
By Beverly Taff

Published on Apr 21, 2003


Snake 2

Chapter 2

For several months Cleo and Aspa remained living in the jungle. They lived as an Amazonian lesbian couple whilst devoting their time to learning Western mores and lifestyles from Sybil and I. For we two `cunt snakes' it was a halcyon time. Sybil produced her first pair of eggs and, as the high priestess had predicted, they hatched in the warm security of Cleo's womb where Sybil nursed them and cared for them before finally presenting them to the world.

The high priestess, in her wisdom had prepared a clever biology for the production of the eggs. To avoid inbreeding, each cycle when Sybil was fertile, one of Cleo's eggs would pass down Cleo's fallopian tube and into the ovipator duct that ran parallel with the blood vessels that passed nourishment from Cleo's placenta to Sybil. Once the egg had entered Sybil's body it was modified by Sybil's pheromones and then made fertile in Sybil's body by my sperm. Thus the male baby snake was conceived of the hosts egg whilst the female of the twins was conceived of the tenant's egg. This way the inbreeding was avoided and each female member of the partnership could enjoy the pleasure of producing a baby, albeit a human-snake cross.

Early one morning, as the rain whispered onto the vegetative roof of our hut, Cleo lay abed whilst Aspa prepared breakfast. Suddenly Cleo gave a wriggle of pleasure as Sybil emerged from her sex and twisted her soft feminine coils into a protective ring. Curious about Sybil's behaviour, Cleo sat up and spread her legs apart on the bed. Immediately two precious pink-skinned offspring slipped painlessly forth to land amidst Sybil's coils. Cleo gasped with wonder as a thin high-pitched wail announced their arrival.

She shrieked to us to come and see' and Aspa rushed from the cooking pot to inspect the new arrivals. As Aspa clambered onto the bed, I peeped out from Aspa's sex and drank the vision in as Aspa squealed with delight. Cleo was now sitting cross-legged on the bed holding the two tiny babies in her cupped hands whilst Sybil lay coiled up on Cleo's legs with her head erected to gently caress her new-born' children with her soft human lips. Aspa settled beside them and I slipped out from her man-cunt to join in the adoration.

"What happens now?" I squeaked excitedly.

"You must begin the next part of your journey," answered the high priestess as she timed her entrance perfectly and bent low to enter our hut. She had heard the wail of our newborns.

"What's that?" I pressed.

"Cleo, Aspa, Sybil and you must now serve the Earth Mother Gia," replied the priestess.


"Firstly you must teach the children as they grow. They will grow quickly and you must now share Sybil's breast milk with your children.

Do not worry. There will be plenty of milk. Cleo will feed well and Sybil will be able to nourish you all. Your job is to teach the children so that by the time you are back amidst men they will know of their task."

"And that is?"

"As I told you before. They will live like you and Cleo in the body of a woman who is already selected. There they will serve to spread the will of Gia by denying promiscuous men their penises."

I remembered the priestess's words and recalled how I was to deny any man's seed access to Cleo's womb by enveloping his invading organ with my soft accommodating mouth rather like an Egg Snake swallowing an egg.

When a man savoured the delicious sensation of my soft lips and exotic muscular contractions inside my expanded throat, he would quickly reach orgasm. The moment I tasted the first spurt of semen, my snakelike body responded immediately by delivering my special bite to the invading organ.

The special pair of fangs deep in my throat would then flick up and deliver a tiny pin-prick' of a scratch to deliver a dose of feminising venom into the back of the invading penis. This occurred while the man was immersed in the urgent passion of his orgasm and totally unaware of the tiny pricking sensation. If he felt anything he would probably conclude it was a bit of the Cleo's virginal hymen chord ripping and snagging' against his rampant organ. My lips could easily mimic a hymen membrane parting as the eager penis parted the portals of Cleo's sex and the penis owner would inevitably be deceived into believing he had just broken a virgin.

