
By Beverly Taff

Published on Apr 24, 2003


Ellie woke to find Jacky's lips still attached to one of her nipples. During the night, Jacky had unconsciously changed breasts several times, so Ellie's breasts were not too sore. Ellie smiled down at the incongruent infantile picture that the twenty-year-old Jacky's face created. Gently she stroked Jacky's head then carefully inveigled a wetted finger between the girl's lips. It was an old nursing mother's trick to release the child from the breast and Jacky behaved no differently. The sleeping girl continued sucking the substituted finger as Ellie moved slightly to ease her cramped shoulder.

She was not free of Jacky's embrace however for their sexes were still firmly connected by Ellie's serpentine tenants. Her movement created new tension between their conjoined parts and Ellie's cunt snakes stiffened their coils to retain their connection.

The squirming actions in Jacky's scabbard soon woke her. She groaned with insatiable lust as the sucking snakes addressed her clitty again and reactivated her libido.

"Oohh. There it goes again," she murmured as she adjusted her thighs to accommodate the unbelievable sensations exploding from her core.

For long minutes, Jacky's urges drove her to indescribable heights. Finally, she exploded once more in a crescendo of ecstasy before collapsing with a satiated, gratified smile wreathed around her lips. Sleep overcame her again.

This was the moment for Ellie to instruct her tenants to slowly uncoil then slip carefully back into their regular home. For a brief moment, the sleeping Jacky twitched and Ellie tensed nervously, but the moment soon passed. Ellie felt her tenants resuming their normal guardianship and she carefully slid from between the sheets to prepare breakfast.

The aroma of eggs and bacon awoke Jacky and she sat up in anticipation. Her naked breasts wobbled on her chest and she leaned across to recover her bra. Ellie returned with a loaded breakfast tray as Jacky was sitting up in bed and reaching behind to fasten her bra.

"D'you need a hand with that darling?" asked Ellie.

"Not any more. My shoulders are much more flexible than Jacks ever were. It was much harder when Jack was a trannie. It must be the girlie shoulder joints being looser and more supple."

With new feminine skills, Jacky deftly poured her globes into the satiny comfort of her bra and reached up thankfully for the breakfast tray. Her wanton nocturnal abandonment had given Jacky a monumental appetite and she quickly attacked the food. Ellie collected her own breakfast tray and rejoined Jacky in the bed. After clearing their plates, they fell into an embrace and indulged some pillow talk.

"What sort of dildo is that you've got?" whispered Jacky.

Ellie paused. The crucial moment had arrived and she debated whether to reveal it is true nature or simply lie a little longer until Jacky was well and truly addicted to its charms. Eventually she decided to delay the revelation.

"It's a special one, a new design that is still undergoing tests."

"Huh some tests! How does it do all that squirming and stuff?"

"It's some new technology. I'd rather not reveal the secrets just yet."

"Why not?" pressed Jacky, "it seemed to pass all the tests for me."

"Well it's a bit early to tell yet. The designers will make it public when they're good and ready. When all the tests are complete."

"Well how did you come by it?"

"They needed volunteers. When I was down and out, I needed the money."

"Can I see it?"

"Not just yet. You'll have to wait a little longer I think."

Jacky scowled impatiently. The special dildo had proven to be dynamite inside her newly grown pussy and she could not wait until the next occasion. Reluctantly she slid out of bed and pattered to the en-suit bathroom. Ellie savoured the rear view of Jacky's delectable naked butt cheeks and smiled enigmatically.

'Jacqueline Bentley was proving as good a female lover as Jack Bentley had been a male one.'

When the shower started hissing and the cubicle had fully steamed up, Ellie joined her newly nymphoised partner and they savoured a delightful session of mutual lathering and pleasuring. After dressing they emerged from the bedroom to find Ellie's Gaia friends where already preparing for a days yachting on the sound. Jacky still retained Jack's love of flying and boating so she eagerly helped the preparations and they were soon sharing the water with dozens of other weekend sailors.

By mid afternoon a thunderstorm drove them back to shore and after making their farewells, Jacky and Ellie returned home.

