
By Beverly Taff

Published on Apr 22, 2003


Jack Bentley knew he still had a long way to go. The door from his office loomed like some portal into hell as he plucked up the courage to sally forth in his new female persona. He knew he should step forward with all the confidence of his previous male existence; after all, it was his own office and his own business, his own front door for God's sake! Sadly his feminine personality simply refused to accept the male logic striving to assert itself. Male confidence and aggression simply refused to move along the new female neural pathways in his woman's brain.

Instead, Jack Bentley felt distinctly nervous. His heart beat timorously and his knees pressed nervously together as he subconsciously anticipated some unrecognisable assault on his newfound femininity. He realised the compressed knees was a typical girlish reaction to some unknown threat and he tried to impose his masculine will. It was no good. He found his delicate little fingers rising uncertainly to his cheeks and he uttered a high-pitched little squeak of anguish as his nerves began to fail him.

The door seemed to grow darker as he forced himself to mince fearfully towards it and extended a tentative limp wristed hand to test the latch. The door did not attack him so he peeped between the shade and the doorframe to ascertain the lay of the land outside. Nobody was about so he hefted his briefcase then cautiously eased the door ajar and finally peered outside before finally taking the plunge.

He locked the door behind him and automatically tried to slip the keys into his pocket before realising his tight fitting pencil-skirted suite had no pockets. He frowned and swung the keys on his finger as he swayed self-consciously in his tight skirt towards the 4X4.

The high seat of the four by four posed a serious obstacle. He could not hoist the narrow hem his skirt above his womanly hips so he could not spread his legs to slide one leg into the cab. Then he remembered how girls entered cars. He pushed the briefcase across the seat to the passenger side and ruefully considered his femininity. The briefcase felt heavy and he almost strained his skinny little shoulders. The next obstacle made a mockery of his reduced stature. He simply couldn't hitch his bum up high enough to slide onto the seat and then swing his legs in whilst keeping his knees together. Every time he tried, his silky underwear slithered inside the satiny lining of his pencil skirt and it hiked up as far as the hem would allow before ludely exposing his upper thighs. His efforts were reduced to farce as the hem pinned his thighs and knees together and he had to tug and wriggle to pull it down after each ridiculously futile attempt.

Any male observer would have had a field day watching his pathetic comical antics. Eventually he had to slip his jacket off and stretch his arms as high as he could to seize the grab handle above the door.

After a few attempts he finally caught the grab handle but then discovered that his slender little girlish arms couldn't heave his body without some unladylike scrabbling with his feet. Even then, as he finally achieved the impossible, his monumental new boobs spilled out of his ill-fitting bra and popped two buttons off his shirt. For a second he hung like sacrificial martyr whilst his splendid pink globes stood out like glistening beacons inviting attention, then his panic gave him extra strength. The adrenaline surged through his body and he made one last superhuman effort.

Gasping with embarrassment and exhaustion he sank thankfully into the huge bucket seat and ducked down to attend to his wayward tits. He was only just in time. A car he immediately identified as one of the port commissioner's swept into the car park and pulled up alongside the 4X4. Jack had just managed to replace his jacket as his mind raced to prepare an explanation for the male Jack Bentley's disappearance. As the car stopped beside him, Jack's head emerged above the windowsill of the 4X4 and he lowered the window. The commissioner leaned out and Jack recognised him as his friendly contact.

"Hello Miss. Is Mr Bentley about?"

"Uhhm. No sir. I should think he's still away in Seattle."

"I don't think so. He failed to show at the meeting."

"Oh dear. Well I haven't seen him this morning so I expect he'll show up later."

"Well Miss. Are you his secretary?"

"Oh. Uhhm- yes," stumbled Jack, "I've just started working for him."

"I see, well will you ask him to contact me as soon as possible? It's urgent."

"Yes sir. OK. Is there any other message?"

"Not for now. Tell him Bob Nelson called. He'll know what it's about."

"Very well sir; Bob Nelson, yes sir, I'll remember."

"That's his car isn't it?"

"Uhhm, yes."

"Is he back then?"

"I don't think so. I don't think he took this car. It was here in town last night. I saw it right here in the car park."

Jack stuck as close to the truth as he could; he was an expert at not telling the whole truth whilst not actually telling an outright lie. The commissioner's eyes lingered on Jack's swollen frontage then swivelled away guiltily as Jack caught him staring. Jack nervously checked the open shirt to find the missing buttons had exposed acres of his satiny bra and cleavage.

