
By Beverly Taff

Published on Apr 21, 2003


Before the high priestess sent us to the USA she allowed the four of us to take some rest and recuperation.

Cleo and Aspa immediately resumed their jungle nakedness thus allowing Sybil and I the luxury of free access to the air and clear vision of our surroundings. We had been rested from our missionary work because there was a particularly heavy workload required in our next task. The high priestess felt an urgency concerning the G7 group's conspicuous consumption and had realised that a clear change of tactics was required.

Her acolytes had completed some intensive experiments so she finally explained her strategy as she took us aside after several months.

"You four have been totally successful with the less well educated victims in the third world, but it will take something extra special to employ the same procedures amongst a more educated, liberal society."

"Go on," I squeaked encouragingly.

"Patience my little fellow," she replied as she worked my coils affectionately through her nimble gingers before passing me back to Aspa.

Aspa sat with her legs parted and I slipped easily into her man-cunt before squirming round and sticking my head out to rejoin the conversation. The high priestess smiled again at me and then gently wove Sybil through her fingers as Cleo squirmed nervously before asking.

"And what will that `something extra' entail?"

The high priestess nodded thoughtfully before replying.

"To encourage western women to accept a pair of tenants in their wombs, there has to be some really effective incentive."

"Like?" Pressed Aspa.

"It will be intolerably slow to find individuals who would be prepared to accept a couple of resident cunt-snakes simply as a matter of creed or a statement of belief in Gaia. Indeed, it would be an almost impossible task to persuade rape victims to accept yet another perverse invasion of their bodies. Introducing a couple of cunt snakes into a western woman could be as bad as the original rape. No, we must find educated people who are as desperate as the AIDS victims in Africa."

"You mean HIV positive women or even those will full blown AIDS."

"Yes, partly, but because of the effectiveness of expensive drugs, many of these educated women do not feel so threatened by the virus as did the poor African women."

"What your saying then is that we have to offer them something more," finished Sybil in her high whispering treble.

"Yes." Replied the priestess.

"So what are we to offer them?" Asked Cleo, echoing all our thoughts.

"Life! Replied the priestess. "A remedy, or at least a method of stopping the disease's advance. A chance to resume their previous lives!"

"What! A cure for AIDS?"

"Almost Cleo, but not exactly a cure, simply a promise that they can resume their former lives and be free from the spectre of AIDS. They will not be immune to it but, provided they abide by our terms and conditions, they will enjoy a natural and effective defence against its advance through their infected bodies. The treatment will also retard any minor damage and additionally serve as a novel form of contraception."

"Are you saying then that you have found some sort of holding mechanism or a delaying system for the treatment of AIDS?" Gasped Aspa.

"Essentially, yes." Finished the high priestess with a satisfying finality.

"Well go on. Explain," demanded Cleo.

The high priestess took a long slow breath then explained.

"It would be no good just offering the cure for Aids and then hoping that any recovered patient would honour an agreement to allow a pair of `cunt-snakes' a permanent continued tenancy in exchange for the cure. Experience has taught us that some Western people can have very short memories. Once cured, many such women would soon tire of the novelty and take steps to have their tenants evicted.

We have decided that the way forward is to genetically modify all future cunt-snakes so that only their snake bodies can manufacture the AIDS blocker serum. Thus the female cunt-snakes will only be able to deliver the serum properly to their hosts if they are permanently connected in the woman's womb and constantly exchanging blood. The host will only remain immune to aids, provided she continues to nurture her serpentine tenants within her."

A thoughtful silence settled upon us as we each considered the high priestess's plan. Finally I broke the silence.

"What about going back to Africa and retroactively treating the poor souls over there?"

"We're ahead of you there. It's already in hand but progress depends upon your more educated co-operation. We see it as a splendid technique to get our message across to the wealthier more educated women around the planet."

"So you will be wanting to modify our children immediately," observed Sybil nervously.

"Don't worry my dear," assured the high priestess, "there are no serious side effects but we will have to operate on your serpentine womb to implant the serum virus and splice the genes into your ovaries. The same of course, goes for your mate. His testicles will have to be altered as well, to introduce the gene when he fertilises your and Cleo's eggs. Also, to speed up the process, you will be producing more eggs. Don't worry. This is quite normal in some other species, mainly birds and some reptiles.

Sybil and I exchanged thoughtful glances then nodded our acquiescence. If there was a way to stop the devastation of Aids and yet continue with a general Malthusian population reduction, we were all for it. With no more ado, Cleo and Aspa stood up and followed the priestess to her laboratories.

She introduced us to her acolytes and showed us around the laboratories where we examined the efforts of the worshippers of Gaia.

There was no doubt that progress had been swift and we finally arrived at the point where the final vaccine had been prepared. A desktop computer displayed the sum of their researches.

I slipped from Aspa's man-cunt and coiled myself upright to tap the keyboard with my head as Sybil reared up out of Cleo's cunt and watched the screen alongside me. There was no doubt about it. The high priestess had got the experiment well advanced. It was obvious that the final stages necessitated our participation.

If snakes could `shrug their shoulders' both Sybil and I shrugged ours. There was little we could do to resist so we turned and nodded nervously to the priestess. She smiled with satisfaction and we returned to our resting places as Cleo was prepped for the forthcoming operation on Sybil. It seemed that any metabolic alterations to Sybil would also affect Cleo. This was the priestess's gravest concern.

I was scheduled for surgery the very next morning. Dawn came and with little fuss I was anaesthetised then stretched out and opened up as the tiny implants were attached to my testes. I woke to feel a heavy gravid aching feeling in my lower coils and the high priestess explained that my body would thicken slightly over the next few days.

Her words were proved right. A few nights later I encountered some difficulty in squirming around in Aspa's man-cunt. I finally managed it and Aspa grunted with pleasure as her man-cunt savoured considerable additional delight. My newly thickened coils almost filled up her cavity. My head was also slightly larger and it stretched Aspa's love-labia as my lips lodged hard against her clitty. My strengthened neck also felt a little tighter in the familiar grip of her sensual cunny. The benefits were made obvious when I resumed masturbating her. Aspa squealed with ecstasy as her parts were tested to their limits.

During these early days, we were separated from Cleo and Sybil. Their surgery would take a little longer and the resultant reactions would make them feel quite poorly as the DNA alterations responded to the viral implants.

Finally, after nearly a week we were rejoined and I was impressed by Sybil's alterations. Her pink human girly skin had taken on a more golden suntanned sheen just like the tans of those California girls. Additionally, her small breasts had swollen very slightly but not so as to cause Cleo any additional discomfort when Sybil passed back and forth through her cervix. Cleo's cervix had also enlarged slightly from the effects of Sybil's new pheromones. This avoided any discomfort when I coupled with Sybil. The high priestess seemed to think of everything for I also emitted the same pheromones. As I examined Sybil's new body, I realised that our future offspring would be a very attractive sun-bronzed' colour. This alteration would be important to the cosmetically conscious western women. A few days later I noticed that pale complexion had begun to tan' slightly.