Monday found them both in their offices but their days passed very differently. Ellie received the confirmation that the commissioners had decided to reconsider their decisions in the light of Jack's disappearance. Jacky, on the other hand, had to fend off a whole string of inquiries about that same disappearance. That evening, the sheriff called at Jack's office and Jacky's nightmare began.

On Tuesday, she was taken for questioning and was not released until Wednesday morning. The police told her she was suspected of murder but because no corpse had been found, they were forced to release her and advise her to remain in the locality. Jacky was furious to discover that she was the prime suspect but could not dream of a way to reveal the actual truth.

There were no known DNA records of Jack Bentley so she had no way of proving a genetic link. That Wednesday evening she returned in tears to Ellie's home.

"What am I to do? I can't prove anything and they're convinced I murdered him."

Ellie embraced the sobbing girl and ingeniously planted another doubt in the girls throbbing brain.

"Well they are unlikely to check your identity, but if they do, it should stand a casual check. Only an intensive scrutiny would throw up any doubt about your ID's."

"What! you mean they're not as genuine as you said they were?"

"Oh they're genuine enough as documents in their own right, but some of the relevant details had to be altered in the central records. My friends altered the stuff on the state run computers but they have not yet been able to alter the central federal records. Don't worry though. Your birth certificate is genuine and that makes your passport genuine. You can always skip the country. Canada is not far."

"What! I don't want to -'skip the country'- as you put it. I'm a full blooded American citizen and I have every right to remain one."

"As who, Jack or Jacqueline?"

Jacky hesitated nervously then sagged heavily against Ellie's breast.

"I don't know. I suppose it'll have to be Jacqueline. There is no Jack any more, is there, except inside my head."

"Well then stop bleating on about your ID and start preparing your story. The first thing you can do is say that your own parents are dead. I know that's unusual for a girl of only twenty or so, but you can say you were an only child because they married late and were late having you."

"Bugger my background and identity. It's easy to spin a line about my origins. I'm worried about my business. Who's going to be responsible for that in the long term? If Jack doesn't show up soon, people are going to wonder. I could lose everything."

"We could fake Jack's death and make you the nearest relative."

"How," demanded Jacky?

"Jack and his mother could die in a car accident back east and you would have to attend the funeral. I know a couple of bent lawyers who can fix up a will and testament. They make a couple of phone calls to our local police and we should be able to fix things at this end."

Jacky released her embrace of Ellie and frowned thoughtfully.

"This is all getting too complicated and suspicious. The sheriff's a pig but he's not stupid!"

"Can you think of anything better?"

Jacky slumped into the settee as her brain worked overtime.

'If the sheriff started to dig deeper, she would have to come up with a plan and Ellie's idea's seemed as good as any.'

What Jacky did not know was that Ellie already had a 'backstop'. If all else failed, the sheriff could be 'changed'. He was known to 'have a bit on the side' occasionally and his own long-suffering wife was known to be unhappy about his philandering. Jacky continued staring at the floor as Ellie started making supper. Hearing the noises from the kitchen, Jacky joined her.

"You don't seem unduly concerned about my fate," observed Jacky.

"I've got other rows to hoe. The hearings for the return of my children start next week."

Jacky fell silent for a moment then mumbled,

"And you won't want the judge learning of our lesbian relationship."

"It might cause a problem, I can't be sure."

"You're asking me to get out of the house then, is that it?"

"No. The house is big enough. If anybody asks, you're sleeping in the spare room. It has an en-suit bathroom. You can say you're helping me to run the house and office; a sort of - au-pair girl cum Girl Friday. In fact, on second thoughts, that might help my case. You could also claim to be a live-in baby-sitter."

"So who will run my business?"

"You mean Jack's business don't you?"

"No, my business. You said you could organise some sort of will."

"That's not fixed yet. It might take some time. We have to sort out the sheriff's investigations."

