
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Jul 21, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Snaked Part Three

"Let's not waste water boys and Ryan please cover that thing, my goodness", Dad shook his head.

"Sorry Dad."

"Good point Mr. Johnson" Snake agreed, "Would you mind dropping me off at home, I know my parents will start to worry."

"Of course Willard, and please join us again, maybe a little more of you will rub off on Ryan". Dad said giving me a dirty look

"I'll do my best to make sure Ryan get all I have to give Sir", Snakes smoozed.

"Such a nice boy", I heard Dad saying, as he walked towards his room.

Snake walked out and down the hall to my room with the only towel, I followed, with Mom yelling for me to get some clothes on.

"Sorry Mom."

After Snake left wearing my `Official Dallas Cowboy's Training Shorts', I worked on my car, it was really bad, but once it was cleaned I headed over to help the Scouts with their carnival. All the little tikes worshiped me, you know MVP and all. Normally I enjoyed them pulling on me and rubbing up against me, but this time it just brought back images of the night before. I had to push a few of the boys away and get to the men's room to make some adjustments. I did all I could to help them, apologizing profusely about not being there to help with the setup. Then it was off to choir practice. It may sound like a complicated life, but I enjoyed it.

I slept alone that night, but woke over and over thinking of Snake. I couldn't shake the thoughts of what we had done and I told myself I needed to get passed it, it was just a departure from my normal structured life and soon I would forget about it all together.


Sunday morning, breakfast and then dress for church, everything was getting back to normal. My parents and I arrived a little early as always and as we headed towards the church when I heard the wine of a motor scooter. It was my Mom who turned, smiling and waved to Snake. Being polite, I stopped to say hello before I headed into the church.

"Hey Snake nice bike", I said, trying to talk as I walked away.

"Thanks Ryan, have you ever ridden on one", he asked?

"No, but I'm sure it's fun, well I've got to catch up with my folks", I smiled.

"Oh for heavens sakes Ryan, live a little and take a quick spin", Mom said surprisingly.

"Yeah you do want to jump on it don't you Ryan", Snake grinning?

I climbed on the back for a quick spin and Mom and Dad headed inside.

Snake took off with a quick jerk and I grabbed on to the first thing I could. Wrapping my arms around him; it was like a handlebar, so what the heck.

The wind blew through our hair, the streets passed by in a blur and before I knew it, we were at the lake.

"Well that was fun, but we better start back, I'm in the choir and all you know", I informed him.

"Yeah I've heard you and everyone will be relieved that you're missing today", he assured me.

"Missing, no, no we can't miss church, what about worship", I worried?

"Ryan, they're all praying for life, we're going to go live it", I was informed.

Well we can't go swimming, I don't have anything to wear into the water" I justified.

"I have just what we need to take care of that", smiling he took out two Speedos.

"We can't wear those, they show everything", I pleaded.

Snake said, "Well you have less to worry about than I do, let's get changed."

After placing our church clothes safely into a locker I hurried into the very cold water, Snake took his time and I watched that thing bounce around in his yellow Speedo as he melted into the water. The water on his body beaded from the natural oils that covered his skin. All wet and beautiful is the only way to describe him. It was like he and the water were one, as I watched him glide beneath the small wave. Then in a flash I felt him at my legs and before I could react my Speedo was off and he rose from the water holding both of ours in one hand.

Before I could speak I saw Sarah Peterson and Brenda Olson, two of our school's cutest cheerleaders running into the water and heading our way. They were waving their hands and yelling for me to come over and join them. I however was naked and not ready to show that much of myself. Did I mention that the water was really cold and well, I do have a "small" problem with cold water if you know what I mean?

"Ryan, come on in and join our picnic", yelled Sarah.

Brenda joined her saying, "Hey who is that cute boy with you?"

The girls reached us and we were fortunately covered by water below our hips.

"Ryan come back to the beach with us and bring your cute friend", begged Brenda.

"Sorry ladies we can't do that right now", replied Snake.

Sarah looked him up and down and said, "Why not?"

Snake held up our Speedos and smiled.

"You two don't have any clothes on", screamed Brenda.

Sarah started moving in a closer.

"I back up a little", Snake continued,

"Sarah, you may not want to get too close, that thing might swim over and bite you."

Sarah looked at me with her dreamy eyes, doing her best to peer into the water hiding what was thankfully hidden. Then she backed away.

"How come you guys are nude", asked Brenda?

"It natural, that's all", replied Snake.

"Ryan I've always wanted to see you naked", Brenda smiled.

