!"

Sarah appeared smiling in the doorway and settle on the bed beside Sissy.

"Of course they can dear, they are as intelligent as you or I. We usually give them names and they become our confidants and confessors. What do you want to call them?"

"Yesss," whispered the longer, thicker snake, "I'm the girl, what do you want to call me?"

For a moment, Sissy lay stunned as two pairs of tiny intelligent eyes smiled and reared up like cobras from her cleavage. Sissy stared into the eyes and her panic slowly subsided as she garnished the affection emanating from the sapphire blue depths. She realised the cuntsnakes where her friends and she would never be lonely with these two little beauties to talk to. As she relaxed she brought up her tiny hands to stroke them and they gently coiled their necks around her fingers. Sissy realised they had exactly the same texture and warmth as her own skin. As she recovered her senses Sissy replied to the longer snake.

"I don't know. What would you like to be called?"

"There's no hurry," replied the smaller snake, "I'm the boy snake and we are both prepared to wait. Our names are entirely within your gift."

Their archaic speech flummoxed Sissy briefly so she decided to dwell upon her decisions. She gently invited the cuntsnakes to attend to her other needs ad the obliged without question. Sarah smiled condescendingly as Sissy's face submerged beneath the sheets and the lump on the bed started to thrash about with abandon as urgent whisperings emanated from under.

'Sissy was really getting to know her new friends,' concluded Sarah as she resumed preparing breakfast.

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