`You pervy old bastard!' he reflected as he tugged his lapel and turned to hide his cleavage as he started the 4X4.

The commissioners eyes tried manfully to remain fixed on Jack's office door whilst the female version of Jack explained he was going to the bank. With no more to be said they bid each other farewell and Jack navigated the 4X4 onto the main street.

There were no more incidents and he gratefully took the maximum allowable from the cash dispenser before setting off to shop for more clothes.

This time he went to a select lady's outfitters where Jack Bentley had an account. As a man, he used it to buy presents for his current girlfriend but now he was going to try and bluff his way towards purchasing a decent lady's suit on his own account. He knew the proprietor well; indeed he had once dated her so he hoped he might be able to persuade her to accept his account details. The door buzzed discreetly and the proprietor emerged smiling from the back as Jack mustered up the courage to speak.

"Good afternoon Miss."

"Gosh is it that late already?"

"Well it's just turned twelve young lady. I'm Molly, how can I help you?"

"I- I'm looking for a more suitable outfit."

Molly pursed her lips as a condescending smile flickered briefly across her face.

"Yes my dear, what's the occasion?"

"I'm Jack Bentley's new secretary, Jacqueline. He's taken me on to help handle the harbour business; that the new estate in the old port."

"I see my dear, so it's business suit your after."

"And some stuff to go with it."

"Accessories," you mean.

"Uhhm, yes. Oh and some underwear and stuff, a blouse or two and some heels."

Molly's practiced eyes had already recognised one of Jack Bentley's expensive cotton shirts under the young girl's inexpensive suit. It was obvious that this young thing was Jack's most recent conquest.

"Is he with you?"

"Uh no. I've borrowed that great four-wheeled thing monster of his until he fixes me up with something smaller. It's a brute to drive."

Molly had several times had to be helped by Jack into similar vehicles when they were an item. Jack had always had a penchant for huge great four-by-fours. The one this girl was driving was about Jack's tenth edition. Molly smiled inwardly, as she studied the girl's tight skirt and small stature.

"Yes dear, I'll bet it was no fun driving that thing in that skirt. I think it best if you choose a four-piece suit to give you some options. You know, tailored slacks, skirt, vest and jacket."

Jack nodded dumbly and added.

"He says to put it on his account and send the bill to his office."

"Yes, that's OK. Have you got any ID?"

"Only his credit card. He's busy with this new port account."

Molly smiled condescendingly at the naive young bimbo then nodded.

`The poor girl was just another lamb to the slaughter. Jack wouldn't even feel the pain when he dropped her. He could stand a few dollars on his account and he always settled up at the end of the month.

"Well just this once my dear. I should really clear it with Jack first, but this time I'll make an exception. Just one thing, he has a special word for his girlfriends, d'you know what it is?"

Jack whispered the word Dotty' into Molly's ear and she smiled knowingly. That was always Jack's special term of endearment. His old flames, who numbered many in the town, all referred to him by this private reference. Whenever the girls met, the words Dotty Jack' were like the password into some special private club.

It was essentially a term of endearment for the old flames found it hard to be angry with the man. Jack behaved like the perfect gentleman for he never discussed his old flames and always remembered their individual birthdays and Christmas. Molly's salon did very well out of Jack's Christmas list

"Right young lady step into the changing rooms and let's see what we've got."

Jack heaved a silent sigh of relief. `That was a huge hurdle cleared.'

He followed Molly's delightful wiggle into the large cubicle and was almost tempted to grope her. That would have been a disaster however. Jack knew from past experience that Molly was paranoid about lesbians. As a young shop assistant fresh from high school, she had served in a shop owned by two lesbian partners. For long years she had stoically endured their attentions until she had the wherewithal to set out on her own.

It was then that Jack had met Molly and had partly funded her ambitions. She had been feeling vulnerable and nervous and the bank had refused to provide all the finance. On looking back, she had long realised that Jack had only helped to set her up in business as an entrée into her panties. However, she could not wholly condemn him for he had, as always, made it clear from the outset; -no strings. They had remained an item for several years then, when she was successful and the salon was making a profit, he had courteously made his excuses and dropped her. Ever the gentleman, he had signed over his sleeping partnership in the business and made a clean break.

Molly had been devastated emotionally but made secure financially. She still had mixed feelings about Jack Bentley. But then,' she reflected, most of his old partners did.' Jack Bentley was an enigma, a confirmed bachelor and a perfect gentleman, but still an enigma.