Several hours after sex, the offending organ would begin to itch slightly. When he scratched it he would probably conclude his nails had raised the almost invisible rash on the back of his penis and think no more about it. Some days later, possibly after he had laid several more girls, he would fall into a deep sleep. In the morning he would waken to find his penis had shrunk into a clitoris and his scrotum had withdrawn up into his body to form a blind sterile vagina. During this sleep his testicles would withdraw to become a crude pair of ovaries containing no eggs but manufacturing essential female hormones to stabilise his new girly condition. His new feminised libido however, would become infinitely more vigorous than his previous male one and he would become a randy lesbian nymphomaniac. His weakened feminised body however, would prevent him from physically abusing anybody.

My venom was potent stuff.

As I contemplated this development, the high priestess picked up our two tiny children and studied them closely as she admired her handiwork. Then she smiled with satisfaction and gently handed them back to Sybil and Cleo.

"Look after them," she smiled. "When you get to Europe you will go to the temple of the Amazonian in Greece and there meet with the first European acolytes of our daughter church. Their God is known by the same word but they spell it Gaia.

Go now and prepare to travel."

Cleo smiled and gently stroked Sybil's head to signal her return to the womb. Sybil gently took both our babies in her tender lips and retreated backwards into Cleo's vagina as Cleo squirmed and sighed with pleasure. Just before Sybil's head disappeared she gave Cleo's clitty one last lingering kiss and introduced both children to Cleo's most sensitive button. It was our children's first lesson in how to serve their host. Cleo mewled softly and motioned Aspa to help place me within her. Aspa gently introduced me to Cleo's sex and I followed my beloved Sybil into the dark delightful recesses of our home. Once securely lodged within, I played with my children briefly then I squirmed around and tried to extend my head as I usually did. Unexpectedly I found my exit blocked and realised that Cleo had put on a `light control' western style panty girdle.

Already, both Amazons were adopting western styles of dress in preparation for their journey to Europe.

Fortunately the panty-girdle had a special semi-transparent silky net panel just above the cotton crotch. Whilst appearing to be a reinforced front panel to support Cleo's slightly swollen tummy it also served to allow me access to the air. I was now forced to breath through its flimsy diaphanous mesh and my view of the world was now made `misty' by the texture of the silky gauze.

Thus I would be compelled to savour Cleo's delightful concentrated bodily fragrances whenever she went out dressed as a western woman.

If anybody looked closely at Cleo's panties and knew what to look for, they might have seen the vague outline my face and lips faintly visible under her panties. More likely though, they would have mistaken me for her swollen clitty and love lips. Either way I was not perturbed. I knew that whenever I appeared at the threshold of Cleo's sex, the soft silky embrace of her panties supported me and imprisoned me. It was of course likewise if I was staying with Aspa for she also wore panties now.

Both Sybil and I soon learned that the supportive pressure of the girl's panty girdles enabled us to apply more pressure to their clitties when they were dressed.

We later learned to take advantage of this when the girls were out in public or in the company of others. Suddenly the girls would give a little gasp when we gently descended to the thresholds of their sex and worked our magic as they tried to conduct themselves with decorum. As either or both of them became progressively enraptured by our sly machinations they would receive strange knowing looks from their companions. Out in the street, even complete strangers glanced with surprise if either of our hosts suddenly felt an urgent need to sit down for a brief relief.

The first time we did this was when the girls were flying from Rio de Janeiro to Athens. Our actions caused them both to become members of The mile high club'. The first man had what he thought was his evil way' with the `virginal' Aspa as she accidentally left the lavatory door unlocked. In reality it was simply a trap to test our technique.

It was best to test with Aspa first because there was no possibility of her getting pregnant. Once we had satisfied ourselves that the system seemed reliable Aspa returned to our seat and spread a blanket across both seats. Then I slipped silently from Aspa's man-cunt to join Sybil inside Cleo. The girls watched the man whispering to his friend and casting greedy glances towards us so Cleo then visited the lavatory with a brief inviting glance towards the second man. He followed like a lamb to the slaughter.

