
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Jul 29, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Snaked Part Five

Most of Monday wasn't good. I couldn"t sit still in class with all the bug bites all over my body and because I had been naked in the woods for so long, a lot of the bites were in places that just couldn't be itched in public. On top of that, with all the action over the weekend with Snake, I had forgotten my homework and received three incompletes.

Of course all this was easily blamed on Snake, because MVP's like me just don't screw up and it had to be someone's fault. I looked for Snake all day. I thought I saw him in a crowd at lunch, but by the time I got to where he was, he wasn't.

I wasn't sure why I wanted to see him; I told myself that I was going to lay into him for leaving me. I wanted to give him hell for allowing me to be discovered by Officer Garland and all that I had endured. Then as the day went on, I just wanted to see him to touch him and maybe see his smile. I guess I missed him, don"t ask me why.

By Tuesday's Fourth Period Speech class, I had given up looking for him and actually began to worry if something had happened to Snake. Then as Jimmy Dowlas was droning on about something is his speech, I looked out the window and there was Snake, walking in the corridor a cross from our classroom. He smiled when he saw he had my attention and moved his tongue around in his mouth like he was giving a blow job. Then he pointed towards the cafeteria.

I knew I was on the list to give my speech later in the class, but I excused myself and headed down to find Snake. I looked around the back of the cafeteria, but he wasn"t there. I was ready to give up and head back to class when the door to the kitchen opened and there he was, smiling and waving me over. I ran to the door and he was gone. I entered the back of the kitchen, no one around and as I moved deeper passed the big ovens and towards the Walk-in Cooler, I felt arms go around me. It was that same smell of musk, that olive skin on smooth arms, and his lips against my neck. The same lips I wanted around my dick. Snake was back in my life.

"Take your clothes off Johnson, I want you now", he pleaded.

"I can't get naked, I have a speech to give in a few minutes", I argued.

"No naked body, no blowjob, you decide", was all it took.

I tore off my shoes, dropped my jeans, pulled my shirt over my head and dropped all of it and my boxers in a cardboard box next to us. I was going to get my blowjob and I wanted it now.

I turned and he kissed me, first on the lips and then on each nipple, down he went slipping his tongue into my navel, leaving it moist as his firm hands lifted my hard dick. The head brushed his lips, his mouth opened to a red tunnel of thin lips. The tongue now licked my pee hole and we heard the screen door to the kitchen open.

"Quick let"s get in here", Snaked said opening the door to the Food Cooler.

The door slammed behind us, leaving us in the cold and dark. I don"t need to remind you what happens to me n the cold do I" Just before the door closed, Snake had seen the janitor's cart coming towards us. We cuddled together for warmth and because, well it was Snake. We waited for over five minutes, me in the nude; somehow Snake had decided to keep his clothes on, how interesting.

Once we were sure that the janitor had left, Snake opened the door slowly, the janitor was gone along with the trash, including the cardboard box I had thrown my clothes in.

"What the hell are going to do now", I worried?

Snake Said,"Relax, I"ll follow the janitor and when he"s not watching, I'll grab the box, bring it back here and you can get dressed, okay?"

"I've got to get back to class and give my speech, I can"t do that naked", I wined.

"Okay, okay, I'll think of something, just wait in the cooler and I'll take care of everything". He stopped, looking at me for a moment and said, "You look so hot when you"re cold, maybe I should just leave you here and stop by for a cold one now and then",He laughed.

"Get your ass moving please", I begged.

He shook his butt at me and was out the door.

I stood shivering in the dark and then I heard the creaking sound of the kitchen door opening. Oh crap, I thought, if I get caught in here naked after yesterday being caught in the woods naked, my folks are going to freak-out.

I stood still, except for the shivering; I closed my eyes when I heard the handle of the walk-in cooler snapping and the door opening.

"Hey Ryan, how's it hanging? Wow, I haven't seen you naked since we were fourteen. I guess I expected you to change". It was Jimmy Dowlas.

"Jimmy, thank god it's you, how did you know I was here?"

"Oh Snake sent me a text. I guess you still have that whole cold air problem, but damn you still look great." Jimmy smiled, checking my body out as he began to strip off his shirt and drop his jeans.

"Thanks Jimmy, but I don't think we have time to mess around right now, I"ve got to get to class and give my speech", I reminded him nicely."

"Yeah, that's why I"m loaning you my clothes", he said kicking off his shoes.

"Oh, thanks, they might be a little tight, but I guess I can make it work", I said. I had left the classroom wearing a nice pale blue cotton polo shirt and stonewashed jeans. Jimmy was wearing a green pullover from Sea World; on the back it had a picture of a Shark"s jaw with "Bite Me" under it. He had black Dockers, and his shoes were Adidas. Oh well, it was far better than going naked, well maybe not the Adidas, but what choice did I have"

"Hey, Ryan did you want to wear my underwear too", he asked?

