
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Jul 24, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Snaked Part Four

I moved off my bed and over to the window wondering who or what was making the tapping noise. At first I couldn't see anything in the dark and then there he was, shirtless and smiling, with an obvious bulge casting it's own shadow.

"What the hell do you want, why aren't you in bed?" I whispered down the wall.

"I'm here to take you back to Nature, Nature Boy", was all he said.

"I can't come out, it's late and my folks won't give me permission", I reasoned.

Then don't ask them", he responded.

"They'll hear me go out the door", I justified.

"You're not going out the door, your sliding out your window and down the wall idiot", he smirked.

Idiot, I thought, doesn't he know I'm President of the Honor Society?

"Come on Ryan, hurry up, I'm here to give you what you've been waiting for", he pleaded.

Thin red lips, nice straight teeth, strong cheek muscles able to suck the skin off a cherry.

"Ok, I just need to put some clothes on", I offered.

"Don't bother, I'm just going to take them off of you", he replied.

"All I have on is my night shorts and a muscle shirt, I'll need some shoes", I explained.

"Don't be a wimp Ryan; just get your butt down here." Snake demanded

First he called me an idiot and now a wimp I thought. He may be long and wiry, but I`m tough, you know MVP and all. The first thing I'm going to do when I get out there is straighten him out.

I opened the window as high as it went and crawled out backward. It was a short drop to the ground, but I felt Snakes hands holding my legs and allowing them to gently move down under his firm grip. I was appreciating his tender care until his hands moved up and under my shorts. I could feel his two thumps moving up my butt crack. The thumps found my hole and they entered me as the weigh of my body pushed more firmly down on to them. I was suspended hanging from the window ledge impaled on the thumbs; I couldn't go back up and was left with the feeling of Snake exploring my inner body. Slowly he let me down; pulling his thumps out as I felt cold air enter the gap they had left behind in my behind. He turned me around and kissed me deeply, while pulling my shirt up and over my head. I took a breath as he wiped his hands clean on the shirt and then threw it back up into my room saying,

"Damn, Ryan you are so cute and so tight I'm can't wait to stick my dick up there."

As his hands probed and explored all over my young body, I realized what he was suggesting and said,

"No way, that thing could rip be apart."

"Yeah you're right Ryan, we need to find a way to prep you first don't we?"

I heard myself say "yeah".

Changing the subject I hoped, I said,

"So are you ready to blow me?"

"Yeah, but not here, I want this to be special for you, I want you to see how natural it is to do this, so I'm taking you out to nature."

"What, it's two in the morning, we have school tomorrow, I'll be fine, just do it, this is as into nature as I need to be Snake, I don't want to put you out of the way."

"Oh Ryan, thanks you're always thinking of me, but no this time I want to do something special for you."

How could I let him down, he really wanted to make me happy I thought.

We headed out to the street, I walked carefully being barefooted. I looked for the scooter, but only saw an old VW Bug. Snake headed to it and so I followed heading towards the passenger side.

"Wait, don't get in, you'll have to push me for it to start", he said.

So in bare feet and night shorts in the darken street in front of my house, I pushed the VW Bug until Snake popped the clutch. The motor gave off a cloud of smoke into my face and I hurried to catch my ride into nature.

Arriving at the rutted trail that led to a well know make-out area on the edge of what everyone referred to as `Liplock Lane', we made sure to parked a little deeper into the bush because it was a regular checkpoint for the local sheriff.

Snake turned off the engine and stood next to the car door removing his shorts and standing naked wearing only a smile. I followed his lead, knowing if I objected, he would talk me into it anyway. Well the truth be told, I was excited about being out there with Snake and having us both naked made the whole scene just that much better.

He guided me deeper into the woods, it was obvious that he knew where he was going, which was lucky for me because I had no idea, but could only think about what I was getting at the end of the trail.

The bugs were biting and when you're naked, they have the upper hand. When we entered the woods I tried to swat them away, but Snake said I was disturbing the natural order of things. I didn't care, as along as the natural order of things included Snake sucking me off.