Jacky got the distinct impression that Ellie wasn't being entirely helpful, but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

After supper, Jacky's worries slowly evaporated as she anticipated another night with Ellie's spectacular new dildo. As Ellie lounged on the settee watching a mindless series of soaps Jacky kept fidgeting surreptitiously as her pussy started to make its demands known. Ellie sensed Jacky's frustrations but pretended to ignore them as she continued gazing at the box. Eventually, Jacky's needs overwhelmed her and she reached across in an effort to provoke Ellie's responses. Ellie smiled and embraced the frustrated girl then nodded towards the bedroom. Jacky sighed with relief and scampered eagerly upstairs. Somehow, she just could not ignore the insatiable demands of her new young body. She felt as if her pussy was completely under the spell of Ellie's dildo and everything else took second place.

By the time Ellie had 'locked up for the night', Jacky was already dressed in a silky nightie and savouring the slithery sensations of Ellie's satiny bed sheets. Ellie entered to find Jacky spread-eagled between the sheets with her beautiful features framed by her hair spread invitingly across both pillows.

"I see your ready," smiled Ellie.

"Oh come on! You've been tantalising me all night."

As Ellie undressed, she glanced in the mirror and smiled as she spotted Jacky's eager fingers busy under the sheets.

'There was no doubt that Jacky was becoming an unwitting slave to the cunt snake.' Soon Ellie would have her exactly where she wanted her. 'Just a few more nights.'

As Ellie expected, the night's activities served only to deepen Jacky's addiction and Ellie debated revealing her secret tenants to Jacky the next evening. She decided to wait a little longer.

The following morning they followed the same routine by finishing their games in the shower and once again, Jacky urged Ellie to reveal her dildo. Ellie smiled condescendingly and promised to 'contact the manufacturers'. Jacky's body was now in thrall to the dildo and she was utterly besotted by its pleasures. Ellie realised she would soon have a confirmed acolyte.

At work later that morning, the sheriff visited Jacky again in her office. He bowled a few more questions that Jacky only managed to partially bat. She realised that the man was not entirely satisfied but there was still no hard evidence connecting the stunning blond niece with Jack Bentley's disappearance. Jacky felt she was living on borrowed time though, for the sheriff had been inquiring about her background and origins. That night she discussed his questions with Ellie.

"Yes, he wanted to know everything, my childhood, my background and even my parents. We are going to have to come up with some pretty watertight answers," observed a worried Jacky.

"It's early days just yet. Let's just eat supper and see what tomorrow brings."

"Trouble with a capital 'T' if I don't get something concrete together," sobbed Jacky.

"Well crying won't help much," scolded Ellie impatiently, "I've got enough troubles of my own right now. I'm meeting the lawyers tomorrow to prepare the case for having my children back."

Jacky fell silent. Having three children in the house, could seriously cramp their relationship. Ellie's oldest was nearly ten and at that age, they could ask questions, awkward questions. Still she could understand Ellie's determination. The children had been in separate foster homes for nearly two years, while Ellie had been sorting her life out.

They ate in silence then followed the same routine as the previous night and it was not until Friday that Ellie revealed the secrets of her dildo to the captivated Jacky. Jacky's curiosity had reached fever pitch that Friday evening and on the way home from an out-of-town gay club, Jacky eventually persuaded Ellie to reveal her secrets. Once between the sheets that evening, Ellie finally allowed Jacky's fingers to explore her intimate parts.

At first of course, Jacky could find nothing. Both male and female cunt snakes had retreated up into Ellie's womb past the cervix. Short of a full gynaecological exam, Jacky would never have found them.

"Where is it?" Squeaked the frustrated Jacky.

"Just lie back and get ready. This is a very special arrangement."

Jacky behaved obediently but her eager libido sent shivers of anticipation as Ellie gently brought her thigh over Jacky's and pressed their hungry pussies together. Jacky responded urgently and groaned with delight as the familiar sensations invaded her cavity. Once again, the strange flexible 'dildo' invaded her depths then coiled around before doubling back and latching softly onto her rigid little bud.

This time however, Jacky felt some slack between their pussies and she seized the opportunity to inveigle her curious fingers between their slippery lips. Cautiously she probed the strange hose-like connection then eventually wrapped her fingers part way around the muscular fleshy tube.