"Gee thanks Jim, but I think I"ll just go commando". I said politely, not wanting to hurt his feelings, but no way was I putting on his tighty whiteys.

"Cool, commando, I don"t think anyone will notice. Do you mind if I take mine off anyway, I've never been naked in the cafeteria before", he asked politely?

"No, sure go ahead, it is kind of different", I responded.

Jimmy took down the whiteys and it had been a while since I had seen him naked. He had developed quite nicely, not that I'm into that. Once the cool air hit his groin, he popped a boner. I stroked it twice, just for luck and ran out the door.

***** ' I'm afraid, my speech wasn"t very good, my mind was on Snake and now Jimmy and what they might be doing in the cooler. Brenda looked at me suspiciously and after class she asked,

"We're you wearing something different this morning"?

"Yeah, but I liked Jimmy shirt, so we traded", I lied.

"You liked his pants too", she asked with a smile?

"Hey, I gotta run, see you later", I've got to be more careful I told myself, the last thing I need is for everyone in school to find out what I"ve been doing.

Just a few minutes between classes, so I raced back into the cafeteria and opened the cooler door. There was Snake and Jimmy was getting off his knees wiping his mouth.

"Oh hey Ryan, I found your stuff", smiled Snake. I wasn't sure, but I think I know what made him smile.

Snake watched both Jimmy and I get dressed, like he was watching a stage act. He really seemed to be enjoying the show. Once our pants were up, he was gone and so was my blowjob.

I had it with Snake I told myself. I wanted a blowjob, but not this badly. I could always get one from Darlene, although she didn"t have those thin red lips, but I needed to move on. I avoided Snake for the next few days and it seemed to be working until Thursday night.

I was in my room worrying because my grades had really dropped this week and my teachers continued to tell me to focus. I was focused, but not on studying.

Then a quiet tap on my door surprised me; I was still in lockdown from my naked woods episode. Fortunately Mom and Dad had not made a big deal out of it, thinking it was just a phase I was going through. However when they made a rule, there way not questioning it and the rule way no visitors, oh yeah, except for Snake, but come on...

I opened the door, it was dad and behind him with a really big smile, yeah, it was Snake. I stepped back not sure what to expect.

"Dad said, "Ryan, Willard is here and he has asked your mother and I a favor. His folks are going out of town for the weekend and he was hoping we would let you stay with him. As you know, young man", Dad went on, "You are still on restriction and the only way you'll go anywhere tomorrow after the game is because we really like Willard and trust him to watch over you. So do you want to stay with him for the weekend or stay on restriction", asked Dad?

I was so happy to be able to go anywhere; I quickly agreed and assured Dad that I would be good under Snake's supervision.

"Thanks Mr. Johnson, you and your wife are the best parents in the world, Ryan is so lucky to have you", Snaked laid in on, "Can Ryan just walk me to the car"?

"Of course Willard and thank you for the kind words", Dad said giving me the look of don"t screw this up.

I followed Snake out the back door, and once we were far enough away form the 'rents I said,

"Thanks man, I thought I would never get out of that house, I owe you big time. How did you pull that off"?

"You know your parents think I'm cute, how about you and by the way, if you really appreciate the favor, how about returning one"?

"Yeah, you're cute all right, but there is no way I can do anything now, I need to be right back into the house, or they'll come looking for me", I explained.

Snake pushed me back against the house and in the shadows I heard him unzip.

"No, I can't, I mean there isn't much time, we'd need to be quick, no time to play around or strip or anything right", I asked?

Meanwhile Snake was pulling my shirt over my head and pushing my shorts down to my ankles. I got my answer as I stepped out of them and went to my knees.

I knew how he liked it, first a slurp around the head, a lick under the skin, and then pull it back gently before sucking just the head past my lips. Slowly inch by inch taking the whole thing as far as I could go. Over time and with practice I was getting more and more of him in my mouth. The closer I got to the base the more he praised me. I was into my business when he began to explain the plan for Friday night.

"You're doing great Ryan, I"m really proud of you, and I know you are going to make a great lover once I break you in."

Pulling my mouth off, I asked, "So how are you going to break me in", I worried?

"Oh, Randy Blake has said he would be willing to take on the task", I was informed.

"Randy Blake, isn"t he gay"?

"Yeah Ryan under the circumstance that's probably a good thing", as he guided my mouth back over his growing cock.

Pulling back again I said, "But I can't be seen with him, everyone will think I'm queer or something."

"Well I"m going to be seen with him at the game tomorrow night, no big deal" replied Snake pushing himself back through my lips.

"You're bringing Randy Blake to watch me play"? I said with a mouth of Snake.

"Yeah, Ryan, that way, while you"re handling the pigskin, Randy can be handling the hog", he laughed.