Snake found a clearing he liked, it was almost like it had been prepared for what we were about to do. There was soft grass surrounding our feet and some large boulders protecting us from view around a circle of low hanging trees. I have to admit it, I was excited and Snake looked so hot. I'll tell you when he's hard like that, you can't think of anything else, but having sex with him, man what a body, oh what a dick. I guess I couldn't hold back, that's why I went to my knees and put my lips around that thing. I told myself a little motivation would only make it better for me.

Snake appreciated my offer and as always paid in full and as always it went down the shoot. Now it was my turn and you could see he was really ready to make me feel great. He had this sexy look in his eyes and his hands were all over me. I held back hoping not to cum until I could get beyond his thin red lips. This was going to be great I thought and I pushed back hard against the tree behind me. Well I guess I may have pushed back too hard, because my weight against the tree shook it and we both heard a smack as a baby Raccoon hit one of the large boulders.

I knew I had really screwed up, Snake panicked and ran over to the poor baby, it was still alive, thankfully I thought.

Snake picked him up like it was his child and looked at me and in a really hurt voice he said,

"Damn Johnson you are like the worse scourge to the animal kingdom. I've got to save this poor baby." At that he held the raccoon in his arms and ran back into the woods.

I was stunned. What had I done? Here I was trying my best to make Snake happy so he would make me very happy and now I was totally naked and alone deep into a wooded area not knowing how to get out. Plus I wasn't sure if the blood was leaving my dick because I knew I wasn't going to get my blow job or because the mosquitoes were draining it dry.

I must have walked around in circles for a while, but finally ended back at the head of the trail. I stopped, looking around wondering how I was getting home; Snake had taken the baby raccoon and the VW Bug and disappeared.

"Halt. Put your hands above your head and don't make any sudden moves", those instructions came from a strong demanding voice and made me comply without hesitation.

"Turn around slowly now", came next.

A flashlight scanned my body zooming in on my naked groin.

"What kind of a pervert are you? You aren't one of those animal fuckers are you", he asked?

In the shadow I saw a figure in what looked like a uniform. He came closer and that's when I realized I had been caught naked in the woods by the sheriff. He was very young looking, couldn't have been more that twenty two. Slim, but muscular and he had his pistol holster unsnapped.

"It's me officer, I'm Ryan Johnson, you know MVP of the Northside Hawks?"

Light up to my face and sliding down to the groin again he said,

"You don't look like an MVP to me, I always thought you football players were bigger", he remarked.

Damn cool air, I justified to myself.

"Let's see your ID, make sure you are who you say you are", he demanded.

"I'm sorry Officer, I don't have anything to show you" I stuttered.

"You got that right he snickered."

"Well I have to fill out a report, so tell me your information", he said.

"I'm Ryan Richard Johnson, I live at 432 Brook Street and I am the Quarterback at Northside High School."

"Yeah I saw you play Friday night. I went to Northside a few years back", he added.

"Did you ever hear of John Garland, I played a little ball back then too?"

"Sure, sure", I lied; I heard you were pretty good. Did you like the game this week"?

Keep in mind my hands were still over my head and the flashlight had not left my groin area. Officer, John Garland was in uniform and in pretty good shape from what I could tell, and well you know a guy in uniform always looks hot. Not that I'm in to that, but for some reason it was getting me hard just being looked at by him.

"Yeah, not a bad game, I think you could have used the screen pass more often and your running game wasn't very good", was his answer.

"Okay, let's have your details, height, weight, you're lucky it doesn't ask for length", he snickered.

"I'm five eleven, a hundred and sixty pounds, blonde hair."

"You sure you're a real blonde, it looks a little darker around your dick", he questioned?

"Yes sir, I guess it is darker down there, I don't know why", I was trying to be helpful.

He moved in closer motioning for me to keep my hands up high. Now within a foot of me he examined my pubic area with his light, it made be harder having him that close.

"Well at least it does grow a bit bigger, maybe we better let your hands down, put them behind you and turn around please", he requested.

I did as I was told and Officer Garland slapped hand cuffs on my wrist, making sure to have a lot of hand action against my butt.

"Officer, I won't do anything, but please before you cuff me I really need to pee" I wined.