All his old flames agreed that you could read most men like a book but not Jack Bentley. He was something different, `a one off'.

The young bimbo suddenly brought Molly back to her senses.

"What d'you think?"

Molly's eye's fell on the girl's bountiful balcony and frowned at the ill-fitting bra.

"Well that'll have to go young lady, hasn't anybody ever fitted you properly?"

The young girl's gaze fell earthwards and she wagged her head nervously. Molly concluded, that she probably came from the wrong side of the tracks and Jack had done his usual `white-knight in shining armour' thing.

"How old are you pet? Inquired Molly solicitously.

"Twenty," she mumbled as she self-consciously unhooked the bra.

Molly recognised the girl's uncertainty. Her firm fulsome globes were every man's wet dream and she was probably still trying to come to terms with the inevitable attention. It would have taken the confidence of a heavyweight boxer to carry off those melons. She turned the girl around and looked into her eyes but didn't find the usual world-weariness associated with well-endowed girls. This girl seemed to be more ignorant than lacking confidence.

"I'll see what I've got. You look like a thirty-four `E', d'you mind if I measure?"

"Go ahead."

Molly pulled the tape from her waistband and stood stupidly as the girl simply waited.

"Well raise your arms darling!"

"Oh! Sorry, - forgot."

The girl raised her arms and the globes responded beautifully. They rose on her chest and presented themselves for inspection like two perfect fruit. Molly was impressed that the sinews were still providing so much natural support. It was as if the girl had only just developed her boobs a few weeks earlier, no time yet to develop any sag. With the right bra, this girl was going to make men's eyes water.

After double-checking all the girl's measurements, Molly strode purposefully away and Jack savoured the busy click of heels on floor. He realised he was going to have to wear heels to complete his image. His new attuned girly senses had readily detected Molly's professional admiration for his spectacular figure. Molly returned with three different white bras and held them before Jack.

"These are the only styles I've got in your size, though I've other colours in stock. We'll just try them in white then you can decide the colours after."

Jack examined the beautifully patterned lacy validations of his newfound femininity and nodded affirmation to Molly.

"This one first."

Molly nodded and deftly reached around Jack's slender waist as her forehead and hair brushed Jack's nipples. She sensed Jack's involuntary twitch and her eye's narrowed slightly.

"Sensitive are we dear?"

Jack's eyes reopened with surprise and he nodded.


"That time is it?"

For a moment Jack failed to grasp Molly's meaning then he realised she was referring to `womanly troubles'.

"Eh, no," he replied, carefully skirting around an issue he still knew little about.

"Good. You should avoid getting fitted at that time, sometimes they swell up a whole cup size."

Jack made a mental note and lowered his arms as Molly gently manipulated her fingers around the cups to ease his breasts.

"There darling. Is that better?"

With his arms back to their normal positions, Jack breathed with relief. It was the first time he'd been really comfortable since the change. The cups seemed to massage his breasts whilst caressing his stiffening nipples. As he turned to face the mirror, Molly noticed his engorged condition and smiled knowingly.

"My, we are sensitive aren't we? Is it always like that?"

Jack gasped a little and nodded as he wondered how he was going to avoid being stimulated to distraction every time he put on a bra. Molly had already anticipated his dilemma.

"Here, let's try this one. The cup is lined and more protective."

Jack removed the first bra a little regretfully. He was beginning to enjoy the sensations of lacy patterned satin against his engorged nipples. As the bra came off, Molly's eyes widened at the stiff strawberry studs that boldly advertised Jack's aroused condition.

"My oh my. We're going to have to be careful, aren't we? Come on, this one should do the trick my dear. See, the cup is lined and preformed to hide any obvious little problems."

Gratefully Jack slipped his arms through the straps and Molly fastened the back as Jack poured his globes into the preformed cups like pink jellies into a mould. This time his nipples were contained and hidden by the supporting inserts and he turned to nod with satisfaction at his reflection. Molly looked over his shoulder and smiled.

"Stand erect darling. There's no need to be ashamed and the bra will support you better. You're a lovely girl and you've got a figure millions of women would die for."

Jack obeyed her and his eyes widened with appreciation at the stunning figure in the mirror.

"I'll take all three styles. They're lovely."

"Very well dear, now what colours."

"What colour blouses have you got? Asked Jack as his feminised brain swept along its steep learning curve."

"Quite right dear. Come and look."