"It feels strange, sort of soft and fleshy but with strong muscles underneath. Is it a new sort of plastic?"

"It's better than that. D'you want to have a proper look?"

"Yes," twitched Jacky as the coils flipped around inside her. "Ooh! That's nice, how does it do that?"

"Are you prepared for a very big surprise?" Whispered Ellie.

"I'm prepared for anything, if I can have one of these for myself. How does it hide up your cunny?"

"Switch the bedside light on."

Jacky reached back and stretched for the light as the dildo tugged gently at her cavity. She gasped again then reached down to hold it again as she peeled back the sheet. As she eased her hips away from Ellie's thighs, the soft fleshy golden girth of the cunt snake became visible between them.

"What is it? It's like some sort of tube."

"It's a special dildo. I call it my cunt snake," murmured Ellie.

"Your what?"

"My cunt snake. A snake that lives in my cunt."

"A snake!" gasped Jacky.

"Yes. Feel him. He's real. He won't harm you."

Jacky tensed nervously then pulled herself further away as she used both hands to examine the fleshy tube.

"That's not a snake. The skin is like - like a- a human, - human flesh."

"That's right. I told you he was special. Go on use both hands, he won't hurt you."


"Yes, he. He's a real live cunt snake. D'you want me to show you?"

"Shit Ellie! What sort of trick is this?"

"It's not a trick, watch."

As Ellie spoke, Jacky felt the living thing 'uncoil' within her and she watched the tube slowly untwist between their pussies. The sensation sent paroxysms of delight through her loins and she giggled nervously.

"Oh my God! This is fantastic. A snake, a real trouser snake!"

"No. I call him my cunt snake. D'you want to meet him."

"Do I just!"

With those words, Ellie's delightful tenant slipped easily out of Jacky's soaking lips and retreated slightly into Ellie's sex before throwing the last two coils of his fleshy length up onto Ellie's slightly swollen belly. Jacky bent forward and stared mesmerised at the strange creature.

"It's got a human head!" she squealed.

"He's got a human head," corrected Ellie as she gently fondled her cunt snake's coils.

"Alright then, he's got a human head," conceded Jacky as she peered closer.

"And a human brain," added Ellie.


"Yes, he's every bit as intelligent as you or I."

"How would you know?" demanded Jacky.

"Ask me a question," replied the snake in a high-pitched hissing voice.

"Oh my God! You speak!" Gasped Ellie as she recognised the cognoscence in the cunt snake's eyes.

"I do indeed, every bit as well as you."

For Jacky, this was the final straw. She slowly realised the snake was not some dreadful reptilian invader but a coherent, intelligent and welcome companion for the widowed Ellie. She let out a loud hoot of laughter and stood up on the bed to dance with delight. Eventually Ellie managed to calm her exuberance and invited her to make a proper acquaintance with her tenants. Jacky settled beside her erstwhile partner and leant forward to touch the cunt snake on the head. As she gently stroked his beautifully coloured head, she was shocked to see another head slowly emerging from Ellie's love lips.

"My God there's two of you!"

"There are indeed. May I introduce you to my wife, Anna."

"As in Anaconda," giggled Jacky.

"Well not quite. Anna is certainly longer than me but not quite that size."

Jacky fell to stroking both snakes as she looked up to ask Ellie.

"Is this why your tummy is always a little swollen?"

Ellie nodded and patted her chest. The male snake emerged completely and coiled up between Ellie's breasts, whilst his partner remained as she would always; her upper coils looped about Ellie's breasts whilst her lower body remained attached deep within.

Ellie explained the arrangement as Jacky's jaw fell lower and lower. After Jacky's curiosity was finally fulfilled, she nervously decided to resume lovemaking. This time the cunt snakes excelled themselves and it was not long before Jacky discarded her last reservations and became a confirmed acolyte of Gaia.

"The rest of that Friday night was spent in feverish experimentation as Jacqueline indulged her own insatiable lust and both cunt snakes exercised their inexhaustible abilities.

It was past dawn before Ellie finally called a halt and fell into a deep slumber.