"You guys are going to do it at the game", I questioned?

"Yeah, play your best please, because the deal is every time there"s a touchdown, Randy will go down, so put a little passion in it ok Ryan"?

With Snakes hands wrapped around my ears, I knew I had to finish the task and when I did, a little more went down the shoot.

We had to hurry before Dad came looking for me, so Snake said I'd get taken care tomorrow. That worried me a bit, because I knew he didn't mean I was just getting a blowjob, it was obvious he had bigger plans.

I dressed in the shadow of the bushes next to my house and followed Snake out to the street to give him a push. On the way I mustered up the guts to ask him what he had planned for me tomorrow.

"You're going to get fucked, but don't worry Ryan, Randy has agreed to do the warm-up so you"ll be broken in before you take the monster. I hope you appreciate how much effort I have put into this for you Ryan, you won't disappoint me will you", he asked?

"Gosh Snake. I"ll try not to, but can we call it something else, that word just makes it sound so gay", I worried?

"Sure Ryan, I understand, but you know you're my favorite cocksucker, I just want you to enjoy me completely, you know I'm doing all this for you right"?

"Well I guess so, I just wish we could call a different name", I explained.

"Okay, Okay Ryan, let's just call it what it is, you're going to get "Snaked", he gave me a big hug and kissed me on the lips while standing at the end of my driveway.

So in bare feet and night shorts in the darken street in front of my house, I pushed the VW Bug until Snake popped the clutch. The motor gave off a cloud of smoke into my face and I watched Snake pull away and thought. Wow, I"m going to get "Snaked".

Walking back through the kitchen, Mom told me she had just gotten used me wearing my hat backwards, but now I was wearing my shirt inside out and my shorts backward, that was just too much.

"Sorry Mom".

The stands were packed, it was the last game of the year, and two top college scouts were there to see me play what should be the game of the year against our undefeated town revivals.

I was half listening to the coach while scanning the crowd looking for Snake. Just before the kickoff by the other team, Snake and Randy Blake came waltzing by me.

Randy was the sort of guy that left no question in your mind. He was very thin and always wore jeans so tight you could tell he hung to the left and was circumcised. You would appreciate his dick, if it wasn"t for the way he walked, or should I say swayed. He talked in a high pitched voice like a girl, wiggled like one, smelled like one and worn makeup like one. If it wasn't for that dick trapped behind his denim, not that I noticed it that much, you would think he was a girl. Randy left no doubt that he was gay. When he looked at you, his eyes darted immediately to your crotch and it was like he was burning a hole threw the zipper hoping you would fall out.

Thinking about it, I guess I look too, you know check guys out, I think we all do. I mean what is more interesting than seeing a cute guy walking towards you with a decent bulge down there? Not that I'm into that, I'm just saying, I look, that"s all.

Randy was carrying a small blanket, which seemed out of place, it wasn't that cold. I pointed to it with a question on my face. Snake said,

"Oh, that's his diving cover", Snake smiling. Randy gave me a cute little wave and then they moved up the bleachers to the top row.

How could I stay focused on the game? When the other team scored, I turned around in time to see Randy ducking under the blanket, which was now on Snake"s lap. What were they doing?

"Johnson where's your head", yelled the coach? "You may have someone in the stands ready to give you sex, but it won't happen if I cut your balls off boy", he warned.

Oh my. I ran onto the field, the ball was snapped, there running towards the end zone totally in the clear was Billy Carson. I threw a screen pass in the other direction. It was picked off by the other team and they ran for a touchdown. I looked around fast enough to see Randy"s head heading for the blanket. Oh my!

The other team had possession, my team mates were looking at me like I was strange. A few told me to shake it off others just turned away not wanting to talk at all. The other team scored. Randy"s head went down, damn.

On the field Tommy Bishop snapped the ball, I headed left for a run, but my eyes were on the action in the bleachers and the ball was slapped from my hands. A couple guys went for it, but it ended up in the hands of the other team. The next play they went for a touchdown and so did Randy.

I was frantic with all the action on the top row, my team mates thought I was upset with the game; I just wanted it over so I could stop all this activity or at least be a part of it.

Before the game was over the other team scored again, this time a field goal, which appeared to equate to a hand job from Randy.

The locker room was quiet, no kegger tonight. I dressed quickly and headed out the door when the coach stopped me and said,

"You really had your head up your ass tonight Johnson."

Thinking when Snake is done with me my head will surely fit up my ass, but I said,

"Sorry Coach."

Driving to Snake"s house I had decided I would just cut this situation off. This just wasn't working for me. My grades had dropped; my game was off, my parents were mad at me all the time. Yeah, it was time to just stop all this stuff with Snake and that's what I was going to do as soon as I got there. Better yet right after I got my blowjob.

To Be continued.....

Next: Chapter 6

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