Apart from the suntan and enhanced breasts, Sybil seemed otherwise unaltered. All her changes were under the skin. However, she studied my body and squeaked appreciatively when we next conjoined again inside Cleo's cunt.

My thickened body was appreciably more muscular and Sybil coiled herself tightly around me as Cleo squealed with delight from the extra sensations inside her cunt.

"Nice going big-boy," whispered Sybil as we indulged our new anatomies and simultaneously `pressed Cleo's buttons'.

After a few weeks observation, to check for any untoward side effects, we were declared `fit and healthy' and found ourselves on a plane to Washington State.

The ground had been partially prepared by other acolytes of Gaia so we were met at the airport again. Immediately we were hustled to a temple' and quickly melted into anonymous obscurity as our group studied potential converts'.

Naturally we started amongst the drug addicts and prostitutes. There we knew we would find diseased and dysfunctional victims who had little to lose. Most of course were basket cases. Yes, they would be medically responsive to our new techniques, but sadly lost to drug abuse and psychiatric disorders. These were none-starters. Occasionally however, we found a nugget, a rational, reasonably intelligent girl who had fallen genuinely upon hard times but was still looking for a way out. Often they had children in tow, but more often the children had been taken by social services and these mothers dreamed only of getting their children back. Such desperate women were tailor made for our purposes.

The first step was for Cleo or Aspa to win their confidence and help them get started again on the bottom rung of the ladder. This invariably involved getting them off the street, out of the clutches of a pimp and moved to a safe place. Cleo or Aspa usually did this by approaching them as a lesbian looking for a trick. Then once a deal was struck, it was a small step to invite them to a better class hotel and offer them the alternatives. Even then however, many would refuse, scared of some devious trickery. It was a rare few that accepted but we persevered. We had already anticipated a `take up' failure rate exceeding ninety eight percent. As I already said, the rare occasional successful convert was truly a nugget.

Once our invitation was accepted, the girls were resettled and made to feel secure as their self-esteem was returned to them. It was a small step to gradually reveal to them, the options available.

At `girlie' parties where they felt secure and safe, their deeper feelings and aspirations would be discreetly explored as the booze flowed and inhibitions were lost. Sexual fantasies would be laughingly discussed and if the time was deemed right, an offer would be put ambiguously.

The usual first approach was a few `lesbian' sleepovers after some heavy parties. This tended to lower inhibitions further and increase their trust until the time was deemed suitable. I well remember the first occasion we achieved a successful result.

Ellie had been a successful realtor whose husband had played around constantly until he had finally brought home the dreaded AIDS virus. The result had been devastating.

Divorce proceedings followed where her hard earned wealth had been split with her profligate spouse who promptly suffered an early death. All this coupled with her own expensive treatments had rapidly pitched Ellie into poverty. Her realtor business had failed as her health deteriorated then finally her children were put into care.

Soon her inability to function properly had driven her to the final degradation of prostitution to earn enough to continue treatment. It was of course a catch twenty-two situation and finally she had found herself working the streets with the dreadful expectation of only a few more months of life.

It was then that Aspa had come cruising by in her sporty car and posing as a rich lesbian looking for a trick. Sick, cold, frightened, flat broke and desperate for a warm bed, Ellie accepted Aspa's invitation. After all, her life was ending so there was little need of caution.

A night of lesbian sex followed with only Aspa present. Before they began, Aspa had briefly excused herself and slipped next door to hand me to Cleo. I was to have no part in the first tentative steps. Aspa was to use a conventional dildo with all the usual precautions against AIDS.

Ellie earned her wages that first night and as a reward, Aspa allowed the cold sick shivering woman to remain all night to savour the warm comfort of the hotel bed. In the morning she was well rewarded with a satisfactory fee as well as an excellent breakfast in bed. Grateful for the business, Ellie arranged to see Aspa again the next night without having to work the street. They were to meet in a warm discreet restaurant and Aspa would bring her back to the same first class hotel.

The arrangement soon took on a more permanent nature and within a week, Ellie was gaining a few grains of confidence. She had managed to put some of the money by without her pimp knowing and was now able to buy some extra drugs.

The drugs gave Ellie's `secret' away to Aspa. Although in fact Aspa already knew that Ellie had AIDS. The Gaia spy network was becoming more effective as more acolytes flew in from Brazil.

One night, as Ellie stepped into the car, a sachet of pills fell out of her purse and Aspa picked them up.

"Are these what I think they are?" Asked Aspa softly.

Ellie tensed and nodded nervously.

"Have you got AIDS?" Continued Aspa avoiding any accusative tones in her questioning.

"Yes," gulped Ellie as tears began to flow.

"Has the doctor given you a prognosis?"

" Possibly months but more probably weeks," whispered Ellie, as the tears became a flood.

Aspa nodded knowingly and Ellie squinted with confusion. She had expected a violent explosion of rage followed by violence.

"Is there anybody to take care when you get really sick?"


The single word escaped as a staccato sob as Ellie scrabbled with the sachet to take some pills. She was already behind schedule with the recommended dosage. In trying to keep her illness a secret she avoided taking any tablets in front of Aspa.

Ellie was already beyond the help of drugs, but her desperation made her totally irrational. Even the remote possibility of a few weeks remission was motivation enough to spend all her money on drugs. Her irrationality was clearly apparent to Aspa and Aspa seized her opportunity.

"Have you ever tried alternative medicines?"

"Like what?" Gasped Ellie as she clutched at any straw.

"Well, natural medicines; you know; stuff from the rain forests and the like."

"Go on, what sort of medicines? D'you mean plants and stuff?"

"Well that and other sources. Animal products and the like, you know; extracts from snake venom and tree frogs. Insect venoms. It's not just plants that provide medicines."

"Go on," pressed Ellie with desperation driving her curiosity, "what sort of animal stuff?"

"Well," continued Aspa as she tantalised Ellie's hopes, "many medicines have been derived initially from snake venom, for example, nerve agents, blood clotting serums to name but two."

"Why, what have you heard then?" Begged Ellie as her eyes widened with optimism.

Aspa sensed the opportunity was right and carefully hinted at the subject.

"Well I've been working with a friend of mine who has been doing research in the Brazilian rain forest for some years. She has been deeply involved in native cures and she thinks she might have found something that appears to offer hope; for AIDS that is."

"Where? Who is she? What hope?" Pressed Ellie desperately.

"Well, it's all very early at this stage. There's a lot of testing and checking to do first and even then she's not very hopeful. Her techniques are very unusual to say the least."

"Does she need any guinea pigs?" Demanded Ellie as a tiny flicker of hope flamed her desperation.

"Oh I don't know. I'm meeting her tomorrow. If you'd like to come along, it can't do you any harm can it? What did that doctor say, months, or was it weeks?"

Ellie grabbed Aspa's wrist and squeezed frantically as she demanded to know more.

"This friend, what is she researching, what sort of snake stuff?"