Without a thought, Jack emerged from the cubicle and Molly led him to a stack of draws where she kept her various tops and blouses. Tactfully she locked the salon's front door and explained.

"It's lunch time anyway and this will take a while. Let's look at suits and dresses first. I'll get the matching pants for that bra. Slip your skirt off."

Jack hesitated momentarily then recovered his composure and did as asked. Molly nodded slowly as she appreciated the girl's beautiful figure.

This girl was going to be a dream to dress. Apart from the bust, she was a perfect clotheshorse.' Molly wondered how she had never noticed her around the town. It was not like Molly to miss a girl as perfectly suited to modelling as this little gem. Jack Bentley had excelled himself again.' She mused.

The girl turned self-consciously and gracefully changed her panties as Molly gathered some outfits from the racks.

"That's better young lady. Good clothes fit better if the basics are sound. Here, let's try this."

Jack was becoming progressively bolder as Molly continued her professional sales technique and put the young girl' at her ease. He took the proffered skirt and stepped easily into it as Molly pulled out a wide selection of tops from the draws. Jack noted with secret delight that they were all filmy satiny creations and the colour range was just perfect. Once more he realised that his female eyes were now seeing colours very differently from a man's view. Somehow the slightest variations of shade and tone seemed to leap out at him. With his man's eyes, colours had been little more than the old seven schoolboy' colours of the physical spectrum. The rainbow colours of red, orange, yellow; green, blue, indigo and violet - and he had never seen much difference between indigo and violet.

Now he began to understand and savour the delightful subtle variations and nuances of colour that women enjoyed.

The skirt was a plain charcoal grey; just like his previous cheap one but this new one was of a far better quality and style. Again, it was a pencil style ending just below the knee as had the previous one, but it fitted him much better. As he twirled in the mirror it advertised his new assets in a more sophisticated manner. Jack could readily see the classier lines that would have caught his eye even as a man when he was summing a woman's potential.

`Yes, Molly certainly carried some excellent styles.'

"What colour top d'you think?" Ventured Molly as she interrupted Jack's appreciative thoughts.

Jack's eyes fell back to the blouses and finally chose a teal top with wide lacy shoulder straps and heavy lacy scalloping bordering the frontage. Molly followed his eyes and held it up then turned to the draw.

"You're lucky. I've got this one in your size and a bra to match. Here we are."

She held the top against Jack's body and felt him shudder slightly as the silky fabric slid evocatively across his white bra. After changing the bra and slipping the top over his body Jack felt himself enter nirvana. The clingy top contoured his breasts and sheathed his slender midriff almost like a silky second skin.

The new teal bra was almost invisible under the wide lacy straps and his cleavage only showed a classy hint of promise as his bust nestled just perfectly within the top's embrace. It was only now he realised how beautifully cut and tailored the top was. Molly ran her fingers down his back and gently unbuttoned the skirt again before slipping the top neatly under the open waistband and zipping him up again.

"There, that's neatly tucked. You don't want the creases to show if you can help it. This top fit's just perfectly, take a look."

Jack felt his heart hammering as he savoured the top's silky extension under the waistband of the skirt easing the roughness of the waistband's reinforcing. He turned to study his amazing profile and felt that familiar warmth return to his loins. Molly held out the beautifully tailored jacket and he slid his bare arms into the lined sleeves as Molly fussed with the collar then adjusted the lapels over Jack's spectacular bust.

"We can adjust that button a fraction and the fit will be just perfect. Take it off again and have a look at the accessories to match that top. I'll do this button.

Jack sorted through an assortment of matching shoes and purses and selected several sets for Molly to finalise when she'd finished the jacket button. Molly returned with the altered jacket and nodded her head agreeably at Jack's selection. She discarded just two sets from the dozen pairs that Jack had arrayed on the counter. Jack smiled appreciatively. Already his woman's eye was combining with his previous male good taste to achieve a good sense of feminine style. He felt an unexpected shudder of anticipation at the thought of wearing `high-heeled-shoes'. Molly chose the obvious matching teal accessories then boxed up the other pairs for Jack to take. Finally, she selected several mix-and-match casual items and the shopping was completed. Strangely, Jack felt a little disappointed. For some strange reason he wanted to buy just a few more things.

I'm becoming a shopaholic',' he mused thoughtfully. It must be the woman thing again.'

