
By Beverly Taff

Published on Apr 27, 2003

The next week proved to be hectic for Ellie and Jackie. Ellie had to attend the court hearings in Seattle to recover all her children from Foster care and Jackie was left to run both businesses. Jackie was quite able to do this for she still enjoyed Jack Bentley's former business acumen. However, she would have found the job much easier if it had not been for the sheriff pestering her about her origins.

Most women in the town knew about the sheriff's philandering and had a great sympathy for his long-suffering wife. As the former Jack Bentley, a powerful local businessman, Jackie had also known about it, but the sheriff's behaviour had not caused Jack Bentley any concern.

As a woman however, Jacky was beginning to learn about the darker side of the sheriff's personality. The man was a bully and his wife's occasional appearance in the town with a bruised face bore testimony to the man's brutality.

Now, as a fully-fledged member of the town's sorority, Jacky was learning of the sheriff's abusive behaviour from other women who had been intimidated or coerced by the man's domineering, arrogant manner. Jacky soon learned that the sheriff was a man to avoid at all costs. A speeding ticket, or any other infringement of the law, was deemed by the sheriff as an open-sesame into a woman's life. Once inside that life, he was not slow to make his expectations known. Many vulnerable women had good cause to regret the mildest infringement of the speed limit.

The sheriff was becoming suspicious of Jackie's origins and realised that the girl probably had something to hide. Although he could not yet find anything definite, it gave him a lever to use against the girl and continue pestering her. His visits to Jackie's office became more frequent and threatening. Jackie was growing to detest the man. Twice a day, he would appear uninvited in her office and seat himself on her desk then lean forwards overbearingly in an attempt to peer down her spectacular cleavage. His questions became progressively more personal and invasive. Jackie took to wearing high-neck blouses and he quickly made some snide remarks about her dress sense. The situation was becoming intolerable.

On the Friday of that week, Ellie returned home in a happier mood. It seemed the hearings were favouring her application and she had strong hopes of recovering her children. As she and Jackie snuggled together on the settee, Jackie mentioned the sheriff's unwanted advances.

"Oh. Is that so?" frowned Ellie, "so old Carl's playing his old tricks again is he?"

Jackie nodded thoughtfully as she described the sheriff's behaviour.

"It's beginning to get me down. He's groped me, pinched my tits, you name it; and he hurts! He can't get anything on me but he sure as hell tries every sick trick he knows. I don't know how his wife can put up with it."

"She's little choice has she?" countered Ellie, "Carl comes from a huge clan around here. Even the judge is related. She married him without realising what she was getting into. If she divorced him, she'd sure as hell lose her kids. That clan has the whole bloody town sown up."

Jackie was fully aware of Carl's extended family. Many townsfolk held that the huge family was so large they could swing the vote in the town. Jack Bentley had certainly known a large percentage of the family. That of course meant that Jackie also knew of at least five generations scattered through the county. The suspicion of the family's stranglehold on the town was more than probably correct. If Jackie went against the sheriff, she would probably be railroaded out of town.

"Is there anything we can do?"

Ellie thought for a moment then smiled.

"I've got to back to court on Monday but I should be free in the afternoon. I'll make contact with Gaia again and see if there's any special service we can do to this bastard."

"Like what?" asked Jackie.

"Well they are always researching new stuff. I'll see if there's anything new in the pipeline."

Jackie smiled and they settled down to watch television. Inevitably, 'Ellie's special serpent friends' appeared and delighted the insatiable Jackie.

'It was good to have Ellie back' she thought as she contemplated the weekend.

On the Monday, Jackie accompanied Ellie to Seattle. She had some business to finish in Seattle and it was an opportunity to avoid Carl the sheriff. When they met over Lunch, Ellie was ecstatic. She was getting her children back

After lunch, Ellie took Jackie to a secluded building out of town. Jackie realised she would have never realised it existed if Ellie had not turned into a secluded side road then turned abruptly into the forest. After a few miles down the dirt road, they came to a largish wooden cabin. Ellie instructed Jackie to wait as she approached the building. Two women came out and exchanged hugs then Ellie went inside. Later she emerged and motioned to Jackie to come in.

Inside, the set up amazed Jackie.

There were no men in sight and all the occupants seemed to be female. Most were busy attending to some scientific research but several 'lesbian' couples seemed to be hanging around in anticipation. Jackie quickly realised that they had suffered the same fate as she and Ellie and she smiled an acknowledgement to them. The couples were spread around a television lounge chatting and killing time.

It was obvious that the couples were being 'fixed up with tenants'.

Jackie approached the kitchen and fixed herself a mug of strong coffee then Ellie returned with a mature lady who was obviously a chief scientist.

"There's been some new developments that might just be right for our sheriff friend," remarked Ellie.

"Go on," pressed Jackie.

"Well, it seems they have developed some new variants of the regular cunt snakes.

They now have some female snakes that can live for extended periods in blind scabbards without having to feed off the uterus. Additionally, these snakes can have the effects of their bites modified after they have infected the rapist."

"What d'you mean?" gasped Jackie.

"Apparently, the effects of the bite can be modified quite substantially after the snake has bitten the invading penis. Additional drugs can be given intravenously or orally to modify the feminine development of the abuser."