"Oh it's all very hush-hush," continued Aspa tantalisingly, " some might say it's a bit unethical and there are considerable risks. Snake venom is dangerous stuff. She say's it's not a very comfortable treatment at first but you can get to live with it. The trouble is, apparently, the treatment has to continue for life."

"So? What's new? These bloody drugs are no picnic and they make me feel bloody awful. I have to take these for the rest of my life; though that's not for much longer." Ellie finished Ruefully.

"Hmm, yes, I see that you're beginning to show the bluish patches and blisters even now," finished Aspa to add fuel to the fire of Ellie's fear.

Ellie studied her legs and arms as she fingered the signs of the final stages of AIDS. Only that morning, she had begun to feel short of breath and suspected the first stages of pneumonia. Her fear was turning to terror.

"You've got to help me! Where is this woman? Do we have to go to Brazil? I've got money. There's still a bit left."

Aspa adopted a more comforting compassionate role. Ellie's utter despair was clear for all to see. She reached across and hugged Ellie then kissed her delicately before finishing her dressing.

"I'll see what I can do, but she's not available today."

Once dressed, the pair spent the rest of the day sightseeing. Ellie was too preoccupied with the prospect of a cure and her tension became apparent. Aspa explained that her friend had business to attend to with a Chinese herbalist.

When Aspa and Ellie returned that evening Aspa sat beside her on the bed and phoned Cleo. After a brief hello, Aspa explained Ellie's sickness.

"Oh yes, very poorly. The doctor says months or maybe even weeks, d'you want to speak to her?"

Ellie unthinkingly snatched the phone in her desperation and didn't even wait for introductions.

"Does it work, this snake venom thing?"

Cleo pretended to be a little taken aback and left a pregnant pause before replying.

"Uhhm- to whom am I speaking?"

"Ellie, Mrs Ellie Francis, Aspa's friend."

"I see, Mrs uhmm, Francis, and what is it you want from me?"

"This cure you've got, this cure for AIDS."

Cleo paused again for effect, then asked to speak to Aspa again. By prearrangement, Aspa and Cleo pretended to have a serious row over the phone until finally, Cleo appeared to have capitulated. Aspa handed the phone back to Ellie who pleaded down the line for help. Cleo pretended to be defensive and unsure.

"Well I'm not at all sure I can help you just yet. The treatment is still in its research stage, and- and the initial techniques for administering the drugs are possibly unacceptable to your western ways. It's a very unusual technique, not at all like normal western medical practice. It's a very native and primitive procedure. I learnt about it from the Amazonian indigenous peoples. You'd probably find it quite unacceptable."

Ellie lost patience and wailed plaintively down the phone.

"Listen, Miss- Mrs, Cleo – whatever your name is. I'm dying for God's sake!! I've only got months or even possibly weeks to live! Only this morning I was coughing up blood! What do I care if this bloody treatment is na- na- native!!

"Well, good gracious Mrs Francis, there's no need to be so aggressive. It's just that the techniques are rather, uhmm, to put it delicately, rather perverse; at least, that is to western perceptions. Amazonian Indians have a very different perception of holistic medicine than you westerners."

"What d'you mean?" Snapped Ellie impatiently.

"It's uhmm just that- just that, we have a much more intimate relationship with our environment, the jungle, the plants, the animals, the whole holistic relationship with our land, our rivers, our very Earth!"

"Go on, I'm listening. Are you an Amazonian Indian as well as Aspa?"

"Yes, we're both half Indian. Our mothers were raped by white loggers when the tribe tried to stop them stealing mahogany from our lands. They decimated us."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. All men are bastards! But can this treatment of yours cure me of AIDS?"

"I don't know Mrs Francis. There's still a lot of research and stuff, there may be side effects-"

"Bugger the side effects!" Objected the desperate Ellie with typical American forthrightness. "If you need a guinea-pig, I'm your girl!"

Cleo continued to stall as she gently wound in the bait.

"Well that's very kind offer Mrs Francis, but I'm not at all sure about-"

"Cut the crap Miss Cleo, and don't be so formal with Sir-names and titles. Will you accept me as a guinea-pig or not?"

"Well, if you insist. I suppose Aspa's told you what it might entail?"

"No. She's told me nothing."

"Well in that respect you'd better deal with Aspa. I'll meet you tomorrow morning at seven o'clock."

"Seven? That's a bit early."

"Contrary to your perceptions of us third-world peoples, Mrs Francis; we are not all lazy lie-a-beds. It would be better if you could make it six. I am a busy person."

"Six! Good God that's even worse, make it seven."

"Very well then Mrs Francis, seven it is. No later!"

With no further formalities, Cleo reached across and languidly replaced the phone as she grinned to me. I lay coiled on the pillow beside her while Sybil lay with her long tail stretching out of Cleo's vagina up to her breasts. Sybil's upper body lay coiled around Cleo's soft warm breasts whilst our several children lay nestled in Cleo's cleavage.

We discussed the next stage.

"I'll have to be getting back to Aspa ready for tonight," I warned.

"Don't worry, she'll be along later. She knows the plan. In a few days, if all goes well, two of these little rascals with have a new home."

So saying, Cleo twirled our growing children through her fingers as Sybil and I each took one of Cleo's nipples and gently brought her to satisfaction before rising to face the rest of the day.

"Lie-a-bed, he-he!" giggled Sybil to her host; "Why, you're never out of bed Cleo."

After we had played on the bed for about an hour, there was a soft coded knock on the hotel door. Cleo took the controller and unlocked the door electronically to let Aspa in.

"Is everything ready?" Asked Cleo.

"Well the time seems nigh, Ellie's asleep. I simply told her that we native Amazonians are much closer to mother earth and Gaia than she would ever dream of. Now where's my little playmate?"

I reared up from Cleo's breasts and made myself available as Aspa gently lifted me towards her man-cunt. Carefully she fed me in and, as always, she gasped a little as I squirmed around and popped my head out to resemble a penis. Aspa's thighs trembled slightly as she sagged with pleasure then she composed herself and I slipped back inside her as she returned next door to the sleeping Ellie.

Ellie murmured in her sleep and Aspa pressed affectionately against her butt like two spoons in a draw. It would soon be time for me to play my part.

Eventually, Ellie's laboured breathing took on a more settled, regular pattern.

Aspa reached down to confirm our plan for we both knew that Ellie was now fast asleep. Cautiously, I extended my coils from Aspa's cunt and inveigled myself gently between Ellie's butt cheeks and thighs. Ellie squirmed slightly but did not waken fully and I advanced a little further to eventually locate her love bud. There was a soft sleepy moan of pleasure but Ellie continued sleeping. Aspa squeezed up tight and slipped her knowing fingers around Ellie's waist then gently located my mouth pressed against Ellie's bud. I had no fears about Ellie's terrible disease for my snake metabolism was completely immune to AIDS.

Carefully Aspa fingered Ellie's love bud whilst I concentrated on the labia. Very soon Ellie was receptive and Aspa carefully parted the love lips as I cautiously worked my way inside. Ellie moaned sleepily again but remained with her butt pressed urgently against Aspa's tummy as her hips began to slowly gyrate. Eventually Ellie awoke.