As Jack stood gazing appreciatively in the mirror admiring his new ensemble Molly stood back and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes. That's excellent. Now, your hair needs a bit of tidying so I would suggest Angela two doors down. The rest of you is perfect my dear. You hardly need any slap with that flawless complexion. Just a hint of lipstick maybe and some eye shadow, then you'll knock em' dead girl. Where have you been hiding? You're not local, I'd have seen you around- and noticed you."

"I- I'm a distant cousin of Mr Bentley," lied Jack. "I'm from his father's side, though I've got my mother's colouring. I'm from back east."

"Yes that figures, " smiled Molly, "I suppose all the males in Jack's family would have good taste. Well my dear, I'll help you into that lumping great truck of his and you can be on your way. Tell Jack to settle up at the end of the week.

That's a fair bit of my weekly turnover you've got on your shoulders and in those bags, but you're worth it young lady."

"Why thank you," finished Jack as Molly helped him into the RV.

As she passed the bags of shopping up to Jack, he could have sworn Molly's fingers deliberately kept brushing his breasts but he could not be sure.

`After all women were always much more tactile than men.'

Nevertheless he felt his nipples getting distinctly hard even inside the supportive, protective satiny cups of his bra.

Whilst he considered this idea that Molly might have certain tendencies, he felt another shudder of pleasure as the silky underwear slithered provocatively against the lining of his suite. Then he decided Molly was probably straight. After all it was his seemingly supersensitive nipples that had picked up on the ever so delicate glancing touch of Molly's fingers. He concluded he was still adjusting to his nipple's newfound feminine super sensitivity.

Yes,' he concluded as the shudder endured in his whole body, women certainly had it best when it came to sensations and feelings.'

The last thing Jack saw was Molly's wide smile in his mirror.

Molly was already having thoughts about this pretty young girl.

Strange little girl that,' she pondered, a girl who chose to stay in the tight skirt rather than change into the matching slacks to climb into that thumping great truck thing. And that little shudder she gave, when I brushed against her. Interesting,' she mused.

Jack Bentley, AKA Jacqueline Bentley missed Molly's knowing look as he drove off. He was too engrossed in the intimate sensations next to his body as he struggled to operate the heavy foot pedals. Every time he tried to change gear or brake, his silk encased butt and glossy pantyhose tended to slither tighter into his skirt. This caused the skirt's waistband to tug at his satiny top and this in turn to slip and slide erotically over his bra cups. By the time he had `man-handled' the 4X4 back to his office his nipples were singing an oratorio of pure lust.

Gasping with pleasure, he almost fell out of the cab and only managed to grab a few of his purchases. With the lined pencil skirt still constraining his silk clad legs he wiggled up the steps to his office and upstairs to his private flat. With fumbling fingers he eventually unbuttoned the back of the skirt and stood for a brief moment admiring the delicious site reflected in the mirror. Then, unable to constrain himself any longer, he flung himself onto his bed and immediately attended to the urgent demands of his aroused sensitive new body.

Oh God!' He gasped, was there any way this fantastic new body was ever going to slow down? In addition to being turned into a girl, he wondered if he had also been changed into a nymphomaniac; and a lesbian one at that?'

As the afternoon shadows lengthened Jack knew he had to attend to some urgent business and e-mail the Port Authority Commissioners to explain his absence before the offices shut. His body however, had other ideas. Jack simply couldn't drag himself away from the overwhelming sensations and desperate demands of his womanly condition. Gradually as one orgasm followed another, he undressed himself item by item until he lay naked on the bed. Even then there seemed little relief. The cool breeze of the air conditioning titillated and stiffened his constantly sensitive nipples.

`Hell', he gasped after the umpteenth orgasm,' was there no end to a woman's libido?'

Eventually he realised, he had missed the office deadline and greedily resigned himself to a night of unbridled lust. There seemed to be no satisfying Jacqueline's appetite.

The following morning he awoke feeling a little sore. At first he thought it was his own abuse of this delicious new body then he realised his skin felt as though it had bedsores. For a moment he thought he might be `shedding' his skin again ad resuming his Male persona.

Thank God!' he thought, now I can get on with that Port Estate deal.'

Then he realised that he really did have the makings of some bedsores. The pressure points on his ankles and elbows were quite red and angry where his thrashing orgasms had been rubbing against the starched cotton sheets all night.

Dammit!' He concluded. His delicate girly skin was either allergic to the starch or too sensitive for rough cotton sheets. Would he now have to change the bed to soft satin silky sheets as well?'