"Like what?" urged Jackie curiously.

"Oh stuff like dwarfism, limb deformity, gigantic boobs; all sorts of stuff."

"You mean we can really punish Carl."

"If you wish," replied Ellie curiously, "why, what d'you want to do to him?"

Jackie smiled enigmatically.

"Oh there's a few things I'd like to do to that bastard. He's too bloody ready to use those fists of his and his hands are always wandering."

"You mean modify his hands."

"That's an idea, and a bit more besides."

"It's your choice then," finished Ellie, "just go with this lady and she'll fix you up."

Ellie followed the doctor and found herself in a large laboratory with several large reptile tanks lining the far wall. Each tank held an individual cunt snake and Jackie was introduced to all of them.

"Take your time," advised the doctor, " some are girls and some are boys. The partner you choose now will become your lifetime tenant."

"How do I choose? How do I know their characters?" Wondered Jackie aloud.

"Oh they are all very accommodating," observed the doctor. "Your tastes will quickly become their tastes. They are all very young and you can consider their characters to be virtually clean slates. Whatever you 'write' on their empty slate will become their nature."

"But Ellie's explained how they are nurtured from a natural womb, I have no womb."

"Don't worry," cautioned the doctor. "The girl snakes are a new version. They can suckle from you directly, or you can feed them ordinary cow's milk. They are very easy and flexible to manage. They can even hibernate for months on end if you want a break. Just think of them as an extremely intimate and affectionate pet but able to talk as well; after you have taught them, that is."

"Teaching them to talk, I suppose, is part of the writing on the slate," finished Jackie.


Jackie held each individual snake like a buyer choosing a puppy from a litter. Then, for want of any other guidance, she chose the boldest, friendliest snake that had immediately wrapped its coils around her finger. The snake was about thirty centimetres long and about a centimetre diameter. The doctor explained she would grow to about a metre long and about three or four centimetres diameter in about a month.

Jackie crimsoned slightly as the snake tried to burrow under her blouse and bra to find her nipple but the doctor just smiled kindly.

"That one's a girl but she's still a baby. She knows no better than to seek milk. Just remember that she will become very intimate and friendly so try and get used to her. Her learning curve is incredibly steep she will soon learn to talk provided you stimulate her mind with plenty of kindness and conversation."

Jackie relaxed slightly and twitched with pleasure as the inquisitive little snake eventually found her target. She gasped loudly and her knees sagged as the snake's soft lips latched optimistically onto Jackie's hardening nipple.

"Ooh! That feels good! Aahh!"

The doctor exchanged a knowing smile and Jackie recovered her senses.

"This is no use. I've got no milk," objected Jackie.

"We can help you there. Take one of these tablets each day. The dose will stimulate your milk enough to feed her during babyhood. She will grow quickly and you will have to increase the dose to increase the milk. If you want to eventually wean her off the breast, simply stop the tablets. She will soon adjust to other natural or artificial milk. Some girls like to keep their babies on the breast. Her soft lips feel extremely pleasant and it is a very erotic feeling. She has no teeth except the pair of special fangs deeper down her throat and your nipples would have to grow to four inches long to reach those. Even then, her venom will not affect you. You've already been bitten and are now immune to the toxins."

Jackie smiled and twitched with pleasure as the baby snake released her coils from Jackie's finger and disappeared completely under her bra. For a brief moment, the front of Jackie's blouse became alive then fell still. Within seconds, there was no sign of the slender coils. They had curled evocatively inside the bra under each of Jackie's breasts. Jackie's cleavage deepened and her breasts appeared to be one cup-size larger.

"Mmmm," grinned Jackie, "is that some cleavage or what?"

"It's only temporary. She will quickly take up residence insider your pussy but for that, you will have to have a special womb fitted."

Jackie frowned nervously.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing much. You still wont get pregnant. It's simply a small natural pouch for your partner to live safely. It won't even show like Ellie's. Your job is to look attractive and spread the gospel."

"Do I have a choice?"

"You'll see. Once your partnership is cemented, you'll enjoy life to the full."

Jackie felt a little nervous about the doctor's words but felt forced to agree, 'so far, living as a woman had been tremendous pleasure, sexually at least.'

"So this pouch; will it involve surgery?"

"Very little. A small implant through your blind vagina and it will grow inside you. The operation is less fuss than a D & C. There's plenty of room inside you.

Your pelvic cavity has plenty of space now it's a woman's shape. Now hop up and place your legs in the stirrups."

Jackie had little choice. Her new pet was already causing pleasurable sensations to undulate down from her nipples to her groin and her pussy was growing damp. Eagerly she clambered onto the table and spread her legs apart. The doctor smiled reassuringly as she discovered Jackie's condition.

"My, my! You are in need of care and attention, aren't you dear?"

Jackie croaked her agreement as her new pet quickly sensed her need. The slender coils slid out of her bra and slipped sensuously down her tummy to score a bulls-eye on Jackie's clitoris. The doctor watched disinterestedly as Jackie squirmed lasciviously to an orgasm then waited until both girl and snake had quietened down.