"Mmmm, ah! That's nice. Is that a new dildo?" Gasped Ellie.

"Yes," whispered Aspa as she gently thrust against Ellie's gyrating butt.

"Oh! That's lovely! Has it got a tickler on the end?"

"Sort of. It's a new type with a bendy bit in the middle. Just enjoy the ride."

Ellie's hand reached sleepily down to her sex only to find my muscular length deeply embedded inside her. Her fingers gently fingered my skin texture and she whispered to Aspa.

"It's sort of fleshy; like a real dick."

"Yes," agreed Aspa, "it's a new design. Are you enjoying it?"

"Mmmm, yes. It's ever so lifelike, but the surface is much smoother than a real dick."

"Well, just enjoy it. It'll do most of the work, all we'll have to do is savour the sex."

Ellie could not resist squeezing my stiff muscular body against her G spot' for she still had not realised the dildo' was a real live living thing. To perpetuate the misapprehension I simply remained stiff and rigid like a lifeless sex toy. It was no good shocking her yet.

Firstly, Ellie had to get to like this strange new dildo' then I might slowly enlighten her. Once she became used to having a snake' in her sexual parts then it would be time to explain the whole treatment. For the remainder of that session I simply puffed up my body as thick and stiff as I could while Aspa did most of the thrusting. All I had to do was make sure Ellie never got to feel my head with her fingers. This was easily done by Aspa who simply kept me embedded deep inside Ellie.

Eventually Ellie savoured a thundering orgasm and let out a wail of delight that even Cleo heard next door.

After such an exhausting climax Ellie soon resumed sleeping and I simply lay with my body stretched between the two girl's vaginas. It was an interesting night.

The sun had been up for quite a while before Ellie awoke.

"Oh my God! What time is it?"

"Nearly Seven." Replied Aspa.

"Shit! I'm late! I'm meeting this Cleo woman at seven. Quick, we've got to go!"

"Don't worry. She's not far away."

"Well then how far? How many blocks?"

"None at all," smiled Aspa, "she's in this hotel."

"What! Here, right now?"

"Yes. She's here. Here in the hotel. I'll phone her to let her know you're coming. Just finish that breakfast. If there's to be any hope for you, you'd better start eating properly again."

Ellie stared at the spread laid out before her then squinted curiously at Aspa's sensuous back as she combed her thick dark hair.

"Why are you doing this for me?"

"You deserve a second chance. You're not a bad girl or a stupid one. It wasn't your fault you got infected."

"But, you could treat anybody. There are rich famous people who'd pay millions to be cured."

"Yes, and they'd sue us to hell and back if it went wrong."

"Is it really that risky?"

"To tell the truth I just don't know. Cleo will be able to explain better than I."

As Aspa stood away from the mirror Ellie noticed the provocative little `bud' under the front of her panties.

"Good God, is that your clitty? I've never noticed it in the daylight."

Aspa looked down and smiled.

"Uhhm yes, cute isn't he?"

"Gosh, it's like a little boy's dick. Can I look?"

"Not now, there isn't time if we're to meet Cleo. I'll let you meet him tonight."

Ellie sighed with disappointment and levered herself out of bed. Aspa studied the blue swellings and wagged her head.

"You're getting worse. You'd better have a quick shower if we're to see Cleo."

Ellie examined her body and frowned fearfully. Her chest was also beginning to fill up and in the shower she had a violent coughing fit. Aspa had to help her out and dry her down.

As the pair emerged from the shower, Ellie was shocked to find a strange woman sitting on the settee with a large metal case at her feet.

"Who are you?" She demanded between rasping breaths.

"I'm Cleo, Aspa's friend. You arranged to see me at seven didn't you?"

"I didn't know you made house calls."

"It saves time, and time is what you haven't got. That chest sounds dreadful."

Ellie had another coughing fit and dashed to the shower again to spit out several mouthfuls of blood. The blood irritated her lungs and the coughing became a paroxysm of explosive expectorations as rich red oxygenated blood sprayed the shower. Eventually, a terrified Ellie regained her breath as Aspa sprayed down the shower and washed the blood away. Cleo settled Ellie on the toilet seat and took out her stethoscope. I had never realised before that Cleo was in fact a fully qualified doctor.

I later learned she had studied In Britain and France. I also realised there had been a few deceptions about her true background. It was in France that she had learned her somewhat formal correct manners.

After checking Ellie's chest Cleo took a deep breath and handed Ellie the earpieces. After a nervous moment Ellie bit her lip as Cleo explained.

"The blood is an advanced stage of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and the wheezing is the first stages of Pneumonia. You're a very sick lady."

"Can you cure me?" Rasped Ellie.

"Possibly. The T.B. is easily curable for we have many drugs to treat that in Amazonia. The Pneumonia will also respond to similar antibiotics. It's the underlying AIDS that is my biggest concern."

"And?" Pressed Ellie.

Cleo opened the large metal laboratory case and took out a powerful microscope. Quickly she plugged it in and studied one of Ellie's bloody sputum samples.

"Hmmm, yes-, it's a typical type of AIDS infection. This virus has responded to our laboratory trials, so I've got hopes for you. I'm afraid you'll have to return to the Amazon with us. This wet Seattle climate is totally unsuitable for your pneumonia.

Ellie shrugged wearily. She had a few thousand dollars left, that would cover the fare. Cleo looked up after repacking the case.

"I want you to come to my office downtown immediately. I've got a Chinese colleague who is very interested in Amazonian herbs. She's keen to accompany us to study our methods and she's teaching me about Chinese herbal medicines. Come on, get dressed."

With hope flickering again in her tired eyes, Ellie stood as Aspa helped her dress. Cleo carried the microscope case and we all left for the downtown office. There we met the Chinese Doctor who fell into conversation with Cleo as Aspa organised airline tickets. Fortunately, Ellie had a passport. Her previous business as a realtor had taken her occasionally to look at properties in Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean. By Noon we were on a transfer flight via Houston to Manaus.

Ellie was both shocked and impressed by the speed of events but quickly accepted Cleo's explanation that speed was essential.

That night Aspa and Ellie shared a hotel bed before resuming our journey via boat and then finally by canoe. Once again I earned my keep and brought Ellie to several spectacular climaxes before she fell exhausted into a deep sleep.

Her nightcap had been drugged with a mild narcotic sedative but only to make her sleep whilst Aspa and Cleo discussed the forthcoming river journey with Cleo's Chinese friend.

Sybil and I had not yet been introduced to the Chinese lady. It was thought best that she should first learn about the snake cult and meet the tribe's collection of amazing snakes.

The following morning Ellie indulged herself with another bout of lovemaking and declared she was quite addicted to Aspa's special dildo. Whilst Aspa showered, Ellie searched high and low for the favoured toy and finally stood with arms akimbo as she conceded defeat. As Aspa emerged from the shower, Ellie tackled her.

"Where do you keep that special dildo of yours?"