About that time a wave from a passing boat took the water from under us, I fell to my knees, but Snake stood tall and the girls got a good look of most of it, then they both took a giant step backward.

"Holy cow" was all they could say and Snake said,

"That's nothing you should see Ryan, you'd know what makes him the MVP."

The girls looked at me again with their dreamy eyes, but backed away and ran to shore, I'm sure to tell all to the rest of the cheerleading squad what they had learned.

I turned to Snake and said, "Thanks, you didn't have to do that."

"Hey, no one was hurt in the making of that lie", and he smiled. "But you could show me your appreciation."

I thought it was your turn", I pointed out.

"Well that will come soon enough, but you do owe me a favor and you know what I like. So pay up please and put some passion into it okay Ryan."

He was right, I did owe him and I thought that maybe if I did it one more time, when it was his turn I would enjoy it even more. Snake suggested that I try it like the Dolphins, you know under water. So I took a big breath of air and dove down. Finding my target was easy; it sort of floated out in front of him.

I wrapped my lips around the head and sucked him while blowing my warm air back at it. I must have looked like a giant fishing bobber with my ass bouncing around above the water while my head was; well you know what I was doing. A few dives was all it took for Snake to grow and as he did, cold water or not, I grew too. Snake continued to compliment me and I guess my confidence grew along with my hardening dick. When he exploded deep within my mouth, I blew a load into the waters surrounding us. It felt cool; I was getting into nature, literally.

Afterward, we swam in the nude, I was enjoying the natural feeling of the water caressing my balls and Snake took hold of me and I came again. Soon after, we slipped our Speedos back on and headed back to shore, that's when I realized we had completely missed church and my parents would be on the war path.

I dressed quickly and Snake went back to his slow-mo ways.

"Will you hurry please, my parents are going to kill me", I warned him.

"Ryan you're going to worry your life away, I'll take care of the 'rents, in fact I think there's time for you to blow me one more time", he smiled

"Is that all you think about, I can't do it now anyway, I'm already have my Sunday clothes", I justified.

Snake said, "Well I do like it better when you're naked, but only because you're in such a hurry will I let you stay dressed and when you're done, I'll get you back to the folks real fast okay?"

I found a dry spot in the dressing room towards the back where we couldn't be seen. Snake had his shoes and socks on and had managed to pull up is boxers, but now they were back down at his ankles. I grabbed the monster and pushed it through my teeth.

"Whoa there, careful with that thing, this isn't a race you know and please Ryan put a little passion into it this time", he requested.

Like a Hoover, quick a clean, I was becoming a pro at this. Why that made me feel proud, wasn't quite clear to me, but I think it was a matter of excelling at any task, that was important to me and the task at hand was pleasing Snake. My payment was always a full load down the shoot.

Once I finished, he praised me and patted my head like a good pet. He dressed in a hurry this time and we were on the way. I worried in his ear all the way there.

About a block from the house Snake asked me if I thought I could handle the scooter. I didn't think it was any big deal and assured him I could. He got off and put me in the front, first rubbing his hands all over the dirty tires.

I took off slowly as Snake wrapped his hands around my chest and my once clean white shirt. We pulled into the driveway and both Mom and Dad were standing there. I knew that look, I was in deep shit.

Before either parent could speak, Snake jumped off the back of the bike and limping on his left leg and in tears he ran up to Mom and Dad and with a convincing voice he told this story.

"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I've got to tell you how proud you should be, you have raised a wonderful son. Ryan practically saved my life. You should be named Parents of the Year." As Mom and Dad looked at each other agreeing with his appraisal, he went on.

"I hit a stone on out little ride and before I knew it, I had fallen off the bike", Snake talking and showing his dirty hands. "Yes and your boy, oh what a find job you have done raising my new hero, took the wheel and saved me from grand injury", now Snake threw his arms around me, right hand slapping dirt into my white shirt, left hand hidden and groping my privates.

"Snake are you alright", Mom worried?

"Yes, thanks to you and Mr. Johnson and the find son you have raise" he affirmed.

While the 'rents were congratulating each other, never bothering to recall that they had been pissed off just a few minutes before, they missed Snake as he limped on his right leg back to the bike.

Snake climbed on his bike and quietly said to me, "See you later Nature Boy" and he rode away.

Once Snake was gone, Mom turned to me with tears in her eyes, Dad slapping me on the back and both told me how proud they were that I had learned so much goodness from them.

Thanks to Snake the problem was solved, church was forgotten and all I could think about was what he meant about ?see you later Nature Boy?.

It was about two in the morning when the tap on my window revealed the answer.

To be Continued.....

Next: Chapter 4

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