After testing the angry red patches on his ankles and elbows, he concluded he would. His skin was just too delicate and sensitive for coarse cotton.

`By God, it was nice though!'

The earlier idea of changing back into Jack Bentley began to feel unattractive and he wagged his head in slow confusion.

`If Jack Bentley didn't show up, there were going to be real problems with his realty business and the Port Estate deal. But if Jack Bentley did return, Jacqueline would have to go and he wasn't sure he wanted that.'

`Shit, it was really a mess!'

Then his delicate little nose demonstrated its own feminine sensibilities again. The distinct aroma of his nocturnal excesses wafted gently to his nostrils. He realised that without some scent and antiperspirants, he would be signalling to every woman he met that he had been `sexually active' during the night. Cautiously he fingered the sticky telltale residues around his sex and realised a shower was needed.

As he slid off the bed, the sheets rubbed his ankles again and he winced slightly. To ease the soreness he stepped into the shower and soothed the pain on his ankles and elbows with a cool jet of water.

Then he realised he had forgotten the new feminine hair-care shampoo. The soaking mass of hair had lost its natural bounce and fell all the way past his soft rounded butt cheeks. The dribbling ends tickled his butt and he realised his new head of stunning hair was going to need very high maintenance. Molly was right.

After showering he realised that he lacked a powerful hairdryer. The old model he had previously used on his short man's head now proved hopelessly inadequate. His hair took ages to dry and he was forced to sit for hours fussing and primping with his fingers and the tiny blower. He didn't even own a hair brush. His next shopping foray would have to be for essential female grooming equipment now that his feminised condition seemed permanent, or at least long term.

By noon, Jack, (or as he was now beginning to think of himself) Jacqueline, was ready to go shopping again. She was still concerned about the Port Authority deal, but the shopping seemed to be more pressing. She put it down again to her bimbo-ish feelings, despite Jacks hard business brain screaming within her to `get the port authority deal sorted!'

After an exhausting round of pharmacies and assorted other ladies outlets, she found herself fulfilling her appointment at Angela's salon. As luck would have it, Molly was having her hair done and Jacqueline indulged in a girly half hour discussing choices for her magnificent hair. It amused her that this new mindset could find so much to discuss about length, colouring, highlights, cut and style. `Jack would have simply walked in, sat down, repeated the same instructions as he always did then paid and left.

Now Jacqueline settled comfortably into the chair in anticipation of at least an hour's undivided attention to her head. The prospect was attractive, not tiresome.

As she savoured the careful attention paid to her gorgeous hair she batted Molly's discreet inquiries into her origins whilst constantly diverting the conversation to makeup tips and ideas. This suited Angela who was always keen to sell any hair products. Eventually, Molly took the hint and fell thoughtfully silent.

`This beautiful Jacqueline, this gorgeous young lady, seemed to know nothing about shampoo or makeup or clothes or anything. She was an enigma.'

Eventually, Jacqueline was `done'. Molly, being older, was still waiting for her perm and set to be completed so Jacqueline took cash from her purse and paid for the styling and hair products. As she gave Molly a farewell peck on the cheeks, Molly savoured the delightful scent that Jacqueline was wearing.

`An enigma this Jacqueline might be, but she was developing excellent tastes.'

It was gone five again when Jacqueline emerged onto the streets so there was no time to address the Port Authority deal.

What did appeal to her was to go out for the evening and she made several trips to and from the 4X4 as she carried all her shopping into her Flat above the office.

Nevertheless, she was forced to firstly consider Jack's disappearance so she spent an hour in front of the computer composing an email from Jack to his secretary Jacqueline. In the letter, Jack' explained that he would be absent for a few days attending to urgent family business'. Would Jacqueline please look after the store? Next she arranged for the email to be sent from an address in Seattle then she `emailed it on to the commissioner's office. This at least would stall things until she could compile a better plan.

She now had the whole evening to indulge in preparations to go clubbing. Jack Bentley was becoming envious of Jacqueline's wonderful opportunities endowed by her beauty and youth. It was getting more difficult every hour to even contemplate changing back. Several times as she experimented with different outfits, Jacqueline was forced to relieve herself before finalising her choice.

Then her delicate sensibilities told her she was `advertising her condition' again and she was forced to take another shower. She grinned at herself in the mirror as she adjusted her hair under the biggest shower cap in town.

Yes,' she thought to herself, Jacqueline Bentley had a stunning head of hair- and a stunning body.'

Next: Chapter 6

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