"Why d'you ask?" Countered Aspa.

"I'd just like to see it. What it's made of, how it works; particularly how that tickler bit works."

"Are you completely sure? It's a special Amazonian dildo, you know, something more natural, more native and primeval. You might not like it."

"You've got to be kidding," scoffed Ellie, "I can't get enough of it. The way it moves in side me- and that tickler bit. It's the end! How does it work?"

"Get back into bed and I'll show you," suggested Aspa.

Ellie needed no second bidding and scrambled into bed as Aspa unwrapped her towel. Ellie studied the strong muscular Amazon.

"Where's your clitty? It was bulging in your panties yesterday?"

"I was horny yesterday." Countered Aspa.

"What! You get erections?"

"Sort of, you'll see. Now turn over and let me join you under that blanket."

Ellie complied immediately as Aspa witched off the light again then reached around to finger Ellie's love bud. Then she reached down and grasped my neck as I eased my head out of her man-cunt and gently nosed my way towards Ellie's butt cheeks. Ellie squeaked with delight and murmured.

"How did you get it ready so quickly?" I didn't see you strap it on."

"I don't strap it on Ellie, this dildo lives permanently inside me." Replied Aspa.

"Wha-at! How?"

For an answer, Aspa took Ellie's hand and guided it to her cunt lips where my rigid body emerged like a double-headed-dildo.

"Feel that," suggested Aspa.

Ellie's fingers circled my muscular girth then fingered along my length like a flautist fingering the scale. Eventually her fingers reached my head and I gently coiled round to suck her fingers as they explored my head. Ellie squeaked with surprise as my lips squeezed her fingers. She levered her butt away from Aspa's tummy and squirmed around under the blankets to explore further in the darkness. Eventually her face emerged from the blanket as Aspa switched on the light again. A puzzled expression creased her brow as her fingers remained savouring my attentions.

"What sort of dildo is this?"

"As I said, it's a natural dildo, an Amazonian one. It lives in my cunt all the time."

"How does it expand and how does this tickler thing work. It feels almost, - almost, well like a real cock. The texture feels almost real, like skin. It's fantastic, and this tickler, it actually sucks, how does it work?"

For an answer Aspa eased back the blanket to reveal me.

For long moments Ellie's jaw hung loosely as her eyes tried to make sense of what they saw extending from Aspa's cunt.

"Wha- what the hell is it?" She gulped nervously. "Is it some sort of cock?"

Aspa gently grasped me and carefully drew out about thirty centimetres of my body to gently lay me over one of her thighs. Ellie's transfixed gaze drew her head a little closer as she finally identified my human features and recognised my snakelike form. Carefully she extended cautious fingers again to touch me and I responded by rearing up and gently kissing her wrist. She squeaked with fear and whipped her hand away as she glanced questioningly up at Aspa. Aspa smiled reassuringly as she gently fingered my coils between her fingers.

"He won't harm you. He's my own personal cunt snake."

"He!" croaked Ellie as her throat dried with fear.

"Yes, he. You're my own little pet aren't you darling?" continued Aspa as she bent down double to kiss my lips.

I gently squeaked `Yes' in my high-pitched voice and stretched my coils to meet Aspa pursed lips. Ellie squealed with shocked delight as she heard me speak.

"Oh my Go-od, it talks!"

"He talks," corrected Aspa as she finally withdrew my whole length from her man-cunt. She held me up to her face and kissed me again as Ellie leaned forward to study me. Her head moved slowly closer as her eye's widened with curiosity.

"Wha- what is it, I, I mean he?" Whispered Ellie.

"I just told you. He is my cunt-snake. He lives inside me and serves most of my needs. You will probably remember that he also served many of your needs as well."

Ellie's eyes cast down with embarrassment as she recalled that she had indeed thoroughly enjoyed having me inside her. Finally she regained a little confidence and extended cautious finger again to touch me.

This time I simply lay quietly coiled in Aspa's cupped hands as Ellie carefully traced her forefinger along my delicate soft golden skin.

"Does he bite?" She murmured.

"Ask him," smiled Ellie, "he can talk perfectly well for himself."

Ellie's eyes focused on my human features and widened with anticipation as she finally recovered enough confidence to speak to me.

"What sort of snake are you? Where did you come from?"

I smiled and reared up like a cobra before answering. Ellie recoiled slightly until she realised I was not going to strike. Finally I described myself to her.

"I was once a man, a scientist, but circumstances overtook me in the Amazon forests and I now live as Aspa's companion. I serve all the purposes of a cock in that I pleasure Aspa and her female partners, I also serve to advise, counsel and reassure her in times of uncertainty. "

"Does Doctor Cleo know of you?"

"Why of course. Aspa and Cleo are lesbian partners. I serve as the cock that they share. I also share my time between Aspa and Cleo's parts."

"What, you mean you-?"

"Why of course. For now, I am staying in Aspa but sometime soon I will probably move to Cleo's vagina, probably after you are treated for Aids."

"What d'you know of AIDS!" Gasped Ellie.

"I am part of the cure. Did not Cleo mention the natural holistic approach?"

Ellie did a double take then frowned slightly as uncertainty beset her.

"How? What do you do?"

"I think it best if you speak to Cleo," I replied. "It will become clearer then. Do you not agree Aspa?"

Aspa smiled and whispered yes as she kissed me again then prepared to return me into her man-cunt. Ellie nervously grasped Aspa's wrist as she bit her lips thoughtfully.

"Would it be possible for me to try him?"

Aspa smiled as though reassuring the woman then spoke to me.

"Do you want to serve this lady?"

I turned to Ellie and gently placed my head on her fingers as I spoke gently.

"Are you sure you can take all of me. Look at me, I'm fully fifty centimetres log and thicker than a penis."

"Yes," declared Ellie `matter-of-factly' "I've had three children."

"I know" I replied, "but when I enter, I have to coil around inside you and ball myself tight to secure myself from slipping out when you walk or run. I must warn you it's quite a sensuous and evocative sensation."

A tiny involuntary whimper escaped Ellie's lips as she imagined the sensations and squirmed lasciviously on top of the sheets. Aspa smiled as she noticed the give-away glistening sheen of love dew rising on Ellie's love lips. These dewdrops betrayed Ellie's anticipation so Aspa gently lay alongside her and carefully lowered her cupped hand with me towards Ellie's aroused centre.

With her other hand she gently took Ellie's hands and guided them to my serpentine neck. Ellie closed her eyes and tensed a little as she suddenly realised that a snake was about to invade her. Aspa stroked her breasts whilst I gently slithered out of Aspa's cupped hand and coiled up between Ellie's beautiful cleavage. There I spoke again to reassure her of my humanity.

"Think of me as a man-part," I squeaked softly, "think of me as a truly obedient cock; a cock that is entirely yours to use and command. Look, my face is human, my skin is like a girl's and I speak to my partner. I am every bit as intelligent as you or Aspa. Look upon me again, reassure yourself of my human origins."