As Ellie slept, Jacky invited the male snake to stay inside her as she wandered around the house clad only I her nightie. As she devoured a huge breakfast and sank several mugs of coffee, she savoured the strange squirming motions inside her. Several times, she collapsed on the sofa as her newfound friend complemented her urges.

It was noon before Ellie surfaced to find Jacky wantonly slumped along the sofa in a pose of utter abandonment. Gently she woke her sleeping friend by coaxing her tenant back into his rightful abode. Jacky squirmed and shivered as the snake slipped between her legs and wrapped himself around Ellie's arm.

"I wish he could live in me forever," sighed Jacky.

"No can do- I'm afraid. He needs his wife at regular intervals, don't you my darling?"

The snake extended his head and kissed Ellie gently on her own lips before eagerly slipping under her nightie and causing Ellie to shudder with delight. Jacky's eyes followed the disappearing tail then rose wistfully to meet Ellie's.

"Where can I get one?"

"You can't my dear. You don't have a fully female body. You don't have a womb and you cannot permanently attach a female cunt snake inside you."

"What d'you mean? I don't have a fully female body."

"Exactly what I said my dear. You're not fully a woman. Oh, I agree you have a cunt and a very nice one as well, but you don't have a womb. You'll never have children and you can never support a pair of cunt snakes."

Jacky looked stunned.

"What d'you mean. How d'you know I'm not a proper woman, how d'you know all this?"

Ellie grinned knowingly.

"That sex change, you underwent. It's not a full change-over. That would contradict the theories of Gaia. The idea is to stop too many children being born. It would be no use at all if you could have more children. No, you are a 'freemartin', a sterile girl whose only job is to enjoy sex and serve Gaia."

"What you mean I simply serve you as some sort of lesbian partner?"

"Not exactly. Your other function is to spread the gospel of Gaia, to bring the world into balance, to bring mankind back from the brink by reducing the birth rate. It's an extension of the Malthusian Doctrine."

"And how do I do that?" demanded Jacky.

"Our little boy friend."

"What d'you mean?"

"He's not just a sex object you know. He also has a function; a job to do serving Gaia."

"Go on," urged Jacky.

Ellie went on to explain the special bite and venom that so changed promiscuous men. Jacky eventually realised how she herself had been changed. She let out a shriek of anger and flung herself at Ellie but it was to no avail. The new Jacky was considerably smaller than Ellie and even smaller again than Jack her previous male persona. It was an easy task for Ellie to subdue the hysterical, effeminate, smaller girl. As Ellie held her down on the sofa, Jacky realised she was totally in thrall to the older, stronger woman. Between sobs, she beseeched Ellie to release her and explain. Eventually, Ellie relented and let her sit up. As Jacky dried her tears, Ellie made some coffee and sat beside her on the sofa.

As they sipped their coffee, Ellie finally explained all. She described her descent into prostitution and squalor as the Aids virus took hold and ruined her health. She explained her anger that somebody had not warned her of Andrew's philandering. In this, she held Jack Bentley to have been partially responsible for encouraging Andrew. Worse still, Jack had been seriously remiss in not warning her. Ellie had always considered Jack to be something of a friend before the destruction of everything she had held dear.

"After all, you could have at least warned me what Andrew was doing," charged Ellie.

Jacqueline felt a stab of guilt that she knew to be her new feminine nature taking hold. The old Jack Bentley had scarcely given Ellie's risks a second thought. Jacqueline actually became angry with the old Jack and almost felt relieved to be free of his selfish insensitive nature. She listened silently as Ellie described in graphic detail, the shock and total destruction of her life when she had learned, first of her husband's infection and then her own. She described the loss of her children, her business, how close she came to death and how lucky she was to have been saved.

Suddenly Jacky felt a cold vice of fear grip her entrails.

"Have I caught Aids from you?" she asked.

"No. So long as my female cunt snake constantly swaps my blood with hers, the Aids virus is destroyed by her metabolism. I think of her as a friend, as an extra organ within my body, and a very reassuring organ to boot. I cannot infect or be infected so you are safe.