Both men thought they were taking advantage of two innocent but licentious jungle virgins but they would learn differently in a few days. By the time we had arrived in Athens, two promiscuous males were already destined to become `female'.

When we landed in Athens it was the northern winter. Cleo and Aspa quickly began to feel the cold so at our recommendation, they each bought their first ever pairs of panty hose at the airport. Naturally they chose a heavy glossy denier but that only served to make their legs more attractive. As they waited outside the airport they were already receiving some appreciative glances. Pantyhose did not bother me too much. I could still breath freely though my view became somewhat dimmer and hazier.

Cleo and Aspa always wore very short skirts and, whilst this improved Sybil's and my view of the world, it made for cold comfort in the Greek winter. The tights were a welcome addition.

Even though I was warm blooded, my basic snake metabolism still appreciated the extra warmth. Both Cleo and Aspa persisted in wearing their microscopically short provocative skirts and the draught around their panties felt quite chilly.

Although they waited at the taxi rank they did not have to hail a taxi. A mini-bus arrived by pre-arrangement driven by another girl of obvious Grecian origin. She quickly embraced Cleo and Aspa for they knew each other of old.

After loading the bags the three exchanged stories on the drive from Athens airport. Eventually they chatted about Sybil and I, but neither Cleo nor Aspa would introduce us to Helen until we were all safe within the private temple. It was agreed that two young Brazilian girls pulling off their tights and panties in a mini-bus might get arrested for lewd behaviour.

Once safely bedded in the temple they rapidly stripped and resumed their more familiar jungle nakedness as Sybil and I finally made our acquaintance with Helen the pre-selected young acolyte. After a brief intimate ceremony, our children who had already grown quite appreciably, slipped knowingly into Helen's private parts. Sybil followed them in to instruct our daughter' exactly how to attach herself permanently to Helen's womb with her tail joined to the outlet from one of Helen's fallopian tubes. With Cleo and Helen thus connected' by Sybil I slipped out of Aspa's vagina and followed my family up into Helen. Our `invasion elicited licentious groans from Helen.

Cleo and Aspa settled beside Helen on the bed and attended to her external needs as Sybil and I demonstrated to our children how to serve their new host. We explained that eventually, Helen might find a partner and our son would be able to share both partner's vaginas exactly as we did with Aspa and Cleo. Finally we bid farewell to our children and returned to our own hosts.

We knew we would see them again. At every visit to a temple of Gaia, the worshippers would `exchange snakes' as an expression of their faith and their beliefs. It remained now for us to spread the gospel of Gaia, - that was restraint and moderation, in all things reproductive. This would eventually serve to reduce the population of mankind.

Everybody knew that `the Earth had enough for every man's need but not enough for every man's greed'. (Ghandi.)

The worshippers of Gaia had decided to help Mother Earth by reducing the population through more humane devices. Promiscuous men would become feminised without ever fathering any children after being bitten. Alternatively, every loyal father after fathering two births by his monogamous wife would become feminised.

Note the criterion was `births' not babies. The provision for natural multiple births had to be made to compensate for any unproductive unions.

In the loyal, married parent's case; after two births, each partner would change mentally once a pair of cunt snakes had secretly invaded their union. The cunt-snake's pheromones would rapidly induce the mother to keep the female attached within her and eventually the father would become feminised.

Once thus altered the pair would come to enjoy the same delightful relationship with a pair of cunt snakes that Aspa and Cleo shared with Sybil and I. The loyal mother would come to find delight in the new female permanent resident of her womb, whilst the loyal feminised father would savour the double delights of his supersensitive clitoris and his partnering male cunt-snake.

Eventually, after many generations, promiscuity would disappear as a genetic component of humanity.

As unmarried promiscuous males were bitten during their irresponsible philandering so they became un-partnered females. Then of course, they were of no attraction to a normal girl who sought a loyal lifelong companion to help raise her children. This would become a huge incentive to encourage men to adopt a more responsible caring, sharing attitude to sex. Otherwise they would be forced to find partnership in purely lesbian relationships. Thus the worshippers of Gaia hoped to prevent overpopulation.