Cautiously Ellie's eyes slitted nervously open and she glanced down her cleavage to study me. I smiled to reassure her again then I gently reached across her ripe breast and carefully kissed one of her nipples. It immediately hardened as Ellie gasped with delight and her heart started to thump with anticipation. I spoke again.

"Now, do you want to feed me into yourself or would you prefer Aspa to do it?"

"Together," rasped Ellie hoarsely, "we can do it together."

With these last words, Ellie extended a cautious hand and grasped my neck as Asp gently fingered Ellie's clitty. Ellie squirmed again as she brought my head to the threshold of her very being and paused momentarily. Recognising Ellie's hesitant uncertainty Aspa fingered Ellie's love dew from her love lips and lubricated my coils before gently parting Ellie's most intimate parts and gently introducing my head. I gave Ellie's bud a prolonged kiss and she groaned with passion as a flood of delight gushed from her core. As the juices flooded I seized the opportunity and slipped inside her as she thrashed in paroxsizms of ecstasy. Within seconds I had totally disappeared and Elli grunted with delight as she sensed my squirming coils twisting within her pussy. Then she twitched with nervous curiosity as my pheromones expanded her cervix and womb.

"Oh-oh I can feel him. He's deep. Is he all in?" She gasped to Aspa.

Aspa gently stroked Ellie's belly and felt my coils under Ellie's soft pad of fat.

"Yes, he's all in. Here feel him."

So saying she grasped Ellie's hand and gently rested it on her tummy.

"There, do you feel him?"

"Ellie's hand finally located my squirming coils and she gasped with shock."

"My God!! He's in my womb! He's not in my pussy; he's gone right up. He's inside me. He's inside my womb! How did he do that?"

Aspa explained about our hormonal pheromones and how they modified a woman's receptivity. Ellie listened then asked suspiciously.

"Is this permanent?" Can he come out?"

"Yes. If you want him to come out, you only have to signal to him. I will give him my signal for now. If after this experience, you decide you want to keep your own cunt snake then you must arrange your own intimate, private signal. Do you want him to come out again?"

Ellie squirmed again as I flipped my coils and sent waves of delight down to her loins. She gasped with helpless abandon and politely refused Aspa's offer. The sensations within her were just too pleasurable. As I stopped my activities Ellie sighed then settled down to ask more about cunt snakes.

"OK," conceded Ellie after Aspa had explained a bit more about me, "but just how does all this cure AIDS?"

"Ah, we must now go and visit Cleo. She will explain the second part of the treatment. But try not to worry. It is no worse than this part. We have only prepared you for Cleo's medicine."

Ellie sucked her lips thoughtfully and finally rose from the bed. As she stepped across the room she suddenly had a thought and turned to Aspa.

"What about showering and douching. Will that affect him?

"No problem," assured Aspa, " water has no effect at all and he will keep your cunt spotless. Whenever you take a shower or bath they always take the opportunity to clean themselves and you internally. There will never be any need to douche again. Cunt-snakes are extremely house-proud."

Ellie gave a shriek of delighted laughter then stepped giggling into the shower. Aspa quickly joined her and gently squeezed Ellie's tummy with her private signal to me. Ellie gasped as I descended from her womb and `balled' my lower coils to lock my tail inside her vagina

Then I quickly extended my head and struck into Aspa's well-soaped pussy with all the speed and power of an ordinary snake. Ellie was both shocked and delighted with she speed of my strike. She gasped to Aspa.

"He's like a rattlesnake if he wants to be isn't he?"

Aspa smiled as I first coiled around inside her man-cunt then attended to her clitty as she gently thrust her hips towards Ellie. As they came together I stiffened my muscular coils and locked both girls together by their most intimate and sensitive parts. They were now locked firmly cunt-to-cunt and clitty to clitty. On finding herself attached firmly to Aspa, Ellie let out another soft moan of delight.

Taking my cue I writhed and twisted my powerful coils whilst titillating both their clitties with my lips until they both reached a mutual shattering climax. Ellie virtually collapsed in Aspa's more muscular arms as the waves of surrender engulfed her. When she finally recovered she staggered out of the shower and slumped exhausted on the bidet. Cautiously, she felt her tummy and frowned with irritation.

"Where is he?"

"Back inside me," replied Aspa.

"Ah, that's not fair, I was beginning to like him."

"Well he is really my partner, you will have to get partners of your own."

Cleo's eyes squinted suspiciously.



"What? More than one?"

"If you wish."

Ellie sat silent as she dried herself and thoughtfully fingered her now neglected pussy. Finally she looked up at Aspa and grinned.

"It's Cleo, isn't it? She's the one behind all this."

Aspa's smile widened as she nodded.

"Partly. But we all have a part to play. If you're agreeable to her treatment you will have a long and happy life."

"And an erotic one me-thinks"

"Well yes indeed," agreed Aspa enigmatically.

Ellie rose eagerly from the bidet and opened her lingerie draw impatiently. She was keen to meet Cleo again. Aspa watched Ellie starting to dress then laid a restraining hand on her arm.

"Don't put those on darling."

Ellie turned with a particularly fetching pair of lacy panties in her hand and glanced questioningly at Aspa.

"Why not?"

"Cunt snakes like to see out."

"What? You mean-?"

"That's right. Look at me, d'you see anything unusual?"

Ellie stared at Aspa's cleft and gaped as I descended slightly to allow my face and lips access to the air.

"My God! That's his face! That's what I saw under your panties last night!!"

"Yes you did," replied Aspa, "but I had to wear panties to hide him. I was afraid you might have freaked out if you had seen him before you got used to him. Normally I don't wear panties in the hot countries. He needs to breathe occasionally, especially in the heat of the jungle," explained Aspa as she gently teased me back inside with only my lips latched onto her clitty.

As I gently tickled her bud she gave a slight twitch of delight and a low throaty gasp then resumed slipping her light chiffon sarong over her skimpy top. Ellie studied Aspa's wispy attire and pointed out that it was virtually transparent. Aspa nodded and explained that cunt-snakes liked to see what was going on around them.

"Will I have to wear something like that?" Asked Ellie nervously.

"No, not here, not in Manaus you can wear something a little more discreet. Once we have gone deeper into the jungle, you won't be so embarrassed. Cleo and I usually go completely naked, as do all our tribe. Come on just slip on that light cotton dress and a pair of sandals. Nobody will notice that you're naked underneath. Anyway we only have to go next door."

Ellie did as asked and the three of us entered Cleo's room.

Ellie gasped again as we found Cleo lying on the bed with Sybil coiled up between her breasts. The children were nowhere to be seen for they were safe inside Cleo's womb. Ellie stared mesmerised for a long moment then inched forward curiously to study Sybil.

"Is he another cu- cunt snake?"

Cleo smiled as Sybil reared up from her breasts and spoke in her tinkling feminine whisper.

"Not quite Miss Ellie, I am a she, look, see."