The Gaia doctors think I might even be free of the virus someday, but that's not certain. It depends on factorial extrapolations of the rate of decay of the Aids viruses in my blood stream. One thing is certain, the disease cannot survive or multiply in my bodily fluids as long as Ana's fluids are mixing with mine."

Ellie pointed to her pussy and stroked her cunt-snake's heads as both her friendly tenants emerged.

A wave of relief swept over Jacky and she slumped thankfully across Ellie's lap to kiss her partner's saviours. Ellie ran her fingers through Jacky's magnificent hair and gently massaged her scalp as Jacky's soft tears dampened her nightie.

"There, there now darling. Don't be sad. I'm sure you'll find your new body a lot more exciting than the old one. Especially now you can indulge your favourite past time without any more censure."

Jacky considered Ellie's wise words and shivered sensuously as she savoured the delightful embrace of her soft satiny nightie around her sensitive feminine skin.

'Yes, Ellie was right', Jacky still felt as though she was 'cross-dressing' even though she was now a woman. The main difference was that she could now indulge her obsession with soft silky textures to her heart's delight, and without the slightest whisper of condemnation.

Suddenly a strange thought crossed Jacky's mind and she gazed up into Ellie's eyes.

"Did you know I was a transvestite before?"

"No. Molly always wondered how or why, the old Jack Bentley knew so much about women's fashions and sizes, but she put it down to his intimacy with so many of us girls; and of course, the presents at Christmas. We girls often chatted about his sensitivity and consideration but we never put it down to his being a cross-dresser. We always wondered why such a sensitive and caring man would never commit to a permanent relationship. You've explained a lot."

"You've been unfair to Jack!" charged Jacky.

"Well perhaps I have insofar as he couldn't help being what he was and how that affected his relationships with women. As to his deceit about Andrew, I feel I have some justification."

It was Jacky's turn to feel guilty and she nodded slightly as she thoughtfully stroked the cunt snake's heads. Finally, she met Ellie's gaze again

"I won't hold it against you. I'm happy with this body and it gives me much more pleasure than big hairy Jack's ever did."

"What about using it for sex with men?" pressed Ellie.

"Ughh. It won't be much fun. Do I get to choose the men?"

"Not all. Sometimes, they'll be real pigs, sometimes they'll be the Jack Bentleys."

"Well so long as I can't catch anything, and so long as I get to stay with you, things should pan out. By the way, who does choose the men?"

"They choose themselves Jacky. They see you as some delectable morsel and decide that they are going to try for a piece of the action. The only decision you get is if you decide if they are or if they are not going to be changed."

"And how do I decide?"

"It's entirely up to you Jacky. You know your own sexuality. You have the absolute right to say no. If they think no means yes and then try to force you, it's their lookout. If they respect your feelings and pull back, they are not punished. If they are two-timing a partner then they get punished.

The idea is to reduce the population by humanely eradicating the promiscuity gene."

"And what happens when men suddenly change in front of their wives or children?"

"Then America and other G7 consumers of the world's scarce resources will finally have to accept that the rules of the game have changed."

Jacky still wasn't fully convinced. She recognised the risks to 'women' such as herself when society finally realised that there were baited traps walking the streets waiting to ensnare promiscuous or unfaithful men.

'Would laws be passed forcing all women to undergo gynaecological examinations?' she asked herself. 'No' she concluded, 'that would be a serious breach of human rights.'

Ellie interrupted her thoughts.

"It will also confirm to the wives that those husbands have been playing around and risking their health, just like Andrew did to me."

This shifted the balance in Jacky's mind and she decided she would go along with Ellie until or if any problems revealed themselves. After learning of the utter devastation wrought to Ellie and her family by Andrew's infidelity, she was only slowly adopting the 'woman's perspective'. Despite her new and exciting girly condition, Jacqueline Bentley still harboured Jack Bentley's rare analytical intelligence. Ellie's arguments were only slowly gaining ground.

It was to be the next ugly events in her life that finally did it for Jacqueline.

Next: Chapter 8

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