Loyalty and faithfulness of course, would be rewarded by a satisfactory fulfilling family life. This, they believed, would reduce the juvenile crime and social disorder arising from marital breakdowns.

Then finally as the world population reduced, every individual would, with care and good management, be able to live in the western style provided they recycled the Earth's resources properly.

Worshippers of Gaia felt theirs was a much more humane and acceptable method of reducing man's promiscuity, than the brutal random destruction caused by AIDS; a disease that disadvantaged third world children the most.

That night and for several months to come, we all four' stayed with Helen to help her and her new tenants make it through the nights. Eventually, our children had grown to sufficient size to satisfy Helen's every need and we were free to return to Brazil. Our parting vision of Helen was of her wantonly squirming on her bed as her two partners attended to her nipples and clitoris simultaneously. Our children had learned well and we four exchanged knowing smiles. Helen would make an excellent servant of Gaia for she would be spreading the gospel' amongst the most licentious and libertine breed of Mediterranean macho man.

On the plane back to Brazil Sybil declared that she was `pregnant' again and this time it felt more than two eggs. When we returned to the jungle we discussed tactics with the high priestess.

Her conviction was that we should go as `Missionaries' to Africa where AIDS was creating terrible destruction. There we would have to locate any potential female converts and explain the grand design. I felt that Africa was a dangerous place to start but the three females overruled me. They felt that the lawlessness in some of the townships in Sub Saharan Africa was reaching epidemic proportions.

Rape was occurring every three seconds somewhere in Africa and the only way to make things safer for African women was to set some traps. Therefore it was decided to `spread the gospel' in Sub Equatorial Africa.

The following month found a `swollen bellied' Cleo accompanied by a nervous Aspa landing in Johannesburg.

The task proved easier than I anticipated. Aspa simply made contact with a rape crisis centre in one of the poorer townships and spread the word that there were real steps that women could take to stop the crime wave.

In no time at all, a procession of angry frightened rape victims was beating a path to our door. Aspa took considerable steps to sort out the likely converts and it proved to be the more primitive illegal migrants. These victims had come looking for work in a desperate hope to better their lot and instead had found only terror. Forced to lie in the most degrading vulnerable conditions, their huts were insecure and unhygienic. We found ourselves tackling the issue on two fronts; addressing the poverty and disease whilst educating the victims. The best converts were the ones who had nothing to lose. Already pregnant and yet also infected with the dreaded AIDS virus through the same rape, they knew they were dying. After our promise to care for any children that were born of their misfortune, these women were eager for revenge.

The idea of using a snake, the most dreaded harbinger of certain death, appealed to their primitive animist beliefs. It was an easy step from animism to earth mother.

Within twelve months our efforts were bearing fruit. Hundred's of rapists had found themselves turned into women' without any idea of how or why they had suffered such misfortune. The streets of the first township were becoming safe for women and illegitimate births had fallen almost to zero. All our converts had to do was make themselves vulnerable. Inured now to their certain death by AIDS, each night they would be found frequenting the darkest streets and could be certain of being approached by a potential rapist. Instead of struggling feebly against a violent attack however, the girls would simply submit' and make themselves available. A few days later, the rapist got his just deserts.

Already, Sybil and I had become `grandparents' and the system was expanding exponentially. It was time to move on.

After having established a firm base for Gaia in Africa we returned to our temple in Brazil. There Cleo and Aspa were able, with Sybil and my scientific help, to give a balanced account of our results. The process in Africa would be slow but sure. Within ten years, the whole continent would be rid of aids as the promiscuous rapists were turned into girls with blind cunts that had no way of transferring any bodily fluids. Ipso-facto, AIDS was stopped.

Our next mission was to reverse the insane waste of Mother Earth's priceless finite resources by the G7 countries.

Next: Chapter 3

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