Ellie gaped at Sybil's two tiny perfectly formed breasts and let out a long slow Aahh' of dawning realisation then paused before stepping closer. Ellie had a reasonable grasp of high school biology and she quickly realised that breasts meant Sybil must suckle her young. She gently reached forward to test the sensitivity of Sybil's tiny nipples and giggled as Sybil swayed coquettishly sideways to avoid being groped'.

"Oh no young lady," tinkled Sybil in her extraordinarily soprano whisper. "You're not getting to touch these little beauties just yet."

So saying, Sybil withdrew rapidly into Cleo's cunt and Ellie was left gaping at Cleo's naked breasts where, only a few seconds earlier, a one and a half meter long female cunt snake had been nestling. The only evidence of Sybil's existence was Cleo's gasping lust as Sybil's coils were seen quite clearly to be arranging themselves under Cleo's plump little tummy. Ellie gaped at Cleo's rippling stomach and reached out to feel the movement. Cleo just smiled then squirmed as Ellie's hands gently traced Sybil's outline. Finally Ellie flopped down on the bed beside Cleo and stared thoughtfully at the ceiling before finally asking softly.

"So what kind of cunt-snake was that?"

"There is only one kind," replied Cleo. "Sybil is the female and Aspa's lodger is the male. They were once a human man and wife partnership. They still share in our lesbian partnership."

"Go on," mumbled Ellie, " so what else is new?"

"There's little more to tell really. As human scientists, they were originally researching snakes in the Amazon basin. Then they joined our tribe because of our relationship with snakes. They were shocked when they were transformed but in truth they were not wholly against becoming cunt-snakes. Once we had explained our tribe's philosophies and close relationship with Gaia."

"What! They agreed to it?" Gasped Ellie.

"Well, not exactly, but they soon became accustomed to being cunt-snakes. It's not a wholly unpleasant life. Ask them yourself."

Ellie hesitated until Aspa re-introduced me to the proceedings and I explained the details of my new condition. As we talked, Sybil eventually re-appeared and joined the conversation. Eventually, Ellie began to accept our arrangements and turned to Cleo for clarification.

"So I would have to permanently take in lodgers who would manufacture blocker serums that would retard my AIDS infection, and then even reverse it."

Cleo and Aspa nodded affirmation. Ellie sat up then drew her knees up to her chin as she pondered deep about the arrangements.

Sybil decided it was time to demonstrate further to Ellie the pleasures of having a longer cunt-snake so she gently uncoiled her upper body and slipped over Ellie's raised thigh to softly kiss Ellie in that most sensitive of spots. Ellie shuddered with delight and invited Sybil to slide up between her breasts where she could study Sybil's human features and breasts.

When Sybil had finally settled on Ellie's cleavage Ellie reached across to Cleo and asked her to release Sybil so that they could slip away and discuss some of the more intimate details of the relationship between cunt-snake and host.

"I'm afraid that's not possible my dear," replied Cleo. "The tip of Sybil's tail is permanently attached inside my womb and we share each other's blood. That is how the serum is transferred from Sybil to me. Sybil is indeed a permanent part of me."

Ellie's jaw sagged slightly then her curious hands followed Sybil's body down to Cleo's labia and explored the connection before tracing the coils inside Cleo's tummy. After confirming that Sybil did indeed seem to have even more of her coils still somehow contained within Cleo's most intimate femininity, she gently fingered Cleo's clitoris. Cleo let out a little gasp of delight then gently slipped her thigh over Ellie's hips. Sybil carefully recoiled from Ellie's breasts and slid back down Ellie's cleavage to locate her trigger button. Ellie spread her thighs appreciatively then carefully guided Sybil's narrower head into her receptive glistening sex. Sybil immediately pressed deep inside Ellie then doubled back to latch her lips again onto Ellie's clitoris.

"Oh! Ooh-oh! That's lovely! She's not as thick as her husband but she's just as delightful," sighted Ellie with delight.

Then Ellie gasped again and closed her eyes as Sybil slowly reciprocated her glistening coils between the two girls. As the two girls groaned in ecstasy, Cleo whispered in Ellie's ear.

"D'you want Aspa and her companion to join us?"

"Mmmm yes, but how?"

"You'll see," replied Cleo as she separated slightly from Ellie to make room for Aspa to slide between them.

Sybil co-operated by extending her coils and making an arch with her long body between the two prostrate girls. Aspa slid under the serpentine arch then lay on her back between Cleo and Ellie.

Both girls then rolled back together and each brought a knee over Aspa's thighs. Once they were comfortable Sybil contracted her coils and held the girls together as I gently slid past Sybil's coils and up into Cleo's cunt.

"Where's he going?" Whispered Ellie.

"You'll see in a moment," sighed Cleo as she felt my thickened body sliding deep into her womb.

Elli's eyes widened again as she reached across again and felt my powerful coils squirming around inside Cleo's womb.

"He's inside you." She gasped.

"Oh yes," replied Cleo, "he lives up there with Sybil as man and wife when he's not living next door in Aspa's pussy."

Ellie giggled and squinted curiously as she continued resting her hand on Cleos rippling tummy.

"And it doesn't hurt? It doesn't make you look pregnant?"

"There's a very small swelling but nothing that doesn't enhance the appeal of an older woman. That's the natural shape for older women, especially mothers. There's always a tiny natural fatty pad below the navel."

Ellie nodded her head thoughtfully. After three children she certainly had a natural curve to her tummy.

Once I was inside Cleo's protective womb I located our two oldest children who by now were each about thirty centimetres long but very slender.

"Come along you two," I whispered reassuringly, "your time has come."

In the warm dark velvety comfort of Cleo's womb two eager golden bodies uncoiled themselves from a tiny cluster of siblings nestled inside Sybil's coiled tail and followed me down to the threshold of Cleo's sex. There they waited obediently as Cleo explained to Ellie what was about to happen if she was agreeable.

"If you want, you can start your treatment now or, if your not happy, you can turn away and forego our offer."

"Can't I wait a little longer while I think about it?" Asked Ellie.

"Not really," observed Sybil, "you don't have much longer to live, your illness is getting critical and the treatment cannot be put off indefinitely."

"Why not? Pressed Ellie.

"The cunt snakes who would be your lodgers are close to the age of attachment. If you refuse, we will have to present them to another girl who is a member of our tribe. That's why we are here in Manaus. If you refuse we can quickly reach the girl before the two young children are past the optimum age. This other girl also has AIDS but she is not as ill as you. The interval when the treatment can be commenced is quite short. It depends upon the age of the two young cunt-snakes and it's a bit like puberty. The older they are attaching themselves, the less effective the connection and the less effective the treatment."

Ellie frowned nervously for she felt she was being railroaded.

"I've not got much of an option have I?"

"I'm sorry to rush you," replied Cleo again, "but Sybil's right. Your two young lodgers are already waiting to meet you."

"Ooohh. Where are they? Let me see them. Let me see if I like them."

"Very well then," shrugged Cleo as she lifted her knee off Aspa's hip.