"Ready now are we?"

The semi-conscious Jackie nodded sleepily as the needle sent her under and she knew no more. The doctor's expert hands swiftly completed the operation and Jackie woke several hours later to feel a satisfying completeness between her hips. As she recovered, she sat up to inspect her modified parts. There was no obvious difference externally. Her movement woke her tenant and Jackie remembered to take one of her milk tablets. Finally, she dressed and rejoined Ellie who had returned from a shopping expedition.

"Here's your new bra, the doctor advised me to get you a larger cup size."

"Thanks, she lives there until my cunny is ready."

"Can I see her?" begged Ellie.

Jackie revealed her precious companion nestling comfortably in the cups of her bra and Ellie gently lifted the sleeping coils to fondle the soft golden texture. Jackie changed bras then returned the still sleeping baby as she felt the first sticky droplets ooze fro her nipples.

"Gosh! Those pills work quickly. Look, I'm already lactating."

Even as she spoke, her cunt snake stirred and latched herself onto Jackie's nipple. Ellie's eyes widened appreciatively.

"Well, well my dear, welcome to breast feeding."

Jackie simply shuddered as the delightful sensations radiated from her nipples. With trembling fingers, she fumbled with her blouse then swayed slightly as they made their way to the car. Once seated she sighed pleasurably and sagged back to into the passenger seat to savour the irresistible pleasures. Ellie plonked a large bag of assorted pharmaceutical products on the back seat and smiled affectionately as she drove off. Jackie was too far gone to care as she squirmed discreetly every time her companion slithered between cups to change nipples. Little gasps and sighs punctuated the otherwise silent journey to the ferry.

After a week, Jackie's implanted pelvic pouch was ready to receive her friend whom she had named Victoria after the common Viper When the night arrived, Jackie, Ellie and their cunt snakes held a little party to celebrate Victoria's crossing of the threshold. Both girls indulged in a frenzy of delight as the cunt snakes excelled themselves.

Jackie remained confined to the house for that first week whilst Victoria lived in her bra. Victoria's movements were quite noticeable and it was impossible for Jackie to go out in public. Once Victoria was settled in her pelvic pouch, Ellie was able to attend the office for the remainder of the month. Victoria was growing quickly and making frequent demands on her breasts but Jackie now had the privacy and time to slip away to arrange a breast-feeding session. She shivered with delight each time she felt the soft rubbery lips gently grip her sensitised buds and relieve the growing pressure. Victoria seemed to know automatically when Jackie's swollen breasts need draining and Jackie put this down to the deepening symbiosis between them. Victoria was also learning to talk and whispered away incessantly whenever the opportunity allowed.

Fortunately, Ellie had refurbished the office during Jackie's week off. This was to allay the unwelcome visits by the sheriff. Jackie's office was now behind the front desk and nobody entered uninvited. The new receptionist, (an employee of Gaia), made everybody knock and wait before entering so Jackie would not be caught unawares. Victoria remained undiscovered.

Several weeks later, Jackie was topping up a few Groceries in the Supermarket when she spied the sheriff's wife limping painfully around the aisles. She was wearing large sunglasses and a headscarf, but it was impossible to hide the bruising to her face. She also moved stiffly which indicated some bodily injuries as well.

After some careful manoeuvring, Jackie 'accidentally' collided with her and the woman winced painfully.

"Oh I'm sorry. Are you alright?"

The woman mumbled an apology through badly bruised, cut lips and Jackie reached down to help her recover the spilt goods.

"I'm sorry it was my fault," continued Jackie, "here, let me gather those."

The woman sighed gratefully and rubbed her aching ribs as Jackie gathered the last of the cans and called an assistant over to brush up some spilt breakfast cereal from the split packet.

"I'll pay for this it was entirely my fault. You look sore, d'you need a hand to the car?"

The woman smiled lopsidedly as Jackie placed her small bag of groceries into the large shopping trolley and pushed it to the checkout. As they waited in the queue, several eyes turned knowingly to look at the woman.

The town's women knew of the sheriff's habits and his wife's forbearance was a matter of much contention.

As Jackie fussed with the shopping, several sympathetic ladies approached the sheriff's wife. She tried to make little of her injuries but it was obvious she was in some pain. Jackie invited her to take a cup of coffee and the woman was grateful to take the weight of her injured knee. They chatted for nearly an hour and Jackie's anger deepened.

'The sheriff certainly needed a good lesson.'

Jackie soon realised that his wife was terrified of instigating proceedings because of the sheriff's connections. Even the local judge was his cousin. If the pair separated it was almost certain that she would lose her children and the idea of leaving the kids in the hands of such a brute, terrified her. For all the law and litigation that America had to offer, justice still depended on the probity and integrity of the courts, police and judiciary.

This town was rotten to the core and Jackie knew it. But then, she had always known it. In her previous male persona, most of Jack's successful business deals had needed a palm greased. Now other methods were required.

She continued chatting with the sheriff's wife and eventually persuaded her to help hatch a plan. The woman was so desperate that she would agree to anything if she could be rid of her monstrous husband yet still keep her children.

A week later, Jackie and Ellie's plan sprung into action. The trap was set.

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