"Sorry I'm required to cuff you, but it doesn't say I can't help you a little", he smiled.

In front of a bush, facing away, his hand came around me and he took hold of my dick. I had a hard time getting started, being hard and all, so he jerked on it a bit. That didn't help, it only made me harder. So he jerked some more and squeezed my balls.

Do you know how much it hurts to cum when you really need to pee? I couldn't help it, I was all worked up thinking that Snake was finally going to give me a blow job and now a cute young cop was jerking me off, what was I to do?

"I think that was more than pee, Ryan", he laughed.

"Sorry", I said.

Finally with his help I was able to go, he seemed more than happy to hold on again and when I was done, it went right back to being hard. Youth is resilient.

Officer Garland placed me in the front seat of the squad car, explaining that he didn't want me making any more messes and needed to get an eye on me. His eyes never left me, I don't know how he was able to watch the road and stare at my dick, but that's what he did. Soon we parked in our driveway and he helped me out of the car making sure to brush up against my dick as often as possible in the process.

"What are you going to do with me", I asked?

"Well Ryan, I could put you naked in with the drunks and thieves, but that would be such a waste of a pretty nice body. So I've decided to turn you over to your parents", he explained.

"Oh, so how bad are those drunks and thieves", I asked?

The sun was coming up; a neighbor drove by on the way to work and slowed down getting a good look at my naked butt, being covered mostly by Officer Garland hand.

The front door opened and both Mom and Dad stepped back and took at the scene. It was Dad you found his voice first.

"Officer why do you have my son naked and in handcuffs", he asked?

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I'm Officer John Garland of the sheriffs department and I found young Ryan here running around naked in the woods earlier this morning. Now I could have turned him in and booked him, but I felt that this could best be handled by the family."

"Thank you for that Officer, was it Garland", Mom asked?

"Yes John Garland and I think you were my second grade teacher Mrs. Johnson, that's why I decided to keep this situation between me and the family", he smiled warmly at mom, as I felt his fingers moving across my butt.

"Little Garland the groper? Yes I remember you, oh my, I hope you grew out of that habit", she worried.

Officer Garland cleared his throat and went on. "Before you get to angry with Ryan, I want you to understand that this is not that unusual for one of the football players to be running around naked in the woods. It's really a right of passage if you will, or at least that's how I explained it to my folks. Yeah a lot of the guys from the team do it right Ryan", he asked?

This was all news to me, but I agreed and tried to wiggle away from his probing hand.

"Stand still Ryan when your addressing the Officer and speaking of dressing can we get some clothes on this boy? And please Ryan do something about holding that thing down, we are your parents for heaven sakes", Mom spoke.

"Here let me get the cuff off of him." Officer Garland fiddled with the locks making sure to get as much action into the effort as possible.

I immediately covered myself and Dad spoke again.

"Well right of passage or not, you're grounded for a week, no dating, no friends, do you understand Ryan"?

Before I could defend myself or object, Office Garland jumped in.

"Well folks it's your decision how to punish Ryan, but I think he needs some interaction with others, perhaps I could stop by a few times and work with the boy", he hopefully suggested.

"That won't be necessary Officer, but we will take your suggestion and allow that nice Willard Wilkins to come over to play", replied Mom.

Do you mean Snake Wilkins" asked Officer Garland?

"Why yes, do you know him" Dad was surprised?

"Well not professionally of course, but he would be a prefect roll model for where I hope Ryan is going", Officer Garland looking dreamy at me.

Mom broke the party up by saying, "Well thank you Officer Garland for bringing Ryan to us and keeping this in the family. It's so nice to see you again and I'm glad you worked out all your problems from your youth. Please tell your mother I have prayed for her all these years".

"Oh, sure Mrs. Johnson, and perhaps I'll see you again, but in more clothing", he smiled at me.

"Yeah, sure, thanks and good bye", I said politely.

Mom scolded, "Please cover that thing up and get dressed for school".

"Sorry Mom."

To be continued, but if you're reading this, how about just letting me know. It helps me do a better job. Thanks,

Next: Chapter 5

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