For a moment Ellie glanced nervously around the room before realising where the snakes where. Then she watched fascinated, as I emerged first from Cleo's glistening labia followed by my two young children. Her eyes nearly popped out as the two perfectly beautiful glistening golden miniatures slipped out of Cleo's sex and curled up on Aspa's tummy. Aspa gently stroked them as Ellie stared nervously before finally reaching over and carefully fingering the pair. I sat with my coils tensed around the pair in case Ellie had a last-minute fit of hysteria and tried to strangle them.

Fortunately we had chosen our patient well. Ellie simply stroked them before finally allowing the pair to slip around and between her extended fingers.

"They're a lovely colour," observed Ellie softly, "and they've got faces just like Cleo and Sybil.

"Yes, if you look carefully you'll see that the boy resembles Cleo whilst the girl resembles Sybil."

Ellie held them closer and a wide grin of recognition spread across her lips.

"You're right. It's fantastic- and this- this young lady attaches herself permanently inside me?"

We all nodded affirmation and Ellie finally spoke to the children.

"Well, you two; d'you want to see your new home?"

They both tinkled `yes' in their sweet soprano whispers and this was the final clincher. Their voices confirmed their mammalian humanity and Ellie was utterly taken with them. She turned again to Cleo.

"Will it hurt?"

"Not a bit. They are still quite small and you will hardly feel them entering. Once inside they will grow to maturity within a few months. By that time you will be safe again from AIDS. Their pheromones and blood serums begin to work the moment your young lady friend is attached"

Ellie turned and laid on her back whilst the children settled on her warm soft breasts as another question entered Elle's mind.

"What about learning? How have they learned to speak so quickly and how much more will they learn?"

Cleo smiled; a little patronisingly I thought, and then she spoke.

"Cunt snakes are extremely intelligent. They have an immensely steep learning curve. Within a year you will be able to have a perfectly normal adult conversation with these two little charmers. You'll never be lonely again; at least not for conversation or sex."

"Will I be able to have sex with another human?"

"I don't see why not," answered Cleo, "but you'd better warn your little boyfriend."

"Why?" Frowned Ellie nervously.

Cleo turned to Aspa and grinned.

"You'd better explain this one."

Aspa then explained about the male cunt-snake's secret fangs deep inside his throat and the ability of the venom to feminise the owner of any unwelcome invading penis. She finished by revealing how she had been turned from boy to `pseudo-girl' in this manner. Ellie sat stunned by the revelation then let out a squeal of laughter.

"Oh this is the absolute end. You mean if any bastard tries to rape me, he gets turned into a woman."

"If you wish. It's a simple matter of agreeing a secret password or sign with your little boyfriend and he will do the rest."

"Can he bite women?"

"What good will that do, they are already women."

"So what's the reasoning behind this little twist then?" Demanded Ellie.

Cleo explained the Gaia principle and Ellie nodded as the comprehension dawned.

"How clever. How devilishly clever! So you slowly eliminate the macho rapist gene and the promiscuity gene by emasculating the male carriers."

"Got it in one," I squeaked.

Allie turned to look at me and grinned as she spoke.

"And you swallow any semen so I can't get pregnant."

"Well not me specifically, but your new boyfriend- that is my son; will prevent any unwanted pregnancies. You told me earlier that you didn't want anymore children, I hope that still applies."

"Quite right," she confirmed, "all I want to do now is get my children back."

"We'll help you to do that as well." Confirmed Cleo. "Any legal help or fees, we can supply."

A gleam of victory lit Ellie's smile as she parted her legs eagerly and invited the two `teenaged' cunt-snakes to indulge. Cleo however, stopped her momentarily and explained that Sybil would have to accompany her daughter into Ellie's womb to explain exactly where and how to attach the oviduct in her tail to Ellie's left-hand fallopian tube.

"Think of it as that special little chat that mothers usually have with their daughters on the threshold of puberty," smiled Cleo.

Ellie grasped the reasoning and lay back lasciviously to permit whatever strange invasions were necessary. This done, my beautiful daughter and her mother carefully eased their way between Ellie's thighs and lovingly set about their business. My son and I coiled up on Ellie's breasts and waited until mother and daughter had completed their `girlie' duties. Our turn to visit the young lady in her new home would follow when Sybil reported a satisfactory attachment.

For an hour we all lay on the bed and chattered softly as we explained all the aspects of Gaia to Ellie. Ellie occasionally squirmed lasciviously as Sybil's coils twisted and squirmed inside her womb then finally, Elli gave a little squeak of pleasure as Sybil reversed out from her vagina and her daughter's pretty face appeared at Ellie's glistening portal. As Ellie squirmed with delight Sybil turned and smiled at our son.

"In you go," she tinkled," it's all done and dusted.

"Without any further hesitation, our son slid eagerly into Ellie's sex. Ellie squirmed with delight as she felt her two new tenants exploring every intimate part of her femininity. Then, as Ellie gave a tight little squeak, she gasped as her body began to take total control and she lost all inhibitions.

"Oh! Oh-oh, aahh! That's fantastic! Oh-ooowowhh! Ooohh- this is the end! Oohh, don't let this stop!"

As Ellie twisted and thrashed in the grip of a titanic orgasm we grouped around her and indulged our own pleasures whilst simultaneously adding to Ellie's total abandonment by gently manipulating her nipples. Fortunately the hotel was well soundproofed.

Finally the afternoon sun cooled down and Ellie eventually awoke from her `little death'. We four were already up and about so we gently helped the exhausted Ellie to dress and take an afternoon snack on the balcony. All through the meal she kept breaking out into a huge stupid grin and cautiously feeling her sex for any sign of her lodgers. They however, were also exhausted. Their young bodies were not yet fully able to indulge in a whole day's passion and they were still doing exactly as Ellie had done. They were sleeping in the warm velvety luxury of Ellie's womb.

"It's amazing," grinned Ellie as she reluctantly gave up searching her tummy for any telltale coils. "All through that passion I never ran short of breath or coughed once. Does this treatment really work that fast?"

Cleo smiled and nodded affirmatively.

"We think so, the serum travels very quickly around your blood stream. Already those nasty little viruses are getting the kicking of their lives. You'll soon be free of their attacks but they will still be active inside you. They just wont be able to affect you. You're one of our first and all the indications are good so far."

Ellie sipped her iced tea and smiled over the glass as Cleo and Aspa fed Sybil and I with dainty titbits from the sweet trolley.

"That's surreal." She giggled. "Two little human heads rising from your laps. They look like naughty lapdogs."

"Perhaps, but don't do this in a restaurant," giggled Aspa as my head rose above the table and studied the trolley.

"Who needs a doggy bag?" Giggled Cleo as Ellie's jaw sagged with mirth and she doubled up into fits of laughter.

We had a devoted convert.

For the following two months, we introduced Ellie to all the aspects of the tribe and introduced her to the spectacular collection of snakes. This, coupled with the rapid growth of her intimate little lodgers, removed all fears that Ellie might have had about snakes. When she was ready to return to Seattle, her cunt-snakes were full sized and an integral part of her sexuality. Ellie was loaded for bear!

Next: Chapter 4

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